Do-it-yourself horizontal blinds repair with cord. Repair of vertical and horizontal blinds. Replacing the horizontal strip

With proper care and handling, high-quality blinds will serve very well. for a long time. However, blinds, like any other product, may experience problems during use. various kinds breakdowns. If you are also having trouble with your blinds, assess the extent of the problem and consider having it repaired. repair work. You can solve a number of minor problems yourself. By the way, you can read about installing blinds on our website.

Typical faults with vertical blinds

There are a number of the most popular breakdowns that you can fix yourself.

Installing a new connecting chain

One of the most common breakdowns is a break in the chain by which the blinds slats are connected.

For repairs, buy a new chain from a specialized salon and insert it in place of the old part. Preliminarily count the number of vertical elements and measure their width. Traditionally, blinds are equipped with slats 8.9 and 12.7 cm wide.

Installing a new control chain

This chain breaks quite rarely, but you also need to be prepared for such a situation.

First step. Remove the side curtain rod cover.

Second step. Remove the plastic gear.

Third step. Put the connected back or a new chain onto the gear and insert it into the proper place.

The coupling lock must be located on the opposite side to the hanging gear. The sliders, however, must be in the open state.

Fourth step. Put the curtain rod cover back on.

IN vertical blinds quite often the “shoulder” on the lamella breaks. This element connects the fabric to the cornice.

Buy a new “shoulder” from a specialized salon, having previously specified the width of the slats of your blinds.

Remove the damaged product and insert a new one in its place. Usually the “shoulder” is sewn in using fishing line, but some manufacturers glue the slats together. Be sure to clarify this point individually.

There are also blinds in which the “shoulder” can be freely removed and a new product installed in its place. If this is not your case, simply carefully cut the fishing line and sew on the whole “shoulder” using ordinary threads.

Installing a New Control Cord

This cord breaks quite rarely. Much more often, the quality of its fixation simply deteriorates, as a result of which the cord is pulled out of its place.

Before heading to the salon for a new cord, measure the height and width of your blinds. Using this data, a specialist will be able to calculate the amount of new cord you need.

You can also perform the calculation yourself. To do this, multiply the width of the cornice by 2 and add one and a half heights of the blinds to the resulting value. This way you will calculate the required amount of lace.

Pass the two ends of the new cord first through the side curtain rod and then through the runners. Place one cord into the fastening element, and thread the second through the roller. You will find it in the side cover, installed opposite to the control mechanism.

Pull the cord back to the fixing element, secure it in the form of a loop and twist it from above using a suitable tool (depend on the situation). When screwing, try not to press too hard, otherwise the product may burst.

Installing new runners

The most labor-intensive option for repairing vertical blinds.

Buy runners and special connecting distances for attaching the runners. Select distances in accordance with the width of the lamellas.

First step. Remove the control cord so that it does not interfere with your work.

Second step. Unscrew the control mechanism.

Third step. Pull out the sliders.

Fourth step. Move the sliders away from the broken element. Squeeze out or unfasten (as appropriate) the distance and remove the damaged slider.

Fifth step. Set the distance to the click in the whole slider, fixing the new element in place of the removed product.

Sixth step. Pull the control cord through the sliders.

Seventh step. Insert the new runners into the cornice by threading them onto the shaft.

Eighth step. Screw on the blind control mechanism. At this stage, it is advisable to enlist the support of one assistant - he will hold the shaft, and you screw the mechanism. Twist carefully, without excessive force, otherwise the mechanism may crack.

Ninth step. Return the control cord to its original position.

The renovation is complete.

These are all major breakdowns that you can fix yourself. If there is more significant damage, it is better to immediately contact a qualified technician, otherwise you risk completely breaking your vertical blinds.

Typical faults of horizontal blinds

This section of the instructions will be useful to owners horizontal blinds. We provide you with recommendations for correcting the most common problems. Preliminarily assess the scope of the upcoming work and decide whether you can cope with the planned activities on your own or whether it would be wiser to immediately contact a professional repairman.

