How to make a cool house in Minecraft. How to make a beautiful house in Minecraft. We begin the construction of your future building

I taught you how to create a minecraft server, today we will do almost the same thing, but now we will use bukkit, which means that we will be able to install plugins on our server. I repeat, the process is eerily similar to installing a regular server, so don’t be surprised if you experience déjà vu.

Let's get started, first we need to download bukkit. It is absolutely free and can be downloaded from the official website. Here is the link where you can always download the most latest version:

After downloading, put it in an empty folder (for our convenience). Now we need to figure out the launch. If you have Windows, then create a new text file in this folder and write the following in it:

Java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -jar craftbukkit-1.2.5-R1.0.jar

Attention, the number 512 is the minimum amount of RAM that will be allocated to the server. The number 1536 is the maximum RAM. And instead of “craftbukkit-1.2.5-R1.0.jar” there should be the name of your bukkit file. I’ll say right away that if you read the article in the future, the file you downloaded most likely has a different name, because with each update a new version number is written in its name.

Now let’s save our file with the extension “.bat”. For example, I saved it as “run.bat”.

When you run this file, our server will start up. Well, actually, let's launch it. A console window should appear with various messages. We wait until a message like this appears (I waited 25 seconds):

21:12:59 Done (24,943s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

Now we turn off the server by typing the “stop” command in the console. We turned the server on and off so that it generated a map and created the necessary folders and files.

Let's take a look at the files that appeared in our folder. Basically these are the same files that were in the standard server. I won’t describe them, because I did it on a standard server. In addition to them, there are 3 more exclusively bukkit files:

  • help.yml - stores data about the commands of installed plugins and brief information to them. This file is generated automatically and does not need to be modified.
  • permissions.yml - it specifies permissions for users. To be honest, I don’t know at all how to use it, since it was introduced relatively recently and out of habit we use third-party plugins that do their job well.
  • bukkit.yml - basic server settings, now we’ll look at everything in detail.

So, meet bukkit.yml:

#Attention! All .yml files do not allow tabs, use spaces settings: #whether to allow edge: allow-end: true #whether to output system messages to the console if the server is overloaded: warn-on-overload: true #spawn radius. Affects the protection of the spawn territory: spawn-radius: 16 #path to the file with permissions: permissions-file: permissions.yml #if you have a folder /update in the /plugins folder, then at startup #fresh versions of plugins will be taken from it and replaced old: update-folder: update #this function, according to the off-wiki, is temporarily not working: ping-packet-limit: 100 #if you get stuck in blocks when entering the game, try changing this to true: use-exact-login- location: false #something like outputting debugging information about plugins, it’s better not to touch: plugin-profiling: false #time that must pass after leaving the server before you can log in again. #Indicated in milliseconds, that is, 1000 = 1 second. Protects against DDoS: connection-throttle: 4000 ticks-per: #means that animals will spawn every 400 ticks (1 tick = 1/20 second): animal-spawns: 400 #monsters will spawn every tick: monster-spawns: 1 #auto-updater, I’ve never used it, which I advise you to do auto-updater: #is the updater enabled: true #what to do if a bug is found in the current build? now you should "write to the console" and #"write opam": on-broken: - warn-console - warn-ops #what to do if you quit bukkita? now you should “write to the console” and # “write to op”: on-update: - warn-console - warn-ops #on which channel to look for updates ("rb", "beta" or "dev"). "rb" - Recommended #Build, that is, there are only proven, stable versions. "beta" - apparently #more experimental versions. "dev" - the newest, but raw and test versions, #which may have many bugs: preferred-channel: rb #where to look for updates. There is no need to change this parameter. Never: host: #not a word about this item in the documentation: suggest-channels: true #some settings for the database, in the official documentation they are advised not to change: database: username: bukkit isolation: SERIALIZABLE driver: org .sqlite.JDBC password: walrus url: jdbc:sqlite:(DIR)(NAME).db

We also have a “plugins” folder. Typically, plugins are installed by copying the plugin's .jar file into this folder and restarting the server.
If you know English, then get the plugins from here:

