Ready-made brick houses with a flat roof. Houses with a flat roof. Plates have many positive qualities

Not as popular as pitched ones.

Most often, their rarity is associated with the climate in middle lane: accumulation of snow on the roof, formation of puddles during rains.

But the simplicity of constructing such structures and ensuring the decorative appearance of the building can serve as a good help when deciding on the choice of roofing structure.

Moreover, on such a roof it is possible to arrange additional areas, which, especially in the summer, will good place for relaxation and pastime.

Like any constructive solution building elements, direct structures can have advantages and disadvantages. If there are roof features, it is important to identify those aspects that will influence the decision to design just such a roof.

Advantages flat roof are:

  • First of all, such a roof performs quite effectively functions of protecting the building from external influences;
  • does not require much effort or expense(material, physical) for its construction;
  • long service life. The flat system does not require expensive maintenance when correct installation all main and additional roofing elements;
  • possibility of installation on the roof additional amenities, right up to the swimming pool and garden area and sauna;
  • good thermal insulation properties.

Negative factors for arranging a house with a flat roof include:

  • Accumulation of snow or rain puddles on the surface;
  • there is a risk of freezing or clogging of the internal drain;
  • required mechanical cleaning outer layer from snow and leaves;
  • inability to use sheet or piece types;
  • there is no way to check the condition of the roofing pie (in particular insulation) However, drainage and ventilation duct systems are much easier to check.

Absence attic floor in the presence of flat design roofing can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on preference.

South house with flat roof

Types of flat roofing

Despite the fact that the design of a flat roof is quite simple and does not require special skills to design it, these roofs have variations. They are classified depending on additional purpose and technical features.

To the varieties flat systems include:

  • Exploited. The main requirement for this option is the rigidity of the base at which an important condition is to maintain the integrity of the waterproofing layer. The base can be made of concrete screed or . The requirements include the strength of the material and its resistance to static and dynamic loads. The most common exterior covering for flat construction is paving slabs., which is installed on additional stands or sand cushions;
  • unexploited. Considering that a roof of this type is designed to perform exclusively the functions of protecting the building from external factors, then there are no special requirements for the rigidity of the insulating layer or the strength of the base. The installation of such a roof is much simpler than the structure in use.;
  • classic. When settling in classic type A vapor barrier layer is laid on the base in order to protect the insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene foam) from moisture. Waterproofing is provided with bituminous materials;
  • inversion. Structure roofing provides for the location of the waterproofing layer below under the insulation, which prevents the accumulation of moisture in the insulation. At the same time, temperature changes that destroy waterproofing under the insulation are minimal.

In order to design a house with a flat roof, you need to think about the covering option in advance.

Photos of projects of modern one-story country houses with a flat roof are below:

Frame house with an exploitable roof

High-tech style house

Two-story unused house

Modular house with unused roof

Inversion roof

Country house with an inversion roof

Where to start designing

The purpose of designing any roof is making the right choice and calculating the quantity necessary materials , as well as in a clear expression of what load all elements involved in the structure will bear.

A project is a plan. The project plan should reflect each stage of work.

It is most convenient to carry out the project in a special program, which will help not only to display the future structure, but also to help calculate the dimensions of materials and their load.

Design is carried out step by step:

  • A sketch of the roof is being made. At this stage, the color and geometric shape of the future roof are approved, and the load of materials is calculated with indicators of the roof dimensions, taking into account regional atmospheric influences. It should be remembered that snow loads on a flat roof are more significant than on pitched structures;
  • calculations are made of the cross-section of beams and lengths of boards rafter system . It is very important to correctly determine the pitch of the sheathing, since it is truss structure withstands the entire load;
  • a schematic drawing of the roof is being made. At this stage, the location of all additional elements of the roof structure is taken into account.

After completing the roof drawing, we begin to draw up an estimate.- costs of materials, structural elements and tools (if necessary) required for full implementation flat roof installation works.

Don't get carried away decorative features of these elements, the most important thing is to pay attention to their functional features.

Roof project

Two-story project

Lightweight flat roof

A flat, lightweight design system is installed in regions with minimal precipitation.