Problems with hooks and latches

Very often, in horizontal blinds, the hooks that take part in turning the slats, as well as the lower clamps, break.

To solve this problem, you must first of all buy failed spare parts from a specialized store and replace them. Make sure that the new clips are the same as the clips on your blinds (they can have a small or large diameter).

Remove the old hook and then simply install a new product in its place. To do this, insert a new hook into the hole rotary mechanism. Hold the turning mechanism with one hand, preventing it from rotating, while inserting the hook with the other. After this, insert the cane into the new hook.

To replace the lower clamps of the blinds, unscrew the broken products and screw new fasteners in their place.

Installing a new cord

Buy a new cord that fits your blinds. Pre-measure the height and width of the structure. You will tell the consultant of the specialized store these parameters, and he will calculate the required amount of cord.

First step. If there are any remnants of the old lace, remove them.

Second step. Thread the new lace through lifting mechanism so that the rope passes between the cylinder and the roller.

Third step. Thread the rope through the bottom of the plastic basket where the ladder is attached. At the same time, the rope must be passed between the ladder.

Fourth step. Stretch the rope to the basket, at the same time pulling it along the bottom and running it into the space between the ladders into the eaves hole.

Fifth step. Stretch the second rope in the same way as the first, but in this case it must be launched into the closest hole in the lamellas.

Sixth step. Thread the lace into the needle and alternately pull it through the slats through the right and left ladders.

Seventh step. Through the bottom of the blinds, pass a needle and rope through the ladder cap and tie the cord into a strong double knot. Do the same with the other end of the rope.

If possible, pull the new cord through the slats in the normal state of the blinds, i.e. it is better that they hang on the window during this repair.

Before starting repairs, remember in what order the parts of the mechanism are placed, so that you don’t confuse anything during the reassembly process. You can even take pictures of everything - it will be easier for you to navigate.

First step. Remove the side plugs from the blind rod and then remove the shaft from the swing mechanism. The shaft can be made of plastic or metal.

Second step. Open the edges of the blinds and dismantle the mechanisms for subsequent installation of new elements.

Third step. Remove the mechanisms from the grooves.

If repairing the hoist, pull out the rope. Untie the hanging ends of the lace (they are usually tied in a knot) or cut them (they can also be a single piece). Solder the ends of the rope using a lighter.

Fourth step. Insert the ends of the lace between the rollers of the new mechanism.

Fifth step. Sink both ropes into the grooves. In this case, it is important to ensure that the ropes are not intertwined in the curtain rod.

Sixth step. Reconnect the mechanisms. Place the rotating mechanism closer to the center of the cornice, with two antennae should rest against the back edge of the cornice. The lifting mechanism must be placed deep into the cornice so that the laces in the slots also “look” deep.

Seventh step. Place the connected mechanisms into the curtain rod. Straighten the ends of the cornice to their original position. When performing this operation, make sure that the hole in the installed mechanism coincides with the shaft. Otherwise, the shaft may simply not pass through.

Eighth step. Replace the side covers.

This completes the cord replacement.

Thus, you can easily fix simple breakdowns of vertical and horizontal blinds with your own hands. However, if you see that the damage is quite serious (not included in the list of problems discussed above), and the blinds are very expensive, it is better to immediately contact the services of professional repairmen. Otherwise, follow the instructions and everything will work out.

Replacing the horizontal strip

It is extremely rare, but sometimes the horizontal bar, which serves as the base for the entire blind structure, breaks. It is impossible to properly repair this product - all the “patches” fail very quickly.

Therefore, the only correct solution to this problem will be complete replacement the mentioned element. The knowledge gained in the previous sections of the instructions will help you with this.

First of all, buy or order a new bar from a specialized store suitable size. Next, you need to dismantle all structural elements from the broken crossbar. Remove ropes, slats, internal controls and other components.

Remember, or even better, take a photo of the order in which you disassemble, so that in the future you can successfully assemble the blinds back.