Actually, that’s all, we set it up, launch it and play. The commands are the same as for a regular server, plus here are some new ones:

  • /plugins— displays a list of plugins that are installed on the server
  • /reload— if you want to install the plugin on the server without rebooting the server, then copy the plugin to a folder and run this command. It will reload all plugins. But I still don’t recommend using it, it’s not always stable.
  • /say<сообщение> — write to chat on behalf of the server.
  • /tell<ник> <сообщение> — send a private message
  • /version— find out the bukkit server version
  • /whitelist add<ник> — add a player to the whitelist
  • /whitelist remove<ник> — remove a player from the whitelist
  • /whitelist off- disable whitelist
  • /whitelist on- enable whitelist
  • /whitelist list— view whitelist
  • /whitelist reload- reload whitelist from file
It is unlikely that anyone would think of opening a server without plugins, and therefore in this article I will talk about the Bukkit server mod, which allows you to easily connect and disable them if necessary.

Bukkit is developed and supported by a large and quite active community, so it is updated and improved quite often. On their website, with sufficient knowledge of English, you can learn a lot useful information, and also communicate directly with the developer of bakkit and plugins.

You can always find the latest build recommended for installation follow this link at the very top of the list.

System requirements.
Minecraft Server(as well as the client) is very demanding on processor resources. Since currently the Minecraft server core can only use one computation thread, there will be no benefit from using multi-core processors. Some plugins can still be executed in separate threads, and Java itself is not averse to eating up processor resources for its own needs, so a second core wouldn’t hurt, but larger number kernels will bring virtually no benefit to itself Minecraft. "Extra" cores, however, can be used for the needs of other processes running on the server.
But still, as a rule (if, in addition to Minecraft the server is not busy), the following consideration should be taken into account: a dual-core processor with a higher frequency is more suitable for serversMinecraft, than four-(six-, twenty-) nuclear lower. Of course, it is worth taking into account the architecture of the processors and other important points... It’s better this way: the higher the performance of individual cores of the processor, the better it is suitable for our purpose.
The amount of RAM is also an important indicator. If you want to see more than 5-10 people online on your server, it is best to stock up on enough RAM and a 64-bit operating system. 4GB of free memory is enough for 25 people with not a very large number of plugins.
The maximum online speed will also depend on the speed of your Internet connection: 10 megabits outgoing the speed is enough for a comfortable game of 40-50 people. If you have a website, a forum, and especially a dynamic map on the same channel, then an additional speed reserve will not hurt.

So let's get started:
1. Download latest recommended build and move it to the folder where your server will live, renaming it to craftbukkit.jar.
2. Create a .bat file in this folder with the following content:

@ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar PAUSE

3. If you don't have Java installed, now is the time to do this:
-download the distribution for 32-bit or 64-bit platforms
-install it (it is unlikely that there will be any difficulties with this).
4. If you want to see Cyrillic on your server:
-download the Russified font.txt
-open craftbukkit.jar in WinRar
-replace the existing font.txt with the one we just downloaded
-close WinRar
5. Launch previously prepared.bat file (let it be "start.bat"). After the console displays "Done (<какое-то количество>s)!", terminate bakkit using the command stop.

You may notice that various interesting files have appeared in the server folder:
-banned-ips.txt-- list of banned IP addresses
-banned-players.txt-- list of banned player nicknames
-bukkit.yml-- additional bakkit settings file
-ops.txt-- list of server administrators
-server.log-- server log basic server settings file
-white-list.txt-- list of allowed nicknames with an active white list
And also the folders:
-plugins-- folder for placing plugins
-world-- main world folder (default name)
-world_nether-- lower world folder (aka Hell or Nether)

First of all, let's look at

Level-name=world - name of the main world allow-nether=true - turn on/off hell view-distance=10 - radius of the world (in chunks) sent to the player by the server spawn-monsters=true - on/off. mob spawn online-mode=true - on/off. official authorization spawn-animals=true - on/off. animals max-players=20 - maximum number of players server-ip= - server IP address pvp=true - on/off. PvP level-seed= - seed of the main world server-port=25565 - server port allow-flight=false - on/off. ability to fly white-list=false - on/off. whitelist authorization

Of all the settings on this moment you can limit yourself to just correcting the value online-mode With " true" on " false", which will allow players who do not have a licensed version of the client to access your server. We will consider the remaining settings later.
So: change, save, run start.bat...
Launched? You can already connect to your server from the same computer by writing “localhost” instead of the server address.

