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And, if the man’s sun is square to the woman’s Venus and vice versa + the man’s moon is square to the woman’s Venus, and the man’s Neptune is square to the woman’s moon, then with such aspects the relationship is doomed?

Aspects of Moon Venus in synastry in astrology are among the most important. Moon and Venus for a woman show in natal chart her feminine energy. In both cases, this woman will already be attractive to this man. But it is imperative to take into account the strength and weakness of the Moon and Venus in the synastric aspect - to analyze whether the planets are equal in strength.

Those. a partner with a weak planet in conjunction with Moon Venus may be more touchy, suspicious, or hysterical, depending on what signs the planets are in. And a weak planet requires more than it gives to a strong planet, but also a weak planet is more dependent on a strong one. For example, Moon Venus conjunction in Capricorn. If a partner with Venus in Capricorn suddenly leaves his Lunar partner, then the Moon person will find it difficult to cope without the supporting energy of the Venusian partner.

If both the Moon and Venus in a synastric conjunction are weak, then both people will demand a lot from each other than actually give

The Moon person will sometimes feel that his emotional impulses are not appreciated or understood by his partner with Venus. Water Venus requires emotions, empathy, tenderness, care, and the air Moon will react to such expressions of feelings either too calmly or will be distant.

The effect of a trine and sextile will be similar to a conjunction, but the trine and sextile are slightly weaker than the conjunction. You can leave your email if you want to receive notifications about new articles and services.

But it is precisely manifestations of love and tenderness with such aspects that are not so sensitive. In my opinion, tenderness in synastry is given by Neptune, in favorable aspects to the Moon, Venus or Sun, as well as in conjunction with these planets. The person to whom Neptune belongs treats his partner with trepidation, affection and compassion, and kindness.

But I want to add that if in the synastry there are several connections or harmonious aspects to the personal planets from Neptune and Jupiter, then they are able to smooth out the tense aspects

In turn, the Jupiter person wants to show care and attention to his partner. It will also be most favorable if the aspect is repeated in synastry (for example, the Moon of the first partner is in conjunction with Jupiter of the second, and the Moon of the second is in trine with Jupiter of the first partner).

The opposition of the Sun of one partner and the Moon of the other often speaks of the partners’ attraction to each other, while their square indicates problems and difficulties in the relationship

And a person with Venus will stimulate the social development of a person with Jupiter. Also traditionally, aspects between the Sun and Venus in synastry are aspects of love. From my experience I see that this is confirmed, but not always. It’s good when the aspect between Venus and the Sun is exact, and it’s better if it’s a conjunction.

Irina, the Sun-Venus and Moon Venus squares are not so scary if there are positive aspects, i.e. They won't ruin the relationship. Neptune enchants the Sun and people can feel a subtle connection with each other.

Any aspects from Jupiter are good, especially to the Sun. And most importantly, in order to have good compatibility, you need to have the same expressed zodiac signs with your partner. The energy of the day contributes to manifestations of sarcasm, and in the worst case, violence.

The sextile in the relationship between the Moon and Venus can be described as a “golden mean”

Venus symbolizes sensuality, passion, emotionality. These partners are always connected on a sensual and spiritual level at the same time. These couples can come together and then diverge while living for a long time in constant tension and in hope for a better future. The aspect of the Moon and Venus square in synastry indicates the difficulty of expressing emotions and feelings by both partners. Each of the partners in such an alliance will try to hide their true feelings and passion, considering this a sign of weakness.

Frequent resentments and misunderstandings may arise, which will ultimately lead to disappointment and mental anguish as a result of a break in the relationship. The sextile of the Moon and Venus indicates the complementarity of partners, which can be characterized as “ golden mean" Numerology by date of birth is a wonderful, reliable method that allows you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one.

In order to understand your experiences in detail and find out the prospects for your relationship with your loved one, you should seek help from a professional astrologer. By using the Astro7 service, you agree that you are doing this voluntarily, agreeing to the terms of use of the service and the rules of the service. Probably many of us are not familiar with the concept of synastry. And so, Synastric astrology is the astrology of relationships between people.

The Moon partner can fall into depressive states and suppress the passion of the Venus partner with his melancholy. The opposition in the relationship between the Moon and Venus is due to the fact that the partners have strong attraction to each other, which in turn is based on passion and sexual needs.

Article summary:

Allaaltin: Katya tried to bring together diverse material. It made a patchwork quilt. Simple, but tasteful. It will be useful for many. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Houses, planets, signs have several levels of elaboration and several layers of information. To describe each of them would lose the theme. The average temperature in the hospital is given.

Canela: Good raw material, like modeling clay, is the basis for a quality product.

To begin with, it is necessary to note:

1. Any compatibility analysis begins with an analysis of natal charts separately, mainly on the topic of relationships, identifying strong channels (each has its own method) and mutual expectations (

2. Tense aspects in synastry are not always correctly called defeat, especially between gender planets (Venus, Mars, Sun, Moon), benefactors and Pluto; such a connection, on the contrary, can create long-term attraction or short-term passion.

Light: The squares represent all the “Santa Barbara” in our lives (author’s note: they are the most difficult to work through), and the oppositions are “office romances” with mismatches - strong, jealous, zealous and painful (author’s note: opposition in general may not attract, but push away). But any gender aspects are the decoration of synastry, aspects of attraction are the essence: : The more aspects between personal planets, the stronger the ties between people; I don’t think that good aspects of Jupiter can correct a hopeless synastry.

