Beauty salon administrator. The standard of appearance of the hotel receptionist is pleasant and neat

Who is the first person a client sees when crossing the threshold of the salon? Administrator! The administrator should “present” the salon procedures with his appearance, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Where is the line, crossing which a well-groomed woman turns into a caricatured anti-advertising for her salon? What should a beauty salon administrator really look like? The first rule to remember is: moderation is good in everything!!

Rules from Evelina Khromchenko

    Hair: should always be washed, freshly colored (no overgrown roots or dull color), cut and styled.

    Manicure: nails of maximum medium length, coated with pastel shades of varnish.

    Makeup: everyday, i.e. easy. Smokey eyes and bright lipstick, such as cyclamen or red, can cause an aggressive reaction.

    If there is a solarium in the salon, then the skin should acquire a light tan.

    Clothes: fashionable, preferably monochromatic, a combination of at least three colors is acceptable. And, of course, not flashy shades such as orange, red, etc. If the salon has a dress code, then it's simple. perfect option. The neckline is not deep, the skirt is not above the knee. The blouse can be worn with 1 or 2 buttons unbuttoned. According to the psychology of communication, this allows you to avoid the impression of “closedness” when talking with a client.

When guests come to a restaurant, they are not very concerned about how the work process is organized there. For them, the main thing is that the vacation goes well, fun, without conflicts and troubles. But no one imagines how much work it takes to get the job done right. Ensure cleanliness, politeness and efficiency of waiters, conscientiousness of bartenders and much more. A special person, the administrator, is responsible and oversees all these processes. There may be several of them, this is at the discretion of the owner of the establishment. We will find out in the article what the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are.

Why is this profession important?

First of all, it’s worth figuring out who an administrator is. This is a person who not only manages staff, but also makes sure that all processes are carried out correctly and are well coordinated with each other. There may be several openings for this position in a restaurant. It all depends on the level of the establishment. The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include the following positions:

  1. Full personnel control. From the time of arrival, appearance and ending with the quality of the work performed.
  2. Organization of banquets and corporate events (assistance in creating menus, calculating portions per person, determining time periods for serving dishes, and much more).
  3. Division of job responsibilities between staff. This point must be agreed upon with the main manager or immediate supervisor of the establishment.
  4. Resolving disputes with clients, smoothing out unpleasant moments that may arise during the work process.
  5. Carrying out inventory.

These are the main responsibilities of a restaurant administrator, which he must perform efficiently and responsibly. After all, from work this person a lot depends.

Pros and cons of the profession

Many people ask: “What is interesting about working as an administrator in a restaurant?” His responsibilities are quite extensive; it seems that he needs to control all the processes that occur within the establishment. And indeed it is. But the profession has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. Decent wages.
  2. The opportunity to look good. After all, appearance is an integral point that the administrator must take care of.
  3. High position, status.
  4. Ability to manage people.
  5. The prospect of increasing job responsibilities.
  6. Large social circle.
  7. Meeting interesting people.
  8. Diversity. There is no routine, a new day is not like the previous one.

Like any profession, this one has its drawbacks:

  1. Busy work schedule. There are no weekends or holidays. As a rule, it is on these days that the volume of work is greatest.
  2. Unpleasant situations often occur with guests. In any case, there will be discontent, swearing and conflicts.
  3. Huge responsibility.

But if you are stress-resistant, you have correct speech and beautiful appearance, this profession is just for you.

Do you want to become an administrator? Get your resume right

Who is a restaurant administrator? The responsibilities and principles of work of this person are spelled out in the job description that each establishment has. To fill this vacancy, you need to carefully study the requirements for the candidate and write a resume correctly.

Be sure to include the reason why you are interested in this position. You can mention that you like and are interested in communicating with people. If you have previous similar experience, this is definitely a plus. Ownership is also valued. foreign languages, since fashionable establishments are often visited by guests from abroad.

Personnel management, assistance in organizing banquets, communication with clients - these are the main responsibilities of a restaurant administrator. For a resume, or rather, when compiling it, it is necessary to take them into account, and only in this case the position will be yours.

What character traits do you need to have to succeed in your profession?

Restaurant administrator is a rather difficult profession; not every person can occupy this position. There are certain character traits that you need to have to succeed:

  1. Stress resistance.
  2. Openness and sociability.
  3. Ability to resolve conflict situations.
  4. Responsibility.
  5. The desire to be a leader.

Do not forget about correct and competent speech and excellent appearance.

What is unacceptable in the workplace?

