The smell of flowers: the influence of aromas from my flower garden. The amazing story of why flowers smell delicious

Flowers smell thanks to phytoncides contained in essential oils. Phytoncides- special substances that plants themselves produce to protect against diseases and insect pests. The term is derived from the Greek words fiton - plant and cedere - to kill. These protective substances inhibit bacterial growth and kill germs. U different types Plant phytoncides have different chemical compositions.

These may be organic acids, essential oils(like marigolds). Most phytoncides are volatile and are released only by living plants. It is necessary to harvest herbs at a certain period in order to preserve phytoncides. After cutting, only wild peony retains the ability to produce phytoncides from flowers.

Essential oils act as regulators of transpiration - the evaporation of water by plants. Evaporating, essential oils surround the plant with an invisible cloud and protect it from overheating during the day and from hypothermia at night. Air mixed with essential oil vapor is less permeable to heat rays. Many have a scent, but it is not always pink; there are roses with an atypical scent, for example, hicynth, musk or violet.

The smells of some plants repel insects; even livestock avoids strong-smelling herbs. Thanks to their aroma, such plants are better preserved and win the struggle for existence.

The strong, pungent smell of wormwood, mint, and lavender repels mosquitoes, midges and moths, and marigolds, due to their smell, free the ground around them from pests.

Small doses of camphor or musk present in plant aromas stimulate brain activity; The bitter smell of wormwood increases the force of contraction of the heart muscle. It is known that the aroma of roses drives away sad thoughts and lifts the mood, while jasmine helps to enhance performance, enhances perception and imparts calmness. As for the aroma of violets, it inspires optimism and gives strength to self-healing. The smell of iris improves the sense of smell and gives new vital impulses. Aroma of bergamot fruits ( evergreen tree citrus fruit) has harmonizing properties and is considered a valuable remedy for depression, as well as difficult mental states. Citrus scents enhance the energy of the body and revive the joy of movement. The scent helps you find inner balance and keep calm, and the smell of honeysuckle helps you perceive problems calmly and sensibly.

Fragrant clove oil has been used in perfumery and medicine for a long time. As early as the 3rd century BC, cloves were used as a deodorant. In China, before meeting with the emperor, it was necessary to chew cloves so that the smell from the mouth during a conversation would be pleasant. Flowers are added to tea to enhance its aroma. Frankincense essential oils, isolated from various types of frankincense tree, are indispensable in aromatherapy. Frankincense has long been famous as an ancient incense.

The main reason for the appearance of a particular aroma in a flower is the high content of essential oils in the petals. The set of elements differs depending on the plant variety, so the smell of different flowers differs from each other. Under the influence of air temperature or due to the moistening of the petals, essential oils begin the process of evaporation. Thanks to this process, a characteristic aroma appears.

Particles of essential oils swirl around the plant for a long time. This is why people who are prone to allergic reactions, try to avoid close contact with flowers. Otherwise, tiny droplets of evaporating substances enter the respiratory tract and cause tears, runny nose or even suffocation.

Essential oils are found not only in petals, but also in leaves and even tree bark. As a result of the interaction of existing components, different ones are obtained.

Effects of flower odors

People divide the smells of flowers into several categories - pleasant and unpleasant, sweet and tart. Some plants are very popular precisely because of their aroma. The function of smell is completely different.

The main purpose of scent for a flower is to attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, the majority flowering plants pollinated precisely thanks to winged helpers. Only a small number of them are able to self-pollinate or transmit their pollen through the air.

Essential oils not only cause odors, but also play a role reliable protection flower. The fact is that their particles remain around the bud for a long time in the form of a thin veil, which prevents overheating or hypothermia of the petals. Volatile oils are complex chemical compounds With different composition and properties.

Features of the smell of flowers

The smell of some flowers changes throughout the day. There are plants that, for example, have a particularly rich aroma only at night. This is due to the lifestyle of the insects necessary for pollination.

