Razmut - resume for the tired, vacancies to make your dreams come true! Sales agent: activities and responsibilities

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Carry out work to introduce progressive trading methods. 3.8. Set prices for goods (services) and determine the conditions for their marketing (sale) and provision of services. 3.9. Draw up purchase and sale agreements and monitor their implementation. 3.10. Organize the delivery of purchased products and provision of services. 3.11. Control the payment by buyers (customers) of invoices to manufacturers of products or providers of services. 3.12. Keep records of buyers' (customers') claims regarding the execution of purchase and sale agreements. 3.13. Identify the causes of violation of contract terms, take measures to eliminate and prevent them. 3.14. Ensure the safety of completed documentation under sales and purchase agreements. IV. Rights The trading agent has the right: 4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management regarding its activities. 4.2.

Sales agent job description

Education* secondary vocational (economic) 2.2 work experience without requirements for work experience 2.3 knowledge Regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and regulations regulating the organization of marketing and sale of goods and provision of services. Fundamentals of financial, economic, tax and labor legislation. Progressive forms and methods of trade and distribution. Development prospects and needs of the industry, enterprise, institution, organization that are potential buyers (customers) of manufactured products and services provided.

The procedure for concluding sales and purchase agreements and registration necessary documents. Conditions for concluding commercial transactions and methods of bringing goods (services) to consumers. Price tags and price lists. Conditions of the domestic and foreign markets.

Sales agent: activities and responsibilities

Inaccurate information about the status of the work. 4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the Organization. 4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline. 5. WORKING CONDITIONS 5.1. The working hours of a trading agent are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization. 5.2. Due to production needs, a sales agent is required to go on business trips (incl.
local significance). 6. RIGHT OF SIGNATURE 6.1. To ensure his activities, a trading agent is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

Trading agent

This must be taken into account when building interaction.

Profession sales agent


Such activities are not recommended for persons with cardiovascular pathologies, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, mental disorders, hearing, vision and speech defects. Conclusion Sales agent services are becoming increasingly in demand today. At the same time, there are no priorities regarding gender.

As employers themselves note, both have both disadvantages and advantages. For example, girls, as a rule, are less creative, but have a serious approach to work. Young men, on the contrary, more often use creativity, but are often lazy. Occupational risks include financial liability.

Job description of a sales agent

During the period of temporary absence of a trading agent, his duties are assigned to. 2. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES A trading agent carries out the following duties: Negotiates the conclusion of purchase and sale transactions, concludes purchase and sale transactions on his own behalf or on the basis of another person represented by him on the basis of an agreement governing the relationship between them. Conducts purchase and sale transactions as a sales agent with simple rights or a sales agent with exclusive rights.
Performs the functions of a guarantor for the fulfillment of obligations arising from transactions concluded by him, compensating for possible losses in the event of failure to fulfill his obligations, due to insolvency or other circumstances depending on him. Carry out the purchase and sale of goods (services) on his own behalf and at his own expense, being the owner of the goods being sold at the time of conclusion of transactions.

Job Descriptions

Rights Trading agent has the right to:

  1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
  2. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform his job duties.
  3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
  4. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.
  5. Demand that the management of the enterprise provide assistance in the performance of its official duties and rights.

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Performs the functions of a guarantor for the fulfillment of obligations arising from transactions concluded by him, compensating for possible losses in the event of failure to fulfill his obligations, due to insolvency or other circumstances depending on him. 3.12. Based on a study of market conditions for goods (services), it carries out work to identify and record potential buyers (customers) for manufactured products and services provided, and organizes their advertising. 3.13. They set prices for goods (services) and determine the conditions for their marketing (sale) and provision of services. 3.14. Organizes delivery of purchased products and provision of services. 3.15. Carries out work to introduce progressive trading methods. IV. Rights The trading agent has the right: 4.1.

Sales Agent Responsibilities

The sales agent must know how to place products on shelves so that they arouse consumer interest.