Try the new bar in place of the old one. Make sure the dimensions are correct and begin reassembling the blinds. Install and secure all structural elements in the reverse order of disassembly. At each stage, check that the system is functioning correctly. When dismantling and reassembling elements, use the instructions given earlier.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself blind repair

Blinds are a device that does not experience significant loads during operation, so it can last more than ten years. Taking into account the rules of normal use, there is no need to place high demands on the strength characteristics of the product components, and the use of more durable materials will either increase the weight of the accessory or make it more expensive.

However, both horizontal and contain moving units, the parts of which during operation and under the influence external factors are subject to wear and tear, so the failure of blinds due to the breakdown of some component is not a rare situation.

Accessories and tools for repairing blinds

Troubleshooting most often comes down to replacing the old part with a new one, so in most cases it is quite possible to repair the blinds yourself.

Let's look at how to repair blinds yourself in case of the most common breakdowns.

If a device breaks down, before you undertake its restoration, you need to evaluate the rationality of the repair.

Restoration is justified if:

  • blinds are a high-class artistic accessory, for example, a handmade piece;
  • the damage is not significant and can be eliminated by replacing or adjusting a low-value component;
  • As a result of repairs, it is possible to improve the accessory.

It is not advisable to repair blinds if:

  • the device is of little value, and its physical wear and tear is on the verge of exhausting its resource;
  • There are no obsolete worn-out components on sale, and they are required custom production professional;
  • There are several damages, and the cost of eliminating them is close to the price of a new accessory.

Damage to blinds without a reasonable prospect of restoration

If, after assessing the situation, a decision is made to refuse repairs, then the purchase of a new accessory is made taking into account the factors that led to the failure of the old one - for example, if there are pets in the house, it is better to install blinds with vertical slats.

Repair of horizontal blinds

Accessories with horizontal arrangement the slats are no less reliable devices than vertical blinds, but their design is simpler. By periodically cleaning rotating elements from dust, you can significantly extend their service life, but trying to bring an already failed part back to life makes no sense, since the size and design of most components do not imply Maintenance- only replacement, which also needs to be done correctly.

Significantly extend the life of the accessory when minimum costs maybe him too independent restoration, so how to fix with your own hands horizontal blinds are a completely doable task for most home craftsmen.

Replacing damaged lamellas

To get new planks to replace damaged ones, you need:

  • select replacement products that are identical in size and color;
  • plugs are removed from the holes under the lower cornice, the locking knots are squeezed out and cut off;
  • strips that are not damaged are numbered and removed before removing the defective element;
  • a new lamella is strung on cords to replace the damaged one;
  • the dismantled strips are installed in the reverse order;
  • the ends of the cords are threaded through the holes in the lower cornice, and locking knots are tied onto them.

Removing the lower cornice of horizontal blinds

If, as a result of cutting old ones and tying new ones, the lower cornice has risen significantly, which is not functionally or visually acceptable, then the lifting and lowering cords will have to be replaced with new ones of the same length.

Replacing the side cord ladder

If the ladder is torn, it is not always possible to reliably restore its integrity without compromising aesthetics. It is better to replace the wicker element with a new one, for which you need:

  • remove the plug from the desired side of the upper cornice;
  • the ends of the old ladder are released from the support on the axle, and in return the limit switches of the new one are installed;
  • the new ladder is put on the side on the slats - on top of the old one;
  • on the lower eaves, the ends of the old ladder and lifting cord are freed;
  • the ends of the new ladder are fixed on the lower cornice instead of the old ones;
  • the lifting and lowering cord is pulled up from the slats and passed down again, alternating the position relative to the transverse rungs of the new ladder (left/right);
  • the lifting cord is attached to the lower eaves;
  • the old wicker element is cut into pieces with scissors in place and removed from the planks.

Corded ladder: before installation and as part of wooden horizontal blinds

Manufacturers of horizontal blinds offer corded ladders of all applicable sizes and basic shades.

