Types of finishing of facades of private houses. Modern wooden houses: types of facades and photos Decorative finishing of the facade of wooden houses

What's the best choice?

Even though now wooden houses can be treated with special antiseptic and fireproof solutions, which are expensive and protect the material for only a few years, owners of new properties increasingly prefer to sheathe external walls with reliable materials. It is best to improve the exterior of wooden buildings with bricks and siding.

The first finishing component is quite expensive, but the second will be cheaper.

In any case, covering the facade of a wooden house is not as simple a process as it might seem, because it implementation includes several stages:

  • fastening facing materials (panels made of wood, plastic, brick, etc.) to the facade of the building;
  • plinth finishing natural stone, tiles or other components;
  • painting wood to protect it from negative factors external environment;
  • measures for insulation of external wall surfaces;
  • installation quality windows and doors;
  • creation of a water drainage system;
  • work on the design of the area adjacent to the house.

It is worth noting here that insulating a building is not always necessary. It can be waived if the premises are needed only for summer living. Often, owners of houses built from profiled timber or from timber that has been subjected to natural drying (the rooms of such buildings are already maintained at a normal temperature) also refuse such measures.

Technologies for finishing external walls

If the owner of the house decides to cladding the facade, this will allow the building for a long time look attractive and protect the walls from the adverse effects of nature. For such tasks, many materials can be used: plastering products, tiles, siding, brick, block house, PVC panels. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, tile and siding are easy to clean.

When working on exterior finishing, you need to take into account that it can be done wet (using various solutions and plaster) and mounted technology(walls are decorated with brick or stone, tiles or plastic, siding or other materials). All of them can be considered in more detail...

Cladding the facade of a house with plaster

For this type of finish external walls resort only as a last resort. For example, it may be appropriate when the house on which such work is to be done is located in places with changeable weather conditions. Before you start plastering the surface, the wooden wall should be covered with shingles (alternatively, tightened with wire). It is important to note here that the walls are plastered over the sheathing, which can protect the wood from excess liquid from the mortar getting on it.

Although such cladding of external walls is used quite rarely, it is still worth recognizing that it looks quite impressive, because it allows you to embody even the most daring and extraordinary ideas of designers. For work, mineral plaster is usually used, which is a composition of Portland cement that includes plasticizing additives. Such material can only have light shades, but despite poverty color range, the price of such mixtures is low. Sometimes acrylic plaster is used to decorate walls, allowing the wood to “breathe”.

This material is more durable and can be different colors. But the durability of acrylic plaster is less than that of mineral plaster.

Brick is a reliable material for protecting buildings

When facing wooden walls with bricks, you can achieve not only their aesthetic transformation, but also excellent thermal insulation characteristics and strength. In addition, this finishing material reduces the fire hazard and increases the resistance of walls to moisture and frost. For such work, special facade bricks are used, represented by the most different colors and forms.

You can start covering the house with this material only after the building has completely settled. To fasten bricks to wooden walls, clamps (special metal devices) are used. But when thinking about cladding a house with such material, it is worth considering that this will increase the weight of the surfaces and, therefore, will serve as a large load for the foundation. In this regard, it must be durable and strong.

When doing this kind of work, you need to make a gap between wooden wall and brick finishing - at least 5 centimeters wide. Thus, the tree will have access to air, which it urgently needs. On brick finishing The walls will cost a lot of money, but this cladding option is pretty good.

Siding the wooden surfaces of the house

Siding - cheaper, but no less practical material for covering wooden surfaces. It is a special design that can have vinyl, metal or even wooden base. It is preferable to choose products made from vinyl, because metal can rust over time, and wood, again, will have to be covered with protective solutions to avoid easy flammability and exposure to bacteria.

Thanks to such materials, which are attached to the frame, additional features for insulation of the building. The main advantages of finishing with siding are a wide selection of colors of products, their easy cleaning and long service life, low cost. Very pleased affordable prices similar designs and ease of installation. They are specially designed for outdoor use, which determines the composition of the siding, which is based on polyvinyl chloride. Among the main disadvantages are the lack of environmental friendliness and the low strength of the material.