  • End of the visit. At this stage it is drawn up required documentation, details of cooperation are clarified, terms and form of delivery, payment procedure are agreed upon.
  • Analysis. It includes an assessment of the amount of time spent on the visit, the level of achievement of set goals (scope of the contract), and other things.
    Based on the analysis, goals are set for the next visit to the outlet.
  • Automation Within a few recent years companies that rely on the work of sales agents establish a close relationship between them and their own managers. The main equipment in this case is a laptop computer or mobile terminal.

Sales agent responsibilities resume

A sales agent is a seller who enters into contracts with retail outlets and enterprises: collects orders, monitors the availability of balances, controls and is responsible for the timely execution of mutual settlements. The position of a sales agent can be considered as an intermediary between the manufacturing company and the end buyer. He must become thoroughly familiar with the range of goods and services of the outlet in order to make correct calculations in the future. required quantity the product he sells.

Places of work The profession of a sales agent is in demand in distribution companies and wholesale companies that supply goods to retail outlets. History of the profession In the past, the duties of a sales agent were performed by merchants and wholesalers; they appeared along with the emergence of trade relations between people. The active development of the profession occurred in the middle of the 19th century.

Sales Representative Responsibilities

Sets prices for goods (services) and determines the conditions for their marketing (sale) and provision of services.

  • Draws up purchase and sale agreements and monitors their implementation.
  • Organizes delivery of purchased products and provision of services.
  • Controls the payment by buyers (customers) of invoices to manufacturers of products or services, and keeps records of claims from buyers (customers) regarding the execution of sales contracts.
  • Identifies the causes of violations of contract terms and takes measures to eliminate and prevent them.
  • Ensures the safety of completed documentation under sales and purchase agreements.
  • III.

If you're trying to decide which direction to take in your career, you'll likely have a ton of options to choose from. Naturally, many of them will not suit you for a variety of reasons, from lack of experience to the need for a specific higher education. However, you don't have to spend five years of your life getting a full-time career. Naturally, in the future you will need a higher education in order to fully function and be competitive both in the company of your choice and in the labor market as a whole. But first, you can choose a profession that does not require specialized skills from you, but at the same time allows you to earn good money and grow in business. We are talking about such a profession as a sales agent. Today it is quite popular, since trade has not slowed down its development for a second since its inception. Trading networks are becoming more and more involved in the world, so you are unlikely to make a mistake if you decide to start a career in the trading industry. This will give you great prospects for further development or a stable job if you don’t strive for something more. So what is a sales agent? What does he do? What are his rights and responsibilities? You will learn about all this from this article.

What kind of profession is this?

A sales agent is a profession that you have most likely heard about more than once. However, do you know what it is? Indeed, in most cases, people, if they do not understand any topic, can hear and remember this or that name somewhere. But if you ask them about exact value, then they are lost. So, if you don’t know what a sales agent does, that’s okay. It is to fill this gap that our article was created. Perhaps, after reading it, you will understand that this is exactly the profession that you dreamed of or that is ideal for you specifically at this stage of life. So, a sales agent is a specialist who acts as a kind of intermediary between the manufacturer and the buyer. He can also act as an intermediary between the distributor and various stores that sell specific products. In general, simply put, this is an employee of one company who is responsible for distributing the products of this company. In fact, you need to know your company's products well in order to act as a sales agent. However, this is only short description professions. Most likely, you want to know a little more about it before you decide to try yourself in this field.

Working conditions

There are people who love to communicate with others. There are people who prefer to sit in the office and work at the computer. There are people who love to travel and are constantly on the move for work. For whom is working as a sales agent ideal? Where exactly will you be working? It turns out that this position requires a mixture of all the qualities described above from a person. You will have to spend part of your working time in the office, organizing documentation, part of the time you will move around to meet customers face to face and discuss the terms of concluded contracts, which, in fact, entails the need for the ability and desire to communicate with people. Therefore, this job is suitable for flexible people who can adapt to any environment. When concluding a sales agent agreement, you should remember that the most important processes in the company will depend on you, so you should understand the full extent of the responsibility that you assume.

Where will you work?

