House with a flat roof and a terrace. Houses with a flat roof - design features, best projects and ideas (75 photos). House with a flat roof and domestic realities


Most often, when designing private houses, pitched roofs are used, but cottages with flat roof, as in the photo, are much less common. IN last years after the appearance latest technologies and modern materials for covering flat roofs, it is possible to create effective waterproofing, despite their unusual shape.

The presence of such a roof makes appearance a private house is exclusive and original, as it stands out against the background of buildings with hipped or pitched roofs.

Cottage projects with flat roof have their own characteristics, and their construction is associated with some nuances, since the roofs on them can be:

Advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof

A flat roof provides the property owner with a number of advantages, including:

The disadvantages of the structural solution of flat roofs include:

  • carrying out installation with strict adherence to the technology of their waterproofing and. The slightest violation of the rules as a result of negligence or negligence results in the roof leaking if precipitation accumulates on it. Extraordinary roofing repairs will cost a considerable amount, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out a complete reconstruction of the cottage roof;
  • availability in winter period on flat surface a large amount of snow requires (if the roof is planned to be used) regular snow removal, which can only be done manually;
  • in the process of melting snow on waterproofing layer there is a significant load

Features of flat roofs

When developing a project for a cottage with a flat roof, regardless of the number of floors in it, the following features must be taken into account:

Creating a flat lightweight roof

If they plan to build a cottage with a flat roof with a lightweight roof, they do not plan to use it.

The procedure for constructing such a structure is as follows:

As a result of the work performed, a flat roof is obtained, which is of the lightweight type. It performs the functions assigned to it completely, but it is not able to withstand even a slight load. If you want to create a small place for rest on a flat roof, you need to build the roof using a completely different technology.

Construction of a house with a flat roof, more details in the video:

Construction of an exploitable flat roof

When designing cottages with a flat roof and a hard surface, it is assumed that the created roof will not sag under the weight of the load (read: ""). There are several ways to construct a serviceable pavement.

One of the most simple options is the laying of concrete slabs as a floor. Bearing structures To do this, they must have a significant margin of safety; in addition, installation is carried out using construction equipment. A roof made of concrete slabs must be insulated, but such work can only be done from inside the room.

Another way is construction roofing, based on metal support beams - T-bars or I-beams and channels. A boardwalk made of lumber is laid on top minimum thickness 22 millimeters, and a layer of expanded clay of at least 150 millimeters is poured on top of it. Hard surface provides a concrete screed.

The most modern way of arranging a solid surface is the use of large-sized ceramic building blocks. They are laid on support beams, and they provide the roof along with mechanical strength quite good soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics. Among the advantages of such ceramic roofing blocks, one cannot fail to mention their excellent resistance to moisture. Before making a screed for such a roof, backfilling with expanded clay is not required. The disadvantages of ceramic blocks include their high cost.

Cottages are built with a flat roof of a solid type with the installation of roofing membranes (optional). They provide additional waterproofing and improve the performance of a flat roof.

Residents of the post-Soviet space staunchly associate flat roofs with multi-story buildings. standard houses. Modern architectural thought does not stand still, and now there are many solutions for private houses and cottages with a flat roof that look no less interesting than pitched structures.


Cottage with a flat roof has a stylish and modern look. Basically, such designs are stylized in a special way, choosing the directions of minimalism or hi-tech. Traditional styles they will not be suitable for buildings with such a roof, since such roofs have only recently been developed properly, therefore, any of the classical trends will look ridiculous here.

Of particular interest is how exactly the roof will be used: either for its intended purpose, or as an additional open tier-terrace. It is necessary to decide on this issue in advance in order to competently draw up a project plan.


For the construction of 1-story cottages with a flat roof, they are used various materials, however, it is worth keeping in mind that not all of them are suitable for the Russian climate. In winter, a large amount of snow falls over almost the entire territory of Russia, which greatly increases the load on a flat roof. Therefore, you cannot make walls from light and insufficiently strong materials. In this regard, popular frame buildings will not be suitable, but there is another prefabricated option.

