Which boiler to choose for heating a house 100. Electric boiler for heating a house (100 square meters): characteristics. Why is it necessary to accurately calculate boiler power?

The climate control company Termomir offers a wide range of electric boilers of various capacities. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the desired model boiler

Electric boilers are designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating) , various administrative, commercial and industrial facilities ranging from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating optimally where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case of problems with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block of heating elements, a control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with a circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to their compact size and light weight, electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room, and installation is allowed in utility or utility rooms, storerooms, kitchens, basements, and even in living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to operate and do not create harmful emissions or foreign odors; they do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning and regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on stable availability of electricity and high demands on quality and reliability electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of energy costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used to a minimum, in winter - at full power. Thanks to the built-in automation, the boiler will not operate continuously, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

To select an electric boiler, you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
To select a specific electric boiler model, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently our company's product range includes the best electric boilers from European manufacturers, and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

See also:

To create optimally comfortable living and activity conditions, a person first of all needs a certain temperature. environment. This becomes especially important when after rainy autumn comes Cold winter: for heating you will need a 100 kW gas boiler.

Exist alternative sources(for example, electric or solar energy), but, due to its economy and efficiency, comes first. The tips in this article will help you understand the main types and characteristics of boilers and make your choice easier.

Why is it profitable to buy a 100 kW boiler?

Gas, as a high-calorie and relatively inexpensive fuel, is very popular among manufacturers of heating units. Due to its state of aggregation, it is easier to organize the supply of a combustible mixture to the nozzles, and reliable protection systems reduce the likelihood of fire hazards. First you need to understand their differences and characteristics.

Equipment varies in power - it is measured in kilowatts. Approximately, to heat 10 m2 of room area (at a height of about 2.5 m), 1 kW of heating unit power is consumed. Thus, a gas boiler of 100 sq. m should have an indicator of at least 10-15 kW.

Important. Experts advise that when choosing equipment for heating a home, take into account heat loss, the design of radiators (aluminum, bimetallic, cast iron) and be sure to add about 30% for compensation (so that the boiler has a power reserve).

The next gradation is directly related to the design. According to this parameter, boilers are divided into 2 large groups:

  • wall-mounted

Read about which gas boiler is better – floor-standing or wall-mounted.

The fundamental difference lies in the mounting method: a 100 kW wall-mounted gas boiler, being more compact, can be placed on the wall, while its floor-standing counterpart will have to be installed directly on the base.

One circuit or two

This parameter only affects ease of use. The standard equipment () is intended only for heating - taking a shower or even washing your hands in this case will not work for one simple reason: the absence of an additional circuit for heating water. Therefore, this option will have to be supplemented with a gas water heater or an electric boiler.

But there is a combined solution: it simultaneously performs the main function and uses excess heat to heat the water supply. And already such 100 kW gas boilers are recommended for wide application in the most different conditions– from a city apartment to a detached mansion.

Read about the pros and cons of single-circuit and double-circuit gas boilers.

Review of the best 100 kW boilers

Most units different manufacturers have a similar design. It includes shut-off valves, burner block and automation with main sensors. When gas is supplied from the main line and there is water in the system, the gas mixture is ignited using an ignition device. The burners heat the working fluid in a heat exchanger (water), which is supplied through the heating circuit to the radiators.

Needed to prevent ignition in case of lack of water, low gas pressure, as well as timely shutdown in emergency situation. IN complex units there may be a pump to create gas pressure on the nozzles, as well as a special device for forced pumping of water through the system: this increases productivity heating installation. In addition, there is a temperature regulator (it can be displayed by an analogue or digital indicator), electric or piezo ignition.

Popular boilers include products from a Slovak company: reliable, high-quality, unpretentious in operation. They can compete with the French De Dietrich with high efficiency, low power consumption and a 5-year warranty from the manufacturer.

The boilers are equipped with electric ignition with 2-stage adjustment; indicators show the temperature and pressure of the coolant in the system. The equipment is economical and has low emissions into the atmosphere. The automatic mode allows you to set comfortable working conditions; it is also responsible for maintaining the set temperature.