Canela: But there are natal bearers for whom these aspectations are noticeably important, and there are those who, even without them, on other indicators, such as touching an angle or the inclusion of one Neptune, will sigh and carry in their arms; We have also noticed those whose focus of attention is shifted to themselves/work/benefit, or “stingy emotional-heart fund”, they generally activate their sexual Mars, Venus, etc. they rub themselves, hang out and run into the bushes from sin (author’s note: this is why we begin to consider synastry by studying natals separately and highlighting strong channels).

3. The orb between personal planets is taken over the entire sign, that is, we rather consider the compatibility of the signs of celestial bodies, elements, in other cases no more than 5-6 degrees and 8-10 for luminaries. But it's different in different schools. The most accurate aspects will dominate and be played out most vividly. Aspects through a sign in synastry should not be taken into account, even if they are practically accurate (for example, his Venus is in 30 degrees Aries, and his Saturn is in 1 degree Capricorn, the program will show a trine, but there can be no trine between earth and fire), because in Synastry is important for the interaction of elements. You may feel something, but it is advisable to push such aspects into the background.

4. When the partner’s planet makes a tense aspect to your planet in its own sign (for example, Saturn in Libra (m) square Mars in Capricorn (f)), such interaction is considered as easier and more natural according to the function of the planets, (i.e. the owner Mars in Capricorn is “loved” and understood by Saturn, so he will succumb to his control and help him limit himself according to the functions of his Mars). And so it is useful to consider any reception in the case of an aspect. But if this is, for example, a square of Mars in Aries and Capricorn, they can certainly become good employees, or passion will flare up between them, but also according to their natural functions, they will want to conflict in each other’s presence, it will simply be perceived as an integral, natural part of the relationship.

5. It is much easier for people with intense aspects in natal to get along with people who also have similar connections (for example, if you have connections between the Sun and Uranus, then a good union will turn out with a person who also has a connection between Uranus and the luminary, thus both will not claim each other’s personal space, which they so need). This is especially true for aspects of gender planets (a man with the opposition Moon Venus will be happy with someone who has the same opposition or square). But there is another opinion:

vici2004: men with intense aspects of similarity very quickly began to irritate, heaviness was felt and a certain similarity was felt, a feeling of the same psychological problem.

Daragan wrote that sometimes it is better for your partner to have a tense aspect, and for you to have the same, but harmonious, aspect, although opinions differ.

In any case, all aspects of similarity must be considered. This is why we often attract people. For example, I have Mars in conjunction with Neptune and all men had a tense aspect between these planets.

6. It is equally important to pay attention to what natal configurations the partner completes with his planets; this can significantly improve or worsen compatibility.

Canela: If you get large squares, the partners will either scatter from tension, or it will turn out closed system energy distillation.

If your planet is completing an already existing configuration of the same planets in natal, because you are approximately the same age (for example, the native has a Moon-Saturn square, and your Saturn is conjunct with his, that is, it also stands square to his moon), you should not hope that you will not feel it, since you are already accustomed to these vibrations; on the contrary, you will feel it doubly, and you will be able to clearly identify its functions in your relationship, as if you look at yourself from the outside, you will better feel and understand this aspect in your own map.

Gia: In the natal chart there is the Sun square Neptune, because of which I don’t like my peers, because they also square my Sun with Neptune. And they’re trying to put lies on my ears - almost all of my boyfriends the same age tried to wildly lie to me, embellish everything and create fog. It drove me crazy.

Again, it is more useful to look at such aspects by house, rather than by function.

7. Most often, it is the distant planet that performs the “action” on the near one, that is, if, for example, the Moon (f) is in opposition to Mars (m), then it is the Mars person who will hurt and make the Moon person “cry,” or if Saturn (m ) in conjunction with the Moon (g), then the Saturn person will decide how long this relationship will last, since he “holds” the Moon, he must let it go.

8. It is more correct to consider the aspects between the higher planets according to their belonging to houses, as well as the aspect of the personal to the higher, when we want to consider not the action of the higher over the personal function from point 6, but vice versa (for example, Mars in a square with the partner’s Pluto as its ruler 4 - loved ones of a Pluto person will irritate a Mars person). Other aspects are also important to look at in this context, but they can also be interpreted by function. In practice, it is noticeable that the situation in the house works first, and then the management.

9. Canela: Until now, no one has been encountered who would not have received well the aspects to different planets of the same character in the appropriate aspect for them. That is:

For Venus, the Moon is interesting and friendly, the aspects are clearly manifested primarily by the trine (smoothness, acceptance of Yin planets by gender) and the conjunction - close, personal, very physically tangible interaction, and the conjunction combines tension and harmony - “not boring” for both.

For Mars, Pluto is equivalent, understandable, but also influential, the aspects are good sextile - pleasant drive and square - recharge, activation, the tension both planets need to work. Energy dependence on each other (now I’m not talking about happiness, but simply dependence) - approx. Light.

By the way, according to statistics for strong long-term pairs, Mars square/Pluto conjunction is one of the most popular aspects.

Finally, Sun to Moon is an eternal yin-yang, external/internal classic. Works on the spectrum of major aspects, with large orbs.

10. Mine is a rare occurrence, since the orbs in synastry are decent, but if there is one, then the unaspected planet will be felt more painfully by the one to whom it belongs. He will try to demonstrate it, to prove that he fully possesses these functions, but his own efforts will seem in vain - like peas hitting a wall. The difference with aspected planets is that you do not try to show them off to your partner in any unusual way, and so you feel that he has noticed them. When the feral planets seem to be unsure of themselves and therefore try to manifest themselves more brightly, as if they are waving to be noticed: “Hey, we are here!!!”. So if your Mercury finds itself in such a feral situation, you will feel as if your partner is not listening to you, although this may not be the case at all. You will begin to speak louder/more, demand not to interrupt, begin to ask again and again why he is not attentive to your words... The partner who missed your planet would seem to be not interested in its functions, no matter how hard you try. In fact, it’s not that he doesn’t notice it, he simply follows his own established stereotype, without being able to look at the real situation. Roughly speaking, if he decides that you are an idiot, then no matter how hard you try to prove the opposite, this person is unlikely to change his mind. So, for example, if this is the sun of your partner, then you probably won’t fully understand the person’s goals, aspirations and life position, and for some reason you won’t be able to find a way to find out for yourself.

