The drill does not switch to drilling. How to drill correctly: drilling from “a” to “z” Drilling various holes with an electric drill

In the repair industry, the ability to drill correctly is one of the basic skills. In addition to the general rules, it is important to take into account all the nuances when working with a specific material: concrete, tile, metal, etc. All issues related to drilling will be covered in this article.

As already mentioned, drilling is the most common activity for a repairman, and therefore it is important to immediately learn a few basic rules associated with this activity.

  • Use of suitable tools. There are many drills, each of which is designed for a specific type of material. Therefore, you should not try to drill concrete with a wood drill and vice versa. It is also important to consider the conditions in which the tool will be used. For example, for repairs in interior spaces You can’t use industrial drills (it’s simply unsafe). It is also important to take into account resistance to moisture: for outdoor work you will need a tool of class IP34 if the climate in the area is humid and IP32 if you have to work in good weather. IPX2/ can be used indoors
  • Correct markup. Before starting any work, it is important to carefully and accurately mark the drilling locations with a marker. You can also put paper tape under the marker to prevent the drill from slipping on the material.
  • Selecting the required drilling speed. Here everything depends equally on both the material and the diameter of the blade. If we are talking about very thin drills (with a diameter of less than 3 mm), then you need to work at low speeds, less than four hundred per minute. For other drills, the following rule applies: the thinner the drill, the higher the drilling speed required.

It is also important to ensure that the handle is securely attached to the shaft of the hand drill. The drill must also not be allowed to skew.

Subtleties of drilling for various materials

How to drill metal correctly + (Video)

The first thing to start with is the selection of drills. They are distinguished by a sharp edge designed to allow the drill to easily penetrate the metal. Conventional drills for metal are good for not too hard metals like copper or aluminum, but for something harder (for example, stainless steel) you need to take products made of titanium carbide or chromium-vanadium alloy.

We should also talk about optimal speeds. A common mistake For beginners, the problem is using too many revolutions. In fact, for hard metals, medium speeds are used: for example, brass one centimeter thick will be optimally drilled at a speed of 2000-2500 rpm.

There are a few more points to cover. So:

  • If a thin iron plate needs to be drilled, it must be secured between two pieces of wood. This is done so that the sheet of metal does not tear off.
  • It is necessary to use lubricating oil from time to time to cool the drill and facilitate the drilling process.
  • If you need to make a hole in the pipe, it must be securely fastened. To prevent the pipe from being flattened by the drill, a piece of hard wood should be placed inside.

If you follow these simple rules, then even a beginner will be able to perform high-quality drilling.

How to drill concrete walls + (Video)

Drill into walls Everyday life it is necessary most often, because without this it is impossible to hang a shelf, a cabinet, or install a cornice. Of course, it is better to use a hammer drill or impact drill. These tools are powerful enough to handle hard materials like concrete or brick. However, if the wall thickness does not exceed 10-12 cm, then you can get by a regular drill. But you shouldn’t take risks if you only have a low-power tool at your disposal - if it comes into contact with concrete, it can simply break. If the drill is selected correctly, then the following tips will be useful:

Although to drill concrete wall using a drill is generally possible, but you should still do it with caution. Otherwise, the damage can be quite serious. It is better to use specialized tools for this.

How to work with tiles using a drill + (Video)

Often people who do not have extensive experience in the field of repairs are afraid to drill into such a fragile material as tiles. However, this can become an urgent necessity, because you need something to attach various cabinets and shelves in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. Alas, in many respects the condition of the tile after drilling is determined not by the master who takes up the drill, but by the one who laid the tile. A competent tiler lays the tiles so that no voids form between the tiles and the wall. In this case, careful drilling will not harm the tile in any way. If there are “air pockets” between the wall and the tile, then most likely the tile will crack.

In order to properly drill a tile, you need to take a drill, masking tape, a hammer drill (or powerful drill with concrete drills). Next you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. The drilling location is marked with a piece masking tape and a marker. The tape is here to prevent the nail from sliding on the surface of the tile.
  2. Drilling is carried out strictly perpendicular to the material. The number of revolutions should increase gradually: from the minimum possible to 150-200 revolutions per minute. This way you can avoid damage to both the material and the tool.
  3. It is important to ensure that the drill does not overheat. If smoke starts coming out, the drill needs to be cooled down immediately.

Once the holes are made, you can insert dowels into them. This is done with a hammer.

Drilling cast iron - how to do it correctly + (Video)

Cast iron is enough hard material, so drilling it is very, very difficult. Besides, cast iron products fragile, so it is important not to crumble them. Like other materials, cast iron has its own subtleties when it comes to drilling.

