Paint for entrances - how to choose the right composition. We paint our entrance ourselves. What paints are best to use in the entrance of the Moscow Conservatory?

Residents of apartments with small and multi-storey buildings They know firsthand what dirty, unkempt, litter-strewn entrances feel like. But this is a common area for all residents, where everyone monitors the cleanliness of their own home. So why not transform your entryway?

Repaint the walls, make decorative drawings on them, or even involve your children in this activity, who will be no less interested in taking part in common cause, place pots of flowers, chairs or small sofas where you can sit and chat with your neighbor, where it will be cozy and beautiful. And most importantly, this will make each resident’s mood good in the morning.

It is better to carry out repairs in the entrance during the warm season, when it is possible to open windows and entrance doors for ventilation. When choosing paint for the walls in the entrance, you need to give preference to wear-resistant, durable, environmentally friendly paints. Nowadays acrylic paints are the most popular. Paint for walls in the entrance Belinka is characterized by a high degree of durability, and walls painted with Belinka acrylic paints, thanks to the components in their composition, are easy to wet cleaning, do not absorb dirt, dust, prevent the formation and proliferation of fungus and mold, support favorable microclimate premises.

Entrance repairs can be sequentially divided into several stages:

  • cleaning the entrance from debris, cobwebs, dust, dirt;
  • deletion old paint, rusty leaks, whitewash on ceilings and parts of walls. As a rule, repairs in many entrances were made back in Soviet times and one of the most labor-intensive processes This is the removal of old, peeling paint from the walls. They need to be cleaned thoroughly mechanically so that it is even, smooth surface;
  • removal of mold and fungal infections on walls. Under no circumstances should you miss this point: leaving mold under the paint. The affected parts must be treated with Belinka, a bactericidal agent against mold and fungi. After 12 hours they can be easily removed with a spatula, metal scraper or brush;
  • plaster, putty, primer of walls and ceilings. If the plaster on the walls has peeled off, you should apply it again to level the surface. Next, the protected, plastered walls and ceiling must be treated with Belinka universal primer. On the ceiling and that part of the walls where there is whitewashing it is also necessary to carry out preparatory work, because if you apply acrylic paint for the walls in the Belinka entrance to a whitewashed surface, it will peel off after a while and it will be a waste of work. The primer material penetrates deeply into the surface, gives good adhesion of the paint for the walls in the entrance to the surface, and also significantly reduces the consumption of acrylic paint. After application, the primer must dry for at least 12 hours;
  • painting the walls and ceiling in the entrance. Now, after carrying out all the complex preparatory procedures, you can proceed directly to painting the entrance. You should start from the ceiling, and not from the walls, since paint can get on the walls when applied to the ceiling; it can then be painted over the top. Next, the baseboards, railings, and lastly the windows and doors are painted.

Belinka entrance wall paint can be applied in one or two layers, depending on the chosen color and the desired result. As a rule, white or light colors are selected for the surface of the ceiling, which can be applied in a single layer, but at the same time carefully painting the places where they meet the wall and the corners. It is recommended to apply Belinka colored paints with a two-layer coating. It is worth considering that the second layer should be applied no earlier than after 5 hours. Colors have a huge assortment, so the main background, as well as for decoration, painting can be selected from the general preferences, desires and flights of fancy of the residents of the house. The main thing is that when everyone enters the entrance of their home, they feel homely comfort and a positive atmosphere.

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As a rule, our entrances have not been renovated for a long time, so the whitewash on the ceilings and walls has practically disappeared. Take a broom or mop and sweep away the remaining whitewash from the walls. In inconvenient places, sweep away the cobwebs with a round brush attached to a pin with tape. After this, moisten the ceiling and walls with water from a spray gun and let the room dry.

The next stage of work is cleaning the panels from old paint job. Take a putty knife or any other sharp tool and scrape off the old weak paint from the walls. If the plaster is separated from the surface of the wall, then knock it down with a hammer to the very base in order to subsequently strengthen it with a new layer of plaster.

Prime all areas that you have cleaned on the walls with primer and let the room dry. After this, start plastering the places that you have knocked off. Dilute the dry mixture and apply to a section of the wall. If you need to plaster twice, then let the first layer dry and only then apply the next layer. Do not forget to moisten the wall with water before applying the second layer, otherwise the plaster will not stick and will fall off.