11. In Shestopalov’s old school, it was believed that the presence of three conflicting aspects (between Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) would certainly lead to separation or at least not allow an official marriage to be concluded (orb 5 degrees), in practice this is not always confirmed, but very often (read more: The same aspect of Saturn square Mars is very often found in long-term alliances.

12. Synastry helps you find out psychological compatibility between people and what pitfalls they will stumble over, but it is believed that love cannot be seen in it, just like the level of human development in the natal chart.

Light: We don’t fall in love based on the planets, something higher - it’s then, when we wake up, we begin to understand what kind of train we’re on, what landscapes are outside the window and where we’re going, and in general what the conditions are around. Good synastry allows you to make even a not very bright feeling pleasant, vital, joyful and stable, which will never get boring. And vice versa, the bad thing is to turn a great and great feeling into endless mental pain and hell.

It is impossible to see in it the prospect of marriage or the birth of a child; such events are determined using prognostication. But there is so-called event compatibility, which clearly shows whether your couple has the potential to limp to the registry office. If circumstances do not flow favorably, you will have to swim against the tide and initiate events yourself, which is simply not for everyone. When we say the word “circumstances,” we automatically switch to houses. So in the map we will look for nothing more than connections between the elements of the 7th and 10th houses of partners, and the more accurate they are, the stronger fate will push them together:

a. Major aspect to cusps 10 or 7 from the partner planet of element 10 or 7.

b. Major aspect between the elements of the 7th houses of partners.

c. Major aspect between elements of 1st and 7th houses

d. Personal planets in 7 and 10, especially in conjunction with the elements of this house (cusp, planets in it)

If you have at least one connection from the above, this is already good, circumstances will help you to be together. But to be 100% sure, rectification is necessary to analyze event compatibility.

Rey: In general, all angles are important. I noticed that aspects between my planets and my partner’s planets do not yet guarantee a certain connection. For example, I have several friends, their Mars is conjunct to my Venus and their Venus is conjunct to my Mars. But there is no love between us. Friendship - yes, flirting and making advances - is possible.... but there is no sensual connection. But when I meet a person and his planets roll into my 7,4,10 houses, then I react like a mouse to a boa constrictor.

Light: If we are just talking about starting a relationship and having a good time, then the rulers of the 5 houses should be aspected.

13. Light: For additional information, you need to study the average: aspects Mars-Venus, Mars-Moon, Sun-Moon.

And the composite (midpoint map) - the flow of energies within the couple, external circumstances and reasons:


Olis: The average between the progressive ones is simply a storehouse of information

Mashina: And of course, it is important whether there is a period in a person’s life now when he can fall in love. Otherwise the whole synastry will pass by.

The basic principle for interpreting aspects:

Sun- this is our individuality and life direction/position.

Light: A man’s Sun should be aspected as much as possible for the man’s desire to maintain the marriage for as long as possible. Otherwise, it is difficult for a woman to see his personality, and for a man to show him.

Tense aspects partner, they somehow prevent him from expressing himself openly/naturally,

Harmonious Aspects On the contrary, they help. If the luminaries are in a harmonious aspect, then people already have something in common.

Light: Aspects of the Sun with Venus are very good, because Venus, as a small happiness (and yet it is closer to the body than Jupiter) simply adores the Sun.

Moon- it is necessary to consider the compatibility of the Moons, because this is a question of everyday life and how comfortable you are together (location in opposition/quadrature signs or lack of contemplation already creates problems, especially when living together, although this is unlikely to cause separation without other confirmation). The principle of the Moon is to absorb like a sponge, therefore, making any aspect with any planet, it grasps its principle and even slightly exaggerates (into exaltation). For example, when the Moon squares with Venus, the first sees the second almost as a goddess (one can say, literally, Venus is the goddess of love), that is, she is stunned by her beauty (principle). But because of the square, she doesn’t know how to approach, she’s nervous, jealous, offended by the lack of initiative... and the Moon takes any planet so close to her heart. So if you still feel the urge to look for love in synastry, despite point 10, I’ll give you a hint - love in many schools goes along the Moon, it is the person of the Moon who loves and becomes attached to the planets of the partner by aspect.

Light: For good compatibility, the woman’s Moon should not be strongly afflicted when Venus may be afflicted.

Tense aspects Luna is hurt and begins to react emotionally. If the Moon is touched, for example, by Saturn, then the Moon person may lack warmth and tenderness, Saturn will seem too cold to him, and at the moment of a quarrel, the Moon will begin to sort things out or cry (see how this manifests itself in the native according to natal), and Saturn will just stop talking, he seems more ruthless towards the Moon man. With Mars, the tense aspect is very bad, because the Moon person feels constant tension in the presence of Mars, as if she is being hunted and can begin to defend herself in advance, hence the constant quarrels that almost never end. empty space. Although Mars really gives the Moon a lot of trouble, as if it cuts to the quick, be it harsh statements, careless actions or even assault. Moon in Scorpio may like this, but others will suffer and burst into tears. For example, my good friend’s Mars squared my Moon and any touch, even a friendly pat on the shoulder, left bruises on my skin. Sometimes, in tense aspects, the Moon’s principle of “absorbing” turns into a purely consumer one, especially after the desire to receive the principle of the aspected planet meets obstacles corresponding to the tense aspect - the soul has been wounded, which means we will use it stupidly.

