Technology of plastering gas silicate blocks. Plastering walls made of aerated silicate blocks: choice of mixture and finishing features Plaster mixtures for interior work on aerated concrete

Affordability and high performance characteristics have made aerated concrete one of the most used building materials in the construction of low-rise buildings. After the completion of the immediate construction phase, the question arises final finishing Houses. Plastering gas silicate blocks on the outside is the most common method. This is due to the relatively low cost of the finishing material and the simplicity of the work technology - any home owner who knows how to hold a tool in his hands is able to carry out plastering on his own.

Interior wall decoration in a similar way is also used quite often. However, there are certain nuances of finishing. First of all, this is due to the properties of aerated concrete itself. Let's try to understand in more detail how, when and with what to plaster gas silicate blocks inside the house and carry out external work.

Advantages of gas silicate

First, let's briefly look at the performance characteristics of the building material. Aerated concrete has a number of obvious advantages that explain the popularity of its use. In addition to the already mentioned attractive cost, these include:

Selection of plaster

It is the increased vapor permeability that explains the difference between the technology of gas silicate plaster and similar work on the surface of walls made of other building materials. If you apply a continuous coating to aerated concrete that does not have the appropriate moisture transmittance coefficient, unpleasant consequences are likely to occur as a result:

  • the plaster will crack and crumble, and this process is possible both outside the house and inside;
  • inside a closed room the humidity will be constantly increased;
  • as a consequence of the previous point, fungus and mold will become habitual inhabitants of corners and baseboards;
  • The pattern of block masonry will clearly appear on the plaster walls, disappearing after the room is ventilated and dried.

To avoid such problems, to carry out plastering works you need to use special compounds. The table shows a list of basic requirements for finishing materials for aerated concrete.

Before purchasing a dry mixture, carefully read its characteristics and determine whether it can be plastered aerated concrete walls with her help.

The cost of plaster compositions with similar parameters is slightly higher than that of ordinary plaster based on a mixture of cement and sand. However, due to thinner layer application, it is possible to avoid a significant increase in the cost of finishing.

With the question “What to plaster with?” figured it out. Now let’s move on directly to the description of how to properly plaster walls made of gas silicate blocks.

Carrying out interior work

Interior decoration always begins with the wall preparation stage. Since one of the advantages of aerated concrete blocks is standard size, preliminary leveling of the surface and removal of protruding excess adhesive composition can be easily done using special grouting meshes or sandpaper. If necessary, you can use a grinding machine.

Exterior finishing

The technology of external plastering is practically no different from the process of internal work described above.

The only difference is the thickness of the coating: if on inner surface 1-2 layers are enough, then on the outside the thin-layer method involves applying 3 layers, and the thick-layer method - 5-6. The plaster used for exterior work is the same as for interior use.

Each layer of applied plaster is necessarily reinforced with a fiberglass mesh. Naturally, this leads to certain expenses. However, it is better to spend a small amount at the finishing stage than to pay again for repairs after just a few years.

The applied layer must be given time to dry completely, and only then proceed to the formation of the next one. Therefore, it is preferable to carry out work in warm time years: pauses in production process will be shorter.

After the plaster has completely dried, the surface can be painted. It is recommended to use only special vapor-permeable paints, for example, PASTEL, ATLAS or ARKOL S.

Features of plaster

The main nuances of the work are again related to the vapor permeability of gas silicate. The factory technology for manufacturing blocks provides for the sale of products with an internal humidity of 30%. For exterior finishing this figure should be no more than 15%. Therefore, it is advisable not to proceed to finishing work immediately, but to let the building “breathe” for some time.

In the future, we first carry out internal plastering. This mandatory rule. If you start with exterior work, the moisture accumulated in the material will not have a way out, and with the onset of cold weather, at best, the plaster will begin to fall off, and at worst, cracks will appear in the walls themselves.

After finishing the work inside, we take a significant break. Ideally, the house should stand without external decoration for at least 1 - 1.5 years. The strength properties of aerated concrete allow it to survive such a long period without deteriorating further performance characteristics. But high quality external plaster, applied to mature blocks, can last at least 15 years.

Another feature that needs to be taken into account when choosing a method external design facades - reinforcement of walls during construction. Exterior plaster is used only if the construction technology provided for additional reinforcement every 3-4 rows of wall blocks. If the strengthening of the house was limited to the construction monolithic belts at levels interfloor ceilings and under the Mauerlat, it is recommended to avoid using plaster. In this case, it is better to use siding, clapboard or decorative stone. Violation of this rule is fraught with the appearance of cracks and shedding of the plaster.