Finishing a wooden building with PVC panels

From time to time the owners wooden houses as an external decoration, they choose a kind of siding - imitating the surface of stone, brick, marble, etc. The walls of a house covered with this material are very easy to care for, and they will last for a long time good view. In addition, the PVC surface is resistant to chemical attack, and can withstand any vagaries of the weather.

Despite the fact that such panels are made of plastic, they are very “patient” with mechanical damage. By the way, such structures are often called basement siding. Installation is carried out according to the same principle as when attaching conventional vinyl panels to a wooden wall.

Tiling - a practical solution

Wall decoration wooden buildings using tiles - interesting and practical solution. This material can imitate many surfaces and have different drawings and colors. Thanks to it, the walls will be reliably protected from exposure to the sun, rain, snow and other natural factors. Tiles are often used for cladding the foundations of wooden houses. It (using special glue) is attached to the wall protected by the sheathing.

The tiles need to be laid close to each other - this helps to increase the service life of the surfaces. This method allows you to protect both the walls and the tile itself, so that the material will last a long time. Its most important disadvantages can be considered the relatively high cost and relative complexity of installation.

Block house for cladding building facades

Sometimes a block house is used for cladding facades. It is created from well-dried wood impregnated with antimicrobial agents. Due to its noble origin, such material the best way suitable for beautification. Product data for external cladding buildings look like a rounded log or an ordinary log house. The parts of the block house are attached to each other thanks to the “spike-phase” system, which is located on the sides of the products.

This material is reliably protected from rotting and deformation. In addition, it is easy to install (block houses can be laid along and across the walls). But usually thin products are attached to the surface of the house vertically, and thicker ones - horizontally. In this case, a sheathing must be made between the block house and the wooden wall.

During the fastening work of this facing material clamps, nails, screws and other elements are used. Block houses give houses an aesthetic appearance, and they are also easy to install. The downside is the high cost of these products and the need to replace them from time to time. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material.

Stylish design options (video)

What's the best choice?

The outer sides of the walls of a wooden house should not only delight passers-by with their beautiful view, but also “be able” to reliably protect themselves from the adverse effects of nature: wind, moisture and sun. In this regard, the owner of a wooden building should think about how to secure his home.

So, if there is a desire to preserve the facade in its original form, then the wooden walls should be impregnated with special solutions that will prevent the material from rotting. It would also be a good idea to coat the surfaces with special compounds to reduce the chances of fire. All these measures certainly extend the life of the house. If you want to use finishing from a similar material for a wooden building, then it would be appropriate to use a block house. In cases where you want to have as little hassle as possible with cleaning the facade and yet still see it always neat, you should think about covering the external walls with tiles or siding. We recommend reading the article about .

Or maybe the greatest priority for the owner of the house is the strength and reliability of the structures? In this case, it is possible to choose a brick or stone base as an exterior finish.

Regardless of what material the owner of the house chooses for upgrading the external walls, after the completion of the construction of the building, you need to wait for it to shrink. Buildings made of glued or profiled timber require the least amount of time for this purpose (finishing work can begin almost immediately after assembling the house). But if the dwelling is created from a wild log house, then it will be possible to begin cladding the external walls only 2-3 years after the completion of construction. One way or another, there is always time to think about what material to choose to give your home beauty and security. We recommend reading the article about.

The “concrete jungle” of big cities sucks all the energy out of a person, so at least on weekends you really want to get closer to nature. It's good if you have your own dacha with wooden house or private cottage. The natural materials of such a home will help you relax in environmentally friendly conditions. And there's just nothing cozier room with wood trim. The wooden cladding of the house will organically fit into the minimalist style of the building and will be suitable for ordinary dachas or stylized “antique” cottages.

The facade of the house can be called the calling card of every owner, so approach exterior decoration the home stands with complete seriousness.

