Beautiful small kitchen in Khrushchev. Correct location of a corner kitchen and its advantages. Selection of interior items

So, in this article we will show the best options for repairing and remodeling a kitchen in Khrushchev, tips on design, decor and many photos on the topic.


Kitchens built at that time have a couple of very significant disadvantages, and these are:

  • Very modest area (only 5-6 squares)
  • Low ceiling (2.2 meters)
  • The presence of a gas water heater (we will describe why this is a minus below)

But, in contrast to these disadvantages, there are also significant advantages in comparison with block houses and these are:

  • Doesn't happen in Khrushchev buildings load-bearing walls(that is, you can destroy and break at least everything)
  • It is very easy to expand the area due to adjoining rooms, and this applies not only to the living room

When you see the photos presented in the corresponding blocks, you will understand that Khrushchev is not a death sentence! True, with the right approach it is quite possible to do very stylish design premises, and the kitchen will look miniature, but not cheap.

What are the most popular repair options?

Few of the owners of Khrushchev-era apartments leave the layout in its original form. A lot of ways to modernize such a room have already been tested, therefore, in this article we will not open America to you.

Just let us remind you of the most successful solutions and provide clear examples.

In short, the best option in this case is a small redevelopment, with the walls moving. Otherwise, however, there is practically nowhere to turn around and there can be no talk of any originality.

Therefore, we will describe to you the best kitchen redevelopment in Khrushchev, and also tell you about the furniture modules that are best suited in this case.

What is the best way to equip a kitchen where there is a gas water heater?

Gas water heaters in Khrushchev-era buildings are not always installed in the kitchen. Sometimes they are in the bathroom, which on the one hand is very convenient. Why is that? But because you have no safety restrictions and you can safely demolish the partition separating the kitchen from the living room.

In other cases, if the speaker is still in the kitchen, you should not choose this particular type of redevelopment. It would be much more reasonable to expand the room by adding a storage room adjacent to the kitchen, for example, since there should be a door in any case.

No, of course, you can not give a damn about the laws, but one fine day there is a risk that you will deeply regret it. For example, when selling an apartment, you will be required to provide a document that confirms the legality of the redevelopment. And where will you get it from if the gas workers do not agree with this state of affairs?

Yes, you can dodge and somehow give a bribe. But do you need it? Moreover, honestly, it’s not such a chic option.

This is good in one case: if you live alone in an apartment. And when there are two of you, or even more, such a layout will add inconvenience. We're not even talking about the smell that will spread throughout the apartment.

The main thing here is the discomfort of family members visiting the kitchen while someone is sleeping in the living room. And for small Khrushchev buildings this is a quite common situation. The hall usually performs many functions, including replacing the bedroom.

So, if you have a speaker in the kitchen, start from this key point.

In the photo below you can see options for renovating a kitchen in Khrushchev, specifically with a column. Doesn't it look great? And you can’t say that the area is very small.

Which color scheme is best for small spaces?

We think you already understand that the best option is a light color scheme. But, of course, you want something bright, interesting... What can we offer you?

The most important thing here is the color of the walls. They are the ones who “make” the visual volume. That is, if you paint the walls white, you definitely won’t go wrong.

At the same time, be very careful with the work surface. You shouldn’t choose something very colorful and bright, because the walls are white. Due to the fact that the area is small, this small segment, visually, will occupy a significant part of the room.

Then, the color of the floor is very important. If you make it dark, then even if there are light walls it will “narrow” the room. Therefore, try to make the floor in light colors.

What materials to choose?

Furniture with monograms and carvings is not for such a room! Forms should be as simple and straightforward as possible.

Don’t even look at marble, natural onyx and other things that only look great on large areas in a classic style interior.

Curtains should also not be pompous, otherwise it will all look ridiculous, cramped and out of place.

It’s best to stick with something like “minimalism” or, if you want something more homely, a “Scandinavian” style. There, the priority is wood of natural colors and white tones. For Khrushchev this is just the thing.

As for household appliances: choose them to match. In this case, it is not so striking and, as it were, visually, does not “eat up” the space. And the interesting thing here is that it is the white equipment that looks more cumbersome.

Give your preference or silver color, or completely dark. It is very important that there is no “inconsistency”. For example, next to a white refrigerator, a silver stove looks very untidy.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the ceilings. Since they are extremely low in Khrushchev-era buildings, stretch glossy ceilings come in handy here. Moreover, you should also choose them in white. Any bright ceiling, even if it has reflective properties, makes the room smaller.

Due to the fact that the room will be visible in them, the ceiling will seem much higher, and, as a result, the room itself will be more spacious. Taking care of them is a pleasure, so we confidently recommend this option.

Well, now, let's look at specific options and ideas.

Kitchen-living room

Main article:. To implement such an idea, you just need to tear down the wall. Making a similar project in a Khrushchev-era building is not difficult, since there is no concrete.

After there is no partition left, you need to think about what you will use to decorate the walls and floor.

In general, according to the laws of the genre, it is necessary to make floors of different structures or colors, thereby setting the line. But, in the case of a very modest cubic capacity, it is better to lay exactly the same floor in the living room and kitchen.

The same applies to the ceiling. You don't need any tiers, boxes or arches. It is best if the kitchen and living room are a completely unified ensemble.

Curtains, also, should be the same, not mismatched. Only in this case will the interior look truly harmonious.

U-shaped kitchens with a bar counter in Khrushchev

That's pretty interesting solution for Khrushchev. Furniture that stands in a U-shape provides great convenience in terms of comfort, although it takes up as many as three walls!

This would be extremely unwise if you had a separate kitchen with a door. But, if you have a kitchen-living room, then the problem disappears by itself.

You can create a dining area right in the living room by installing a table with chairs there, or you can make a bar counter that stands in place of the wall.

In respect of appearance– this is decent and nice, but as for convenience, you need to think carefully about it.

After all, the bar counter is a place for a quick snack. You definitely won’t be able to accommodate guests there, just as you won’t be able to dine together with the whole family. And, if you make a bar counter, then in most cases you will have to give up a full-fledged table.

It is best to place it between the kitchen and living room, by the window, in the place where there was a wall. But you can’t put it there anymore, since there will be a bar counter there.

Expanding the kitchen in Khrushchev at the expense of the bathroom

Surely, many will be surprised by this option, since the bathtubs in Khrushchev-era buildings are already so miniature that it’s hard to imagine what could be cut down there.