Several units can be combined into a large network (when heating large areas, for example, warehouses). Provided by the manufacturer high performance– at the level of 90-95%, a guarantee is provided.

Basic requirements applicable to such boilers

Gas equipment installed in a building under construction or already existing house, must meet certain criteria. Firstly, this is performance: with low efficiency, the unit will not fully supply heat to the premises of a house or mansion. This indicator is good gas boiler per 100 kW must be at least 90%. Secondly, it is reliability. In any emergency situation (for example, interruptions in water or gas pressure, interruption of their supply, a clogged chimney), the automation must work accurately and stop working. And, of course, not every equipment can withstand domestic networks with their floating pressure - well-designed boilers famous manufacturers they cope with this without any problems.

Thirdly, the economic component. A unit that is too voracious will consume more fuel than it provides benefits. This also applies to the electricity consumed to operate the boiler systems (pumps, ignition, automation).

Per 100 sq. meters consumes about 10 W - this is less than a laptop power supply. Fourthly, this is the ability of the unit to “fit” into the environment. Wall models, in compactness approaching geysers, in this regard, are unpretentious. The only requirement is sufficient load bearing capacity the wall on which the boiler will be mounted. Floor solutions will require a special place, and there must be a ventilation duct or chimney nearby.

Important. Gas equipment is not an iron or a hair dryer. Of course it applies general rules communications between sellers and buyers, enshrined in the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

But it is better to approach the purchase carefully: consult with specialists so that you do not have to return an unsuitable product to the store, resolve issues with exchange, and so on.

Additional nuances

If the choice is decided in favor, you need to decide in advance what the analysis will be like. hot water. For consumption within 10-15 liters, a model with flow heater. More serious volumes require a unit with storage tank. Designs with a circulation pump are more complex (and expensive), but they are also more efficient: hot coolant is pumped throughout the heating system, while in conventional systems it moves by gravity.

It is very important what material the heat exchanger is made of: it will last longer. The same applies to burners - it directly depends on them life cycle the entire unit.


In conclusion, here are some more general tips:

  1. The funds invested in the boiler are more than reliable design (famous brand), with a manufacturer's guarantee, will pay for themselves in the future.
  2. The efficient operation of the heating system, and therefore the comfort in the house, depends not only on the gas unit. It is influenced by the level of heat loss, the material of the radiators, the length and type of pipes from which the main line is installed, and other factors.
  3. When choosing a heating boiler, you will definitely need to consult with specialized specialists. There is no point in saving money on this.

In the rather harsh conditions of most regions of our country, having a well-functioning heating system is an important task. And the heart of the entire system has always been the heat source or boiler. Today you can buy coolant heating devices various designs. They will differ both in their functionality and in the fuel used. Which one to choose is the decision of the home owner. But here it is important to choose a device that is suitable in terms of power. This is exactly what this article will discuss. Here we will talk about which electric boilers for heating houses with an area of ​​one hundred square meters better to choose.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric heating boilers

Many owners of private houses often choose electric boilers for heating. This is facilitated by a number of advantages that these devices provide. Namely:

It is precisely such advantages as ease of installation and operation, low price, automation and high efficiency, make electric boilers quite popular for heating a private house. In addition, there is no need to worry about purchasing fuel. But such high-tech equipment also has its drawbacks.

The disadvantages of electric boilers include:

  • If electricity is supplied regularly, the house will be warm. But the cost of this fuel is constantly rising. Therefore, heating costs are also rising. Today at winter months for a house of 100 square meters, the electricity bill can reach double digits;
  • Another disadvantage is associated with electricity supply organizations. In many localities there is a limit on the amount of electricity supplied to one private household. Very often, these capacities simply may not be enough to maintain the desired temperature in the house;
  • Also, the disadvantages include the great deterioration of electrical networks, especially in rural areas.