The construction of a lightweight roof is very similar to the construction of a classic flat roof structure.

However, there is some features of its construction:

  • At the installation stage of the support beams, it should be taken into account that they will support the entire structure. They must be secured with through anchors. The cross-section must be calculated taking into account the maximum snow load;
  • the sheathing laid on the beams must be continuous, without gaps, thickness more than 2.5 cm;
  • waterproofing laid on the sheathing is overlapped, which is hot-fastened. The edges of the film should extend beyond the roof line;
  • Solid insulation without gaps is laid on the waterproofing layer. The joints are sealed with polyurethane foam;
  • Further lay down OSB boards or waterproof plywood board.

This is what a lightweight system pie looks like. All layers are fastened with anchors and covered with an outer layer of waterproofing.

Lightweight roof

Operable flat roof

Flat roof that performs additional functions, in addition to protecting the building from cold, wind, snow and rain.

The main advantage of such a roof is the ability to arrange free space at your discretion: install a recreation area, terrace, court, bathhouse and even a swimming pool.

Such roofs are ideal for both a summer house and a cottage.

To ensure that the necessary buildings on the roof are securely equipped, it is necessary to take care, first of all, about the strength of the foundation.

  • thermal insulation;
  • Flat usable roof

    Flat roof terrace

    Green roof


    So there are several options. When constructing a direct structure, special attention should be paid to providing ventilation and creating conditions in the structure to prevent moisture from entering.

    The originality of a straight roof may lie in the arrangement of additional areas for recreation on it, and this option should be considered during the process of creating the project. If everything is calculated correctly and high-quality materials are used, this design will be in no way inferior to pitched options.

    Useful video

    In this video you will see one of the projects of a house with a flat roof:

    In contact with

    How quickly time flies! 4 years have already passed since I built an unusual Vacation home. The house uses a lot of non-standard technical solutions, which were previously practically not used in individual construction in Russia. Firstly, the house is heated using, and secondly, the house has a flat roof.

    From the very beginning of construction in 2012, I was constantly told that a flat roof is not for our climate (what kind?), that it will definitely leak (why?), and in general, with such a roof, the house looks like a transformer booth (poor Europeans, they have to live in transformer booths).

    But most often they tried to prove to me that snow needs to be constantly removed from a flat roof (I wonder why?). Of course, if anyone wants, you can clean it up, no one is stopping you. But on houses with a flat roof there is no need to remove snow. For example, now I have a snow cover more than 80 centimeters thick on my roof! And somewhere there she hid under the snow.

    2. Snow on the roof is an additional and completely free insulation.

    By the way, as it turns out, many people do not know that a flat roof is not a plane in the direct sense, but a surface with a slope of approximately 2-4 degrees (in fact, a roof is considered flat if its slope angle is from 2 to 20 degrees). And any flat roof must have a drain. It is more correct to make an internal drain for a flat roof, but you can get by with a classic external one. At the time of construction, I did not have sufficient knowledge to design and implement an internal drain, so I made an external one. The advantage of internal drainage is the absence of pipes on the facade.

    3. Summer 2013, just made. A flat roof is significantly cheaper than any pitched roof (at least because its area is on average 1.5 times smaller than that of a pitched roof). With it there is no loss of space and such useless space in the house as the attic. It is simpler and easier to insulate - everything is in the same plane.

    Let me remind you of the design of my roof pie (from bottom to top):
    1. Prefabricated monolithic floor with filling aerated concrete blocks- 250 mm;
    2. Insulation using extruded polystyrene foam - 150 mm;
    3. Insulation and creation of a slope using wedge-shaped slabs of extruded polystyrene foam - 0-150 mm;
    4. Cement strainer- 50 mm;
    5. Two-layer built-up waterproofing ( upper layer with sprinkles).

    4. Another huge plus of a flat roof is that it is not afraid of hurricanes. Look at the chronicles of hurricanes and how easily the covering is torn off and the rafter system on classic pitched roofs is broken.

