Extinguishing a fire in the basement of a residential building. Protection of basements from fires. Priority tasks in case of fire

In modern buildings and structures, unlike most old buildings, basements are provided in which utility rooms can be located. Such building buildings made from non-flammable elements ensuring fire safety basements. However, they have very few window and door openings. Metal bars can be installed on the windows, which prevent the extinguishing of emerging fires and the evacuation of people inside the premises. Therefore, the ground floor of the building must meet all requirements fire safety.

Take care of the fire safety of your basement

Features of the basement

When extinguishing fires in the basement of a house, inconvenience is not only their location, but also the communications laid in it, as well as design features: inaccessibility and lack of free movement.

Some factors that make it difficult to effectively extinguish a fire:

  1. Insufficient height, which in most cases reaches up to 2 meters and does not allow free movement around the premises, making it difficult to carry out a rescue operation.
  2. Poor lighting or its complete absence (lack of window openings for natural light, small quantity lighting fixtures in basements and disruption of their work).
  3. Ventilation utility rooms in the basement at an insufficient level, as a result - poor ventilation and a high concentration of carbon monoxide in case of fire.
  4. Narrow openings can lead to panic among people, congestion and the inability to evacuate as quickly as possible.

In this video we will look at how to conduct a basement inspection:

The thick walls in the basements are made of fireproof material; they cannot be dismantled; the ceilings are too low. These features do not allow creating additional space for an escape route in the event of a quick evacuation and fire fighting. The basement usually has one exit or elevator to the stairwell. When smoke occurs, it is almost instantly filled with acrid smoke through ventilation ducts, garbage disposal systems and other leaks that plague buildings. This is another reason for the rapid smoke build-up on the upper floor of the structure.

Characteristics of fires

The specifics of the fire are determined architectural feature buildings. A fire that occurs inside the basement, as opposed to a fire in outdoors outside the building, has high growth air temperature. Poor ventilation during a fire contributes to the rapid accumulation of combustion products; the surrounding air becomes toxic and instantly fills limited area basement.

The intensity of the fire increases the concentration of smoke and harmful substances, which entails the smoke of everything ground floor. The pressure inside the room increases sharply, smoke freely escapes through existing cracks and openings, capturing new areas of the building, creating additional danger for people in the building. upper floors building structure.

The fire can spread to adjoining rooms and other floors by igniting flammable materials: wiring, finishing materials. Any delay in extinguishing the source of fire can lead to a complete fire of the entire structure.

Priority tasks in case of fire

The main task when extinguishing a fire in the basement is to quickly localize the source of ignition and extinguish the fire, preventing the growth of smoke and collapse structural elements building.

The main tasks that must be performed when extinguishing a fire:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to protect all people in the building and evacuate without panicking.
  2. Try to reduce the high temperature of the heated air and, if possible, remove smoke.
  3. Find the source of ignition, localize it and extinguish the remaining fire.

For specially trained rescue teams, the main task when extinguishing fires in basements is to conduct reconnaissance, which consists of obtaining maximum information about the fire:

  • presence of flammable materials and liquids in the room;
  • clarification of the layout of the rooms and their area;
  • design features of the building.

A special role in rescue work ah, in a smoky room, an established connection between members of the squad plays. The well-coordinated work of the team and the coordination of ongoing rescue operations, as well as the collection of the necessary information about the building and the fire, depend on it. After receiving the necessary information, an action plan is drawn up and methods for extinguishing fires in the basement and the building as a whole are determined.

As soon as possible, it is necessary to determine the location of the fire, the design features of the structure and the availability of places for additional removal of combustion products.