Naturally, every person is interested not only in what duties he must perform, but also in where exactly he will work. If you're looking to build a career as a sales agent, you don't have to worry about not getting a job. This is one of the biggest advantages of this profession, because it is in demand. Most often, such a vacancy is open in a variety of distribution companies and wholesale companies that either produce own products, or serve as a representative of such a company and are responsible for the distribution of goods. The goods arrive at retail outlets for further sale, and you will act as an intermediary in this penultimate step. You will present your company's product to those clients who are interested in its further sale. Thus, you will need to both look for new customers and maintain a constant supply of goods to the old ones. In general, the work will be stressful, but if you are interested in it, you will get a lot of pleasure from it. Well, the topic of what responsibilities a sales agent has has been touched upon more than once. It's time to look into this in more detail, but first you will be interested to know how the profession of a sales agent originated.

History of the profession

The activity of sales agents is not new to this world. Naturally, the profession itself as such appeared only around the nineteenth century, but its analogues have existed since ancient times. Merchants constantly traveled between cities to offer people a wide variety of goods. As a matter of fact, the sales agent does the same thing in modern world: He approaches various companies that might be interested in the products he can offer them. With the advent of this profession and its rapid development, trade acquired a new color. It has become much faster and more efficient; goods sold by competent sales agents have become much faster in finding those people who would like to purchase them. And that is why this profession is so popular today. Now you have studied a short history a profession called a sales agent. The responsibilities of a representative of this profession are a topic that you should now consider in much more detail, since this is what can determine whether you can cope with such a position and, in general, whether you will have the desire to cope with it.


So, what must a sales agent do to be effective and earn his pay? Firstly, his responsibilities include searching for new clients, that is, expanding the client base, as well as Full time job with existing ones. This means that a sales agent must constantly be in contact with people, clarifying delivery volumes, offering new products, and so on, but at the same time you must not forget that your success also depends on the number of your clients, so you will need to spend part of your working time spend on finding new ones. In fact, you will need to enter into supply agreements with them, manage accounts receivable, and represent the goods and services that you distribute. Simply put, you need to have an understanding of what merchandising is. You will need to competently present products to potential clients in order to convince them that they need them, and also that they need them from your company. This way, you find a buyer, convince him that he needs your firm's services, sign a supply agreement, and then control those deliveries, thereby ensuring that the person will continue to work with you for an extended period of time. Now you see that sales representatives, sales agents are very important members of every distribution company. Accordingly, they will be subject to rather stringent requirements.

Requirements: Do you need education?

As stated earlier, you do not need a college degree to become a sales agent. Only an average will be enough, since in this work everything depends on your skills, which can be acquired in practice. However, it is worth noting that a higher education will definitely not harm you, since large companies often first select those candidates who have it. Naturally, in small companies everything may be less severe, so you can always start working in a small company while studying at the correspondence department, so that in a couple of years you will be able to either rise to a higher level. high level in your company, or move to work as a sales agent in a more serious enterprise.

Handling the computer

You need to know how to handle a personal computer, since now all the data is stored there, so it will become your main companion. If you have a particular system installed on your business network, you will most likely be trained to use it, so you also need to be open to learning something new. This can be either a computer system or certain sales techniques, communication with clients, and so on.

Communication with customers

Since we are talking about communicating with clients, you should understand that this will be one of the most important parts of your work. That is why companies most often look for those people who know how to communicate well and competently, convey their thoughts, and convince their interlocutor. At the same time, you must also be generally literate and educated person so that your speech is pleasant and correct. Only in this case will you have a chance of being accepted for this position. It is worth noting that this skill is a much more important aspect than, for example, higher education. And if you impress the employer with your verbal skills in an interview, then you will be more likely to get the job than that applicant who did not look convincing and did not speak clearly and coherently, but at the same time had a higher education.

Driver license

Another advantage for you will be having a driver's license. It is worth noting that in most cases this will not be a plus, but a prerequisite, since a sales agent needs to be constantly on the move, and if you travel exclusively by public transport, then you will act much more slowly. Don't worry, in most cases the company will cover your travel expenses, meaning you will be reimbursed for the amount you spent on gas. And in some cases, you won’t have to worry about this at all, because you will be driving a company car rather than your own. So if you meet all these requirements, then you can confidently fill out a sales agent resume.