    5. In the summer of 2016, I finished all the other work on landscaping the surrounding area and decided to do it.

    6. By the way, if anyone doesn’t know, then any concrete floor by default has bearing capacity at least 400 kg per square meter (usually 600-800 kg/m2). While snow load for the Moscow region is only 180 kg per square meter. This is the maximum calculated snow load, which in reality is rarely achieved, but it is obvious that any ceiling has a huge margin of load-bearing capacity.

    7. Another important advantage of a flat roof is that it has completely sealed seams. While the seams on a pitched roof are not airtight, and if the pitched roof is filled with snow and it begins to melt from below (due to insufficient insulation), the pitched roof will leak (especially at the junction of two slopes - the valleys). Look at the neighboring houses with pitched roofs - amazingly, there is snow on them too!

    Why doesn’t a flat roof made using technology leak? Everything is very simple. Because it is insulated!

    It is the insulation that determines the durability of the roof. It is known that the roof accounts for an average of 40% of the heat loss of the entire building. If the roof is not insulated, or is not insulated well enough, then the heat will rise, and the snow lying on the upper roofing carpet will melt. When frost sets in, the melted snow will freeze again, and when it freezes, as is known, water expands in volume. These multiple thaw-freeze cycles will eventually break the waterproofing (after 2-3 years) and the flat roof will begin to leak.

    8. In the last century, when building houses, they did not think about energy efficiency and saving energy resources, so they usually did not insulate the roof. This led to the fact that the roof waterproofing was constantly being destroyed and the roof was leaking.

    If the roof is well insulated, then it has only one “enemy” left - the sun and its ultraviolet radiation. But to protect against this, waterproofing is used with a package, or with special additives (in the case of using). And the most effective method protect waterproofing from damaging ultraviolet radiation- make a lawn on the roof, fill it with pebbles or lay tiles. By the way, a more promising waterproofing solution today is a polymer membrane.

    A flat roof is even easier to use than a pitched roof. From a flat roof, snow will never fall on your head or tear off your gutters. There is no need to clear the snow, and if you have a lawn, there is no need to keep the gutters clean (all water is filtered through geotextiles and they will not become clogged with fallen leaves).

    Therefore, a flat roof is the most reasonable roofing option, especially for a house made of. The main thing is not to violate technology and not to skimp on insulation.

    And cleaning snow from a flat roof is not only useless, but also harmful - you can accidentally tear the waterproofing with the sharp edge of a shovel and the roof will begin to leak.

    With all reports dedicated to construction country house with your own hands in chronological order can be consulted .

    It cannot be said that houses with a flat roof are so common in our area. Still, we are more accustomed to seeing classic gable or multi-slope roofs. It is believed that houses with a flat roof look exclusive, even eccentric, and speak of their owner as a great original, a modern person who thinks outside the box.

    By and large, “flat roof” is a rather arbitrary name. There should always be a slight but obligatory slope. Otherwise rainwater or water will accumulate on the roof after the snow melts, which will ultimately lead to serious troubles and costs for repairing not only the roof, but also interior spaces.

    In addition to its direct functions - thermal insulation and protection of the house from precipitation - a flat roof can be used as an additional recreational area.

    Let's try to figure out how appropriate it is to choose a house design with a flat roof in our area. To do this, you need to imagine the advantages and disadvantages of this type of roofing.

    Advantages of a flat roof

    • A flat roof allows you to optimize costs. It is smaller in area than any pitched roof. This allows the developer to save significant amounts on materials.
    • Simple form roofing significantly reduces installation time.
    • For the same reasons, repairing and maintaining the flat roof of an already constructed building is incomparably easier than in houses with pitched roofs.
    • But the most important advantage of house designs with a flat roof is the additional usable space that the home owners can use at their discretion. Some elements can be placed on the roof of such a house engineering systems, for example, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Or you can install solar panels.
    • But most often the flat roof space is used as an additional comfortable relaxation area. Here you can equip a solarium or a place for sports. By the way, there are even projects that make it possible to equip a swimming pool. The roof garden looks very impressive. Modern technologies allow you to pave the roof with paving stones. And in combination with a lawn and ornamental trees, comfortable wicker furniture, garden gazebo with a fireplace, this place will become the center of a family holiday.