The description will be more accessible after watching this video:

Replacing a block with lifting, lowering and turning mechanisms

Signs of the need to perform this operation are difficulty in turning the slats around their axes or the inability to fix the blinds in a partially raised position.

The replacement procedure is carried out in three stages:

  • dismantling a failed unit;
  • purchase of a new mechanism based on the model;
  • installation of a new device.

The locking knots at the ends of the lifting cord are released from the decorative caps and untied.

The plugs are removed from the sides of the upper cornice. The upper cornice is turned with its back side towards itself, the axis with the rotating mechanism attached to it is moved longitudinally using curved pliers and removed from the mounting hole. Cords without knots are pulled upward by spreading the intermediate rollers with a screwdriver.

Stages of dismantling the lifting mechanism

The block with lifting and turning mechanisms is held in the upper cornice by pinching it with elastic walls. To release the lifting and turning unit, you need to slightly push the walls of the cornice with your hands and alternately remove the lifting and lowering and turning mechanisms.

Stages of dismantling the lifting mechanism

The new lifting and turning mechanisms are assembled into a unit - for this they have a corresponding protrusion and groove. The assembled unit is inserted into the mounting socket of the cornice and fixed at the design location by snapping.

The control cords are inserted one by one between the rollers, distributed in a grid at the exit from the cornice, pulled until the slack is eliminated, and pressed into the guides using a screwdriver with a narrow blade.

Stages of installation of the lifting mechanism

Having checked that the cords are routed correctly, they begin to return the shaft to the design location - they push it through the new assembly with crooked nose pliers.

Important! IN cross section The shaft has a face that, when moving the part, must align with the mounting hole of the rotating mechanism, which has a corresponding profile for this purpose. To align, you need to slightly turn the rotation mechanism.

Stages of installation of the lifting mechanism

After installing the control unit, the cornice profile is slightly compressed manually and the plug is returned to its place at its end. All that remains is to put decorative bells on the control cords and secure them with knots.

Stages of installation of the lifting mechanism

The described node replacement algorithm is optimal. Failure to follow the sequence of operations can result in component failure when disassembling and assembling the accessory.

Repair of blinds with vertical slats

Devices of this design are subject to wear no less than accessories with horizontal light-blocking strips.

Repair also consists of replacing failed components with new parts.

A device diagram with specifications will help you understand what details are being discussed in the description.

Schematic diagram of curtains with vertical slats

In vertical blinds there are components ,process the repair of which does not deserve description, for example, control and connecting chains. If one of them is torn, then replacing it with a new one is easy to do even without instructions. Therefore, let’s consider a more complex, but also common, situation - how on one's own repair vertical blinds if the slider is broken.

  1. For ease of operation, the control cord is removed.
  2. The fastenings of the control mechanism are released, and the unit is removed from the cornice.
  3. We dismantle all the runners.
  4. The “distance” of the broken slider is compressed on both sides and removed from the defective element.
  5. The released “distance” is inserted into the new slider until the control click.
  6. The control cord is threaded again through all the runners.
  7. By alternately stringing them onto the shaft, the runners return to the cornice.
  8. The control mechanism is mounted in a regular place (it is better to perform it with an assistant).
  9. A chain of command is established.

Important! For correct operation of vertical blinds, it should be remembered that the slats can be moved along the eaves only if they are perpendicular to the plane of the opening.

Failure of slats due to incorrect use of curtains


Breakage of vertical or horizontal blinds is a common enough situation that you should familiarize yourself with how to repair this accessory, especially if they are an element of the interior of your home. A device that looks quite durable today may fail tomorrow, and repairing it yourself will save a certain amount, often a significant one.

The main point of the article

  1. Blinds – an accessory with limited strength characteristics, therefore, abnormal mechanical impact easily disables it. It is important to objectively assess the feasibility of repairs in each specific case.
  2. The design of most types of such curtains is not complicated, which allows you to restore the working condition of the device yourself.
  3. The likelihood of the prospect of aligning or straightening something is reduced to almost zero for blinds, and most repair operations involve replacing failed components with new ones, so when purchasing accessories in a store, it is important to have a dismantled part with you as a sample.
  4. Operating blinds in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions will extend the life of this stylish accessory.