Some flowers have a completely unattractive aroma. However, for a certain category of insects it is the most effective beacon, and bad smell they mistake for foods from their main diet.

Plants are amazing organisms. They are used for a variety of purposes: design, medicine, culinary seasoning. They also have one more function - many representatives have very fragrant aromas that can be inhaled both at home and in your dacha.

Selecting flowers that smell good is a special task. In this case, you need to take into account several important points:

  • the right combination of flavors;
  • harmonious combination of plants in terms of design;
  • what conditions are suitable for different plants for their joint flowering (soil, light, etc.).

Important! When selecting fragrances, it is important to take into account whether anyone in the household is allergic to certain odors. And if plants with a smell are intended to be grown at home, then you need to keep in mind pets, who may also not like overly fragrant flowers.

Gloxinias are plants with incredibly beautiful gramophone-shaped flowers.

The richest, most delicious-smelling plants can be placed on your balcony. The most popular include:

  1. Gloxinia- plants with incredibly beautiful flowers in the form of gramophones. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and have a delicate, unique aroma.
  2. Hyacinth- these are very popular flower plants, which are grown from bulbs. They have a very intense aroma, which is emitted by flowers of various colors: blue, red, white, pink, lilac, etc.
  3. Sweet pea It blooms all season until the beginning of October, if the Indian summer lingers longer than usual. The plant is creeping and needs a trellis, netting or stretched ropes.
  4. Lavender- an elegant plant with purple flowers, which enrich the atmosphere with a pleasant smell until the end of summer.
  5. Nasturtium– it can be grown as a grapevine on a trellis, or in ordinary containers. The aroma is pronounced, with rich honey tones.

What flowers to plant on the balcony (video)

Strongly scented flowers for the garden

The choice of fragrant plants for the garden is wider. Along with flowers, this includes some herbs, low-growing shrubs and, of course, garden trees.

Fragrant shrubs and trees

Many people have fragrant aromas garden shrubs and of course, trees:

  • bird cherry;
  • lilac;
  • different types of honeysuckle (Tatar, Maaka);
  • Hydrangea paniculata;
  • alnifolia clethra;
  • different types of mock orange;
  • apple tree;
  • Robinia pseudoacacia and others.

They are usually not seated next to each other. However, some types of trees, for example, bird cherry and apple trees, the smells of which do not contradict each other, are quite appropriate to plant nearby.

Lavender is an elegant plant with purple flowers that enrich the atmosphere with a pleasant scent until the end of summer.

Fragrant herbs

Some herbs, despite their inconspicuous appearance, have very pleasant aromas. Moreover, they can be successfully used in the decoration of flower beds, rockeries and other flower arrangements. Here are some of the most popular representatives of fragrant herbs:

  • caraway;
  • tarragon;
  • fennel;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • leaf mustard;
  • chervil and others.

It is no coincidence that most of the herbs on this list are used as spices. They got into the culinary business thanks to their exquisite aroma, which adds a piquant taste to any dish.

Some herbs, despite their inconspicuous appearance, have very pleasant aromas.

Fragrant annual and perennial flowers

Almost all flowers have their own unique aroma, which allows them to attract insects for pollination. However, few can produce truly rich odors that are pleasant to humans.

These, for example, include the following annuals:

  1. Sweet pea. This plant prefers cool, rainy weather. It can be planted in protected soil in winter or early spring.
  2. Mirabilis, which is also called the “Peruvian miracle”. It opens its flowers after 5-6 pm and emits a pleasant smell until sunset.
  3. Heliotrope– quite tall (up to half a meter) beautiful flowers with a pleasant vanilla aroma.
  4. Lobularia, which is also called alyssum. It blooms almost all summer and part of September. It is grown by seedlings (seeds are sown at the end of March).
  5. Fragrant tobacco Along with planting at home, it is also quite suitable for decoration summer cottage plot. Fills the air with a strong floral scent.

