How to serve pineapple correctly. How to beautifully serve pineapple on a holiday table? How to eat pineapple correctly? — Useful information for everyone. What diseases does exotic fruit treat?

Unfortunately, not all pineapples are juicy and ripe. To choose a good pineapple, pay attention first to its peel. A hard pineapple is unripe; too soft is old and possibly spoiled. A good pineapple is quite elastic, but without damage. The rind of a ripe pineapple may be slightly green, but if it is covered with dark spots, then this is a signal that it has begun to rot. Tap the pineapple lightly; a ripe one will have a dull sound. Pull the pineapple by the leaf; when the fruit is ripe, it will easily come off. And finally, smell the fruit - a good pineapple has a light, pleasant smell. If you do come across an unsweetened pineapple, make it into a fruit kebabs with hard pears, unripe bananas and grapes. Or toss pineapple slices in a marinade of lime juice, brown sugar and mint, let sit for 2-3 hours, and serve for dessert.

Place the pineapple horizontally on the board, use a chef's knife to cut off the top along with the leaves (you may need it for decoration), and then the bottom.

Place the pineapple vertically. Using the same knife, cut off the peel about 1 cm thick, moving the knife slightly along the ellipse, following the curve of the surface of the pineapple.

Place the pineapple horizontally on the board. Use a paring knife or paring knife. Using its sharp tip, consistently and carefully cut out all the dark “eyes” - they are very hard, and just one can ruin all the pleasure from the pineapple.

The main rule of a fruit plate is that the design of the fruit should not only be original, but also convenient for serving to guests. Presented today in different variations, slicing pineapple for a festive table with a photo will help you make a beautiful fruit snack with your own hands in a chic composition.

Pineapple has a pleasant, refreshing sweet and sour taste, which is why all consumers prefer it first, so this fruit must be on the menu.

Pineapple, cut into rings - cutting with a special knife

Rings are standard option chopping pineapple. To make cutting easier and faster, special knives are even produced that allow you to turn a whole fruit into clean, evenly chopped pulp without a middle in a minute.

Using this knife to cut pineapple into rings, the fruit's core takes on the appearance of a hollow barrel that can be filled with sliced ​​fruit and decorated with a tassel top.

To create fruit compositions, you should use all your artistic talent or take a couple of ideas with lessons on our website.

Fruit plates with pineapple acquire a special exotic flavor thanks to the tail of the fruit, which looks like a palm tree.

Featuring a palm-trunk-like pineapple rind and light yellow, aromatic flesh that radiates sunlight, creates a real tropical atmosphere. In a word, this whole fruit is the personification of the tropics.

Arrange pineapple rings or slices overlapping in one segment of the dish, sliced ​​kiwi in another segment, oranges in the third part. It is best to make original petals from apples for such a composition. And use a mini banana in it original form or make dolphins from the fruits.

Presented on our website large selection cutting master classes different types fruits, having mastered which you will be able to create chic compositions for the holidays yourself.

An excellent company for pineapple on a fruit plate will be fresh berries, slices of melon and watermelon, dried fruits and nuts.

Pineapple boat “Assorted” - cut for a children's party

Fruit baskets always arouse genuine interest on the part of guests, because this option for serving fruit is always original, colorful and “alive”.

These exotic pineapple boats with assorted fruits and berries are ideal for a buffet table, where each guest can choose the tastiest piece of their favorite fruit and take it with a decorative skewer.

To create such a masterpiece, the pineapple must be cut into two equal parts along the axis, or, if you want to make the boat deeper, cut off the side of the fruit as thick as the peel.

Then carefully cut out the pineapple pulp with a knife, retreating 7-10 mm from the peel, and also help with a spoon to evenly clean out the inside of the fruit.

Another option for gutting a pineapple is to first cut the fruit in half and cut the flesh into cubes, and then use a spoon to separate the cubed slices from the peel.

The prepared boat should be filled with diced pineapple pulp, apple, pear, peach slices, banana slices, berries, nuts and other fruits to your taste.

For children's party such a pineapple cart or cannon filled with colorful fruit slices will become a real decoration. We make the wheels for the boat from pineapple rings, fixing them to the boat with toothpicks.

How to cut a pineapple in an original way - checkerboard cutting

This type of pineapple cutting is very convenient for serving and one of the most beautiful. The fruit slices are arranged in a checkerboard pattern and are easy to pick up with your hands or using a decorative skewer. Making this fruit design is quite simple.

