Frame installation of PVC panels. How to make lathing for plastic panels yourself? How to make a lathing for the ceiling

Mounting plastic panels on the surface of a wall or ceiling is quite simple. You just need to know how to make a sheathing for plastic panels. Lathing is a structure made of wooden slats, metal or plastic profiles. It is attached to the surface using dowels or nails. You can level the walls and fill the voids with soundproofing material and insulation by installing sheathing.

How the sheathing is made

To install the cladding and panels, you need to prepare certain tools and materials:

  • smooth wooden slats without knots;
  • instead of slats, you can use metal or plastic profiles;
  • antiseptic for treating slats;
  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • drill with drills;
  • dowels or nails;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw for metal;
  • sharp knife;
  • square;
  • miter box;
  • stapler with staples;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • step ladder.

First you need to install slats around the perimeter of the surface to be treated. Use a level to control the horizontality and verticality of the bars. Fill the middle of the rectangle with other slats, placing them at intervals of 30-50 cm. The result should be an even and durable structure. The slats are attached to the wall or ceiling with dowels.

In the same way, you can make an auxiliary structure for fastening plastic products using metal and plastic guides. Panels are attached to such a sheathing. Designs from metal parts much stronger than wood and plastic, but are expensive. The plastic cladding products themselves can be purchased in any color. Their standard length— 270-300 cm. They saw and cut well ordinary tools. This allows you to create coatings of various profiles and purposes. Behind them you can hide sewer and water pipes, wires and other elements.

Installation of panels on the frame

To work, you need to purchase finishing and accessories for it. All products must lie indoors for 2 days in winter and 12 hours in summer. If necessary, they can be cut. The cut panel should be 5-10 mm smaller than required. You need to cut across from the part that has a thickening. It is better to cut moldings using a miter box.

The installation of panels can have different patterns: vertically, horizontally, diagonally. The location of the base structural elements on the wall - the lathing - completely depends on this. It is customary to start by installing the starting molding in the corner between the wall and the ceiling, the wall and the floor, and adjacent walls. The panel is then inserted into the groove and leveled. You will need a level for leveling. After alignment, the free edge of the product is secured with a stapler. The further quality of installation depends on the correctness of its installation. Last panel not attached to the sheathing. It is simply fixed with the previous part in the lock. It can be cut to width with a sharp knife.

PVC products are good because you can get excellent results and complete all installation work quickly and without unnecessary dirt and dust. All that remains is to install the baseboards and wipe the resulting surface with a clean soft cloth. The panels are not afraid of moisture; they can be used to cover walls and ceilings in the bathroom and toilet, in the sauna and boiler room.

In a room with absolutely smooth walls It is not necessary to do the sheathing. In this case, the panels are attached directly to the wall using glue.

The lathing on the ceiling should be some distance from its surface. This is due to the fact that all wiring must be hidden behind the cladding. Lamps are often inserted into the cladding various designs. Then the distance between the sheathing elements and the ceiling will be 10-15 cm. You need to cut holes in the plastic panels for installing lighting fixture bases and insert them. Next are installed starting profiles and the panels themselves. When installing, certain rules must be followed.

The ceiling should always be absolutely horizontal. To achieve this, you need:

  • find the lowest corner in the room;
  • Using a level, draw a line around the perimeter of the room;
  • install the outermost elements of the sheathing, beams or profiles along the line using dowels;
  • stretch a fishing line between them, which will assist in installing the following parts of the sheathing under the plastic panels.

The remaining slats are installed so that the panels are located along the flow of light.

The distance between the slats is left 30 cm so that there is no sagging of the PVC later.

  1. It is recommended to turn the panels face up when drilling and cutting panels. You can cut with a jigsaw, hacksaw, or knife. It is better to wear safety glasses when cutting.
  2. When working without lathing, glue is applied to the wall. The mesh is applied without gaps. The best glue for this job is liquid nails.
  3. When nailing panels, try not to hit the front side.
  4. When caring for a tiled surface, you can use detergents without abrasives and solvents.

Installing sheathing under plastic panels is a feasible task even for beginners.

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Choosing the least expensive and at the same time fairly simple finishing method, many opt for plastic panels. They are easy to install on our own, do not require any special equipment or tools, and after finishing there is not a lot of debris left behind.

The variety of colors and textures only adds to their positive qualities.

But there is one nuance - not everyone knows how to make sheathing for plastic panels. There seems to be nothing complicated about this, but many are put off by the need to assemble such a frame, and they choose other finishing options.

