Design of a two-room apartment: redevelopment, zoning and ideal renovation. Development of individual design projects for two-room apartments. Apartment area 60 sq. m.

Before you start making repairs, you need to visualize the design for yourself. two-room apartment 60 sq. m. Having some kind of “action plan” in hand, it will be easier for you to distribute the stages of repair and all the upcoming work. It is important to distribute interior elements so that it is aesthetically pleasing and at the same time functional. In our article you can read about design options for an apartment measuring 60 square meters, and also see a photo selection of the interior of similar apartments. So, let's talk about everything in more detail.

Design styles for a two-room apartment 60 sq m

On this moment There are a huge number of varieties of interior design styles; making a choice among such an abundance of options is not easy. First of all, you should start from how you personally imagine the design of a two-room apartment of 60 sq. m. If you have already decided on your preferences, it’s time to choose a style. In general, styles can be divided into three main groups:

Layout of a two-room apartment

Living room, bedroom, kitchen, hallway - the most common option for distributing space in apartments measuring 60 square meters. m., where 2-3 people live. In this case, it will be convenient to give the bedroom to the child, and for the parents to occupy the main room where they can use folding sofa. The second, more global way of organizing space is to leave one of the rooms untouched, and combine the second with a corridor and a kitchen. The rooms will retain their functionality, but the apartment will look visually larger.

You also always have the opportunity to remodel your two-room apartment into a three-room apartment. A good and convenient solution for almost every family. Here you can also distribute space in two ways:
If two people live in an apartment, then good option There will be a division of rooms into a living room, bedroom and study.

IN big family Most rooms are allocated as a living room, a bedroom for adults and a bedroom for children.

To make your apartment look more aesthetically pleasing and comfortable, try to stick to the same style in each room of the apartment.

Design of a two-room apartment of 60 sq m - photo examples of the design of each room

Let's take a closer look at the design of each room in an apartment of 60 sq.m.

Living room and kitchen

The color scheme for the walls is preferably light colors, and best of all, white. It is appropriate to place a floral photo panel on the wall that belongs to the kitchen. Patterns in black are welcome on light walls. We lay laminate on the floor, the imitation underneath will look great white tree. To save space, it is advisable to make the furniture built-in; regarding color, white facades are preferred. Thanks to lamps with different power lighting, you can further delimit the zones of the room.

Bedroom in a two-room apartment

Large wardrobes and chests of drawers, which are almost integral elements of the bedroom, can be easily replaced. Having built a closet with a built-in niche and a chest of drawers, resulting in a single structure that will take up several times less space. A niche can also be used instead bedside tables. A TV panel will be conveniently located on the wall opposite the headboard. The best way to light a bedroom is with spotlights and bedside sconces.

Children's room in a two-room apartment

The room in which the child will live is the lightest, most comfortable and brightest room in the apartment. To save space we install loft bed. One of the walls can be made in the form of a drawing board. Also, thanks to the saved space, we can afford to install some sports equipment. Lighting up the room ceiling lamp with lampshade. Additional light above the bed is also desirable. Miniature chairs and tables are perfect for a child’s room.

Hallway design

The hallway in such an apartment is equipped with everything necessary: ​​a chest of drawers for shoes, a mezzanine and a wardrobe for outerwear. But your imagination can play with a hanger; now there are many options original design this integral element.

Often on the real estate market there are small apartments in panel house or studios, looking at which the question arises: “How to live in such a room?” Do not underestimate the potential of a Khrushchev building with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. in an old house. Small tricks will help you create a beautiful and modern design of a 2-room apartment.


In a small two-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq. m., located in a panel house, has a number of disadvantages:

  • Narrow corridor leaves no room for furniture. Not a single design project can correct the layout standards of 2-room premises.
  • Combining a bathroom- saves space, but does not always have a good effect on the comfort of residents.

  • The kitchen should always have a separate work area. It does not matter whether the interior of a 1-room or two-room apartment with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. is being developed.

  • “Stalin”, “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnev” buildings have low ceilings. A thoughtful design project will help correct this shortcoming.


Redevelopment is always carried out after a detailed analysis of the premises, as well as taking into account the residents’ ideas about comfort.

  • Each family member must be allocated a personal space in a small two-room apartment in a panel house. If the area of ​​the room does not exceed 40-60 sq.m., then the personal area should be highlighted with furniture, curtains or other devices.

  • Selected first room style, then they develop a design project and think through the interior of the Khrushchev building.

  • Before developing a design project, you need to consider technical capabilities living space in a panel house. The age of the building, the location of walls, windows and doors - all this affects the redevelopment plan.