All problems arising during the work or further exploitation at home are associated with the use of inappropriate materials or violation of technology. To guarantee yourself comfortable accommodation in a cozy atmosphere, when plastering, it is enough to follow these recommendations:

  • We are not in a hurry to start work immediately after construction is completed;
  • We do not plaster a house that does not have wall reinforcement; we choose a different finishing method;
  • we start with the inner surface, planning such work for the warm season;
  • we leave the house without external decoration for at least a year;
  • We use only plaster that is suitable in its properties for application to aerated concrete;
  • Be sure to pre-prime the surface;
  • We do not skimp on fiberglass mesh, carefully reinforcing each layer of external plaster;
  • For painting we use only compositions with appropriate vapor permeability indicators.

To summarize the above, main principle work on plastering walls made of aerated concrete blocks can be formulated briefly: do not rush! Only by maintaining the correct intervals between the stages of construction and finishing, ensuring the sequence of actions provided for by the technology and using the recommended plaster compositions, will you receive a beautiful and reliable coating that will give your building an aesthetically complete look and will last for many years.

Gas silicate-based blocks are widely used as a building material for the construction of buildings. They provide increased thermal insulation of buildings, but due to their porous structure they absorb moisture. Form protective covering walls allow plaster mixture. First, rough plaster for gas silicate blocks is laid on the prepared surface. Then a thin layer of mortar is applied and grouted. Covering the wall with aerated concrete, plastered with dry mixtures, helps prevent cracking of the material due to waterlogging.

Properties of gas silicate material and its protection using a plaster layer

Silicate blocks are a modern building material characterized by a cellular structure. They are made from a mixture quartz sand and cement, to which aluminum powder and lime are added. When the ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the gas silicate solution increases its volume and then hardens in special forms.

Gas silicate based blocks are used as building materials for the construction of buildings.

As a result of the gas formation reaction, the blocks acquire a porous structure, which determines the main performance characteristics of the material:

  • reduced thermal conductivity. Gas silicate walls reduce thermal energy losses and reduce heating costs;
  • ability to absorb noise. Cells unevenly distributed inside the blocks prevent extraneous noise from entering the room;
  • increased vapor permeability. Through the pores it is carried out air exchange, improving the microclimate of the living space.

In addition, the blocks have energy-saving properties. They gradually accumulate thermal energy, which is then transmitted to the room and increases its temperature.

  • reduced weight;
  • increased strength characteristics;
  • increased volume;
  • correct geometry;
  • minimum tolerances on dimensions;
  • good machinability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • frost resistance;
  • fire safety.

In the field of low-rise construction, silicate blocks have proven themselves positively

The need to plaster the surface of porous blocks is associated with the following properties of the material:

  • increased hygroscopicity. Porous gas silicate is prone to absorbing moisture, which causes gradual destruction of the material at negative temperatures, and also contributes to the development of microorganisms. To prevent cracking of the blocks, they are plastered;
  • reduced adhesion of the cellular surface of the blocks to finishing materials. Plaster mixtures based on sand and cement, as well as lime-based plasters, do not adhere well to porous gas silicate. Performance finishing activities allows to increase adhesion;
  • moisture condensation inside the gas silicate mass. As a result of intensive air exchange occurring under conditions of temperature changes, moisture accumulates inside the blocks. It makes it difficult for air vapor to escape from the room and negatively affects the microclimate.

To ensure adhesion of the gas silicate surface, the following work is carried out:

  • cover the gas silicate with a special solution. The soil penetrating deep into the cellular gas silicate improves adhesive properties;
  • reinforce the gas silicate surface with metal, nylon or fiberglass mesh. It allows you to apply an increased layer of plaster;
  • Several layers of plaster are applied successively. Layer finishing allows you to create smooth surface with increased adhesive properties.

The cellular structure determines the need to protect the surface of gas silicate blocks

The need to protect the surface of gas silicate blocks and other products made of porous concrete is due to their cellular structure. Finishing gas silicate walls- a mandatory event.

Purpose of plastering:

  • prevention of destruction of gas silicate walls as a result of temperature fluctuations;
  • protection of gas silicate blocks from intense moisture absorption and development of microorganisms;
  • improving the appearance of various buildings whose walls are built from gas silicate blocks;
  • reducing the volume of heat loss through the unprotected surface of gas silicate walls;
  • ensuring comfortable indoor conditions by providing increased sound insulation;
  • leveling the surface of the walls after laying the blocks, allowing you to create a flat base for finishing;
  • protection of block walls from the formation of cracks, allowing to increase the service life of the building.