Any blinds consist of a large number of parts and it is quite natural that some of them periodically fail. Do not rush to throw away the entire structure, because most often it is enough to replace just one broken part. And for this it is not at all necessary to contact specialists. Try repairing vertical blinds yourself. You will need desire, a little creative ingenuity and minimal experience with basic tools. And all necessary details you can always buy it in a specialized store.

What parts of vertical blinds break most often?

Before you start studying the repair instructions, let’s remember what elements vertical blinds consist of:

  1. Load-bearing and decorative cornices;
  2. Runners to which slats are attached;
  3. Slat holders (hangers) connecting the slats to the supporting cornice;
  4. Weights that give weight to the canvas;
  5. Chain connecting the slats at the bottom;
  6. Control chain (with its help the lamellas rotate around an axis);
  7. Control cord (moves and expands the slats) with a plastic tensioner;
  8. Lamels.

The most common breakdowns are:

  • break in the chain connecting the lamellas from below;
  • broken adjustment cord;
  • breakage of the runners on which the lamellas are held;
  • breakage of the “shoulder”;
  • loss of the presentable appearance of one or more lamellas.

None of these breakdowns are critical, and you can fix them yourself. How to repair vertical blinds with fabric slats will be discussed step by step below.

Replacing the connecting chain

The bottom chain consists of small plastic balls through which a fishing line is threaded. If handled carelessly, it breaks quite often, but replacing it with a new one will be very difficult.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We purchase new part in a specialized store, having previously calculated its length. To do this, you need to measure the width of one lamella and multiply it by their total number.
  2. Then, without removing the blinds from the cornice, we remove the damaged chain and insert a new one in its place.

When replacing the connecting chain, the balls are inserted into the grooves on the weight bars

Replacing the control chain

The design of the control chain is the same as that of the lower connecting chain. If you pull it sharply, sooner or later it will inevitably tear. Replacing the control circuit is also not difficult, but one condition must be met: before disassembling the sliders for replacement, they must be set to the open position. Then:

  1. Determine the length of the new chain. It is equal to the length of the lamellas.
  2. Unscrew the side cover on the cornice and take out the plastic gear.
  3. We remove the damaged chain and insert a new one in its place.
  4. We return the gear to its place.
  5. We put the side cover on the cornice and check how each lamella turns.

The control chain is closed in a circle with a special plastic lock

Replacing the control cord

The control cord is, in general, just a rope on which the movement of the slats along the eaves depends. And like any rope, it is not immune to breakage. But this rarely happens; most often, the quality of fixation of the control cord deteriorates and it does not stay in place. To replace and straighten a broken control cord, the following steps must be taken before removing the blinds for repair:

  1. We measure the width of the cornice of vertical blinds and the height of the slats. These data will allow you to calculate required length new cord. The calculation is performed as follows: the width of the cornice is multiplied by 2, the height of the lamellas is multiplied by 1.5, the resulting values ​​are added together.
  2. We remove the tensioner from the old rope and attach it to the new cord.
  3. We pass the ends of the new control cord one by one through the holes in the side cover of the cornice, and then through each slider.
  4. Then we fix the first end in the fixation device, and thread the second through the roller with opposite side cornice, return it to the fixing device, secure it in the form of a loop and twist it on top with any suitable tool.

The tensioner holds the control cord in a vertical position

Replacing the slider

This repair is the most labor-intensive. First of all, it is necessary to purchase new runners and the so-called connecting distances that serve to secure them.

When eliminating a broken slider, you must be careful, since you will have to disassemble the mechanism and reassemble it in exactly the reverse order.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We remove the control cord (otherwise it will interfere with the work process).
  2. We unscrew the control mechanism and carefully remove it from the cornice.
  3. Carefully remove all the runners.
  4. We take the broken element, compress the distance on both sides and remove it from the damaged slider.
  5. Insert the distance into the new slider until it clicks.
  6. We pass the control cord through all the runners.
  7. We insert the runners into the cornice, stringing them one by one onto the shaft.
  8. We fasten the control mechanism. It is advisable to do this together: one person holds the cornice, the second one screws the mechanism.
  9. We return the control cord to its place.

