How to improve the area in the garden. We create a cozy and beautiful garden plot with our own hands. Beautiful gardens and courtyards: photo examples of garden furniture design

The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of priority tasks good owner. Creating comfortable space on an allotted plot of land, sometimes you have to make efforts comparable to those required for arrangement home interior. However, this process is possible not only professional designer.

The yard of this private house is intended for recreation

Let's clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions the plot of land will perform. Some owners of private houses cannot imagine their vacation without shady garden, others certainly need artificial pond with decorative fish, and in winter - an ice skating rink for children. All this requires additional space, which should be immediately taken into account in the site improvement project. In the allocated area, it is necessary to correctly place structures for economic needs. To make the task easier, we have compiled a list from which you can choose what is difficult to do without:

  • sauna and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various outbuildings;
  • swimming pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, which can be equipped with a barbecue;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • paths and green spaces.

Having compiled your own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas for landscaping the territory so that the site can accommodate necessary facilities- from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to understand everything by looking at the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient it will be to move around the territory, as well as how the plot will look from different vantage points.

When planning a site, it is necessary to think through in detail all the necessary buildings and plantings

We divide the yard into sections according to function

To increase the functionality of a personal plot, it makes sense to consider dividing it into zones. This technique allows you to allocate a place for relaxation, create a children's corner, and also separate vegetable beds from the main area. To define clear boundaries, you can use several fencing options:

  1. For the sports department, children's corner or a relaxation area, a low picket fence is suitable.
  2. Sometimes you need to build cozy corner, which will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellises or modern garden trellises are suitable.
  3. The partition can be constructed conditionally - for example, using forged arches braided with roses or other climbing plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the area; they are easy to make with your own hands.
  4. Some types of partitions made of natural materials - bamboo, wicker, rattan - perfectly harmonize with any structures in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful decorative element.
  5. Mats as fencing will help in creating oriental style private courtyard. In this case, it is recommended to plant plants that love the sun in flower beds.
  6. The vegetable garden can be separated using a fence made of bricks, stones, fastened cement mortar, and other available means.

The yard is divided by a trellis into a recreation area and a utility area

Paths for traffic and decoration

Paths are a necessary functional element of any yard. If you pay enough attention to them, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We will note several options for arranging paths:

  1. To improve the central part of the yard, it is best to build paths made of stone, paving stones or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the gaps between the slabs can be filled with small pebbles or glass granules. Or plant grass and other low-growing plants in these gaps. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding to maintain.
  2. The yard will be decorated with paths made from wooden saw cuts. They are fixed as close to each other as possible, and sawdust or bark is poured into the gaps between the round elements. Such paths are appropriate anywhere in the yard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often suggest using wooden boards as the basis of the tracks. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to obtain the most even surface possible. After constructing such paths, they need to be painted or varnished to increase their service life.
  4. Most simple tracks You can build them in the garden - just sprinkle them with gravel.

Easy and pleasant to move around beautiful path

Plantings and decor

Landscaping of a plot of land is an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and well-executed flower beds, correctly selected shrubs and trees, a simple and unremarkable courtyard can easily be turned into a cozy garden.

A house surrounded by greenery

If the walls of the house have lost their original appearance, they can be hidden behind climbing plants. Do-it-yourself vertical gardening is quite simple. You should select the most unpretentious plant specimens: hops, ivy, grapes or wisteria are suitable. It is advisable to plant them under the wall that faces the sun. All you need for this is a strip of earth under the house, or long container boxes with soil.

Second option vertical gardening more simple. You need to start by attaching identical containers with soil to the wall or fence, in which flowers and herbs should be planted. Can be used plastic bottles, milk cans and other unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening at home has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, entwined with greenery, better retain coolness, since dense foliage retains Sun rays. Maybe, this method landscaping is not suitable for those whose house is located in the shady part of the yard.