Harmonious Aspects The moon is beckoned spiritually, this is something that is almost close to her. They can also be considered as a subconscious understanding of the functions of the planet by the Moon and a good attitude towards them on a sensory level (smells, touches, sounds, tenderness). That is, if this is a trine Moon Mercury - the Moon person will understand well why Mercury said so, it will be close to him, and maybe he will like the voice of the Mercury person (a friend of mine had the Moon conjunct with a partner afflicted by Mercury in the 1st house - she really liked the way he burrs). The Moon is also a concern and if, for example, it falls into the 4th house of a partner, then the Moon person will actively take care of the comfort in his loved one’s home, and if in the 1st - about his appearance and so on.

Mercury- it is important to consider this planet as a quality of mutual understanding between partners. For love relationship Mercury does not have to have a harmonious aspect, you can argue if everything else is in order, but in a friendly circle, most likely you will often find that all Mercury is located in the same element.

Harmonious aspect (including the conjunction) of Mercury causes an understanding of the functions of the planet on an analytical level, although they may not be spiritually close to him (“Yes, yes, I understand your position, I will not argue,” will say Mercury, which harmoniously aspects Jupiter. “Although for me it is completely different,” since Jupiters are in opposition signs). So if this is an aspect with a luminary, then good mutual understanding in a couple is guaranteed. A disharmonious aspect can deprive a Mercury person of interest in communicating with a person of the luminary (they may listen to him inattentively), but there are other ways of interaction if you are a guy and a girl;)

Tense aspects Mercury arouses interest in the functions of the planet it aspects, as a result of misunderstanding, and this depends on the sign of Mercury, because otherwise this, on the contrary, will become the reason for condemning the functions of the partner planet in verbal form, or at the level of analysis, thinking, that is, we look at how much Mercury curious. But we must not forget about point 6: so, with Mercury squared with Mars, it is the Mars person who will argue with the Mercury person, in turn, the Mercury person may stop being tactful and polite in dealing with Mars, he will want to defend himself with words, hence involuntary swearing in their dialogue, Mercury’s causticism, etc. If a guy and a girl communicate with this aspect, then the Mars person will provoke Mercury on all sorts of sexual topics, he will like to talk to him about such things, but at the same time, the communication style or responses of Mercury may irritate the Mars person. If instead of Mars there is Pluto, it will be interesting to raise all sorts of esoteric topics in the dialogue, and also the Pluto person will clearly pick on Mercury, mock, troll.

Light: There is nothing good about a Mercury square, especially if they are placed in fixed signs, although they can spark initial interest.

Here it is correct to use the word like/dislike, this is what Venus will tell us about (but do not forget about points 2, 6 and 7). Its principle is to evaluate and, if you like, appropriate.

Tense aspects Venus pushes away from the function of the aspected planet and gives outright hostility. For example, a friend of mine had her Venus in synastry in opposition to Saturn in her partner’s 4th house - she simply couldn’t stand his mother.

But intense aspects of Venus with gender planets and Pluto, on the contrary, give sexual attraction and passion (which, however, has an expiration date and if there are no other significant aspects, the relationship will not last long), and if it is a square Venus (f) Mars (m ), in this combination the woman, as expected, feels like a woman, and the man feels like a man. When these planets change roles, that is, Mars is for the lady, and Venus is for the man, then in relationships the initiative begins to come more strongly from the woman, she feels dominant, playing the role of Mars, especially in sexual terms (depending on the position of Mars in the natal we we will understand whether she likes it or not, and according to point 4 - whether the martyr likes it). Tense aspects of Venus with Pluto are also considered good for intimate compatibility. The opposition of the Sun with Venus speaks of a strong attraction in the sense of external attractiveness.

Harmonious Aspects Venus attracts, this is what Venus is satisfied with in a partner, for which the Venus person appreciates him. For example, Venus in trine to Neptune exercise 10 in a partner’s chart means that we like what a person strives for, we like his work, we like his status in society, etc. But the trine of Venus with Saturn can be considered a harmonious aspect only if the former is in the abode/exaltation of Saturn. If not, then the relationship will be like the relationship between a rabbit and a boa constrictor - the Saturn person will seem too cold for the Venus person.

Mars is a provocateur and/or stimulator in synastry. If it connects with exercise 1, then it provokes actions according to the symbolism of its sign: “Go in for sports, go in for sports!” - my dad keeps telling me with Mars in Aries even when I’m already doing it)).

Light: The lack of involvement of Mars (man or woman) in the synastry can lead to the direction of the energy of Mars outside the synastry - going to the left (author's note: if there are indications in the natal chart of the ability to cheat, I will write an article about this soon)

There is also an interesting observation from Lewka - very often we find men with Mars, like our dads, a similar degree, sign, sometimes aspectation.

In tense aspects Mars provokes not only activity according to the functions of the aspected planet, but also aggression, passion, and sex; it does this quite straightforwardly. If there is an opposition or square of Mars with the partner’s luminaries/ascendant, then despite a harmonious relationship, the partner can be seriously annoying.

In harmonious aspects Mars stimulates activity, helps a partner, and real deeds, physical actions. Therefore, it is good to have a trine or conjunction of Mars with employees.

For boys to be friends, you need the placement of Mars in friendly signs, as well as the absence of tension between Mars and Pluto.

For girls' friendship - Venus. And also the absence of tension between Venus and the Moon.

Katia-crimea: One practicing astrologer I know said that in synastry it is very easy to see who will “run after” whom more. According to him, it is enough to look at whose Mars is facing the sun.