Tactics for extinguishing a fire in the basement of a house

The main stages of the rescue operation and fire extinguishing tactics:

  1. Intelligence service. The source and route of spread of the flame are determined. To do this, a squad member must go down to the basement down the stairs facing forward or through a window opening, using special clothing and equipment, communications equipment and insurance. The condition of partitions, ceilings, communications, as well as the path of flame propagation is checked. The method of containing the fire is agreed upon.
  2. Cordon. The fire site must be fenced; unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter. Checkpoints are established in cordoned off areas and the first health care those in need. In case of large fires, a special headquarters is created to supervise rescue operations.
  3. Evacuation. Removing all people from the danger zone. Rendering psychological assistance to the victims.
  4. Localization of the fire source.

One part of the team takes on the task of extinguishing the fire in the basement of the building, while the other group is engaged in eliminating flames and smoke on the upper floors, opening all window and door openings to ensure effective ventilation of the building. If necessary, use special smoke exhausters.

To carry out fire extinguishing work in basements narrow rooms Compact equipment is used. Foam is the most effective remedy when extinguishing hot spots.

Fire prevention

Measures to reduce the possibility of fires in the basement of a house:

  1. Particular attention is paid fire safety: the condition of electrical wiring and electrical equipment inside the basement, ventilation systems and ventilation of basement rooms.
  2. Protection is carried out by isolating all flammable finishing materials in the basement.
  3. It is necessary to avoid storing flammable items.
  4. Make sure that all doors and windows open easily and do not impede the evacuation of people.

Compliance with fire safety requirements for premises is the basis for fire prevention. Failure to follow basic rules can lead to death and destruction of buildings.

The basements of buildings and structures have different purposes.

As a rule, heating and other pipelines, boiler rooms, boiler rooms, warehouses. IN industrial buildings- communications related to provision technological process. If a fire occurs in the basement, a heat and dense smoke, the smoke spreads into the rooms above, creating a threat to people's lives. Fire may spread through ventilation ducts, hatches, shafts, installation and other openings. Conducting combat operations is hampered by a complex layout, lack of a sufficient number of openings and entrances, and in unlit and smoke-filled basements.

When extinguishing a fire in the basement, it is necessary to organize reconnaissance of the basement and the premises above, during which it is necessary to establish the presence of a threat to people’s lives and immediately organize work to rescue them, as well as identify the possibility of fire spreading horizontally and vertically, take measures to reduce smoke in the premises by closing or opening door and window openings, smoke hatches, installing lintels.

The fire department commander must be constantly aware of the possibility of a collapse building structures and the need to ensure safe conditions the work of the personnel, therefore, simultaneously with the actions to stop the fire, extinguishing fires in basements is different. This includes extinguishing using water, foam and powder guns with their direct introduction into the fire, filling the basement with foam, carbon dioxide and other inert gas, in in some cases- filling the basement with water. If it is impossible to penetrate through the existing openings to the source of the fire, fire extinguishing agents must be intensively cooled down, the power supply must be turned off, and the proper operation of a security post or checkpoint must be organized. The techniques are introduced through specially made openings in the ceiling.

In the basements:

Carry out extinguishing by the GDZS forces in several directions, direct the main forces and means directly to extinguishing the source of the fire and at the same time to protect the first floor;

Organize communications to control firefighting and rescue forces;

Take measures to clarify the layout of the basement, the nature of the stored materials, structural elements of the floor, the likelihood of a threat of fire spreading to the floors of the building;

First of all, ensure the supply of foam barrels, and in their absence - sprayed and compact jets of water with wetting agents;

When entering the basement, use finely sprayed water to reduce the temperature in the volume and precipitate smoke;

Take measures to prevent smoke stairwells, using for this purpose free openings of the building, lintels and smoke removal means;

Fire situation.

Many civil buildings consist, as a rule, of basements, floors and attics, the development of fires in which have their own distinctive characteristics.

In modern buildings, all structural elements of basements are made of non-combustible materials. Premises located in basements have a limited number of doors and window openings. Windows are often protected by metal bars, which makes them difficult to use during fires. The layout of basements depends on their purpose; large and complex basements are divided into sections that can communicate with each other. Partitions of varying degrees of fire resistance can be installed inside the sections. In some administrative and public buildings, basements are located in several tiers. The height of the basements is only 1.5-2 m.