The garden is made of stones

It’s not difficult to set up a rock garden on your property, and besides, such decor will cost very little. Landscape design in general, and the landscaping of the site, in particular, will become more original if it is emphasized with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, the main one of which is easy maintenance.

With the right approach to the issue, a rock garden will become the highlight of any private territory. To construct it, you will need large boulders, which should be placed in a designated area. It is better to choose stones different color and textures, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Stone sellers have already thought of a stone garden

Gabions will highlight the stylish design of the site

Many summer residents successfully use unexpected materials, the purpose of which may be different. Landscape design experts suggest using gabions in landscaping the site. These are metal frame meshes that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give it modern look, but will also serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with crushed stone, stone and even bottles. With their help, it’s easy to set up a place to relax with a barbecue, make a fence near a pond, or build a big table ik. They are used to create fences, borders for raised flower beds or beds, and also as a base for a long garden bench. As you can see, with a certain level of imagination, it’s not difficult to come up with own application similar designs.

Gabions can perform a variety of functions

Expanded clay concrete for garden decoration

Perhaps after construction you still have unused blocks of expanded clay concrete. There is no need to throw them away; it is better to use them for landscaping the site. Thanks to its hollow structure, this material is excellent for arranging small flower beds; it is also used for fencing beds. Besides, expanded clay concrete blocks can be used to create a barbecue, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. Interesting example on the picture.

To build a barbecue, even one block may be enough, on which you can cook mini vegetable kebabs

We create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decide to decorate a garden from scrap materials can successfully use unnecessary pieces of furniture, things, as well as any household utensils for decoration. Read also: Let's offer some simple ideas:

  1. Vertical gardening of a patio with your own hands is much easier to do on a ready-made basis. So, on a stepladder you can comfortably place boxes with flowers, and old chairs and a chest of drawers will serve as the basis for creating a flower bed.
  2. Tin kettles, galvanized buckets, watering cans can do a good job for zealous owner. All these waste materials, which can no longer be used for their intended purpose, can revive the design of the patio. You just need to pour soil into each of them and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If you paint old bike in bright yellow, white or Orange color, it can be hung under the roof of a barn or garage. This decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes, in which apples and potatoes are stored. It is advisable to paint the boxes, strengthen the open side parts, pour soil into them and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create a special atmosphere - rustic comfort, naturalness and closeness to nature.

It’s very easy to use an old umbrella and transform it into a bright and unique flowerbed.


Any area will be decorated with a decorative mill. It seems to us that such decor for a private courtyard amazingly combines popularity and originality. The decorative mill pleases both adults and children equally. It can be easily and simply made with your own hands from the most various materials. Just don’t overdo it with the size: too big will seem inappropriate.

A simple mill enriches the landscape

Everyone is tired of the tree trunk

It happens that there is an outdated tree in the yard. The owner’s first instinct is to turn it into firewood for barbecue so that it does not spoil the appearance of the garden. Landscape designers advise not to rush to get rid of this tree, but to try to create an element of garden decor from it with your own hands.

For example, if you cut down the branches and top, the tree can be used as the basis for a decorative house or castle. It is enough to build a roof from old boards, attach doors and windows - and the elf’s house is ready. It’s even easier to make a flower bed out of a stump, or to arrange a flower garden in a hollowed out trunk, laying it on the ground. The photo shows interesting option decorating dried wood.

You can build an unusual flower bed from a stump; just dig out the necessary hole in it, cover it with soil and plant flowers.

Floral monument to the car

It happens that owners keep their grandfather’s old car for decades, which is already for a long time not on the move. Designers suggest using its body as a decorative flower bed. Some craftsmen plant climbing plants in such a way that they completely cover the body of the car, leaving only the windows. Landscape design also offers another option for landscaping - filling the space under the hood and in the trunk with soil in which you can plant plants. The body itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flower bed, the make of the car does not matter

The necessity and charm of lighting and backlighting

One of key features beautiful yard is the presence of backlighting. Today there are many ways to illuminate an area. Lighting will help in landscaping any plot of land. It will allow you to highlight accents and enhance the perception of a particular decorative element. In addition, lighting will help you navigate a large area and spend your evenings in comfort.