For slicing, we need a juicy ripe pineapple and the most sharp knife with a large blade.

  • Cut the fruit into 2 halves along the axis. This will require some effort, because the pineapple skin is quite dense.

  • After this, we cut each half into 2 more parts along the axis, so that as a result the fruit is cut into equal quarters.

  • Now we separate the pulp from the peel by simply cutting it off, but do not remove it from the skin, but leave it inside.

  • Despite the fact that the central part of the pineapple is quite hard, it is very tasty and healthy, so we will not cut it off, but immediately cut the flesh crosswise into triangular slices about 1 cm thick.

  • Next, push the triangles of pineapple pulp in a checkerboard pattern in different directions.

You can serve pineapple to guests in this form or use this cut to create a fruit composition.

Swan and pineapple fish - exquisite cuts

In addition, a similar chessboard technique of cutting pineapple is used to create a swan from the fruit.

  • Next, we cut off the front edge of the fruit, making the breast of a bird, and bend the cut strip of flesh forward, like the neck and head of a swan, and secure it with a toothpick.

  • We carefully separate the pulp from the skin with a knife and cut it into triangular slices, after which we arrange them in a checkerboard pattern.

Using the same scheme, you can make a beautiful fish from pineapple.

  • But to do this, the fruit should first be cut into 4 parts along the axis, and then cut off the central part of the pulp.
  • Next, having separated the pulp from the skin, you need to cut the fruit into slices and arrange the pieces in a checkerboard pattern, like fish ribs.
  • Berries and mint leaves are ideal for decoration.

Our website also presents interesting master classes cutting pineapple for a festive table with photos and videos that will tell you step by step how to make a duck, a parrot and a beautiful bouquet from a pineapple.

Exotic things are in fashion: unusual things, products rarely found on store shelves. What is the interest? People are in search of new sensations, unknown tastes in food and other personal discoveries.

Many housewives want to surprise their loved ones unusual recipe. Looking for non-standard solutions they search through many books and pages in the browser. Once found, they spend a lot of time finding ingredients for non-standard dishes in grocery stores. The task is difficult and, unfortunately, few people cope with it.

If only there was a person who would suggest at the right moment that dishes with the most ordinary ingredients can be tasty and beautiful. You can make a dish original, even if it’s just a regular cut for the table. Here, for example, is pineapple. Once upon a time, the fruit was indeed rare and exotic. Only real “bourgeois” could gain access to it. What now? In any fruit department we can find this charming fruit.

A beautifully sliced ​​pineapple can be an excellent decoration for a holiday table. But there is one catch: how to cut a pineapple beautifully? In fact, there is nothing simpler! Below we will present you several ways on how you can cut pineapple in an original way for a festive table and thereby surprise your guests.

Ways to cut a pineapple

There are a huge number of variations on the theme “how to beautifully cut a pineapple for a holiday table.” We have selected several of them for you. Which cutting style is best is up to you!

However, before we move on to the methods, I would like to leave a few tips that will help you do everything right:

  • You should not cut the fruit the day before the planned event. It's best if you leave the pineapple until your guests arrive. Prepare it in 15-20 minutes. This way the pineapple will be the juiciest and sweetest.
  • If you've ever tried to peel or cut a pineapple, you know it's not that easy. The peel of the fruit is quite rough and tough. To cope with a pineapple with a bang, you need to sharpen the knife very carefully.
  • After cutting off the skin of the fruit, you will be able to see brown “eyes” in the flesh, like spots on potatoes. They will need to be cut off. Firstly, they spoil the appearance of the pineapple. Secondly, they can affect the very refined taste of the fruit.
  • You've probably noticed the hard core of a pineapple. It is not suitable for consumption, so it is also better to cut it with a knife.
  • Finally, I would like to give advice not so much on cooking, but on eating pineapple. Don't eat too much fruit pulp. An unpleasant tingling sensation remains in the mouth, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

Now is the time to move on to cutting methods.

1 way

First of all, it should be said that for work we will need: a pair of knives (one large and sharp for cleaning, the other smaller for cutting out “eyes” from the pineapple pulp), a cutting board and a beautiful dish for decoration.

Step 1: First you need to cut off the top. Pineapple cap with green leaves cut with a sharp knife.