The layout of the two-room "Stalinka" is distinguished by non-standard rooms, high ceilings and lack of load-bearing walls. This allows you to develop various projects. You can, for example, turn a two-room apartment into a 3-room apartment. But usually a design project is thought out with the aim of increasing the area. Therefore, most often from a room with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. a studio is being made. To do this, the kitchen area is connected to the room or the hall is combined with the corridor.


Khrushchev buildings are characterized by a small square footage, low ceilings, a combined bathroom and walk-through rooms. Therefore, the interior of a room with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. is thought out in such a way as to correct planning errors. To begin with, doorways are moved to the corners of the load-bearing walls. If the room is designed for two residents, then it is made into a studio. The area of ​​the bathroom is increased due to the corridor.

If you live in a 2-room Khrushchev house big family, then you should separate part of the passage room and increase the corridor. If the location of the bathroom allows, you can move the walls apart.


In 2-room “brezhnevka” apartments, with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m., more conditions for created modern design: kitchens up to 8 meters, large rooms, separate bathroom. The main disadvantage of such a room is the large load on the load-bearing walls. Not only can they not be demolished, but the passage cannot be moved. Therefore, the redevelopment design project comes down to combining a bathroom, a hall and a dining room. Next, an interior is thought out that would visually increase the size of the rooms.

The premises of modern buildings rarely need redevelopment. They are built large with isolated rooms. Very often there are loggias that can be combined with the living room.

The secret to success in any art is to think through the details. Therefore, the design of 2-room residential premises is developed taking into account the personal preferences of the owners.

You can decorate all living spaces in the same style or in different, even contrasting and incompatible ones. The first option is used if all rooms are isolated and connected only by a corridor. For apartments with a semi-studio layout, in which the kitchen area is combined with the living room and corridor into a single space, it is better to use two different styles. In the living area, emphasis should be placed on large and open space, and in the bedroom, use soft styles that create a comfortable environment.

Zoning of premises

Functional zoning will help you arrange any room as conveniently as possible. Its essence lies in the logical arrangement of several work areas in one area.

Kitchen-living room. The most common method of zoning, in which there is a dinner Zone. In relation to the kitchen, in a remote corner you can arrange an office or library. An example of this design is shown in the photo below.

Living room-office. To design such zoning, it is better to use a dividing screen or partition. An example of this design is shown in the photo below.

Bedroom-office. The only way to combine these rooms is to install a compact bed that can be hidden in a closet. Double bed, as a large piece of furniture, occupies all available space. The interior of such a room is thought out in such a way as to highlight a small work area with a screen.

Living room (bedroom)-wardrobe. This element complements any recreation area. A closet located in the far part of the room or dividing the room into zones can act as a dressing room.

Color design

Each style has its own palette. When arranging a small room, the main emphasis should be on increasing the space. For this purpose, the interior is thought out in light shades, with translucent textiles, mirrors and glossy surfaces. Can be used in studios textured materials, drapery and massive furniture.

Cool palettes help to make a space appear larger, but create a formal and presentable look. Therefore, they are complemented with ethnic decor in bright colors.


When thinking through the interior of a small room in a panel house, you need to take into account the following details:

  • Furniture in a 2-room Khrushchev house should be installed small-sized, modular: coffee table, which, if necessary, will turn into dinner table, folding bed, corner wardrobe.

  • To add functionality or decorate a one- or two-room apartment, you can use ceilings. For example, you can install an LCD TV above the bed in the bedroom.

  • If in two-room Khrushchev house, with an area of ​​60 sq.m., there is a balcony, it should be attached to the living area.

If possible, it is worth developing design project 2-room or small premises in the house together with specialists.

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The ideal balance between housing cost and quantity square meters make two-room apartments the most sought-after and most frequently purchased real estate properties. The total area of ​​such apartments offered by modern developers can reach up to 70-80 sq.m. This space easily allows you to implement and bring into reality all possible design ideas and ideas that should be worked out in such a way that all its main zones do not lose their main functionality. The space should be organized as ergonomically, comfortably, and most importantly convenient as possible.

Start of renovation in the apartment

First of all, before you start designing and renovating an apartment, you should know who it is intended for: a single man or woman, a young couple with small children, or elderly people who need peace and tranquility.

Based on this, you should think through the interior design, defining a functional space exclusively for each family member.

Design project for a two-room apartment (photo)

The free space in a two-room apartment is quite enough to effectively and efficiently organize the main functional areas. Properly placed areas must meet the following criteria: convenience, aesthetics and attractiveness. This will require a careful approach to business at all stages of interior creation.

