How to build a fence in winter. We build a fence in winter - features and advantages. Backfilling of support structures

Experienced specialists, working in the construction industry, advise their clients to carry out most construction work in warm time year - for most regions of our country this period lasts from early May to mid-September. Yes, carrying out almost any construction in the summer is much cheaper and easier.

However, a situation may arise when you urgently need to build a fence in winter. For example, you

(what), and now you want to fence off the house and the plot from the penetration of strangers and simply unnecessary glances. In such a situation, there is simply no other choice - the fence needs to be built right now.

If you find yourself in a situation where you simply have no choice but to build a fence in winter, then, of course, you can get to work. But first, you should find out in advance exactly what difficulties may await you along this path.

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Alas, this is not all the difficulties. It is also worth considering that many construction companies Those who install fences in the warm season simply do not provide this service in winter. Therefore, it is possible that you will have to spend a lot of time before you manage to find specialists who will agree to help you in this difficult matter.

However, if you really need a fence and are willing to spend the extra money and money to build one, then you can handle any problem.

How to install a fence in winter

Everything in winter construction works have many nuances that you don’t have to think about if you do them in the summer. But at the same time, the main set of works is very similar.

Of course, the most basic and difficult task is the installation of supporting pillars, to which the main material from which the fence is made will later be attached, and so on. Today, when constructing fences, two options are used:

  • concreting pillars when drilling deep holes (below the freezing level);
  • butting of pillars.

In general, both of these options allow you to achieve fairly good results. But it’s still worth knowing that butting the pillars will cost a little less, and concreting will provide a more reliable and durable fixation. But it will still be useful to learn about each of these methods in more detail, first of all, about the progress of the work.

winter fence installation diagram

Concreting load-bearing pillars

It was already said above that concrete pillars can last much longer, withstanding enormous loads without harm to themselves. The main difficulty associated with concreting is drilling holes of great depth. After all, specialists need to get to a level where the soil does not freeze even on the coldest winter days. For most regions of Russia this will be 1.5 - 1.7 meters. Of course, digging holes of such depth in very frozen ground is only possible with heavy equipment.

Pillars are installed in the resulting holes (the distance between them should not be more than 2.5 - 3 meters, otherwise the load on the fence material may be too great, as a result of which it will be damaged).

After this, reinforcement cages are installed on different sides of the pillar - they will provide the concrete with the ability to withstand high loads for bending and stretching, which is especially important for regions with high soil heaving.

Only after installing the reinforcement frame does concreting take place. However, during construction in winter, you cannot use standard concrete, consisting of sand and cement mixed in a certain proportion (depending on the brand of cement). Such concrete simply cannot harden if the temperature of the surrounding air and soil is below zero degrees Celsius. Therefore, special additives are added to concrete.

Construction work in summer is freed from many of the difficulties that are present in winter period. For anyone who decides to build a fence in winter, they are inevitable. But they are not so significant as to abandon the practical implementation of this idea. Thanks to modern technologies they are completely surmountable.

Metal fence with brick pillars V winter time

Today construction uses developed latest methods, which allow the most complex processes to be carried out in adverse conditions. And installing fence structures in winter is not that difficult. It is quite within the power of a home craftsman.

Problems and their solutions

  • Inconvenience of working in the cold;
  • Freezing of water in solution;
  • Soil freezing;
  • Changing the properties of concrete.

Installation in cold weather becomes more difficult. And this is quite understandable. But what changes does it make to the properties of building materials? We need to pay special attention to this.

In winter it becomes difficult for the following reasons. Already at a temperature of five degrees Celsius, the hardening process of an ordinary solution slows down. At zero degrees, hydration stops completely. A strong monolithic structure ceases to form.

Diagram with dimensions for installing fence posts

The cement mixture is said to not set. But everyone cares about construction, which will ensure high quality structures. Therefore, to enhance the gripping effect of the solution, chemical antifreeze agents are added to it. It can be potash, sodium nitrite or a mixture of urea and calcium nitrate.