But people found a rather interesting solution: replace the bathtub itself with a shower stall and “sink” the refrigerator into the resulting square. Of course, to do this you need to knock out part of the wall from the kitchen side.

In principle, the idea is quite good if you under no circumstances use the bathroom and do not need it. For example, there are overweight people for whom cabins are much more comfortable.

But, if you still use it, it is better not to expand the area by depriving yourself of such benefits. No shower will warm you up after frost as well as hot bath. And in terms of functionality, it is very necessary: ​​to wash something, wash it...

Therefore, there is no need to get excited. Just take note of this method.

In conclusion, I would like to say: go for it, everything is in your hands! Try to stick to these basic rules and everything will work out.

Kitchens in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings are small in size, which forces their owners to think about the proper organization of space. Today we will look at kitchen design options in Khrushchev with a standard area of ​​6 sq. m.

You will learn:

  • what to do with a refrigerator, geyser and washing machine;
  • methods of placing kitchen modules;
  • what styles are suitable for small kitchens;
  • what curtain models are suitable for small kitchen and much more.

6 square meters is not so little when compared with even more compact kitchens in new buildings. Besides, usable area can be increased, and one of the ways is redevelopment.


The most popular options for expanding a small kitchen are:

  • combining the kitchen with a nearby room, balcony or loggia;
  • transfer or dismantling doorways, partitions and walls.

In small-sized kitchens it is difficult to fit all the necessary modules, and redevelopment changes the situation in better side. But there are also disadvantages. For example, the previous inhabitants of the balcony - a bicycle, sled, and other important things - will have to find another place in the apartment. But you will gain 2 meters of space.

Has many advantages. You will finally have a dining table for the whole family, you will be able to watch or at least hear the TV and communicate with guests while cooking.

But when designing combined rooms, you need to take into account the fastidiousness of the kitchen - high humidity, the spread of odors, temperature changes and, accordingly, use materials that are resistant to all this. A more pleasant moment is the choice of design, the search for ways to zoning and combining space.

Moving the wall between the corridor and the bathroom will allow you to install a full washing machine. And by sacrificing the bathroom in favor of a shower stall, you will place a refrigerator or dishwasher in the resulting niche.

The absence of doors between the kitchen and the corridor will free up space for wall shelves. By getting rid of the mezzanine - an indispensable attribute - you will gain space for a high pencil case, a refrigerator and raise the ceiling.

Often, the redevelopment of an apartment in a Khrushchev-era building involves reconstruction - installation, transfer or replacement of plumbing or electrical equipment. This includes replacement gas stove to electric or moving the heating battery to an adjacent wall.

Important: redevelopment and reconstruction of an apartment in a Khrushchev-era building requires changes to the technical passport, and some types of work require obtaining a special permit.

But the result is worth all the costs, and this will be confirmed by the “before and after” photos.

If you are not ready for such radical changes, let's start from the available footage.

What you need in the kitchen

Before you start arranging the headset, you need to determine which modules you need. The standard set is:

Often in kitchen interiors there is a washing machine or dishwasher, oven, microwave. Considering the standard dimensions of all these modules (60x60 cm), we can safely say that all this will fit in our kitchen.

But there will be very little space left to move, and it will be quite difficult to miss each other. And the standard 50-60 cm of working surface is not enough for everyone for full-scale cooking. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​moving some of the inhabitants of the kitchen - a refrigerator, a washing machine and a gas water heater - is very popular.

Where to put the refrigerator?

A refrigerator is a large object that usually heads a row of furniture and occupies a corner. You will agree that it is unreasonable to place it between work surfaces, and it would be inappropriate at the entrance. At the same time, it should not be placed close to the wall, but so that the doors open easily and the socket is nearby. As you can see, even at the refrigerator project stage you have to work hard.

That's why the refrigerator is often placed in the hallway or in a niche instead of a pantry. This is also appropriate when its design is outdated or, conversely, too modern for your idea.

If you can’t imagine a kitchen without a refrigerator, consider replacing the standard giant with a built-in or narrower option with a depth and width of 54 cm. The latter is ideal for a family of 2-5 people, but the built-in model is more suitable for 1-2 people.

Alternatively, it will be complemented by a separate freezer, which can be placed outside the kitchen. The only drawback of the technology non-standard sizes and built-in models - price. But winning is precious space.

What to do with a gas water heater?

Geyser, counter, massive stove - these items are gradually becoming a thing of the past, making room for modern, safe and cost-effective solutions.

If you can't remember a time when you've been without power, consider switching from gas appliances to electricity. And this is especially true if you are planning to decorate your kitchen in a modern style.

Interesting fact: a gas stove requires installation of a hood at a height of 75-80 cm from the hob or doors separating the kitchen and room. In case of electric stove wall cabinets do not heat up as much and can be located lower, and the door can be safely removed.

Here's what else you can do with a gas water heater:

  • move to the bathroom;
  • hide with a furniture facade.

You probably don't need any convincing that a hob is a great, space-saving solution. But if possible, it’s better to move the oven higher - this way you won’t have to bend over when taking out baked goods.

Is it worth placing a washing machine in such a kitchen?

A small kitchen should have only the essentials, and a washing machine, you see, has nothing directly to do with cooking. For that matter, food products are incompatible with the “washing machine” and the chemicals used for it, just like dirty laundry is incompatible with the kitchen.

Washing equipment is often placed in the bathroom or hallway, with preference given to machines with vertical loading or models built into the closet.

The placement of the washing machine is determined by the water supply and outlet. Consider as an option the rooms adjacent to the kitchen and bathroom, or rather the walls, in which you can always drill the holes needed for the hoses.

But many still turn on the washing machine kitchen set. And this is also logical if you cook little and need fewer dishes and equipment. It's just a matter of convenience and belief.

But most definitely washing machine will set the height of the bottom row of kitchen furniture. If you plan to place a tabletop above it, the working surface will become even higher and possibly less convenient for you.

To experiment, place a stack of magazines on the machine and a cutting board on them and try cutting something.

Advice: if you are going to completely renovate the interior of your kitchen, then buy household appliances first, and only then buy furniture. Working in the reverse order, you may not find an option that is suitable in size, and most importantly, in price.

So, we found out what will be in our kitchen in Khrushchev. Now let's move on to the next stage.

Furniture arrangement

To arrange your furniture comfortably and beautifully, you will need:

  • exact dimensions of the kitchen, taking into account all pipes, niches and protrusions;
  • measurements of equipment, furniture;
  • online service for interior design.