    Naturally, like any roofing system, a flat roof has its disadvantages

    • More careful design and installation of the roof will be required, otherwise retribution in the form of expensive interior repairs is inevitable.
    • You will also have to pay additional costs for organizing internal drains.
    • There are certain inconveniences associated with maintaining a flat roof. Firstly, constant monitoring of the moisture content of the insulation and the tightness of the roof is necessary. Secondly, there is always the possibility of clogged or frozen internal drains. Thirdly, in snowy winters there is a risk of leaks due to large accumulations of snow. But this disadvantage can be easily circumvented if you install an Anti-Ice system on the roof. True, this leads to additional costs.

    Project of a house with a flat roof: is it worth doing?

    We can say quite definitely that with careful design study and competent work of builders, it is worth building a house with a flat roof. Ultimately, you get original housing with additional square meters usable area and save money on construction work and materials. And the Dom4M company hopes that you will live in comfort for many years comfortable home, built according to our design.

    Not everyone likes modern construction. This is immediately clear when flat-roof house designs are mentioned in conversation. Most developers don't like it appearance, but after living in such a building for some time, their idea changes. It is precisely due to its minimalism that this house is considered stylish, but the vast majority of Russian residents are accustomed to pitched roofs, they simply cannot imagine a roof without a slope. In this article I will try to reveal in as much detail as possible the beauty of a house with a flat roof.

    One-story house with a flat roof

    Just a few decades ago, developers in the CIS countries could not imagine that such beautiful houses can be created in private construction. In addition, thanks to the flat roof, ready-made cottage

    the cost is significantly less than a building with a rafter system.

    Houses with a flat roof and their projects are presented in these photos: Not so long ago, when there were no materials for high-quality waterproofing of a flat roof, mastic and roofing felt were used. These products could not give good timing operation, so this type of house was written off as scrap, and after release quality materials

    to the domestic market, most developers did not dare to test them. This is why today there are so few private buildings with flat roofs in Russia. Modern houses, due to their style, can stand out from others. The fact is that most residents make internal drainage. It's convenient, although a little expensive. Due to internal location drainage system on the walls of the building, you will not see any protruding pipes, and due to its high power You will rarely encounter blockages. Some people refer to the fact that as a result of the construction, square houses

    and I don’t want to live in such a box. It is worth noting that this design has a lot of advantages, which I will now tell you.

    Pros and cons of a flat roof house Despite negative reviews

    about such houses, the vast majority of them remain unfounded. Many people do not know that due to the lack of a rafter system, the building becomes cheaper by almost a third of the total cost, and this, you must agree, is not a small amount. IMPORTANT: It is better not to use outdated products as roofing materials. For example, bitumen and its derivatives (roofing felt, mastic) will last on the roof for only 5-7 years. When modern products, in the form polymer membranes

    or fill solutions can last you about 50 years without any repairs.

    • Now, let's look at the other side of the coin. The disadvantages of a flat roof include the following: roofing materials. Despite the fact that the roof plane has a slight slope to drain water, most types of coatings cannot be laid on it. Products with high waterproofing protection are suitable as materials.
    • Because of flat surface V winter time It will be necessary to carry out repeated cleaning work every year. Despite its porosity, snow has a serious mass and, in large quantities, can easily destroy an entire building.

    • Large heat losses. Due to the simply huge plane, serious heat losses occur. This can be corrected by laying thick insulation in several layers. During preventive inspections, this material needs to be given the most time so that the underlying rooms always remain warm.
    • Without laying the insulation cord, the internal drain may freeze in severe frosts.

    If you do not take these disadvantages into account and create additional elements in order to eliminate them, then a flat surface is the best of all possible.

    Modern houses with a flat roof are built according to crazy designs; if you turn to a good architect, the result can be buildings such as those shown in these photos:

    Types of flat roofing

    As you know, in life there is almost always some choice. The same is true for the roofing surface. IN roofing area There are only 2 options for using a surface with a flat base:

    • Make it exploitable
    • Make it unusable

    Before starting construction, at the time of design, it is very important to decide on this issue. After all, if the roof is to be used, it will require the installation of massive elements that will easily withstand serious weights. In cases where an unused surface is installed, the entire building can be framed. By the way, wooden frame houses very relevant in America and warm European countries. As for Russia, it is better to use thick walls here, otherwise winter will be difficult.