Step 2: Now you need to peel the pineapple. We recommend cutting lengthwise rather than crosswise. Cut off the horny part of the pineapple from top to bottom. Throw away the peel.

Step 3: As mentioned above, it is necessary to remove “eyes” that can affect the taste and appearance of the product. The work should be done with a small knife. And here there is a small catch. It is necessary to remove the “eyes” differently from the way we are used to doing it with potatoes. You need to remove them diagonally, cutting them sideways. It turns out to be a kind of spiral.

Step 4: Divide the fruit, peeled of all excess, in half.

Step 5: The hard middle must be removed. Carefully cut it with a knife without touching the flesh.

Step 6: Now divide the pineapple halves into 2 more parts in the same way. It turns out to be quite an interesting drawing, however, the idea is different.

Step 7: You, of course, can leave the quarters in such layers or cut them crosswise so that a nice pattern remains. We suggest cutting the spiral into small cubes. Pineapple pieces can be used as one of the ingredients for canapés. It will be very tasty if you combine pineapple with other fruits or berries.

2 way

The second method is even simpler than the first. The technology is approximately the same. The difference is that in this method The pineapple pieces will be larger.

On a note! If you find it difficult to handle the pineapple (hold it while peeling), you can try cutting off the top cap at the very end of peeling. In this case, you will be able to more comfortably hold the fruit by its leaves.

Step 2: Finally, we peel the base using the same method (from top to bottom). Try to cut as little flesh as possible. Getting rid of unwanted “eyes”. Carefully cut them out with a small knife.

Step 3: Divide the pineapple into 4 parts. Cut off the hard center of the fruit. Further work is only your imagination. You can simply cut the pineapple into quarters, but it’s best for the housewife to experiment. It turns out beautiful cut. We are sure you will find interesting ideas cuts and designs that you can easily implement!

When you want variety, you shouldn’t deny yourself even the little things, such as table settings. Today we will talk about how to beautifully cut pineapple, a fruit that has long become familiar and quite popular, especially during the holidays. Our detailed master class with photos and videos will allow you not to make a mistake and repeat exactly the unusual presentation.

The advantage of such cutting is that it will not only decorate the table, like figures made using carving, but will allow guests and hosts to treat themselves to fresh pineapple. Moreover, all this is done in just 3-4 minutes. Shall we try?

To begin with, you should focus on choosing a pineapple: it should be ripe, but not too soft, with thick green tops. If a leaf comes out of it easily, then we have a fresh and ripe fruit.

To be sure, you can also hit the rind like a watermelon - a dull knock will mean ripeness and juiciness.

How to cut pineapple for the table (photo)

Now that we have a juicy, ripe and probably sweet fruit in front of us, let’s find out how to beautifully cut a pineapple for the table!

Step 1

Wash the fruit and dry it with a towel.

We cut it lengthwise into halves along with the greens - it will become the “tail” of our duck. Then cut each one in half again. From now on we will only work with quarters.

Step 2

We turn one of them over with the flesh up and remove the corner lengthwise with a knife - a cut 1.5-2 cm wide is formed.

Then we lower the knife a little lower and make a cut from the greenery itself so that we get one long petal, as shown in the photo. We also make a second petal, just below the first.

Step 3

We take a large grape and wrap it first with one pineapple petal, then with another, on top of it.

We secure everything with a piece of toothpick - it is better to prepare it in advance.

Step 4

We proceed directly to slicing: we make a long cut above the skin from the greens to the “head” of our duck so that the flesh comes off easily. We also cut it at the other edge.

Now carefully cut the pineapple into slices from top to bottom, as usual. We check whether they are easily separated from each other and from the crust.

Step 5

To make the pineapple on the table look even more impressive, we move the slices apart in a checkerboard pattern, as shown in the photo.

All is ready! We cut the remaining quarters in the same way and you can invite guests.

How to cut a pineapple beautifully (video)

Now you know how to quickly and easily cut a beautiful pineapple for the table! Try it and you will definitely succeed!

Unfortunately, not all pineapples are juicy and ripe. To choose a good pineapple, pay attention first to its peel. A hard pineapple is unripe; too soft is old and possibly spoiled. A good pineapple is quite elastic, but without damage. The rind of a ripe pineapple may be slightly green, but if it is covered with dark spots, then this is a signal that it has begun to rot. Tap the pineapple lightly; a ripe one will have a dull sound. Pull the pineapple by the leaf; when the fruit is ripe, it will easily come off. And finally, smell the fruit - a good pineapple has a light, pleasant smell. If you do come across an unsweetened pineapple, make it into a fruit kebabs with hard pears, unripe bananas and grapes. Or toss pineapple slices in a marinade of lime juice, brown sugar and mint, let sit for 2-3 hours, and serve for dessert.