Sweet Pea – This plant prefers cool, rainy weather.

Among perennial flowers, the most common are the following:

  • dahlias;
  • monarda;
  • Levkoy (two-year-old);
  • meadowsweet;
  • mignonette;
  • peonies;
  • thin-leaved marigolds.

You should choose a place for planting perennial fragrant flowers especially carefully, so as not to disturb them with replanting later.

Strong-smelling flowers for the garden (video)

Flowers that smell in the evening and at night

Flowers generally bloom and emit scents in the morning and afternoon to attract insects. However, there is a whole group of plants that smell fragrant in the evening and even at night. These include:

  1. Decorative tobacco– this plant has been cultivated for quite a long time. It reveals all its aromas from late evening until dawn. The aroma is sweetish, subtle, unobtrusive. Feature– can bloom until the beginning of October. The plant loves open sunlight, a well-ventilated place, so placing it on a balcony facing south or east is very good option. Loves systematic watering and fairly good soil.
  2. Mattiola- a plant that does not have any special decorative value, but is very fragrant. It is planted in containers, often in the vicinity of more interesting ones from the point of view of appearance flowers. The plant is quite demanding in terms of watering and soil quality; it grows well in the sunny side. In order to prolong the flowering of matthiola as much as possible and to enjoy its fragrant scent for as long as possible, it is better to plant the seeds in several turns at intervals of 10-15 days.
  3. Levkoy is a plant related to matthiola. It not only emits a pleasant, fragrant smell, but also has pleasant colors - white, scarlet, pink. If you alternate them with each other, sowing seeds different varieties, it will look especially beautiful.
  4. Night violet flowers(another name for this plant is matthiola bicorne) is small and rather inconspicuous in appearance, but in terms of aroma it is inferior to very few even the most beautiful flowers. When they bloom, a delicate, sweet aroma appears throughout the room, starting in the evening hours and continuing throughout the night. These are annuals, so new plantings should be done every year. The advantage of such plants is that the aromas can be inhaled literally a few months after planting.

Ornamental tobacco - this plant has been cultivated for quite a long time

Fragrant bulbous plants

There's a whole class garden plants, which are distinguished by both pleasant smells and magnificent colors: These are bulbous flowers:

  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths;
  • tulips;
  • crocuses;
  • scilla;
  • whiteflower and others.

Almost all of them have high decorative value and are grown not only for aroma, but also for aesthetic purposes.

Tulips have high decorative value and are grown not only for their fragrance, but also for aesthetic purposes.

Rules for creating a fragrant garden in the country

Creating a fragrant garden is an original and interesting task. The main requirement for work is the formation of plantings of such plants that will constantly produce flowers in different time summer and autumn. In a word, you need to create a garden continuous flowering and fragrance.

Along with the conditions of design and agrotechnical (according to care conditions) combinations, it is necessary to take into account so that the flowers bloom in turn, and their aromas do not interrupt each other:

  • The first to open the season of fragrances in the country hyacinths and daffodils. They are planted as seedlings, which begin to be prepared at the end of summer. The bulb is planted in the container, and already at the very beginning of October it is dug into the ground along with the seedling. The next year, with the onset of the warm season, the pots are removed, the plants are removed and planted in specific places.
  • Then a shrub popular in our latitudes begins to bloom - lilac. It's pretty unpretentious plant, selecting different types soil Along with the usual tall trees, you can also plant decorative shrubs that grow no more than one and a half meters in height. Such trees not only bloom beautifully, but also look great in rockeries and other types of flower arrangements.

Hyacinths and daffodils are the first to open the season of scents in the countryside.