In this case, the solution must be prepared using water that is already saturated with the catalyst before the remaining ingredients are added.

This substance sets relatively quickly, so it is not recommended to prepare it for future use. You need to spend everything without a trace. True, these chemical additives increase the cost of concrete. This means that the entire installation becomes more expensive. But they have one more advantage: they increase the ability of the mixture to adhere to other building materials. Don't forget that some supplements are unsafe. For example, sodium nitrite is highly flammable, even from an unextinguished cigarette. It is also a poisonous substance. You have to be very careful with him.

There is another way to improve the quality of concrete. But due to its high cost and complexity, it is used quite rarely. This is warming up. If the area is large, installing a long fence with a huge number of supporting posts will be very troublesome and expensive.

In frost, the solution freezes and becomes hard. The fence in this condition will remain unshakable until spring. With the arrival of warmth it will thaw. Its strength will decrease, however, not for long. After about a week of warm weather it will recover. Of course, its quality will be slightly lower. But the walls of such a structure can easily withstand their own weight.

It is necessary to monitor the thickness of the horizontal masonry lines. Thawed mortar in thick seams under the load of overlying bricks can float and deform the wall of the fence post.

The process of laying bricks in winter

The mentioned additives to the solution come in handy here. When thawed, they strengthen the adhesion of all elements of the brick structure.

However, fence supports are not always made of brick. Very popular as a supporting rack, hollow or. It is installed in the ground and strengthened at any time of the year using long-established and well-developed technologies.

Corrugated fences

In winter, building fences using this material is a good option. Their installation is practically not affected by weather conditions. True, frost complicates the installation of poles. It is impossible to properly compact the frozen soil around them in the holes. Stability problems may arise in spring period when the soil thaws. However, such problems can be easily solved using simple technologies.

Corrugated fence on a screw foundation

Advantages of corrugated sheets:

  • Resistant to all weather changes;
  • Light weight;
  • Ease of processing;
  • Easy to install.

This is a curved thin sheet of steel that is coated with protective polymers and several layers of paint. Sheets of corrugated sheets can be easily handled by one worker. He can cut them hand scissors without much effort. Fences can also be installed by one person, quickly and without any help.

The disadvantages include the following. can't do without metal parts, such as racks, framing frames, jumpers between posts for fastening sheets. The surface of the corrugated sheet is easily scratched and damaged by a strong blow. At the cost of a palisade from wooden slats costs much less. As for the color variety of the material, it is limited.


To solve winter problems, installation of a fence cannot be done without sufficient simple method butting. Its essence is as follows. 120–150 cm deep and 20 cm in diameter. Their bottom is covered with sand 10–15 cm deep. Inserted into the hole fence post. The free space is filled with rubble, namely crushed stone or fine gravel. This filling is done in layers, with each filling being carefully compacted.

Installation using this technology gives the support high stability in any season. It is not at all affected by the freezing or thawing of the soil.

It must be remembered that when backfilling you need constant control over the vertical position of the support. To do this, use an ordinary plumb line. You should check not only verticality, but also height.

Scheme for backfilling fence posts

Since in most cases this metal pipe, as a rule, is large in size, then for the purpose of waterproofing the top should be closed with a special plug.

The corrugated sheet is attached to backed racks, adjusted in height and vertically. Then the plane of the fence will not skew or become zigzag.

Today, corrugated board is a popular material for making fences. Fences made of corrugated sheets are erected everywhere, from fencing private houses to summer cottages. The profiled sheet attracts with its presentable appearance, strength, reliability, durability and inexpensive cost. However, as with any other material, installing a corrugated fence is a process that has its own nuances. And with the onset of autumn cold weather, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to install a fence made of corrugated sheets in autumn-winter period?


The greatest concern associated with installing a corrugated fence in the cold season is how smooth the fence will be. When installed after heavy rains, the ground is damp, and there is a risk that the fence will subsequently warp. And holding installation work at negative temperatures it is difficult, since frozen soil is difficult to process. In addition, the length of the working day in cold seasons is significantly reduced. All these, at first glance, intimidating factors often force owners to abandon the immediate construction of a fence in the fall or winter and wait for the onset of warmer weather. However, according to experts, this is completely in vain.