Step 2

Place the pineapple horizontally on the board, use a chef's knife to cut off the top along with the leaves (you may need it for decoration), and then the bottom.

Step 3

Place the pineapple vertically. Using the same knife, cut off the peel about 1 cm thick, moving the knife slightly along the ellipse, following the curve of the surface of the pineapple.

Step 4

Place the pineapple horizontally on the board. Use a paring knife or paring knife. Using its sharp tip, consistently and carefully cut out all the dark “eyes” - they are very hard, and just one can ruin all the pleasure from the pineapple.

Step 5

Take the chef's knife again, stand the pineapple upright and cut it lengthwise into quarters. Try a piece of the core - most likely it is very hard. Cut off the core (usually a layer 2 cm deep). If the center is soft and sweet, leave it.

Pineapple is adored by both true gourmets and just amateurs. healthy food. I use it to make delicious fresh juices, desserts, salads, snacks, and even use it as a hookah bowl. Its taste is simply excellent! Since pineapple has a huge supply of vitamins, it is used in various diets for quick weight loss. The efficiency is simply stunning! This will be the highlight of your holiday table. It can be served either fresh or canned. In this article you will learn how to properly peel a pineapple with a knife. We will share secrets that will make your table the center of attention. You just need to know how to choose, peel and serve this interesting fruit. When guests are already on the doorstep, you can prepare a tropical fruit in just a couple of minutes and serve it. Believe me, the owner of the house will not be left without praise!

Preparing pineapple for processing

In order to properly peel a pineapple and serve it, you first need to choose it correctly. This is a very important stage that is worth paying attention to. The taste of your dish depends on this.

In order for the pineapple to be tasty, juicy enough and not lose its original shape when served, it must be of medium ripeness. When purchasing it, we recommend paying attention to its appearance:

  • The surface should be dense, without damage, with a rich color.
  • The presence of rot and mold is completely excluded.
  • The peel should be elastic and should not be pressed under any circumstances.
  • The rosette with leaves of a suitable pineapple should easily rotate along its axis.
  • There should be a slight melon aroma.

Important! Please note that the pineapple is sold with a tail. If it has been removed, most likely it has been sitting on the counter for a long time and is not at all usable. Therefore, it is better to refuse it.

5 Ways to Peel a Pineapple Perfectly

In household stores you can buy a tool with a dual function for peeling and slicing pineapple. It will help you quickly and efficiently serve such fruit on the table. However, it is not exactly cheap and cannot be found everywhere. Many housewives simply do not know how to peel a pineapple with a knife at home and then serve it beautifully to guests. Believe me, it's quite simple and very exciting!

In order to peel a pineapple yourself, you need to prepare:

  • Pure pineapple.
  • Cutting board.
  • Sharp kitchen knife.
  • Potato peeler.
  • Kitchen scissors.

Pineapple can be peeled in several ways. Each of them involves not only separately removing the peel, but also cutting out the core.

Important! The core is completely unsuitable for consumption, as it has a rather coarse consistency and a bland taste. If you don't want to throw it away, you can grind it, but you probably won't like it.

Method No. 1. Vertical trimming

This method is a little troublesome, but very economical. You can use it to cut even pineapple rings. This is an excellent option for serving tropical fruit as a snack.

To work, we need a knife with a thin blade and a fairly comfortable handle. We will now tell you in detail how to peel a pineapple with a regular knife:

  1. First, you need to remove the rosette with leaves, and then carefully trim the tail at the base and bottom of the pineapple, 1-2 centimeters on each side. We will end up with a pineapple that looks like a stable barrel. It will be much more convenient to clean it, since there is already a fulcrum.
  2. Now you need to place the pineapple with the cut part on cutting board. Let's check its stability. We recommend fixing the board so that it does not slide on the surface.
  3. Next, smoothly cut off the peel, moving vertically from top to bottom. It is important not to touch the pulp itself. The process itself is a bit like peeling potatoes. This is so familiar to you!
  4. Remove the eyes and remaining peel using a fruit peeler.