In fact, everything is extremely simple and no special tools or skills are required to assemble the base for finishing. Anyone who knows how to hold a drill, hacksaw and screwdriver can mount the frame.

What to make from

The choice of material for the manufacture of the frame is an important stage. Here you should take into account the features of the room where the finishing will be done.

Very often, simply wooden blocks are used. They are perfect for rooms with normal humidity and slight temperature fluctuations.

In wet areas It is better to abandon the tree. Over time, the wood may swell due to humidity and the block will “lead”, and with it the finishing elements.

Aluminum profiles are a great choice. They are universal and can be used not only for installing drywall.

They are easy to attach and different sizes and types will allow you to assemble a base of absolutely any configuration.

It’s convenient to work with them, and you can fasten all parts of the structure using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, which speeds up the assembly process.

Plastic is also used for these purposes. Basically, elements made of plastic are used for mounting panels on walls, but sometimes they are also used for ceiling mounting.

Due to the peculiarities of their design, they are very easily attached to surfaces.

Installation process

In order to install a frame from any selected material, you will first need to apply markings to the wall or ceiling. To do this, a diagram is often drawn on paper, and then, in accordance with the drawing, markings are made on the surfaces where the base elements will be attached.

For example, a diagram for finishing a balcony will look like this, with minor variations.

The principles of drawing up a diagram and subsequent assembly of the entire frame remain the same, regardless of the room and location of attachment.

Having a drawing will allow you to calculate the materials in advance and the amount of necessary fastening fittings.

It is easier to fasten the structure along the marked marking lines so that each part is in its place. This will not only make the base more beautiful, as many people think, but also helps to accurately fit into the pre-calculated amount of material.

After marking, you can begin to assemble all the structural elements together and mount them on the surface. All parts are attached using dowels and screws.

When working with plastic sheathing, you must take one point into account.

To fix the decorative strips, special clips - locks - are used here. In order for them all to snap tightly and securely, you need to position the frame elements strictly perpendicular to the future location of the covering strips. Otherwise, the clips will not be able to securely fix the panels.

Having secured the last part of the frame, you can begin to install the plastic panels.

For ceilings, the lathing for plastic panels is assembled from parts that will be fixed to the walls around the perimeter of the room, and transverse components.

The parts of the structure located around the perimeter are fixed first. They must be positioned strictly horizontally, as this ensures the horizontality of the future ceiling.

The principles of working with wooden blocks are no different from the methods of assembling a base from any other material. They are fixed to the surface in exactly the same way, according to the scheme, using dowels and screws.

Plastic panels are attached to the resulting base. Wooden blocks provide several benefits when used for sheathing.

Firstly, you can attach all other elements to them using a construction stapler. This will greatly speed up the further installation process.

Well, their second advantage will be the price. The slats are inexpensive, you just need to choose ones whose humidity does not go beyond 18%. Then they will not deform when drying.


Assembling the sheathing is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. If you approach the installation responsibly, the whole process will not take much time, and you can do everything on your own.

Anyone who can handle a drill and a regular hacksaw can assemble similar design, and there is no need to involve someone else for these purposes.

When it comes to choosing a finish for the bathroom, the classic option that immediately comes to mind is ceramic tiles.

Indeed, thanks to such qualities as moisture resistance, strength and durability, this material has gained deserved popularity among buyers.

At the same time, more and more new types of finishes are appearing on the market, in no way inferior to the usual options.


The bathroom is a small room, there are many communications in it, and there is always high humidity. Here are the main factors to consider when choosing finishing materials. PVC panels fully meet these criteria.

Let's take a closer look at their advantages:

If you don't want to shell out a fortune to buy ceramic tiles and paying for the services of a laying specialist, PVC sheets can be an excellent alternative.

What should you pay attention to when choosing?

On the market finishing materials There is a wide selection of PVC panels available. Here's what you need to pay attention to when purchasing:

Tip: buy sheets from the same batch, this way you will protect yourself from differences in color shades different parties.

What tools and materials may be needed?

As we have already noted, it is easy to install the panels yourself. Installation of PVC sheets for walls is carried out in two main ways: fastening to lathing or using liquid nails.

Here are the tools you will need for this:

  • Hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Hammer or drill;
  • Roulette;
  • Construction stapler;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Liquid nails, if you choose this installation method.

To calculate the material, you need to know the area of ​​the room. Then we find out the area of ​​the board by multiplying the width by the length. To find out the number of boards, you need to divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the panel.

