Bouquets - what are the rules for making them up? Basics of floristry Basis for flower arrangements

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Please unusual bouquet you can decorate your celebration with flowers not only with the help of a professional florist, but also on your own. You just need to follow a few rules to make the bouquet look harmonious and attractive.

website I have collected tips from experts for those who want to try themselves in the art of floristry and do it with pleasure.

How to tell if flowers are fresh

To buy the freshest flowers possible, you need to pay attention to their freshness markers. Let us give examples of the most accurate ones.

The shapes of bouquets can be different, but for beginners it is better to use 2 techniques for assembling a composition: parallel or spiral. Be sure to first clean the lower part of the stems from leaves and thorns.

1. Parallel bouquet

This is the simplest way to create a bouquet, but there is still room for creativity. Technique: We lay the plant stems parallel to each other, tightly. Often the binding tape also acts as decoration.

This bouquet can be assembled to make it round, asymmetrical or one-sided.

Round form collected from 1–4 types of flowers of approximately the same size and additions. In the center - main flower, we place the rest around it in a circle, so that they are approximately at the same height. The composition can be linked several times for convenience.

IN asymmetrical bouquet We also place flowers in a circle, but the height of the flowers will be different.

One-sided bouquet. In such a bouquet there will be the highest point - a flower or flowers on the longest stems, and the rest of the plants will be arranged in steps, gradually going down.

2. Spiral bouquet

This technique is suitable for lush bouquets consisting of a large number of different plants or flowers of the same species. The shape of the bouquet is round, and the arrangement of the stems helps to present a large number of flowers in a favorable light.

Technique: The easiest way is to assemble such a bouquet on the table.

The first flower is the base. We lay the second one with its stem on top of the first one, tilting to the right. The third is behind the first, tilted to the left. And then in the same order.

If you are putting together a bouquet of identical flowers, there is no need to constantly check it. If the composition contains different flowers, periodically carefully lift the bouquet, holding it at the intersection of the stems, to check and correct the arrangement of the elements.

Harmony of composition

In order for the bouquet to be successful and last a long time, it is important to follow two rules:

  • plant compatibility;
  • compatibility of shades.

Bouquets can be plain, similar, rainbow or contrasting. If it seems difficult to combine colors, you can use a color wheel. Similar colors are located next to each other, and the brightest contrasts are opposite each other.

The European style of bouquets allows you to combine different flowers, but some plants are better used in mono-bouquets, as they greatly shorten the life of their neighbors. Among these harmful “egoists”:

  • daffodil (especially for tulips);
  • carnations (especially for roses);
  • lilies of the valley;
  • bird cherry;
  • mignonette.

But there are also “doctor” plants that will extend the life of flowers:

  • cypress;
  • juniper;
  • lily (for roses);
  • jasmine (for lily of the valley).

Design secrets

Objectively beautiful bouquet- these are always small floral secrets that make the composition harmonious. Some of them:

  • in a composition of many colors there should be a main “point”, a focal point that attracts attention. Our eyes subconsciously look for “points”, and such bouquets seem harmonious;
  • do not overdo it with greenery, and it should not be higher than the flowers;
  • the use of flowers of varying degrees of openness and buds prolongs the life of the bouquet;
  • The rhythm of the bouquet is important: flowers, shapes, colors must alternate, then a certain “movement” of the composition is created that pleases the eye.

Packaging as part of the composition

Among the stylish and fashionable packaging recent years and this year, the first place is occupied by plain paper. Fabric and lace will add charm to the bouquet, thick untreated linen - matting, satin ribbons and coarsely woven ropes.

Large and small grids are losing ground.

Polyethylene is undesirable; it can only be used as technical packaging.

Floral trends - 2018

For centuries, flowers have awakened kindness in people, inspired them to great deeds, and brought a piece of beauty into life. They successfully continue to fulfill this mission to this day, captivating with their intoxicating aromas and the delicate appearance of the petals. And, of course, it is no wonder that people not only cannot imagine their homes and gardens without these beautiful “cohabitants,” but also decorate their outfits and celebrations with flowers, preserve their aroma in perfumes, and use them in cooking. Many people are so impressed by the ideal forms and endless variety of these beautiful creatures of Mother Nature that they devote their profession and life to flowers. It was precisely these people who created the art of floristry.