In addition to the aesthetically attractive appearance of the building, it is also important that the house is warm and environmentally friendly for living. That is why opt for the option of facade finishing made of wood. If you build wooden frame Due to the high cost of the material, not everyone can afford it, then sheathing a home wood panels

Almost any summer resident can afford it. Technically, the process of exterior wood cladding is not so complicated, so even an untrained craftsman will be able to complete facade work in the shortest possible time.

Advantages and disadvantages U wood finishing

, like any other finishing material, has its pros and cons.

  • with proper processing, wooden cladding will reliably protect the house from negative external influences; no need to mount ventilation ducts , because wooden surface
  • it is well ventilated;
  • elegance and respectability of the surface;

There is essentially only one drawback - the flammability of a material such as wood. But it can be easily solved with the help of special protective coatings, which will have to be applied to the building from year to year.

Selecting the type of material

Before the beginning facade works decide what type of wood you will use, because each material has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Consider the general style and direction of the design so that the house looks as harmonious and impressive as possible.

The choice of wood type is very important. Do not overestimate exotic wood species - opt for Russian traditions when building log houses. Only trees growing in middle lane Russia, suitable for any climate of our country.

Pine is soft wood, so the process of processing it is as simple as possible for the craftsman. Experts recommend using this material in humid climates, since the resinous conifers racks to negative influence moisture and rotting.

The strongest and most durable wood is cedar. It is also distinguished by its unusual yellow tint, which can be effectively used when developing the design of your home.

And oak can be considered an elite material, which is not accessible to everyone due to its high cost. It is distinguished by high strength and durability, besides, oak wood can be of various shades - from golden yellow to dark brown, so you probably won’t have any problems with the choice.

Larch has very durable wood with a yellowish tint. Due to the durability of this material, it is often used for the construction of large-scale objects - for example, temples. Unfortunately, over time, under the influence of the external environment and precipitation, larch wood can darken, so take this into account when building your house.

Spruce has a light structure, sticks well, but can begin to rot over time without regular care and treatment. by special means. Alder has a soft structure and is easy to work with, but is also easily susceptible to rot. An innovation in the building materials market is thermally modified wood, which is obtained after processing wood under high pressure.

Types of cladding

Exterior decoration, as is known, it may be wet technology(for example, using plaster) or using hanging technology (cladding with wood panels, siding or other finishing materials).

- Block house

In appearance, this finishing material is a log treated with antiseptic and varnish, divided in half lengthwise. The flat side is attached to the facade using grooves and tenons on the sides. This installation technology allows you to assemble a house in the shortest possible time. If you use screws or nails, be sure to treat them with a special anti-corrosion compound.

- Siding

Very popular and inexpensive option finishing – wood siding. It comes in the form of a molded profile of several connected parts or can be made from a solid wooden board. And the ease of installation allows even a non-professional builder to do the finishing – of course, with the help of competent instructions and advice from professionals that can be found on the Internet.

- Wooden shingles

The cladding with wooden shingles looks very impressive. In addition, such finishing material will significantly extend the life of the building and protect it from the effects of adverse weather conditions. Finishing such a facade can only be done by specialists who have undergone special training, so you should not experiment and save on the services of professionals.

- Thermowood

This material can be used not only for making decorative elements, for example, stairs, beams, gazebos, rafters, panels. Thermowood can also be used as a facade finishing material. Wood that has undergone special heat treatment is used to reliably protect the house from negative external influences, humidity and temperature changes. After all, since the days Ancient Rus' burnt wood was used to increase the strength of structures.

- Eurolining

Sheathing a building with eurolining is simple - you can do this work yourself, since the boards are connected with a tongue-and-groove fastening system. This type of exterior decoration looks beautiful and is affordable. This material is distinguished by its low weight, which means faster installation speed.

- HPL panels

This material is a combined finishing raw material obtained by pressing cellulose and wood fiber, which, to increase technical characteristics impregnated with heat-shrinkable resins. This material is produced at high temperature, so the sheets are super strong.

Advantages over other materials include resistance to shock and mechanical damage, as well as negative impact environment. This façade will serve you faithfully for many years, and maintaining it will take a minimum of time and money.