This is easy to do: for example, the width of a standard sheet is 25 centimeters. If the perimeter of your room is 8 meters, you will need 32 panels. Take 3-4 more boards to protect yourself.

When the materials have been purchased and the tools have been prepared, you can proceed to the next stage.

The amount of preparatory work depends on the method of installing wall panels that you have chosen.

If you are going to glue sheets onto liquid nails, you need to level the surface and treat it with an antifungal primer.

But most likely you will have to cover the walls with plasterboard.

If you mount it on the lathing, it’s enough to get rid of the old finish and free the room from unnecessary things.

Features of installation work

First, you need to choose the lathing material. Bath - a room with permanent high level humidity. Therefore, we advise you not to choose wooden version, but a plastic or metal sheathing. After all, under the influence of water and temperature, over time, wood can not only become a breeding ground for fungus, but also swell and crack, which will damage the entire structure.

When installing lathing on walls, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • If you skipped the stage of leveling the walls, use a level that will allow you to correctly install the sheathing;
  • The slats are attached at a distance of 50 cm from each other;
  • The slats are located perpendicular to the PVC panels.

Please note: when attaching slats to the ceiling, the step should be 30-40 cm.

After the sheathing is ready, you can immediately begin attaching the boards. As a rule, installation starts from the corner that catches your eye the most.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • The so-called “starting” profile is being installed;
  • The panel's fastening stick is inserted into the lower corner;
  • The sheet is attached to the sheathing with a stapler or screws;
  • All other panels are installed in the same way;
  • On final stage Skirting boards are being installed to hide all the gaps.

Please note: in places doorways, and windows, correctly install the panels using the starting corner.

If any flaws appear in the form of gaps between the panels, be sure to seal them with sealant. You can choose the mounting method - vertical or horizontal, but we recommend vertical.

This will not only allow drops of water to flow freely, but will also visually enlarge the room. As you can see, installing panels with your own hands is not only easy, but also quick.

Cost of materials

The price of the material depends on the size of the panel. The most common:

  • In length they are: 2700 mm, 3000 mm, 6000 mm;
  • The width is 250 mm or 375 mm;
  • Thickness 8, 10 mm.

A standard panel with a width of 2700X250 mm costs from 130 rubles. per sq. m.

For products with thermal printing you will have to pay 15% more.

  • Tip #1: choose the right width of the product - if the room is small, standard panels will do;
  • Tip #2: wide boards (more than 25 cm) are convenient to use on the ceiling.

As we have already noted, you can do the installation of panels on walls yourself. Let's calculate how much we can save on the services of a master. This is easy to do: if you take the average price per 1 sq. m. about 350 rubles, then finishing an ordinary bath 1.5X2.5 m will cost about 6,000 rubles.

Using PVC panels to decorate bathroom walls, you can achieve not only high performance aesthetics and practicality, but also save a lot.

Finishing materials for the ceiling are presented in a wide variety, so choosing the preferred option is easy. To do this, be guided by your own preferences, interior style and requirements for quality and reliability indicators. One of the popular options is PVC panels.

They are distinguished by their versatility and ease of use, including for wall surfaces. The installation process is simple, so everyone can do it with their own hands, starting with creating the frame. The main thing is to create a durable sheathing for the structure made of PVC panels. It will guarantee that ceiling structure it will be reliable and durable.

Attention! Pay attention to all the details when creating a structure that acts as a frame, strictly following the instructions on the video, which will show the stages of the process.

What is sheathing or frame?

The sheathing is the basis of the structure. It implies the ability to mount panels on the ceiling and walls of rooms. Frames are made from various materials, including plastic.

Among the advantages of this option are the following:

  1. Resistant to temperature changes.
  2. Easy to install on any surface, including walls.
  3. Resistance to moisture.
  4. Possibility to use repeatedly, saving money.
  5. Resistant to deformation.

Frames are also made from other materials. Among them are metal profiles or wooden slats. Wood is not resistant to moisture and temperature changes, which will negatively affect the operation of the sheathing for walls and ceilings. The result is visible deformation. A metal structure is not always suitable for PVC, as it becomes too heavy an option.

When compared to these materials, PVC frame has advantages. Among them are the simplicity and efficiency of installation, including for wall surfaces. The panels are easily attached to each other, eliminating the formation of gaps or cracks. Additionally, clips are used to ensure a secure fit to the wall or surface.