It is worth noting that the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include a huge list of tasks that he must complete. In addition, do not forget that other employees should be equal to him. There are moments that the administrator should not allow:

  1. Leave workplace without the consent of the manager.
  2. Use foul language, be rude, insult staff, suppliers or visitors.
  3. Look unkempt and wrinkled.
  4. Drink alcohol in the workplace.

What rights does an administrator have?

A restaurant administrator has quite a lot of powers. First of all, in order to establish a normal process, he needs to monitor the work of the staff. Sometimes it is necessary to introduce a system of punishments and fines. But all these points need to be agreed upon with management. This also applies to difficult situations with visitors. If a client behaves inappropriately or poses a danger to others when drunk, the administrator has the right to ask the security to remove him from the establishment.

The article described what the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are. To occupy this position, you must have certain character traits. Remember: this work is quite interesting, but at the same time difficult and responsible.

Job description

Administrator Kharkov

A grateful client who will come to us again

In shifts(2 days in 2)

1. General provisions

2. Hiring

3. Dismissal

4. Schedule and mode of operation

5. Vacations and replacements

6. Salary

7. Administrator's appearance

8. Job responsibilities

9. Force majeure

10. Conduct in the workplace

12. Responsibility

13. Security

14. Bonus system and training

15. Fines

General provisions

1.1. This instruction defines exact rules and work standards at the Laserhouse Center in accordance with corporate and medical standards.

1.2. Each point of this instruction must be read and understood in advance by an employee holding the position of “Operator”.

1.3. In case of ignorance, disagreement, misunderstanding or deliberate non-compliance with this instruction, the employee cannot be allowed to perform his functions in the workplace.

1.5. Changes to this instruction are made collectively and approved by the General Director of LLC “Lazerhouse”.

1.6. Violation of this instruction and all additions to it is punishable by a penalty wages or dismissal at the discretion of the immediate supervisor.


2.1. Employees for the position of Administrator are approved by the Regional Director.

2.2. Selection for the position of Administrators is carried out by the Senior Administrator of the Center. After which an interview is held via Skype with the Regional Director.

2.3. The Administrator is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the Senior Administrator of the Center in agreement with the Regional Director.

2.4. The administrator must undergo an unpaid internship:

2.4.1. study all the necessary information about the procedures provided by the Laserhouse Center;

2.4.2. learn to work with programs: 1C, Client-base, doctor’s workplace, mail, disk, ICQ;

2.4.3. learn the list of professional cosmetics and their properties that are commercially available;

2.4.4. get acquainted with the orders made for cosmetics, consumables, metro, pharmacies;

2.4.5. become familiar with company rules, fines, and job responsibilities.

2.5. Before going to work, he undertakes to pass the Regional Director exam.

2.6. Before going to work, the Administrator undertakes to submit the following documents to the Central Office:

2.6.1. * copy of the passport

2.6.2. * copy of code

2.7. The administrator undertakes to prepare the following documents:

2.7.1. signs employment contract

2.7.2. passes the bypass sheet remotely

2.7.3. photographed for a profile on the website

2.7.4. signs job description

2.8. Issues a salary card at Alfa Bank
2.9.Applying for a job takes place with the help of opening a sole proprietorship(Entepreneur)


3.1. The dismissal of an employee occurs in the following cases:

3.1.1. dismissal due to at will;

3.1.2. dismissal by agreement of the parties;

3.1.3. dismissal due to staff reduction;

3.1.4. dismissal under the article at the initiative of the employer;

3.1.5. dismissal for absenteeism (absence from work for more than 3 hours);

3.1.6. dismissal for being late for work and opening the Center not at the specified time (9:00).

3.2. The Administrator must notify the Regional Director and the Senior Administrator of his decision to leave one month in advance and take over the entire internship of the new person for the position of Administrator.

Schedule and mode of operation

4.1. The Administrators' working hours are shifts, 2/2 from 9:00-21:00.

4.1.1. A different work schedule is possible in agreement with a colleague Administrator.

4.1.2. The Administrator's working day during his shift begins at 8:30.

4.1.3. The working day ends at 21:00 if there are no clients. For appointments after 21:00, the Administrator works until the last client.

4.2. Lunch time 30 minutes. Then when there is a free window or a long procedure takes place.

4.3. A different work schedule is possible, which is discussed with the Regional Director upon hiring.

4.4. If the Administrator wants to change his schedule, he can contact the Regional Director.

Vacations and replacements

5.1. An administrator can take a vacation of 14 days once a year, or 7 days twice a year. Vacations are agreed in advance with the Regional Director.