  • There's no rush. This is probably most important rule when working with cast iron. Everything must be done slowly, with extreme care and attention.
  • The drill must be made of a very hard and durable alloy, in addition, it must be perfectly sharpened. To prevent cast iron from crumbling, you need to take drills with an angle of 114-119 degrees.
  • It is unacceptable for the drill to overheat. Sometimes they don’t pay attention to the fact that the instrument is overheated. And this can lead to poor quality work or even breakdown.

How to carefully drill through wood + (Video)

Wood is one of the “easiest” materials when working with a drill. However, there are some subtleties here too.

  • The drilling speed directly depends on the type of wood. Loose, not too hard types of wood will be suitable even for a low-power device. Of course, the expected diameter of the hole also plays a role - the larger it is, the more powerful the drill is needed.
  • To make holes big size, must be used special drills-crowns. Their diameter can exceed 120 mm. As for depth, on average crowns are suitable for materials with a thickness of up to 20-22 mm, but there are also special models that can cope with thicknesses of more than 60 mm.
  • If you need to make a blind hole rather than a through hole, then Forstner drills, which are available in diameters from 1 to 5 cm, are perfect for this.

We should also talk about drilling timber. Although it is convenient to fix it for further drilling, the large thickness of the material creates certain difficulties. Drilling timber for further fastening in the dowel holes. For standard timber 18 cm thick, it would be best to take a drill with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 36 cm. You will need to drill slowly, at low speeds. In terms of power, a 1300-1500 W drill is perfect. If the beam is not very long, then two holes on each side will be enough. If the length of the beam for the dowels is long enough, then it will be necessary to make an additional hole in the center. After the holes are made, you can drive the dowels into them using a hammer or small sledgehammer.

At what speed should you drill?

One of the important parameters when drilling is the number of revolutions per minute. The speed at which you need to drill depends on the type of material and the type of drill. Eat general rule: the harder the material and the thicker the joint, the lower the number of revolutions per minute should be. As for the specific numbers, they can be seen in the table below.

This table is for conventional twist drills. For specific options (Frostner drill, etc.) drilling speeds various materials slightly different from those above.

How to drill a hole straight + (Video)

A fairly common problem is that the drill slips off the mark and the hole is not made in the right place. Paper tape glued to the top of the tree can help combat this. Also, sometimes similar difficulties arise if you have to work with an overly thick drill. Then you should first make a recess in the material with a thinner drill, and then drill, resting against the mark you made.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of sharpening. If the edges are not sharp enough or sharpened unevenly, problems with drilling accuracy may arise.

How to drill a perpendicular and vertical hole

Although it is sometimes necessary to drill at an angle, most often it is done vertical holes(that is, perpendicular surfaces). In order for drilling to take place strictly at an angle of 90 degrees, it is necessary to use special guides. They will allow you to drill perpendicularly without deviating in any direction.

The simplest guides allow you to make only vertical holes, but there are more complex designs allowing drilling at certain angles.

An electric drill is designed for drilling holes in solid wood. This tool consists of an electric motor, which is connected through a series chain of fasteners to the spindle of the drill chuck.

Most often, twist drills are used for this operation. In addition to its direct purpose, an electric drill is used for polishing, grinding, stirring paints, etc. (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44. Electric drill.

During work, the drill should penetrate into the array gradually, without jerks or jolts. If it is necessary to make a through hole, then the pressure on the wood must be reduced as the drill moves.

When working with a drill, use the following drills:

– spoon;

– center;

– spiral.

U spoon In the lower part of the drill there is a longitudinal groove with a sharp cutting edge and a screw tip, which pulls the drill along with it and gives it a central direction. During drilling, chips are not removed, so the drill must be periodically removed from the hole. It is quite difficult to make an accurate hole with such a drill. When drilling with an electric drill, you should not press the drill too hard, as the wood may split and the entire work will go down the drain. Therefore, the use of a spoon drill is limited only to work that does not require great precision, such as drilling holes for screws.

Center the drill has best characteristics than spoon.

Its cutting part is made in the form of a blade with a sharp end (center), a side cutter (road cutter) and a flat knife located along the radius. The drill is centered with the tip and operates as follows: the wood, cut with the side cutter, is removed with a flat knife in the form of a spiral strip.

If you need to drill into hardwood, quite a lot of physical effort will be required.

Spiral, screw, cylindrical drills are the most convenient. Screw, conical shape The deepening agent helps the drill to enter the wood easily. The side screw strips end with sharp cutters (road cutters), with the help of which the wood is cut in a circle.