Important! The eyes on the pulp can be cut off using a potato peeler. To do this, carefully move it along the surface of the pineapple using spiral movements. The last method is a little easier, but you can lose a lot of juicy pulp.

Pineapples that have been peeled using the first method can be impressively served to guests. To do this you need:

  1. Place it on the table, cut it in half, and in half again, so that you end up with 4 equal parts. Happened?
  2. Next, we simply remove the core, as it is tough and almost inedible.
  3. The pulp can be cut into different quantities parts, the main thing is to get slices.

If you peel the pineapple with a potato peeler, you will end up with a shape in the form of circles.

Method No. 2. Squeezing out the pulp

If you want to get pulp from pineapple in just a couple of minutes, while saving time, then this method is just for you. How to properly peel a pineapple with a knife? Don't worry, there's nothing complicated about it. To work, we need a long, sharp knife with a fairly strong blade.

Important! This method will save your time, but you may lose valuable fruit pulp.

You need to act like this:

  1. The first step is to cut off the base of the pineapple, as in the first method.
  2. Inserting the blade as close to the peel as possible, trim the pulp from the peel.
  3. Next, push out the pulp and remove all unnecessary eyes.
  4. If desired, cut the pineapple into the parts we need, cutting out the core with a knife. In this way we will get juicy pineapple slices.

Important! When peeling a pineapple, try to cut it off in a very thin layer, since it is under it that there is a high concentration of many vitamins and organic acids. This is why you should take a very sharp knife.

Method number 3. Eastern cleanup

In southeastern countries, pineapple is considered an integral part of dessert and is served in the same way as melon. They remove only the greens and the core, and the peel, in turn, serves as a decorative stand:

  1. First, clean the peel of dirt.
  2. Divide the fruit into 4 or 6 equal parts.
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut off the strips with the tasteless core.
  4. We cut each part like a melon, without completely cutting through the skin.
  5. Arrange the skinned slices in a checkerboard pattern on a serving plate.

Important! You don’t have to cut the pineapple into portioned pieces, but bite a whole slice - it’s a more fun way to spend time.

Method number 4. Selective cleaning

As you know, after peeling, pineapple quickly loses its taste and spoils very quickly. If you only need part of it, and you are not going to use it all at once, then this method is perfect:

  1. In order not to spoil such a valuable product, it is necessary to cut off required quantity rings
  2. Using a knife, remove the peel from the surface of the pineapple.
  3. Next, simply divide the ring into slices and remove the core.
  4. We put the remaining pineapple in the refrigerator - this will allow it to be stored for several more days.

Important! We recommend using two knives when peeling a pineapple. One is needed for peeling, the second for direct cutting. Its skin contains a substance called bromelain. Getting on the skin and eyes, it can destroy proteins, thereby causing irritation. Therefore, sticking on the lips may occur due to improper processing of the pineapple. Before peeling a pineapple with a knife, be sure to wash it.

Method No. 5. Holiday basket

For the holiday table, we recommend peeling the pineapple and serving it in the form of an original basket. This method is relevant when pineapple needs to be presented as a dessert. The presentation will be quite original and creative, and the idea of ​​decorating the dish will undoubtedly delight your guests.

To serve pineapple in the form of a basket you need:

  1. Cut the pineapple into two halves and remove all the pulp with a sharp knife. As a result, only the base with the tail should remain.
  2. Afterwards, cut the pineapple into portioned figures: cubes, triangles.
  3. Place all the pieces in a chaotic order in a pineapple basket.
  4. If desired, you can add berries and fruits for decoration.

Important! A pineapple basket is also used as a hookah bowl. As a result, the smoke comes out with notes of this tropical fruit. Many hookah lovers have appreciated this useful and delicious way eastern tradition.

As you can see, the method is not quite complicated, but in the end we get beautiful design festive table. Knowing the rules for cleaning and serving this healthy delicacy will make it easier than ever to surprise your guests.

How to properly core a pineapple?

An important step in peeling a pineapple is removing the core. It is removed due to its low taste and ugly appearance. The aesthetic appearance of the dish when served depends on how carefully and correctly you remove the center. Therefore, when choosing one method or another, it is necessary to decide in advance what dish will be prepared.

So, you can remove the core of a pineapple in the following simple ways:

  • Removing the core without significantly compromising the integrity of the pineapple cylinder. For this we use a special mechanical device or a sharp knife with a narrow blade. Next, cut the fruit into slices.