Basements can communicate with floors and attics through elevator shafts, through ventilation and garbage chute systems, through openings and hatches in the ceilings through which various utilities pass.

Basements in civil buildings can be used to house boiler rooms, warehouses, workshops, utility sheds, heating system units and other needs. Therefore, during fires in basements, combustion of various substances and materials occurs.

The situation of fires in the basements of civil buildings is greatly influenced by the fire load, which is up to 50 kg/m2, and in residential buildings with utility sheds - up to 80-100 kg/m2.

Depending on the characteristics of the basement, the type and properties of flammable substances and materials and the location of the fire, the rate of fire spread may vary. In the initial period of fire development, it occurs intensively, due to the sufficient amount of air present in the volume of the premises. Subsequently, the influx decreases within 10-30 minutes fresh air into the combustion zone, the rate of fire spread and the rate of burnout decreases and the concentration of combustion products in the basement increases. Fires in basements create high temperatures and heavy smoke.

The limited number of openings in basements causes insufficient flow of fresh air to the combustion zone, which contributes to the release of a large amount of harmful combustion products. In basements, when combustion is incomplete, smoke has increased density and toxicity.

As the fire develops, the pressure of combustion products inside the basements increases. At the same time, smoke penetrates through various openings and openings in walls, ceilings, utilities, through ventilation and garbage chutes, through cracks in structures to the first and higher floors of buildings.

Heated combustion products from basements can quickly penetrate through openings into staircases and elevator shafts.

The main tasks of fire departments when extinguishing fires in basements is:

    Ensuring the safety of people on the floors of buildings.

    Creating conditions for extinguishing a fire by removing smoke and reducing temperature.

    Extinguishing fire within the burning premises of the basement.

Fire reconnaissance.

In case of fires in basements, reconnaissance is organized and carried out simultaneously in two directions: in basement rooms, as a rule, by GDZS units - on the first and higher floors. Most fires that occur in basements and are quickly detected are extinguished with one or two barrels. The first RTP to arrive at a fire is obliged to immediately call additional forces, special fire fighting equipment and emergency medical care, and the bulk of the forces and resources arriving at the fire are primarily used to suppress panic and carry out rescue operations.

When conducting reconnaissance in basements, the following is determined:

    Basement ceilings.

    Design features of the ceiling.

    Places where fire spreads to the floors and attic.

    Presence of flammable substances and materials.

    Possible ways to release smoke and reduce temperature.

    Features of input to extinguishing fire extinguishing agents and strength and means.

    Places of opening of structures.

Fire reconnaissance in the basement is organized in one or several directions. Reconnaissance groups, when moving into burning premises, take a hose line with them and take measures to reduce smoke in the stairwells and floors above the burning basements.

During exploration in basements, the following is determined:

    Degree of smoke and methods of removing smoke.

    The presence of danger to people and methods of their evacuation.

    Possibility and probable places of fire transfer to the floors and attic.

    The presence of ventilation ducts, garbage chutes and other communications leading from the basement.

    If necessary, open the ceiling to remove smoke and reduce temperature.

    Places where fire extinguishing agents are introduced into the basement.

In the process of extinguishing fires in basements, reconnaissance is continuously carried out by the RTP and each commander in his area of ​​work until the fire is completely extinguished.

Organization and implementation of rescue operations.

There are often cases when by the time the first fire departments arrive at a fire, the stairwells are heavily smoky and people are asking for help from the windows. In these conditions, measures are taken to prevent panic and rescue efforts are immediately organized. For this purpose, they create the maximum number of search and rescue groups from gas and smoke protection workers who arrived at the fire, notify people about the arrival of help and about their behavior in dangerous areas. These teams first open stairwell windows and attic doors to remove smoke and reduce elevated temperatures. Then people are evacuated from the upper floors. Closed apartments in smoke zones they open and carefully check for the presence of people in them. To determine the location of the victims, calls are made from citizens at the fire site.