    The roof in use is designed to accommodate heavy elements. Often, European residents install recreation areas, workshops, and gazebos on their roofs. This is very convenient if you want to relax in company, but do not want dirt to be carried into the house.

    Unused roofs cannot be used as a recreation area. Often, poured roofs are laid on such surfaces, therefore, movement on them can only be done on bridges or ladders. Such materials allow you to save money, but at the same time they have maximum waterproofing properties, so you can pour a pool on such a roof, but of course you shouldn’t do this.

    In addition, flat roofs are divided into several types according to their structure:

    • Traditional
    • Inversion
    • Breathable

    Traditional roofing pie has the following structure:

    • Base
    • Screed
    • Vapor barrier layer
    • Thermal insulation
    • Waterproofing
    • Finish coating

    As you can see, here the thermal insulation material is under the waterproofing. This is beneficial only if during operation such a cake will not be subject to serious loads, therefore, it is ideal for an unused surface.

    In an inversion cake, the order of layers is slightly changed and looks like this:

    • Base
    • Screed
    • Waterproofing (usually roofing felt)
    • Thermal insulation boards

    • High permeability vapor permeable film
    • Screed
    • Finish coating

    As you can see, there are two layers of screed here. This is done to ensure that the heat-insulating boards do not deform under weight and always perform their functional tasks efficiently.

    As for breathable roofs, their structure can be traditional or inversion, but in quality additional element aerators or deflectors are installed on them. These devices are very useful when natural ventilation cannot provide high-quality ventilation of the premises, and due to the fact that flat roofs are erected with parapets, the air flow is extremely small.

    Find suitable house with a flat roof is not a problem now, just look at the catalog of projects that are offered construction companies. If you want a cozy building, then you need to contact the design bureaus directly, otherwise your house will be standard and, as a rule, not very convenient for you or your loved ones. Today, there are more and more houses with exploitable roofs. This is due to the fact that additional objects can be installed on it, for example, a recreation area. By the way, the presence of people on the roof is completely safe, because building regulations The minimum height of the fence should be 120 centimeters.

    As an example, let's look one-story houses, or rather their projects in the following photos:

    As you can see, minimalism in all cases is an important component of these buildings. You need to get used to this style, but most Russian residents are not ready for this yet; they prefer a house made of timber and the usual two slopes above their heads.

    Flat roof base

    The elements used on the floors depend on the materials that were used to construct the walls of the building. For example, if load-bearing walls frame, then the floors must be extremely light, otherwise the entire structure may collapse. Today in construction only a few elements are used for floor coverings:

    • Reinforced concrete slabs (flat or hollow)
    • Monolithic concrete layer
    • Thick sheets of corrugated sheets

    Between floors, these elements do not have thermal insulation and waterproofing layer, but upon completion last floor, it is necessary.

    As you already know, a flat roof roofing pie can be classic or inverted. The latter does not imply that any heavy elements will subsequently be laid on the roof surface. As a rule, such a plane is filled bulk material or stacked on it bitumen products. See what this looks like cottage you can in this photo:

    As for the surfaces being used, the variety of roofing solutions here is off the charts. You can plant trees on the roof, cover the area with lawn, put up a gazebo and much more. But the most important thing is, of course, the roofing. It is very important here to consider the nature of your plane. For example, if you want to put up a gazebo, then it would be nice to cover the area adjacent to it with grass or flowers, and make the approach out of paving slabs. Projects of houses with a flat roof allow you to do something else, the main thing is to understand what exactly you want.

    You can often find pressure coverings on the roofs of private houses. This is gravel and soil. The load from such materials is very high, therefore it is exclusively suitable for the types of roofs in use. It is worth noting that their structure will be somewhat different from the inversion one, but you can check this with a designer.

    Reinforced concrete slabs with screed are perfect solution if you are considering cottage projects in the catalog where budget options. Let's put these elements as ceiling you will get a sufficiently rigid base to create a good usable roof.