Since HPL panels are lighter compared to others facade materials, they are often used for finishing large surfaces. A wide range of colors and a rich selection of textures will allow you to choose panels to suit any interior style. Another advantage is the “self-sufficiency” of the panels, that is, you do not need plaster or additional processing such a facade.

- Ventilated facade

Another innovation is a ventilated facade, when brackets for sheathing are first mounted on the walls, then insulation and timber sheathing are installed. As a result, a kind of air cushion is formed inside, which ensures natural ventilation wooden facade.

A membrane is attached to the sheathing to protect the insulation from condensation and fungus formation. Please note that the absorbent side is attached to the wall of the house. And at the end, the wooden finishing material is fixed to the sheathing using special fasteners.

A wooden house is great option modern ecological housing. Therefore, finishing materials for the facades of wooden houses are becoming increasingly popular. But before you start decorating the facade of a wooden house, you should first find out the purpose of the decoration and its function.

The role of facade finishing

The main task of finishing is to increase the service life of the building without overhaul. There are a number of other useful functions for facade finishing:

  • Decorative function. Most people want their home to look beautiful. With a large selection of modern finishing materials, this is not difficult to do.
  • The finish will protect the wood from small rodents and insects. For mice and rats, wooden walls are a good target. Many insects live inside the tree. As a result of their vital activity, the wood deteriorates over time and the walls become unusable. Exterior finishing will not allow pests to damage the wood.
  • The finish will provide protection from moisture. Without cladding, the wood will absorb moisture and gradually rot. Modern antiseptics for protecting wood are not cheap and have limited period actions, so it is necessary to repeat the processing periodically.

Wood covered with veneer will not deteriorate, and the lining itself can be easily washed, wiped or cleaned.

  • The finishing increases sound insulation.
  • Facade finishing wooden house increases thermal protection. In winter, the cladding keeps the interior warm, and in the summer it keeps it cool.

Most finishing materials are fireproof, which provides additional protection wooden elements houses from fire.

Finishing materials

The most common materials are plaster, facade brick, clinker thermal panels, block house, siding.


  • Plastering wooden walls is necessary if other methods are not suitable. There is no point in putting plaster directly on wooden beams- She won’t hold on.
  • First you need to lath the walls. Waterproofing is placed on the walls, on top of which slats are stuffed or ready-made sheathing is installed. Plaster is applied to it: from ordinary sand-cement mixture to decorative plaster.
  • Mineral plaster is a mixture of plasticizing materials and Portland cement. But mineral plaster only has light colors. Acrylic plaster has good breathability. It is more durable and has a larger selection of colors.
  • But the service life of acrylic plaster is less than that of mineral plaster. There are plasters with crumbs of various minerals. This mixture will improve the appearance of the house and give it originality.

Minuses: the house will lose its “wooden” appearance, the need to paint the walls, labor intensity.

Pros: accessibility, improving the thermal insulation of the house, protecting wood from environmental influences, various textures, colors, shades, beautiful aesthetic appearance.

Facade brick

Facing brick, in comparison with ordinary brick, has ideal geometric dimensions, ideal angles and ends. The front side should not be deformed.


  • It is necessary to begin facing with façade bricks only when the house is completely settled. A gap must be made between the brick and the wall to ensure ventilation. wooden materials.
  • The distance between the wall and the cladding is 5 cm or more. The brick is attached to the surface of the walls using metal elements- kleimers.
  • Masonry facing bricks Much more attention should be paid to precision, neatness and cleanliness.
  • It is worth considering that when finishing the facade with brick, the mass of the walls of the house increases several times and, accordingly, the pressure on the foundation increases. If the house has a weak foundation, it is better to abandon this cladding.

Minuses: wooden house will lose its appearance, the mass of the walls and the pressure on the foundation will increase.

Pros: strength, fire safety, increased thermal insulation, beautiful appearance.

Clinker thermal panels

A clinker thermal panel is a slab of polyurethane foam into which clinker tiles are glued. The use of thermal panels allows you to combine facade finishing and home insulation.

