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Modern construction is experiencing a rebirth of frame technologies. From wooden beam, edged boards and panel panels, houses and cottages are built that are not inferior in comfort and durability to buildings made from classical materials. The idea of ​​adding an extension to a frame house is attractive because to build a room attached to the house, you don’t need to bother with concrete and masonry blocks, you don’t need a modern construction equipment and most importantly, it can be done most of frame extension to wooden house with your own hands, sometimes without even resorting to the services of assistants.

How to build a frame extension

Technology frame construction assumes for the manufacture of a load-bearing frame of an extension edged timber and boards. Construction methods individual parts, walls and roofs of a frame extension to a house are practically no different from the construction of ordinary wooden frames of a barn gazebo or even a wooden house.

A frame extension to the house can be built in several options:

  • A classic frame made of boards, slats and timber, reinforced with spacers and struts made of boards with insulation based on mineral wool or expanded polystyrene;
  • A combined version of a power frame made of timber and SIP panels. The vast majority of construction companies build extensions from a frame using only panels and timber;
  • Frame base made of timber, insulated basalt wool and lined with siding. In this case, the skeleton of the walls and roof is made according to a reinforced design, and the finishing of the facade is selected to match the color and texture of the walls of the main building.

For your information! The use of a wooden frame and siding allows you to design the extension and the house into one whole. It is quite difficult to visually distinguish which part of the building is permanent and which is made in the form of an extension from a frame.

On the other hand, the use of siding sharply increases the load on the extension frame; you have to use more expensive lumber, buy loops or lining for interior decoration walls, pour a more massive foundation.

Construction based on a frame and siding is justified for rooms measuring no more than 3x5 m. It is more economical to build larger boxes from foam blocks, and a frame for small outbuildings, as a rule, are assembled from 70x90 mm timber and edged boards.

The main question of building an extension

The construction of any extension based on a wooden frame begins with the selection of a place for installing the attached premises and a rough marking of the future foundation is carried out. Correct selection foundation diagram guarantees the durability of the structure, simple copying of the foundation structure is similar to the frame of a barn or wooden gazebo most often ends in the breaking of supporting pillars and even the overturning of the extension.

On what basis to install the extension frame

Before attaching a frame extension to the house, it is necessary to remove the turf and at least approximately determine the nature of the soil. The more clay, the stiffer and heavier the foundation of the extension frame should be.

Wooden buildings with a supporting frame are installed on following types foundation:

  • Pile-grillage;
  • Columnar;
  • Tape shallow.

Most suitable option foundation is determined by the degree of soil heaving in winter period and the rigidity of the walls of the house. For a frame extension to a wooden house small size can be used columnar foundation.

IN ideal the wooden frame of a small extension is installed on the same foundation as the house, this avoids problems with shrinkage and temperature fluctuations. The light weight of the extension has virtually no effect on wooden walls main house.

It’s another matter if the room attached to the house has two floors, and the dimensions of the frame are only slightly smaller than the frame base of the house itself. In this case, the extension is installed on a strip foundation made of brick or concrete, since the timber frame, even reinforced with struts, is not rigid enough.

Pile supports for the extension frame

Strip foundation goes well with wooden frame extensions on relatively stable sandy and rocky soils; if it is necessary to install an extension on clay or water-logged soils, then the only option for the foundation will be a pile-grillage foundation.

Thanks to the use of piles, two serious problems can be solved:

  • Avoid deformation of the frame, destruction of floor beams and strapping of racks due to soil heaving;
  • Reduce flow and absorption of ground moisture wooden structures frame. The strip foundation has always been considered the “wet” and coldest.

Usage screw piles allows you to assemble an extension of any size, to almost any house, be it brick, block or wooden building. In this case, the frame extension to a wooden house turns out to be balanced in terms of horizontal loads, that is, in case of strong wind or ground pressure, the foundation is sufficiently rigid so as not to load the main building.

Piles can be screwed or poured in close proximity to the foundation of the building, since there are no deep trenches, and the supports are “softly” screwed into the ground, the risk of damaging the foundation of the house is minimized.