In most cases, standard options The layouts of two-room apartments are very far from the modern understanding of comfort. Therefore, very often you have to contact an architecture office to make changes to technical documentation, with subsequent coordination of all necessary authorities.

This process is quite long, so take care of it in advance.

It is necessary to decide on the interior style as early as possible, since it is the basis of the design of the project. Before development begins, it is important to take into account the technical potential of a two-room apartment, the year the house was built, the presence and location of load-bearing walls and passage openings. Based on all this, a project is being prepared.

Popular styles with personality

When choosing a style that is closer to your spirit and lifestyle, we must not forget about the most important thing - the functionality and reliability of a two-room apartment is above all.

In addition to the elegance and splendor of the interior, it should contain things that you will need in Everyday life. After all, you started the renovation not for the covers of a glossy magazine, but for a comfortable and quiet life.

Apartment in modern style

What exactly do we mean by this name - modern interior style. In short, the basic principles of this style are - straight geometric lines combined with modern designer furniture and a minimal set of various accessories.

But if we go deeper, we can say that modern style is the absolute opposite classic style. None convex shapes and bright lace fabrics, minimum set accessories and plain, calm tones.

Two-room apartment in modern style allows you to carry out various experiments with the interior and realize even the most daring ideas. But you shouldn’t get too carried away, remembering that it is simplicity, conciseness and the absence of anything superfluous; in some ways it is even similar to minimalism.

Soft colors and great lighting in the bathroom are an integral part of a modern interior.

Use all possible materials as finishing. It could be glass a natural stone, or .

The main features of this style are the combination of various architectural projects, where the old is mixed together (brick walls, open system ventilation, pipes) and new (modern technology, glass and gloss).

An open layout, high ceilings and the absence of walls, combined with trendy furniture and high-quality finishes, make the style unlike any other. The style is also characterized by an abundance of light, open areas concrete walls, as well as mobile ones.

Loft-style apartment - a dining area in close proximity to the bed is a common practice of this style

Unfortunately, as you may have already noticed, the design of a two-room loft-style apartment is not suitable for every room. An apartment has enough square meters, but most often everything depends on the height of the ceilings, which is undesirable to be less than 4 meters, which is very rare in modern housing.

Apartment in Provence style

Provence style - better known as "French country" - is brought to life rustic style in city apartments. Antique furniture, warm colors, white ceilings and walls create an incredible atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

The preferred interior colors are: cream, light pink, white, olive and beige. Other colors are allowed, but their concentration should be minimal. Interior design in Provence style implies a lot of light entering the room, so the color and density of the curtains should not interfere with this.

What you practically can’t do without provencal style, so this is without antique furniture. And it’s not at all necessary to throw away huge sums of money at flea markets for the copy you like. Today, you can purchase artificially aged furniture for a reasonable price.

A coffee table is a nice touch in the interior

Apartment in modern style

Modern style is simplicity, functionality, quality, individuality and comfort. The advantage of this style is complete freedom in choice. finishing materials. Here you can combine everything: glass, plastic, stone and metal, without fear of consequences, the main thing is not to disturb the overall aesthetics. The presence of gloss, chrome and shiny surfaces in the interior is a sign of good taste in modern style.

Modern apartment design is distinguished by geometric precision and laconicism. One wrong decision can turn your interior into complete bad taste, so don’t rush, be extremely careful when choosing accessories and decorative elements.

Remember that a bright and cluttered background is absolutely inappropriate here. Use calm tones that promote mental relaxation and tranquility.

Apartment in a classic style

The classic style of the interior is light high ceilings with stucco, wooden floors, walls covered with wallpaper, glossy rectangular or arched shape in combination with bed colors and furniture made of noble wood.

In a word, the design of a two-room apartment in a classic style for respectable and self-confident people with excellent taste.

A classic-style kitchen made of solid wood is an indicator of status and wealth

It is worth noting that the classic style implies central lighting. Usually this is a large chandelier made of crystal, with gilding applied to it. metal elements. All this can be complemented with classic sconces and stylish floor lamps with fabric lampshades, most often silk.

The interior design should be elegant and elegant, and The best way To achieve this, use a monochromatic and light palette.

Interior design features

The modern real estate market currently offers layouts for two-room apartments in new buildings, which finally begin to meet all generally accepted standards and concepts comfortable stay. All zones are located quite correctly and lend themselves to sound logic, so the need for redevelopment of such apartments most often disappears.

In addition, for capricious buyers, the developer always has a couple of apartments with non-standard layout that can meet their needs. They either lack part of the walls, or they are completely studio apartment, the interior design project of which is practically unlimited.