In order for players from outside to access your server, you need an external IP address and an open port 25565 (if you have not changed it in the settings). External IP is provided by almost any more or less normal provider, but as a rule for an additional fee in the region of 50-150 rubles per month. If you are behind a router, then you will need to “forward” the required port to the internal IP of your computer. It is also worth remembering that you need to allow incoming connections to this port in your antivirus/firewall.


Plugins add the necessary functionality to your server, fix bugs, change mechanics, etc. To install a plugin, just place it in the server plugins folder and configure its settings file, if necessary (there are plugins that do without settings at all).
To work correctly with plugin settings files, you will need a good text editor. I recommend downloading the free one for these purposes. Notepad++(of course, unless you already have something similar).

First of all, I will give one simple piece of advice: because... Minecraft server and it doesn’t work very quickly even on very good gland, if possible, do not install unnecessary plugins. If you don't want to make a hellishly laggy server, select them carefully and don't use so-called "all-in-one" plugins such as Essentials.

There are some types of plugins that you won't be able to do without in most cases. These are plugins for player authorization, automatic world saving and world limiting. It’s also worth adding a rights management plugin here, which makes it possible to manage players’ rights to use various features provided by other plugins.

Let's look at each category in more detail:

The authorization plugin will be useful if not only reliable friends from the local area will access your server, but also any other players whose integrity you are not sure of, while the original authorization (valid only for official paid accounts) will be disabled. Simply put: in the vast majority of cases, you will need this plugin.
Depending on your needs, you need to choose one of the following plugins:
xAuth is the simplest
AuthDB - the most sophisticated

Automatic saving
Such a plugin will be useful to everyone: normally, saves are made irregularly, which is why there is a high probability of losing some buildings in the last few hours if the server crashes, which is very unpleasant. As a suitable one, I would recommend a plugin with an unambiguous name AutoSave, which allows you to save on a schedule, and can also work in a separate thread, which will save players from general lag during the saving process.

Limiting the size of the world
It will be a little secret that the map in Minecraft is generated during the process of its exploration, and it can grow to truly gigantic proportions if it is not limited. Because Minecraft server does not have standard tools for this, you have to use plugins. Today there are two good plugins for these purposes: BorderGuard and WorldBorder. They have fairly similar functionality and performance, but the latter has more flexible configuration and more convenient installation boundaries, which is why I recommend it.

Separation of rights
There are practically no options to choose from in this category. There is only one really good plugin, so let’s not reinvent the wheel and use Permissions. This plugin allows you to manage user rights, dividing them into groups ("beginner", "advanced builder", "VIP", "moderator" - as an example) and defining their access to certain commands and add-on functions. It is a kind of standard and is supported by the vast majority of plugins that require permissions. Recently, it has acquired MySQL support and separate rights settings for each world, as well as the ability to manage rights directly from the game.

Read more about installing and configuring each plugin in the corresponding topics.

To be continued.

Next in the program:
  • MySQL: why you need it and how to work with it
  • Domain name: where to get it and what to do with it
  • Website and forum: how to make it, where to post it

This manual will tell you how to install and run the Bukkit minecraft server.

To get started, you will need to complete three simple steps. Download java to your computer. Here you can download the version for .

Then, you need to download the Bukkit server file itself - which has a rar extension.

(downloads: 1276)

After you have downloaded all the necessary files. Place the Bukkit server jar file in the folder where your server is located. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

Running a server on Windows

You can download ready-made packages and unzip the required batch file into the folder with the Minecraft server. You can edit the things you need, for example, change the size of RAM allocated by the server (by default it is 1 GB). Also, after downloading, you can safely skip points 1-3 described above.