For small rooms the frame structure can be installed on cheaper asbestos-cement pipes in order to reliably tie the skeleton of future walls and floors to the supports, wire or anchor bolts are embedded in the pipe heads.

Strip foundation of the extension

The scheme for constructing a strip foundation for a room attached to a house is practically no different from a standard MZL foundation. The only difference is that the width of the tape is made quite thin, no more than the width of the strapping beam. It makes no sense to make it wider, since the concrete strip has a safety margin an order of magnitude greater than what is required to hold the extension frame. The foundation for a frame extension to a house is built with your own hands, photo, in two full working days

The foundation base must be covered with rolled waterproofing and covered with a strapping beam to which the vertical racks, struts or SIP panels.

Next comes the process of filling the subfloor with boards, insulation and waterproofing of the attached room is carried out at the final stage, and in the meantime, a panel of boards is laid for the convenience of assembling the frame of the extension. After assembly frame structure The logs will be laid on the strapping beam and then a decision will be made on how to cover the floor with boards or OSB boards.

We build the walls and roof of a frame room

The bottom frame beam is sewn to the pile or strip foundation using anchor bolts. First, the insertion is made at the corners of the extension and only after marking the installation points of the vertical posts, they look for free space for the anchors.

External walls of the extension frame

The extension frame can be assembled in two ways. The first option involves the formation external walls using a series of vertical posts made of timber, interconnected by jumpers of their boards and scraps. The heads of the racks are necessarily connected by the upper beam of the strapping, which in the future will serve as the basis for the formation ceiling and the roofs of the extension. All elements of jumpers between posts, joints and mutual insertion wooden elements the frame must be reinforced with mounting metal plates.

The frame cells are filled with mineral wool mats, or covered with sheet EPS, after which a lath is filled to remove condensation and a film vapor barrier is laid. Internal and outer surface The frame walls are sheathed with OSB or clapboard.

Particular attention must be paid to the corner posts of the frame and the equestrian openings. Most often along the corner seam line in winter time Intensive freezing of condensate occurs due to the presence of a cold bridge. To internal corners the rooms were not damp; the frame was supplemented with a simple casing of two boards, stuffed onto slats.

The second option for forming a frame is used for the construction of extensions large sizes. Instead of forming the outer frame in the traditional cellular way, they build only corner posts, the beams of the upper and lower trim are laid, and the walls of the extension are assembled from ready-made SIP panels. Next, the beams are sewn interfloor covering and ceiling. As a result, the main load is carried by several massive racks made of 150x200mm timber, while the walls and ceilings remain as if suspended.

Important! Regardless of the method of assembling the frame, an expansion joint must be formed between the walls of the building and the attached room, which is filled with insulation and rubbed with silicone.

The joints and seams between the SIP panels are glued with acrylic paste, after which you can proceed to the construction of the roof frame.

Assembling the rafter system

To collect rafter frame The roof takes approximately half of the working time planned for the construction of the extension. The simplest option involves making gable roof coaxial with the roof of the main building. To simplify the articulation of two rafter systems, the height of the extension is chosen 60-70cm lower than vertical size Houses. In this case, the roof simply rests against the gable of the house.

If an additional room was added to the side wall of the house, then the main axes of the rafter systems form parallel lines. To prevent a dead zone from forming between the slopes, the attached room is used pitched roof articulated by rafters with the load-bearing elements of the house, as in the diagram.

Most difficult option The joining of the frames of two rafter systems is shown in the photo.

Such joining options present a certain complexity even for experienced carpenters, so such roofs are usually ordered turnkey from construction companies. The main problem is ensuring tightness roofing in the area where the ridge beam enters the rafter frame of the house. The wooden skeleton of the attached room will shrink within six months, as a result of which the abutment zone collapses and opens even when reinforced with metal aprons.


Frame technology for arranging an attached room allows you to build a box quickly enough and without unexpected costs for repairing the foundation or correcting the masonry. Today, frame houses and extensions are considered the most promising construction option, which is why many companies and organizations have begun producing ready-made attached premises with the possibility of pre-ordering and manufacturing up to 70% of the necessary components. Such a set will only need to be delivered to the site and assembled like a children's construction set.