Remember, the more light the better. If you want to create a cheerful and cozy atmosphere, avoid dark colors, especially in the form of curtains, as they will block light from entering the room.

To maintain such an atmosphere in the evening, hang a huge chandelier in the room with big amount light bulbs, and if this is not enough, install additional lighting in the form of sconces and floor lamps.

Use light furniture in the kitchen - it is always practical and aesthetically pleasing


In short, get rid of everything unnecessary, no matter how much you want it. Long gone are the days when a sign of wealth was a Czech wall for home service. Now is a completely different time - the era of productivity has arrived. Leading world designers advise abandoning massive, space-limiting furniture, the functionality of which can easily be replaced by modern products made from lightweight materials.

When choosing color range for furniture, you should start from the shade in which your walls will be painted. Most the best option Colors that are close in spectrum are considered, for example yellow and orange, green and light green.

There is no need to worry that the interior may turn out tasteless; the contrast will help dilute it various elements decor and accessories.

This design is applicable not only for living rooms, but also for the rest (kitchen, bathroom, hallway, loggia)


Designers use this trick for only one purpose - visual magnification space. This effect can only be achieved by using mirrors in full height person, it’s even better when their height from the floor reaches the ceiling. You can place the reflective surface anywhere, on walls, cabinets, and even as a partition for zoning a room.

An interior in light colors will cope with visual increase spaces are no worse than mirrors

As we said at the beginning of the article, good design- this is the right project.

If you get caught experienced designer, and not a charlatan who has no experience in this area, satisfaction and a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed to you. After all, only a qualified specialist will be able to place it in a room with a total area of ​​20 sq.m. a place to sleep together with a kitchen or study.

There are interiors to which it is difficult to add something - this is one of them.

No matter how attractive the interior design proposed by the designers may seem to you, the main thing is not to forget that it is you who will live in this apartment. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with even a small detail in the design, then it is better to say so right away. Fixing a defect that bothers you later will be problematic, and maybe even completely unrealistic.

We present a design project for a two-room apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters. m, made in a classic style, with the addition of modern elements stylistic directions. The project was completed by Denis Serov's studio for married couple middle-aged, whose children have grown up and live separately.

The owners of the apartment wanted to get away from the usual color schemes inherent in the classical style, and the color palette chosen was not quite standard for the classics. To the traditional beige tones, a variety of shades of purple were added - from burgundy-violet to light lilac.

Also, the customers were not interested in a large amount of stucco, gilding and mirror elements in the interior. The apartment had to look classically, elegant and solemn, but, at the same time, be lively and modern.

Another desire of the clients was to combine the kitchen with the living room. But everything should be done in such a way that it would be possible to combine these two premises only when necessary. And the rest of the time they had to be separated from each other.

All customer wishes were, of course, taken into account and fulfilled. And what happened in the end, you can see in the photo below.

Layout 2 rooms. apartments 60 sq. m

An apartment with an area of ​​60 sq. m, has two separate rooms.

The back room, into which a long corridor leads, was occupied by the master bedroom with an adjoining cold balcony.

The central room in the apartment is occupied by the living room. Through it there is an entrance to the kitchen. Since the owners did not want to completely combine the kitchen and living room, but to combine these two rooms only when necessary,

the partitions were not dismantled. In this case, we limited ourselves to only installing translucent sliding sliding doors. When open, the doors completely disappear into the walls and are not visible, so the illusion of combining the kitchen with the living room is created. But if necessary, the doors can be closed and these two rooms will be isolated from each other.

Almost the entire wall long corridor used for a wardrobe. Another wardrobe took up the short wall in the bedroom opposite the window.

There was an opportunity to endure washing machine from the bathroom to a separate one small room and set up a laundry room.

Living room sketches

The central room in the apartment is occupied by the living room. It is designed in beige tones with added accents purple shades. Upholstery large corner sofa, pillows, curtains - they are all different shades of purple.

To decorate one of the walls in the room (adjacent to the corridor), near which there is a TV area, rich burgundy-violet wallpaper was used. Built into the same wall glass partition, decorated using sandblasting technology. Thanks to this partition, natural light from the living room additionally enters the corridor.

A bio fireplace was installed next to the partition - a modern, eco-friendly alternative to a real fireplace in the interior of the home of “live fire” lovers.

A decorative fresco was used to decorate a short wall in the living room adjacent to the bedroom.

Glass doors lead from the living room to the kitchen sliding doors. Now they are closed and the two rooms are visually separated from each other. But if desired, the living room and kitchen can be combined. To do this, you just need to slide the doors of the structure into the wall, and visually the two rooms will turn into one.