Pleasant to watch, convenient to move around with the right lighting
  1. Landscape designers recommend paying special attention to the lighting of sculptures, fountains, paths, as well as beautiful plants.
  2. Not too budget-friendly, but LED elements mounted in tiled paths look incredibly impressive. Using the illuminated dots, you can create a starry panorama right on the track. A project of such a composition can be completed without the help of a professional.
  3. Water lily lamps are designed to illuminate a pond or other artificial reservoir. They float freely, reflecting off the surface of the water, which creates the effect double light. It turns out to be quite an elegant spectacle.
  4. Pillars with lanterns are the most practical solution. With the help of vertical lighting it is easy to find the path from the gate to the house. It is also important to illuminate the porch - here you can attach a decorative lantern in a medieval style.
  5. Site lighting – necessary element celebration decorations. If you are planning a wedding or anniversary, local area good lighting is a must. The task of creating a festive mood will be handled not only by stationary lamps, but also garlands that can be used to decorate trees, partitions, and hedges.

We have demonstrated affordable and popular ways to decorate a site. Our article is intended to provide inspiration to those who dream of turning their garden into a designer creation. If you are new to this business, do not restrain yourself for fear of lack of experience. Practically, any of us can bring to life the most extraordinary and daring decisions. In fact, to improve your property, it is important to have a burning desire and put in a little effort.

Having purchased a plot of land for developing a summer cottage, we begin to browse Internet sites and magazines with articles about house design, gardening and decoration. In order to make your task a little easier, in this article we bring to your attention a whole collection of beautiful design solutions on landscaping a garden for every taste and color, as they say. These tiny and cute houses are built in different countries and are becoming more and more popular, creating fabulous and unforgettable experiences.

Manor big size– this is great, but most people have areas or even tiny ones. Exactly on small area the design must be well thought out and planned, since every dacha owner plans to place a fruit garden, a vegetable garden, and a small country house there.

Many summer residents build small houses for practical reasons. After all, even in tiny house you can arrange everything that is useful during a vacation - several chairs, a table, a stove for cooking, several beds, shelves and a couple of cabinets and a corner for equipment (if there are no separate buildings for these purposes). Typically, the design of such a house is simple and modest. Typically, wood, frame-panel structures and brick are used as construction materials. Many people like such houses, because you don’t come to the dacha to watch TV or sit in the building all the time, although this is possible even on ten square meters with a rational and competent layout!

During the construction of a compact country house Some of our recommendations should be taken into account:

- do it bright walls and the roof of the house. To do this, you can use shiny enamels, colored Decoration Materials made of plastic, etc. The main thing here is to highlight the house with colorful colors! Therefore, bold contrast is very welcome.

- make expressive forms of your fairy house. Since we cannot boast of dimensions, we can give it an original shape. For example, make the roof not a single slope, but with two or more slopes. Wooden huts with a fabulous, fantastic look also look very colorful.

- it’s better to make more windows, despite the fact that even one window would be enough for good lighting premises.

— organize an interesting landscape design. For example, plant around the house beautiful plants, flowers and trees, make a small lake or.

- we recommend using sliding doors. They will help you rationally use the small space of the house and install all the necessary furniture.
Now let's turn our attention to the design of a small garden plot that will harmonize with the built house and decorate it perfectly.

We immediately warn you that the thought of what smaller area, the easier it is to draw it up – it’s wrong. After all, all the elements of the garden will be visible and any unkempt places and design mistakes will be immediately noticeable. Usually by design small garden The owners of the dacha plot do this themselves, without resorting to the help of gardeners and other specialists, so here too we recommend that you listen to our recommendations. The examples presented in our photos can protect you from failures, and will also help you turn your site into a unique and fabulously beautiful place.