There are many options for assembling frame extensions to a house. The most economical and technologically simplest option is to assemble a frame structure. Such an extension will look best next to a wooden house. What materials and tools are needed for self-installation extensions and how is the technology for installing the structure carried out?

Technological features of extensions

The definition itself makes it clear that the basis of the structure is the supporting skeleton - a frame made of edged timber. Other parts of the building are also made from timber - the lower frame and corner posts. Conventional racks and lintels are made from simple boards. Also, with the help of boards, future doors and window openings in the room are indicated. The thickness of the racks should be equal to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, and based on the width of the insulation, the pitch between the racks is determined.

Let's give an example: if the house is located in the northern part of the country, then the thickness of the insulation should be at least 15 cm. It follows from this that the width of the lumber should be 150 mm by 100 or 150 mm. The step size must be kept within 60 cm, since the width of the insulation board is 60 cm.

After assembling the frame structure, it is mounted. Do not forget that before this, hydro- and vapor barrier is carried out. After insulation works The rough cladding of the structure is carried out using OSB or DSP sheets.

Video about the construction of a frame extension to a house

Frame extension to the house

Construction of a frame extension

Extension of a terrace to a wooden house

Over time, private buildings need to be increased for completely different reasons. For example, an increase in the number of people living, equipping a house with sewerage, or the desire to fence front door from direct exposure to cold air. Because of this, there is a need for another room, or expansion of the kitchen area, bathroom, or simply adding a veranda. A frame extension is what you need.

Frame extension to a wooden house

To build a frame extension is great solution problems with the need to expand the area. A do-it-yourself extension to a house is usually made of timber, brick, or a combined version. To avoid having to make changes, it is best to initially think through all the features of the structure, because each one needs an individual approach.

Additional living room

If there is a need to add another room, you need to try, because all these actions are tantamount to building a small house.

If planned living room, then it needs to be insulated, heated, interior and exterior finished

The entire building must be insulated, otherwise the heating provided will be absolutely useless. It is also necessary to carry out waterproofing to avoid problems with dampness and fungus.

Bathroom or kitchen

Before installing the foundation, they are brought to the construction site engineering communications. Sometimes you have to install separate plumbing.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the insulation of absolutely all parts of the building and think through a thorough waterproofing of the floor in advance.


A simple structure that is built to protect the front entrance of a building from rain and wind, and is also used in the summer.

An extension to the house can be in the form of a veranda

It can be closed or open. This building does not require special insulation, but waterproofing is mandatory in any case.

Creating a construction project

In the case when the site has large area, then there will be no problems with the construction of the extension, even if you plan to do all the work yourself. In order not to make a mistake with the required area of ​​the extension, you must make a thorough plan.

First, design the extension in a program or on a piece of paper, calculate the costs

Here are a few basic tips to consider when planning:

  1. Determine exactly the purpose of the extension. This will not necessarily be a living space; it is likely that a person needs a veranda, a garage, or just separate place like a personal office-workshop. All subsequent nuances of construction work will directly depend on this choice: volume of materials, area, number of openings and much more.
  2. Another circumstance can be called the presence of communications in the designed construction site.
  3. In addition to the number of materials, you also need to know their type. In this way, it will be possible to calculate the cost of future construction and take care of quality, which affects the service life.

Thus, an extension made of timber requires a foundation corresponding to the one under the main structure. If the house was built with his own hands, then the owner of the building knows exactly what the foundation is there. Therefore, doing something like this will not be particularly difficult.

Key details you need to know:

  • foundation size and foundation laying depth;
  • material and the right solution.

As a result, it will be necessary to tie the foundation being built to the existing one. After this stage, you can build walls. When the owner of the house does not have any information about the foundation, then research is carried out to help choose material and installation. Having poured the foundation, you need to wait about 30 days for it to harden and become strong. Individual attention should be paid to the places where the newly made base is connected to the old one.

Pile foundations can be made even in winter

You can make a pile element; its installation is not connected with those already built.

Construction of extension walls

After the foundation is ready, they begin to arrange the walls - 3 walls, because the 4th one is already there, the one to which the room is attached. However, there are also options when 2 walls are enough, it all depends on the design of the building. Adding an extension to a wooden house is usually not difficult at all. Metal plates and other specialized parts are used as fastenings.