You can enter the kitchen and dining area through the living room. They are separated from each other, as already mentioned, by sliding sliding doors made of translucent glass.

Very beautiful, elegant color palette was used to decorate the kitchen. This is a beige color combined with purple and chocolate shades.

The kitchen room is square in shape. Takes up two walls entirely kitchen set With classic facades. The glossy kitchen facades are decorated in two contrasting colors. Some of the top drawers are sparkling white, while the rest are a deep dark lilac.

The rest of the kitchen is occupied by a dining room with bright round table And soft chairs violet hue.

Shining White color The ceiling and part of the facades are combined with a dark lilac color for the furniture, with light chocolate walls in the dining area and dark brown Roman blinds. This combination of colors and textures looks very solemn and elegant. Ideal, in my opinion, kitchen!

Corridor and hallway

Shades were chosen to decorate the hallway and corridor beige colour, diluted with bright chocolate accents.

The corridor in this apartment is long and wide enough to accommodate a good wardrobe. Which is what was done. A good, spacious wardrobe with a mirror insert was placed along the entire wall of the long corridor, allowing limited space expand somewhat (visually, of course).

The long corridor ends with a door to the owners' bedroom. The door to the living room was dismantled and visually the corridor and the living room seem to be a single space, smoothly flowing into one another. All that separates them is interior partition with translucent glass insert. This insert with an openwork pattern made using sandblasting technology allows natural light enter the far and dark part of the corridor, additionally illuminating it.

With an apartment area of ​​60 sq. m. there is a happy opportunity to radically change the interior, transform the existing space into modern housing with an improved layout.

Specifics and features of the apartment layout

Professional solutions to design an apartment of 60 sq.m. a lot of. Their choice is influenced by many factors. These include:

  • type of building, layout features;
  • ceiling height;
  • number, sizes of windows;
  • presence and area of ​​balconies, bay windows, loggias;
  • family composition, number of residents.

Create a design modern apartment 60 sq. m. Experts offer two main models.

  1. A practical division into rooms is provided, their design in accordance with fashion design trends. This decision is justified in cases where a family consists of 3 or more people who need separate space.
  2. Complete reconstruction of housing, turning it into a studio. The enlarged interior allows for expansion functionality cramped rooms, decorate them in a new way, taking into account the advice of professional decorators. This design is suitable for one or two people.

Converting an apartment into a studio

Used in the existing interior modern layout apartments 60 sq. m., providing for division into functional zones. The island arrangement of the large corner sofa simultaneously creates a large sleeping area and, together with the adjacent chair, forms a living area, separating it from the kitchen.

Apartment design 60 sq. m. in a modern style. Photo

The decoration uses the principle of minimalism, characterized by practicality and accuracy. There is no place for unnecessary items in the room; the presence of each element is functionally justified.

As color scheme a contrasting combination of sand in combination with brown details in the shade of milk chocolate is proposed. It does bright interior apartments are cozy and comfortable, and the used tone of the walls, furniture, carpet on the floor contributes to visual expansion rooms.

Modern design of an apartment of 60 sq. m. Photo of the living room

Apartment 60 sq. meters in beige and brown tones. Photo

Beige curtains in the interior of the apartment. Photo

Metal elements of armchairs, chairs, wall decor, lamps, kitchen chandeliers unusual shape give the room a techno touch.

Selected design of a modern apartment of 60 square meters. m. combines into common space kitchen, hallway, living room areas. Plasterboard partitions are used as dividing elements.

Creating a separate bedroom

The decision to fence off the sleeping bed with a curtain was successful. The result is a studio apartment with a separate bedroom, which, when the screen is open, turns into a relaxation area. If you want to watch TV shows from your bed, this can be done.

Modern bedroom from the studio ART WORKSHOP. Photo

The dressing room located in the sleeping area allows you to accommodate all the small household items, so the hallway, living room, and kitchen are not burdened with a variety of small items.

Bathroom and toilet design. Photo of the project

The modern toilet and bathroom look sterile. Thanks to the cistern hidden in the wall ledge and the suspended toilet, the bathroom does not have the usual communications elements and looks spacious.

Bathroom finished with white porcelain stoneware. Photo

The impression of luxury finishing is enhanced by the large marble tiles in combination with tiles imitating solid expensive wood and built-in LED lights, comfortably illuminating the room from a ledge in the middle of the wall.

Toilet finished in black porcelain stoneware. Photo

The bathroom features a traditional bathtub with an inconspicuous glass screen, and a wall-hung sink that appears to float in the air above the floor. Mirror wall behind the washbasin doubles the size of the room, giving it an amazing shape with complex configuration. As a result, a small room seems spacious, bright, and very neat.

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