Next, you need to create a text document in the folder with the minecraft server; it will be the basis for launching your server. Warning: The text below, if you copy and paste it into your text document, should not contain any extra characters, if they appear there, delete them.

Launch code for 32-bit system

@ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar craftbukkit.jar

If this code doesn't work, try the next one.

"%ProgramFiles%Javajre7injava.exe" -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar

-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M

This is the amount of RAM consumed by the server.


The server name, which is included in the file name. jar.

Having written down everything necessary, we save the resulting document with the extension - your name.bat. If using Windows you are unable to save with the required extension. Then use the totalcommander program. In it, press the keys ctrl+m and in the box labeled extension, enter - bat and click apply.

Now you can start the server with one click, just double-click on the file - your name.bat. If everything is done correctly, the Minecraft server window will open.

In order to stop the minecraft server, you just need to enter the usual command - stop.

Launch code for 64-bit system

Everything is the same as for 32-bit, only you need to write a different code, the one given below.

@echo off "%ProgramFiles(x86)%Javajre7injava.exe" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 craftbukkit.jar nogui

Running a server on Linux

This method is universal for all Linux systems. First, download java/ then we need to place the server file with the jar extension in a folder, for example, it will be /home/minecraft. Having done this, open the console, then applications/standard/terminal. For Ubuntudekstop, you can use the key combination - ctrl+alt+t.

Go to the server folder by entering the command - cd/home/minecraft/

Enter the command -

And we insert following code:

#!/bin/sh BINDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -fn "$0")") cd "$BINDIR" java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar -o true

Now all that remains is to make the file executable by entering the command - chmod +x /home/minecraft/

cd /home/minecraft/ To start you need to enter - ./

If suddenly you can’t do it, try sequentially entering 1) cd / home/minecraft/ 2) sudo ./

If everything worked out, repeat for the next launch:

To go to the directory, enter - cd /home/minecraft/ To start you need to enter - ./

To stop the server, enter stop in the console.

You will find the server settings in the file - serversproperties. You can find out what is responsible for what by looking under the spoiler.

#Minecraft server properties
#Sat Mar 02 14:08:14 MSK 2013 File creation
generator-settings= Will not need
allow-nether=true Allows transition to the lower world
level-name=world Name of the world map folder
enable-query=false It's unlikely you'll need it
allow-flight=false will allow you to fly
server-port=25565 Server port
level-type=DEFAULT World type. DEFAULT / FLAT / LARGEBIOMES Standard/Flat/"Huge" Biomes
enable-rcon=false Remote access to the server console.
level-seed= Server LED
server-ip= Server IP (you don’t have to write it, especially if it’s dynamic)
max-build-height=256 Maximum height from bottom to top
spawn-npcs=true Villager spawn
white-list=false Enable whitelist (list of players who are allowed to play on the server)
spawn-animals=true Animal spawn
snooper-enabled=false Sending statistics to developers
hardcore=false Hardcore mode (you don't respawn when you die)
texture-pack= The name of the zip archive with textures located in the server folder
online-mode=false Premium Account Authentication
pvp=true Allow PVP
difficulty=1 Difficulty from 0 to 3
server-name=VlomServer ServerName
gamemode=0 Game Mode. 0 - Survival, 1 - Creative, 2 - Adventure (available in new versions)
max-players=20 Maximum number of players
spawn-monsters=true Spawn monsters.
view-distance=10 Distance range, with “lags” can be reduced
generate-structures=true Generates villages
spawn-protection=16 Number of unbreakable blocks from spawn Server description (up to 60 characters)

Bukkit is a server modification designed to simplify the creation of plugins. Bukkit is currently the most popular plugin management system. In this article we will look at a question that interests many Minecraft lovers: how to install a Bukkit server.

How to download the server distribution

Before installation, you need to download the Minecraft Bukkiit server from here: You can always find the latest version of Bukkit at this address.