Today, looking through the works of talented florists, you can’t help but think that only a person of subtle creative nature, inspired by the beauty of flowers, is capable of creating such a huge number of masterpieces. And it seems that not everyone can create floral splendor.

Of course, there is a creative impulse, otherwise you cannot explain such a diverse use of colors in all kinds of compositions.

However, floristry, like any science, has its own rules, without which it is much more difficult to create a unique composition that harmoniously combines many components. Therefore, having studied basics of floristry, even a person who has been attracted to numbers and calculations all his life will be able to create a rather attractive one. Florists, as in other forms of art, have their own tricks, following which it is easier to convey an idea and put a certain image into a composition. In total, these tricks, or more correctly, principles, can be called seven.

1. Concept or design

Each work must have its own design, and its design must consist of three parameters: height, depth and width. Before starting to create anything from flowers, the florist must mentally imagine his result, using these parameters as much as possible.

2. Proportion

The composition looks harmonious only if its proportions are correctly observed. This is mainly the ratio of the size of leaves and flowers, the height of flowers and vase, the finished composition and the room, table, etc. To avoid errors in proportion, in floristry there is golden ratio rule. Its essence is to divide the length of the bouquet into 8 parts. In its vertical position, 5 parts are for the flowers, the remaining 3 parts are for the vase. Or the size of the tallest flower should be 1.5 times the size of the vase. In a horizontal position, according to the “golden ratio”, it is necessary to take into account the diameter of the vase or its diagonal. The longest flower from a bouquet in a low vase should not exceed 5 parts, and the remaining 3 should fall on the vase. In other words, the length of this flower should be equal to 1.5 times the diameter of the vase.

3. Focal point

Any composition should have a central element that concentrates attention: focus. It could be big flower or a group of small flowers. Without focus, the composition will not be memorable and impressive and will soon be forgotten.

4. Rhythm

Rhythm means the movement of a composition. The use of colors will help give it this element. different sizes, colors and shapes. Otherwise, the work will look boring and static.

5. Equilibrium

This principle requires the florist to maintain balance so that when looking at the composition it does not seem that it is about to tip over. To do this, you need to remember: flowers of dark shades are visually heavier than light ones, and round ones look more voluminous than tubular ones. Large flowers at the bottom or center of the composition create an impression of balance and stability. Don't forget about the balance between the bottom and the top.

6. Harmony

Harmony should be present in everything, and in floral works it is simply an integral part of them. The presence of harmony of color and form in the work gives it a look of completeness and makes for a long time admire its splendor.

7. Color

Color is one of the most important principles in creating a flower arrangement. It gives it character, reflects the mood, makes it more touching and graceful or, on the contrary, more bold and flashy. You can experiment with color endlessly: flowers provide many opportunities for this, because each of them has a wide variety of shades and variations. And here it is important for the florist to resist, not to get carried away with experiments and try not to lose the fine line between taste and unnecessary clutter.

All of the above principles of floristry, certainly help to avoid gross mistakes when working with such delicate material as flowers. But it is also undeniable that these seven principles help bring what has already been planned to life, but the source of unique ideas is creativity and rich imagination.

(click on the picture to enlarge)

And, if you are not yet ready to create a beautiful bouquet yourself, you want to practice a little, or floristry, as you think is not your calling, but you really want to do original gift to a loved one, then there is always a way out. Order fresh roses in a large bouquet with delivery directly to your address. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist the unique aroma and beauty of fresh roses. Such a chic gift will always be appropriate.

I wish you creative success in creating unique flower arrangements!


One of the popular hobbies today is DIY floristry. This is the name of the decorative and applied art of composing flower arrangements. The goal is to create a special atmosphere for certain events or holidays. If you want to try yourself in this kind of creativity, then find out more about it from the information below.

What is floristry

Floristry refers to the art of arranging bouquets. This is one type of design that results in floral bouquets, panels or collages. This type of work has both a technical and a creative side. The purpose of floristry is to decorate any holiday or event, to express their theme or idea through natural compositions from flowers and leaves. Beginning designers in this field should pay attention to simple collages or bouquets. As a result, such a hobby can become a real profession. Where to start - learn the basics of floristry for beginners.