But, if everything is in order with your electricity supply, then using electric boilers for heating is the best option. And electricity costs will be high only in the cold months, besides you can regulate your consumption yourself simply by reducing or increasing the boiler power.

Types of electric heating boilers

Before we talk about the power of an electric boiler for heating a house of 100 square meters, it is worth learning about their varieties. Today on sale you can find the most different models, which may differ in different parameters. Namely:

What equipment to choose is up to the owner of a private home. The main thing is that the power of the electric boiler is sufficient to maintain normal temperature.

Calculation of the power of an electric boiler for heating a house with an area of ​​100 square meters

Making correct calculations of the power of heating boilers is an important task. The correctness of its decision will depend comfortable accommodation in the house in winter.

When making calculations, it is necessary to study some parameters of the house. Namely:

  • volume of all heated premises. This is the most important indicator. According to requirements sanitary standards per cubic meter of room there should be 40 watts of power heating devices. Calculating cubic capacity is quite simple. To do this, the area of ​​​​all rooms is multiplied by the height of the ceiling. In our case, taking the standard distance from floor to ceiling of 2.7 meters, we get 100 sq.m. * 2.7 m = 270 cubic meters;
  • you need to know the number of windows and doors in the house. Through these elements, heat can escape from the room. 100 W of heating power is added to each window, and 200 W to the door. Let's take (conventionally) that in a house with an area of ​​100 square meters there are 6 windows and the same number internal doors. This means that it is worth adding 1800 W to the power;
  • You also need to take into account the coefficient of your region. It is no secret that in our large country, winter is not equally cold everywhere. That's why For southern regions a special coefficient is taken 0.7-0.9, for central strip it will be 1.2-1.4, and in northern regions, where winter is the frostiest, the coefficient is 1.7-1.9. For home in middle lane For Russia, let's take the average value of 1.3;
  • Since the house is an individual structure, it is surrounded on all sides by unheated areas. To compensate for the cold coming from the floor, attic and external walls, it is necessary to apply another coefficient equal to 1.5;
  • also worth adding 20 percent in case of abnormally severe frosts and the same amount if you have a double-circuit boiler (for heating water for tap water).

Taking into account all of the above, you can calculate the required power of an electric boiler for heating a house with an area of ​​100 square meters.

270 cubic meters (volume of all rooms) * 40 W we get 10800 W.

To this value we add the power necessary to compensate for heat losses from doors and windows. We get 10800 + 1800 = 12600 W.

Now let's multiply this value by correction factors: 12600 * 1.3 * 1.5 we get 24570 W. We increase the power by 40 percent (in case of abnormal frosts and for heating water for the water supply) we get 34398 W or 34.4 kW. Exactly An electric boiler must have this power to create coziness and comfort in the home.


Electric boilers are fairly common home heating equipment. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to install and safe to use. And if you correctly calculate the power of the electric boiler, then living in a private house will be comfortable even in the most severe frosts.

IN last years Electric boilers, which replaced gas boilers, are becoming increasingly popular, because they have several main advantages. In this article we will talk about which electric boiler to choose for heating a house of 50, 100 and 150 square meters, what parameters should be taken into account and why.

The essence of the work of electric heating equipment similar to gas. Only here thermal energy is formed under the influence of current that heats the heat exchanger in which the liquid moves.

Main advantages

  • they do not make noise during operation;
  • do not require a chimney;
  • easy to use and maintain;
  • do not burn oxygen in the house.

The only drawback is its sensitivity to voltage changes, which can lead to breakdown.

Varieties and differences

There are several types of electric boilers, differing in structure, connection features, efficiency, but suitable for houses of 50, 100, 150 square meters. Let's look at the main ones so that you can navigate when choosing equipment.

heating elements new

They got their name due to the presence of special heating elements - pipes, plates located in the heat exchanger. One device can contain up to eight such parts of 2 kilowatts each.

The heating level is adjustable, depending on the design, either manually or by means of automated system. Manufacturers offer consumers big choice models, both single- and double-circuit, operating on:

  • water;
  • antifreeze;
  • oil.