Another one positive trait– resistance to mold and mildew. Plastic structures are fireproof and easily tolerate moisture and dampness, which cannot be said about their wooden or metal counterparts. If required, a plastic frame is used as a cable for organizing wiring.

What will be useful during the creation process?

You can create it yourself. This process is simple, and everyone probably has the tools needed for this at home. If desired, you can call the command experienced craftsmen who will quickly cope with the task assigned to them. But doing it yourself will give you a reason to be proud of your own successes.

Prepare the following tools:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Drill.
  3. Tape measure or ruler.
  4. Building level, optimal choice– water option.
  5. Hacksaw.

This is enough to create a PVC frame. Despite the fact that the cost will be more expensive than a wooden one, the result will pleasantly surprise you. There is no need to use antiseptics, and the installation itself is based on the use of special clip-fasteners, which facilitates the process.

Remember that decorative elements attached to plastic frame in a perpendicular position relative to the structural elements. Compliance with this simple recommendation guarantees the quality of the fastening and the absence of problems later.

Stages of installation of the structure

To ensure successful installation of PVC lathing, follow the recommendations of professionals. The first thing people pay attention to is the distance between the slats. This is true for both ceilings and walls. Optimal distance– step of 30 cm. The PVC slats themselves are placed in a perpendicular position to the panels. In other words, if the panels are mounted in a vertical position, the slats are fastened horizontally and in the reverse order.

An important point marking appears. It is carried out at the initial stage. Without this, it will not be possible to create a high-quality frame for the ceiling or walls. If you find it difficult to mark yourself, watch the video. It will introduce you to the details of the marking process for the ceiling and walls.

The frame is fastened along the perimeter of the room; to do this, measure the length of the walls, finding the lowest angle, draw a horizontal line from it, along which they begin to mount the frame. Panels from PVC material are joined together using a hacksaw and a miter box. These tools will allow you to get a good cut on the panels with minimal dimensions. The material is fastened every 25-30 cm.

If desired, you can make this process easier. To do this, pull the fishing line along marking line. This makes installation easier and reduces the likelihood of errors.

If you have been able to appreciate the advantages of PVC lathing and ceiling and wall cladding plastic panels, carefully prepare for the installation process. To perform the steps correctly, watch the video. It will allow you to understand the intricacies of the process of creating a ceiling, and avoid typical mistakes. Video is the best assistant that guarantees that the cladding is done correctly.

A finishing material that is very popular today is plastic panels. They found theirs wide application and help create modern decor V different rooms. Such material is often used in educational institutions, private apartments, trading floors, on loggias and balconies.


Greater demand for PVC panels can be explained by the following qualitative characteristics:

  • at an affordable price, which allows renovation work at low cost;
  • ease of installation without the use of special equipment and tools;
  • a variety of texture options, thanks to which you can create a unique interior;
  • environmental safety;
  • several size options and low weight;
  • extremely resistant to fungus and moisture.

Plastic panels are durable material, but subject to their correct installation and careful care. Any mechanical impact can damage the finish.


The lathing allows the installation of plastic panels in rooms with high humidity, constant temperature changes, or in those that are not heated at all. A special installation process prevents material deformation under the influence of factors environment.

The following types of fastening of PVC panels can be distinguished:

  1. without a frame, but it is used infrequently and only on perfectly flat surfaces;
  2. lathing or frame method.

Creating a frame for the subsequent installation of plastic panels is a guarantee of high-quality fixation of the material, regardless of whether the surface is flat or not. Before you begin installation, you should decide on the type of frame.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account the magnitude of the height differences on the surface that is being processed, the characteristics of the humidity level in the room, your skills and material security. The sheathing is an important part of the structure; thanks to it, installation is carried out easily and without special costs to level the surface. This fastening option will allow you to install the panels in any type of room and microclimate, where it will last for many years.


The manufacture of the frame can be based on metal slats, wood beams or plastic slats.

Made of wood

Wood slats are an inexpensive and widely available material for making a frame. The peculiarity of using this material is that it should not be used in rooms with high humidity. The choice of slats should be responsible and thoughtful. The bars should not be bent, crooked or poorly dried. The advantages of using wooden sheathing include its ease of processing, as well as its low cost. But she also has significant shortcomings, for example, a tendency to rodent damage, rotting and low fire safety. That is why this material should be treated with special substances immediately before installation. If the mounting surface has differences in height, then this frame option will be the most suitable.