Advantages of installing a corrugated fence in the fall

The evenness of a future fence made of profiled sheets is hardly a cause for concern, even if the installation is planned for the cold season. The only one decisive factor in this matter - the skill of the installers. Conscientious installation involves driving and concreting the pillars at least a meter deep. In addition, in order to prevent landslides and create additional rigidity, a concrete wall about 20 cm high is poured between the pillars at a level. Metal veins are secured by welding different profiles: channel, corner, etc. If all these measures are used, a corrugated fence can be erected at any time of the year, even after rains or in frosts down to -5 degrees. As a result, you will get an even, strong and solid fence, and installation in the cold season will not affect its quality in any way.

Be that as it may, the most important factor influencing the quality of the fence is the quality of the material and installation. Trust only reliable corrugated sheeting suppliers - and your fence will reliably serve you for many years, no matter when you install it.

The optimal time to build a fence is summer. It is at this time of year that the driest and most favorable weather remains for this type of work. However, it often happens that fences need to be installed in winter. These could be options made from corrugated sheets. To install a fence in winter, you need to follow a number of requirements that will help you avoid trouble.

Features of winter installation of fences

Many country property owners are interested in the question of whether it is difficult to install a fence in winter. It should be immediately noted that the construction of fences is taking place easier in summer. Especially if the installation is done by professionals. In winter, weather conditions can significantly complicate the situation. Before installing the fence, you need to prepare the area, clear it of snow, mark the area, and install poles. Drilling holes can be complicated by frozen soil. It should also be taken into account that installing a fence in winter is best done using special fencing installation techniques.

    Fence installation technologies in winter:
  • warming up the concrete. To perform concreting in winter, special substances are added to the solution that prevent the composition from freezing in the cold;
  • installation of a fence with butting. Around the post, gravel, stone and crushed stone are poured into the existing holes. Portions of rubble are compacted thoroughly, after which support post gets a raise bearing capacity, therefore it tolerates freezing and thawing of the soil without problems;
  • drilling below the freezing level. To work with frozen ground, you need fairly powerful drilling equipment that will ensure the creation of a hole of the required depth. The accepted depth of soil freezing is 1400 mm;
  • fence on screw piles.

Popular technologies for installing a fence in winter

Concreting of load-bearing pillars. Concrete pillars can last much longer and can withstand heavy loads. The main difficulty in constructing fences using this method is drilling deep wells. Doing this in frozen soil in winter on your own is quite problematic. However, if you have special equipment, it will not be difficult. Then reinforcement cages are installed on both sides of the column. This provides the concrete with high loads. After installing the frame, concreting is carried out. But during construction in winter it is not allowed to use standard concrete, which consists of sand and cement. Therefore, substances with complex chemical composition. Additives prevent concrete from freezing, plus they improve adhesion to building materials.

Backfilling of fence posts. At the first stage, with this method, as in other options, the area is cleared of snow and markings are applied. Then they are executed earthworks. Drilling equipment or a special automatic drill for drilling holes can be used. This slightly increases the cost of work, but if you decide to install in winter, this is the only the right way out. In this case, the depth of the holes during concreting may be slightly less.

A pole is lowered into the hole and leveled strictly perpendicular to the ground. This stage must be performed especially carefully, since an error of just a couple of degrees can lead to the collapse of the entire structure. The next stage is filling with rubble. For these purposes, crushed stone or medium-sized gravel can be used. When the hole is filled with rubble, the post is securely fixed and is not afraid of adverse weather conditions. When the butting work is completed, all that remains is to install the fence spans; construction at this stage can be considered completed. Of course, erecting fences in winter may cost a little more, but this is a small price to pay for reliability, beauty and safety.