Important! This method is quite labor-intensive, since we want beautiful and even circles. It goes well with pineapple as a dessert.

  • First, cut the pineapple into rings, peel the skin, then cut out the middle of each piece one by one.
  • If you need the pineapple to make pizza or salad, you can quickly remove the core. To do this, cut the pineapple vertically into several equal parts and simply remove the middle. It's as easy and quick as peeling a pineapple with a knife. Then we simply cut the pulp into triangles and cubes.

The benefits and harms of pineapple

This exotic fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Among them are especially distinguished:

  • Vitamin C.

Important! Daily norm ascorbic acid replaces 100 grams of pineapple.

  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamins of the PP group.

Important! Since ancient times, it was believed that if you eat a little pineapple, recovery will come very soon.

Other valuable properties:

  • The pulp of this fruit contains loose dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, thereby normalizing intestinal motility.
  • When it enters the body, it is able to break down proteins and relieve inflammatory processes.
  • Pineapple should be consumed for cardiovascular diseases and to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Everyone knows that iron is well absorbed with vitamin C. Therefore, if you are a vegetarian and do not eat meat, then you can get iron from pineapple.
  • The combination of calcium and manganese in pineapple pulp is necessary for the restoration of bone tissue.
  • Substances such as bromelain and papain can speed up metabolic processes and help reduce fat mass, which is very important for people who are overweight.

Important! Bromelain, found in ripe pineapples, is a natural protein denaturant that quickly breaks down animal proteins. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat pineapple after a heavy meat feast.

Pineapple has both positive and negative properties. The negative ones include:

  • An overabundance of pineapple may cause allergic reactions– inflammation and burning on the lips.
  • An improperly cleaned surface can cause skin irritation.
  • It is contraindicated for consumption by people who suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcers and high stomach acidity. Otherwise, it may cause aggravation. So don't take risks!

How to choose a ripe pineapple?

We list the main selection criteria when purchasing ripe pineapple:

  • To begin, take the pineapple in your hands and twirl the inflorescence. It will be mobile only in a ripe pineapple, which will not taste sour.
  • The fruit should be heavy and dense to the touch.
  • The surface should be completely free of brown spots, much less signs of mold.

Important! A ripe pineapple should have a distinct yellowish tint. If the color is brown or green, then the fruit is not yet ripe.

  • When lightly tapping the fruit, the sound should be dull.
  • Pull out a leaf from the middle of the ponytail. It should be slightly dry and separate well from the base. An unripe pineapple has green foliage.
  • The aroma should be very pleasant, but not pronounced.

Important! A pungent odor is the first sign of overripe and spoiled pulp, which should absolutely not be eaten.

So, you have become closely acquainted with such not only beautiful, but also very healthy fruit as pineapple. By following our tips and recommendations, you have learned how to choose the right fruit, cut it and serve it effectively. Now you know how to properly peel a pineapple while saving time. You can please your family and friends with this aromatic fruit and healthy delicacy. Fresh pineapples are a huge boost of energy for the whole day. Treat yourself to this and be healthy!

One of my favorites exotic fruits, which can often be found on the holiday table - pineapple. It is famous not only for its unusual taste, but also for its beneficial properties, both for the figure and for the whole body.

Pineapples can be found on sale both in cans and fresh. If housewives most often use canned pulp to prepare salads, then for serving as a separate independent dish, it is best to buy the whole fruit. How to choose the right one in the store? How can it be cleaned and cut? This article will help you figure it all out.

Criteria for choosing a pineapple in a store

To ensure that the pulp is tasty and sweet, you need to choose a ripe fruit. There are several characteristic features that indicate that the fruit can be purchased. Among them are:

  • pineapple is heavy with hard skin;
  • there are no soft areas on the surface of the fetus;
  • no dark spots;
  • the fruit has a distinct characteristic odor;
  • The leaves are easily pulled out.

The color of a pineapple is not the main sign of its ripeness!

Preparing for fruit processing

Before you begin the cleaning process itself, you need to prepare everything you need. During the work you will need:

  • sharp kitchen knife;
  • wooden or plastic cutting board;
  • a special knife - “housekeeper”, it is also used for peeling potatoes.

Methods for peeling pineapple

Method No. 1. This option is ideal for housewives who do not want to completely peel the fruit, but only part of it (for example, for a child).