People are evacuated and rescued by:

    Marching stairs through the main exits.

    Stationary fire escapes.

    Emergency exits.

    Windows and balconies using ladders, retractable and assault ladders, rescue ropes.

If necessary, people are taken to the attics or ceilings of buildings and then move to adjacent, smoke-free staircases.

To evacuate people from the first floors through windows, stick ladders are used. From the second and third floors, adults and older children descend the retractable stairs independently under the supervision of firefighters. From the fourth and higher floors, adults are lowered down ladders, a cascade of assault ladders, or assault ladders and retractable ladders with mandatory insurance. Firefighters carry the injured, sick and young children up ladders, lower them using articulated car lifts and rescue hoses or using rescue ropes.

Rescue work is considered completed when all premises are cleared of smoke, thoroughly checked and the RTP is convinced that all people in need of help have been rescued.

Actions of fire fighting units.

When extinguishing fires in basements, a USP for extinguishing, protecting and rescuing people is organized. USP for extinguishing is organized from the side of staircases and basement entrances, along floors or along the facade of buildings where window openings are located.

Fire extinguishing in basements is usually carried out by departments and units of the GDZS. Therefore, during fires, the RTP organizes checkpoints, security posts, and also creates a reserve of GDZS units to replace those working in areas of heavy smoke and high temperatures. During fires in basements, special attention is paid to the organization of communication work, which ensures the management of units and departments of gas and smoke protection workers and obtaining from them information about the situation at work sites, as well as clear organization of rescue operations. For communication between units and departments, intercoms and portable radio stations are used, and for organizing rescue operations, electric megaphones, remote and stationary electrodynamic loudspeakers of communication vehicles are used.

The introduction of forces and means during fires in basements is carried out, as a rule, in two directions. The main forces and means are sent to the burning basement for extinguishing, and at the same time part of the forces and means are deployed to protect the first floor. The entry points for extinguishing forces and means are door and window openings. Since the commissioning of the first trunks. lay hose trunk lines to increase the required number of trunks.

Simultaneously with the introduction of fire extinguishing means, work is organized and carried out to remove smoke and reduce temperature. To remove smoke when extinguishing fires in basements, smoke exhausters of various capacities are used. They are used to suck out smoke from smoky rooms or supply fresh air to basement rooms.

To extinguish fires in basements, compact and sprayed jets of water and wetting solutions are used. The number and types of trunks are determined depending on the fire situation. For small fires, RS-50 barrels are used, and others, for larger fires - RS-70. The number of trunks is determined based on the combustion density and the intensity of the extinguishing supply, which is equal to 0.1 l/m 2 s for basements, and 0.15 l/m 2 s for basements of residential buildings. To reduce the temperature and smoke deposition in basements, it is advisable to use barrels with attachments.

If there is high temperature and heavy smoke in the basements, medium- and high-expansion air-mechanical foam is used to extinguish. Foam penetrates well into rooms, overcomes turns and inclines, displaces heated combustion products and quickly localizes or completely extinguishes a fire. When filled with foam, the temperature in the burning room quickly drops to 40-60 °C.

It should be remembered that one GPS-600 can extinguish a fire in a volume of 120 m 3, and one GPS-2000 in a volume of up to 400 m 3, while during the estimated time they will consume foaming agents, respectively, GPS-600 - 216 liters, and GPS-2000 - 720l.

In the process of preparing to supply foam to extinguish fires in basements, RTP determines:

    volume of burning premises,

    number of fire stations and places of their introduction for extinguishing,

    the required amount of foaming agent taking into account the reserve,

    prepares units and departments of the Civil Defense Service,

    prepares trunks for inspection and extinguishing fires after filling the basement with foam.

When supplying foam through door and window openings, tarpaulin lintels are installed in them so that the foam does not create a backstop and does not come out.