You will find ergonomic rules and useful numbers useful, which you will read a little later.

The kitchen in Khrushchev, as in other houses, is divided into the following zones:

  • storage;
  • washing;
  • Preparation;
  • cooking food;
  • perhaps a mini-dining room.

The conditions of the problem are as follows: all the main modules involved in the cooking process must be arranged according to the rule of the working triangle (more precisely, a polygon). At the same time, the refrigerator should not be placed near the stove, and the sink and the stove should ideally be separated by at least one work surface.

Tip: to place a sink or extend the work surface, you can use a window sill, as in these photos.

Planning methods

If you have not attempted to combine rooms, the most convenient solution from a planning point of view is a corner kitchen. By arranging the furniture in the letter “L”, you can easily implement the same working triangle and leave room for a small table.

The internal corner can be straight or smooth (thanks to radius cabinets), but the main thing is that he is involved. By removing corners from each edge of the furniture row, you will free up the passage and make it less dangerous. IN opposite corner The kitchen will accommodate a small dining area.

Linear (single-row) layout is another option for a kitchen in Khrushchev. It is good if you do not cook much and need few kitchen modules for cooking. Otherwise, the kitchen will turn out to be too long and it will be very uncomfortable to waltz through it.

The U-shaped layout is more suitable for the kitchen-living room. However, if you have a dining area in another room, and the depth of the cabinets is less than standard, this method of arranging furniture is very convenient.


Kitchen geometry is the dimensions and distances tested and confirmed by experience, recommended for arranging kitchen modules. For example, between the top and bottom rows the headset should be 50-70 cm, and the width of the passage should ideally be at least 120 cm. You can easily find all this on the Internet.

The important thing is this: these data are designed for the average consumer, so consider your characteristics when planning your kitchen. The most accurate numbers are your personal dimensions and experience, because the previous location of the furniture will also serve as a clue. Only you know what will be better.


What style should you use to decorate the interior of a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building with an area of ​​6 square meters? Obviously, the fewer objects in a room, the larger it appears. Therefore, minimalism is the best choice.

By making maximum use of every centimeter of space - drawers instead of furniture strips at the bottom of the kitchen unit, space under the window sill, rails for glass, you will free up visible horizontal surfaces and create the effect of spaciousness.

Minimalism is characterized by:

  • straight facades;
  • white, gray, brown, black colors;
  • restraint - a minimum of decor and accessories;
  • closed shelves;
  • practicality.

Another modern style that is perfect for decorating a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building is high-tech. It is characterized by:

  • newfangled modern materials;
  • neutral or bright colors;
  • mirror, glass, metal surfaces;
  • neon or LED lights walls, ceiling, kitchen apron, furniture;
  • lack of fittings.

Glossy facades, characteristic of modern styles, reflect light and visually expand the room.

If the apartment is decorated in classic style and you don’t want sharp contradictions in design, alternatively, decorate the kitchen in a similar neo-classic style, using:

  • pastel shades;
  • light wood;
  • paneled facades;
  • intricate fittings.

The main thing is not to overdo it with decor - it is believed that it “eats up” the space.

In the same way, you can modify a cozy rustic Provence.

You can't go wrong by decorating your kitchen in a Scandinavian style, combining white cabinetry with light wood and ensuring maximum lighting.

Another suitable style direction for lovers of somewhat brutal or industrial interiors is loft.

Whatever style you choose, bet on white color and a lot of lighting - after all, it is this composition that visually enlarges the space. The trend is to individualize the interior and mix styles, which gives an opportunity to create your own style.


On best design and furniture materials indicate the chosen interior style. But the lack of space in the Khrushchev building makes its own adjustments. You have already realized that the top and bottom rows of the kitchen set can be made less deep, thereby gaining space for movement. An elongated window sill or bar counter can easily serve as a table.

If you are traditional in this matter, pay attention to semicircular, folding, retractable models on wheels and transforming tables. Transparent - glass or plastic furniture, as in the photo, will seem invisible, while at the same time fully performing its functions.

Folding chairs can always be removed from the aisle, as well as multifunctional models - for example, a ladder chair. It will come in handy if you decide to make the most of the vertical.

Open shallow shelves instead of a bulky upper part of the set are a great way to unload space and modernize the interior.


The kitchen in Khrushchev will become more spacious thanks to the light color scheme. The monotonous design of the walls will be diluted by an interesting kitchen apron. Agree, this surface is more often susceptible to contamination, and it would be more practical to design it in dark colors. It is also believed that this technique will move the wall away. Another way to expand is stereoscopic wallpaper or images with perspective on one of the walls or on part of it.

Complex, textured walls in a small kitchen are inappropriate, but if you wish, you can decorate a separate area in an original way, making it an accent.
One of the popular design tricks for increasing space is the use of mirror surfaces or inserts. Even a small strip will deceive perception and create the desired effect.

Floor and ceiling

The floor covering will complement the color of the countertop, external furniture fittings, lamps or other interior elements. The following materials will suit you:

  • linoleum;
  • laminate;
  • ceramic tile;
  • cork;
  • concrete;
  • polymer self-leveling floors;
  • tree.

If yours, it is better to lay the laminate across. Laying tiles in a staggered, herringbone or diagonal pattern will help to enlarge any room configuration. The ceiling in the Khrushchev building is low, so two-tier structures with moldings and other decor will have to be abolished.

But tension fabric is a good option that will save your renovation from flooding by neighbors above and can be wet cleaning, which is important for the kitchen. A glossy ceiling is another way to make the kitchen more spacious, brighter and give it modern look. Soaring ceilings, ceiling lighting - all these miracles appeared thanks to tension structures.


If you put all home textiles on the minimum list, curtains will certainly be on it. What curtains are suitable for a small kitchen? Well, you have a lot of options:

If you want, make the curtain a bright accent. The design of the kitchen in Khrushchev will remain the same, but the mood will remain in its 6 square meters. m. you can change thanks to changing colors and fabrics. They can be easily complemented with other interior elements - napkins, kitchen towels, coasters and other small items.

And here we come to the end of our review. Let your kitchen be cozy and modern!

The main feature of various standard apartments is their compactness. The size of a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building is usually only 5 to 7 m². In the process of renovating this room, the main task is to wisely use every centimeter of space. It is important to make the interior comfortable and beautiful. To do this, you need to choose the right furniture and equipment, choose a color scheme. You can learn how to renovate a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building and visually increase the space from this article.