  • Rinse the pineapple under running water.
  • Carefully cut off the green tail.
  • Using a knife, cut a circle of the desired thickness.
  • Slowly remove the peel from it (if there are still pieces of peel left on the surface, they can be removed with a housekeeper).
  • We cut the peeled pulp into the required portion pieces.

Method No. 2 “Basket”. This method is best suited for serving at the holiday table. The basket can be filled with either chopped pineapple pulp or a snack salad.

  • We thoroughly clean the fruit of contaminants under running water.
  • Cut the pineapple lengthwise into two halves.
  • Using a sharp knife, cut the pulp out and cut it into cubes or triangles.
  • Place the fruit basket on a beautiful dish and fill it with chopped pulp.

This dessert dish can be supplemented with other fruits and berries.

Method No. 3 “A la melon”. A similar cleaning and serving option is used in eastern countries.

  • We wash the pineapple to remove sand and dust.
  • Cut into four parts.
  • Using a knife, carefully cut off the hard and tasteless center.
  • Carefully trim the flesh from each quarter and place on a plate or serve on a peel stand.

Method No. 4 “Triangles”. It is used when you need to quickly cut the pulp into a salad, or prepare the fruit for serving in the form of portioned pieces.

  • We clean the pineapple from possible debris, rinse it under tap water to remove dust and dirt.
  • Cut off the green top.
  • Using a knife, remove the peel from the entire fruit.
  • We cut the peeled pulp into eight parts, and then each of them into small triangles.

Another option: the fruit is peeled in the same way, special device The dense middle is removed, and the finished pulp is cut into thin rings.

Peeling a pineapple is a simple and easy task that even a school student can do. Choose any of the proposed methods, and there will always be a delicious dessert on your table, prepared in just a few minutes!

Tropical fruits on the table are not only healthy, but also very beautiful. True, only if you know how to handle this exotic: how to peel, cut, and serve beautifully. We will talk about the symbol of the tropics and an invariably welcome guest on our winter table - pineapple. Many will sigh sadly: they say, by the time you clean it, you won’t even want to eat. But not when you know how to quickly peel and know how to cut and serve fruit effectively. Well, it's time to master this simple science.

Tropical fruits on the table are not only healthy, but also very beautiful

Rules for treating foreigners

Pineapples are sold in large supermarkets all year round. But we still prefer to buy canned circles or slices in sugar syrup. And mainly because of the prejudice that there will be more waste when peeling fruit than “income”. Indeed, pineapple has a thick skin and a hard core; these parts are unsuitable for eating.

Some scientists classify pineapples as cereals, proving this by the similarity of growth

This is interesting. On average, a pineapple weighs about 1.5 kg, although there are cases when the fruit reached 15 kg.

Because of appearance peel with scales and coarse hairs, it is unlikely that it would occur to anyone to taste it, but with the core everything is different: many “lazy people”, not wanting to fight with the correct serving of pineapple, eat it. And then for a long time they remember such consequences as:

  • astringent taste in the mouth;
  • tongue swollen with itching;
  • unpleasant bitterness.

Therefore, when buying a pineapple, remember that it will need to be peeled and cored.

Scientists from France have found that the core of the fruit and the pulp adjacent to it contain a lot of bromelain, a substance that actively breaks down fats and removes them from the body. This reaction occurs 24 hours after eating the fibrous part of the exotic fruit.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

There are several very simple ways to cut a pineapple - the choice is yours

There are several quick and easy options for peeling the “Indian pine cone,” which is what Christopher Columbus called the pineapple when he first saw it.

A special knife for cutting - and you don’t have to peel the pineapple

If you often eat pineapple, then it makes sense to purchase a special slicer, which is a kind of corkscrew with cutting plates that are designed for cleaning and cutting the fruit, as well as removing the core.


A simple and correct way to clean - a barrel

For this option for cutting a tropical plant, you will need a regular knife, but a perfectly sharp one.


Video: If you just need to quickly peel and cut a pineapple

An economical way - butcher without cutting

It can also be called “economical”. It is convenient when you do not plan to eat the whole fruit at once.

It's worth cutting an unpeeled pineapple if you don't plan to eat the whole fruit at once.


  1. After we have washed the pineapple and cut off the top, we cut off the required number of rings with a thickness of 1.5–2 cm.
  2. Using a knife, cut off the peel from each circle.
  3. Cut out the middle. Ready.

