Physical activity and its impact on human health. The effect of physical activity on health The effect of physical activity on the body

A healthy lifestyle is the basis of the quality of our existence. If a person does not adhere to the principles that support his body and soul in harmony, then his own “turns his back on him.” A variety of diseases begin, which exhaust and deplete, significantly worsening the condition.

What are the postulates that determine a healthy lifestyle for us?

Proper, balanced nutrition;
Healthy, sufficient sleep;
Psychological comfort;

And, of course, physical activity. “Movement is life itself” is a very common expression with which it is impossible to disagree.
Unfortunately, in the modern world, people carry out their movement mainly through vehicles - cars, trains, airplanes.
Of course, such an information-rich environment requires rapid response and sometimes being in several places at once. However, we must not forget that man was formed by hunting for food and escaping from predators. Therefore, the decrease in physical activity immediately affected the global community. How, you ask? This is exactly the topic we will examine in our article.

Add to the above vehicles elevators, cell phones, computers, televisions, remote controls... The result is a catastrophic lack of the simplest walking.
The first terrible result was excess weight. Interestingly, people began to move much less and eat more. Standard portions are steadily increasing, and the amount of fat is also progressing. These are colossal amounts of energy that a person does not have time and does not want to spend on sports, and even simple walks. Therefore, calories are safely stored as fat reserves.
Thus, we can say that decreased activity is a predisposing factor to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases: increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, which ultimately lead to disability or death.

Vessels are affected throughout the body, not only arteries, but also veins. Reduced movement worsens and provokes varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvis, and this is fraught with the formation of blood clots.

A sedentary lifestyle worsens the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. This is one of the causes of constipation and indigestion. As a result, taking laxatives or other medications. And the solution is simple - bring walks, outdoor games and exercise back into your life. It would also be nice to have 2 trips to the pool for an hour each.

In addition, the musculoskeletal system also suffers - joints begin to ache. Historically, the joint system was designed for active movement and deteriorated when not in use. The same goes for bone tissue. Physical activity stimulates the activity of the cells that form it - osteoblasts.
That is why sports, especially walking, are recommended in old age.
In recent years, the so-called “Norwegian” walking, that is, walking with poles, has gained popularity. The inclusion of auxiliary equipment helps to use as many muscles as possible and stimulate their development, preventing atrophy.

Physical activity helps maintain coordination, which reduces the likelihood of falls and injuries, especially broken bones. In old age and old age, this is extremely important, given the widespread prevalence of osteoporosis. A hip fracture can be fatal, so physical exercise is one of the universal methods of prevention, because calcium is absorbed by the bones only when a person is in motion.

In addition, exercises normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, improving the oxygen supply to body tissues.

It is worth saying that accustoming to sports should begin at a very early age, and activities should meet age characteristics. Subsequently, this useful habit is maintained, ensuring the desire for a healthy existence.

The influence of physical exercise on the psychological sphere deserves special attention. They improve mood, increase self-esteem and perception of oneself as an individual, and create motivation for success.

Thus, it is impossible not to note the leading influence of physical movement on human health, along with nutrition. Therefore, I will give a few examples, how can you become more active:

Walk at least a distance of at least one kilometer;
Take a walk;
Do not park next to your house;
Do not use the elevator;
Walk with children;
Clean your home more often;
Go to a fitness club;
Minimize television viewing. Don't eat while watching programs - drink tea.

By following these simple rules, you will improve your health.


Dear friends! Today we will talk about the health benefits of physical activity. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles and requiring energy expenditure.

So, physical activity is movement. And movement is one of the main functions of every living organism. Physical activity is perhaps the only component with which we can manage our daily calorie needs, and therefore manage excess weight loss. You can read about this.

If we want to get the maximum benefit from movement to improve the quality of our health, it is very useful to know the positive effects, but also the possible risks that need to be considered before taking up exercise.

Positive effects of properly performed physical activity

A) Effect on the circulatory and respiratory systems:

  • optimizes the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (reduces heart rate at rest, as well as during exercise of moderate and submaximal intensity, increases efficiency and improves heart function;
  • increases the lumen of the coronary arteries and capillaries of the heart muscle, slightly lowers blood pressure at normal or high pressure, increases maximum oxygen consumption (aerobic potential, VO2max);
  • the combination of increased aerobic capacity and optimal fat reduction is the most effective way to reduce stress;
  • older people get tired very quickly and physical activity eliminates fatigue and increases mental and physical performance.