The trimmed wood is removed with a flat knife and spiraled upward. Road workers determine the diameter of the hole being drilled. For finishing, it is better to use drills with a finely cut tip. To work with soft wood, you need drills with a large notch. A twist drill is much easier to work with than any other drill.

Sometimes, when drilling, the wood breaks off at the exit point of the drill, and the hole itself becomes beveled. In order to avoid these troubles, you should adhere to the following rules:

– the workpiece that needs to be drilled must be securely fastened;

– the centers of future holes should be marked with an awl or drawn with an ordinary pencil;

– you need to check the accuracy of the drill direction twice: before starting drilling and after the drill enters a shallow depth;

– the direction of the drill when drilling deep holes can be checked by eye, along a line previously marked with a pencil.

To drill blind holes, use a limiter - wooden block, which is placed on the side of the drill and drilled until the stop comes into contact with the chuck.

Before starting work, drill the block with a drill large diameter and receive a device for monitoring the drilling angle.

You can make several holes for different angles, which will subsequently serve as a standard. The necessary notes are made next to each of them to create a universal template.

Very often, wood chips occur in the place where the drill comes out, and to avoid this, you need to carefully monitor the tip coming out: as soon as it appears, you should turn the part over and stop drilling. In principle, drilling in one direction is possible, but then a small block of wood should be placed under the bottom of the workpiece.

Very often there is a need to expand an already drilled hole. To do this, insert a wooden plug into the existing hole and screw a drill into the middle. In this situation, the plug serves as a centering link and guides the drill along the axis of the smaller hole. The drill can also be used as auxiliary tool for hollowing out nests. But this will require a drill whose diameter is equal to the width of the future hole. Drill a series of nests to the required depth, and then remove the remaining jumpers with a chisel. Additional attachments can be purchased for the electric drill, allowing you to significantly expand the range of work with wood (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45. Additional attachments for an electric drill: a – Circular Saw; b – planing knife; c, d – shaped and end mill; d, f – drills; g – countersink; z – perk.

During storage, to protect the drill head from damage, you need to screw a wooden or regular plug of a suitable size onto the tip.

From the book: Korshever N. G. Works on wood and glass

1. Before starting work, you need to check the serviceability electric wire and forks.

2. Before starting drilling, it is necessary to check the operation of the drill at idle speed, and also make sure that there is no beating of the drill. If necessary, the drill should either be replaced or refastened.

3. When drilling holes in workpieces made of high-strength steels, use a cutting fluid.

4. Stop the rotation of the electric drill only after removing the drill from the hole.

Pneumatic drills

Pneumatic drills(Fig. 3.69) are available in two versions: light type (Fig. 3.69, a) and heavy type (Fig. 3.69, b). Due to the fact that the drive of pneumatic drills is carried out from a centralized network compressed air or an individual compressor, they allow you to perform work of a very different nature: in different conditions, including in hard to reach places. The most interesting designs have drilling machines models D-2 and USM-25.

Manual drilling pneumatic machine D-2(Fig. 3.70) has a spindle speed of 2500 rpm at an air pressure in the network of 0.5 MPa and a mass of 1.8 kg. The pneumatic machine has a handle b, a rotor 3, a nozzle 2, a cartridge 1, a button 4 and a nipple 5. It comes with a set of angular and jig nozzles, which are fixed in the machine body, which allows processing in hard-to-reach places.

Manual drilling pneumatic machine USM-25(Fig. 3.71) is widely used in metalworking, assembly and repair work. It consists of a body 4 onto which a head 3 is screwed. A pneumatic reducer is installed inside the body and head with a spindle located on it at an angle of 90° with a three-jaw chuck 2 with a drill 1. The air hose is secured to the threaded nipple of the body with a nut 6. Air supply into the machine gearbox is carried out by pressing button 5.

Everyone good mood! Today we’ll look at the issue of drilling precise holes in solid metal with a drill. The topic may seem quite simple, but still, there are certain secrets of skill, having mastered which you will drill holes with particular ease.

Drilling holes in metal using a drill and special tools.

At home, you often have to deal with the need to drill holes in metal to install fasteners and other mechanical parts. Although using a conventional hand-held electric drill in some cases it is possible to drill holes quite accurately, however, to obtain High Quality work should be used vertically drilling machine. To change the rotation speed of the machine, you need to move the drive belt from one pulley to another.

Drill selection.