Materials for floors and walls differ. If almost all durable types are suitable for walls (monolith, brick, wood), then for the roof you will have to choose the type of building material more carefully.

Reinforced concrete slabs

Hollow or flat iron concrete plates used in modern construction for floor coverings. They are strong enough to support the weight of a flat roof.

Plates have many positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • speed of installation;
  • resistance to corrosive phenomena.


The main disadvantage of the material is that it is produced only in standard sizes; this must be taken into account when creating a project. Reinforced concrete slabs are suitable for floors only in a house that has a reinforced foundation.

Corrugated sheet

For floors, a special corrugated sheet is used, which is called load-bearing. Like the previous option, it is perfect for installation as a flat roof. Load-bearing corrugated sheeting is very popular mainly because of its low cost. This material costs significantly less than all the others. However low price did not prevent him from establishing himself as durable and universal material, which has an excellent ability to withstand the heavy loads that a flat roof is subjected to.

Load-bearing corrugated sheeting weighs much less than reinforced concrete slabs, therefore it is optimally suited for creating flat roofs in an average climate zone with little rainfall in winter time.

Monolithic concrete

This material is used for floors quite rarely due to the complexity of installation. Here you first need to prepare the mixture, after which you can fill it. Only true professionals in their field can do this. However, it should be noted that monolithic concrete It works well as a flat roof, but only if the manufacturing and installation technology has been fully followed.

Modern one-story houses with a flat roof are not usually built from traditional materials. For this purpose, modern developments are best suited, which can withstand both harsh winters and summer heat. At the same time, they are easy to work with, and the construction itself does not take much time.

SIP or sandwich panels

Every self-respecting construction agency has standard projects in its catalog one-story houses with a flat roof made of SIP panels. Please note that it is best to order cottages made from this material. Construction requires special technology, so it can be difficult for a beginner to work with sandwich panels.

Speaking of virtues panel houses, you can mark them low thermal conductivity and high noise insulation characteristics. Construction costs much less than using brick. At the same time, refusal pitched roof also plays a significant role.

Flat roof

We are all accustomed to seeing flat roofs only multi-storey buildings Soviet built. There is an opinion among many that such roofs are boring, and real home should only be equipped with a pitched roof. In the light of recent architectural developments, this belief can be argued, especially if we remember the many advantages of such roofs.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that one-story houses with a flat roof can only be stylized in modern direction. The flat roof itself looks futuristic, and you need to use this free space.


There are many benefits of flat roofs.

  • Easy to install. The construction of a flat roof can be completed in record time.
  • Reliability. If you organize the roof in the right way, it can withstand a lot of weight. Moreover, if something happens, repairing such a structure is much easier than repairing it. rafter system.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. Regardless of what type of flat roof structure was chosen, it will perfectly retain heat inside the house.

  • Cheapness. Compared to pitched ones, flat structures are much cheaper both in terms of materials and time consumption.
  • Easy to install equipment. Antennas, air conditioners, and various service communications are much easier to locate on a flat surface than on a slope.
  • Interesting view. If the house itself is decorated in the style of “minimalism”, then a laconic roof without a slope will perfectly complement general form.
  • Additional area. If desired, the roof can be strengthened and used to organize space for a playground, garden or recreation area. Some even make a swimming pool here.


There are not many disadvantages, but they still exist.

  • No matter how good the roof is, there is always a chance that it will leak. In case of flat design the risk increases many times over, because it is subject to heavy loads due to the fact that the snow does not roll off.
  • If you plan to use the cover for your needs in winter, snow and ice will have to be cleared off manually.
  • The construction of a flat roof must be carried out in full compliance with the technology, otherwise there is a risk that it will leak or will not withstand the loads and collapse.


Pitched roofs are divided according to several criteria, including the method of use and the type of installation of materials. As a rule, the name of each of the characteristics speaks for itself.