Properties of this material:

  • ease of installation without preparatory work;
  • have high vapor permeability;
  • increase the thermal and waterproofing of walls;
  • I have a low mass - 45-60 kg/m 3;
  • withstands temperatures from -60 ºС to +100 ºС;
  • service life from 30 years;
  • frost resistance more than 300 cycles;
  • moisture absorption of no more than 2% per day provides clinker panels with resistance to high humidity air, temperature fluctuations and wind exposure;
  • the strength of the material is equal to ceramic granite or natural stone.
  • resistance to acids and alkalis.
  • non-flammable;
  • quick replacement of slabs in case of damage;

Wide range of colors.

Block house

Block house is a wooden material for cladding facades:

  • If you want to preserve the appearance of a wooden house, a block house is a suitable material.
  • The outer side is an imitation of a cylindrical log, and inner side- smooth.
  • The elements of the block house are fastened using a tongue-and-groove system located at the ends of the material.
  • The material is made of well-dried wood and coated with a protective impregnation, therefore it is protected from external influence, rotting and insects.

Minuses: high price, requires replacement over time.

Pros: the wooden appearance is preserved, installation is easy, and it looks beautiful.


Siding is panels made of polyvinyl chloride or vinyl, the thickness of the material is generally 1 - 1.3 mm:

  • This type of cladding of wooden walls is chosen when low cost of cladding is required, quick installation and the house has a weak foundation.
  • The weight of the siding will not significantly affect bearing capacity walls and the strength of the foundation. The price depends on the brand of the manufacturer.
  • Imported products are more expensive than domestic analogues with the same characteristics. The main reason for the high popularity of siding is the availability of the material and ease of installation.

Caring for this type of cladding is also very simple. A large assortment of panels will make it possible to realize different design ideas.

Minuses: low-cost type, unnatural material, low strength.

Pros: low price, ease of installation, neat appearance, high thermal insulation.

Comparative table of finishing materials


Fire resistance


Ease of installation

Consumption per m2




130-1300 UAH/25 kg

Facade brick


Thermal panels with clinker tiles

330 - 560 UAH/m 2

Block house

0.135m x 3m ~ 3 pcs.

90 - 350 UAH/m 2

98-237 UAH/m 2

Finishing the facade with wood not only provides the effect of antiquity, but also allows you to hide all defects, and also guarantees warmth and the absence of extraneous noise in the building. Currently, this option is used not only in dachas, but also in other private houses, since the market is replete with various types of this building material, differing from each other in color and texture.

Cladding the façade with wood involves using one of the following types of this material:

This is one of the most common options, which are planed boards made from hardwood or coniferous trees. It is durable, easy to use finishing works and high levels of noise and heat insulation.

This material is fastened in a horizontal position, the connection being achieved using tenons and grooves. If necessary additional insulation façade installation of sheathing takes place.


This type means whole wooden boards, the connecting elements of which are grooves and tenons. On the positive side lining is its low weight, guaranteeing minimal load on the walls and foundation of the building.

The classification of this type of finishing material is carried out depending on the purity of the wood. Based on this aspect, lining of classes “A”, “B” and “C” is distinguished. A variety of such a product is eurolining, the production of which is based on European standards.

It's relative the new kind, made by completely removing moisture from wood. External difference Such boards are characterized by their semi-oval profile.

The main advantages of block house finishing are maximum strength, resistance to rotting, and the possibility of returning the original appearance by rubbing with sandpaper. The main disadvantage of the material is the need for additional painting and varnishing.

Wood siding

During the manufacturing process of this product, wood fibers are pressed and mixed with polymers that provide high performance moisture resistance.

Facade cladding with siding should only be done in houses that have high level resistance to fires, since the polymers that make up this material are prone to fire. The advantages of choice are ease installation work, safety for the human body and original texture.


This is a board that has a profile of round, flat or curly look and made from hard wood. This material is quite practical and has long term operation.

Covering the facade with such a board requires maintaining the distance between the products in order to ensure free access, if it is necessary to replace failed material.

Installation of a facade using wood using the hinged method

To enhance strength load-bearing wall premises and providing heat in it, finishing the facade of the house with wood is done using a hanging method.