Evacuation of property from the first floors below places is carried out when it can be freed from exposure to high temperatures, smoke or water, as well as in such cases when it interferes with the action of firefighters and creates additional load on the floors, which may result in their collapse.

Compliance with safety measures.

To turn off power during fires in basements, call the energy service, and to turn off gas communications, call the gas emergency service. In all areas of the fire, careful monitoring of the behavior of load-bearing structures is organized. If there is a threat of their collapse, all personnel must be promptly removed from the dangerous zones. Filling basements with foam and water vapor should be done only when the RTP is convinced that all people have been removed from the rooms being filled and hazardous areas.

Personnel working in areas of burnouts and collapses above the source of combustion must be reliably insured with rescue ropes.

IN Lately Increasingly, you can notice that basements are used not only for their intended purpose (heating system and water pressure control), but also as storage places for various things/goods. At the same time, basements are often used for storage technical equipment. All this leaves its mark on the causes of fires in basements and on the methods of extinguishing them. Basements are often the center of a cluster of life support systems for a building, be it telephone communication, Internet, water supply and heating system, etc. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that basements are often cramped, with low ceilings, and do not have large area. According to statistics, the average height of basement ceilings is 150-200 centimeters, which means that in such conditions it is not always possible to stand at full height, which adds to the discomfort. Basements in the vast majority of cases do not have access to natural light, because often simply do not have windows, but artificial lighting lamps are often not enough. And, of course, not all basements can boast of an air ventilation system, due to which, in the event of a fire, they can accumulate carbon monoxide. If the basement is connected to the building ventilation system, then the occurrence of a fire directly in the basement leads to smoke on the upper floors and staircases.

A feature of fires in confined spaces is their increased temperature, which can lead to the melting of some metals, which would never happen in a fire in an open or ventilated space. In addition to increasing the temperature of the burning environment, closed spaces contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances, including those resulting from the combustion process. If a fire in the basement is not quickly extinguished, there is a serious risk of it spreading through the communication systems throughout the building.

Fighting fires in basements

If there is smoke coming from the basement, you should immediately call the fire department. Firefighters arriving at the scene of a fire must first localize the fire area, thereby preventing the fire from spreading. After which firefighters begin to extinguish the fire itself. Before any work related to extinguishing fires, fire service workers must ensure the safety of people in a burning building. If this requires their evacuation, then evacuation is carried out in accordance with fire safety rules. The next stage of the fire brigade when fighting a fire in the basement is to remove smoke and carry out measures related to lowering the temperature of the burning environment. To begin putting out a fire, the fire brigade needs to figure out what type of fire they are dealing with. There are several main categories of fires: A, B, C, D, E, and depending on which category firefighters have to deal with, an extinguishing strategy is chosen. It is preferable to extinguish some fires with water, others with a foam solution, others with powder, and others with a gas composition. In many ways, the choice of fire extinguishing agent (FEA) determines the composition of the burning materials. Firefighters must familiarize themselves with the layout of the burning room and the entire structure in order to correctly predict further actions. The area of ​​the room and the presence of flammable liquids and materials are determined. All these nuances are carefully studied before the actual crime of putting out the fire.

If descending into the basement involves the use of stairs, firefighters use safety equipment. One of the most important stages Before extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to determine its source and cause of occurrence. The faster firefighters understand the cause of the fire and find its source, the faster and more successfully they will extinguish it. Firefighters can gain access to water either through an internal fire pipeline, with pre-installed fire hydrants (FH), or directly by connecting fire hoses to the fire truck tank. We can also mention fire extinguishers, but, as practice shows, if the fire has flared up so much that it is necessary to call the fire services, a fire extinguisher will no longer be able to cope with this, because A fire extinguisher is needed mainly to fight a fire at an early stage, when a small fire has not yet turned into a fire that covers a large area. If there are open and natural or special fire reservoirs near the extinguishing site, you can connect to these water sources using a fire hydrant. The direction and distance in meters to the hydrant must be indicated by special warning signs with arrows and numbers.