Box of chopped cubes

In this case, we immediately cut and serve the tropical fruit.


Thai pumps at home

This is also very beautiful way serving pineapple, echoing the previous one.

Which can now be bought all year round in any major supermarket. Previously, we could enjoy it mostly in compotes, where it was already cut into pieces and filled with syrup. Convenient, but still not like fresh fruit. In this article we will learn how to peel a pineapple - do it extremely simply and quickly.

The easiest way: “cut” the fruit with a knife

So you bought a pineapple. The weight of an average fruit is about one and a half kilograms; they are often sold without the tops, somewhat reminiscent of a Christmas tree. If you bought a fruit with such greens, cut it off. Then wash the pineapple, it will be more hygienic. After this, cut the fruit horizontally with a knife along its widest part, that is, approximately in the middle. You now have two fragrant halves. Almost done. Now immerse the knife from the very edge of one of the halves, deepen it almost to the end and cut out the pulp along the diameter. This is the easiest way to peel a pineapple. What you cut out will easily come off the peel, and you will have big piece pulp, which can already be cut as you like - into cubes or circles. By the way, don’t forget to do the same with the second half of the fruit. The knife, of course, must be large enough and sharp.

How to peel a pineapple? Method number 2

Of course, the fragrant tropical guest on your table must be ripe. Only in this form is pineapple truly tasty, juicy and aromatic. Unripe fruits are hard and taste very “so-so.” Therefore, when choosing a pineapple in the store, smell the fruit - if its characteristic smell is present, then the fruit is most likely ripe. And now about how to peel a pineapple with a knife in a way different from the first one, which we described above. First, you must do the same thing: cut off the green top, wash the fruit, and then cut it not horizontally into 2 halves, but vertically in half (it’s best to do this with a sharp knife and then divide these halves into “boats”, about 4-5 cm thick. Almost finished - all that remains is to cut off the pulp, which in this case can only be cut into pieces. You will only get circles if you use the first method, where we told you how to peel a pineapple.

Peeling the fruit is easy and simple: method number 3

Although pineapple is an exotic tropical fruit, it can be peeled like a regular potato. Again, in this case, you should have a sharp knife in stock. The beginning is the same: wash the fruit, and then cut off the top, while touching a little of the “body” of the pineapple itself. And now the usual manipulation - remove the skin in a spiral with a knife, that is, you do the same thing if you had potatoes in your hands instead of a pineapple. And that’s it - after a while you get the whole peeled fruit. You can cut it into slices or circles - the way you like. We have given three ways to properly peel a pineapple, choose one of them and get to work. In the meantime, we will tell you how the pulp of the fruit itself is useful.

About vitamin and mineral composition

Like most fruits, pineapple contains many vitamins, minerals and fiber, including:

  • B vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9;
  • vitamin PP;
  • beta-carotene;
  • a large amount of vitamin C - 11 mg per 100 g of product;
  • vitamin E;
  • calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

And all this - with a fairly low calorie content of 52 kcal per 100 grams of product. At the same time, pineapple contains only 0.1 g of fat, 0.3 g of protein, and as many as 11 grams of carbohydrates. But pineapple contains a lot of water - 85.5 g per 100 grams (that is, a lot of juice will be obtained from its pulp), as well as 1 gram of fiber and 1 gram of useful organic acids. Therefore, the fruit should still be eaten fresh, although in compote it is more familiar to most Russians.

Read more about how to choose the right pineapple

We already mentioned above that a ripe, juicy pineapple should smell accordingly. That is, to have a persistent, characteristic aroma inherent in a given fruit. Here are some more tips on how to avoid mistakes in a supermarket or market and buy exactly what you need:

  • Firstly, its top (if the fruit is sold with it) should be beautiful, “thick”, and the leaves should be very dense; however, a leaf of a ripe fruit can be easily pulled out from the top - this simple sign is very helpful in determining whether the fruit is ripe or still needs to sit.
  • Check the pineapple for hardness - ripe fruits, although elastic, can be compressed.
  • The peel of a ripe fruit should not be completely brown - rather, this will indicate that the pineapple is overripe or, worse, has already begun to rot. The surface should be without characteristic dents - brown, but with a greenish tint.

So, we looked at three ways to peel a pineapple (with photos), and also talked about its benefits and how not to make the wrong choice and serve a tasty and ripe fruit. We hope that after reading this article you will love this fruit even more and it will appear on your table more often.

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