  • It blooms around the same time bird cherry, whose flowers smell like honey. Its flowering time is mid-May. Approximately the same time frame fits into garden apple tree, saturating the air with a delicate aroma.
  • Then (second half of May) they bloom lilies of the valley These flowers are low-growing, have a very unique, recognizable appearance, and therefore are most often planted separately from others. With their help you can indicate garden paths, plant along the edges of the flowerbed in circles or patterns, and also plant in the form of a continuous green carpet.
  • Next comes the time mock orange. It blooms at the very beginning of June and throughout July. Not all of its varieties smell, so it is important to choose the fragrant ones. Smells so pleasantly that it has received the name garden jasmine. The aroma is pronounced, rich, harmonious. It is best to plant this plant in open, sunny places and do not forget about regular watering.

Incredible facts

We have many good memories associated with scents, and garden flowers are one of the sources of such memories.

You can remember the sweet aroma of grandmother's roses that grew on the facade. Or beautiful white magnolias in the summer heat.

What about the intoxicating aroma of tropical flowers that surround us during exotic travels?

Flowers are admired for their beauty, exquisite shapes and endless range of different shades, but there are those that are most loved for their unique scent.

There are lovers who even plan entire gardens so that they can constantly admire such flowers at home.

1.Plumeria flower aroma

The homeland of plumeria is on the warm tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, and also in South America and Mexico.

© Aloha_Mahalo / pixabay

These beautiful flowers in shades of pink, red, yellow and white, and in the center they look like a golden kiss. Plumeria has a distinct tropical the aroma that is most noticeable in the evening, and the flowering of this plant has a charming addition.

Plumeria grows as large shrubs and even before small trees , with long, thick leaves at the tips of the branches. Plumeria flowers contain poison, which may cause skin irritation in humans. Plumeria trunks are used to make musical instruments, dishes and furniture.

Interesting Facts:

  • The plumeria is the national symbol of Nicaragua and is featured on some banknotes.
  • plumeria flower will not burn at temperatures below 500 C.
  • In modern Polynesian culture, plumeria is worn by women , which want to indicate their marital status - above the right ear if he is looking for a soul mate, and above the left ear if he is already busy or married.
  • In India, the plumeria is a symbol of immortality, due to its ability to produce leaves and flowers even after being taken from the soil. It is often planted near temples and cemeteries, where fresh flowers fall daily on the graves.

2. Sweet Alyssum flower scent

The sweet alyssum flower is also called alyssum or alyssum. It is a simple annual whose seeds grow in the spring after the snow melts. Sweet allisum blooms from early spring until autumn. The flower itself will produce seeds and grow into next year at the same place.

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Sweet alyssum is a dense bouquet of small flowers. A little effort and minimum costs will give your garden or apartment a unique aroma.

Interesting fact! After the flower is pollinated by insects, the perianth of the plant falls off and the flower becomes unattractive. In most plants, but not in sweet alyssum. The petals of flowers with already set fruits do not fall off, but, on the contrary, increase in size, attracting insects to the remaining blooming flowers.

3. Chocolate cosmos flower scent

Chocolate cosmos is also called black cosmos or blood red cosmos.

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Chocolate lovers will really like this flower. Chocolate cosmos has unique reddish-brown petals that emit a light vanilla scent, reminiscent of chocolate candies. However, you should know that the alluring smell of this flower is deceptive, because in fact it is poisonous.

Native to Mexico, chocolate cosmos is a herbaceous perennial in warm climates and an annual in cold climates. This flower loves sunlight and grows up to 91 cm in height.

Gardeners advise planting six to eight bushes at once in order to fully enjoy the spectacular aroma. Wherein, the higher the air temperature, the stronger the aroma becomes chocolate space.

Interesting fact! It is believed that chocolate cosmos grew in ancient times in Mexico. Its chocolate aroma attracted people, the flowers were torn off and the plant died. In nature, chocolate cosmos is difficult to germinate, therefore, she did not have time to recreate herself. Eventually, at the beginning of the twentieth century in Mexico There is only one bush of this plant left.

Fortunately, scientists came to the conclusion in time that if urgent measures are not taken, then people will will never be able to admire these beautiful flowers again. In 1902 from a single bush botanists received seeds and began artificially planting cosmos in Mexican fields.