Arranging bouquets

This creative and fun activity for beginners includes a number of simple but important rules. The first thing you need to decide is for whom the bouquet is for a man or a woman. The reason for which such a gift is given is also important. Based on these criteria, the type of plants, their number, color and size are selected. Before making a bouquet, beginners are advised to mentally imagine it in its finished form.

Floral compositions

When compiling floral compositions from roses, lilies, carnations or any other flowers, the main thing for beginners is compliance with proportions. This concerns the proportionality of the vessel and plants, buds, vase and leaves. In general, the composition should be harmonious. Golden ratio It also works in floristry. It is as follows:

  1. If the bouquet is positioned vertically, then 5 of the 8 parts should be on it, and the remaining 3 should be on the vase.
  2. When the composition is more elongated in the horizontal direction, i.e. the plants are in a low vase, the most short branches make up 3 parts, and the longest ones - 5. Or in other words - a long flower is equal to 1.5 times the diameter of the pot.

Making bouquets of fresh flowers

Exist different types bouquets. The main classification is female and male. In addition, there is a division according to the purpose of the bouquet:

  • wedding;
  • children's;
  • mourning;
  • daily;
  • festive.

Arranging bouquets of fresh flowers can be challenging for beginners, so it is recommended to use only one type of plant. This makes it easier to understand the shades, shape and type of bouquets. The main type is massive - there is no space between the elements, and the plants are presented in no more than 2-3 varieties. In addition to them, there are the following bouquets:

  • round;
  • boutonnieres;
  • free;
  • one-sided;
  • flower jewelry.

Bouquets can vary in size. Large ones are suitable for birthdays, and small ones for weddings. In general, the compilation technology for beginners looks like this:

  • determining the shape of the bouquet - the number of plants, their compatibility;
  • plant cutting;
  • assembling elements into a bouquet, decoration;
  • placement in a vase with water.

Combination of flowers in a bouquet

One of the integral elements of success for novice florists is the combination of flowers in a bouquet. It is very important to feel which shades complement each other and which simply cannot be used together. In addition to the harmonious combination color range, it needs to be chosen correctly. Warm shades will enliven the bouquet, while cold shades will make it more restrained. The former include orange, red and yellow, and the latter – blue, green, and violet. Using warm colors you can visually bring elements closer. Cool shades, on the contrary, push away the details.

Arranging bouquets of fresh flowers

In addition to the composition itself, its final design is important. The decor should not draw attention to itself, therefore the best option considered unobtrusive decorations. Packing bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners has a number of features. The main condition is to arrange bouquets depending on the purpose:

  • New Year's - bird figurines, greens, candies;
  • for the birth of a child - hearts, bears, small toys;
  • romantic bouquet - butterflies, beads, stars;
  • for a wedding - white, openwork, airy elements;
  • autumn bouquet- twigs with berries, birds.

Making bouquets of artificial flowers

If you need a bright and durable composition or there is no way to care for it, then the best option would be to make bouquets of artificial flowers. To create them, beginners and experienced florists use different materials– fabric, wax, metal, beads, paper or leather. The first step is to create a pattern for the element, and only then it is assembled from blanks. The whole composition may look different. A bouquet, a plant in a pot, a basket or flowerpot, garden elements are standard options for floristry with artificial flowers.

Materials for floristry

The main material for floristry is various elements of vegetation. These can be fresh, dried or artificial flowers. All of them are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Linear plant material. These are long stems, tall ornamental plants, large leaves.
  2. The main plant material, or dominant. This includes large inflorescences and buds, bright leaves.
  3. Additional material, or filler. This group includes small elements - buds or leaves, whose function is to cover the fasteners.

Along with plant material, there are also floral accessories. Their function is to complement the composition and the designer’s intent. A variety of parts are used as accessories:

  • bows;
  • ribbons;
  • candles;
  • shells;
  • animal figurines;
  • pebbles;
  • bells;
  • stands.
  • materials for floristry

Florist tools

Any beginner or someone who is already seriously interested in floral design will definitely need florist tools. In any composition it is important to secure all the elements with something. Floral foam is used for this. Flower pins are used for the same purpose. Only with their help are ribbons attached, which are necessary to decorate the stem or disguise the wire. In addition to these tools, beginners and experienced florists use the following:

  1. Pliers and wire cutters. Necessary for cutting and working with wire in general.
  2. Flower pruning shears, garden shears. They must be sharp so that the cut of wooden branches or thick stems is even.
  3. Glue gun with sticks. They are used for attaching foam to a vessel and creating bouquets of artificial flowers or dried flowers.
  4. Stapler. You can use brackets to secure various small parts.

Secrets of floristry

  1. To prolong the freshness of bouquets, it is worth choosing plants that live longer than others. You can also keep them cold and change the water more often - every 1 or 2 days.
  2. Mandatory rule– there should be an odd number of plants in the bouquet. Even is suitable only for mourning occasions.
  3. The size depends on the occasion. For a serious celebration you need a larger bouquet. Compositions with a diameter of 25-20 cm are considered a universal option.
  4. It is recommended to form a bouquet from the most voluminous element, which will be the center. The following details are added by spiral principle. Interesting option- a combination of flowers of different textures, for example, roses and hypericum or red gerbera.

Floristry training

Nowadays, schools or simply floristry courses are very popular. They provide a whole range of services for those who want to learn this art. A beginner florist or a professional can visit them. Introductory classes, lectures, master classes and seminars, during which you can not only learn about bouquet design, but also try to make them yourself. In addition to special courses, there are other ways to study to become a florist. Beginners can watch video lessons or master classes online and even read interesting books.

Master classes on floristry

Many floristry schools offer master classes for beginners. Some of them are freely accessible, while others are available for a fee. This applies to video courses. There are also other master classes in floristry, where a person can attend in person and even hone their skills together with a teacher. This option is better, because you immediately gain theoretical and practical knowledge.

Floristry lessons for beginners

You can view a variety of floristry lessons for beginners for free on the Internet. Some of them are presented in video format, which greatly facilitates the learning process. Ceramic clay floristry, history and styles of this art, the basics of European arrangement, original packaging, wedding, anniversary and other techniques. You can consider all these options in detail in these lessons.

Floristry and design courses

The best option is to take a whole floristry course. Many professionals in this field are also involved in training. Floristry for beginners is easier with courses. They can be completed in person or online on the Internet. It all depends on the specific school and its teaching methods. After successfully completing the program, you will be able to receive a certificate that will allow you to work as a florist. This profession is not only exciting, but also very creative and even enjoyable. Having learned this business, you will no longer be a novice florist and will be able to give beautiful things to others.

Video: how to make a bouquet of roses with your own hands

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Floristry for beginners - step by step assembling bouquets. Fundamentals and styles of floristry for composing compositions

Floristry is one of the varieties of design and decorative and applied art, which is embodied in the creation of compositions, collages, bouquets, and panels. Flower arrangements are creative and technical work. Usually the designer's goal is to express a theme or idea, an event, using only flowers and leaves. Floristry for beginners involves creating simple natural compositions, bouquets and collages. Floristry can become a real hobby for lovers of something beautiful, because you can create masterpieces with your own hands. So where to start?

Basics of the art of floristry

First you need to decide on the materials. Each flower has its own meaning. Various natural materials are used for work, for example, flowers, herbs, leaves, berries, chestnuts, nuts, etc. The materials used can be either dry or live.

If you want to create a gift bouquet, remember that azalea means devotion, gladiolus - constancy, calla - beauty and poise, lotus - good health and happiness, orchid - beauty, peony - fame and wealth. In addition, each shade has its own meaning. Red flowers symbolize passion and love, dark pink – gratitude, white – purity and innocence, purple – friendship, yellow – joy and prosperity. IN Lately Floral etiquette is receiving more and more attention. Therefore, connecting various flowers you can express feelings or gratitude.

When composing a flower arrangement it is very important appearance colors. When choosing flowers, pay attention to the foliage. It should be green, without brown spots. The stems should look as if they were recently cut from the flowerbed.

The main rule in floristry for beginners: more is not better. How instilled experienced designers They do not use more than three colors in their works. Bouquets with more than four types of flowers may seem crowded and too variegated, which spoils their appearance.

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Classification into types of compositions

Florists identify 4 ways to combine the colors of plants. The first is the use of similar colors, the second is a combination contrasting colors, located opposite each other, the third is a combination of different color wheel, the fourth is a combination of several shades of the same color.

Looks bright and unusual contrasting compositions. To create such a bouquet you need to use “pure” colors. You can combine orange gerberas with blue irises to create an optimistic composition. For a romantic atmosphere, you should choose bed shades, choosing muted ones: blue colors in combination with soft pink or lilac with yellow-brown. While experimenting, try making a bouquet of flowers light shade and dark.

A certain color may predominate in a bouquet. As usual, florists use several flowers of similar shades for a harmonious combination. Such a bouquet can be composed in a transitional range of one tone. For example, for bright colors the background of the composition is made dimmer and darker, and for dark backgrounds it is made darker and brighter. When creating a composition, you cannot pay attention only to color. Try to choose natural material suitable size and shapes.

When composing a flower arrangement, you need to prepare the plants and store them correctly during the work process. Place flowers in water by cutting their stems at an angle. Remove all growth and foliage that is below the water level. To maintain the freshness of flowers, you can use floral foam, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Almost all cut flowers are best stored at a temperature of +5 degrees. Gladioli, orchids, anthuriums are well preserved at +10 degrees. You can “revive” some fading flowers, for example, a rose, by placing the plant in a bath of water for 2 hours.

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Charming compositions of dried flowers

Compositions made from dried flowers look very beautiful. They are durable and require almost no further care. A bouquet of dried flowers can be made in decorative tree or vase. One of the most important stages when composing a bouquet - this is a selection required colors and drying them. You can choose tall roses and gladioli. Eucalyptus leaves, poppy flowers, yarrow, and dried fern leaves are suitable additions to the bouquet. As a rule, dried flowers are not very bright, so you can color the plants or use them as decoration additional elements, for example, peacock feathers.

The most popular composition of dried flowers is a regular bouquet. To create it you need dried flowers, a vase, decorative stones and filler. The bottom of the vase needs to be filled with floral foam. If you don’t have one, you can use a regular mounting room and fill it with cellophane, thereby preserving the walls of the vase. Trim the dried flower stems required length. You need to make a bouquet starting with the tallest flowers, which form the shape of the future composition. Rotate the vase as you add to it natural materials so that the bouquet looks harmonious from all sides. Stones should be added as desired. In a transparent vase, they will not only be a decoration, but will also make it more stable. The finished composition of dried flowers should be placed away from the window so that as little as possible gets in sun rays.

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Tools for the future florist

If you are seriously interested in designing from floral materials, then you will probably need tools. Floral foam is needed to secure flowers in the composition. Using flower pins, you can secure ribbons and moss in the desired place. Floral tape is needed to give the stem additional stability. You can also use it to hide floral wire, which is the main element in many works. To cut the wire you will need wire cutters. Other tools can be found in the arsenal of every gardener and florist: garden shears, pruning shears, etc. Scissors and pruning shears must be sharp so that the cut is always smooth. This is especially important when working with wooden twigs and thick-stemmed flowers.

Experienced florists often used glue gun and sticks. Thanks to these devices, you can fix the foam in the vessel. The gun can be used to make compositions from dried flowers and artificial flowers.

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Directions and styles of floristry

Europeans distinguish three areas of floristry: form-linear, vegetative and decorative. This classification was approved by Gregor Lersch and Daniel Ost. Peter Asman has cultivated 4 areas of floristry. In addition to the three styles listed above, there was one more - parallel. However, this direction was transferred to the category of arrangement of lines of plant materials. Currently, creative floristry is especially popular. This direction is characterized by originality of forms, sophistication and uniqueness.

Compositions made in a linear style are very easy to recognize. All plant materials are used rather sparingly. Any element is very important, just as the moment of using the space between materials is important. The peculiarity of the massive style is in its arrangement. These are volumetric forms with soft transitions. The florist creates the central part of the bouquet, and then gradually fills in the outlines of the arrangement. Compositions made in a mixed floristry style are very diverse. They are far from established rules arrangements of linear, massive or massive-linear style. Most likely, they harmoniously combine all styles.

Floristry is a fascinating activity that will give you many pleasant moments. By making a composition from flowers, twigs and leaves, you become closer to nature. Studying floristry as an element of design can not only provide an opportunity to explore new opportunities, but even develop into a real profession.

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