While the plaster is drying, putty the walls. Take putty, putty the walls in one go and let dry. Then putty them again. As a rule, walls are puttied twice, but if necessary, this can be done a third time.

When all the preparatory work has been done at the entrance, start whitewashing the ceiling. Cover all floors on the landings with cardboard, and ask the residents of the entrance to cover their doors. After this, you can safely begin whitewashing the ceiling. Divorce oil putty in water, it is more “opaque” than whitewash. To check the quality of the whitewash, dip your finger into the solution. If a thick coating of whitewash remains on it, then the solution is suitable for use; if not, then the solution is considered weak and putty should be added to it. Now strain the solution through gauze into a clean bucket and use a spray gun to whitewash the entrance twice. Do the whitewashing with the help of an assistant, because this job is difficult to do alone.

After the whitewash has dried, sand the putty areas on the walls, as well as the whitewash that got on the panels, otherwise the paint will not stick to these places. Now mark the lines on the panels along which the paint border will run. Do it this way: take the lace, roll it in blue and attach it to the marked points on the panels. Pull the lace and quickly release it. There will be a trace of blue on the wall. The height of the panel should be 150, 180 cm - this is optimal height so that residents do not get dirty with whitewash.

For painting entrances, oil paint is used to make it easier to keep the entrance clean. Take the paint and pour it into one container. You will need a lot of paint, because in addition to painting the panels, you will also have to paint fragments of the flight of stairs. It is advisable that everything be painted the same color, otherwise the entrance will look unsightly.

Take the paint and pour it into a bucket. Dip the flange in paint and draw an even strip 5 cm wide along the marked line, do the same at the floor of the panel. Do this around the entire perimeter of the entrance, or have your partner do it. At this time, take a roller, dip it in paint and roll it on the cuvette. Now place it against the wall near the floor and move the roller up the panel, blending the paint along the wall, then across it. Try to wet the roller in paint more often, paint the panel without gaps. After painting the panels the first time, let the surface dry, then paint the walls a second time. Oil paint spreads easily and covers the surface well, so you can easily handle this job.

The last stage of repairs at the entrance is painting the windows and parts of the railings. Take white oil paint, mix it and paint the window frames in two coats. Also paint over the railing fragments twice.

Now management companies have begun to actively make repairs in our houses. Repair of facades, entrances, communications. What paints do management companies usually use to renovate the entrances of residential buildings? Usually the walls in the entrances are painted oil paints or enamels. But not everyone knows that these building materials are detrimental to the life and health of people, as they contain highly toxic substances. For more than two weeks after painting, residents of these entrances breathe these toxic fumes. Even after more than two months after painting, there remains bad smell. This is due to the nature of oil paint (enamel). These paints are made with toxic solvents and alkyd resins. After drying, an air- and vapor-tight film is formed, which prevents normal air exchange between the wall material and the air in the entrance. Therefore, in such a room the walls stop “breathing” and there is no moisture regulation. In such an entrance there remains dampness and a disgusting musty smell forever.

The technology of painting walls with oil paints is 50-60 years outdated.

Developed countries have banned production alkyd paints solvent based and large companies forced to move the production of these building materials to developing countries where they do not pay much attention to the environment.

Another point is that management companies are doing repairs using this outdated technology with our money. And the amounts we pay for home maintenance are enormous!

At the same time, there is currently an excellent alternative to these outdated materials - acrylic paint on water based. This type of paint has undeniable advantages. High environmental friendliness, since water is the solvent, Fire safety for the same reason. A very high degree of diffusion of water vapor - the walls “breathe”, moisture regulation occurs. Therefore, in rooms painted with acrylic paint it is easy to breathe and there are no unpleasant odors.

There are also quite a large number of acrylic paints that can be cleaned using abrasives and other detergents, including the use of a brush.

Acrylic paint can be easily given almost any color and shade thanks to machine tinting technology. This results in high resistance to fading of the resulting coating. That is, residents of the entrance can choose not only “blue or green” color, but almost any color.

To summarize, we can say that we need to more actively influence management companies and their outdated approach. Our entrances are also part of our home. And they should also breathe well, be light and cozy. Our choice is to paint the entrances with acrylic paints.

Repair of entrances is one of the key activities of our company “RemontStroy”. Our specialists have a solid practical experience work in performing capital and current repairs premises of common/municipal property in buildings of various types.