Before starting renovations in the kitchen, you should get rid of the old equipment, old pipes, electrical wiring, and remove finishing coatings. If you need to replace a window, you will need the help of a specialist to install it. You can make the slopes yourself. In order to avoid any peeling on the surfaces, the ceiling and walls must be cleaned down to the very base. Remaining construction garbage removed from the kitchen area.

Kitchen interior in Khrushchev: what materials are best to use

Renovating a kitchen of 10 square meters or less should not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also be practical and convenient in terms of cleaning up dirt. Materials that are resistant to aggressive detergents and high temperatures have advantages for kitchen finishing. Considering the ratio of quality and price, it is advisable to renovate a kitchen using the following materials:

  • wall tiles – great option for finishing the work area, easy to clean. It looks interesting in the form of a mosaic, which is not easy to lay out, but the result is worth it;
  • washable wallpaper – optimal solution for kitchen. Have inexpensive price, good view and can be cleaned without problems;

  • plastic panels - easy to install, cheap, practical, but not environmentally friendly;
  • water-based paint - has the same advantages as wallpaper, it is often combined with other materials, for example, the ceiling is painted and wallpaper is glued to the walls;
  • laminate is a good replacement for linoleum, which wears out quickly. It is moisture resistant, durable and looks modern.

Considering that the ceilings in Khrushchev buildings are quite low, the best solution would be a tension glossy ceiling white. You shouldn’t make it bright or colorful, the room will seem smaller. Furniture should be chosen that does not weigh down the interior, and has glass and metal surfaces.

Helpful advice! Kitchen cabinets are best suited to be long and tall to fit everything you need and visually increase the height of the ceiling. You should not clutter up a small area with voluminous furniture; it is better to choose the most simple and concise forms.

Lighting is another point that needs to be thought through, because if there is a lot of light in the kitchen, then it visually appears larger. In addition to the lampshade located in the center of the ceiling, you can install lamps along the bottom wall cabinets above the work surface, which will provide additional lighting and comfort. Pendant lamps can be placed above the dining area.

Related article:

Successful and unsuccessful decisions. How to properly plan and place everything you need. Features of kitchen design in various styles.

Furniture for the Khrushchev kitchen: photos of successful projects

A good solution for inexpensive repairs Small kitchens will have folding or folding furniture. You can use it when necessary, and the rest of the time it does not take up space.

It is better to choose furniture in light colors, then it will seem more miniature. Interesting option use two shades: darker on the lower cabinets, and light on the upper ones. Glass elements on the upper cabinets will look advantageous; they will reflect and scatter the sun's rays and create a pleasant atmosphere. It would not be practical to use such decor on the lower part of a corner kitchen set in a Khrushchev-era building.

IN modern renovation kitchens exist different variants increase the area of ​​working surfaces. When there is not enough space for cutting and processing products, countertops located on different levels, or retractable. They can be pulled out when needed, and when assembled they do not interfere and are very convenient and compact.

Kitchen renovation ideas: simple techniques that save space

A significant problem with a kitchen in a Brezhnev or Khrushchev building is that it is difficult to find a place for it. If it is small in size, then you can place it on top of the floor-standing bedside table, then the space right up to the ceiling will be used. Special devices - storage systems - will help fill space in closets; with their help, you can easily organize and put everything in order.

Helpful advice! To prevent the microwave oven from occupying the work surface, you can provide a place for it on a shelf without a door. A window sill is a good place to place equipment on it.

Layout in one row when renovating a kitchen of 5 square meters. m is done in the rarest cases, when the room is long but not wide. This option is comfortable for residents, but is impossible, since it is very difficult to fit everything you need in a small room.

The optimal arrangement of furniture is a corner kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building; the photos draw attention to the fact that this choice looks the most successful. It is important to choose the right size equipment; the largest items should be in the corner of the room, and the rest of the furniture should be located along the walls.

When completing a kitchen renovation of 8 square meters or another area, you need to take care of where the kitchen utensils will be located, because it is very convenient when everything is located before your eyes and you don’t have to look for a long time the right thing in boxes. For these purposes, there is a special device - rails, which can be installed in any desired place on the wall. In a similar way, you can secure knives by magnetizing them to the holder so that they are always quickly accessible and do not rust.

Pay attention to the cabinet doors - it is better if they open horizontally without taking up space when open. Often in photos of renovations in Khrushchev buildings you can see a small gas stove with two burners, which is quite enough for cooking, but there will be more free surface.

Choosing a color scheme for a kitchen renovation in a Khrushchev-era building

The choice of colors can be based on personal preferences, but some of them are too easily soiled and choosing, for example, a white shade may become impractical.

For small kitchen projects, a light interior is best; such a solution will visually increase the space and look quite nice. In addition, furniture of unusual colors will not have to be made to order, because it is much easier to find sets of soft and warm colors on sale.

Important! Dark colors in the interior visually make the room smaller, so it is better not to use them in a small kitchen. Such repairs will not please you, but will look depressing.

Popular shades suitable for renovating the kitchen of Khrushchev apartments

To decorate small kitchens, it is preferable to use the following tones:

  • beige – creates a warm, pleasant atmosphere of comfort. This color can be combined with different tones, allowing you to create many different compositions. You can dilute the shade with bright colored details and inserts in the headset;

  • blue - makes the room spacious and fresh. It harmonizes well with white, green and gray. You should avoid large decorative elements and massive decorations;
  • light green – looks bright and interesting, and has a calming effect on a person. It is best combined with yellow, and is successfully complemented by images of fruits and flowers on the surfaces.

The kitchen should be very well lit, so if possible, expand the window opening as much as possible. When choosing curtains, it is better to give preference to light colors. The right decision There will be blinds or curtains in the Roman style, but you should definitely refuse lush tulles and curtains.

Modern kitchen renovation: decoration and design

A kitchen is necessary in an apartment not only for preparing food in it, but also for pleasantly spending time with the family. To make being in such a room a joy, you need to choose an interior that will create a cozy atmosphere.

The most popular style in which Khrushchev is furnished is minimalism. In this design, all unnecessary details and objects are removed. The furniture has no handles, and there are practically no decorative elements. The ceiling is suspended, the room is decorated in pastel colors. You can decorate the room with a couple of flowerpots with indoor plants or by placing a photo collage on the wall.