By method of use

Roofs can be used or unused.

Used roofs are those that are used not only as roofs, but also as additional space for spending time. Reinforced systems are used here, allowing not only to place heavy equipment on the roof, but even to organize a “green corner” here, planting a lawn, flowers and even trees. Construction equipment similar type costs quite a lot, and it is important to include in the project in advance what weight load the roof will be subjected to.

Unused roofs are much cheaper due to the fact that they do not need to be additionally reinforced and equipped with waterproofing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is snow loads to which the roof will be exposed in winter.

By type of installation of materials

There are classic, inversion and breathable roofs.

Classic types are usually used when designing unused roofs. This is due to the fact that they have a lower load resistance coefficient. Moisture or mechanical stress can be detrimental to these roofs.

The layer layout looks like this (from top to bottom):

  • top welding material (waterproofing);
  • bottom welded material (waterproofing);
  • screed (if provided);
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • overlap

Thus, an unprotected waterproofing layer quickly becomes unusable.

The inversion roof looks exactly the opposite, as can be understood from the name:

  • ballast (gravel, crushed stone or other heavy material);
  • vapor barrier;
  • hydrophobic insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • protective substrate (primer);
  • overlap

Such flat roofs have a long service life and are optimally suited to the roofs in use.

Both classic and inversion designs can be breathable. They are equipped with aerators or deflectors to provide additional ventilation, because there is no gap between the flat roof and the house, as is the case with pitched roofs. This leads to insufficient air exchange, so organizing ventilation system so important.


Making a project one-story house with a flat roof, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the type of roofing. Here the roof is the most important component. Russian companies have been engaged in such design for a short time, so contact only trusted agencies.

Houses with a flat roof were rarely found in our country. However, today projects of houses with a flat roof have begun to be considered again, so it is worth paying attention to their advantages, disadvantages and features. This article will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such projects, the features of laying a flat roof and design options for the roof space.

The reason for the increasing popularity of flat roofs today is modern design trends. This was also facilitated by the emergence of new construction and roofing materials, which made it possible to create not only pitched or hipped roofs, but also high-quality flat roofs.

Because the flat roof device has some differences from others traditional options, the construction technology will also differ. First of all, this concerns surface waterproofing, as well as the drainage system.

When considering the idea of ​​​​creating a flat roof in a private house, it is worth paying attention to the following advantages of this solution:

  • if so, then such a roof will fit perfectly into the overall look. They look original square houses with a flat roof and rectangular;
  • building a flat roof requires less time, since it has a smaller area, so working on such a surface is easier and more convenient;
  • the flat roof provides the opportunity to utilize this additional space. For example, a cozy terrace can be equipped upstairs;
  • when it comes to maintenance, there is nothing easier than working on a flat roof. There is no need to involve steeplejacks to clean up wastewater or ventilation ducts. Almost any flat roof repair can be done by the owner himself;

  • the flat roof space can be used by the owners not only as a recreation area, but also for installing various specialized equipment. For example, many people want to install solar panels as alternative source receiving electricity. The same applies to wind generators, all kinds of heaters and systems designed to collect rainwater.

The nuances of building houses with a flat roof: photo examples

Speaking about the shortcomings and difficulties associated with the implementation of projects modern houses with a flat roof, it is puzzling that despite the significantly smaller area, as well as the relatively low cost of roofing materials, it is no cheaper to build a flat one.

This is due to the fact that a flat roof necessarily requires high-quality reinforced concrete floors. This issue is especially relevant if the roof surface will be used. Using this space creates a significant load on the entire structure of the house, including the foundation and walls. Thus, saving on the roof leads to an increase in the overall cost of building a house.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to solve the problem of snow accumulating on the roof surface. There is an opinion that the snow layer has some positive influence, creating additional thermal insulation, which leads to a reduction in heat loss. But we cannot ignore the fact that snow is an additional load on the building.