Pie wall frame house not much different from the wall of an extension if it is a living room

If the additional area is made of timber, then you need to take into account that the size of the material should not be less than 200 by 200 millimeters, in the case where it is planned permanent residence. You need to know that timber is a rather heavy material, and subsequently it shrinks. Only upon completion this process can be fixed efficiently and firmly new building to the house itself.

Regarding the time required for shrinkage, it is about a year, or a little more. The duration of this period is influenced by the area of ​​the extension, the quality of the material, as well as the condition of the structure to which the extension was made. The main rule in this matter is to take your time.

The shield frame is slightly susceptible to shrinkage if the timber used has been dried to the required level

Upon completion of shrinkage, the originally supplied fastening materials are removed and fixed in a new location. During the period of precipitation, the structure should be insulated using felt, cotton wool, or some other material.

News construction work Can all year round, in winter prices for building materials and work are several times cheaper

To improve the quality of thermal insulation and give good external view joints, a special wooden element is used. At the moment of shrinkage, it may move slightly, so there is a need to remove and strengthen it again.

Don’t forget about the roof of the extension; it can be made a continuation of the roof of the house, flush with the wall or with an overhang - everything is at the discretion of the owner or designer

When the size of the house increases, the issue of roofing arises. Everything happens in the usual way By standard technology. The approximate order of roofing is as follows:

  1. First of all, they arrange rafter system. Do not forget to comply with all load characteristics.
  2. Upon completion of the installation of the rafters, they proceed to creating the sheathing, using bars and slats. Instead of this design, sometimes a solid type of flooring is used - boards or plywood are suitable as building materials.
  3. Facing of gables.
  4. Hemming of cornices.
  5. Installation of wind elements.
  6. Direct installation of the roof. The material is selected independently, based on personal taste qualities owner of the house.

Next - the floor, ceiling and other interior finishing work. Installing openings is not particularly difficult. If the extension to a wooden house is made of the same material, then other parts are best made using lumber.

Features of the construction of the extension

Let's consider important tips builders who are experienced specialists in this area:

  1. Actions with the tree must be performed during the cold season. When work is carried out at such a time, the weather helps reduce the shrinkage period.
  2. Thermal insulation of a structure made of timber is as efficient as possible inside. This way it stays neat appearance buildings. You can also save a lot on the amount of insulation material.
  3. We should not forget that an extension to a wooden house needs to be covered antibacterial agent, which has protective characteristics from the influence of humidity. Fireproofing is a must in this type of construction.
  4. It is best if the number of metal fasteners is kept to a minimum. With all this, it is worth stopping at galvanized ones. This is very important to protect the extension to a wooden house from corrosion.

A frame extension, the construction of which occurs quite quickly, can be erected by anyone.

The extension can be designed in general style facade of the house and will not stand out externally

An extension to a wooden house, if all standards are met, will last for a long time, and building it will not be difficult.

Not all people are satisfied with their living space. Therefore, some people want to make their home more spacious. And for this they decide to create a frame extension. And this is not surprising. After all, a frame extension is great solution. And all because with the help of a frame extension you can easily and quickly create additional living space. Therefore, today the construction site will talk about how to create a frame extension to a house with your own hands. It can help in this matter step by step instructions, which will completely help solve absolutely any complexity.

Features of a frame extension

A frame extension must have a frame. The frame will be the supporting skeleton in this case. A similar frame is created mainly from edged timber. Corner posts and bottom trim buildings. Horizontal lintels and row racks are made from boards.

Also, boards are used to mark door and window openings. The racks have a thickness that is equal to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer. For the construction of a frame extension in middle lane In Russia, it is recommended to use thermal insulation material, which has a thickness of 15 cm. For upcoming work, it is also worth using lumber from the 150 line. And the pitch of the racks for such an extension will be 59 cm. And the pitch of the horizontal jumpers of the future frame should be 99 cm.

To assemble the frame, it is recommended to use hardware fasteners. It must be emphasized that such fasteners are quite convenient and reliable to use when assembling the frame. Moreover, such elements are very affordable.