Repair of house entrances - standard list of works

Apartment buildings are not only the basis, but also the future of the modern housing market, and since high-rise buildings have much more “owners” than private ones, the need for repairs arises more often. As such, repairs at the entrance can be major or routine.

The complex of capital renovation works includes repairs:

  • engineering networks;
  • roof and under-roof space;
  • basements and ground floor;
  • foundation, facade (also its insulation);
  • elevator;
  • devices and systems for recording resource consumption.

Current repair work includes:

  • painting or whitewashing of ceilings, walls, staircases, railings, panels and partitions;
  • repair and replacement window frames, doorways and canvases common use, glass installation;
  • sealing cracks and holes caused by natural wear and tear of the coating or mechanical impact (vandalism).

Ordering house entrance repair services is under the jurisdiction of the housing office and other municipal organizations working in the field of public utilities, however, the city budget is limited and cannot always be used to carry out repair work. Our prices for repairing entrances are rightfully considered one of the most affordable in Moscow and the Moscow region - now you don’t have to wait until funds appear in the budget, and when low cost quickly restore visual appeal to your home.

Painting the walls in the entrance

One of the most popular types of work is painting walls in common areas apartment buildings. Our specialists are not only highly qualified craftsmen who can bring your entrance to perfect order in record time, but also guarantee you assistance in choosing high-quality and inexpensive paintwork materials.

The scope of work includes:

  • dismantling the old finishing coating;
  • repair/preparation for painting (sealing holes, cracks, leveling, priming);
  • direct coloring;
  • cleaning the premises.

By ordering the service of repairing house entrances from RemontStroy, you get more services for less money - below you can see our prices for all types of preparatory and finishing work:

Name of wall repair work


up to 200 sq.m.

from 200

up to 500 sq.m.

from 500

up to 1000 sq.m.


1000 sq.m.

Pasting with masking tape

Repairing chips, cracks, etc.

Primer of walls

Painting the walls

Total price for square meter walls

Paint selection

When choosing paint for an entrance, you should pay attention to such characteristics as durability, resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion, the presence of antibacterial components that prevent the appearance of mold, mildew and moss, as well as resistance to high humidity and temperature changes.

We work with the best suppliers coloring compositions for various purposes and we guarantee you excellent quality coloring mixtures at an attractive price - without mark-ups and overpayments to resellers or unscrupulous dealers. If you plan to buy paint yourself and involve our employees only in the direct repair process, we recommend giving preference to a combination of inexpensive polyvinyl acetate paint, used to paint the top of the wall, and more abrasion-resistant acrylic paint, which can be used to paint the bottom of the surface.

High quality and inexpensive repair entrances in Moscow is “RemontStroy”. We offer our clients best quality service - we advise, train, help you choose, perform the work - and the most affordable prices in the city.

Why are entrances often painted in nasty colors?

Do you like him?

Today there is a variety in paints, but in the past you could find paints in four colors. Green, brown, white, grey. These paints were cheap and produced in huge quantities. This is understandable, they painted it green and white military equipment in summer and winter, the decks were painted brown, the sides of warships and vessels were painted gray. There was also blue paint. And nothing supernatural. But we needed housing, they built a lot, there was no time for paint. Of course, it was possible to paint the entrances beautifully and elegantly with paints of two colors, but they believed that it would not be artists who would live in the apartments, but ordinary people. By the way, Peter the Great built St. Petersburg in the image of European cities, the houses were supposed to be painted in all the colors of the rainbow, bright and beautiful, but only now we can see not dirty gray houses, but colorful and beautiful ones.

And this is an example of an entrance for which only two colors were used, but it looks much nicer than multi-colored entrances.

We paint our entrance ourselves.

Most of the entrances to apartment buildings are a pitiful sight: walls peeling or painted with obscene inscriptions, whitewash crumbling by the collar, panels faded with time, stained floors. Meanwhile, the Housing Office has traditionally been citing a lack of funds for many years now.

Maybe it makes sense to solve this problem yourself? Especially when there is mutual understanding of the issue by all residents of the entrance and the opportunity for almost everyone to work - from young to old. On major renovation Enthusiasm, of course, is not enough, but enough for painting.