Our views, morals, attitudes, worldview and ability to give gifts to a partner. In synastry it is considered a conflict planet with tense aspects. No matter how strong the passion is, Jupiter square (not opposition!) Jupiter will kill love in any case (approx. Hamburgerin)

If they are harmonious, this is a seal of happiness.

In tense aspects Jupiter is indignant and tries to pester with his advice, gives lectures and morals.

Despite this, when Jupiter is in opposition/conjunction with the luminary/ascendant of passion, the Jupiter person often seeks to benefit his loved one, be it material support or assistance with advice. I also observed a square of Jupiter to Venus and Jupiter was constantly reluctant to give her his things to wear, but he gave them away.

Mashina: My husband’s Jupiter is in exact opposition to my Venus - he gives with desire. But the fact that I didn’t fit into his worldview as a woman is another matter. That is, the facets of the aspect are important. Maybe that’s why he gives a lot because he still wants, according to his Libra Venus, to finally receive the ideal! Go, grit, get a haircut, go to the pool, go buy a dress... That is, he gives it not because I’m so lovely, but to charm me to his taste. He gives, as it were, because it is necessary. You can’t say it’s forced, but it’s not like a trine/sextile either.

In harmonious aspects Jupiter admires and takes pride in the functions of the planet it aspects. If this is a synastry of friends, it will be great if their Mercurys are mutually well aspected by Jupiters, then, with other confirmations, they will always have something to chat about. The harmonious aspects of Jupiter with the luminaries are called seals of happiness, because the person of the luminary feels happy next to Jupiter.

Light: Without aspects of Jupiter, marriage is possible, but without aspects of Saturn it is unlikely.

Saturn- this is the glue of any synastry; without its aspects to the luminaries/ascendant, no relationship will work out for a long time. And it is the Saturn man who decides how long they last.

Scat: Saturn tends to push more for the purpose of control, which is why it seems that the duration depends on Saturn because outwardly it looks like independence. However, I observed the following thing: Saturn Man is deliberately sent, and for some reason he begins to cave in on his own, because... feels extremely insecure, pathetic and doomed. Arrogance disappears somewhere and bleats like lambs...

So Saturn is a desire for control, losing control, Saturn will try with all its might to return it, the familiar past. But there is another opinion:

Light: Pluto is for control, Saturn is about something else. Saturn intends to correct what is wrong: “I will lay down my life, but I will make a man out of you.”

In tense aspects (including the conjunction) he controls and limits the functions of the aspected planet, doses them or puts them in a framework (whether the planet will meet him depends on how it relates to Saturn according to reception, I repeat that this applies to any aspect!). Intense Aspects of Saturn to the luminaries are called the seals of misfortune, but they are the ones that cement relationships for a long time (because Saturn is patience, without it, you know, there is nowhere in a serious relationship). Of course, it is better if Saturn connects with the moon/sun, sits on the partner’s ascendant, or makes a more intimate trine with the luminary, but even with its intense aspects, people coexist well, especially if see point 3: people’s synastry was posted on another forum who have been married for 35 years, there is a mutual square of Saturn to the suns in Capricorn and Aquarius, in this case, Saturn made a square to the planet that “loves” him and is ready to accept him, so it worked unambiguously, like glue, and not a seal of misfortune.

Light: Excerpt: Irinkin Dmitry Borisovich Matia

“I think what keeps each other close to each other is the “defeat of the Moons by Saturn.” Stefan Arroyo mentions in his works that Saturn in synastry is a stabilizing factor.

I am convinced from my own experience that the mutual aspects of Saturn (Saturn - Sun, Saturn - Venus cause in people a feeling of a strong mutual connection and force them to undergo joint tests. Moreover, this connection cannot be rationally explained. Here it is and that’s all here. Usually the Saturn person acts in relation to the partner as a disciplinary factor. However, this disciplinary factor is not perceived as something strongly dominant or weighing on him.

Or let's say so. A person sees (or vaguely senses) certain negative qualities in himself, but due to his current structure he is not able to cope with them. And when a Saturn man appears in his life, he positively perceives his disciplinary role. It’s as if he finally found something that will discipline him... Of course, more often these will be unconscious sensations or desires.

Such Saturnian aspects can be interpreted as a strong karmic connection that is formed over many incarnations.

Two more words about the aspects of Saturn and Venus. This can manifest itself in so-called addictive love (see books by our wonderful psychologist M.E. Litvak). This is a craving that can be curbed, but cannot be destroyed. That is, you can restrain it at the level of behavior control, but you cannot restrain it at the level of desire. It (desire) is present despite all our tricks and persuasion."

Aspect of Saturn (f) and Venus (m) - a woman is cooler towards a man when he wants love. Male Venus is like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor, in front of female Saturn, especially in a negative aspect (and don’t forget about point 4). But it also happens the other way around:

Lewka: There is a familiar couple: his Saturn is on her Venus. He’s just “addicted” to her, and she... grumbles and complains that he’s “pressuring and oppressing” her.

There is nothing criminal in the square between Saturns.

In harmonious aspects he tolerates the functions of the aspected planet, even if he doesn’t like something, he won’t even mention it, he’ll keep it to himself.

Uranus- it is not easy to interpret the higher planets in synastry, because not everyone actively manifests themselves in their natal chart, and even in compatibility they begin to work in closer relationships. Uranus is a thirst for liberation and renewal, therefore:

Tense aspects Uranus dreams of quickly getting rid of the functions of the partner’s planet, cannot spend time with him for a long time, gets bored. I knew a synastry in which the girl’s Moon was in opposition to the guy’s Uranus and Saturn. He loved her very much from a distance, they met like that for many years, but as soon as she arrived - that’s it, the guy dreamed of getting rid of her as quickly as possible, since she was whining all the time and sorting things out with him, he sent him home, and then brought him back again and they continued communication via Skype. (useful to read: http://forum..php?m=sr&it=29749)

Mashina: When MCH put Venus in an exact square to Uranus for me, I was overcome by some kind of rage at close contact. As soon as the excessive fussing and fussing began, the irritation was physically felt. I couldn't be with him for a long time. Five hours is the limit, and then I want to escape.