Scandinavian style is often used in small kitchens. It is embodied with the help of discreet tones, slightly diluted with various patterns, modest wooden furniture, steel appliances and rustic textiles for decoration. If you want to make your interior even more stylish, add some color with bright kitchen utensils. Use unusual plates with cute designs, interestingly shaped pepper shakers and salt shakers, or potholders in the shape of funny faces.

Kitchen renovation in Khrushchev: style decoration

Choosing, for example, Art Nouveau style will be appropriate if you choose the right direction. Art Deco is not suitable for Khrushchev, the kitchen is very small for it, but the contemporary option will be great solution. To implement it use:

  • simple and comfortable furniture made from artificial materials (glass, plastic, etc.);
  • smooth glossy surfaces;
  • built-in, modular and folding furniture;
  • minimum accessories.

For this modern style, functionality is the main concern.

If the previously described options do not seem original, then you can try the direction of restrained eclecticism. To add creativity to a boring environment, you can use retro items as decoration. It could be a poster or 70's inspired kitchen utensils. Curtains with lace and chair trim with floral pattern look quite romantic. A figurine of an African animal and a rug with a leopard print will create an ethnic atmosphere.

It’s not too difficult to decorate the interior to your liking, without cluttering a small area with unnecessary things. You need to decide what you like best, but you shouldn’t forget that in a compact kitchen the design should be laconic and without frills. Extraordinary and creative ideas can be drawn from numerous photos of kitchen renovation in Khrushchev.

Experts advise paying attention to the entrance to the kitchen. If the door swings inward rather than outward, then it is better to change its opening in the opposite direction. And to carry out kitchen renovations cheaply, you can completely abandon the doors and design a beautiful arch.

When working on the layout, you should remember that the refrigerator should not be located next to the stove, because it may become unusable after constant exposure to high temperatures.

When choosing an apron over the work area, you need to take into account that any contamination is more noticeable on a plain surface, but on a multi-colored surface it will be less noticeable.

It is better to purchase wallpaper for walls without any large patterns or prints that stand out clearly against the background of the entire interior. A very small pattern is also not an option for a small room, so give preference to vertical patterns or medium-sized images.

Helpful advice! For compact kitchen A set and dining table made of special durable glass or translucent plastic are perfect. Such furniture is almost invisible in the space and visually unloads it.

To prevent the interior from being too monotonous, you can make accents with bright colored decorative items. For example: juicy yellow potholders and napkins, a clock on the wall and kitchen appliances matching, or flower pots, framed photographs and dishes of the same shade.

Khrushchev apartment layout: design of a kitchen combined with a living room

To implement a project to combine the living room and kitchen, you need to get rid of the wall. Dismantling is not difficult, since the partition does not contain concrete in its composition. When everything is prepared, all that remains is to decide what to decorate the walls and floor with.

Designers often decide to make floors using different materials and colors, thus demarcating zones. This is justified when renovating a kitchen of 10 square meters or more, but in a smaller room it would be more correct to lay the same material on the floor.

The same goes for the ceiling. It is better to abandon any arches, boxes and multi-tiered structures. You need to try to make the kitchen and rest room look identical. This also applies to window curtains. Only with this option for renovating the Khrushchev building (the photos clearly confirm this) will the interior look beautiful and truly harmonious.

Projects of small kitchens for Khrushchev: increasing the area due to the bathroom

This decision will greatly surprise many, since the bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings are already critically small in size, it is difficult to even imagine where the square footage can be reduced. A pretty good solution was found: install a shower stall instead of a bathtub, and place a refrigerator in the free space. It is clear that for this it is necessary to remove a section of the wall from the kitchen side.

Such option will do in the event that taking a bath in the family is not relevant and the tank is rarely used for its intended purpose. Many people claim that showers are many times more comfortable for them.

As can be seen from all of the above, renovating a small kitchen in a typical apartment is not so difficult task. If you arm yourself with certain knowledge and inspiring photos, you can create a truly beautiful, functional and harmonious interior.

Sooner or later, every owner Khrushchev's time is coming engage in modernization small kitchen 5-6 sq.m. This square, like in previous times, is always not enough. This is especially felt with the acquisition of new kitchen appliances and furniture. Before starting renovations, it is advisable to think about the functionality of each square meter, using the advice of experienced designers involved in the reorganization of Khrushchev’s apartments.

Design small kitchen in apartments with an old layout (from 5 square meters and more) is a challenge for any designer.

Advice that before purchasing something new you need to get rid of the old one, in small Khrushchev kitchen remains the most relevant. Not only is there no extra space here, even for free passage a few centimeters in width are not enough if there is cabinet furniture. Although when you call a specialist, built-in furniture costs a little more than ready kitchen, this is the most rational decision to accommodate all the kitchen utensils.

Small Khrushchev kitchen of 5-6 square meters many received it as a Soviet “legacy.” But when there is no alternative, you have to adapt to these conditions. It is difficult to increase the footage without redevelopment and demolition of walls, but this is not always possible. Therefore, most residents of such urban “khrushchubs” have to reorganize their space.

Despite the lack of space, it is always possible to make even a small cooking area welcoming and cozy.

Many people know that small-sized city apartments are called “Khrushchevka”, mainly in panel houses, where most of the walls are load-bearing. It is very difficult to obtain permission to redevelop them. If everything works out, you can only combine the two adjoining rooms and add a balcony. But the apartment won't get any bigger. Thoughtful design project for a 5 meter kitchen in Khrushchev should include this possibility.

Attention! Brick houses City authorities often demolish projects because their implementation deadline has passed. There is no point in investing in expensive repairs to a damaged property, even if you manage to get permission!

When making repairs in a Khrushchev-era building, it is necessary to calculate the size of each item and its location with millimeter accuracy.

The main problem of these apartments is the “robbed” footage of the kitchen and bathroom, hallway and corridors. In this limited area it is necessary to place all the kitchen attributes:

  1. Fridge;
  2. Gas stove;
  3. Washing;
  4. Other household appliances (dishwasher or washing machine);
  5. Kitchen units for food processing and cooking;
  6. Cabinets and shelves (for storing food, dishes and other kitchen utensils);
  7. Working surface.

For 5-6 sq. meters you need to fit storage containers, kitchen furniture, and household appliances.

It’s difficult to pack in when stuffed to the limit kitchen 5 sq.m., but thoughtful design and functionality of a Khrushchev apartment capable of performing miracles. It all depends on the lifestyle of the owners of small-sized housing. There is no need for a dishwasher in a small family. A large stove with oven is also not needed if you don’t cook much.

Rules for organizing space

Organization of limited space and design of a small kitchen 5-6 meters in Khrushchev often becomes a “headache” for owners. But if you approach this process creatively, you can benefit from every square meter.


1. Work surface location As close as possible to the sink and stove, preferably between them
2. Refrigerator installation Close to the work surface and sink, but not near the stove, so as not to heat up
3. Wall cabinets and shelves Fill corners and vertical surfaces as much as possible – up to the ceiling
4. Gas stove location You can’t directly near the window so that the curtains don’t burn and the draft doesn’t blow out the flames.
5. Table and chairs (stools), dining table Better stackable seats to remove when not needed, the tabletop is small, it can be replaced by any folding and sliding planes
6. Boxes and lockers Fills all niches of built-in furniture
7. Windowsill Better to combine with a table top
8. Kitchen furniture Shallow, functional, compact.

Advice . It is important to think about the ergonomics of kitchen furniture so that your hands do not get tired when processing food, and you do not have to reach for every little thing on the cabinet shelves. Use door closers to prevent doors and rails for placing dishes and kitchen utensils from slamming.

The main “enemy” of the small-sized Khrushchev kitchen is clutter. It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail and get rid of all the items that are needed literally once a year, or even less often. They need to be placed on mezzanines in the corridor, on the balcony or other place that serves as a storage room.

This will help free up a few cabinets, shelves and drawers.

In small rooms, furniture such as transformers and folding planes, as in the aisle of a compartment car, is welcome. These seats are returned to their original position (folded) when not in use. They are very convenient if made according to all the rules - another way to save space in kitchen design for 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev . But it’s better to make improvised “seats” on a leg (telescopic rod) - rest assured, they won’t let you down due to weight.

In a small kitchen Often you have to give up the table. Often a family has lunch or dinner in the living room or hall while watching TV.

In this case, the only table left is a cabinet with a work surface, but eating there is inconvenient.

Advice . To have a place to put your feet, it is important to have a niche under the tabletop. For this, a window sill enlarged to the size of a tabletop, or a retractable plane hidden under the cutting surface of kitchen furniture, is suitable.

If there is no place to put the washing machine and refrigerator, they are taken out into the corridor or hallway adjacent to the kitchen. This is not very convenient, but you can get additional space for a modern kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq.m.

In a small kitchen, it is possible to place a large number of cabinets without compromising the area of ​​working surfaces, making some of them from floor to ceiling.

Important ! What makes a kitchen cozy is not a refrigerator or a washing machine, but beautiful kitchen accessories, window decor and other tastefully selected attributes. These are paintings and decorative plates, knitted tablecloths and lace napkins, original lampshades and mystical lighting.

Methods for visually expanding the limited space of the Khrushchev kitchen

Convert area small kitchen it can be done in different ways.

  1. The method of rationality is to remove the old bulky cabinets and wall cabinets and install light, compact built-in furniture.
  2. Functionality method - leave in Khrushchev's kitchen Only the necessary items, trying to arrange them as compactly as possible.
  3. Visual illusion method - choose light colors in the design of the room, use horizontal and vertical lines, photo wallpaper “pushing” the walls, a light veil on the windows (maximum light and space).
  4. Zoning method - if redevelopment is planned, make a reasonable allocation of space so that everything is at hand.
  5. The design concept method is to create a small kitchen in Khrushchev with a stylish modern room.

In a small kitchen, every centimeter of free space is important, so it is very important to correctly design the kitchen set.

When renovating a small room, it is advisable to choose light shades, “mirroring” or glossy surfaces to create more light. It is better to abandon tension fabric and suspended structures when repairing the ceiling; they will also take up 10-20 cm of space.

Place cabinet furniture only against one wall, while occupying the corners, so the kitchen will appear wider.

It’s better to do it on a free wall interesting decor. IN kitchen design project 5 meters in Khrushchev can be provided interesting decoration free wall to create the illusion of a “dismantled” wall. Photo wallpapers with a panorama of a big city or going out into nature will help with this. Some people like spatial illusions, photo collages and mosaic panels.

Secrets of remodeling a kitchen 5.5 sq. m in Khrushchev

Redevelopment small apartments with the demolition of secondary partitions in the design environment, it is considered one of the best methods of modernization.

Don't be afraid to place shelves or a closed part furniture set too high.

  • Combine with adjoining living room;
  • “Cut off” a couple of meters from the adjacent corridor or hallway;
  • “Increase” the footage by adding the area of ​​an insulated balcony or loggia;
  • Convert a Khrushchev-era apartment into a studio-type apartment, leaving part of the walls in the form of arches, retractable partitions and sides with posts, which will help hold up the main “frame” of the apartment.

Advice . If the owner of the apartment is not a specialist in construction and renovation, you should not remodel the apartment. On initial stage It is better to entrust reconstruction work to specialized construction companies.

When transforming an apartment without a “big” redevelopment, you can widen the doorways or shift the passages so that the rooms are not walkable. Some apartments in the old housing stock do not have balconies, especially on the lower floors.

Advice . If desired, you can remove the partition under the kitchen window and insert a balcony door.

Don’t forget to install safety glass and metal bars on your impromptu balcony – protection from uninvited guests.

But there will be a place where you can go out to smoke or breathe fresh air without leaving the apartment. Do large balcony This method will not work, but the spherical shape of the lattice will provide enough space for drying clothes and planting balcony plants.

How to disguise a column, sink and kitchen appliances?

In a small Khrushchev kitchen there is very little space, but it has to be allocated for gas equipment:

  • Counter;
  • Geyser;
  • Stovetop with oven or grill;
  • Hood hood with corrugation.

White color will visually enlarge a small narrow kitchen.

There are 2 ways to veil them in kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq.m. with refrigerator and other equipment:

  1. Hide kitchen furniture facades behind doors;
  2. Leave in open form, originally decorated.

Important ! To ensure that the hood takes up less space in the kitchen, it is recommended to purchase not a traditional bell, but an inclined shape. This is convenient when leaning over the stove when preparing dishes, and it is more compact.

Gas equipment is very convenient to hide behind kitchen cabinet doors. But any specialist will tell you that it is better to make slits in them to monitor the indicators. Geyser and wood furniture are incompatible.

You need to think about the choice of material in advance or leave the column open, but think about what it will be adjacent to.

Advice . During repairs, do not forget to do high-quality insulation. Waterproofing is needed near the sink. Bulky tiles can be replaced with a compact 2-burner module - saving space.

How to improve lighting in a small kitchen?

A well-chosen color scheme and lighting of local areas always work to their advantage if you need to work with expanding the space.

Attention ! During repairs, it is worth replacing old emergency wiring and equipment that cannot cope with the load of modern household appliances.

The design of surfaces (especially walls, window textiles) should be made in light shades.

When choosing lighting fixtures, it is guided by the design style and functionality of the kitchen.

  1. It is very convenient when the working surface is illuminated by diodes mounted on the bottom of wall cabinets, like on the picture.
  2. IN modern kitchen The diode strip looks good around the perimeter of the ceiling or framed by cabinet furniture.
  3. When buying a ceiling lamp, avoid a bulky chandelier that takes up a lot of space. The exception is a large lampshade that goes down to the center of the table.
  4. If in the interior small kitchen There is a corner and a dining table; the eating area should be illuminated by a compact sconce with a practical lampshade that is easy to clean.
  5. Try to equip all lamps with energy-efficient lamps.

Light reflections playing on the surface will give the room a bright, light and sunny mood, as in the photo.

The ideal option would be a large window where a lot of daylight penetrates. If there is an opportunity to expand the window opening or replace the frames with lighter and lighter ones, be sure to take advantage. Curtains or window decor– lightweight, made of translucent fabrics that are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

The design of curtains and curtains should highlight and unobtrusively decorate this part of the kitchen, but in no case prevent the penetration of sunlight.

Design of washable surfaces: apron and work area

When renovating a kitchen, practicality comes first. Every housewife knows how much time cleaning takes. The more practical the facing materials, the easier it is to clean the kitchen.

A small kitchen in Khrushchev will require non-standard approach and when choosing furniture.

Don't be afraid of white or light shades of beige, gray and blue. If it is smooth plastic on the ceiling or tiled materials in the decoration of walls and floors, then cleaning takes no more time than in others color solutions. In addition, the light cladding initially looks “clean”.

Attention! Gloss (any color) reflects more light, but scratches are more visible after cleaning household products with abrasive particles.

A modern kitchen does not require a huge number of cabinets; a couple of shelves on the wall and open shelves for large dishes are enough.

When choosing tile materials for kitchen design 5m2 in Khrushchev do not use large blocks or large designs. They will make a small room seem even smaller. The ideal option for tiling a kitchen backsplash is small mosaic tiles.

For wall cabinets, it is better to use doors that open upwards rather than to the sides, since they do not take up any useful space at all.

The walls do not have to be monochromatic, but light shades are preferred. Quality facing materials depends on financial capabilities, but all surfaces must be practical to clean. Tiled floors should not be slippery; for safety reasons, choose one with a rough texture.

A good option for the kitchen is a light, moisture-resistant laminate.

The place where you have to cut meat, peel vegetables and cut juicy foods often gets dirty. Here you have to give up wallpaper, textured plaster and decorative panels made from materials that are difficult to clean.

Advice . It is recommended to cover interesting relief decor with several layers of colorless varnish.

Most often you have to clean the work area, so the choice of finish is most important here.

Remember that a small Khrushchev kitchen has its own “plus” - a small surface area. You can save on finishing materials by choosing more luxurious tiles, countertops and facades. This will help transform Khrushchev beyond recognition, like in our photo.

The tips in this article will help you successfully cope with the transformation of the smallest kitchen.

VIDEO: Projects and design of a small kitchen.

50 design ideas for a kitchen with an area of ​​5-6 square meters. meters:

Most Soviet-built apartments from the 50s to 70s have very small kitchens. Typical panel and block Khrushchev houses of those times were conceived as temporary housing for workers - provided by the state free of charge and subject to demolition after 25 years of operation. However, due to different economic and political reasons, similar buildings still make up most architecture of every city in the territory of the former USSR, and their inhabitants are constantly finding new ways to improve the design and increase the space of their homes.

Kitchen remodeling in Khrushchev

The first thing you need to know about redevelopment is that it involves changing the location of partitions in the apartment. The thoughtless destruction of some walls can lead to emergency situation, therefore, such actions (regardless of housing ownership) require prior agreement with the relevant government services, which must approve the draft changes and issue written permission. You can learn more about the procedure for preparing documents in your locality by contacting a lawyer.

It is often possible to expand the kitchen area in a Khrushchev-era apartment by combining it with the living room or hallway. The result is a comfortable studio apartment. Sometimes it is enough to remove only part of the partition to make a beautiful arched opening, or instead of the previous brick wall (if it is not load-bearing), build a spacious shelving wall made of plasterboard or wood. Change the location of bathrooms, gas stoves, sinks, heating batteries Communication pipes and openings, which in such houses are connected into a single system, do not allow this.

Interior style for the “Khrushchev” kitchen

When planning the interior design of a small kitchen, you should give preference to those design solutions that will help increase the usable area. For arranging the kitchen area in Khrushchev, modern, classic and scandinavian styles, as well as Provence.

Modern style kitchen

Contemporary, modern - this is conciseness, clear lines and maximum functionality. Instead of a bulky “antediluvian” stove there is an electric hob and a built-in oven; a neat tabletop combined with a window sill or simultaneously serving as a bar counter; closed shelves and drawers from floor to ceiling; spot lighting; discreet colors of furniture, harmoniously combined with metal surfaces technology; comfortable blinds.

Classic style kitchen

Classics show impeccable taste and commitment to tradition. This interior is somewhat reminiscent of the houses of noble nobles or merchants: wooden furniture, varnished or light milky enamel; gold and silver accents; plaster stucco; high soft chairs; satin curtains. Selecting kitchen appliances to match expensive furniture is not difficult - a beautifully decorated stove, hood and refrigerator can be bought at any large store. All this will help you forget about the Soviet past of the apartment and turn it into an oasis of luxury.

Kitchen in Provence style

This style combines simplicity village house with the conveniences of city life. Provence is characterized by pastel shades, lace inserts, and natural textiles (chintz curtains and tablecloths with small flowers, polka dots, and a calm checkered pattern). In a tiny Khrushchev-era kitchen, this design will create an atmosphere of freshness and lightness.