Preparing materials

Bringing walls into an acceptable appearance is possible in two ways - whitewashing them or painting them. Everything will depend on financial costs, which must be agreed upon by all residents. Whitewashing is a much more budget-friendly option, but also less practical: few people would want to renew the surface every year whitewashed walls and periodically clean your clothes from white traces of whitewash.

Therefore, the initiative group should work among the participants, insisting on painting. Moreover, saving in this case is also quite possible.

You need to start with a choice suitable paint. Based on the conditions in which the wall covering will be used, it must meet the following consumer characteristics:

  1. Be distinguished by high plasticity, since in conditions of sharp temperature fluctuations (and they will still occur, even if the entrance is heated), the finished coating is already next year will lag behind the wall.
  2. Be easy to apply and highly productive painting tool– with a roller. Other options should not be considered, since otherwise it will be very inconvenient to work in the entrance.
  3. Do not have a strong odor that will penetrate into apartments.
  4. Dry quickly, otherwise it is extremely inconvenient to use the entrance, especially for casual visitors and guests.
  5. It fits well on any base (chalk, lime, concrete, brick).

Water-based paints best meet this set of requirements. They are easy to use, adhere well to any base, and are affordable.

The disadvantage of such coloring compositions is small selection colors - easily overcome. To do this, you need to purchase special coloring additives. desired color. These additives are added to the paint immediately before its use; the intensity of the color will be determined by the amount of additive. This way you can paint the entrance even in a certain color scheme.

In addition to the walls, the floor often requires painting. Here you will need paint that is more mechanically durable. It is most beneficial to use any composition intended for painting roofs: their operating conditions are no simpler than those of the floor in the entrance.

Which paint to choose for the floor? There are also options here that depend on the type of flooring in the entrance. Most often, the floors in the entrance are concrete, much less often - wooden. By concrete surface the floor would be best acrylic paint. Unlike other options ( polyurethane paint, epoxy compositions), it is one-component, and therefore easy to prepare for work.

It's also a good idea to use latex-based rubber paint. Although it is more expensive, it is recommended mainly for roofs, but it also fits perfectly on other surfaces: wood, cement or concrete. Rubber paint on walls and flights of stairs the entrance will be different high resistance resistant to moisture, dries relatively quickly, adheres well to original surface. The only limitation is latex paints It is not recommended to use at ambient temperatures less than 15°C.

Wooden floors can be painted with any paint except water-based paint. By the way, most painting compounds are also suitable for painting wooden windows.

The color and texture of the walls and floors to be painted are discussed with all residents, after which paint and, if necessary, coloring additives for it are purchased.

Tools for work

Because the complex configuration these elements of the entrance do not have, then it is quite possible to use paint roller mounted on a long handle. In this case, you won't even need a stepladder. However, to paint individual protruding parts (for example, heating pipes, covers and doors of switchboards), you still cannot do without brushes.

In addition, it will not be superfluous:

  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • cord for marking the dividing line (if not the entire wall is painted, but a panel is being made);
  • colored crayons;
  • broom;
  • hammer;
  • construction tape (useful when painting window frames).

Naturally, we should not forget about the things that provide normal conditions for workers - gloves, respirator, gauze bandage. They will be especially necessary when cleaning surfaces from dust.

Sequence of work

Even if the previous wall covering is in satisfactory condition, it must be properly prepared for painting. If selected water-based paint, then before starting work you need to:

  • thoroughly clean all surfaces from dirt;
  • eliminate paint drips;
  • fill the identified recesses with putty.

Old paint will have to be removed using a spatula.

The worst thing is if the walls of the entrance were once plastered. Then you need to evaluate the quality of the plaster: if it lags behind or is already missing somewhere, then such problem areas It should be removed with a hammer, and only then putty.

Separately, you should deal with cobwebs on ceilings and staircases. A long-handled broom will come in handy here; you need to use it to go through all the hard-to-reach areas - this is where the cobwebs are most numerous.

After this, it is advisable to disinfect the entrance walls. Otherwise, very soon marks may appear on the painted surface. dark spots from fungus, which easily forms during sudden fluctuations in temperature and humidity. This processing can be done using either water solution copper sulfate(the substance is poisonous!), or a regular cleaning product for sinks and toilets (“Bref”, “Domestos”, etc.). It is enough to rinse the floors in the entrance well, and then also treat them with disinfectant compounds.