When it comes to money, a lot depends on where exactly you work. The average salary of a sales agent in the country is 35 thousand rubles, while it can range from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. Companies often award bonuses to sales agents, which depend on the fulfillment of the sales plan and the number of new clients that the agent has attracted, so everything is not limited to a “bare” salary.

Is it worth taking on this business?

This profession, like any other, has its pros and cons. And if you think that in this case the pros outweigh the cons, then you should definitely try yourself in this position. After all, the requirements are extremely low and allow you to try your hand without even graduating from university.

The profession of “sales agent” appeared in our country relatively recently, but its popularity can be assessed by the number of advertisements in newspapers and vacancies for this position. Who is a sales representative, and what features of the profession will you have to face in the process of work?

Sales agent - all information about the profession

A field worker is an intermediary between the manufacturer of a product and the owner of a retail outlet. He is entrusted with a lot of responsibilities, but the goal is one - to talk about the product in such a way as to sell it.

Mobile Agent Responsibilities

  1. Communication with owners retail outlets– large shopping centers, shops and small stalls.
  2. Receiving and processing orders for the supply of products.
  3. The expansion of the customer base.
  4. Financial control of transactions.
  5. Information support for clients – potential and existing.
  6. Monitor compliance with the terms of the agreement - the product must be in the best place in the store.
  7. Work with documentation - drawing up contracts and reconciling acts.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

1. Feeling of freedom.

A sales agent spends most of his working time on the road and communicating with people; he does not need to sit in the office. However, mobile representatives who have to work in several locations are more limited in time.

2. Decent income.

The result will meet your expectations if you purposefully improve and follow the plan every day. The amount of income always depends only on the individual efforts and professionalism of the agent.

3. Constant movement.

Working as a mobile agent, a person gets the opportunity to move forward not only physically, but also to improve himself. Monotonous activities in the office cause a feeling of hopelessness; a sales agent is always active and developing.

4. Flexible work schedule and distance from management.

The specialist determines the workload of the working day independently; management does not control the movements of the traveling salesman. The main thing to remember is that wage is directly proportional to the effort applied.

As for the shortcomings, there are not many of them. The profession requires a person to have professionalism and knowledge in many areas, a sales agent at the same time:

  • driver;
  • collector;
  • accountant;
  • consultant;
  • psychologist.

You have to work in any weather, with people who are not always friendly, regularly attend training, and study large amounts of information about products.

Required professional qualities

The profession is undoubtedly not for a modest silent person who is not known for his sociability. The position of sales representative must be filled by a person with a number of qualities:

  1. talent for sales - you either have it or you don’t, the art of selling can only be developed and brought to perfection, but there must be an innate predisposition to such work;
  2. talkativeness - a minimum amount of time is allotted for getting to know a store representative, during which you need to make a good impression, present the products and place an order;
  3. discipline - the level of income and success at work depend on the ability to plan a working day, because in one working day you need to solve many problems;
  4. conflict-free – you have to communicate with completely different people and you need to be able to find a special approach to everyone.

Note: It is important to be able to let a random insult pass by and not react to it. At the same time, it is necessary to be able to delicately but confidently confront the offender and maintain good, business-like relationships with him (if the work requires it).

Where can I work?

All areas of trade require field workers, because you need to sell food, household chemicals, clothes, shoes and toys, equipment and household items. Each product group has certain properties, for example:

  • drinks and ice cream are seasonal goods that will bring profit only in the summer;
  • household chemicals and clothing are out-of-season goods.

1. It is preferable to work directly with the manufacturing company. Such mobile agents are provided with:

  • good income, which does not depend on the season of the year;
  • transport provided by the company;
  • corporate mobile communications;
  • health insurance.

2. Working with a distributor involves studying a large number of sheets with a list of products, the composition of the product, its qualities and features, and the availability of a personal car. In this case, the salary will be slightly less.

3. The easiest option is to work as a mobile agent in large supermarket chains. In this case, there are fewer responsibilities and more orders, which is reflected in the amount of bonuses.

Career prospects

It is wrong to think that a sales agent is the pinnacle of a career. With maximum effort, after just six months you can become an instructor, brand manager or supervisor. Don’t stop there, improve, show your talents and complete your tasks efficiently and responsibly. In this case, your efforts will be rewarded with a promotion. Working as a sales agent is difficult, but the financial result and the moral satisfaction gained from daily victories over oneself are worth the effort.