    The cheapest construction option would be a frame building. It is worth noting that this method construction of buildings is very popular in hot countries, but is not entirely suitable for our climate. Nevertheless, such a building can be used for economic purposes. If the walls are framed, therefore, it is no longer possible to lay them on top reinforced concrete elements, they will simply crush the structure. This problem can be solved with the help of corrugated sheets. The metal base is very light, and due to its high rigidity it will not deform even under strong weights, the main thing is to distribute them well.

    On the roofs frame houses lightweight materials are often installed. For example, the following are used as thermal insulation products: polystyrene foam boards, and instead of heavy coating, modern membranes are used. Thanks to this, the result is a very light and inexpensive building that can be used for any purpose.

    Materials for roofing pie

    The roofing pie in a flat roof plays a rather important role, because due to the violation of one layer, others will suffer and ultimately such a chain will reach the thermal insulation, and this is the basis of such a structure that retains the heat of the room.

    To create a quality pie, you will have to think about how to choose the right materials:

    • Vapor barrier
    • Thermal insulation boards
    • Coating

    Project modern house should include polymer or bitumen membranes as vapor barrier material. As for outdated polyethylene, it is better to avoid it, as it will not give the cake reliability and will fail quite quickly.

    Selecting thermal insulation products is somewhat more difficult, because there are quite a lot of them. Fortunately, we have criteria that weed out unnecessary materials. Thermal insulation of a flat roof must be rigid and withstand high static and dynamic loads. In addition, they must be hydrophobic, so there are only a few options left:

    • Expanded polystyrene
    • Hard mineral wool
    • Foam glass
    • Expanded clay filler

    IMPORTANT: Foam glass is very effective thermal insulation material, but the price is quite high. If you are planning to build quality building, which will last for decades, then it’s worth choosing it.

    Expanded clay is a low-performing product and is rarely used as thermal insulation. Due to its flowability and large fraction, it will be necessary to pour a very large layer, and this will be an additional load on the walls and ceilings.

    As you already understood, the coating should also be light and not allow moisture to pass through in any way. This list includes: flooded roofs, membranes and bitumen derivatives such as roofing felt.

    Drainage system

    The gutter system on a flat roof deserves its own topic, but I will try to explain everything briefly.

    According to building codes, it is impossible to create a drainage system with a slope of less than 15 degrees, therefore, in this case they are not suitable for us. The closest suitable alternative here would be the following:

    • Create a system using overhead gutters
    • Construct an internal drain

    It is worth noting that both methods have their own positive aspects and shortcomings. For example, an external drainage system will spoil the appearance of a building with a flat roof. Of course, this problem can be solved with the help of design tricks, but you will have to spend additional money on this. Concerning internal system, then here I want to talk more openly.

    Internal drainage is the most optimal solution for removing sediment from a flat roof. For the system to function all year round Heating cables are laid in it. They can be purchased at any construction market. In addition, such a system should be created when conducting zero construction.

    Internal drainage is divided into two types:

    • Gravity
    • Siphon

    Gravity drainage is the most primitive sediment removal system. It is not difficult to calculate, and installation can be carried out by a person far from the construction business. This device includes such elements as: risers, outlet pipes, water intake funnels. It is worth noting that the gravity system cannot boast of high performance, therefore, during heavy rainfalls it may experience problems, resulting in a huge puddle forming on the roof surface. Developers attribute its low price to positive aspects.

    The siphon system is more complex and more efficient. She can handle it without any problems big amount precipitation and without experiencing any difficulties. The essence of its work is that it does not remove water from the pipes until a sufficient amount has accumulated in them, and then, due to gravity, removes them to storm drainage. By the way, after the process of removing water in the pipes has begun, different pressures are formed from above and precipitation from the roof leaves through the pipes at an even greater speed. Due to this, such a system very rarely becomes clogged, and therefore does not require practically any attention. The disadvantages include its high cost and problematic design.

    Projects of one-story houses with a flat roof

    Now that you understand flat roof buildings, you can start looking at some projects.

    Rectangular house with garage

    The total living area will be about 168 square meters. The foundation is made of MZFL slabs or piles are installed. The roof is flat, and is used as a covering pvc membrane or bitumen products. The number of living rooms in this project is 3. Drainage system internal. The building has no basement. There is a garage. The walls will be built from gas silicate, expanded clay concrete, brick or wood concrete. The thickness of the supporting structures is 400 millimeters, however, they can be increased. Everything described above can be changed within reason.