- do not try to place a lot of borders, rose gardens, alpine slides etc. This will create the impression of disharmony, oversaturation and unnecessary clutter. Therefore, we recommend preferring simplicity and maintaining a certain style.

— to create a competent design, we recommend drawing up a plan on paper and analyzing how it will look in reality.

- do not try to design a site in one season. After all, planted plants do not always take root in the area you have chosen; there is not always enough time and finances to purchase ornamental vegetation and garden figurines, etc.

- don’t forget to set aside a small space for compost heap, for a garbage container, for drying washed clothes.
- if you are planning to build a shed or place a utility yard, then it is advisable to hide these buildings behind bushes, low trees or behind ornamental plants in a tub.

— It is advisable to arrange a flowerbed near the entrance to the house, planting your favorite plants.

- make a small fence around your summer cottage, thereby marking your territory.

- undoubtedly, at your summer cottage you will need paths, which you can arrange using gravel and tiles. Moreover, do not be afraid to choose an unusual structure for them and bright colors– this will highlight and further decorate your site.

— and finally, we suggest setting up a small artificial pond or swimming pool, which will perfectly complement the design of your piece of paradise!

In this article we will talk about how landscaping of a summer cottage is carried out. Some may think that the topic is irrelevant, since most people associate a summer cottage with a modest shed and garden beds. But actually it is not.

After all, even country houses from block containers will harmoniously combine with a flower bed and other decorative elements.

Features of landscaping

The photo shows an excessive number of design elements concentrated in a limited area

After reading the relevant articles on our portal, you can find out how to plan the territory of a summer cottage for maximum efficiency its application. We will not return to the basics of planning, but will simply tell you how, using a number of simple recommendations, you can improve your summer cottage area.

Important: Do you think that decorative design territory adjacent to country house, will cost a considerable amount of money?
In fact, this is not the case, since most of the work can be done using available tools and available materials.

Before we improve the dacha plot, we will decide on the purpose of the territory and, as a result, on the list of upcoming works.

  • Is your dacha intended not only for growing gardening plants, but is also used from time to time for recreation? In this case, it is necessary to ensure that this area is conducive to relaxation and a pleasant pastime.
  • On average, the development of the territory adjacent to a country house consists of work in the field of landscape design. In addition, it may be necessary to build or update existing outbuildings, fences, etc.

Important: Speaking about the full improvement of the site, we note that it may be necessary to purchase or rent a diesel generator for the dacha.

On the picture - hedge from cypress trees

  • Having decided to improve the dacha plot with our own hands, we avoid excesses in every possible way, both in landscape design and in the design of outbuildings. Regardless of the area of ​​the territory adjacent to the country house, remember that an overabundance of small architectural forms, plantings, furniture and other elements will create an atmosphere of discomfort and disorder.
  • If the dacha is used only on weekends or during vacations, it makes no sense to plant plants that require constant care. By abandoning a flowering front garden in favor of shrubs or decorative low-growing trees, you will significantly simplify the care of the site without compromising its appearance.
  • Often in landscape design, one is enough to create a bright and memorable image, but significant detail . In relation to the design of a dacha, it can be a small artificial pond or an alpine slide.
  • The vegetable garden should be separated from the recreation area by a flower wall, preferably a colorful one. In this case, having completed the day’s work, in the evening you can fully relax near the garden.
    In order to complement the recreation area equipped in this way, you can use wicker furniture that will fit into the overall picture.
  • If the dacha is used for long-term living, you can take care of landing lawn grass or bush. This is very good decorative solution, but you need to understand that the grass will have to be cut in a timely manner and the bushes trimmed.
    Therefore, when purchasing grass seeds and shrub seedlings, take care of purchasing a trimmer and pruning shears.
  • A stone-lined path in place of the usual paths will give the site a finished and landscaped look.. As an alternative to natural stone, you can use brick or concrete pavers.
    At all budget solution In terms of arranging paths, the use of backfill made of fine-grained crushed stone or pebbles may be used.
  • When selecting decorative elements for the garden, we must take into account their functionality..
    For example, it would not be entirely correct to buy a beautiful forged bench, which, despite its excellent appearance, is uncomfortable. The same can be said about, which, in addition to an attractive appearance, should illuminate the area.
  • If to garden plot the forest is adjacent, it is advisable to carry out landscape design in a forest theme. The absence of sharp contrast and the smooth flow of the forest into the garden will not be visually straining and will not cause rejection.
  • Everywhere there is a tendency for summer residents to blindly copy design ideas from glossy magazines. This is the wrong instruction, since the copied idea may not take root in your area. As a last resort, when copying someone else’s ideas, do not forget to listen to your feelings.