During operation, you should constantly ensure that the heating elements are completely covered with coolant. If they become exposed, this will lead to overheating of the entire system and premature failure of the boiler.

Among the main disadvantages of heating elements heaters are:

  • large dimensions;
  • mandatory plaque formation;
  • decrease in efficiency, which is caused by gradual heating of the coolant.

Price for this type systems range from $50 and can go up to $1000 - it all depends on the size, power, modernity of electronics and control modules, as well as the brand name.


These boilers use special electrodes. The water warms up well due to the fact that it contains salts.

Main positive features electrode equipment consists of small dimensions, ease of operation and high safety. By the way, the efficiency of such models reaches 95%!

TO negative aspects The use of boilers of this type should include the use of a coolant containing only salts, as well as relatively frequent replacement of electrodes.

The cost of the simplest electrode boilers is about $60.


Possess relatively complex design, since they assume the use of an induction coil, due to which, when current flows, induction is created - it is this that ensures the heating of the core located inside the coil.

Structural complexity has its positive characteristics - it allows you to significantly increase the efficiency, reaching an incredible level of 99%.

Among other positive characteristics:

  • low energy consumption;
  • the ability to use virtually any coolant;
  • no scale even after a long period of use.

But among the not so pleasant qualities is the cost. It starts at $400 and can reach $3,000.

Advice. If you have chosen an induction boiler, it is better to buy a more expensive model, abandoning the cheaper ones - this will allow you to save significantly in the future on additional purchase and installation of valves, filters, and expansion tank.

Let's review the most popular models of electric boilers last year, which were rated by customers. Let's consider models of different price categories and different manufacturers, with optimal ratio quality and price. The rating included only those models that, according to statistics, received more positive feedback and which are recommended by service center specialists.

The best Russian electric boilers for heating houses of 50, 100 and 150 sq.m.

The advantage of Russian developments is to ensure stable operation in harsh conditions. These are not only the peculiarities of the Russian climate, when the boiler must maintain an optimal microclimate at an outside temperature of -40°. The main thing is protection against sudden and significant voltage drops in the network. Of course, a stabilizer would not be superfluous, but in general the equipment is resistant to such surges and continues to work efficiently.

Manufacturer: KrasnoyarskEnergoKomplekt plant. The boiler is designed for autonomous heating residential or production premises area up to 120 sq.m. During the development, the peculiarities of the Russian climate were taken into account, protection was installed against voltage surges in the network, insufficient power, and overheating.


Requires connection to a three-phase network. As additional features:

  • power indicator,
  • thermometer,
  • room thermostat,
  • programmer

The body and heating element of the device are made of of stainless steel, the presence of a control panel allows you to quickly and easily configure the operation of the device. Let us note a few more advantages of the boiler - its compact size, overheating protection, which turns off the device if the maximum temperature in the system is exceeded. The autodiagnostic system allows you to determine the cause of a breakdown or malfunction. Decipher the error code using the instructions.

Cons: no pump included, noisy operation.

The average cost of the device will be 21,400 rubles.

Single-circuit electric boiler Russian production designed for heating residential buildings, industrial or administrative premises with an area of ​​up to 180 square meters.

Technical characteristics of the device:

The appliance is single-circuit, that is, it is intended only for heating without heating water. Connects to a three-phase network with a rated current of the circuit breaker of 32 A.

The boiler can operate in manual and automatic mode; the built-in multi-stage protection system helps prevent equipment damage.

Among the advantages of the model, we highlight easy installation, quality system protection and the ability to connect remote control. Additionally provided:

  • power indicator,
  • pressure gauge,
  • room thermostat

You can connect external control. The advantages of the protection system against various emergency situations are protection against overheating, safety valve, air vent. There is a diagnostic system in place, in which the machine itself determines what happened to it.

The downside of the device is its heavy weight.

The average cost of a boiler is 48,000 rubles.

Automated single-circuit wall-mounted boiler for heating domestic and residential premises.