The place where fire crews work is cordoned off in order to prevent and alert people to the danger of people entering the danger zone, because a fire on one side of the building does not always manifest itself on the other side, and people passing nearby may have the impression that they are safe. If there are victims, they are provided with the necessary medical assistance in a timely manner. In case of a prolonged fire, the instructions prescribe the creation of a special headquarters where all necessary information, and responsible persons are appointed for various processes in fire fighting. To make extinguishing a basement fire as effective and safe as possible, one fire brigade fights the fire directly in the basement, while the other is sent to the floor above to prevent the spread of the flames and smoke. In the process of fighting a fire, the responsible person may begin evacuating the citizens in the building if he considers that the fire poses a serious danger to their health. When evacuating, it is necessary to adhere to fire safety rules and avoid panic, because this could provoke a stampede and lead to casualties. According to fire safety instructions, all windows and other exits in a burning building must be kept open to speed up the process of smoke removal. When extinguishing fires in basements, firefighters give preference to small-sized equipment, because... limited space basements often do not allow the use of another. Compact fire nozzles with spray nozzles, foam generators, etc. are selected.

Preventive measures

As many of us know, there is no smoke without fire. Likewise, if there is a fire in the basement, there is always a cause. To avoid a fire in the basement, it is important to monitor the life support systems and communications located in it, including the general condition of the basement. All electrical appliances connected to the network and located in the basement must be in working order and periodically checked. The same goes for wiring, which is often the root cause of many fires. Instead of twisting and extending wires several times, it is much safer to replace the entire wiring, because The more twists and solders there are in a section of the circuit, the less reliable the entire wiring system is, and sooner or later it can give an unwanted spark, followed by a fire. Due attention should also be paid to basement lighting systems. Very often you can see a picture where an incandescent light bulb dangles on a sagging wire. In damp or short-circuited conditions, this can lead to a spark, and if flammable materials or liquids are stored in the basement, then a fire is almost inevitable, because all the necessary conditions for this have already been created. In this regard, all flammable liquids and flammable materials should be stored in the basement in a separate isolated room to minimize the possible risks of their fire.

If there are windows in the basement, they must be freely accessible and must not be blocked. The same goes for doors and passages. A person’s life may depend on how quickly and unhindered one can move in the basement. Basements are important element in the design of the entire building. A large fire in the basement can spread to other floors, causing the entire building to catch fire. For this reason it is very important to follow simple rules fire safety.

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in the discipline Fire-tactical training with personnel

Topic: Firefighting in attic spaces and floors of buildings

1. Design features of attics and the nature of developmentOheat

The main enclosing structures of attic spaces are the roof and attic floors. Attic roofs, depending on the general configuration of the building, its architecture, as well as the direction of water drainage, are arranged with single-pitched, gable, or hipped roofs (Figure 1).

Rice. 1. Basic forms of pitched roofs

A - single slope; b - gable; V - hip; G-- half-hip; d - hip complex shape; e - attic (dormer) window; 1 - roof slope; 2 - pediment (in the absence of a cornice - gable); 3-horse; 4 - hip; 5 - rib; 6 - half hip; 7 - valley, or groove.

security fire attic emergency

The load-bearing structures of the roof are made of wood, steel and reinforced concrete in the form of rafters, trusses and large panels (Figure 2). Rafters are placed every 1...2 m, depending on the type of roof and the cross-section of the sheathing elements. Rafter beams (mauerlats) serve to distribute the concentrated load transmitted by the rafter leg. They are laid along the entire perimeter of the walls of the building; insulation from the walls is laid between the masonry of the wall and the beams. roll material. Above buildings that do not have internal supports, they arrange roof trusses or hanging rafters.

Rice. 2. Sloping rafters ( wooden rafters from logs and beams).