In order to make a frame extension to the house, first of all, you need to assemble the frame. Then it is recommended to insulate the extension. When insulating, it is important to pay attention to hydro- and vapor barrier. After proper insulation of the frame extension, you need to do rough sheathing finished frame. For these works, DSP, OSB and SML sheets are usually used.

Pay attention to studying the publication: How to make a foundation for your home with your own hands

In this article we talk in detail about how to make a frame extension to a house. It is very important to remember many details of such work. So, after the rough finishing, you need to start finishing the frame extension. After this work, you should get a multilayer structure, which, due to its multilayer nature, will be reliable design. In this case, the design will have good characteristics, which will relate to heat conservation and sound insulation of the extension. You can build a frame extension with your own hands. This kind of work doesn't require much. cash and special skills.

Important qualities of a frame extension

Today, a large number of buildings are being built using frame technologies. Moreover, in European countries This technology came out on top. In such countries, not only extensions to existing buildings are being built, but also one-story private houses. Construction work using frame technologies can be carried out in two versions. These could be:

  • frame work,
  • frame-panel construction.

If we talk about frame-panel construction, then an extension to an already finished structure will be created from ready-made panels that are already equipped in production with doors and window openings. In order to make an extension from such panels, you will only need to assemble these panels into a single whole. After which they must be securely secured with special materials.

It is worth saying that such panels are made only to order according to the wishes of the customer. Special enterprises are engaged in the production of these panels. During production, the size of the panels must necessarily match the dimensions of the foundation. And if complex construction is planned, then frame-frame technology is used. If you are planning to build a frame extension in your own yard, then all the elements must be assembled at the construction site.

It should be noted that frame extensions and houses made of this material have all the same characteristics of any ordinary house that was built from more modern materials. But the most popular characteristics of such an extension include high thermal insulation characteristics. Indeed, such a room can be quickly warmed up by any modern systems heating.

If we talk about finishing frame extension, then there should be no problems in such work either. TO finishing works begin immediately after construction work is completed. extension frame type can be freely built not only in warm time year, but even in cold weather.

It should be mentioned that frame extensions can retain heat in a room several times longer. And it follows that with the help of such an extension you can save your money on heating. And if the need arises, then to the existing frame extension additional buildings of the same type can be added.

Step-by-step instructions for building a frame extension

If you don’t know how to make a frame extension to your house with your own hands, then you shouldn’t despair. It turns out that our publication is ready to fully answer this question.

In order to make a frame extension you need, first of all, to stock up necessary materials and tools that may be needed for work. So, you will need:

  • hot bitumen;
  • concrete mixture;
  • gravel or crushed stone;
  • edged boards;
  • wooden slats;
  • steel corner;
  • electric drill;
  • cord;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • shovel and sledgehammer;
  • ax and hammer;
  • screws and sledgehammer;
  • wooden wedges;
  • gypsum mortar;
  • wooden boards;
  • dry tow.

As a rule, the construction of any residential and industrial facility You can’t start without drawing up a project.

If the project is already ready, then you can start pouring strip foundation. The foundation for a frame extension is created in 4 stages:

  1. creating a sand-crushed stone cushion,
  2. laying the reinforcement frame,
  3. installation of formwork,
  4. pouring a mixture of concrete.

Supports are installed under the floor joists at a distance of 130-150 cm. The joists are installed approximately 90 cm apart from each other. Such supports need to be made if they were not created when constructing the foundation.

Before pouring concrete into the pits, a layer of sand is poured onto their bottom, which should be at least 10 cm thick. After that, roofing material or rubemast, which is needed for waterproofing, is laid over all surfaces of the base in 2 layers.

Now a strapping beam is laid around the entire perimeter of the extension, the width of which should be 150 mm. Bottom beam at the same time it is treated with an antiseptic composition, which, due to lack of funds, can be replaced with waste car oil. Fastening at the corners should be done halfway or in a paw. After which the harness should be leveled.

Then the corner posts are installed. It is better to make them from 150x150mm timber. All elements are installed strictly vertically using a plumb line or level. The racks are secured with technological braces using available boards. And those racks that will be located next to the wall of the house should be slightly lower than the overhang of the roof of the house. The outer posts should also be lower. And the shorter they are, the better it will be for water and snow to roll off the roof.