Aerated concrete is susceptible to the influence of natural factors - precipitation, ultraviolet rays and weathering. In addition, porous gas silicate is destroyed as a result of mechanical damage. Plastering walls made of gas silicate blocks provides reliable protection throughout the period of operation.

Reliable protection provides plastering of walls made of gas silicate blocks

We prepare the necessary tools and building materials

Preliminary preparation of building materials and the necessary tool will speed up finishing work and increase their productivity.

To plaster gas silicate walls you should prepare:

  • a rule designed to stretch the plaster mixture along the beacons. The length of the rule is selected depending on the distance between the beacons;
  • metal guides, called beacons, to ensure flatness. The beacons serve as a guide when working with the rule;
  • drill with attachment or mixer. They are used to ensure accelerated and uniform mixing of the plaster mortar;
  • trowel and spatulas with extended work surface. The tool is used for throwing and leveling the plaster mixture;
  • plumb line, building level, roulette. They are used in the marking process and are used for control during plastering activities.

You will also need a wide brush or roller to apply the primer composition to the surface of the blocks. To perform the kneading, you need an appropriate container, and to fix the mesh you will need nails or dowels.

Tool for plastering walls

In addition to tools, you must purchase the following materials:

  • adhesive mixture for priming. It provides increased adhesion of plaster to gas silicate blocks;
  • mesh for surface reinforcement. Mesh reinforcement makes it difficult for cracks to form and strengthens the finishing layer;
  • dry mixture for plastering work. Ready composition for plaster it is easy to purchase in specialized stores.

Having prepared everything you need, proceed to work.

Plaster mixture for gas silicate blocks - choosing high-quality plaster

Novice finishers and home craftsmen often ask the question of how to plaster gas silicate blocks, as well as what requirements apply to the plaster mixture.

It is easy to purchase plaster compounds in construction supermarkets. famous manufacturers:

  • Knauf companies;
  • brand Ceresit;
  • EuroMix company;
  • brand PROFIT.

Plaster compositions from well-known manufacturers can be easily purchased in construction supermarkets

Along with imported plaster mixtures and primers, finishing mixtures produced by domestic manufacturers are also offered. The expanded range of plaster compositions makes it difficult to accept the right decision novice masters. You can consult with construction department salespeople on how to plaster gas silicate blocks inside. Professionals will offer the best plastering option and also advise how to plaster gas silicate blocks on the outside of the building.

When purchasing ready-made plaster for external and internal finishing work, you should consider a number of factors:

  • area of ​​use of plaster;
  • adhesion properties of the mixture;
  • resistance to negative temperatures;
  • vapor permeability of plaster after hardening;
  • moisture-proofing characteristics;
  • environmental friendliness of the finishing material;
  • shelf life of the composition;
  • manufacturer's image;
  • duration of setting.

If you have the necessary components, it is easy to prepare your own plaster solution. To do this, take cement and lime in equal proportions, mix with three parts of sand and dilute the resulting mixture with water to the desired consistency. Adding chalk will increase plasticity plaster composition and will make it easier to apply.

It’s easy to prepare your own plaster solution if you have the necessary components

Internal plastering of walls made of gas silicate blocks - stages of work

According to the technology, internal work on plastering gas silicate walls includes the following stages:

  1. Cleaning walls from dirt.
  2. Impregnation of gas silicate material with special primer.
  3. Installation of the mesh to the gas silicate surface.
  4. Layer-by-layer application of plaster mortar.
  5. Final finishing activities.

Let us dwell on the features of each stage of work.

We prepare the wall surface for treatment with a special primer

Preparing the surface of gas silicate is a critical step that ensures adhesion and affects the quality of plastering work.

The critical stage is preparing the gas silicate surface

Preparatory activities include:

  1. Dust removal of gas silicate.
  2. Removing old coating and dirt.
  3. Degreasing problem areas.
  4. Elimination of oily traces.
  5. Increasing the depth of gas silicate masonry joints.

It is not always possible to remove oil and grease stains that have penetrated into the gas block mass with a metal brush. In this case, they are cut out with a chisel.

Applying primer to aerated concrete of internal walls and partitions

Treatment of gas silicate with a primer solves the following problems:

  • increases the adhesion of blocks with the finishing mixture;
  • reliably seals internal cavities;
  • gives the gas silicate surface additional roughness.