B) Reducing the risk of heart and circulatory system diseases:

  • people with a sedentary lifestyle are much more likely to be at risk of coronary heart disease than physically active people;
  • people with a movement deficit are much less likely to survive a first heart attack than a person who exercises regularly;
  • clearly improves the quality of life of patients with heart artery diseases. This significantly reduces risk factors for coronary heart disease and reduces healthcare costs.

C) Positive effect on some chemical processes in the blood:

  • reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis by changing the activity of many enzymes. Reduces the level of fat in the blood (triglycerides) and cholesterol (a risk factor for atherosclerosis), on the contrary, it increases the level of “good” cholesterol, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • With a sedentary lifestyle, the need for the hormone insulin, which regulates sugar metabolism, increases. Overproduction of insulin leads over time to partial depletion of the internal secretion of the pancreas and an increased likelihood of developing diabetes. Optimal physical activity increases the sensitivity of muscle fibers to insulin and stabilizes sugar metabolism. This is why regular exercise at optimal intensity prevents diabetes.

D) Helps reduce fat and optimize weight:

  • training speeds up metabolism, mobilizes fat reserves and increases energy output. Combining exercise with proper nutrition leads to weight loss;
  • a combination of physical activity and low-calorie foods is the most effective method for reducing central obesity (excessive deposition of fatty tissue in the abdominal area). The biggest risk factor for middle-aged and elderly people is diabetes, which causes diabetes, defects in the metabolism of fats in the blood, the development of coronary heart disease, heart attack and sudden death.

D) Positively affects mental activity:

  • reduces stress, fear, depression and aggression, improves sleep quality and increases self-confidence;
  • helps older people reduce psychomotor reaction time, improve coordination of movements and manage daily tasks;
  • has a positive effect on getting rid of bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drugs.

E) Positively affects systems that support human movement:

  • improves the flexibility and strength of ligaments and tendons, joint flexibility, increases muscle strength and endurance;
  • leads to an increase in the capillary network in skeletal muscles. Increases the volume of mitochondria and the activity of their enzymes. This is why fat metabolism accelerates;
  • bone architecture improves and the risk of osteoporosis decreases.

G) Positively affects the human transport system:

  • reduces platelet aggregation, increases blood plasma volume and reduces blood density. Prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

H) Positively affects work efficiency:

  • increases labor productivity and power. Reduces the risk of disease, the number of accidents at work and treatment costs.

I) Slows down aging:

  • helps reduce free radicals by increasing mitochondrial volume, increases the activity of our own antioxidant enzyme systems.

Possible risks to consider when engaging in physical activity

  • positive family history - heart attacks in siblings or parents (men under 50 years old, women under 55 years old);
  • diseases of the heart and arteries - coronary heart disease, cerebral vessels, legs (age does not matter);
  • the presence of risk factors for coronary heart disease - smoking, high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure above 160 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg), overweight or obesity (more than 25 or 30), high (above 6, 2 mmol/l), high atherosclerotic index, high levels of sugar and uric acid in the blood;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs after infections;
  • after surgery, tumors;
  • degenerative changes in the central joints and spine;
  • age over 40 years for men and 50 for women with a sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity.

Naturally, if the above risks are present, a preliminary consultation with your doctor is necessary.

For a comprehensive positive effect of physical activity on health, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Based on your age, health and physical condition, choose the main type of aerobic physical activity during which the blood is oxygenated (oxygenated).
  2. Determine the optimal load, aerobic optimal training distance and weekly training frequency according to your health, age and physical condition.
  3. Choose the right load increase strategy.
  4. Make the training program universal - perform compensatory and recovery exercises that reduce the one-sided load on the body and increase the overall resistance of the body.
  5. Make exercise a part of your lifestyle that brings you joy and improves your mental and physical well-being.

Good luck and health, friends! Enjoy physical activity.

Some simple tips for those who want to increase their physical activity:

  • Try to move as much as possible.
  • Three times a day, spend 10 minutes doing a simple exercise: stand up, straighten up and walk around.
  • Walk up and down the stairs.
  • Try walking part of your usual route to or from work.
  • If you drive a car, try to park in such a way that you can walk an extra 100–200 m.
  • Take part in active games for your children or the children of your friends and relatives.
  • Walk to the store and back.
  • Try to regularly do feasible physical work, for example, in the country.
  • Be in nature more often.

Common types of physical activity

  • Walking. For middle-aged and older people, this is the simplest and most accessible means of recovery. Walking at a slow pace (3–4 km/h) for 30–50 minutes a day, 4–5 times a week, significantly improves the body's functional capabilities.
    The best healing effect comes from brisk walking - 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week. Loads of this intensity should be transitioned gradually and step by step.
  • Health running. Regular jogging at a slow pace for at least 20 minutes strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin levels in the blood and improves mood.
  • Fitness. This is a healing technique that includes comprehensive physical training (both aerobic and strength training) in combination with a properly selected diet.