We often have to deal with the fact that if the roof seal is broken, the process of snow melting is accompanied by roof leakage. To avoid this, you must initially ensure that the materials for waterproofing the flat roof are of high quality and installed in accordance with the requirements and recommendations.

Projects of houses with a flat roof: types of structures and their purpose

Modern houses with a flat roof may vary depending on the type of roof. Accordingly, this will affect construction methods, and further exploitation surfaces.

The roof space allows owners to regularly be on its surface, as well as install various items without risk of damage. The base of such a roof must be as rigid as possible, so reinforced concrete is most often used for this purpose. Special requirements are also placed on the heat insulator: it must be resistant to severe loads and also have high compressive strength.

Unused roofs are not designed for heavy loads. In this case, replacement is acceptable concrete base to less durable wood. In this case, a house with a flat roof is equipped with special bridges or ladders, which reduce the load on the surface and prevent damage if it is necessary to move along the roof.

Inversion roofs are a special type that provides for the location of insulation above the waterproofing layer. This allows you to protect the bottom layer from exposure external factors: temperature difference, sun rays and mechanical loads. It also increases the number of permissible melting and freezing cycles of the material.

In most cases, this type of roofing is used as an exploitable one, since you can move freely on it, and also carry out installation moderately heavy objects furniture and decor. Moreover, this type of roof is considered the most durable among others.

Important! Regardless of the type of roof you choose, you should ensure that you have a suitable drainage system. There are special external drains for flat roofs that can effectively solve the problem of water accumulation.

Options for installing a flat roof of a private house: how to use the space

Considering the fact that everyone square meter The territory has its own value, you have to save money by using the space rationally. And in this matter, flat roofs occupy one of the leading positions. Indeed, in the case of arranging a used roof, the owners actually receive another floor, albeit subject to seasonal use. Today there are even frame houses with a flat roof.

This solution may allow you to abandon the traditional veranda if the size of the plot is not too large. For many owners of small plots great solution the arrangement of a roof garden is becoming.

Other common options for using a flat roof include creating a recreation area, such as a gazebo. With a flat roof, the dream of a setup or barbecue becomes possible.

Another very interesting option– arrangement of a swimming pool roof on the territory. Of course, this will require considerable financial costs, as well as a large amount of work associated with calculating the upcoming load. However, if you entrust this to professionals, you can get an excellent place to relax. As an example, you can look at several photos of one-story houses with a flat roof equipped in this way.

Helpful advice! In order to create a special atmosphere and comfort on the roof, you should take care of the availability good lighting. It may be small Spotlights or garlands. The main thing is that they are designed for use in outdoor conditions.

Another original solution for arranging a one-story house with a flat roof is playground. For a small house, suitable option installation of exercise equipment or arrangement of a basketball court. For larger houses, designers provide even more original solutions. So, you can find projects two-story houses with a flat roof, which are equipped with a tennis court and a helicopter landing pad.

How to make a flat roof: features of construction technology

When talking about houses with a flat roof, you need to understand that they still have some, albeit slight, slope. Usually this figure does not exceed 5o. But this slight slope is very important as it allows rainwater to flow towards the gutter.

Since a flat roof consists of many layers, in the process of laying them it is necessary to strictly observe not only the technology, but also the time intervals. The quality of materials also plays a big role. Therefore, saving in this matter is highly not recommended.

Let's look at what each layer of the roof pie consists of, and what you should pay attention to during the construction process.

Rigid base. As already mentioned, if the roof is planned to be used, it is usually made of reinforced concrete. As preparatory work the base is thoroughly cleaned and then leveled. For this purpose they use cement screed, as it perfectly eliminates all small crevices, cracks and chips. At this stage, it is important to wait until the solution has completely dried before moving on to further work.