RusNIT 270M is single-circuit, that is, it is intended only for heating without heating water. Connects to a three-phase network with a rated current of the circuit breaker of 110 A. Can be connected to room thermostat, boiler, temperature sensor, GSM module and to the “warm floor” system.

Thanks to the presence of built-in sensors that monitor the filling level of the system and the maximum temperature of the coolant, the safe operation of the device is guaranteed.

There are indicators on the body that allow you to monitor the operation of the boiler.

Minus of the boiler - not included in the kit circulation pump.

The average cost of the model will be 53,000 rubles.

The best European electric boilers for heating houses of 50, 100 and 150 sq.m.

Europe is known to be a supporter of high-quality, safe, but short-lived devices. A rare product can last more than 10 years. Moreover, often it simply turns off and that’s it - resuscitation will no longer help. But over these 10 years, the quality of work will always remain at its best.

Wall-mounted boiler designed for heating operation with forced circulation. The device can be connected to a boiler or underfloor heating system.


It can be connected to a single-phase or three-phase network with a maximum current of 41 A for one phase, 14 A for three. There is a self-diagnosis system - the boiler itself will notify you if something has failed or the condition is critical. Find the error code in the instructions and decide whether to fix it yourself or have it repaired by a professional.

Among the advantages of this model Italian manufacturer It is worth highlighting the presence of a circulation pump in the kit, the ability to connect to a boiler and warm floor. The full-fledged protection system is captivating:

  • from overheating,
  • avoiding freezing
  • safety valve,
  • air vent,
  • anti-blocking pump.

The average cost of the device will be 34,500 rubles.

Single-circuit electric boiler, which is able to provide heat to a room measuring 180 square meters. meters. The heat exchanger is made of stainless steel; a boiler can be connected to the device.


Connection to a three-phase network with a maximum current of 32 A. There is a self-diagnosis system - the boiler itself will notify you if anything has failed or the condition is critical. The instructions explain the error codes.

The Protherm Skat 18 KR 13 model features simple and convenient controls when using room regulators the process will become even easier. Built-in automation guarantees protection against overheating of the coolant and excess pressure in the boiler. The main advantage of the device is economical energy consumption, frost protection and the possibility of self-diagnosis.

The average cost of the model is 39,900 rubles.

The German single-circuit electric boiler for heating a country house is distinguished by its light weight, compact size and laconic design.

Model specifications:

The boiler is equipped electronically controlled, which makes it easier to set up the device, and the display allows you to control the temperature of the coolant and determine error codes when diagnosing breakdowns. Connection to a three-phase network with a maximum current of 32 A. There is a self-diagnosis system - the boiler itself will notify you if anything has failed or the condition is critical. The instructions explain the error codes.

The kit includes a circulation pump, expansion tank. It is possible to connect to a boiler and heated floor.

It is also worth noting the silent operation of the device, the presence of a frost protection function, and power adjustment.

The disadvantage of the product is that the boiler is sensitive to voltage changes in the electrical network, so the purchase of a stabilizer is required.

The price of the model is from 43,000 rubles.

VIDEO: Features of heating a house with electricity

When solving problems of organizing the heating system of his own home, the owner very often faces the difficult question of choosing the type of boiler equipment. It’s good if a populated area has an extensive gas supply network - based on a summary assessment of the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of operating costs with gas boilers nothing can compare yet. But, alas, these benefits of civilization have not yet reached everyone. They are beneficial where there is access to cheap (sometimes almost free) fuel, but they require a lot of space for storage and proper storage, and in terms of ease of use, of course, such boilers cannot be classified as comfortable.

Power lines are stretched almost everywhere these days. Therefore, in some cases, the use of electricity seems to be the most acceptable, and often almost the only way to organize heating at home. True, the question immediately arises about the high cost of operating such a system. Let’s, for example, figure out what 100 square meters of space is needed at home, and get acquainted with the models of the corresponding equipment. It is quite possible that this will help the owner of a country home make the right choice.

What are the general advantages and disadvantages of using electric boilers?