The first stage of installation is strengthening the brackets, to which the insulation and metal sheathing are attached. For a ventilation effect, small openings should be left in the upper and lower parts of the façade.

A membrane is attached to the sheathing, which acts as a barrier to condensation. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the absorbing side of the membrane is attached to the wall of the house. Otherwise, this is fraught with destruction of the insulation. The joining of wooden material is done using special fastenings, selected depending on its type.

Main types of varnish for coating wooden facades

The following varnishes can be used to treat a wooden facade after cladding:

  1. Yacht, providing protection of the lining from the occurrence of fungal processes and the appearance of harmful insects.
  2. Oil-based, ensuring the material’s resistance to ultraviolet radiation and sudden changes in temperature.
  3. Alkyd, used to protect the material from mechanical damage.
  4. Varnish on water based, which has no harmful effects on the human body and has maximum resistance to negative environmental phenomena.

During the operation of all of these types of varnishes, special attention must be paid to temperature and humidity indicators. Deviations from the values ​​​​set by the manufacturer can significantly increase the absorption time and reduce the quality of the varnish.

Disadvantages of wooden facade cladding

  1. The tendency of wood to swell, resulting in the loss of the original appearance of the building.
  2. Ease of ignition, prompting emphasis on the fire resistance of the house and the use of special impregnations that reduce the flammability of wood.
  3. Susceptibility to fungal processes that destroy the original structure of the facing material.

Wood is warm and environmentally friendly. Its walls breathe and create a healthy microclimate inside. Unfortunately, it gets wet and quickly deteriorates without constant care and protection. Properly selected materials for cladding the facade of a wooden house will extend its service life and preserve the walls and their properties. Finishing material will create a unique image of the building.

For self-repair facade, select the right materials for vapor permeability, taking into account the thickness of the layer. Otherwise, moisture will not escape outside. Accumulating in the wall, it will destroy it. The house may be stuffy and damp.

Extending the life of an old house with facade cladding

The main purpose of the cladding is to protect the walls and base from destruction by nature. Rain and sun help trees grow. They become enemies to the walls of a wooden house. Moisture promotes rotting and, in hot weather, the proliferation of fungus. In winter it freezes inside and breaks the fibers. The sun, together with the wind, dries the surface of the walls, changes their color, and contributes to the formation of cracks.

Cladding is often done simultaneously with insulation. Then outer part protects your home from temperature changes. Individual selection of finishes allows you to create an original building. Completely change the style and design of the building.

Facade panels and siding imitate natural materials and look natural. The owner himself will determine which house he likes best:

  • rounded log from metal, wood, ceramic Block House;
  • cladding with boards and planks;
  • brickwork made of facing clinker bricks;
  • stone finishing different breeds fiber cement, vinyl, polymer sand boards;
  • plaster.

Before I start tiling a house to order, I find out from its owner what type of home he likes, what would be best for him in the appearance of his house. Leave the wooden hut or turn the building into a stone cottage.

Selection of materials based on vapor permeability and calculation based on layer thickness

House in the process of facing with facade thermal panels

The complexity of house cladding lies in the characteristics of the material. Wood has a high coefficient of vapor permeability and low hardness. Even oak is softer than dolomite and limestone. A sandwich of insulation and cladding materials should have an increasing ability to release vapors to the outside. It’s better not to rush to start work, but to carefully calculate required characteristics materials for cladding wooden facades.

Table of vapor permeability of materials used in finishing facades of wooden houses.