Primer should be applied in an even layer

Priming of blocks is carried out using various methods:

  • manually, using paint brush or wide roller;
  • using a spray bottle to cover a larger area.

The primer should be applied evenly, paying special attention hard to reach places in the area of ​​corners and openings. Plastering on gas silicate blocks is carried out after the soil has completely dried.

We attach the reinforcing mesh to the gas silicate blocks

Strengthening blocks plaster mesh provides improved adhesion of plaster. The mesh is attached in various ways:

  • by fastening metal mesh to the gas silicate surface with dowels or nails;
  • by pressing a fiberglass or nylon mesh into a pre-thrown layer of finishing composition.

Mesh reinforcement in combination with priming will achieve increased adhesion. After installing the mesh, you should secure the beacons, and also moisten the gas silicate surface with a spray bottle or brush. better penetration finishing composition.

Reinforcement with mesh in combination with priming will allow you to achieve increased adhesion

Plaster for aerated silicate blocks - the process of finishing aerated concrete material

Let's figure out how to properly plaster walls made of gas silicate blocks. Perform plastering in the following order:

  1. Using a trowel, spread a layer of plaster mixture onto the gas silicate masonry.
  2. Distribute the finishing compound along the guides as a rule.
  3. Remove hardened lumps of plaster after it has hardened.

There is no need to try to ensure perfect flatness. You just need to distribute the mixture over the wall area.

Applying the finishing layer after finishing rough work

At the final stage of finishing activities, the following work is performed:

  1. Rough plaster is covered with primer.
  2. Gas silicate finishing plaster is being carried out.
  3. Irregularities are removed and finishing putty is applied.

Internal plaster of walls made of gas silicate blocks at the finishing stage acquires the necessary flatness during the process of grinding and grouting.

Applying the finishing layer

Plastering external walls with plaster compounds

For facade finishing structure is used, to which ingredients are added to increase water resistance.

This plastering of gas silicate blocks with cement mortar is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The facade of the building is cleaned of dirt.
  2. The primer is applied to the surface of the gas silicate.
  3. The metal mesh is being installed.
  4. Facade plaster for gas silicate blocks is applied.

An improved aesthetic perception of the finish is achieved by coating the surface with paint.

Plastering walls cement-sand mortar used for façade finishing of buildings

External and internal plaster of gas silicate walls - useful tips

When performing plastering work yourself, you should follow the advice and recommendations of professional finishers.

They focus on the following nuances:

  • performing work at temperatures of 5-30 degrees Celsius. At this temperature environment ensures normal drying of the plaster;
  • the need for layer-by-layer application of the finishing mixture. In this case, the finishing layer of plaster is applied only after the main layer has dried;
  • feasibility of surface wetting. At elevated temperature spraying liquid prevents the formation of cracks;
  • the ratio of the thicknesses of the outer and interior decoration, equal to 2:1. This allows you to shift the dew point and prevent moisture condensation inside the blocks.

Please also note that optimal thickness the internal finishing layer is 8-14 mm. Professionals pay attention to the fact that gas silicate finishing can be done a month after the completion of wall laying.


Do-it-yourself plastering of walls made of gas silicate blocks allows you to save significantly. High-quality plaster will reliably protect gas silicate blocks. When starting finishing work for the first time, carefully study the technology requirements and take the choice of finishing material seriously. Adviсe experienced builders will help you avoid mistakes.

The article popularly talks about widely used building materials, lightweight concrete, main characteristics and finishing methods using traditional technologies, plastering house elements.

Plastering aerated concrete walls

Plastering interior and exterior structures made of lightweight concrete is the most commonly used method of protecting against the effects of external climatic conditions and giving the house an original, respectable appearance, as well as internal comfort.

The prevalence of the technology is due to the ability to inexpensively and independently carry out a set of works on the preparation and finishing of structures and achieve the desired results.

Special characteristics of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete belongs to cellular concrete, consists of quicklime, cement, sand and gas-forming aluminum powder. When mixing components and water, a reaction occurs with the release of gas, forming voids, the number of which determines the weight, density, thermal conductivity of concrete and areas of use:

  • Concrete with a density of 300-400 (kg/m3) is used for thermal insulation.
  • Density 500-900 (kg/m3) allows it to be used for constructing partitions and walls.
  • With a density of 1000-1200 kg/m3, concrete is used to make load-bearing walls.

Concrete has gained popularity in housing construction due to its properties:

  1. Low thermal conductivity allows it to be used as a heat-insulating substance.
  2. Frost resistance can reach 150 cycles; among lightweight concrete, only expanded clay concrete has greater durability.
  3. High fire resistance.