To more clearly imagine the advantages of water heating with electric boiler equipment, let's just make a small comparison with systems that use other types of fuel as energy carriers - natural gas, firewood (or other types of solid fuel) or liquid hydrocarbons.

If we talk about the layout of the system itself, that is, the routing of pipe circuits and the installation of heat exchange devices, then there is no particular difference - all this requires careful planning, calculations, and large-scale installation work. But the picture is completely different when the question concerns the installation of a thermal energy generator (boiler) and boiler room equipment. It is in this segment of problems that the use of electric boiler equipment immediately presents a lot of “trump cards” that simplify and reduce the cost of implementing the entire project as a whole.

Gas equipment, undoubtedly, is currently the leader in operating efficiency - based on the monetary costs for each kilowatt of thermal energy received. All this is true, but the launch of such a heating system will necessarily be associated with a number of organizational and coordination (read: bureaucratic), additional construction, installation and control and inspection activities. And all this with the mandatory involvement of relevant specialists. In a word: any of the mandatory stages is a waste of time and, unfortunately, considerable financial expenses.

The very supply and connection of the gas main to the house is in itself a huge problem associated with large-scale costs and lengthy trips to the authorities. Installing a boiler will also require organizing a system for removing combustion products and high-quality ventilation– without this, no one will issue a permit for operation. All installation work on gas pipelines, including inside the house, only an agreed circle of specialists has the right to carry out work. And given the monopoly position of gas workers, one can imagine how much all this will cost.

Solid fuel boilers will be economical if in the region of residence it is possible to purchase (produce) the appropriate fuel at a low price. Agree, there are areas where there are considerable problems with this. The operation of such a heating system will require the creation of a certain reserve of fuel, which entails additional costs for organizing proper warehousing and storage. This, moreover, also requires additional space on the site or in the house itself. (all this, almost fully, applies to liquid fuel boilers).

Solid fuel equipment itself is quite heavy and large-sized, and also always requires the creation of a certain “exclusion zone” around itself. As a rule, one cannot do without a dedicated boiler room, in which all existing requirements fire safety. In any case, a fire inspection report on compliance with established standards will be required.

Another disadvantage of this type of heating is the need for frequent intervention by the owners in its operation - we are talking about periodic fuel supply. Even boilers long burning this problem is only partially solved.

Moreover, it must be admitted that all of them existing systems Solid fuel heating is the most inertial, difficult to make precise adjustments.

Optimization solid fuel heating– installation of a buffer tank

A number of disadvantages of a solid fuel heating system, if not completely eliminated, are minimized by installing an additional device. What it is, how it works and works, how to choose the optimal model - all this in a special publication on our portal.

Well, now let's look at it from the same perspective advantages heating system with electric boiler.

  • This equipment differs from all other types of boilers primarily in that it does not use the principle of fuel combustion and there is no open flame. Naturally, the level of fire safety only benefits from this.
  • There are absolutely no exhaust gas emissions of any kind. Even if we do not touch upon the general environmental component of the issue, this advantage eliminates the need to equip a chimney system and additional supply ventilation. There is no risk of getting poisoned by combustion products.

  • From the above, the logical conclusion follows that an electric boiler does not necessarily need to be allocated a special room. Compact models fit perfectly into e.g. kitchen interior, and some become invisible even in residential premises.
  • It is quite obvious that electric boiler equipment– the easiest to install. The main condition is to connect it to a high-quality power line with the appropriate cross-sectional area of ​​the wires - any electrician can do this work. But approvals from energy supply organizations are very often not required at all. For example, if the estimated power of the boiler is in the range of 8 - 10 kW, and the power lines connected to the house are in satisfactory condition, then the standard power allocated to the owner of 15 kW should be sufficient.

In fairness, we immediately note that for the home large area this may not be enough (after all, besides the boiler, of course, other devices also need electricity). The solution is to coordinate the supply of a three-phase power line to the house. But this will still be easier than in cases with gas or solid fuel equipment.