Harmonious Aspects Uranus, as well as tense ones, can liberate the partner’s planet, give it a touch of paradox, that is, roughly speaking, if a person is straight, in the company of Uranus he may unexpectedly begin to behave bisexually. For example, when my Uranus made a trine to a friend’s Mercury, he could play the role of a clown in front of me and talk ridiculous nonsense, although in his life he never behaved like that with anyone, except for my peers, whose Uranus also touched his Mercury.

Neptune- the planet of anesthesia, euphoria and castles in the air. If this is a creative union, then the Neptune person will be inspired by the functions of the partner’s aspected planets. It is not difficult to guess that it is:

Tense aspects will mislead the partner regarding the functions of his aspected planet, and deceive expectations.

If this Sun-Neptune - the one whose Sun - will wear rose-colored glasses in relations with Neptune, and Neptune will mislead the Sun, by what things see in which house in the natal the sun is and what it rules.

Canela: And in any aspects with Neptune there is often deception, a desire to be deceived.

Moreover, it is precisely the planet that Neptune aspects, especially if it is in the signs of Neptune or has the same natal aspect(as happens with peers in synastry - see point 6), then maybe Neptune was not going to deceive anyone at all, to the question: “How do you like me in this dress?”, He said: “It’s okay, it’s normal,” and the planet already I decided in my head that he liked this dress so much that he was ready to walk down the aisle with her in it (this is about the intense Venus-Neptune aspect).

If this is a square Neptune (m) Moon (w) - the Neptune man can make it clear to the Moon how much he wants her to become the mother of his children, although in fact he is not at all ready for this. And the Moon person will strongly idealize/idolize Neptune, seeing only the best in him, not noticing his shortcomings. If friends have this aspect, then the Neptune person will “solder” the Moon, try to drag him into some sects, share his beliefs, etc.

Canela: Also, the owner of the Moon can confuse his emotions towards the owner of Neptune (and if instead of the Moon there is the Sun, he will confuse his thoughts). The Moon absorbs Neptune's culture as if it were her own. But unfortunately, the truth of life is that there is often deception, a desire to be deceived.

Venus in opposition to Neptune - a contrast between the irrational, vague ideals of one and the specific tastes of the other, a blurred/biased perception of appearance and femininity in a couple, a lot of things according to individual natal charts. There may even be a difference in approach to money, since Neptune is like non-cash and non-specific investments, and Venus is comfortable materialism. The opposite of a value system. But for romantic dreams/fantasies at a distance, Venus opposition Neptune will provide food.

Jiya: But we must also remember about the level of development - the more developed a person is and the more he uses his Neptune for its intended purpose, and not at a lower level, the greater the chance that there will be no lies. And if the Martyr has only one meander, and even then a straight one, how else can the poor man use his Neptune? So he uses it as best he can. And if the Martyr uses his Neptune, for example, in finance, since his intellect allows him, then he does not need to lie, why?

Harmonious Aspects will induce euphoria, provided that Neptune in the chart is a working planet, it can give a feeling of “wrapped up”, detachment, relaxation, and serve as inspiration.

Pluto- just like Mars provokes, but on a more subtle psychological level. If he makes tense aspects to the angles or to their rulers, it can be interpreted as fatal circumstances (what kind of circumstances - see the house in which he stands in the natal).

Tense aspects Pluto is carefully squeezing/squeezing functions out of the partner’s aspected planets, provoking them to take some risk. So the opposition of the Moon with Pluto is not only sexual attraction (see above), but also inciting the cautious Moon to adventure, that is, extreme sensations, squeezing emotions out of her. When I observed the opposition of Jupiter with Pluto, Pluto “squeezed” optimism out of the Jupiter person so that he would always be with him in good mood, although it was not said openly, the Jupiter man felt such a strange pressure, as if he was constantly expected to have a joyful facial expression and the phrases: “Everything will be fine with you!” Well, of course, Pluto can also be dissatisfied, like Mars, but instead of an open fight, he will try to adjust/transform you to suit himself. Moreover, after a relationship, the owner of the planet can safely say that they were instructive for him, he developed in them (approx. Solovushka)

Harmonious Aspects Pluto, like Mars, provides support and stimulation, but not on a physical level, but on a psychological one.

Nodes and Lilith - I don’t like to consider fictitious points in the synastry, and without them there is enough information, but if you are interested, the partile connection of personal planets with the southern node or Lilith of the partner is considered a karmic relationship, this means that it is difficult together, since you are working out some lessons/debts from past life(see the symbolism of the planet in conjunction and the aspects of Saturn) and being apart is bad, it is impossible to separate until you work everything out.

It is believed that in conjunction with Lilith, it is its owner who “hangs” on the functions of the partner’s planet, becomes vampiric and cannot let go. But there is also another opinion:

Alina: If a person’s planets align with my Lilith, this person is not very pleasant to me, and I definitely don’t cling to him. And he, if this is MCH, has a very strong and lasting interest in me for years, for example, such a strange love... And F reacts to me inappropriately, attributing something that is not there, and is even jealous! But I won’t expect indifference from her! The trick is that I myself am indifferent to them. The owner of Lilith is violet, and his partners are tense.