One of the negative qualities for construction is hygroscopicity, which means that aerated concrete needs a coating.

The hygroscopicity of aerated concrete requires isolation from moisture.

Preparing gas silicate blocks indoors for plastering

In aerated concrete the amount of cement is up to 60 percent, in gas silicate concrete no more than 14, lime is twice as much, the rest is sand. The percentage matters because the more cement, the higher the strength, and the base must be stronger than the coating, otherwise it will peel off. That is, the finishing of the house must be done with a lime-cement composition.

When finishing, you need to remember that the base must be stronger than the coating.

The main function of plastering surfaces made of gas silicate blocks is to form a vapor-impenetrable barrier and limit moisture absorption. To improve the adhesion of the coating to the base, the structural elements are coated with a primer deep penetration, the first layer is applied generously, preferably with a spray gun, after drying it needs to be painted over again.

After priming, given that the gas silicate composition of the base is weak, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement to prevent the appearance of cracks.

The rough layer of reinforcement is made from glue on which the blocks were laid, experienced craftsmen They use tile adhesive for this as a cheaper composition.

Using glue instead of regular mortar is associated with polymer additives in a composition that ensures strong adhesion with a thin layer of the mixture.

After applying a thin layer of glue, 2-7 millimeters thick, a fiberglass mesh is embedded into it, which fixes the blocks and serves as a reliable base for the coating. The mesh is overlapped over the applied glue and pressed in with a notched spatula.

It is advisable to start applying the solution after 5-7 days, when reinforced layer will gain strength.

Plastering gas silicate blocks inside a building: technologies used

Protection of gas silicate structures occurs in three stages:

1.Plastering with lime-cement mortar.


3. Putty.

A lime-cement or lime-gypsum mortar no more than one centimeter thick is applied to the reinforced surface.

The technology of manual plastering is common; if the wall is large and uneven, beacons are installed and the applied layer is leveled using a broad rule.

The solution is mixed in a bucket, small tank or trough, water is poured into the poured mixture and stirred to the required consistency, you need to cook a little, gypsum sets in 20 minutes, cement needs a little more time, so the amount should be sufficient to be processed during this time. You can level it immediately after laying it on; the last step is grouting.

After finishing, use a long strip to check the evenness of the surface; unevenness within 5-7 millimeters will not be noticeable.

Is it necessary to plaster the aerated concrete block from the outside?

The need to protect the façade made of aerated concrete is due to its properties:

  1. Hygroscopicity will lead to the saturation of gas blocks with water, which in frost will cause destruction of the structure.
  2. Mechanical impact will cause chips, dents, and cracks.
  3. The material has a porous structure with open pores through which circulating air carries away heat.
  4. Rough aerated concrete house looks unpresentable.

For aerated concrete structures, the danger is the accumulation of moisture inside the blocks, which freezes and destroys the block from the inside due to temperature changes. Therefore, the protection of external surfaces is mandatory; the plastering method of protection is widely used for various reasons, one of which is the low cost of this technology.

Materials used for exterior work

For application protective equipment externally, substances with the following qualities are needed:

  • permeable to water vapor;
  • not getting wet;
  • with good grip;
  • resistant to frost.

The main types of mixtures for finishing aerated concrete outside:

  • Acrylic for aerated concrete, strengthens loaded structures, base.
  • Silicate, include liquid glass;
  • Silicone, based on silicon-organic polymers, is well suited for facades, but high in price;
  • Gypsum mixture;
  • Lime-cement composition.

Do-it-yourself internal plaster of aerated concrete block: features of the work

Due to the high hygroscopicity of the material, plastering inside the house has its own characteristics.

Plastering surfaces must necessarily include a reinforcement process. It is recommended to use fiberglass mesh, which does not break down in an alkaline environment.

The surface should be painted with a deep penetration primer twice.

Apply a thin layer of plaster about 5 millimeters thick and embed the mesh in it. After drying, apply the base coat using beacons.

Which is better plaster

If vapor permeability is required for the kitchen, bathroom or sauna, use mixtures of gypsum with perlite sand. Silicate is also suitable, but it must be taken into account that such mixtures are incompatible with acrylic, silicone, and latex materials.

For use on aerated concrete, you can use cement-lime mixtures, which do not require priming of the walls.