  • Modern automatic protection devices make the operation of electric boiler equipment as safe as possible.
  • Electric boilers are extremely easy to control and very sensitive to precise adjustments of operating modes. Control panels modern models allow you to program the boiler operation for a day or even a week. Such devices are easily prescribed to modern concepts « smart home»or to remote control systems via communication lines - GSM or IP.
  • Well, it should be noted that electric boiler equipment usually compares favorably with its price level compared to solid fuel or gas.

Along with this list of advantages, there are electric boilers And flaws, which, by the way, usually come to mind first when assessing the prospects of such a heating system.

  • The first and most important thing is, of course, the high cost of electrical energy itself. It is necessary to carefully weigh your “household accounting” - whether the family will be able to pay considerable bills every month.

Naturally, with such high operating costs, measures for the most effective thermal insulation of all building structures will come to the fore - otherwise such heating will “let anyone around the world.”

It would be wise to make the most of the opportunities offered by preferential electricity tariffs. This will be especially beneficial if you use additional devices for thermal energy storage ( see the link above to the article about buffer capacity ). The control systems of modern electric boilers open up wide possibilities for this - with proper programming, the boiler will turn on only during the period of validity of the preferential tariff, accumulating thermal potential for its use during the rest of the day.

  • Such boiler equipment is entirely dependent on the uninterrupted and stable power supply. You can still combat relatively low voltage drops by installing a stabilizer, although devices with such a high current-voltage characteristic (about 10,000 VA) are a rather expensive “pleasure”. Well, if sharp surges or periodic power outages in the network are not uncommon in your area of ​​residence, then you don’t have to think about electric boiler equipment (or have it only as an auxiliary system). Systems uninterruptible power supply Such ratings are so bulky and expensive that they negate all the visible advantages of using electric boilers.

The conclusion is the following - despite the numerous advantages of electric boiler equipment, the existing negative aspects require owners to take an extremely balanced approach to organizing such a heating system at home. And in order to correctly navigate such issues, you must first find out the main criterion - what boiler power is required for efficient heating housing.

You might be interested in information about what it should be like

How to determine the required power of an electric boiler

General principles of calculation

The title of the article states that equipment is required for a house with an area of ​​100 square meters. This value is, of course, indicative, and was chosen for several reasons. Firstly, it is as close as possible to the area of ​​​​most medium-sized country houses. And secondly, it is easier to operate with round values, proportionally adjusting them to the actual area available.

True, such an “adjustment” will only be valid when using a very approximate method for calculating the boiler power. This approach implies that for every 10 m² of area, 1 kW of thermal energy will be required. According to this ratio, to heat a house of 100 m², a boiler with a minimum thermal power of 10 kW is required.

Extremely simple! But how accurate is this? Agree, a lot of questions arise, and the first of them is: for what climatic region is this proportion valid? Further, why is the height of the room not taken into account, but only the area - is there a contradiction here? If you wish, you can “dig up” a bunch more complaints about this approach. As a result, the error in calculations, in relation to a particular house, can be quite large. An indicator that is too low means insufficient heating during the peak of winter frosts. The other extreme is the purchase of expensive equipment with power indicators that remain completely unclaimed.

In addition, do not forget that the calculation is carried out specifically for electrical equipment. If you manage to “invest” in 8 ÷ 10 kW, then you still have the opportunity to get by with single-phase models. But when more than 10 kW is required, then, most likely, you will have to consider the issue of laying a three-phase power line and installing an appropriate boiler.

What to do, how to carry out the calculation with maximum accuracy? Let us take the liberty of proposing a calculation algorithm, which is included in the calculator below.

The algorithm involves calculating the thermal power for each of the rooms of the house where heat exchange devices will be installed (radiators, convectors, “warm floors”), taking into account its individual characteristics. Any specific feature of a single room that affects the total amount of thermal energy required for heating gives its own correction (increasing or decreasing) factor to the calculated value. Well, then all that remains is to sum up the obtained values, which will show the required power of the electric boiler.

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