Scandinavian style kitchen

Scandinavian minimalism is a reflection of the purity of the Icelandic fjords among the snow-capped mountain ranges. On a crystal white background of walls, ceilings, and furniture, minimal inclusions of almost transparent bluish-gray elements or bleached wood are allowed. The design of a Khrushchev kitchen in this style will visually enlarge the room and give relaxing peace to all inhabitants.

Color solutions for the kitchen in Khrushchev

In order for 5-6 sq.m. If your kitchen doesn’t seem too cramped, you need to choose the right shades. The task of optical expansion of the area is best handled by light colors, as well as smooth mirror surfaces.

White color

Pure snow-white tone reflects light best. It looks good with other colors, giving them contrast. This good option for ceramic tiles, furniture, walls, ceilings. Most stoves and refrigerators are also painted white. But for the floor, countertop, space around the sink and hob, it is better to choose muted colors.

Natural wood color

The unique texture and noble shades of wood are what you need for cozy interior kitchens in Khrushchev. Even an imitation of the natural surface of pine, linden, walnut, oak will make the food preparation area comfortable and sincere. Nature itself offers beautiful additions to the tree: grass green, grayish tones of stones, blue shades of water and sky, autumn palette from amber-yellow to chocolate.


This color will illuminate and warm your small kitchen with warmth if the sun rarely gets through its window. In combination with spring orange, light green, pink, white, this shade can be both a background and a bright accent. Yellow looks elegant among purple and gray interior details.

Green color

The life-affirming tone of young foliage is one of best options for the design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. You can paint walls this color or use it for decorative elements. With varnished wood, orange, grey, pink and brown surfaces it will look simply flawless.

Red color

Pastel shades

If any color is mixed with white, it acquires a delicate lightness. Surrounded by pastel colors, a feeling of calm, harmony, and purity appears. This is the perfect choice for a small space, giving it an airy feel.

It is better to complement bleached shades with saturated colors, but not bright ones. For example, you can combine light violet with purple; transparent blue with turquoise; milky with coffee color.

Finishing and materials for the kitchen in Khrushchev

When decorating any kitchen, it is important to find a balance between the beauty and practicality of materials. They must be moisture resistant, easy to clean, and some must also withstand heavy mechanical loads.


The most affordable option for finishing the floor in such a room is linoleum. It is inexpensive, aesthetically pleasing and very easy to clean. For more exquisite design For a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, large ceramic tiles in light colors are suitable (by the way, you will need very little of it). A floor made of small, eye-catching elements can visually reduce the space. Laminate flooring in the kitchen will not last long - accidentally spilled boiling water or drops of hot oil from a frying pan can easily damage its surface.

It is also inadvisable to lay natural wooden parquet in the cooking area - dirt will get into the cracks between the elements, and traces may remain from a hot pan or a puddle of water.


Since condensation can settle on the walls, it is best to paint them with water-repellent enamel or cover them with washable vinyl wallpaper.

The most expensive, but environmentally friendly way is, again, ceramic tiles. It is better to choose a glossy, medium-sized one, without contrasting details. Light colors and almost imperceptible small patterns (for example, golden flowers with curls on a sand background; silver shimmer on white; imitation of brick or stone masonry). Vertical lines on the walls will make the ceiling appear higher than it actually is. And for better reflection of light, you should use mirrors.


It is enough to level the ceiling in a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building with plaster or thin plasterboard and paint it with moisture-resistant light paint (dark or rich paint will reduce the space). Options with tension film, suspended beams, PVC panels in such apartments will only reduce the height and turn the already small room to the closet.


Kitchen curtains, tablecloths, towels and napkins often require washing. Stains are removed most easily from synthetic fabrics, so for daily use it is better to choose high-quality polyester. It looks no worse than products made from cotton or linen; moreover, it dries quickly and looks beautiful even without ironing.

From an aesthetic point of view, in a small kitchen it is preferable to use simple blinds that match the color of the furniture or walls, short veils (tulle), light curtains, Roman, Japanese, bamboo or roller blinds. And massive draped curtains are best left for the bedroom and living room.

Furniture for a small kitchen in Khrushchev

The main furniture in a Khrushchev-era kitchen is a set, a dining table and chairs for it. The main requirements for these things are compactness, reliability and aesthetic appearance.

Kitchen set

The set is made of wood coated with waterproof varnish or particle boards with PVC film or veneer on the outside, with the addition of metal, plastic, and glass elements. Dark matte surfaces are more suitable for spacious rooms, but luminous glossy ones are perfect solution in the interior of a small kitchen.

To optimize space, it is better to first buy built-in appliances, and then order furniture with connectors according to the standards of the stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink. The apron that covers the hood can be matched to the color of the appliance or the style of the set itself.

Dinner Zone

Placing a full-fledged table in a 5-meter Khrushchev-era kitchen is an almost impossible task. In a studio apartment, it can be replaced with a bar counter, which will also serve as a partition. Folding furniture, wide window sills, table tops with adjustable height, and folding tables can also be a good solution.

Storage systems

Before you buy or order a kitchen set, you need to think about where the dishes and small dishes will be stored. Appliances and products. This will help to provide sections suitable sizes, instruct the manufacturer to make the required number of drawers, shelves and niches. It is very important that the furniture does not absorb moisture and is easy to clean.

As for saving space, it can be achieved by increasing the height of the cabinets to ceiling level and making the most of the corner area. It is convenient to place rotating carousel shelves in them. Cookbooks, photographs and souvenirs will not hurt if you place them on open shelves above dining table. Such a composition will simultaneously serve as a decoration for a free wall.

Refrigerator in the kitchen in Khrushevka - where to place it?

The question of where to put a large refrigerator in a cramped kitchen and how to position it so that it is convenient to open the doors is a headache for most residents of Khrushchev. The best way out of this situation would be a built-in model.

An interesting solution would be to place a low refrigerator(or even two) into a free niche under the window sill, having first removed the old one from there cast iron battery. A low refrigerator can also fit under a sink or countertop.

Proper kitchen lighting

What you definitely shouldn’t do in a small kitchen is hang a large chandelier. 2-4 spotlights mounted in the ceiling will look much better. Additional LEDs can be installed above the dining area, worktop and stove.

If your soul still asks for hanging lampshades, then it is better to place them above the bar counter or the central part of the tabletop.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev - photo

Find inspiration and fresh solutions For kitchen interior design in Khrushchev, our photo gallery will help you. These are ideas that have already been implemented in small spaces, which can be adopted and transformed from dull Soviet life into a bright modern fairy tale.

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