Why do you need to consult a doctor?

  • Even in the absence of complaints, it is imperative to conduct an electrocardiographic study not only at rest, but also during physical activity, which may reveal hidden coronary artery disease.
  • Before you start training, it is important to find out what the condition of your spine and joints is. Many seemingly innocent exercises can lead to serious consequences.
  • Patients with coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension should regularly consult a doctor during regular physical exercise.
  • If the main goal of your sports activities is health, then you need to remember that only aerobic exercise is good for the heart.

  • In the 21st century, the average physical activity of a city resident has decreased by almost 50 times compared to previous centuries. People lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, which is why they develop physical inactivity - a decrease in motor activity and the strength of muscle contractions.
  • Physical inactivity is the cause of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular stroke, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis and many other diseases. To avoid the development of physical inactivity and reduce the risk of many deadly diseases, you should be active, for example, walking at least 10 hours a week.

According to statistics, in Russia 6-8% of the population is engaged in recreational physical education, while in the USA this share is 60%, and in Sweden - 70%.

Physical education is the heart's best friend

  • During physical activity, the heart begins to beat faster, and the volume of blood it pushes into the vessels increases. More oxygen enters the working muscles, penetrated by thin capillaries, they “wake up” and start working.
  • The heart is also a muscle that needs oxygen, and it also has capillaries that are activated during physical activity. If physical activity is regular, then when performing exercises the heart is activated, while the pulse increases slightly.
  • A sign of a healthy heart and its economical operation is a low resting heart rate. Calculate your pulse in the morning after sleep, lying in bed, and compare with the data given: 55–60 per minute - excellent; 60–70 per minute is good; 70–80 per minute - satisfactory; > 80 per minute - bad.

How to plan your physicalloads

  • If, inspired by what you read, you go to the skating rink or to the pool, run a few kilometers on skis or walk a path that you could travel by bus, this will be a good undertaking. However, remember the basic rule of health-improving physical training: they must be performed systematically.
  • Positive results can only be achieved with regular physical activity. Doctors recommend spending at least 2000 kcal weekly just through physical activity. You can select the frequency of training and the duration of a single load using the data below.

Training frequency and durationone-time load

Load type Energy consumption (kcal/h)
Slow walking (3–4 km/h) 280–300
Walking at an average pace (5–6 km/h) 350
Walking fast (7 km/h) 400
Jogging or jogging (7–8 km/h) 650
Slow running (9–10 km/h) 900
Running at an average pace (12–13 km/h) 1250
Cycling (40 km/h) 850
Swimming (40 m/min) 530
Tennis at a moderate pace 425
Skating at a moderate pace 350
Alpine skiing 580
Sports games 600
Aerobic* rhythmic gymnastics 600

* Aerobic exercises are those aimed at developing endurance and associated with increased heart rate and fat burning. These include all kinds of moving exercises without weights.

How to choose the type of load that is right for you?

  • The chosen mode of physical activity must correspond to the level of fitness of your body, i.e. respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The level of fitness of the cardiovascular system can be determined using a simple test:
    1. Measure your pulse in a normal resting state.
    2. Do 20 squats in 30 seconds.
    3. After 3 minutes, measure your pulse again and calculate the difference between the second and first results.
  • Result:
    good training - up to 5 hits; satisfactory - 5–10 strokes; low - more than 10 beats.
  • In any case, when starting training, observe moderation. At the initial stage of training, increase the training time until the optimal load is achieved. The optimal load is 85% of the maximum heart rate (MHR).
    MHR = 220 – your age
  • Until the optimal load is achieved, you should not increase the intensity of exercise, the speed of walking, running or swimming, or the weight of the weight. Over time, when the exercises become familiar to you, the intensity can be increased.

BIG LENINGRAD LIBRARY - ABSTRACTS - Physical activity and its impact on health

Physical activity and its impact on health

  • Introduction
  • 1. The role of physical activity in human life
  • 2. Physical activity and its close connection with human health
  • 3. The influence of health-improving physical culture on the body

Protecting one's own health is the immediate responsibility of everyone; he has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person, through an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, and overeating, by the age of 20-30 brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, toughen up, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve true harmony of health through reasonable means.

The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the interrelation and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases health reserves and creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of life. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activities.

Health is the first and most important need of a person, determining his ability to work and ensuring the harmonious development of the individual. Therefore, the importance of physical activity in people’s life plays a significant role.