    Such house designs with many rooms and a garage for two cars are suitable for young families with children. There is a garage, a living room and two spacious rooms.

    One-story house in high-tech style

    Modern one-story houses should be created with style. These projects are intended for business people whose work comes first. However, this building is suitable for a small family as dacha option or country house. The project is compact and has two living rooms, a spacious kitchen combined with a living room and a cozy terrace. As you can see, there is nothing superfluous or distracting.

    As for the garage, it is slightly pushed forward. Entrance door it is located in a building, this is convenient if you carefully monitor your machine and try to repair it as any malfunctions occur.

    PVC membrane or bitumen roll products are used as a covering on a flat roof. Living area 96 square meters. The number of rooms is two. The foundation is created from slabs 20 centimeters thick or mounted on piles. The building does not have a basement, but it does have a garage for one car.


    Most often when designing private houses they use pitched roofs, but cottages with a flat roof, as in the photo, are much less common. IN last years after the appearance latest technologies And modern materials for covering flat roofs it is possible to create effective waterproofing, despite their unusual shape.

    The presence of such a roof makes the appearance of a private house exclusive and original, since it stands out against the background of buildings with hipped or pitched roofs.

    Projects of cottages with a flat roof have their own characteristics, and their construction is associated with some nuances, since the roofs on them can be:

    Advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof

    A flat roof provides the property owner with a number of advantages, including:

    The disadvantages of the structural solution of flat roofs include:

    • carrying out installation with strict adherence to the technology of their waterproofing and. The slightest violation of the rules as a result of negligence or negligence results in the roof leaking if precipitation accumulates on it. Extraordinary roofing repairs will cost a considerable amount, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out a complete reconstruction of the cottage roof;
    • availability in winter period on a flat surface, a large amount of snow requires (if the roof is planned to be used) regular snow removal, which can only be done manually;
    • During the melting of snow, a significant load is placed on the waterproofing layer

    Features of flat roofs

    When developing a project for a cottage with a flat roof, regardless of the number of floors in it, the following features must be taken into account:

    Creating a flat lightweight roof

    If they plan to build a cottage with a flat roof with a lightweight roof, they do not plan to use it.

    The procedure for constructing such a structure is as follows:

    As a result of the work performed, a flat roof is obtained, which is of the lightweight type. It performs the functions assigned to it completely, but it is not able to withstand even a slight load. If you want to create a small place for rest on a flat roof, you need to build the roof using a completely different technology.

    Construction of a house with a flat roof, more details in the video:

    Construction of an exploitable flat roof

    When designing cottages with a flat roof and a hard surface, it is assumed that the created roof will not sag under the weight of the load (read: ""). There are several ways to construct a serviceable pavement.

    One of the most simple options is styling concrete slabs as a cover. Bearing structures To do this, they must have a significant margin of safety; in addition, installation is carried out using construction equipment. A roof made of concrete slabs must be insulated, but such work can only be done from inside the room.

    Another way is construction roofing, based on metal support beams - T-bars or I-beams and channels. A boardwalk made of lumber is laid on top minimum thickness 22 millimeters, and a layer of expanded clay of at least 150 millimeters is poured on top of it. Hard surface provides a concrete screed.

    The most in a modern way For solid construction, the use of large-sized ceramic building blocks is considered. They are laid on support beams, and they provide the roof along with mechanical strength quite good soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics. Among the advantages of such ceramic roofing blocks, one cannot fail to mention their excellent resistance to moisture. Before making a screed for such a roof, backfilling with expanded clay is not required. The disadvantages of ceramic blocks include their high cost.

    Cottages are built with a flat roof of a solid type with the installation of roofing membranes (optional). They provide additional waterproofing and improve the performance of a flat roof.

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Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites
1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good.  but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive.  Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with
The peculiarity of cooking fish on the grill is that no matter how you fry the fish - whole or in pieces, you should not remove the skin. The fish carcass must be cut very carefully - try to cut it in such a way that the head and