Vapor barrier layer. As vapor barrier material For flat roofs, a bitumen-polymer film or vapor barrier is usually used. The main task of this layer is to provide reliable protection from moisture and condensation, preventing their penetration from inside the building to building materials. At this stage, it is important to seal all joints and seams as thoroughly as possible, since they pose the main danger.

Insulation. This layer directly determines the service life and quality of a flat roof, and therefore its features are worth dwelling on separately. Unlike pitched structures, in this case there is no space under the roof. It usually serves as additional thermal insulation, so the importance high-quality insulation increases greatly.

The most popular material used for this purpose is mineral wool. Due to the presence of such characteristics as fire safety, long term service, resistance to moisture and steam, as well as compression, this option is almost ideal.

Related article:

Types of house roofs. Design Features different types roofs Roofing coverings. Types mansard roofs. Roof insulation. Photo gallery of beautiful designs.

Another advantage that mineral wool has is that a layer of waterproofing material can be laid directly on top of it. Typically, in order to improve the thermal insulation characteristics of a flat roof, they use two-layer system insulation. In this case, the lower layer takes on the main thermal insulation function, while the upper layer serves for distribution. You can learn more about this by looking at several photo projects of one-story houses with a flat roof.

Features of choosing waterproofing material for a flat roof

For waterproofing, a durable, stable and elastic material is used that is not affected by temperatures and microorganisms. In the case of arranging an unused roof, bitumen or roofing felt is suitable; in all other cases, it is better to give preference to more modern materials, for example, PVC membrane.

Interesting! Modern waterproofing materials are able to withstand heavy loads, which becomes an advantage when arranging a roof garden.

There are several options for solving this problem:

  • penetrating (diffuse) membrane;
  • EPDM membrane;
  • waterproofing agents that are applied by spraying, for example, liquid rubber;
  • PVC membrane.

Given that high-quality styling and compliance with all recommendations, service life such materials will last up to 30 years. In addition, practically no mechanical impact can damage them.

If we talk about which of the listed options is better, then the PVC membrane takes the leading position. Due to the fact that they are made of polyvinyl chloride, they are lightweight, do not catch fire and are extremely resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Helpful advice! If we are talking about arranging a roof that has a complex geometric structure, it will be more effective to use liquid polymers as waterproofing. This will avoid the presence of seams. It is also better to use soft roof. The technology for installing a flat roof in this case is greatly simplified.

Features of arranging a drainage system in house projects with a flat roof: photos

The most important factor determining the service life of a flat roof is the quality of the drainage system. This is necessary to eliminate the risk of water stagnation on the surface and, as a result, damage to materials. The house design can include one of two systems – internal or external.

Sometimes, in order to prevent the accumulation of snow and ice in the drainage system, they are additionally equipped with heating, which consists of a special cable that heats up.

Due to the presence of a slight slope, water enters the drain funnels and is then drained away from the house. At this stage, it is important to pay attention to the quality of waterproofing of the junctions of the elements with the roof. This allows you to keep the design of the facade of a house with a flat roof in original form and prevents erosion of the foundation.

Helpful advice! In order to prevent clogging of the drainage system, it is recommended to ensure the presence of a special mesh that will serve to “catch” debris.

House with a flat roof: catalog of projects and features of the implementation of original ideas

Plants planted directly on the roof surface, rather than in pots, look incredibly impressive on the roof of a house. But this technology has its own nuances, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

A layer of geotextile is placed between the drainage and the soil. This prevents the process of soil being washed out into the drainage, as well as its washing. This is facilitated by the dense arrangement of synthetic fibers.

If planting is not planned, the procedure is somewhat simplified and can be reduced to applying concrete screed, on top of which tiles will be laid or special Sand and gravel. Which option is preferable depends on how the roof will be used in the future.

Considering the projects of one-story houses with a flat roof, you can see how important the presence of such additional space plays. If the area is properly equipped, this place can become a favorite place for the whole family. In addition, this idea can be implemented for other buildings. For example, you can make a bathhouse with a flat roof or a gazebo.