It so happened that All chocolate cosmos in the world have one common ancestor. Botanical scientists are very proud of their achievement, so this flower is often presented in scientific examples dedicated to the conservation of botanical genetic diversity.

4. Wisteria flower scent

In the southern latitudes of the Earth, faithful a sign of spring if the sweet smell of wisteria blows in the air. Huge, blooming profusely in clusters, wisteria resembles grapes. In some varieties such clusters can grow up to 92 cm in length.

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Wisteria has purple or white shades of petals, and the petals themselves fall off after full flowering within just a few days. Before the petals fall, it is better to leave all your affairs and fully enjoy this beauty.

True connoisseurs of wisteria love the aroma of its flowers, but no less appreciate the beauty of the vine of this tree outside of flowering. Wisteria twists its branches in a horizontal position, or around various structures: trellises, pillars, houses. This wood is widely used in landscape design, decorating the facades of houses.

Interesting fact! The world's largest wisteria grows in Sierra Madre, California. It covers 4000 sq. m and weighs 250 tons. The length of the branches is 152 m. In one year, 1.5 million flowers bloom on this wisteria.

5. Sweet pea flower scent

Known for its intensely fragrant flowers, sweet peas are already grown more than 300 years. Its flowers come in a variety of shades from red, pink and white and combinations thereof.

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Sweet peas grow up to 1.8 m in height. It is planted in the fall if winters in a given climate zone are mild, otherwise sweet peas are planted in early spring.

The aroma of this flower can be enjoyed all spring, although sweet peas can withstand summer heat. However, there are varieties that give no aroma at all.

Interesting Facts:

  • Sweet peas grow in a very wide range of colors, but not in yellow.
  • Sweet peas are not edible and are slightly poisonous.
  • As studies have shown, a fresh bouquet of these flowers in the house improves well-being, increases libido in both men and women, reduces the effects of a hangover.

6. The aroma of the lily of the valley flower

Lilies of the valley are tiny white or pink bell-shaped flowers with a bouquet of wonderful scent.

© Yulia Korneva / Getty Images

Tough but fragile in appearance, lilies of the valley are easy to care for. You can even plant them at home and enjoy the fragrant scent for several years. This perennial and multiplies quickly, so fences are placed to limit its growth.

Small lily of the valley flowers grow on the top of a thin stem, surrounded by wide, glossy green leaves.

Interesting Facts:

  • Many peoples have lily of the valley represents purity, tenderness, fidelity and love.
  • This national symbol Finland.
  • The lily of the valley is included in the symbols of the state of Massachusetts (USA). The ancient Indians living in this territory worshiped the flower as a gift from the gods.
  • The lily of the valley adorns the coat of arms of one of the Moscow districts, Kurkino, nicknamed by local Switzerland for its unique climate and rare plants.
  • In France, an annual folk festival is held in honor of the lily of the valley. If a girl and a boy exchange bouquets of these fragrant flowers, then this means declaration of love to each other.

7. Gardenia flower scent

Classic forever green bush gardenia with thick, white and waxy flowers that release an intoxicating aroma. Gardenia was named after the physician and botanist Alexander Garden.

This flower with a complex aroma, serving as inspiration for spirits, such as Chanel's Gardenia and Marc Jacobs Eau de Perfume.

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Gardenia reaches up to 2.4 m in height. She loves soil rich in minerals, lots of light and moisture. Gardenia is susceptible to aphids mealybug, mites and whiteflies. This is a somewhat capricious flower in terms of care, but its rich, sweet aroma is certainly worth the effort.

Interesting Facts:

  • There is a world 140 types of gardenia.
  • This flower symbolizes secret love, purity, joy and beauty.
  • Gardenias are worn by men as boutonnieres (flowers in the buttonhole of a suit) in France.

8. Night beauty flower scent

The English name of this flower is four o'clocks.