A - a pitched roof with an average girder; b -gable roof with an average purlin and struts for the rafters; V - gable roof with two purlins and struts for rafters; G - gable roof with purlins located asymmetrically and struts for rafters; d- reinforced concrete rafters; 1 - wall beam; 2 - rafter leg: 3 - stand; 4 - run; 5 - strut against the racks or against each rafter leg; 6 - lying", 7 - spacer; 8 - welded steel connecting plate; 9 - board.

The height of the attic is mainly determined by the slope of the roof and the dimensions of the roof supports truss structures, as well as the height of free passage (at least 1.9 m) along the entire attic. The height of the attic in the lowest places for ease of inspection of structures and extinguishing fires is at least 0.4 m.

Attic spaces (rafters and sheathing, soft roofs) in most cases are saturated with combustible materials.

Placement in attics ventilation chambers, the use of combustible insulation and fencing for thermal insulation of expansion tanks heating systems, storage in some cases of various property increases the fire load of attics and creates favorable conditions for the rapid development of fires.

Depending on the design features of the attics, the location of origin and the duration of the fire, only the roof structures or only the attic floor, or both structures at the same time, can burn. Fires in which roof structures burn are characterized by rapid flame spread throughout the attic.

The rate of fire spread along combustible roof structures often reaches 1.5...2 m/min due to, as a rule, good ventilation of attics, as well as the developed burning surface of roof structures. If there is a combustible roof surface, the flame gradually spreads from the attic to the top, the intensity of combustion increases significantly, creating a threat of fire spreading to neighboring buildings and structures as a result of exposure to radiant heat and scattering of sparks.

A fire in the attic floor is usually accompanied by dense smoke in the attic. The fire spreads through the voids of the ceiling, the structures begin to smolder under the backfill. The rate of fire spread, especially in the initial period, is relatively low and is determined mainly by the design features of the ceiling. In all cases, there is an immediate threat of fire spreading to the floors below and to the roof structures through the resulting burnouts and various holes in the ceiling. Often there is a collapse of ceilings above separate rooms. The simultaneous burning of the roof and attic floor is characterized by strong smoke in all areas of the attic, creating a high temperature that prevents firemen from penetrating deep into the attic. The flames quickly spread along the roof ridge and eaves. The ventilation and heating systems in the attic of the building are on fire; but combustible ventilation ducts can cause fire to spread down several floors.

The greatest difficulty is caused by fires in attics. The only staircase leading to the attic is usually cut off by fire and smoke. Due to the presence of well-ventilated spaces between the enclosing attic rooms partitions, ceilings and roof structures (access to them is usually difficult), the flame quickly engulfs the attic from all sides.

2. Reconnaissance and fire fighting

When assessing the situation based on external signs, the location of the fire is tentatively determined by the escaping flames, the places of the most intense smoke emission from under the eaves and dormer windows, and in winter by the places of snow melting (water flowing from drainpipes).

During reconnaissance they find out (in addition to carrying out common tasks) design features of the attic, location of ventilation chambers, distribution tanks, threat of fire spreading to floors through solid and fire walls; determine the most advantageous starting positions for the shooters.

In case of fires in attic spaces located above several sections of a building, or in buildings with a corridor layout and several exits to the attic, reconnaissance is carried out simultaneously in two or more (in T-shaped and W-shaped buildings) directions.

Simultaneously with the reconnaissance in the attic, the floor rooms located under the burning part of the attic are checked. If there are no external signs of fire, they probe the ceiling lining, the upper part of the partitions and check the ventilation ducts.

For fire reconnaissance, flight escape stairs, as well as existing stationary fire escapes, are used. It should be borne in mind that in pre-war buildings not all marching stairs have access to the attic, and in buildings with a corridor layout, the staircase and hatch to the attic are often located some distance along the corridor from the stairwell.