Material Vapor permeability mg/(m*h*Pa) Material thickness mm
Pine, spruce, larch 0,06 300 – 600; 8,0 — 14,0
Oak, beech 0,05 400 – 600; 6,0 — 12,0
Cement-sand plaster 0,09 10,0 — 40,0
Plaster with lime milk 0,098 10,0 — 40,0
Ceramic brick 0,11 — 0,14 65, 120
Limestone (stone) 0,06 — 0,11 10,0 — 22,0
Multilayer plywood 0,02 5,0 — 12,0
Chipboard and fibreboard 0,12 — 0,24 10,0 — 16,0
Clinker 0,018 6,0 — 8,0
Polyurethane foam 0,05 50 — 100
Expanded polystyrene 0,023 40 — 60
Glass mineral wool 0,5 — 0,54 50 — 80
Mineral wool stone 0,3 — 0,52 50 — 120
Drywall 0,075 10,0 — 22,0
Gypsum boards 0,098 — 0,11 8,0 — 16,0
Polyethylene 0,0002 0,8 — 0,2

Polyethylene film has the lowest vapor permeability. However, its thickness is tiny compared to other materials. Therefore, waterproofing will not impede the passage of air. A wooden wall is much thicker than boards and slabs for facade cladding. With an outer layer of wooden slabs moisture will come out. It is better to cover with brick if it is 30 - 40% of the thickness wooden wall Houses.

I always calculate vapor permeability before purchasing materials for finishing the facade of a house, especially a wooden one. The main indicator is the material and thickness of the wall. Then insulation and finishing. I will adjust if necessary. For example, I make a smaller layer of plaster and more foam.

Materials for cladding wet facades

The foundation of wooden houses is designed for low weight of the structure. Wood has a low specific gravity. Therefore, heavy insulation materials are excluded. Mainly used:

  • mineral wool on stone and glass base;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • PVC plates.

Waterproofing is installed on the wall and under the cladding. The best plaster is cement-sand plaster. Lime gives the solution plasticity and frost resistance. Its disadvantage is its high moisture absorption. Wet lime corrodes metal and polyethylene, causing the formation of salt stains and destruction of wood.

Plaster absorbs moisture. It needs to be covered on top protective layer or finish with panels and slabs. For wet facade wooden house are suitable:

  • oil paint for exterior use;
  • water-based and synthetic-based facade paint;
  • decorative vinyl, acrylic putty;
  • decorative panels;
  • slabs made of sand and cement, clay.

Oil paint must be applied after a year. After the third layer, the walls will stop breathing if the residue is not cleaned off. For cladding wooden houses, it is better to use water-based dyes. They require constant updating every 2 - 3 years, but do not block air access with any number of layers.

Decorative putty has big choice textures and colors. It makes it easy to create original facade. The finishing of the house will last for 5 years. The walls will look good because the materials contain antistatic agents that repel dust.

Plates and panels for cladding wet facades

Installation load-bearing structure under siding

Manufacturers offer a large selection of different slabs and panels for wall decoration. Which the material is suitable for wooden houses can be determined by weight and method of fastening. I suggest you pay attention to the following:

  • vinyl tiles to look like stone and brick;
  • polymer sand;
  • wooden.

The advantage of all these cladding materials is their low weight. The slabs can be glued without a profile onto a layer of plaster, connecting them together. When finishing a wooden facade without insulation, they are all attached with self-tapping screws directly to the treated wall.

The service life of house façade cladding with slabs is 15 – 25 years. In this case, only wood requires periodic application of antipyrine and antistatic agents, if it is not planken. Some of the wooden materials are impregnated with the necessary protective compounds in the production process.

Thermal panels are used for cladding wooden facades as an alternative to insulating a house together with finishing. They are made from porous material with high vapor permeability. Front part It has decorative coating from clinker or terracotta tiles under brickwork.

Ventilated facade of a wooden house

The ventilated façade has more options cladding. You can make siding or hanging panels. The complexity of the design lies in mounting the profile and laying insulation between the racks. It is necessary to insulate everything so that there are no cold bridges. On top of the waterproofing, 20 mm thick strips are placed on the sheathing for fastening the panels. Then you can mount it yourself:

  • acrylic panels;
  • wooden block house, lining, planken;
  • aluminum panels;
  • vinyl and metal siding.

The material is selected according to specific gravity. Connected to each other with locks. It is attached to the profile with self-tapping screws. Guarantee period The service life of cladding a wooden house with the listed materials is 25 - 50 years. This is more than the walls themselves can stand without periodic treatment.

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Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites