What to do to prevent windows from sweating at home. What to do to prevent windows from crying - folk remedies? Organize proper heating

When the cold season sets in, apartment owners and country houses People often wonder what to do to prevent windows from sweating and freezing in winter, and moisture from accumulating on the windowsill and on the floor underneath them.

This applies not only to old-style wooden structures, but also to those made from modern PVC profiles and double-glazed windows.

If the window is frozen

Wooden windows

The most inexpensive are products made from pine, the most expensive, the price of which is more than 40% higher than PVC windows, oak, beech and mahogany. Everyone can choose a block based on their preferences and capabilities. One of the most determining factors in this case is the thickness of the wall in window opening, which the video in this article will talk about in more detail.

The vast majority of houses in our country had wooden windows, about the shortcomings of which he did not speak, unless he was lazy. They dried out in the summer and swelled in the winter, they happened twice a year...

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I have a third option..one frame with two glasses, the outer glass is mounted on silicone

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It's clear. The fix is ​​simple.
Both glasses need to be bonded to silicone.
But before doing this, be sure to rule out the presence humid air between wooden frames.
There are several ways.
1. Everything is done outside in dry weather. The temperature of the frame and both glasses should be the same. Everything should be dry. Seal the glass, then put the frame with the glass in place.
2. Drill into wooden frame 2 holes mm 10 from the street side into the space between the glass, at the top and bottom. I have them each in the form of a tunnel with the letter “g”: I drilled each one both from the side of the street and from the side of the space between the glass. It's less noticeable this way. Both holes are diametrically opposite. Remove the shavings. Install and seal the inner glass (the outer one is already installed with silicone). When the space between the glass is ventilated from...

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How to wash windows to prevent sweating? This is a fairly common question among housewives. With the arrival of cold weather, the windows begin to “cry”, what should you do in this case? How to get rid of condensation on glass? Do you want a feeling of cleanliness and light in your home? In this article we will give you useful recommendations on window care and ways to eliminate unpleasant moments. Follow our tips and your windows will delight you with cleanliness and sparkling shine.

Why do windows sweat?

There are several reasons why windows sweat:

There is a big difference in temperatures outside and inside the house. There is poor ventilation in your apartment. Bathrooms are poorly ventilated. The plumbing is leaking. Usage gas stoves for heating. Absence kitchen hood. The window sill is too wide and the heat from the radiator does not reach the glass - it cools down quickly. A large number of indoor plants I release moisture that settles on the glass. Lack of thermal insulation of the ceiling or floor. You...

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If plastic or wooden windows are sweating in your house, but you don’t know how to fix it, read the material, maybe it will help you?

With the onset of cold days, many residents of both apartment buildings and private houses are faced with the problem of “window crying”. In some cases, condensation on windows is so abundant that you have to place buckets under the window sills to collect it. In this regard, a rhetorical question arises: the windows are sweating, what should I do?

As such, the reasons for this are many, and there is no single panacea solution. Let us note right away that “window crying” signals to the owners that “not everything is in order” in the internal climate of the home. Let's try to figure out what we should do to prevent the windows from sweating.

The reason is moisture, which condenses on a cold surface and turns into water. Therefore, in order to prevent the windows from sweating, we should deal with a whole range of devices used in your apartment to detect the hearth...

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If the windows in your house sweat, you immediately begin to think that the problem is with the plastic window. In most cases, the reason for condensation appearing on inside The problem with the window is not due to a manufacturing defect or technological imperfection of the glass unit, but lies in a completely different plane.

This article examines the causes of condensation, as well as ways to combat this inconvenient phenomenon.

What is causing the problem? The occasional appearance of small accumulations of moisture in the lower corners of the window is not worthy of your attention. As soon as you think about it, the moisture will already be gone.

In this article we will talk about excessive condensation, which leads to fogging or the formation of a “frost pattern” across the entire plane of the window and answer the question of what causes plastic windows to sweat. The resulting water can drain from the glass and cause damage to the window sill, plaster or...

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Happy owners of plastic windows often complain about the effect of moisture condensation on the surfaces of double-glazed windows and, in connection with this, ask a completely legitimate question about why the windows in the house sweat. Let's try to figure out this issue and determine the reasons for the formation of condensation, after which we can start looking for ways to combat it.

appears in the following form:

The appearance of condensation in the morning (from approximately 8 to 11 o’clock); fogging of windows in winter and during cold snaps; fogging of a window in one of the rooms (no condensation is observed in all other rooms).

This effect is that many small droplets form on the glass, which, combining into larger ones, flow down onto the windowsill in small streams and create water stains on it.

Some users believe that the reason for window fogging should be sought in the windows themselves. plastic structures and are trying to resolve the issue by filing claims against...

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What can I do to prevent the glass on my windows from sweating?

In almost all apartments in our country, with the arrival of autumn, the windows in the apartments begin to fog up. This happens especially clearly when the streets start to get cold, but the heating has not yet been turned on. The windows begin to fog up, and the apartment becomes humid.

The simplest, but most expensive way to dry the glass is to buy a heater. The apartment will become warmer and the windows will stop fogging up. But it is worth considering the fact that electric heaters consume a large amount of electricity.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy an electric heater, then try to ventilate the room as often as possible when the weather is dry and sunny outside. This will allow moisture to evaporate from the apartment.

But the most accessible and effective remedy which allows windows not to sweat - ordinary salt. Take several saucers, pour salt into them and place them on the windowsill. Salt perfectly absorbs both moisture and unpleasant odors....

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Most likely, the main reason for the occurrence of condensation is the increased humidity of the room, but it is quite possible that not only the climate, but also the installation of windows is to blame for the appearance of condensation. The causes of condensation are, so to speak, a whole science that concerns mainly window workers and a little the builders themselves. In order to know what to do, you need to determine the causes of condensation. The first thing you need to do is measure the humidity of the room; here you need a hygrometer; if your air humidity is above 30-40%, then you already have the risk of condensation. But heating the window unit with a battery plays an important role here. It should be hot and the window sill should not cover the battery by more than half. The width of the window sill also matters ( warm air rises upward and the smaller the width of the window sill, the lower the warm air reaches the window, thereby heating the window better). The humidity in the room is also affected by the ability of the ventilation system...

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We moved into an apartment, it’s almost great new house 2000. But there is a problem. The windows sweat a lot. On the room side. Why does this happen and how to deal with it.

What kind of windows are they? This is a sore point for me too.

43 years

Plastic. I previously lived in a house built in the 50s. The windows were terrible, but they didn’t sweat.

I also have the same problem with windows. I examined the windows, pulled them through the joints in the frames themselves, the neighbor covered them with window sealant, now we are waiting for the results - the temperature outside is above zero. Maybe someone else can tell me.

42 years

When we moved into our apartment, we also started sweating...

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Winter has arrived, the temperature difference between inside and outside has increased, and the windows are sweating. What to do?
First you need to wash the windows on both sides. Then, to prevent windows from fogging up and freezing in winter, we suggest using one of the following recipes:

Rub the window glass using flannel or suede, inside and out, with a 10% solution of glycerin in denatured alcohol ( technical alcohol), you can rub the glass with pure glycerin, as well as with a mixture of glycerin with the addition of turpentine (3 parts glycerin to 1 part turpentine), a good result is obtained by adding transparent glycerin and turpentine liquid soap(3 parts glycerin 3 parts, turpentine 1 part and soap 5 parts), but solid soap is not suitable to prevent the windows from sweating and freezing in the house, previously between the inside and outside window frame put cups with a small amount of hydrochloric acid, which is very hygroscopic and does not allow moisture to condense on the glass.

If frost has covered the window glass, then a saturated...

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Why do windows sweat?

For the average person, it is a mystery why plastic windows sweat. You won’t hear any guesses... the temperature difference, the poor quality of the glass package and much more. Let's try to analyze in more detail what underlies the fogging of window glass.

Plastic windows today can be seen in almost every residential apartment, as well as a private house, in residential and non-residential premises. PVC windows have firmly taken their place in the market cell and are increasingly proving their advantages. The basis is that such windows do not require insulation in winter and do not need to be painted every spring after snowfalls.

Reasons for fogging of plastic windows

But sometimes even these excellent windows cause minor inconveniences - when the temperature on the street sharply drops, condensation appears around the window and directly on it, as a result the window sweats and flows, forming puddles on the windowsill. Let's remember the transition...

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With the arrival of cold weather, people often encounter such a problem as fogging of windows. What to do to get rid of condensation on windows? Below you can find out how to fix this problem without much effort. We will answer the question of how to clean windows from fogging. Proper washing will help remove unwanted moisture and give a feeling of light and cleanliness to your home.

Method one

How to remove condensation from glass so that it no longer accumulates? First, wash the glass with soapy water and remove the moisture with a special scraper. Take a sponge, moisten it with alcohol or vodka and wipe the glass with it. Once the alcohol has dried, moisture should no longer collect on the surface of the glass.

Method two

Windows can also be washed with a saline solution. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 4 liters of warm water. Filter the water to prevent salt grains from scratching the glass. Another benefit of this method is to prevent glass from freezing.

Method three

First of all, you need to wash the windows with warm water and remove excess moisture with a microfiber cloth. Then prepare a solution of glycerin and alcohol. Mix these two ingredients in a ratio of 1:10 respectively. Soak a cloth in the mixture and apply to the glass. Using this method, you can get rid of icing and fogging of the glass from the inside.

Method four

The first step is to wash the glass. Then polish with a special paste mixture. Prepare it by mixing 10 g of glycerin and 20 g of potassium oil with 2 g of pine turpentine.

Method five

After cleaning, polish the windows with crumpled up newspaper. Printing ink has a water-repellent property, so the windows will not fog up.

Method six

In stores you can purchase a special liquid in the form of an aerosol. Such substances contain weak acids and active substances, which have the property of repelling moisture from the surface of the glass. Spray the glass with a spray, wait until the product is absorbed and remove the residue with a napkin.

What to do to prevent wooden windows from sweating?

To prevent wooden windows from sweating, they must first be insulated with tape and tape. Seal the gaps between the glass and wood with sealants.

Some tips:

Protect your hands with gloves while working.

Cover the surface of the window sill with film or rags.

Before using various chemicals Please read the instructions carefully.

Often in the cold season on plastic windows a cloudy water mist forms. This is condensation, which impairs visibility, reduces light output and promotes the formation of fungi and mold.

Condensate(lat. condensate- compacted, condensed) - a product of vapor condensation that occurs during the transition of a substance during cooling from gaseous to liquid form. It forms if there is excess “water” in the air and the temperature outside is low.

It is worth noting that each person allocates about 2 liters of water in the form of steam during breathing. In addition, the source of moisture in the house can be a boiling kettle, the cooking process, leaking plumbing, and even indoor plants.

At relative humidity air more than 60% condensation may already appear on the double-glazed windows.

The ideal option would be to prevent such a situation at the order stage metal-plastic windows. You should choose a warmer package. Two-chamber the window is cooled much slower single-chamber, which means it is less likely to fog.

Energy saving euro windows They don't actually fog up. The warmer the double-glazed window, the less the possibility of “dew” appearing.

What to do if installed metal-plastic windows fog up?

Let's give 10 useful tips to combat window fogging in your home:

    You need to reduce the amount of moisture. By regularly ventilating the room or installing air flow valves in the windows.

    Reduce the number of indoor plants. Flowers and miniature trees increase the area of ​​moisture evaporation in the room - water evaporates from leaves and moistened soil.

    Choose the “right” wall finish. Considering different variants for finishing walls, ceilings and floors, give preference natural materials that absorb excess moisture (plasterboard, wood).

    Repair all faucets and other plumbing fixtures. Leaking valves and other equipment increase air humidity.

    Complete wet cleaning with dry wiping. This will help get rid of excess water.

    You can buy moisture removal devices. They are sold in construction supermarkets. Recuperators automatically normalize humidity and maintain comfortable indoor conditions. An excellent, but expensive solution.

    Heating should work constantly during the cold season. Periodic shutdowns (for example, at night) increase air humidity and contribute to the formation of dampness.

    Increase the heating of a double-glazed window by installing a powerful battery under the window or reducing the size of the window sill. How smaller window sill, the easier the glass unit heats up. Ideally, when designing a structure, it is better to ensure that the heat flow from the batteries goes to the window.

    Condensation may be caused by poor sealing. For example, a loose fit of the window sash to the frame.

    A well-functioning hood is the key to minimal moisture accumulation. If constant noise bothers you, you can install a humidity level sensor on it.

Finally, we suggest watching a video in which the author dispels popular myths about the causes of window fogging and shares the secrets of eliminating the problem:

Steam settles not only on metal-plastic windows, it’s just more noticeable on them. Condensation can appear on furniture, carpets, clothing and create bad smell"oldies". Do not forget that high humidity is one of the causes of fungus.

  • What to do to prevent windows with wooden frames from sweating
  • As soon as the cold weather sets in, the windows begin to cry. And this problem becomes a headache for most housewives. How to deal with this? How can you get rid of condensation on glass in order to forget about this crying problem forever. We offer you some useful tips for caring for windows during the cold season, and ways to solve the problem of always foggy windows.

    Why do windows sweat?

    Here is a list of reasons why windows sweat:

    • The difference between the temperature outside and inside the house;
    • Poor or broken ventilation in the room;
    • Bathrooms are insufficiently ventilated;
    • Leaking plumbing;
    • If a gas stove is used to heat the apartment;
    • Lack of kitchen hood;
    • Too many indoor plants (they produce moisture that settles on the glass);
    • The wide window sill does not allow heat from the radiator to pass through to the glass, so it fogs up;
    • No ceiling or floor insulation;
    • We did not have time to prepare the wooden frames for the onset of cold weather;
    • Plastic windows were not installed correctly;
    • There is a manufacturing defect in the glass unit;
    • Drying clothes in the apartment occurs in places not intended for this;
    • When installing the double-glazed windows, the builders did not seal the cracks properly, so cold air hits the glass;
    • After installation plastic double glazed windows, you need to open the window slightly winter mode, for natural ventilation.

    How to wash windows to prevent them from sweating?

    If you have found the cause of condensation, then use this list of possible remedies to remove and prevent window fogging.

    • Any container for water (bucket, basin);
    • A soft, lint-free cloth;
    • Wool rag;
    • Microfiber cloth;
    • Newspapers;
    • Soap solution;
    • Glycerol;
    • Alcohol or alcohol-containing substances;
    • Shaving foam;
    • Anti-fog agents or others special means;
    • Window scraper with rubber nozzle.

    How to properly wash windows so they don't sweat?

    Soap solution

    Oily glass becomes the most common problem that causes windows to fog up and trap moisture. How to clear condensation from glass and prevent further fogging? For this you will need:

    • Wash the window with warm soapy water;
    • Wipe it with a clean, slightly damp, lint-free cloth;
    • Remove any remaining moisture with a rubber scraper;
    • Pour alcohol or vodka onto the sponge;
    • Wipe the entire glass with an alcohol sponge;
    • Leave to dry.

    Saline solution

    To prevent the window from fogging up, use saline solution, namely, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in four liters of water. Wipe the glass with the resulting solution.

    Attention! White streaks may appear on the glass. Don't be scared! This means that the saline solution needs to be diluted with water and the window cleaning process must begin from the beginning. The advantages of a salt solution are that salt prevents ice from forming on the glass.

    Glycerin and alcohol

    Make a mixture of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The alcohol will erode, the glycerin will form a protective film that will not allow water to settle on the glass. First, wash the window with warm water and dry it with a microfiber cloth. Apply the mixture to the glass with a cotton pad or swab. Leave it like this and don’t wash it off.

    You should know! This method will protect against fogging and freezing of the glass from the inside.

    Turpentine, potassium oil and glycerin

    An effective recipe for preventing condensation on windows.

    • Wash the window with a damp cloth;
    • Mix 10 grams of glycerin with 20 grams of potassium oil and 2 grams of pine turpentine;
    • Apply the resulting paste to the glass with a cotton pad;
    • Polish the glass with a wool rag.


    A simple way to keep windows from sweating. Use crumpled newspapers as a glass cleaner. Printing ink has a water-repellent effect. Thanks to it, the windows will not fog up for a long time.

    Special means

    There are a huge number of chemicals to prevent glass from fogging; these can be wipes, aerosols, or special liquids. They contain surfactants. Apply any of the available products to the window, it will create an invisible film on the glass that will repel water and maintain excellent visibility and cleanliness of the glass. They are very easy to use:

    • Remove moisture from the window;
    • Apply aerosol (liquid) to the glass;
    • For best results, leave the product on for a while;
    • Wipe the window dry.

    What should you do to prevent windows with wooden frames from sweating?

    You should start prevention window frames made of wood.

    • All existing gaps between the glass and the frame must be sealed with sealant (silicone) or other building materials;
    • For better effect Tape the window joints with special paper tape or adhesive foam tape.
    • Before working with chemicals and other cleaning agents, think about hand safety and use rubber gloves;
    • Also cover the windowsill protective film, or a rag;
    • Read the instructions for using chemicals and follow them strictly.

    By following these tips, you will forget about the problem of condensation on windows and all the inconveniences associated with them.

    Video instructions: how to properly wash windows

    The appearance of condensation on glass is a problem that every home tries to solve. The likelihood of such a situation occurring is very high, since there are a huge number of reasons for its occurrence. How to resolve the issue, and what methods should be used for this?

    1 Reasons for window fogging

    Before you begin to solve a problem, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence. The same is the case with windows. Let's consider situations in which such unattractive condensation appears on them.

    There are many reasons why windows fog up.

    Windows sweat as a result of:

    • ineffective ventilation system, which does not allow air flows to quickly circulate in the room;
    • drying clothes in the house;
    • contrast temperature conditions in the apartment and on the street;
    • insufficient ventilation of the bathroom, accumulation of vapors in the kitchen;
    • use of a gas stove for heating a room;
    • excess indoor plants that emit in large quantities moisture;
    • lack of thermal insulation on the floor and ceiling;
    • low-quality installation of double-glazed windows or the presence of manufacturing defects;
    • lack of ventilation in rooms with plastic double-glazed windows;
    • a wide window sill that does not allow heat from the radiator to pass through to the glass (the radiator is filled with furniture or other objects);
    • the presence of gaps in the wooden frame or between the frame and the opening.

    2 How to clean kitchen windows

    Before you wash your windows to prevent them from sweating, you need to clarify that “crying” glass is most typical for kitchen spaces, bathrooms, showers and toilets. In the kitchen, this is due to the fact that cooking in the absence of a hood leads to the accumulation of vapors with a fatty component. It is the fat that settles on the glass that provokes the appearance of condensation. The best option In order to wash them, there will be a product in the kitchen that breaks down fat well.

    It is important not just to eliminate the problem, but to carry out preventive measures so that after a couple of days the question of how to wash the windows to prevent sweating does not arise again.

    Soap solution for breaking down grease on glass

    Soap product

    Prepare a soap solution with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. Wash the glass unit. Take clean warm water and rinse off the remaining soap solution. Wipe the glass with a slightly dampened lint-free cloth. To completely get rid of moisture, clean it with a special scraper with a rubberized edge.

    To prevent the formation of condensation, the glass must be wiped with a sponge moistened with alcohol. This completes the care of the glass unit using a soap solution.

    Salt remedy

    Saline solution is used for preventive purposes to prevent windows from sweating and freezing. It is used after washing the glass with soapy water. The product is applied to the surface of the glass unit with a lint-free cloth. To prepare the mixture, take 4 liters of water and a tablespoon of salt.