This is what sliders for vertical blinds look like (on the left is a slider with a distance inserted into it)

Replacing hangers

There should be no problems during the process of replacing the hanger. This is done quite simply:

  1. Before repairing the shoulder, we purchase a new part corresponding to the width of the lamella.
  2. Carefully remove the broken shoulder from the canvas.
  3. We put the new part in place of the old one.

During the production of blinds, slate holders are either sewn into the canvas using fishing line, or simply inserted. To get a broken shoulder in the first case, you will have to first cut the fishing line.

This is what the lamella holder or “shoulder” looks like

Shortening the dimensions of vertical blinds

In some cases, new blinds are larger than the window. Therefore, there is a need to shorten them in length and width.

To do this we will need the following tools:

  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • ruler and tape measure;
  • painting knife;
  • sharp scissors;
  • lighter or matches;
  • iron;
  • pencil.

Shorten the length

Since weights are attached to the bottom of the slats, it is more convenient to shorten the length of the blinds from the top. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Before shortening the vertical blinds, remove them from the window along with the cornice and lay them out on the floor. We start work from the top side with the lifting mechanism.
  2. Carefully pry up the side cover of the cornice with a painting knife, remove it and unscrew the fixing screws.
  3. We remove the runners from the slats of the vertical blinds and the cornice. You need to work with them carefully, without using excessive force. Otherwise, you can damage the not very durable plastic.
  4. We measure the length of the curtains and determine how many centimeters they need to be cut. When assembled on the eaves, there should be no more than 1-2 cm from the bottom edge of the blinds to the floor. You should also take into account 2-3 cm for tucking.
  5. We cut all strips with scissors or a stationery knife to the required length. To prevent the lamellas from fraying at the cut points, the cut edges must be melted over a fire using matches or a lighter.
  6. We tuck the edges of the slats. We fix the folds with an iron.
  7. Using a painting knife, make holes for the ears in the center of the folds.
  8. We insert the strips with ears into the slats.
  9. We assemble the blinds and secure them above the window.

You need to understand that the above instructions are only suitable for fabric slats. To shorten vertical blinds, the slats of which are made of aluminum, plastic or bamboo, you will have to contact specialists.

Shorten the width

In order to reduce the width of the blinds, you will first have to shorten the cornice. For this we need a hacksaw. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove the side cover of the cornice.
  2. We saw off with a hacksaw cornice strip to the desired width.
  3. Remove excess slats.
  4. Return the side cover to its place.

Sometimes one or more lamellas lose their presentable appearance appearance: they tear, become covered with stains that cannot be cleaned, so there is no need to throw away excess slats. You will need them as a replacement. In addition, if necessary, new lamellas can be purchased individually at a specialized store or workshop, just like all other parts.

Video: how to shorten blinds yourself

There are many reasons why blinds fail, but if you follow their operating instructions and check the quality of the components when purchasing, repairs will not take very long. Of course, you don’t have to repair them yourself, but keep in mind that some repairmen exaggerate the complexity of the problem. Therefore, try to make purchases from trusted manufacturers who provide a guarantee on all parts and the design as a whole, and repair blinds with your own hands only when their guaranteed service life has expired.

[Ratings: 8 Average rating: 4.4]

When properly handled, blinds will last a long time. But it happens that a malfunction of the device takes you by surprise, then repair of the blinds is simply necessary. The cause of the breakdown may be wear and tear of the device, which does not occur soon after high quality products and the influence of external factors. For example, pets may be the cause. You can deal with all types of breakdowns yourself without any difficulties. The main thing is to know what and how to do.

Blinds are divided into two types: horizontal and vertical. Each type has its own malfunctions. Some of them are repeated, others are unique. Let's consider the main operations that you may encounter when repairing blinds.