To extinguish fires in attics, as a rule, barrels B are supplied (preferably sprayers) at the rate of one barrel per 40...60 sq.m of fire area. The trunks are introduced first from the stairwells. At the same time, they organize the supply of trunks along stationary stairs and aerial ladders. After introducing the barrels into the fire through dormer windows or an open roof, the intensity of burning in the attic often immediately decreases and the fire is quickly localized. In case of a combustible roof, the trunks are also fed onto the roof. In all cases of extinguishing fires in attic spaces, the Combat Manual recommends the provision of reserve trunks in the upper floor. When a fire develops with simultaneous burning of the attic floor and roof structures, the decisive direction of military operations can often be the protection of floors.

Extinguishing a fire in the attic is unthinkable without opening and dismantling the roof, and sometimes the attic floors. The roof is most often opened to release smoke and reduce the temperature in the attic. When roof structures burn, the roof is opened at the ridge on the leeward side near the fire to release smoke. For smoke to escape, the area of ​​the openings must be at least 2 times larger than the area of ​​the open dormer windows; in this case, the dormer windows will work for air flow and can be easily used to enter the attic.

To insert the trunks, the roof is opened closer to the eaves on the windward side, not far from the burning site. The opening area is usually 1.5...2 sq.m. Directly near the eaves in the roof, holes are made to extinguish fire in hard to reach places and detection of hidden fires. Attic floor They are opened more often from below from the room on the upper floor. If there is a lack of strength and the length of the attic is large, sometimes a gap is created in the path of fire in the form of a continuous strip 1...2 m wide across the roof slopes. When extinguishing a fire in the attic, the roof is opened, and if the fire has developed, the partitions on all sides of the room are opened.

A characteristic mistake of RTP when extinguishing fires in attics is untimely reconnaissance and delay in the introduction of reserve trunks from the side of the main and fire walls cutting the attic or separating it from other buildings. In such cases, the fire spreads unhindered through unprotected openings in the walls, and sometimes along the sheathing and roof.

If, during a fire, a wall cutting through the attic is used as a barrier to the further spread of fire, the trunks are inserted from the side of the attic adjacent to the burning one onto the roof, and the roof is opened near the wall (as a rule, along the entire wall and always near the eaves).

In the event of a fire, combat areas are created depending on the design features of the attic and the building as a whole, as well as the current situation, but most often from the side of the staircases and on the roof. Sometimes it is necessary to organize two combat sections from the side of one staircase: in the attic and an independent one on the lower floor.

The task of the combat area on the floor is not only to extinguish the fire in the ceiling, but also to prevent the fire from spreading to all underlying floors, as well as to protect premises and property from water flowing from above. Particular attention must be paid to checking ventilation ducts.

For example, in one fire, fire from the attic spread down five floors through a wooden ventilation duct, and penetrated into the interfloor ceilings on the top three floors.

For extinguishing fires in attics, especially multi-storey buildings, requires good training of firefighters, courage, clear management of work and constant attention of commanders to ensure the safety of personnel working at heights. When introducing the first trunks into the attic from the stairwells, you often have to work in insulating gas masks. In the process of extinguishing fires, collapses of burnt roof structures and chimneys are possible.

It is necessary to prohibit movement through areas of sagging and hot roofs, burnt floors, and to prevent the accumulation of personnel under the burning floor II on it, as well as on the roofs. On steep and icy roofs, you should use assault ladders, and when opening the roof, secure yourself with rescue ropes. It is recommended to check the strength of the roof railing when working near it and move along the roof along the ridge.

When working on a snow-covered roof, special care must be taken, since under the influence of heat, a layer of snow can unexpectedly slide. Rafters and chimneys that threaten to fall are knocked down and folded so that they do not cause the collapse of the ceiling. When individual parts of structures and the roof being opened are dropped onto the ground below, a warning post is set up. Combat positions at night are illuminated with searchlights and lanterns, especially when working on the roofs of multi-story buildings.

Used Books

1. Labor protection rules in units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 630 of the Russian Federation

2. Training program for personnel of units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

3. Uch. Fire tactics Ya.S.Povzik, P.P.klyus, A.M.Matveikin

4. Combat regulations of the fire department order No. 257

Posted on Allbest.ru


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