The Alisma company offers its services for the manufacture and installation of fences. Our company will manufacture and install any fences from any material, metal, forged, corrugated and others. We have many years of experience installing fences in winter, so you don’t have to worry about quality.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to install a fence in winter will be in the affirmative. But when performing work and designing, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that will prevent troubles and extend the service life of the structure.

There are three types of fences:

  • lungs;
  • average;
  • heavy.

When building in the cold season, it is recommended to choose the first group. Such fences include structures made of corrugated sheets, metal rods, mesh, picket fences, etc. These options do not require much work earthworks, which significantly reduces labor intensity.

Is it possible to install a fence in winter if it is classified as medium or heavy? Yes, you can. This type includes options made of concrete, brick, corrugated sheets with brick pillars, etc. But it is important to know that for them you will need to make more powerful foundations: concrete pillars, piles or tape. In winter, it is more difficult to do such work, so it is recommended to focus on lightweight structures.

IN general case Do-it-yourself fence construction in winter is carried out in four stages:

  • clearing the area of ​​snow and dirt, marking;
  • installation of foundations and fence posts;
  • securing spans;
  • installation of gates and gates.

Disadvantages of performing work in winter

Before starting work, you need to assess its feasibility. Construction at temperatures below +5°С - difficult task. Most materials are not recommended for use in colder weather. This is especially true for concrete and cement mortars.

Speaking of disadvantages, it is worth mentioning the inconvenience. A person will need warm clothing that restricts movement. In this case, all processes will be performed much slower than in the warm season.

The second disadvantage is the complexity of soil development. Frozen soil is difficult to dig. Work slows down and labor costs increase. In this case, special equipment or additional measures may be required.

When working with concrete, we must not forget about its hardening. The material gains brand strength (the one indicated in the brand) in 28 days at an average temperature of 20°C. At temperatures below +5°C, strength development practically stops. At the same time, the properties of concrete change, which leads to the formation of cracks and premature destruction.

Fences in winter months installed only when absolutely necessary. In other cases, it is better to postpone the issue until spring, since the most important disadvantages of the design will be its cost and quality.

Construction of the foundation

To build a fence in winter, you need to find out the characteristics of the soil on the site. To do this, pits are torn to the depth of the intended support plus 50 cm. Before starting work, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with GOST "Soils. Classification". In that regulatory document definitions and distinctive features are given different types soil.

Lightweight structures

When choosing the type of foundation, it is important to take into account the strength and heaving of the base for the fence. Installing a corrugated fence in winter involves deepening metal racks above-ground part without the use of special foundations. They give the following recommendations depending on the land on the site:

  • Non-heaving soil with good bearing capacity (coarse, medium or coarse sand). In this case, the fence posts are buried by 80-100 cm (but not less than one-third of the height above the ground). To do this, dig holes, install supports and perform backfill with seal (you can use the water infusion method). Holes in private construction are made using garden borer. To ensure stability during gusts of wind and other loads, they are concreted top part stands at the surface of the ground. The thickness of the concrete is 30 cm.
  • Heaving soil with good bearing capacity (semi-hard and hard-plastic clays, loams or sandy loams). In this case, it is necessary to prevent frost heaving. The rack is secured in the same way as in the previous case, but a damper layer is additionally provided. To do this, part of the soil around the support is replaced with non-heaving material (sand, crushed stone, gravel). The depth of soil replacement should be 20-30 cm greater than the freezing depth. This characteristic depends on the climate and is assigned by calculation, special tables or maps.
  • Weak soils(loose, water-saturated, silty, clayey, soft-plastic, black soil). In this case, it is recommended to replace the soil to prevent frost heaving. The depth of support of the rack is set to 80-100 cm. Concreting of the upper part of the support must be provided. The thickness of the concrete is assumed to be 60-80 cm. For the work, material of class B15 or grade M200 is used.

When building a fence from corrugated sheets in winter, backfilling is most often used instead of concreting. This option helps prevent the supports from loosening and the structure from tipping over. The advantages include the ability to use at any temperature and weather conditions, no need to wait for time to gain strength (for concrete, this process takes 4 weeks in the summer, and lasts longer in winter).