Looking for beautiful projects houses with a flat roof with photos and layouts? Our catalog contains many designs of well-thought-out houses, including those with a flat roof. This category is the real highlight of our catalog. Modern houses with flat roofs enjoy special demand among wealthy people who keep up with the times, who are not afraid of experiments and innovative ideas in suburban construction. Original projects Not everyone likes flat houses; many people think that such cottages are neither functional nor beautiful, and that living in them is not comfortable. However, this is not the case, let's take a closer look at this type of house. In the photo they all have an impeccable appearance, which we have already become accustomed to when visiting foreign resorts, because most modern villas are made in exactly this way architectural style. Successful planning solutions in finished projects they are not inferior to standard ones classic houses, but available big square glazing, through the use of French windows all the way to the floor. Some people are confused about a flat roof and how to care for it and remove snow in the winter. However, the coating is made of PVC membrane, which lasts a long time and does not require special care, and the snow from its surface is melted by special heating elements. Flat roof buildings are very easy to build, especially if the quality building material were chosen gas silicate blocks(aerated concrete) or large format ceramic brick(warm ceramics). When choosing a project, consider your needs, the number of bedrooms, the presence of a garage and terraces, whether you want

Projects of houses with a flat roof

In our country, a flat roof is a rather atypical solution. Therefore, such a house will stand out among other buildings. A flat roof serves in its own way as an indicator of the status of the owner, the breadth of his views and the absence of conventions.

But a house with a flat roof is not just a tribute to fashion and a desire to stand out. If previously only elite apartment buildings, then today it is increasingly becoming an attribute country houses. The flat roof allows you to realize the fantasies that owners pitched roofs and never dreamed of it. This is a luxurious flower garden and a pond with a beach area. Material benefits also play an important role when choosing such a roof. After all, it eliminates the need to design and build a rafter system. True, a flat roof also has significant disadvantages. For example, the lack of under-roof space, and therefore the thermal insulation that it provides.

A house with a flat roof needs an attic with high-quality hydro- and thermal insulation. To do this you will need expensive materials. No matter how flat the roof is, minimum slope is still needed there. Usually it is 5-15 degrees. This angle of inclination is enough to prevent the roof from collecting rain and melt water. Moreover, on a perfectly flat roof you will have to make a slope, that is, give it some slope. For this they use special materials– slabs with a certain angle. It is possible to use bulk materials. If you are worried about clearing snow in winter, calm down, you don’t have to pick up a shovel. Will help solve the problem warm cable, thanks to which the snow will constantly melt and flow off the roof on its own. However, even what is essentially a disadvantage can also be an advantage. It is not necessary to remove all the snow from the roof. By leaving it there in an amount safe for the roof, you get natural thermal insulation, which means you can save on heating.

If you decide to order a house project with a flat roof, you should remember that such construction may be associated with certain difficulties. For example, during the installation of a roof, all requirements for waterproofing must be met. Otherwise, you will end up with leaks and water pooling on your roof in the future. You can order individual project or buy standard project houses with a flat roof. In any case, you will be asked to choose one of two types of roofing. This can be a lightweight or exploitable flat roof. Lightweight roofing does not require operation. In this case, the beams are laid on top load-bearing walls and are fixed in place. The next step is to install the sheathing, then lay the waterproofing in several layers.

The next stage is laying thermal insulation and installing ventilation vents so that condensation does not accumulate in the insulation. Finally, you need to waterproof the roof using roofing membranes. If you choose finished project flat roof houses and would like to arrange a recreation area at the top, then you need to choose a structure with a solid roof designed for significant loads. There are several ways to arrange such a roof. Concrete slabs can serve as floors. It will not be possible to lay such a roof without the use of heavy equipment; in addition, it needs to be insulated. You can also use metal support beams as the basis for the roofing. Most modern way– ceramic roofing blocks. This material will give the roof strength, keep heat inside and keep out sounds from outside. Such blocks are resistant to moisture.

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