Regardless of the drilling device used, the size and shape drilled hole determined by the drill used. Cylindrical hole(sometimes geometrically not quite correct) usually drilled twist drill. This drill is a pointed metal cylinder with a spiral channel running along the axis of the drill. In soft metals such as aluminum and copper, these drills often produce holes with jagged edges. To drill into such metals, you can use a drill bit for sheet material, which is made in the form of a cone and has one cutting edge on the side.

Holes in metal should always be drilled using high-speed drills. Made from the hardest steels, these drill bits range in diameter from 0.5mm to 25mm or more.

Marking of drills and design features.

One of the options for marking drills (according to sizes) is to indicate their diameter in millimeters. Can be used instead of a drill for drilling large recesses hole saw- a cylinder with teeth that can cut holes up to 150 mm in size and up to two-thirds the height of the saw itself. You can also use a special drill, which differs from the usual one by the presence of an elongated L-shaped cutting edge. Special drills are available for drilling conical or cylindrical recesses for the heads of fasteners, such as bolts, rivets or screws.

To give the drilled hole precise geometric dimensions, provided that the diameter of this hole does not exceed 35 mm, it is necessary to process it with a reamer. This processing is done manually or on a machine. Manual reamers are straight drills with four or more cutting edges, which gradually process as they rotate inner surface holes. Machine reamers are installed in vertical drilling machines.

Precise drilling of metal on a machine.

When drilling precise holes, you should always use a special cutting fluid that reduces friction and cools the drill during operation. In addition, it is necessary to use clamps and a vice for precise, stationary installation of the workpiece. When marking the drilling site, you should use a center punch, with which a small depression is made at the drilling site.

When drilling on a machine, to determine the position of the hole, you need to use a ruler to draw two short lines intersecting at right angles in the center of the hole. To prevent the drill from slipping, it is necessary to make a small depression in the found center using a center punch and a hammer.

Determination of tool rotation parameters.

Determine the required rotation speed and set the machine to rotate at this speed. To set the rotation speed, you need to open the casing cover and loosen the belt tension by unscrewing the handle that secures the motor in the casing. To change the speed, the engine moves forward and the belt is moved from one level of pulleys to another in accordance with the necessary change in speeds, which are determined from the nameplate or operating instructions. The lowest speed is achieved when the belt is placed in its lowest position - between the smallest motor pulley and the largest spindle pulley. On the contrary, the highest speed is achieved when the belt is installed in the uppermost pulleys. Next, you need to make sure that the belt is tensioned horizontally between the pulleys, move the engine to its original position and tighten the knob securing the engine to the casing.

Setting up tools and fixtures.

Before drilling begins, the drill is installed in the chuck and tightened. Don't forget to adjust the vertical movement of the spindle by lowering the drill along the workpiece and moving the stopper to the desired point on the graduated stopper movement scale. The spindle rises to a height sufficient to install the workpiece under the drill and is fixed in this position. The workpiece is moved so that the intended hole is exactly under the drill. The workpiece is securely clamped before drilling begins.

Subsequently, it is necessary to lower the spindle sleeve lock and turn on the drilling machine. Squeeze a drop of coolant and lubricant onto the recess, lower the drill with the lever and start drilling. Even pressure should be applied during operation. A brush is used to remove shavings and sawdust. The appearance of smoke from the drilled hole indicates the need to check the color of the metal shavings. They should be white or straw yellow. Blue color means overheating. In this case, you need to add cutting fluid or reduce the rotation speed. After finishing drilling, you must slowly release the feed handle and turn off the machine.

Drilling precise holes in metal with a hand drill.

If there is no need to maintain the accuracy at which a vertical drilling machine provides, you can use a powerful hand electric drill. However, if this drill is not multi-speed, then when drilling holes in metal, it should be turned on for short periods of time by briefly pressing the switch in succession.

The key to success in most cases depends on how you hold the drill. Before drilling begins, the workpiece is clamped in a vice or pressed firmly to the table. Then, without turning on the drill, the end of the drill is installed on the point marked with the center punch. To increase the starting point, you can manually rotate the drill chuck several times while pressing on the drill bit. After applying the cutting fluid, the voltage will turn on. The drill body is held motionless by the left hand, right hand the tool itself is pressed when the drill starts to increase speed. If possible, place a vertical square next to the drill to make it easier to install the drill in a vertical position. This will make it easier to drill precise holes.

If the drill cannot go deep into the surface of the metal workpiece, a second, larger depression is made using a center punch at the desired point.

Safety precautions when working with a hand drill.