On heaving soils backfill replaces the damping layer. In winter bulk material can bulge out of the ground under the influence of frost heaving forces. After the soil thaws, everything returns to its place.

The diameter of the backfill is set to 150-200 mm, the depth for weak and heaving soils is 1.2-1.5 m (the length of the fence post is also increased to these values ​​or assigned more). The material used is crushed stone, gravel or small stone. Backfilling is done in layers of 20 cm, compacting each separately. Tamping at one time (throughout the entire thickness) is not allowed. For compaction, hand tampers and vibrating plates are used. The first option is more common in private construction. But such a tool requires physical strength and is only suitable for small volumes.

Metallic ones are also used as supports for fence posts made of corrugated sheets. screw piles with a diameter of 76-89 mm. They allow you to avoid soil development; there is no need to work with concrete. With the help of such elements it is possible to significantly reduce labor, time and financial costs. When installing a pile, you must strictly monitor its verticality.

Massive structures

If you use brick or concrete, installing a fence in winter will become more difficult. The type of foundation is chosen depending on the characteristics of the soil and the mass of the structure.

  • well drilling;
  • installation metal frames and casing pipe as necessary;
  • concreting.

The advantages include high load-bearing capacity and resistance to frost heaving. In this case, the support depth can be set above the freezing mark. To make a well with widening, a special drill is used. It is equipped with knives that fold back when the desired depth is reached.

To connect the individual elements into a single whole, a grillage is erected, often from reinforced concrete. When building on heaving soils, it is made hanging (distance from the ground 10-20 cm). To ensure such a gap, foam or sand is placed under the tape. The first has low strength and contracts when the soil bulges. The grillage is not affected. After the concrete has gained strength, the sand is removed from under the structure. In this case, an air gap is formed between the surface of the earth and the tape.

Another option for a foundation for a massive fence is a columnar one. It is built from prefabricated concrete blocks or monolithic technology. When installing fence posts in winter, it is easier to choose a prefabricated type of underground part. In this case, there will be no problems with liquid concrete. But foundation blocks have three disadvantages:

  • expensive transportation;
  • high complexity of installation, need for labor resources;
  • the need for heavy-duty equipment (one block weighs hundreds of kilograms).
  • All these factors increase the cost of construction.

Usage strip supports under a fence is not recommended. This is not economically feasible. This design increases the volume of excavation work, which is difficult to perform in the cold season and is characterized by high material consumption.

Features of soil development

To carry out excavation work in the cold season, builders mainly use four methods:

  • frost prevention;
  • defrosting;
  • loosening;
  • development of frozen soil without additional preparation.

To prevent the ground from freezing, work begins in the fall. The building plot is covered thermal insulation materials or special foam. Sometimes salt solutions are introduced into the soil to prevent freezing.

Thawing is a labor-intensive and expensive method. It can be carried out by fire, using hot houses and reverberatory furnaces, horizontal and vertical electrodes, steam, hot water, electricity, saline solutions and so on.

Loosening is carried out mechanically and explosively. The latter is relevant when large sizes plot for construction. It is not suitable for a fence.

Pouring concrete

The following technologies are used for concrete work in cold weather:

  1. Isolation of the structure from environment(creation of a “thermos”). To do this, the solution is poured into warm formwork and additionally covered on top. A mixture with a temperature of +15 to +30 ° C is used, strength is gained due to the initial heat content. To speed up the process, additives are introduced into the concrete, and it is also heated for a short time. initial stage to a temperature of 60-80°, followed by compaction in this state.
  2. Electric heating of the mixture laid in the formwork to permissible temperatures(not higher than +30°С). The process is not stopped until the structure reaches the required strength.
  3. Antifreeze additives and hardening accelerators. Such substances make it possible to reduce the freezing temperature of concrete to -20°C during the construction of a fence (for the construction of more critical structures, the maximum value will be -15°C).

In winter time concrete mixture prepared in heated rooms independently or ordered from factories. All components must be protected from snow and cold during storage; outdoor storage is not allowed.

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