Set of tools

Finishing aerated concrete surfaces requires the following tools:

  1. Spatulas.
  2. Scraper to remove dirt and debris.
  3. Metal brushes.
  4. Hammer for knocking down irregularities and protruding mortar.
  5. Sandpaper.
  6. Brushes, rollers for priming.
  7. Master OK.
  8. Tank for mixing the solution.
  9. Mixer for preparing the solution.
  10. Falcon, shield where the mixture is applied.
  11. Grout grater.
  12. Poluterok.
  13. The rule is to align the corners.

How to plaster: progress of work

Ready-made mixtures are excellent for finishing, but have a high cost, so for do-it-yourself wall preparation technology is proposed, after which you can safely use any composition.

For preparation you will need tile adhesive, fiberglass mesh, and deep penetration primer. It is necessary to smooth out all chips and cracks with a compound for laying aerated concrete blocks, then remove dust and debris from the wall with a cheek and paint it with a deep penetration primer twice.

Tile adhesive is diluted and applied to the surface with a thickness of 5 millimeters, the mesh is pressed on top with a notched trowel. When the layer is completely dry, apply plaster in the usual way, any solution can be used.

The costs of this technology will be an order of magnitude less than when using ready-made plasters.

How long before you can move on to the next stages of wall finishing?

After completion, the beacons are removed, and the resulting dents are subsequently sealed with putty.

To move to the following types finishing, you must wait until the walls are completely dry at a constant temperature. Drying will require about a month in the warm season to ensure that temperature changes do not lead to cracking or peeling. It is not advisable to speed up the process; if necessary, a heater is used.

Interior and exterior decoration of the house important stage construction work, the quality of which determines durability, comfort of living and aesthetic appearance Houses. For finishing work there is a lot modern materials and technology, but traditional methods, do not lose popularity and are still relevant today. These methods allow you to achieve the necessary results with low cost and labor intensity.

Useful video

Facade finishing is an obligatory stage in the construction of a private house. If a material such as aerated concrete was used to build a house, then the plaster for facade finishing must have certain properties.

Plaster for aerated concrete must be specific for the reason that the material from which the house was built needs good protection from various adverse factors.

Before purchasing material for plastering walls outside, you should study its properties in detail.

The purpose of plaster is to protect the surface of the walls from the outside from factors that can destroy the structure of the aerated concrete material. These include both atmospheric phenomena and human factors. If there is no coating on the walls, or it does not meet certain requirements, then the blocks will collapse in a fairly short time.

To better understand the properties that plaster for finishing a facade should have, it is necessary to remember the features of gas silicate blocks. They are characterized by high level hygroscopicity, which often causes cracks to appear on the surface of the walls.

Due to strong temperature fluctuations, the blocks also gradually crack. Therefore, the requirements for plaster for aerated concrete, which are based on the features of this material, are as follows:

  • high level of adhesion to wall material;
  • high compressive strength;
  • good frost resistance.

Facade finishing

Types of plaster

Plaster is produced in the form of dry mixtures, which subsequently independently transform the solution, and in the form of ready-made solutions.

There are several types of this material, their purposes are also different:

  1. the type is used to decorate the external or internal surface of walls. These include the lime-sand variety and the cement-sand variety. Apply a very thin layer.
  2. look used to give high stability coating. This surface is not subject to mechanical damage. Acrylic look resistant to water, able to maintain integrity, that is, does not crack due to high properties plasticity. When applied, it is able to fill any small cracks and irregularities; it is highly electrostatic, which is the reason for its rapid contamination.
  3. the type is similar in properties to the acrylic variety, but does not attract dirt as much.
  4. the species is considered universal, it has a number of properties that can provide the external surface of walls required characteristics. It is characterized by resistance to cracking. In addition, it is less contaminated due to its dust-repellent properties. This type of plaster on the facade can be used to cover the surface of the walls using the previous material that was previously used to decorate the house. This type of plaster penetrates well even into the smallest cracks and pits, creating a smooth surface.

Types of plaster

How to choose

The choice of plaster is based on the properties that are determined composition of the material.

By paying attention to such characteristics, you can choose the required type of plaster.

In the case of a house built from foam blocks, it is prohibited to use plaster. It is not able to provide the required level of vapor permeability in combination with aerated concrete.

The best options for finishing the facade of a house from acrylic or silicone variety. Also good option is also silicate. Otherwise, everything depends on financial capabilities.

The silicate variety is considered the most expensive, but in any case, savings on exterior decoration façade will entail even greater costs in the future. Since the surface of the walls will not be sufficiently protected, it will subsequently require significant investments in repairs.