Arrangement of a recreation area

In the photo - construction of a gazebo

The recreation area can be comfortable even on a plot of 6 acres. It's all about how you arrange this area.

For example, in a small area you can allocate space for a covered wooden gazebo. A wooden gazebo is universal solution, which is equally suitable for both comfortable spending time in hot weather and for use as a summer dining room.

Using a gazebo as a dining room is optimal solution in the event that instead of a house a cramped cabin with limited space is used internal space. If it is possible to do brick gazebo with a roof made of corrugated sheets, then you can also install a barbecue or wood-burning stove there for use as a summer kitchen.

This solution will relieve the load on the main dacha building, which can be used as a bedroom and as a room for storing equipment. However, a good gazebo will not hurt even if there is a full-fledged country house on the site.

Hedge selection

In the photo - a fence made of corrugated sheets

When answering the question of how to landscape a summer cottage with your own hands, one cannot help but attach importance to making a fence.

A properly made fence can perform 2 functions at once, namely, protect the territory from unauthorized entry and decorate a summer cottage. If it is built only as a protective fence, you can use corrugated board.

Corrugated sheets of thin galvanized or painted steel are distinguished by affordable price and durability. However, such a fence, despite its functionality, cannot be called an example of grace.

If you are interested in an aesthetically pleasing but... inexpensive fence, you can use a chain-link fence. The advantage of this solution is the absolute transparency of the structure, and therefore plants can be planted directly under the fence without fear of a lack of sunlight.

Important: A fence built using wire mesh is an excellent basis for growing climbing plants and the formation of hedges.

Wooden fence made of tongue and groove edged boards- This perfect solution. The only problem is the insufficient strength of wood that has not undergone special treatment. Therefore, deciding to build a beautiful wooden fence around the area, the boards should be treated with antiseptic solutions and painted after complete drying.


In this article, we have listed several effective recommendations, using which it will be easier to carry out landscaping of your summer cottage with your own hands.

Of course, in addition to these tips, there are many other points of view regarding the improvement of areas adjacent to a country house. You can find even more useful and educational information by watching the video in this article.

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You have invested a lot of effort and money in building a luxurious country house. Everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail: the delights of the interior, the practicality and convenience of all rooms, the grandiose façade. Do you think this is the end of the job? No! Like any diamond, your home needs a worthy setting. The area on which it is located must not lag behind the main building. Our topic today is landscaping the territory of a private house. How to design the territory and garden so that all ill-wishers suffocate with envy, and you and your loved ones enjoy a truly luxurious landscape?

A beautiful garden is the calling card of the owners of a country house

Don't trust smart people who believe that beauty and practicality are two different things. If you spend enough time designing, you can achieve an excellent result while taking into account the wishes of the entire family.

First, make a list of these same wishes, this is the first stage of work. You will have to interview all household members, fill out the fields for your pets and jot down items that you would like to please your guests with. Only at first glance it seems that it is impossible to satisfy all these requests. If your area around the house occupies at least 6-8 acres, believe me, everything will work out.

Before you pick up a pencil, study ready-made projects landscape design. On the Internet it is not difficult to find not only photos of beautiful estates, but also numerous videos from professional companies involved in the design of local areas.