Wooden beam quite simple to process, so if necessary it can be easily adjusted to fit right size. Little weight does not overload the walls, so it is applicable in rooms for various purposes. But also important is the absolute naturalness of the material and the inability to cause allergic reactions.

Made of metal

Metallic profile- This is a reliable and durable frame. This option can be installed in rooms with any humidity, regardless of temperature regime. The main advantage of such lathing is the ability to use it on any surface, with any curvatures and height differences. IN Lately Molding is popular. Thanks to metal structures, you can safely install built-in lighting equipment into the walls.

These profiles also have significant disadvantages:

  • installation will require special skills;
  • the process is difficult and time-consuming;
  • quite high cost;
  • high consumption of materials.

Installation of a metal frame under PVC panels guarantees fire safety, as well as a long service life, unlike other materials. Compared to wood, metal sheathing retains its geometric and linear parameters, does not undergo deformation under the influence of the environment, does not rot, does not rust, does not require processing by special means protection.

Made of plastic

This type of lathing can be used in rooms with the most different levels humidity. Any craftsman can easily create such a design. As for the cost, it is not too expensive. Each element of such a frame is small in thickness and can be installed in rooms with low ceilings. This great option lathing, but it can’t always be found in stores. Plastic construction is fixed on surfaces that do not have irregularities or curvatures, or they are insignificant. If there are strong defects, a good result will not be achieved.

The advantages of plastic include:

  • inability to deform;
  • resistance to the spread of mold and mildew;
  • Possibility of quick and easy installation.

The main disadvantages include susceptibility to defects on the surface, as well as the price, which will be higher than in the version with wood.

Preparatory work

The preparation stage is present in any work. In some cases, repairs and decoration require many activities, in other situations only minor corrections are needed. The work begins with thinking about all the sequential actions, counting the number required material and its procurement. When the process of purchasing plastic panels occurs, it is better to purchase everything required amount immediately, since the products must be from the same batch. Otherwise, a situation may arise when it will be difficult to find a suitable product that matches the tone. It is also better to buy material with a small supply in order to make a quick replacement if necessary.

The process of preparing for the installation of sheathing includes not only the purchase of material, but also preparation necessary tools. This is important so as not to prolong the work and not look for equipment during the process.

In such a procedure it is difficult to do without the following items:

  • drills, screwdrivers;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction knife;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • pencil;
  • consumables;
  • screws, dowels, clips.

To build a correct and stable sheathing, you need to put in a lot of effort and invest money.

Some tips that will contribute to an excellent outcome of the process.

  1. It is necessary to maintain the distance between the slats, it is advisable to keep them the same. The most suitable distance is considered to be 30 cm, but 50 is acceptable.
  2. Installation of frame slats should be done perpendicular to future plastic panels. The vertical panel is attached to the horizontal slats and vice versa.
  3. Due attention should be paid to the placement of strips at the beginning and end of the surfaces where work takes place. Openings for windows and doors do not need to be ignored.

If installation occurs wooden frame, then a mandatory indicator that is controlled is the humidity in the room and the material itself; for wood it should be no more than 15 percent. The basic rule that must be followed during installation plastic sheathing, is to install plastic strips perpendicular to the PVC panels, only in this way will it be possible to secure the clip.

Concerning metal frame, then its installation will be much more profitable, if gypsum board slabs are installed in parallel with it, then it goes significant savings material through the use of scraps. It is important to remember that only with properly executed crating will it be possible reliable design With long term beneficial use.

Installation features

This work process is the most important, so it should be taken with full responsibility. The final result will depend on the correct installation of the sheathing. It is worth starting marking the perimeter from the area that sticks out more than the others; it will become the basis for an even finishing panel layer. Using chalk, tape measure, slats, it is worth drawing the contours along which the frame will be installed. If slats are mounted, then it is used electric drill and level. The elements are fastened to each other and to the wall using screws and dowels. The space that is formed between the wall and the sheathing is filled with insulation. They are able to retain heat in rooms and additionally soundproof.

Wooden sheathing for PVC panels is done as follows:

  • the timber is treated with antiseptics;
  • slats are fastened along the perimeter of the surface, forming a square or rectangular closed perimeter;
  • guides are fixed;
  • jumpers are installed;
  • The panels are installed using self-tapping screws.

Stages of performing plastic sheathing:

  • markings in increments of at least forty centimeters;
  • fastening plastic elements using dowels;
  • installation of plastic panels using clips that are inserted into special connectors.

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