Characteristics of plaster

Conditions for application and surface preparation

Considering the properties of aerated concrete to quickly absorb moisture, it is necessary to provide it with protection from getting wet.. If the material is wet, then this is not the most a big problem During the finishing process, the main thing is not to let it freeze in this state. Frozen moisture in blocks promises the appearance of cracks and destruction of the material.

It is very important, after the laying of aerated concrete blocks has been completed, allow it to dry completely. This is the reason why it is recommended to finish the facade only in warm weather.

If a concrete-sand type of mortar was used to bond the blocks together, then it is worth considering that more drying time is needed. This is explained by the fact that the seam is significantly thicker than the one made with a special adhesive composition.

Surface preparation

If it is impossible to carry out Finishing work in the warm season, the surface is covered with a deep penetration primer. It can reduce water absorption. Additionally, the walls are covered plastic film. The recommended conditions for carrying out such work are the period from temperature conditions at night above 0 degrees.

Before you begin applying plaster to the walls, do the following:

  • The first step is to ensure that the surface is as smooth as possible. This is achieved by filling all the recesses and cracks with cement mortar;
  • after this, use a plane or grater for aerated concrete blocks, with which all irregularities are finally eliminated. If the surface has various pits or cracks, then in the future this will cause increased material consumption;
  • The last thing in preparing the walls is cleaning them from dust and dirt particles. This is done using a brush or roller moistened with water. These tools are used to process the entire surface of the walls, after which some time is given for the material to dry completely.

Insulation for aerated concrete

One of the issues that owners of private houses face during the construction process is the issue of insulating walls from the outside.


Foam insulation is used quite rarely, since the level of vapor permeability of such material is 10 times less than that of aerated concrete. In addition, it is not recommended to insulate a building in areas with a humid climate with this material.

This is explained by the fact that the space between the insulation and the wall will be filled with moisture, and this is fraught with the appearance of rotting processes on aerated concrete.

  1. they are insulated most often, since the level of vapor permeability is significantly higher. Such insulation allows you to create and maintain the necessary microclimate for the room.
  2. very convenient during application. It is characterized by a high level of thermal insulation qualities. It is applied by spraying, which, in addition to the ease of the process, provides a seamless surface.
  3. Plaster can also be used to insulate walls.. For this, sawdust, perlite, and expanded glass are added to the solution. Insulating walls in this way is quite convenient and practical; the only thing worth considering when insulating in this way is the complete loss of the breathable properties of aerated concrete. Compared to insulation using mineral wool, this method has rather low efficiency.

When choosing a material for insulation, you need to consider climatic conditions, in which the house is located and its capabilities. The best option for insulation it is considered to use mineral wool, but in each case the choice of material is individual.

Insulation of foam block

Surface primer

The role of priming is to provide the wall with water-repellent properties. Therefore, the composition of the primer material should be based on acrylosiloxane.

Such material can provide protective properties and prevent precipitation from destroying the material.

The surface on which the priming composition will be applied should not be cracked or contaminated.

Priming begins after the surface of the walls has been completely prepared, namely, all dust has been removed and all irregularities have been eliminated. Once the cleaning water has completely dried, the priming process begins.

You can often come across recommendations that the material for priming must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. However, this is wrong; such a technique will significantly reduce the properties of adhesion to the surface. You don’t have to worry about this property if the wall is pre-prepared correctly.

Plastering and surface reinforcement technology

After the primer layer has completely dried, begin applying the plaster solution.

Application can be done using two methods:

  1. Thick layer. This method consists of applying plaster in one layer, after which it is leveled and grouted.
  2. Thin layer. It is characterized by applying the material in thin layers several times. The advantage of this method is the ability to prepare the surface for application. decorative variety plaster, namely the leveling layer. It is also possible to apply special compounds that provide sound insulation properties.

But, before starting to apply plaster, it is necessary to carry out the reinforcement process using a metal mesh. Due to this, you can achieve the maximum level of adhesion between materials and the wall. The mesh is fixed after applying a thin layer of plaster. And after that they are covered with the same layer of material.


After the plaster has dried, the surface becomes monolithic. In some cases, it is permissible to attach the mesh to self-tapping screws. The mesh is attached with an overlap of up to 50 cm.

Reinforcement is used regardless of the chosen method of applying plaster, but it is not necessary, if the thickness of the layer of material for plastering is no more than 2 cm.