Installing Bukkit on PC

If you do not already have the Java package installed on your computer, you will need to install it. You can download the package from here

In the same directory where we have the Bukkit distribution, create a .bat file with the following command:

java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -jar [file name with Bukkit distribution]

In this command 512 and 1536 are the minimum and maximum dimensions RAM to allocate for the server. Depending on your computer configuration, these values ​​may vary.

Executing the created .bat file starts the bukkit server, and a console window with system messages appears on the screen. At the first start, the server creates all the directories and files necessary for its operation; all this should take less than a minute.

Let's look at what files were created as a result of the first run:

  • banned-ips.txt – players banned by ip;
  • banned-players.txt – nicknames of banned players;
  • ops.txt – list of administrators (ops);
  • server.log – log where service information is recorded;
  • – server settings;
  • white-list.txt – players who are allowed access to the server;
  • permissions.ym - permissions for players;
  • help.yml - help on plugin commands;
  • bukkit.yml - server settings.

In addition, the following directories appeared:

  • Plugins - directory for plugins;
  • World- - directory for placing the main world
  • World_nether - directory for placing the lower world (Hell, Nether)

Configuring server settings

Let's take a closer look at what the settings are in the Minecraft Bukkit server. Each command is given numeric, text, or Boolean (true/false) values ​​as parameters.

bukkit.yml file

  • allow-end: true - permission to set the edge of the world;
  • warn-on-overload: true - output a system message to the console when the server is overloaded;
  • spawn-radius: 16 - spawn radius;
  • permissions-file: permissions.yml - location of the permissions file;
  • update-folder: update - the folder in which updates are stored;
  • use-exact-login-location: true - parameter that controls login to the game;
  • plugin-profiling: false - affects the output of debugging information;
  • connection-throttle: 4000 - time after logging out, after which you can log into the server again;
  • ticks-per: time in ticks after which they will spawn;
  • animal-spawns: 400 - animals;
  • monster-spawns: 1 – monsters;
  • enabled: true - whether automatic updating is enabled;
  • on-broken: - actions when a bug is detected;
  • warn-ops - write to the administrator;
  • on-update: - actions when an update is detected (same options as above):
  • warn-console - write to the console;
  • warn-ops write to administrator;
  • preferred-channel: rb - channel through which updates are searched;
  • host: - update location. file

  • allow-nether=true - allow transition to the lower world;
  • level-name=world - the name of your world (the folder where the world will be stored);
  • enable-query=false - calling statistics from the server;
  • allow-flight=false - ability to fly around the world;
  • server-port=25565 - server port address;
  • level-type=DEFAULT - server map type;
  • enable-rcon=false – obtaining remote access to the console;
  • level-seed= – level seed;
  • max-build-height=256 – maximum height for buildings (from 64 to 256);
  • spawn-npcs=true - whether spawning of villagers is allowed;
  • white-list=true – white list;
  • spawn-animals=true – permission to spawn animals;
  • online-mode=true - true for licensed ones, false - for pirated ones;
  • pvp=true – PVP permission;
  • difficulty=1 - game difficulty (from 0 to 3);
  • gamemode=0 – game mode, 0/1 – survival/creative;
  • max-players=20 – maximum number of players on the server;
  • spawn-monsters=true – permission to spawn monsters;
  • generate-structures=true – permission to generate villages and other structures;
  • view-distance=10 – visible range;
  • motd=A Minecraft Server – message displayed in the list of servers, no more than 60 characters.

Installing new plugins

Downloaded plugins (.jar files) must be copied to the Plugins folder. It is important to remember that the plugin starts working only after the server is restarted.

Teams for the game

  • /help – full list commands;
  • /kick – disconnects a player from the server;
  • /ban – ban a player;
  • /pardon – unban a player;
  • /ban-ip – ban by IP address;
  • /pardon-ip – unban by IP address;
  • op – make the player Op;
  • deop – demote Op to player;
  • tp – transfer of one player to another;
  • /give – give the player an item;
  • /tell – send a message;
  • /stop – stop the server;
  • /save-all – save the map;
  • /list – list of players;
  • /say – output a message to the chat;
  • /gamemode – determines the game type;
  • /time set – sets the time of day.