Many people believe that a sales representative and an agent are one profession. This misconception is a consequence of the fact that in many enterprises these professions are combined into one. However, in reality, more tasks are performed by the sales representative. An agent acts as a seller of goods from one or more companies under an agreement with them. Let's take a closer look at this profession.

What does a sales agent do?

This profession is quite specific. The job of a sales agent is to establish mutually beneficial cooperation. Simply put, this specialist connects wholesalers and retailers. To achieve his goal, he should make some efforts. In fact, he must convince the enterprise to purchase from this supplier and not from another. In this case, the sales agent uses various instruments. This could be some kind of discount system, deferred payments, special delivery conditions, and so on.


Exist the following types sales agents:

  1. Upon delivery.
  2. Upon receiving orders.
  3. Visitors.
  4. Informants (explain the advantages of products).
  5. With technical knowledge (they are usually consultants to the company).
  6. For the sale of rarely purchased material products (encyclopedias, for example).
  7. For the sale of intangible assets (education, advertising, insurance).

Specifics of the profession

Sales agents are people with minimal experience. As employers note, the labor market is experiencing high turnover such frames. The fact is that many specialists quit quickly enough, unable to withstand the high intensity of work. To achieve success in this profession, you need to put in all your strength and all your time. The main qualities of a sales agent are activity, determination, communication skills, the ability to quickly make important decisions, and a creative approach to the client. This profession is for those who enjoy communicating with people, who are attracted by the prospect of high income and the opportunity to realize their potential.

Trading agent: job description

Every day of a specialist begins with a planning meeting. It discusses what has already been done and tasks that should be implemented. Each sales agent has his own plan - the norm. For example, at least five contracts must be concluded per week. After the planning meeting, the specialist arms himself with price lists and creates a route for the day. Active activities sales agents lasts until approximately 15 hours. Before this time, it is more likely to conclude the necessary contracts. Each specialist has more than a hundred points in the database. You need to travel around most of them in a day. Having your own car will be a big plus. The main duties of an agent are:

  1. Collection of applications.
  2. Monitoring the fulfillment of obligations.
  3. Collecting money.

In addition, the sales agent constantly comes up with and develops schemes, thanks to which various agreements are formed between clients. These could be different promotions, “shelf buyouts” (part of the counter is occupied by a certain product category), and so on.


The sales agent monitors the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties - the supplier and the buyer. This means that his tasks also include collecting payments. For example, the goods have been delivered, but the client says that payment can only be made in the evening. The sales agent waits for the allotted time and goes to collect the money. Thus, his day can end at 6, 8, or even 10 pm. It should be remembered that a sales agent is a financially responsible person. This is mentioned in the contract that he concludes with the employer. The specialist bears property liability for shortages, unpaid deliveries on time, etc.

Paths to obtaining a profession

Many young people are interested in how to become a sales agent. You can get a profession different ways. However, the first condition is the presence of secondary education. The second mandatory circumstance is age. By law, a minor cannot be a sales agent. This is due to the fact that the profession is associated with money circulation and financial responsibility. Sales agents are trained by special educational institutions. You can get a profession at an educational institution that trains sales specialists. In addition, some educational institutions that provide knowledge from other areas provide the opportunity to receive additional training.

Employers' opinions

Many employers believe that specialists do not need any special training. A sales agent learns all the necessary skills in the process of performing assigned tasks independently. There is, however, another opinion. Employers, in particular, note that all the tasks that a sales agent performs, the responsibilities, capabilities of a specialist, as well as the intricacies of communicating with clients and establishing interaction between them require careful explanation. Employee training, in the opinion of these employers, is a rather serious process. They believe that every sales agent should undergo training. The duties of a specialist require not only creative, innovative thinking, but also certain knowledge. In particular, employees must understand many of the psychological intricacies of human nature, technical specifications products, requirements for drawing up contracts, etc.

Blueprint for success

There is a certain model - 10 steps of a sales agent.

This scheme includes the following points.