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The name of the night beauty flower speaks of its specificity: the funnel-shaped flower of this perennial shrub opens in the afternoon when temperatures begin to drop and remains open all night.

It is best to plant these flowers in the yard, where you can fully enjoy the strong aroma in the evening. Night beauty of purple, yellow or white will add a special charm to your garden.

It begins to bloom in mid-summer, continuing to amaze with its beauty until frost. Night beauty is wonderful feels good both in the sun and in the shade, growing up to 1.2 m in height.

Interesting Facts:

  • Night beauty (lat. Mirabilis Jalapa), where "mirabilis" from Latin means amazing.

9. Jasmine flower scent

The rich and sweet scent of white or yellow jasmine has made it a very popular flower throughout the world. Jasmine is native to tropical and warm countries. Its essential oils are used in perfumery and aromatherapy.

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These flowers are closely related to the olive family. There are more than 200 different types of jasmine. These woody plants can grow up to 4.6 m in height.

Jasmine is prized for its shiny green leaves and soft, delicate, beautifully scented flowers. Its flowers are the source rose oil, which is used in many perfumes. From dried flowers Arabian jasmine is used to make tea.

Interesting Facts:

  • Jasmine blooms in spring or summer.
  • Being already six months old, jasmine releases its fragrance at night after sunset.
  • Jasmine buds are more fragrant than flowers.
  • Two types of this flower are used for oil production.
  • The dried roots of some types of jasmine are used in medicines, although they are poisonous.

10. Rose flower scent

Probably the aroma of many modern varieties Roses grown by florists are no longer the same compared to old-fashioned garden roses.

Roses are decorated with strict petals of different color range. Garden roses of incredible beauty with different scents, usually with white or pastel flowers.

© Kseniia Perminova

Modern flowers are prized for their rich colors and luxurious shapes with a subtle scent that varies depending on the species. Successful cultivation roses requires a lot sunlight, They often need to be pruned and fertilized, but the effort is worth it for the beauty and intoxicating aroma.

Interesting Facts:

  • Excavations in Colorado (USA) discovered a rose that about 35 million years.
  • Roses can be used to show feelings and emotions. Red roses given to show a romantic mood, love or passion. Yellow roses given to express sympathy, happiness or love. Pink flowers are given to show a friendly attitude towards another person.
  • Sometimes you hear the term "black rose", but in fact There are no black roses. These are actually dark red colors that look dark and gloomy.
More 80% of land in Zambia ( South Africa), busy growing these flowers.

In my opinion, the estate and flower garden should serve not only to delight the eye with flowers and shrubs, feed with vegetables and fruits, and serve as a recreation area, but also to heal the soul.

Psychotherapists around the world have long come to unanimous opinion that the smell heals. It is not for nothing that aroma therapy is so common and so widely used.
If this is used in everything and since ancient times, then why shouldn’t I borrow this method of treatment.
In addition, a person, being a spiritual being, striving for pleasure, rest, relaxation and joy, needs pleasant sensations and emotions, and smells play an important role here. I can’t imagine a vacation without a pleasant smell, and a vacation in fragrant garden, even a minute, just with a cup of coffee already adds minutes to life.

My husband is quite indifferent to flowers, however, sitting in a chair, on a terrace or patio, he demands to enjoy the smells of flowers. Flowers, in his opinion, should smell from a distance, you don’t need to bend over to them, you don’t need to bring them to your nose, they should bring pleasure from spring to late autumn, so I’m trying to create a fragrant flower garden.

Once, while looking at bags of seeds in a store, I witnessed a conversation between a saleswoman and a customer. The buyer asked the seller for bags of seeds of only those flowers that have a scent. And to my regret, the saleswoman could not help the customer. That’s when I started wondering whether so many flowers can create a fragrant flower garden, and whether so many of their seeds are sold in bags.