At another stage, additional racks are installed along the entire perimeter of the frame extension. They are usually installed at a distance of 1 m. To be more precise, they need to be placed at a distance of 90 cm from each other.

After all the indicated work has been completed, you need to strengthen the corner posts using inclined braces. Inclined braces are usually installed at an angle of 45 degrees. After that, the technological braces are removed from the edged boards, and then they begin laying the rafter boards. The boards should be laid on edge. The extension beyond the crown can be 30 cm. Next, you need to lay sheathing boards on the rafters, which will have a thickness of 25-35 mm.

Now you need to lay glassine in one layer on the sheathing boards, but only with an overlap. This material will protect the building from excess moisture.

We arrange the roof for frame construction

The roof is considered important element frame structure. Absolutely any material is suitable for roofing. However, many people use 8-wave slate for this case, which has a length of 175 cm. If you have built an extension measuring 5x11 m, then it is important to buy 30 such sheets for the roof.

The place where the roof adjoins the extension is usually covered with an apron. For this situation, galvanized iron is used.

The final stage of construction of a frame extension

After the roof is installed, the construction of the floor begins. First, the subfloor will come off. For this purpose, a 50x50 mm cranial block is placed on the sides of the floor joists. And edged boards are laid on it. Glassine, insulation and glassine again are placed on the boards. After this work, they begin laying the finished floor.

If the floor has already been created, then the next step is to install doors and windows. In these works a level is used. Windows and doors are secured using spacers or self-tapping screws.

After installing the windows and doors, they begin to insulate the walls of the building. It is possible to use glassine or penofol as insulation. The mirror side of the penofol is placed in the direction where moisture may appear. For fastening thermal insulation material use long screws.

After insulating the walls inside, they begin to insulate the outside. For this case you can use different materials. But it will be a cheap option edged board"25". It is recommended to cover the inside walls and ceiling with clapboard.

The main ways to increase living space: frame extension to the house, increasing balconies, loggias, additional buildings.

An extension to a frame house is best option increasing the living space. Such a structure is built next to buildings various types- brick, wood, frame, foam block, as well as log houses. Construction material for extensions - wooden beams, bricks, cinder blocks, foam blocks, etc. The structures adjacent to the building have a very wide range of functions. It can be used for recreation, as a storage or utility building, dressing room, etc.

Frame extension to the house

It is very important for a person to save money. That is why people try to do construction and repair work with their own hands.

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Sergey Yurievich

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The disadvantage is the long and labor-intensive process, and dignity means great financial savings.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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After developing a plan and selecting building materials, it is necessary to make a calculation consumables, prepare the tool. Consumables: metal corners, nails, wood screws, tow, wedges. From lumber you will need timber 200x200 and 150x150, cutting for sheathing the structure, panels, slats for the roof. For the foundation - broken brick, cement mixtures, crushed stone of any fraction. Tools required: electric or chainsaw, drill/screwdriver, angle grinder, axe, sledgehammer, hammer, building level and a shovel. Additionally, calculate the amount of material for insulation and roofing.

All necessary building materials and tools have been prepared. Now you can begin construction.

Construction of a wooden structure

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a wooden structure with your own hands:

The first stage is the construction of the foundation for the future structure.

To do this, you need to dig a pit into which pre-prepared crushed stone will be poured. Next we build reinforced frame and form the formwork. The foundation blank is filled with special cement mixtures.

The next step, after the foundation has completely hardened, will be the installation of prepared 200x200 timber around the entire perimeter (you can use 150x150 or 150x100 timber). Next, he installs racks made of wooden beams 150x150. This will be an important part of the structure, which will bear a heavy load (smaller timber is not recommended).
The next stage is the fastening of additional racks in increments of 1-2 meters (the pitch of the racks will depend on the thickness of the timber used, as well as on the size of the insulating boards, so as not to cut them). The next stage of constructing a frame extension with your own hands is the top trim around the perimeter of the structure. It is carried out according to the principle of the bottom, with one caveat - an overlap of 0.3-0.4 meters is made beyond the main crown of the room. After installing the top trim, they begin to form the frame for the roof. For this you will need a pre-prepared wooden sheathing, which is installed on the upper crown. It is necessary to lay insulating material on the sheathing (usually a water barrier is used). All parts of the new structure adjacent to the house are secured anchor bolts or long screws on wood.