  1. Preparation, planning, goal setting. Before visiting retail outlets, the agent reviews his notes, plans a route for the day, and collects all the necessary documents.
  2. Inspection and analysis (external and internal) of CT. these actions involve direct communication with the responsible persons of the retail outlet, withdrawal of balances, and the formation of a new application.
  3. Establishing contact. At this stage, it is important to present yourself competently. When communicating, it is important to know the topics and problems that are relevant to a given enterprise.
  4. Establishment and formation of needs. Using his communication skills and information about trade turnover, the agent offers one or another product. He asks the client questions to find out what is most relevant at the moment. During the conversation, it is important to listen carefully to the person and correctly draw conclusions.
  5. Presentation. During it, the agent talks about the product and the benefits of purchasing it. This is especially important when introducing new products to the market. It is advisable to have a sample of the product so that the client can clearly see the product.
  6. Work with objections. Customers are not always ready to purchase a particular product (especially something new that has never been available at their outlet). So of course they start objecting. In this case, the agent must carefully, without interrupting, listen to all the client’s arguments. Most of them have no practical basis and are a consequence of normal fear of the risk of losing money. The agent must cut out false conclusions and leave those objections that have real significance. After this, the specialist tells how to solve this or that problem that, in the client’s opinion, may arise. It's important to be convincing here.
  7. Completion of the transaction. If all the previous stages brought positive results, then we can consider that the contract has been concluded. However, the agent must first consolidate his success by using “closing”, leading questions (for example, “Are we signing a contract?” or “For how long are we entering into a contract with you?”).
  8. Merchandising. One of mandatory conditions A successful sale is the correct arrangement of goods on the counter. The sales agent must know how to place products on shelves so that they arouse consumer interest.
  9. End of the visit. At this stage, the necessary documentation is drawn up, the details of cooperation are clarified, the terms and form of delivery, and the payment procedure are agreed upon.
  10. Analysis. It includes an assessment of the amount of time spent on the visit, the level of achievement of set goals (scope of the contract), and other things. Based on the analysis, goals are set for the next visit to the outlet.


Over the past few years, companies that rely on the work of sales agents have established a close relationship between them and their own managers. The main equipment in this case is a laptop computer or mobile terminal. Using specialized software, the manager transmits necessary information about clients, products, business processes to agents. The product description is usually supplemented with images and recommendations for its promotion. Thus, the agent becomes a kind of expert. One of the main advantages of an electronic catalog is the ability to quickly change information. For example, a manager had an idea for more effective promotion product. On his computer, he makes the necessary adjustments, which he transfers to the agent’s device. Customer information changes in the same way. At the same time, the agent receives all available information about suppliers and buyers, including shipment limits, debts, advances, management of retail outlets, and organizations through which accounting transactions are carried out.

Strengths of a specialist

The following qualities are important in the work of sales agents:

Advantages of the profession

Sociability, energy, optimism and others positive traits others like it. Typically, a sales agent is the soul of any company. His creativity and creative approach make communication with him exciting and positive. In addition, sales agents have the ability to quickly find a way out of problematic situations. They are distinguished by their responsiveness and willingness to help.

Negative sides

As with any business, there are downsides to being a sales agent. Often people set themselves impossible tasks. Many agents tend to push their limits when planning their day. However, given the transience of time and the need to pay maximum attention to each client, they do not have time to accomplish everything they wanted. As a result, under the influence of physical and emotional stress, they experience stress. This hinders not only the implementation of the plan, but also the solution of pressing life problems. As a result, such people often quit very quickly. Having settled in another company, they will certainly encounter the same problems.

To succeed, you need to be able to deal with emotions, take work seriously, and also adequately assess your strengths. The situation must always be under control. The profession also has medical contraindications. Such activities are not recommended for persons with cardiovascular pathologies, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, mental disorders, hearing, vision and speech defects.


Sales agent services are becoming increasingly in demand today. At the same time, there are no priorities regarding gender. As employers themselves note, both have both disadvantages and advantages. For example, girls, as a rule, are less creative, but have a serious approach to work. Young men, on the contrary, more often use a creative approach, but are often lazy. Professional risks include financial liability. However, it is inevitable, since the specialist works with money and must also ensure the timely receipt of funds to suppliers.

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