    After wiping, there is a high probability of white streaks appearing. They are the result of a high concentration of salt in the water (perhaps they poured not a tablespoon of salt, but a heaped spoon). The defect can be eliminated only by re-applying the composition to the glass.

    Household chemicals

    Special products from the category will help you wash your windows to prevent them from sweating in the kitchen. household chemicals. They are presented in a wide range in every hardware store. They are sold with spray bottles, making them easy to apply to the window. To increase the effect of the substances included in the products, it is necessary to spray the surface and leave for a while. Wipe the surface dry.

    Household chemicals for cleaning windows

    3 Wash the windows in the bathroom to prevent sweating

    Proceed to preventive measures To prevent fogging of a double-glazed window in the bathroom, you need to clean it from dirt. We suggest washing the windows to prevent them from sweating with a cleaning solution.

    The following methods are used for prevention:

    • newspaper;
    • turpentine-glycerin composition with the addition of potassium oil;
    • glycerin-alcohol mixture;
    • industrial aerosols.

    All of the above methods can be used to prevent condensation in the kitchen.

    Newsprint– simple, but effective method eliminating condensation. Its properties are determined by printing ink, which has water-repellent properties. Before starting the procedure, you need to wash the window. The essence of the procedure is to wipe the glass dry.

    Turpentine-glycerin composition with the addition of potassium oil is prepared from 2 ml of pine turpentine, 20 g. butter and 10 gr. glycerin. The prepared mixture is applied to the glass unit after washing it. We suggest polishing the surface with a woolen rag.

    Glycerin-alcohol mixture prepared from 10 parts alcohol and one part glycerin. Its effectiveness in combating fogging is determined by the fact that after application to glass, glycerin forms a uniform coating in the form of a thin film. The alcohol dries out. The windows will not sweat for some time.


    • wash the window;
    • use a microfiber cloth for wiping;
    • take a cotton swab and apply the mixture to the surface;
    • rinsing is prohibited.

    Aerosols industrial production operate on the same principle as those described above traditional methods. You can add special wipes and liquids to aerosols. Their action is similar to that of an aerosol, that is, the glass is covered with an invisible film that does not allow moisture to linger on its surface.


    • take a damp rag and wipe the window;
    • apply aerosol or liquid;
    • After some time, wipe the surface dry.

    If you plan to use special napkins, then after washing the glass unit, simply wipe it with a napkin.

    4 How to clean a window to prevent it from sweating and freezing

    In the cold season, along with the problem of condensation accumulation, housewives have to deal with glass freezing. Icing can be removed in several ways.

    How to wash a window to prevent it from freezing

    Liquid concentrate "Li-Lo". Glass cleaner is commercially available. Since it is concentrated, it must be diluted with water before use.


    • moisten a cotton swab with concentrate;
    • treat the surface;
    • prepare a solution of 10 parts water and one part liquid;
    • repeat the window treatment with the prepared solution;
    • leave the surface until dry.

    To prevent windows from freezing in the winter cold, use a solution with salt prepared in the same way as for treating glass against fogging (see above).

    A glycerin-alcohol liquid and a paste mixture based on potassium oil are suitable for these purposes.

    5 Prevention of fogging of a window with a wooden frame

    The list of preventive measures is limited to:

    • eliminating existing gaps between the frame and glass using sealants;
    • eliminating gaps between the window opening and the frame using adhesive foam tape or special paper tape.
    1. To avoid contamination of the window sill, before washing the window it is necessary to cover it with oilcloth or unnecessary rags.
    2. All of the above glass cleaning products contain substances that form an aggressive environment. To prevent them from damaging the skin of your hands, you need to wear protective gloves.
    3. Before using glass cleaners of all kinds detergents, read the instructions for use.

    From the methods listed above, choose an option that will optimally solve the problem of fogging windows in the kitchen and bathroom. And your home will always look cozy and clean.

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