Gypsum putty is most suitable for filling walls and floors in the entrance. It is universal, inexpensive, suitable for any subsequent coating, and can easily cope with even fairly deep unevenness.

Puttying the walls is rational only when they will subsequently be completely painted. If you plan to paint only the panels, then the remaining areas will have to be plastered, and this will significantly complicate the repair work and increase its cost. Therefore, oddly enough, it is much more profitable to paint the entire entrance than to decorate the panels on the walls.

When assigning the order of work, it is worth remembering that the greatest inconvenience to movement is created by the painted floor. Therefore, it should be painted in the evening and only after the painted walls have completely dried.

The work is usually carried out with a paint roller. This will ensure the desired performance and allow the final coating to be more uniform. Lastly, using a brush, areas of the floor and walls that are difficult to reach with a roller are painted. It is better to paint floors and walls in spring or autumn - this period of time is most comfortable for this work.

9 mistakes in choosing colors that should not be made when renovating.

Painting everything pink is not a good design decision.

Professional interior designers and decorators shared the most important principles of creating beautiful interior in the house.

Mistake #1: white ceiling

It is the largest surface in the house and has the greatest impact on the entire atmosphere. Traditional white ceilings arose solely out of poverty: lime was always the most affordable dye.

But clean White color contains a gray tint that makes the room visually lower. Choose cream shades for painting the ceiling. And entrust painting of the ceilings to professionals: unevenness on the ceiling is especially noticeable and spoils the overall impression of the renovation.

A good solution would be to purchase suspended ceiling, this will save you the hassle of leveling it.

Mistake #2: Literally matching colors

How to choose the color of the walls in the apartment? It is very tempting to choose a paint in the store that exactly matches the color of the upholstery of your furniture. Don't do this: the room will become dull and small. The color of the walls should be slightly darker than the upholstery if we are talking about pastel and cream colors. And much lighter if you have dark furniture.

Mistake #3: making everything bright

You will curse this decision after just a week of living in a freshly renovated room. It will ripple in your eyes. Never paint all walls only in bright colors. How to choose wall paint color? If you want a rich look, leave a few splashes of color in gray or white against a bright background.

These can be columns, arches, inserts, doors and door jambs– needed calm colors for alternation with variegation.

Mistake #4: Making everything neutral

The other extreme is to wash out all the colors in a safe range. It will be too boring. What wall color should I choose? Be sure to add some bright color accents.

Mistake #5: Changing Color Schemes from Room to Room

High-tech bathroom, hippie bedroom, neutral classic living room and cartoon children's room. You will simply get seasick from living in such a house. It’s understandable that you want to try everything, but you have to live with it later. What wall color should I choose for the kitchen and other rooms? Plan your renovation so that you don’t get the impression that each individual room came into this house for a visit by accident.

Mistake #6: painting everything the same way

Again about extremes. The style should be consistent, but you should change the shades a little more or a little less warm from room to room. The entire interior in the same colors creates a motion sickness effect no worse than psychedelic variety.

Mistake #7: forget about texture

Very great importance has a finishing texture. A slightly more or slightly less rough surface, from small unevenness to a “broken” texture eggshell"- significantly change the impression of the interior.

Dark colors tend to look flatter, so opt for a textured finish for them.

Mistake #8: Choosing a one-dimensional shade

The simpler and shallower the color you choose to paint your walls, the more your room will look like a fence around a transformer box.

Mistake #9: Too many details and illustrations

When you look at the wallpaper for the children's room with a thousand dalmatians, you like it in the store. Now mentally imagine that there will be 100,000 of them in the room, all over the walls. This will really merge into a monotonous ornament.

The same applies to wallpaper for adults. A good choice, is to buy wallpaper without small patterns that would have meaning in themselves, just with an abstract, unobtrusive ornament. And give all the drawings a narrow border strip.

Mistake #10: Adding a border in the wrong place

The rule is simple: the higher you run the horizontal line along the wall, the more pressure the ceiling will put on you. And you will feel like a dwarf. The ideal level is at the level of your groin. And vice versa - try to put the color dividing line at eye level and you will feel like a drowned person every time you enter the room.

Mistake #11, the last one: always stick to one color scheme

Conservatism, of course, is good, but why should you renovate if the house remains the same year after year?

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