Well, are there any more questions about how to create a Minecraft Bukkit server? Then go ahead, launch the server and invite all your friends to join! Good luck in the game!

This is the first and introductory article on setting Minecraft servers based on the best server mod of the game - CraftBukkit.

  • Preparation
  • Installation and Russification
  • Starting the server
  • Settings
  • General information on plugins
  • Basic plugins


The server will be built under Linux. However, only this first article will be related to it, the rest are about plugins, so they are applicable to any OS where you can run a server.

Nginx and Mysql, basic understanding of the Screen utility are desirable.

Mkdir minecraft && cd minecraft sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre screen zip

Installation and Russification

These operations can be automated, but before we move on to the script, a little theory:

The latest recommended server build is You need the latest recommended build, not just the latest one. Otherwise, handle the plugins.

From the cracker you need to take the lang and font.txt folder and replace the files inside the server .jar file with them. This is convenient to do in the archive manager, since the .jar is almost a regular .zip.

The script does all this automatically. Unfortunately, the author of the crack does not provide a permanent link to the latest version, so when the crack is updated, the link in the script needs to be edited.

  • The script downloads the latest recommended server build and crack into a temporary folder.
  • Unpacks and replaces the files of the first the necessary files second.
  • Updates the server .jar file to the resulting Russified one and deletes the temporary folder.
vim scripts/ #!/bin/bash mkdir -p tmp_ru && cd tmp_ru wget 1-R1.jar wget unzip \*/lang/\* \*/font.txt mv to\ jar/* . zip -j craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1.jar lang/\* font.txt mv -f craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1.jar ../ cd ../ && rm -rf tmp_ru

Make the script executable and run:

Chmod +x && scripts/

To find out about the release of new versions, you can use these RSS feeds:

Starting the server

We will also launch the server using a script and wrap it in screen. The script starts the server and restarts it if it is already running.

Vim scripts/ #!/bin/bash screen -X -S minecraft quit cd `/dobroservers/minecraft screen -A -m -d -S minecraft java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1. jar chmod +x

Start the server:


After this, more files will be added, including settings files will be created.



Offline mode (your harbor is open to corsairs):


Difficulty, range 0-3:


Server name:


Server description:

This is the second line before connecting to the server.


In this file you can configure the database and aliases.

The first ones are more convenient to configure with a plugin, but you can specify the base:

Change the database to Mysql:

Database: username: minecraft isolation: SERIALIZABLE driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver password: pass url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft

Here we specify Mysql settings so as not to specify them for each plugin separately. For the future, not all plugins can take settings from here yet.

Many of them offer the choice of storing the database in Mysql or locally. The first option is always better. Firstly, it is much faster, and secondly, it will be easier to work with the database - for example, if the plugin creates duplicate records and you need to fix it.

For convenience, store all plugin data in one database, but use prefixes for different plugins, for example lwc_ for LWC.

Applying settings

To apply the settings, the server must be restarted:


The script will simply kill the server and start it again - the world changes will not be saved.

Now this is absolutely not critical, at the beginning only you sit on the server, and even then you don’t build, but check whether it works.

And if other players were playing on the server, it would be more correct to restart like this:

Screen -x minecraft save-all stop /scripts/

However, in the future, a separate plugin will be used for restarts, which will save everything itself; we will talk about it a little later.

Connect to the server and check if everything is fine.

General information about plugins

Does not require any settings, allows you to use informers.


For the plugin to work, first install WorldEdit:, the in-game map editor.

It will be discussed in a separate article, but for now just copy WorldEdit.jar and CommandHelper.jar to the plugins folder and reload the plugins with the reload command.

The config.txt file contains many examples of basic scripts and aliases, I advise you to rename it to config.txt.examples, create a new empty config.txt file and fill it as needed:

Mv plugins/CommandHelper/config.txt plugins/CommandHelper/config.txt.examples vim plugins/CommandHelper/config.txt

One team:

/save = /save-all

Macro of two commands:

/ver = /plugi l all \ /version

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