Advice! Planning the territory near the house and arranging it with your own hands is an excellent occasion to communicate closer with your family. Make it a shared endeavor and you'll enjoy the process immensely.

What else is important for drawing up a plan for a summer cottage:

  • Features of the landscape. If it is complex, you should not waste time and money on leveling slopes and filling lowlands. Use these highlights to play up their attractive sides. But remember: the slopes must be reliably strengthened, and the lowlands must be equipped so that water does not stagnate in them.
  • Architecture of the main buildings. The design of the personal plot must comply. Otherwise, you will get dissonance that will ruin the whole experience.
  • Climate. Do not try to plant palm trees near your house in the Arctic. Use plants that will thrive in your weather conditions. A beautiful garden is most of works on landscaping the site. Stunted, suffering exotic plants will not be pleasing to the eye.

Don't strive for global investments in landscape. The most simple ideas sometimes The best decision for a small yard. The exception is, of course, areas with castles. Here, whatever one may say, if you are the owner of such a treasure, you will have to keep your mark, no matter how much it costs.

And one more piece of advice: before planning flower beds, draw out the locations of communications on your project. This important point, because all these networks periodically require maintenance and repair. You won't be happy with the idea of ​​disassembling the gazebo to clean it. Think about such situations in advance.

So, what should be noted on the site plan:

Here are some example projects:

Another good place is at the entrance to the site

Advice! Flower beds look very good in combination with a lawn. The contrast of bright inflorescences and lush greenery pleases the eye. This option is well suited for a yard in a private house if it occupies at least 6 acres.

When the location for the flower garden has been determined and outlined on the main plan, it is time to decide what to plant. So that the flowerbed makes you happy long time, from early spring to late autumn, you will have to work hard. Should be planted. Study which flowers begin to bud at what time. In early spring - tulips and crocuses, at the beginning of summer - asters, begonias and marigolds, closer to autumn - dahlias and chrysanthemums. Don’t forget about perennials, they are unpretentious and favorable conditions

Advice! They will also bloom all summer.

When planting flowers in a flowerbed, do not leave too much free space. It will quickly be filled with weeds. When planting plants for landscaping, consider their size. The tallest ones should be placed in the background. For a colorful flower bed, it is important to combine colors correctly, avoiding variegated disorder. In the center are usually placed the most, and at the edges there is a neutral background.

Photo examples of how to beautifully plant flowers in the yard:

Related article:

Beautiful gardens and courtyards: photo examples of garden furniture design

When landscaping your garden, don’t forget that everything should be harmonious. Must be combined in the ornaments and design of the path garden houses, gazebos, flower beds in the garden of a private house. Photographic examples of such compositions include both the original and the garden.

Furniture can be made with your own hands. For work, use industrial wood or improvised material. The main thing is that the product is comfortable and fits well into the overall landscape.

Advice! For garden furniture It's better not to use wood coniferous species, it will stain your clothes.

If the task is how to arrange the territory without extra costs, use available materials. Can be used to make furniture, car tires and cable reels. Photo samples of such products:

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Outbuildings in a private house: photos and recommendations

A suburban area is not only a garden. To have a pleasant time at the dacha, you need different buildings in the yard., self-made gazebos - all this should be an organic part of the landscape. House and yard with outbuildings should look like one.

How to build a yard so that there is enough space for a recreation area, parking and a pond?Let's look at the features of different yard structures.

Photos of the best gazebos in the courtyard of a private house

It is not difficult to build in a private house. The main thing is that the architecture of this light building is combined with the architecture of the main building. The choice of site style should also be supported in the gazebo. For country style it is logical to choose rough wood And natural materials finishing. High-tech implies the use of modern building materials, glass and metal. Mediterranean style suggests use lightweight design with climbing plants.

Some tips for placing a gazebo:

  • if the site has complex terrain with changes in height, install the gazebo on a hill: this solution will provide a good overview;
  • if there is a pond on the site, the canopy is installed no closer than three meters from the water. This will protect the structure from the adverse effects of high humidity;
  • paths and paths leading to the gazebo should be provided with high-quality lighting. It's a good idea to use flashlights solar powered or .