Repair of vertical blinds includes:

  1. Replacing the connecting chain.
  2. Replacing the regulation chain.
  3. Installation of a new hanger.
  4. Installing a new control cord.
  5. Complete replacement of runners.

Adjusting horizontal blinds involves:

  1. Repair of hooks and fasteners.
  2. Replacing the control cord.
  3. Installation of a new lifting and turning mechanism.
  4. Repair and installation of horizontal strips.

We will try to consider the essence of all the problems and give recommendations on how to repair each type and what mistakes should not be made during repairs.

Vertical blinds

Connecting chain. The slats of the blinds are connected by a chain. Often this chain breaks because it is very thin. Its repair is very simple: you need to buy a new chain and install it in place of the old one. But before you buy, you need to measure its length. It is important to measure the width and count the number of structural elements. Add a couple of centimeters of reserve to this number.

Replacing the control chain. The malfunction is extremely rare, but is not excluded from the list. To replace, you need to remove the side cover and the plastic gear. Next, connect the chain at the break point or install a new one, securing it to the gear. Place the cover back.

Installation of a new hanger. This is the element that connects the fabric to the cornice. Breakdowns happen extremely often. First you need to buy a new shoulder. But first measure the width of the lamella. Next, you need to dismantle the broken element and install a new one in its place. The process is very simple: the shoulder is attached to special teeth, and changing it is not difficult.

Replacing the control cord. Breakdowns are extremely rare. Most often, the cord simply wears out and begins to function poorly. Before purchasing a new cord, you should measure the length of the old one. To do this, you need to measure the height and width of the blinds, and then multiply by 2. When the cord is purchased, you need to thread it through the cover and runners and secure it to a fixed element using a lavalier method.

Complete replacement of runners. To purchase runners, you need to measure the width of the slats. The following is a step-by-step process:

  1. Remove the control cord.
  2. Remove the blinds control mechanism.
  3. Remove old runners.
  4. Remove the broken element. They usually come off.
  5. Insert a new slider at the required distance. When the slider locks into place, a click will be heard.
  6. Pass the control cord through all the sliders.
  7. String all the elements onto the shaft.
  8. The control mechanism must be securely fastened so that it does not play.

Thus, the repair of vertical blinds is completely completed, and the device will last for many more years.

Horizontal blinds

Repairing this type of blinds is a little more complicated. Let's look at the main types of breakdowns.

Most often, horizontal blinds require replacement or repair of hooks and latches.

They are responsible for turning the slats. Replacement is extremely simple: you need to dismantle old element and install a new one. The main thing is to buy parts that are suitable in size and diameter.

Installing a new control cord. You need to buy a new element after first measuring the length of the old one. The following are step-by-step actions:

  1. Eliminate the remains of the old element.
  2. Pass a new cord between the cylinder and the shaft.
  3. Thread the cord through the basket, which is located near the ladder.
  4. Run the rope between the ladder directly into the eaves space.
  5. Thread the cord through the needle and pull it evenly through both ladders.
  6. Pull the cord through the plug and secure with a knot on each side.

Installation of the lifting and turning mechanism. It is important to remember how the parts are located so as not to lose anything or forget the place of each of them. Otherwise, the mechanism cannot be assembled. Step by step steps:

  1. First you need to remove the side plugs and remove the shaft.
  2. Dismantle the old mechanism.
  3. Insert the ends of the new cord between the rollers.
  4. Insert ropes into specially designated recesses. Do not allow them to intertwine.
  5. Connect both mechanisms. The rotary one should be located at one of the edges, and the lifting one should be located inside the cornice.
  6. Place the entire mechanism back into the cornice.
  7. Install plugs.

Replacing the horizontal strip. In this case, it is better to purchase a new bar, which should match the size. Remove all parts of the mechanism. It is important to remember their location. Replace the necessary part of the blinds, and then put everything back together.