Otherwise, reinforcement occurs depending on the application method:

  1. If a thick layer application method is selected, then the reinforcing mesh should be under the primer layer, after which plaster is applied. The reinforcing mesh is covered with a layer of primer, which is leveled and dries, after which a layer of plaster is applied. Then they wait 2 days and start painting the walls.
  2. If thin-layer application method is selected, then after attaching the reinforcing mesh, apply a leveling solution and wait for it to dry completely. After this, the surface is primed and a finishing layer of decorative plaster is applied. When it dries, begin painting or processing with any other selected material.


Sectional diagram

Finishing layer

The finishing layer is made using plaster, which belongs to the decorative class. You can also additionally use paints and varnishes. Choice decorative plaster is purely individual and depends rather on design solution rather than from any special properties.

Before applying the final layer of plaster, grouting is carried out, after which the finishing work begins. The only thing that needs to be taken into account regarding the plaster for the finishing layer is its vapor permeability property. Paint should have similar properties.


Useful video

Master class on finishing aerated concrete with your own hands:


A house built from gas silicate blocks has many advantages. The disadvantages of such a material as aerated concrete are eliminated with the help of properly selected material for facade finishing. As well as the choice of material, the plastering process itself should be approached as scrupulously and responsibly as possible.

In contact with

The topic seems to be “hackneyed”, I’ve read a lot, I have a lot of doubts, please advise, respected practitioners and specialists in the field of interior decoration.
House walls: gas silicate block D 600, Venti Butts insulation on the outside, ventilation gap and half-brick cladding. Need plaster on the inside, wall area 230 sq. m. In order for the house, as they say, to “breathe,” what is the optimal way to plaster based on this and from an economic point of view?
I saw two options:
1. Lime-sand dry mixture produced by a local brick factory at a price of 2500 rubles per ton; they could not find out the consumption, they only said that cement would need to be added. In total, I assumed a consumption of 10 kg of dry mixture per 1 sq. m. meter, received a quantity of material of 2300 kg and costs at 230 sq. meters of walls cost 5,750 rubles. Plus cement, I think in the end it will cost 8-10 thousand rubles.
2. Gypsum plaster, sold in Leroy for 200 rubles 30 kg (bag) of the “Stone Flower” brand and for 300 rubles 30 kg of the “Volma” brand. For 230 kg at a consumption of 9 kg of dry mixture per square meter indicated on the bags. meter (in my opinion, the walls are quite smooth, this consumption is indicated on the bags with a layer of plaster thickness of 1 cm) it turns out that you need 2070 kg, i.e. 69 bags. Accordingly, “Stone Flower” gypsum plaster will cost 13,800 rubles, “Volma” will cost 22,350 rubles.
More introductory notes: the house will be without heating, but with windows it will stand for another 2-3 years, I plan to plaster it for painting with paints on water based, plasterers in the region ask for 280 rubles per sq. m. meter of plastering work plus another 160 rubles with putty for painting, a total of 440 rubles per sq. m. meter of wall for painting, my wall area will cost me about 100 thousand rubles.
Dear colleagues, questions:
1. What is the difference between gypsum plaster for 200 rubles a bag and 300 rubles? In terms of reliability, performance characteristics, durability after completion of work, comfort in the future, or simply ease of application, I want the house to “breathe.” I don’t care about ease of application, because I will pay for the final result?
2. Is it better to use lime-sand plaster or gypsum plaster? How much does gypsum really give? best microclimate in the house than lime sand-cement plaster? First of all, I am interested in a comfortable microclimate in the house in the future; if I calculated correctly, then the difference in the cost of these two materials is not critical, because the main cost here is in the work. Or is the consumption indicated by the manufacturers on the bags underestimated, everyone writes that gypsum is much more expensive? The house, as indicated above, will stand without heating for 2-3 years, I read that gypsum plaster May swell due to humidity.
3. Who has had experience - how many 30 kg bags of dry gypsum plaster will actually be needed for 230 sq. m. of mid-level walls?
4. Is it still necessary to prime the gas block before plastering work and with what, or is it enough to wet the walls with water? Should the plaster be primed before applying putty or not?
5. Regarding plastering work: 280 rubles per square meter. meter of plaster “for lighthouses” and plus 160 rubles of putty for painting - what should you pay attention to when working for this money, how many times should they putty according to the rules?
6. Another option was born: the first floor is definitely for painting, and to save money, just plaster and putty the second floor for the same 280 rubles. meter in a compartment, then cover it with non-woven wallpaper for painting on paper based(not vinyl, as they said in the store, non-woven ones “breathe”). Maybe someone has done this and will comment on this idea?
Of course, I wrote a lot, but with the goal of getting competent answers. Thank you all in advance for your help.

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