When working with drills, one should not neglect the rules. To prevent the risk of accidents when drilling metal products, the following instructions must be strictly adhered to:

  • It is prohibited to drill a product that is held only by hands;
  • It is forbidden to work with dissolute long hair or wearing loose clothing that is not fastened, as well as wearing gloves, since there is a danger of the glove material being caught by the drill;
  • Safety glasses should not be neglected;
  • Before turning on the machine, make sure that the drill in the chuck is tightened tightly and the key is removed.

Perhaps we'll end here. Drilling precise holes in metal is useful not only at home but also when performing industrial tasks.

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Andrey was with you!

Electric drills are the most common devices used for drilling holes when performing plumbing work. They are heavy for drilling holes with a diameter of up to 20 mm; medium - up to 15 mm and light - up to 8 mm. Electric drills can operate both from DC and alternating current voltage of 127, 220 and 36 V.

Electric drill(Fig. 125, a) consists of a small electric motor placed in an aluminum housing 5. At the end of the electric motor shaft there is a cone 1 into which a drill 6 or chuck is inserted. While working, hold the drill with both hands by the handles 3, rigidly connected to the body, and install it so that the center of the drill exactly coincides with the intended center of the future hole; then press the special stop 4 located in the upper part of the body, and with the button 2 placed in the handle 3, turn on the electric motor.

Electric drills are used in cases where the product cannot be placed on a drilling machine or it is necessary to drill a hole without removing the part from the machine.

Electric drill can be used as drilling machine(Fig. 125, b). In this case, the electric drill 2 is fixed on a special device (tripod) 4, equipped with a rotating table 1 that rises up and down for installing the part. The drill is pressed by hand using lever 3.

The effectiveness of using electric drills largely depends on the way they are installed at the mechanic’s workplace. For convenience and ease of use of electric drills, they are mounted on suspensions, which are lightweight two- or four-wheeled carts mounted on a monorail. The monorail is located above the workplace.

The tool is suspended above the workplace on a spiral spring (Fig. 125, c), on a cable with a counterweight, which is taken equal to the weight of the tool in such a way that in any position the tool remains in balance, on spring block. The spiral groove suspension unit 1 has a band spring inside. When lowering tool 6, suspended on cable 2, the spring twists, when released, it unwinds and lifts the tool. The current is turned on when the tool is lowered automatically by lever 3, which is lowered under the action of a spring in the switch box 5. When the tool is released, the current is automatically turned off, since lever 3 is deflected upward by stop 4 rising on the cable.

Rice. 125. Drilling with electric drills:

a - electric drill: 1 - cone, 2 - button, 3 - handles, 4 - stop, 5 - body, 6 - drill; b - electric drill on the installation: 1 - table, 2 - electric drill, 3 - lever, 4 - tripod; c - suspensions: 1 - block, 2 - cable, 3 - lever, 4 - stop, 5 - switch, 6 - tool; d - fastening drills in special devices.

A significant drawback of these methods of fastening a power tool is that during operation the body of the power tool tends to turn in the direction opposite to the rotation of the chuck, which tires the worker.

In this regard, it is much more convenient to secure electric drills in special devices (Fig. 125, d).

Behind Lately in industry wide application they find installations with adjustable pneumohydraulic heads, designed for simultaneous drilling of several holes located in several directions at different angles. Drilling of parts of various sizes and configurations is carried out with drilling heads in the appropriate places and at specified angles on the columns (Fig. 126, a) of the traverse. The drilling heads have an adjustable hydraulic feed with an accelerated return stroke. The spindle rotates using compressed air.

Rice. 126. Installation of drills on special columns(A); device for simultaneous drilling of several holes (b)

Along with drilling heads, electric drills with a device for simultaneously drilling two (Fig. 126, b) or more holes are used.

When working with electric drills, the following rules must be followed:

1) work only in rubber gloves and galoshes; If you don’t have galoshes, you need to place a rubber mat under your feet. The body of the electric drill must be grounded;

2) before turning on the electric drill, you must first make sure that the wiring is in good condition and whether the voltage in the network corresponds to the voltage for which this electric drill is designed;

3) the electric drill can be turned off only when the drill is removed from the drilled hole, just as the drill can be removed from the chuck only after the electric drill is turned off.

High-frequency drills I-53, I-74 (Fig. 127) with a voltage of 36 or 220 V and I-59 with a voltage of 36 and 220 V ensure safe operation. When working with such drills, gloves, galoshes, and rubber mats are required.

High-frequency drills have up to 1300 rpm and are used for drilling holes with a diameter of 5-8 mm.

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