Production of final works

An important stage of the work is installing the roof of the erected structure with your own hands. The choice of roofing material is very diverse. Based on his financial capabilities, the builder chooses the appropriate roofing material. Popular are corrugated sheets and regular slate. The cheapest option would be slate, but it is heavy. It is more rational to use corrugated sheets. It will add an attractive and aesthetic appearance to the house and is easier to install.

After the main work on the construction of the structure has been completed, the floors in the room are formed. First, the subfloor is installed. It is usually made from ordinary unplaned boards. Next, cells are formed for the insulation in the form of honeycombs. Fill each cell with insulation so that there are no gaps. Only after this can you begin installing the “clean” floor.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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Additionally, heat-reflecting insulation can be used. The best option for finished floors and wall cladding they are suitable in an oriented manner - particle boards. Using OSB will save construction time as much as possible. Installation of walls is carried out according to the same principle as floors (only OSB boards cover the walls indoors and outdoors). The insulation is installed in the holes between the supporting posts. Take into account the space under windows and doors. Install windows in the planned locations and install doors.

The final stage is internal decorative finishing premises and its improvement.

Frame extension to a brick house

When constructing an adjacent structure to brick house sequence must be followed. Construction begins, like any other building, with the formation of a foundation; Next comes the frame and reinforcement to the main building; the roof is installed, floors and walls are installed; decorative interior finishing is carried out.

When building a foundation, there are some peculiarities - it must be the same height as the house so that dampness does not appear. There are several types of foundations - columnar, strip, slab, pile-grillage and pile. For the frame, they mainly use the tape type. When pouring the base, you need to monitor the deformation of the seams. When assembling the frame, you should take into account the difference in the weight of the structure being built and brick building. A brick structure sinks into the ground faster than a wooden one, so the foundation needs to be made lightweight.

To attach the new structure to the house, metal corners or tires are used. It is recommended to use corners because their rigidity over the entire area is greater than that of tires. The metal is secured with long anchors.

IN wooden racks which will fit into the corners, a hole is drilled for the protruding part of the anchor. This is done to tightly press the beam to the metal corner. In addition to the racks, the upper and lower crown frame in the same way. For greater reliability of the fasteners, it is necessary to weld all metal joints and scald the protruding part of the anchor. Otherwise, the stages of work are identical to a frame extension to a wooden house.

Panel extension to the house

This is the most cheap option extensions. For its construction, a lightweight foundation of small depth will be required. The most popular basis for a panel extension to a house has become a columnar foundation, for which wooden bases or metal or asbestos pipes.

The main point in the construction of this type of structure is waterproofing the base. For 150x150 or 150x100. Are fastened wooden blocks between themselves using ordinary wood screws. Vertical racks are mounted in increments of 2-2.5 meters. Strengthening load-bearing walls horizontal struts. Wood must be treated with anti-rotting and anti-pest products.

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Treatment of stalking mania: symptoms and signs Can stalking mania go away over time?
Persecutory mania is a mental dysfunction that can also be called persecutory delusion. Psychiatrists consider this disorder to be the fundamental signs of mental insanity. By mania, psychiatry understands a disorder of mental activity,
Why did you dream about champagne?
Whatever we see in our dreams, everything, without exception, is symbols. All objects and phenomena in dreams carry symbolic meanings - from simple and familiar to bright and fantastic. But sometimes it’s just ordinary, familiar things that have a more important meaning than
How to remove chin irritation in women and men Skin irritation on the chin
Red spots that appear on the chin can occur for various reasons. As a rule, their appearance does not indicate a serious health threat, and if they disappear on their own over time, then there is no cause for concern. Red spots on the chin appear
Valentina Matvienko: biography, personal life, husband, children (photo)
Term of office *: September 2024 Born in April 1949. In 1972 she graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute. From 1984 to 1986 worked as first secretary of the Krasnogvardeisky district committee of the CPSU of Leningrad. In 1985