5.2. The Laserhouse company does not pay vacations.

5.3. If, under objective circumstances, the Administrator cannot go on his working day, he must independently prepare a replacement for himself in advance.


6.1. The Administrator's salary is calculated at the beginning of each month (once a month from the 1st to the 5th)

6.2. Payroll is calculated as follows:

● 480 UAH * for a coefficient of 1.3 (depending on work results) - the coefficient is assigned after 3 months.

6.3. At the end of each month, the Administrator checks the correctness of the assigned shifts.

6.4. The Administrator informs the Regional Director about all identified errors or controversial issues.

6.5. If the salary is calculated incorrectly, the Administrator contacts the “Lazerhouse” Accountant.

Administrator Appearance

7.1.1. White top black bottom;

7.1.2. neatly collected clean hair;

7.1.3. daytime makeup;

7.1.4. classic manicure ( pastel shades, French manicure);

7.1.5. presence of a badge;

7.1.6. low-top shoes.

Job responsibilities

8.1. The begining of the work day

8.1.1. The Center opens at 8:30 and prepares for work (turning on all programs: Client-base, 1C, doctor’s workstation, mail, disk, ICQ).

8.1.2. Opening of roller shutters.

8.1.3. Supply of hygienic materials in the restroom.

8.1.4. Turning on the coffee machine and refueling it.

8.1.6. Tidying up the appearance.

8.2. Working day

8.2.1. Greeting clients with a smile.

8.2.2. Inviting the patient to sit down and wait until the doctor invites the patient into the office.

8.2.3. Doctor's warning about the arrival of another patient.

8.2.4. Consulting on procedures, prices, promotions based on each city.

8.2.5. Carrying out payments to patients and issuing checks to them (the administrator is responsible for the cash register, the amount in the cash register must correspond to the 1C amount).

8.2.6. An offer to drink tea or coffee.

8.2.7. Maintaining client records in the Client database.

8.2.8. Receiving calls and consulting clients over the phone;

8.2.9. Ordering water, pharmacy, metro and consumables for doctors’ work 2 times a month (from 1st to 5th and 15th to 20th);

8.2.10. Ordering and tracking cosmetics for doctors’ work and for sale, including weighing cosmetics for re-registration.

8.2.11. Working with 1C: supply of materials to the parish (pharmacy, Consumables); write-off of consumed materials; ordering cosmetics with prepayment; formation of cash and expense accounts and cash receipt orders; formation and repayment of debts and overpayments; sale of certificates; issuance of discount cards; printout of the report for specialists; printout of the daily “Cash in hand” report and calculation of revenue for the day.

8.2.12. Monitoring the status of the Center: cleanliness (clean floors, display cases, windows, window sills, flowerpots, area near the entrance, garbage removal); maintaining peace and quiet in the Center; maintaining discipline and order in the Center.

8.2.13. Monitoring the work of a specialist: control over the arrival of a specialist to work; greeting the client and promptly inviting him to the procedure; compliance with the time regulations for the procedure by a specialist; control over filling out the client card: correct execution of services; surname, patronymic; Date of Birth; parameters of the procedure; client's medical card; comments; saying goodbye to the client at the reception. The doctor must take the client to the reception after the procedure and say goodbye; signing an agreement with the client.

8.2.14. Preventing conflict situations.

8.2.15. Maintaining forums.

8.2.16. Carrying out instructions from management.

8.2.17. Incorporation of external signage.

8.2.18. Registration of used coupons (enter coupon data on “Disk” in the “Coupons” folder and archive signed coupons).

8.2.19. Knowledge of all promotions provided and the ability to calculate the most profitable payment options taking into account the promotions for the client.

8.2.20. Monitoring the status of prices and promotions (identity of information in the price list and banner with promotions with the website and 1C).

8.2.21. Maintaining an archive of agreements.

8.2.22. Organization of exchange necessary information within the team of the Laserhouse Center.

8.2.23. Attendance at meetings of the entire team within the time limits specified by the Senior Administrator.

8.2.24. Maintaining the table “State of the center” (what breakdowns occurred, who is performing it and the deadlines).

8.3. End of the working day

8.3.1. Print a report for the specialist who was on shift.

8.3.2. Print the daily “Cash in hand” report and calculate your daily revenue.

8.3.3. Cleaning the Center.

8.3.4. Checking the doctor's office for cleanliness.

8.3.5. Closing the Center and turning on the alarm.

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Page creation date: 2017-06-13

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