1. ROLE OF MOTOR ACTIVITY IN HUMAN LIFE Some researchers claim that in our time physical activity has decreased by 100 times - compared to previous centuries. If you look carefully, you can come to the conclusion that there is no or almost no exaggeration in this statement. Imagine a peasant from past centuries. As a rule, he had a small plot of land. There are almost no equipment and fertilizers. However, often he had to feed a dozen children. Many also worked as corvee labor. People bore this huge burden day after day and all their lives. Human ancestors experienced no less stress. Constant pursuit of prey, flight from the enemy, etc. Of course, physical overexertion cannot improve your health, but lack of physical activity is also harmful to the body. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. It is difficult to even list all the positive phenomena that occur in the body during reasonably organized physical exercise. Truly, movement is life. Let us pay attention only to the main points. First of all, we should say about the heart. In an ordinary person, the heart beats at a rate of 60 - 70 beats per minute. At the same time, it consumes a certain amount of nutrients and wears out at a certain rate (like the body as a whole). In a completely untrained person, the heart makes more contractions per minute, also consumes more nutrients and, of course, ages faster. Everything is different for well-trained people. The number of beats per minute can be 50, 40 or less. The efficiency of the heart muscle is significantly higher than usual. Consequently, such a heart wears out much more slowly. Physical exercise leads to a very interesting and beneficial effect in the body. During exercise, the metabolism accelerates significantly, but after it it begins to slow down and finally decreases to a level below normal. In general, a training person’s metabolism is slower than usual, the body works more economically, and life expectancy increases. Everyday stress on a trained body has a noticeably less destructive effect, which also prolongs life. The enzyme system is improved, metabolism is normalized, a person sleeps better and recovers after sleep, which is very important. In a trained body, the amount of energy-rich compounds such as ATP increases, and thanks to this, almost all capabilities and abilities increase. Including mental, physical, sexual. When physical inactivity (lack of movement) occurs, as well as with age, negative changes appear in the respiratory organs. The amplitude of respiratory movements decreases. The ability to breathe deeply is especially reduced. In this regard, the volume of residual air increases, which adversely affects gas exchange in the lungs. The vital capacity of the lungs also decreases. All this leads to oxygen starvation. In a trained body, on the contrary, the amount of oxygen is higher (even though the need is reduced), and this is very important, since oxygen deficiency gives rise to a huge number of metabolic disorders. The immune system is significantly strengthened. Special studies conducted on humans have shown that physical exercise increases the immunobiological properties of blood and skin, as well as resistance to certain infectious diseases. In addition to the above, a number of indicators improve: the speed of movements can increase by 1.5 - 2 times, endurance - by several times, strength by 1.5 - 3 times, minute blood volume during work by 2 - 3 times, oxygen absorption per 1 minute during work - 1.5 - 2 times, etc. The great importance of physical exercise is that it increases the body's resistance to the action of a number of different unfavorable factors. For example, such as low atmospheric pressure, overheating, some poisons, radiation, etc. In special experiments on animals, it was shown that rats that were trained for 1 to 2 hours every day by swimming, running or hanging on a thin pole survived after irradiation with X-rays in a greater percentage of cases. When repeated irradiation with small doses, 15% of untrained rats died after a total dose of 600 roentgens, and the same percentage of trained rats died after a dose of 2400 roentgens. Physical exercise increases the resistance of the body of mice after transplantation of cancerous tumors. Stress has a strong destructive effect on the body. Positive emotions, on the contrary, contribute to the normalization of many functions. Physical exercise helps maintain vigor and cheerfulness. Physical activity has a strong anti-stress effect. From an incorrect lifestyle or simply over time, harmful substances, so-called toxins, can accumulate in the body. The acidic environment that forms in the body during significant physical activity oxidizes waste to harmless compounds, and then they are easily eliminated. So, the beneficial effects of physical activity on the human body are truly limitless. 2 Physical activity and its close connection with human health

If muscles are inactive, their nutrition deteriorates, volume and strength decrease, elasticity and firmness decrease, they become weak and flabby. Restrictions in movement (hypodynamia), a passive lifestyle lead to various pre-pathological and pathological changes in the human body. Thus, American doctors, having deprived the volunteers of movement by applying a high cast and maintaining their normal diet, were convinced that after 40 days their muscles began to atrophy and fat accumulated. At the same time, the reactivity of the cardiovascular system increased and basal metabolism decreased. However, over the next 4 weeks, when the subjects began to move actively (with the same diet), the above phenomena were eliminated, the muscles strengthened and hypertrophied. Thus, thanks to physical activity, recovery was possible, both functionally and structurally.