If you don’t know how to arrange a gazebo inside, think about what purposes to use it for. If this is a place to relax on hot days, light sofas will be required. For friendly and family feasts you need to install a table under the canopy and, perhaps, .


The first step was to build an inexpensive wooden fence based on wooden beam and naughty girls.

Because If the area of ​​the site is large enough, then any capital fence would require significant costs, and this fence actually only encloses the boundaries of the site, making the landscape design of the site more holistic and complete.

Elegant adds a special charm to this primitive fence.

A wooden gate was made based on a simple rectangular frame.

And, although the design of the gate is quite simple, the result was neat and interesting.

Arrangement of the site. Construction of a veranda at the dacha.

The country house on this site is small, and therefore on holidays all the guests gathered in the garden for big table. To prevent bad weather from interfering with such feasts, it was decided to cover the terrace near the house simple canopy made of transparent slate.

Now, if necessary, you can put a large table on the terrace, which can comfortably seat 14-16 people.

Arrangement of the site. Country house.

There are many things that the hostess decorated with her own hands. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths - with elements of homemade lace, they all create a special coziness in the house.

The owner also contributed - he made a wooden bench with a storage box for the kitchen.

Simple canvas curtains with stripes of bright chintz add a sweet, rustic charm to the kitchen.

And most importantly, the smell in the house. And it smells like pies and flowers here.

Economy mode and skillful hands will help you equip your country house with low cost. You can tear strips from old unwanted clothes and knit a beautiful rug for every room.

Bedroom for grandchildren in the attic and bathroom.

Chief of comfort in the house))

Arrangement of the site. Do-it-yourself greenhouse and raised beds.

Old windows were useful for building a greenhouse.

Land development often requires a simple, practical approach rather than intricate solutions: a ready-made greenhouse.

Next to the greenhouse, boards left over from the construction of the fence were broken raised beds.

They laid newspapers between the rows and covered them with gravel on top - this will prevent the appearance of weeds.

The first harvest is green and purple peppers.

This beautiful vegetable garden looks no worse than any club.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. Garden gazebo.

The next stage in arranging the site was the construction of a gazebo in the garden.

In order to create a cozy corner of the garden around the gazebo, a semicircular flower bed was first laid out next to it.

They made a small one on the brick pillars wood flooring and concreted the supports for the gazebo.

We installed a gazebo. The back wall of the gazebo on the fence side is a supporting wall for roses.

A wall of weaving roses not only covers the gazebo from prying eyes, but also surrounds it with an absolutely divine aroma of roses.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. DIY landscape design.

It was done so that the clubs created separate cozy areas in the garden - near the house, near the gazebo, in the barbecue area and near the fence.

Before planting the club, a layer of turf was removed from the lawn, then an agro-film was laid and after that the soil removed from the roots, compost and fertilizers for the flowers were poured into the flowerbed. All this should make weed control easier.

A border for a flower bed was made from scraps of fence boards.

It turned out beautifully, but unreliably, and two years later the curbs were replaced with brick ones.

A small decorative pond was made next to the flowerbed. An old satellite dish came in handy for the pond bowl. The distance from the clubs to the pond was also covered with agro-film and later covered with gravel, preventing overgrown grass around and that small pond, due to which it would simply not be visible.

Blue poppies are the rightful owners of a flower garden next to a small pond.

Fragrant English roses are planted in a flowerbed next to the house so that their scent can be heard from the veranda.

The flower beds near the fence were not protected by agrofilm and were heavily overgrown.

They urgently needed help.

The flowerbed was dug up and plastic barriers were placed inside between it and the lawn.

Luxurious clematis and roses were planted above the fence.

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How and how long to bake beef
Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become a dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account
Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat. But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them. In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites
1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good. but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive. Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with