The rest of the karma in relationships is well written here: http://forum..php?m=sr&it=27855

Planets in partner's houses A separate extensive topic, we touched on it slightly:

Light: Doma is a passive observer of the activity of an alien planet.

For example, Venus in my 8 - makes the owner of this Venus show properties that may not be inherent to her, but if she is aspected by my planets, then I will see something diabolical in this planet, and the rest simply see a twin Venus, well, not possessing any There are some serious properties there. And the owner of the planet in my 8th house will not be very comfortable, since I too can bring this planet under crisis and this relationship can cost it dearly. These relationships can be experienced with love by the owner of the planet or vice versa, but there will always be anxiety. The owner of a house can “buy” love, but as they say, for every “purchase” in life you have to pay

Mashina: Hitting planets on the 1st very important, especially on Asc. For example, when Mars hits the first, I feel causeless irritation at the owner of Mars; when the Sun hits the first, it is important for me that the owner is always sunny. I can hardly stand the despondent mood of such a person. When Saturn gets into the 1st - just boas and rabbits. She just gave up terribly for no reason (Author’s note: this happened too, I just felt a lot of tension in the presence of the owner of Saturn on my Asc, I was afraid to make an extra wrong move, or something wrong to say). Lilith in my first - the man was sure that I directly saw only shortcomings in him: “You, grit, are holding me by the f***.” Well, I really saw them clearly.

http://forum..php?m=sr&it=28075 - topic 2-8 houses in relationships, giving and receiving in synastry.

If the partner’s planets fall into our 5th house, we like their functions, this is what we notice in a person that is pleasant for us at first sight. For example, in the synastry of my friends, the girl’s Mars falls in the guy’s 5th house, and her Uranus falls in her: he fell in love with her when he heard how sexually she swears, and she fell for him because he behaved like an idiot, very shocking.

Light: it is important that the planets fall into 4th and 6th house- ability and desire to take care of each other. The one whose partner’s planets are in the house shows concern. Another opinion:

Canela: he does not serve whose house or whose planets; when hit, the sphere of the house itself and the action of the planet gain greater scope and become manifest. - a planet that falls into 8th house partner, serves as a gradual incitement to a crisis in a relationship and, as a result, often becomes the cause of separation in the opinion of the owner of the 8th house.

Jia: But also, depending on who. This situation can hit finances or play out as a very strong, drug-addicted addiction for the owner of the eighth house according to the functions of the planets that came to him, and to the point of stupor, as a rule. Of course, it also depends on the house - the 8th Aquarius and Scorpio - the difference is significant.

Venena: With an Aquarius you won't get caught up in drama. 8 Scorpio probably gets a thrill from such irritation, which is where the stickiness comes from.

If you want to know what it will be like for you to have sex with your partner, the 8th house will also come in handy. Consider the aspects of exercise 8 and the planets in 8 with the partner planets. For example, one acquaintance recalled the worst sex with me, as dirty in the literal sense, even in terms of hygiene. In his synastry with the young lady, his ex.6 Neptune squared her 8th house Mars. He also mentioned that in bed she behaved like a log, did not react in any way to his caresses: his exercise 8 Venus trine her Saturn. Good sexual compatibility involves intense or harmonious aspects of Mars and Pluto with the elements of the 8th house.

Interpretation of the trine of the Moon with Venus in the horoscope of compatibility of partners from the book “Synastric Aspects” F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

Compatibility: Man/woman's Moon in trine to partner's Venus

This comparative combination is considered one of the most favorable for the formation of romantic relationships. Both individuals find great pleasure in communicating with each other, having a lot of common interests in the intellectual sphere and the sphere of beauty.

If all comparison factors are favorable, with this combination, a strong physical attraction arises between individuals, supported by emotional and sensory compatibility.

Both individuals, having almost identical ideas about the values ​​of existence, engage in common house-building with great pleasure and enthusiasm. The man's Moon is in trine to the woman's Venus.

"Venusian" individuality has a significant socio-aesthetic effect positive influence to the “lunar” one, which, for its part, provides her with confidence in the reliability of the everyday rear of their relationship, which, naturally, contributes to her more effective creative self-expression.

The double connection of this aspect with Taurus, combined with the expansive Solar-Jupiterian nature of the trine, suggests that this comparative aspect is very favorable in the formation of business relationships between people, especially in the field of beauty, as well as in the field of practical house-building. If the aspect is generally positive, then it can be argued that individuals will treat each other with mutual respect and kindness.

What does the Moon trine with Venus mean in the natal chart?

Let's consider what the Moon in trine with Venus can mean. I have the Moon trine Venus in my natal chart, and this aspect has always been very favorable for me. When I enter the hall to give a lecture, people are more friendly than hostile to me.

The Moon trine Venus gives me a certain attractiveness to others. The downside of this aspect is that you have to take care of yourself in order to be well prepared to do your job, since it is very easy for you to get a warm reception from the public.

Pleasant aspects are not as important as squares, but when they are formed, your client, as a rule, will experience some pleasant event. I recently did a study on the cards of people who won the lottery. I did it this way, by the way, but I still managed to establish that the winners had Venus in aspect to Jupiter in their natal charts. If the promise is not present at the time of birth, this is unlikely to happen.

Moon in trine with Venus. There are no such promises of luck in my card, so I stopped buying lottery tickets a long time ago. However, when Jupiter began trine my sign while I was on a cruise, I hit eight jackpots playing the poker machine.

I also won at Bingo, and I 26 am one of those people who win very rarely. Therefore, even unlucky people can be lucky when favorable aspects are formed in the heavens. However, I do not expect that I will ever be able to achieve large and stable winnings. Clients who have many aspects on their map that promise an easy life often lack drive. They are content with what happens; for example, they can work in the same place all their lives.