Such a thing as roller blinds or roller blinds has appeared on the market for a very long time; today you can easily count a dozen various types and types of systems and options. The minimum service life is on average 5-7 years, depending on the conditions of use, although, perhaps, we can safely say that they will last quite well for 10 years. However, in real life not everything is so perfect, it happens that after a couple of years of service, small problems begin in the operation of the blinds, and the warranty has already expired. What are the most common breakdowns and what to do in this or that case - we will try to answer these questions in this short article dedicated to the repair of sun-protection roller shutter filters.

Probably the most common problem is a problem with a broken hitchhiker or auto-locking of the curtain fabric at an arbitrary height. What it looks like is that you raise the curtain to a certain familiar height, but it does not lock in this position and slides down. Usually people don't think about it of great importance and are limited to fixing the canvas by fixing the control circuit in a special clamp. But such a temporary solution is only suitable for those who have these same clamps; the fact is that they are screwed to window profile, and many customers are afraid of losing the warranty on new windows. And, as a result, they prefer not to install clamps, so as not to drill into the frame, so as not to void the warranty. A similar situation with roller blinds large sizes, there is simply no control circuit lock there. The solution is quite simple - the control unit needs to be replaced, because it is where the auto-stop mechanism is located; in some systems this is done quite simply and quickly, for example, in the Lux series rollers. On some systems this will be a more difficult task. In Uni-2 cassette roller blinds, you will need to almost completely disassemble the mechanism for its subsequent replacement. A similar situation occurs on systems roller blinds With spring mechanism control, it will require completely replacing the unit with the spring. In general, repairing the roller blind mechanism is a fairly common situation.

Another common situation is a break in the control chain with further tearing it out of the mechanism. Often people use the controls incorrectly, pulling the chain strongly towards themselves instead of moving it almost vertically, or raising and lowering the curtain with too sharp jerks instead of smooth, neat movements up and down. Of course, sooner or later the outer links slip out of the chain lock, the person does not notice this and with the next movement he simply pulls the chain out of the lifting block. Repairing a curtain with such a breakdown is quite difficult; you need to carefully open the block and tuck the chain into place on the sprocket of the lifting mechanism. This is an operation that requires a certain tool, proper experience and dexterity; if you do it incorrectly, you can break the entire lifting block of the curtain. After the chain has taken its place, you need to insert its free ends into the lock. In some situations, you can even glue it into the lock, especially if there are small children in the house who can tear off anything. It also happens that the chain actually breaks; the solution is exactly the same, but a new control chain will be required.

Failure specific to roller blinds older than 5 years, or for new products with low-quality components - jamming of the fabric when raising or lowering the fabric. This only happens on products with a plastic control circuit. Everything is quite simple, over time the chain balls may begin to slide towards each other in some places, the distance between them changes and they no longer fit exactly into the sprocket grooves. It turns out that because of this, the chain inside the mechanism gets stuck and the curtain jams. Solution options are to replace the chain with a new high-quality one. If you want to completely eliminate this problem in the future, order a metal control circuit if possible, but, unfortunately, they are not available for all types of systems.

A relatively rare situation in roller blind repair when the fabric twists on the shaft and begins to wind into reverse side or simply comes off the shaft. The main reason this happens is because the high and low stops are broken or lost. This can happen for a variety of reasons: a defective limiter, the limiter was not fully fixed during installation, someone tore it off, it broke due to excessive load, etc. Not the best complex problem, the canvas is glued back onto the shaft (or clamped into a special groove depending on the system), the extreme positions are adjusted, limiters are installed and that’s it, the problem is solved.

And in conclusion, about a problem that we do not always solve. This is a situation when the fabric on the curtain is dirty, torn or otherwise damaged. In this case, it is easier and cheaper to order a new product than to disassemble it, glue the fabric and put it back together. When replacing the canvas, the customer ends up losing even because the warranty for repairs is usually a couple of weeks, and new curtain from six months to a year. Such repairs are carried out mainly for products with an electric drive, when the cost of replacing the fabric sheet is clearly lower than the cost of replacing the blinds assembly.

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