Mattiola - the smell of childhood

My husband's first demand was very simple: "Bring back the smell of childhood." As it turned out, his childhood is closely connected with the smell of matthiola, the two-horned gillyflower. Mom sowed these unsightly flowers, and they smelled all summer. This continued from year to year, and it is this smell that is so reminiscent of a barefoot childhood spent in the village.
Since I don’t like these flowers at all, but their smell is still quite pleasant, I used a trick. In early spring my husband asked me to show him the place where I sowed matthiola, moreover, he even started pointing with his finger exactly where it should be done. I had to explain for a long time why this is so and not otherwise.

Mattiola needs bright light, otherwise it will stretch out and there will be neither flowers nor smell, so it is impossible to find a better companion for it than a rose.

I have miniature roses on my estate, which are very similar in color and height, and that’s where I placed the fragrant beauties.
The smell of matthiol is, of course, very pleasant. After a hot summer day, when the whole family gathers for evening gatherings, inhaling the aroma of matthiola is very pleasant.

Intoxicating Brugmansia

When I first met Brugmansia, I was fascinated, but when I inhaled the smell of this incomparable flower, I was simply hysterical, I so wanted to inhale it again and again that this flower will now never leave my estate.
Early in the morning Brugmansia does not smell yet, but when I return from work and go to backyard, the aroma is so strong that even neighbors come under the fence to inhale these delights. I have experienced that no matter how tired I am, inhaling the aroma of Brugmansia perfectly relieves fatigue and stimulates me to work.

Each variety of Brugmansia smells differently, sweet, intoxicating and soothing. I put these flowers in a bouquet at home, the smell evokes only positive emotions, and the room is filled with a pleasant aroma. But when the bouquet is removed, the aroma quickly disappears.
If Brugmansia is grown from cuttings, it blooms only in the second half of summer, and you have to wait a long time for moments of pleasure.


What would May be without the intoxicating scent of lilac? My lilac grows along the perimeter of the entire estate and thus, throughout the flowering period, no matter where we are, we enjoy its aroma.

It’s a pity that smells can’t be preserved, like tomatoes in a jar, but I remember the “White Lilac” perfume from childhood. Then they were the pinnacle of perfume art, but now they are just a pleasant and kind memory.

Chubushnik or popularly “jasmine”

What an intoxicating smell my wonderful bushes create. I try to inhale this aroma before sunrise, believing that it is at this time that angels fly over the bush.

The bushes grow at the entrance to the gate, huge, lush and blooming gorgeously from year to year.
I often notice passers-by who stop to admire and enjoy the wonderful aroma of these small white flowers.


One growing bush cannot create an aroma for the entire garden, but when there are many bushes, the aroma becomes rich, bright, thick. Unfortunately, last years Summer is coming so quickly, the heat very quickly kills the flowering, and we can enjoy this smell less and less.

My pink peonies smell, but the burgundy ones had no scent, but I removed them and bought those varieties that have a scent.


These flowers are not loved by everyone, and are not very popular in our flower beds. But I, having grown these fluffy “clouds”, am simply delighted with their aroma. The bees are delighted with me. The aroma of these flowers is very heavy, thick and rich, it smells throughout the whole street. I have gypsophila, planted in the background, in order to smell the aroma there is absolutely no need to approach the bushes.


Of course, the rose is the queen of flowers and the queen of scents. I try to plant only fragrant varieties:


Smells like Bulgarian rose oil from the distant 70s. The bush is planted right next to the path, there is no need to bend over, and when it all blooms, the aroma can be heard very far away.


The bush is still very young, but I can imagine what a sensation it will make in its prime, if even now, walking past the blooming single flowers, you are immersed in a fragrant cloud.

There is another fragrant rose, the name of the variety I don’t know. But its lovely aroma simply does not let you go, you just want to inhale it again and again.


These flowers are cute and unprepossessing, and do not release a scent until you touch them. I have them planted very close to the path, and touching your foot while walking you can easily enjoy the pleasant smell.

I smell everywhere. When choosing certain flowers or shrubs, I always put the smell first.

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