Such clients can maintain a marital relationship, even if their marriage is unsuccessful, they tend to maintain it unless they have an incentive such as a square that would push them to break up and change their lives.

It is necessary for progressions and transits to properly stress them so that changes for the better begin in their lives, otherwise they will not even lift a finger. When I started studying astrology, I learned that the Grand Trine is a wonderful gift of fate. It can indicate the presence of genuine talent and very exceptional abilities.

When I began private practice, I discovered that clients with a Grand Water Trine had artistic inclinations, but sometimes they did not have any artistic inclinations at all. I was shocked when I met. people who had Grand Earth Trines and lived on unemployment benefits.

Venus symbolizes sensuality, passion, emotionality. The Moon and Venus are feminine planets and are responsible for the manifestation of tenderness, affection, care and warmth in relationships, for this reason, in astrological analysis, the favorable aspects of these planets can smooth out all other shortcomings.

Harmonious conjunctions in synastry: Venus and Moon

The favorable aspect of the conjunction of the Moon with Venus speaks of the devotion and fidelity of the partners, the stability of the union and a good prospect for marriage. This is an aspect of a happy relationship that is full of love, trust, and mutual understanding between partners. These partners are always connected on a sensual and spiritual level at the same time. Also, these relationships can be drawn from past incarnations, which strengthens a successful union. In such couples, the power of love can help strengthen financial situation and provide property savings.

Moon and Venus: opposition in synastry

The opposition of the Moon and Venus speaks of a strong sensual attraction and attraction between partners, which is largely based on passion and sexual instincts. Such a union, despite the strength and intensity of feelings, can be fragile and short-lived. The Moon partner can fall into depressive states and suppress the passion of the Venus partner with his melancholy.

These couples can either converge or diverge, living for a long time in constant tension and in hope for a better future. Ultimately, a breakup will be inevitable, which will bring considerable heartache to the Venus person.

Moon and Venus: square in synastry

The aspect of the Moon and Venus square in synastry indicates the difficulty of expressing emotions and feelings by both partners. Each of the partners in such an alliance will try to hide their true feelings and passion, considering this a sign of weakness. At the same time, both will expect the other to show activity and determination. Frequent resentments and misunderstandings may arise, which will ultimately lead to disappointment and mental anguish as a result of a break in the relationship.

Despite the separation, each of the partners will secretly dream of renewing the relationship, but at the same time they will not take any actions towards true reconciliation and rapprochement. Unfulfilled feelings during the square of the Moon and Venus can bind partners for years on a subtle level, which can prevent the creation of new stable relationships due to emotional attachments from the past.

If both the Moon and Venus in a synastric conjunction are weak, then both people will demand a lot from each other than they actually give. Harmonious aspects of Moon Venus in synastry, i.e. trine and sextile are very favorable for any relationship.

The Moon and Venus are two female planets that are responsible in astrology for the manifestation of love, tenderness, affection, i.e. these are planets of feminine, Yin energy. In both cases, this woman will already be attractive to this man. The more accurate the orb, the closer the connection, although even the presence of the Moon and Venus partners in the same sign will be a big plus, because The energy desired by a man will be present in a woman. But it is imperative to take into account the strength and weakness of the Moon and Venus in the synastric aspect - to analyze whether the planets are equal in strength.

Those. a partner with a weak planet in conjunction with Moon Venus may be more touchy, suspicious, or hysterical, depending on what signs the planets are in.

Intense interaction of gender planets in synastry

And a weak planet requires more than it gives to a strong planet, but also a weak planet is more dependent on a strong one. Venus in Capricorn is dry, a little calculating and, of course, it cannot be said that Venus in Capricorn is strong, but it carries stabilizing energy and is committed to long-term relationships. If a partner with Venus in Capricorn suddenly leaves his Lunar partner, then the Moon person will find it difficult to cope without the supporting energy of the Venusian partner.

The Moon person will sometimes feel that his emotional impulses are not appreciated or understood by his partner with Venus. Water Venus requires emotions, empathy, tenderness, care, and the air Moon will react to such expressions of feelings either too calmly or will be distant. The Fiery Moon will not respond to such tender manifestations and can “extinguish” the watery Venus, upset her, and offend her feelings.

Harmony in relationships: Venus and Moon.

The effect of a trine and sextile will be similar to a conjunction, but the trine and sextile are slightly weaker than the conjunction. You can leave your email if you want to receive notifications about new articles and services. Today you can hear praise addressed to you or appreciate the success of others. Irritability and whining are possible.


Venus symbolizes sensuality, passion, emotionality. These partners are always connected on a sensual and spiritual level at the same time. The opposition of the Moon and Venus speaks of a strong sensual attraction and attraction between partners, which is largely based on passion and sexual instincts.

The sextile of the Moon and Venus indicates the complementarity of the partners, which can be characterized as the “golden mean”

These couples can either converge or diverge, living for a long time in constant tension and in hope for a better future. Each of the partners in such an alliance will try to hide their true feelings and passion, considering this a sign of weakness.

Frequent resentments and misunderstandings may arise, which will ultimately lead to disappointment and mental anguish as a result of a break in the relationship. Such a union will motivate creative achievements, development and personal growth. Very often, such a couple represents both a love and a creative union, which only strengthens over the years. Numerology by date of birth is a wonderful, reliable method that allows you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one.

I have touched upon only a few variations of relationships with harmonious and inharmonious aspects of the Moon and Venus in synastry. The square/opposition of Mars and the Moon in synastry is no less unpleasant. The Moon and Venus for a woman show her feminine energy in the natal chart. The Moon partner can fall into depressive states and suppress the passion of the Venus partner with his melancholy.

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