It has been noted that radiologists involved in physical exercise have a lower degree of exposure to penetrating radiation on the morphological composition of the blood. Experiments on animals have shown that systematic muscle training slows down the development of malignant tumors.

In the response of the human body to physical activity, the first place is occupied by the influence of the cerebral cortex on the regulation of the functions of the main systems: changes occur in the cardiorespiratory system, gas exchange, metabolism, etc. Exercises enhance the functional restructuring of all parts of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and other systems , improve tissue metabolism processes. Under the influence of moderate physical activity, the performance of the heart, the hemoglobin content and the number of red blood cells increase, and the phagocytic function of the blood increases. The function and structure of the internal organs themselves are improved, chemical processing and movement of food through the intestines is improved.

Exercise also leads to an increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes, which are the body's main defenders against infection. Physical exercise affects blood pressure by reducing the production of norepinephrine, a hormone that, by constricting blood vessels, causes increased blood pressure.

The combined activity of muscles and internal organs is regulated by the nervous system, the function of which is also improved by systematic exercise.

There is a close connection between breathing and muscle activity. Performing various physical exercises affects breathing and ventilation of air in the lungs, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs between air and blood, and the use of oxygen by body tissues.

Every disease is accompanied by dysfunction and compensation. So, physical exercise helps accelerate regenerative processes, saturate the blood with oxygen, plastic (“building”) materials, which speeds up recovery.

In diseases, the general tone decreases, and inhibitory conditions in the cerebral cortex worsen. Physical exercises increase overall tone and stimulate the body's defenses. That is why therapeutic exercises are widely used in the practice of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, medical and physical education clinics, etc. Physical exercises are used with great success in the treatment of various chronic diseases and at home, especially if the patient, for a number of reasons, cannot visit the clinic or another medical institution. However, physical exercises should not be used during the period of exacerbation of the disease, at high temperatures and other conditions.

There is a close connection between the activity of muscles and internal organs. Scientists have found that this is due to the presence of neurovisceral connections. Thus, when the nerve endings of muscle-joint sensitivity are irritated, impulses enter the nerve centers that regulate the functioning of internal organs. The activity of the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. changes accordingly, adapting to the demands of the working muscles and the whole body.

When using physical exercises, in addition to normalizing the reactions of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, a person’s adaptability to climatic factors is restored, a person’s resistance to various diseases, stress, etc. increases. This happens faster if gymnastic exercises, sports games, hardening procedures, etc. are used.

For many diseases, properly dosed physical activity slows down the development of the disease process and contributes to a more rapid recovery of impaired functions.

Thus, under the influence of physical exercise, the structure and activity of all human organs and systems is improved, efficiency increases, and health improves.

At the same time, numerous morphological, biochemical, physiological studies indicate that large physical loads contribute to significant changes in the morphological structures and chemistry of tissues and organs, lead to significant changes in homeostasis (there is an increase in the content of lactate, urea, etc. in the blood), metabolic disorders substances, tissue hypoxia, etc.

3. The influence of health-improving physical culture on the body The health-improving and preventive effect of mass physical culture is inextricably linked with increased physical activity, strengthening of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and activation of metabolism. Teachings of R. Mogendovich about motor-visceral reflexes showed the relationship between the activity of the motor apparatus, skeletal muscles and autonomic organs. As a result of insufficient physical activity in the human body, the neuro-reflex connections established by nature and strengthened in the process of heavy physical labor are disrupted, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of degenerative diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.). For the normal functioning of the human body and maintaining health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is necessary. In this regard, the question arises about the so-called habitual motor activity, i.e. activities performed in the process of everyday professional work and at home. The most adequate expression of the amount of muscular work performed is the amount of energy consumption. The minimum daily energy consumption required for the normal functioning of the body is 12-16 MJ (depending on age, gender and body weight), which corresponds to 2880-3840 kcal. Of this, at least 5.0-9.0 MJ (1200-1900 kcal) should be spent on muscle activity; the remaining energy costs ensure the maintenance of the body's vital functions at rest, the normal functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems, metabolic processes, etc. (basic metabolic energy). In economically developed countries, over the past 100 years, the share of muscle work as a generator of energy used by humans has decreased almost 200 times, which led to a reduction in energy consumption for muscle activity (working metabolism) to an average of 3.5 MJ. The deficit in energy consumption necessary for the normal functioning of the body was thus about 2.0-3.0 MJ (500 -750 kcal) per day. The intensity of labor in modern production conditions does not exceed 2-3 kcal/world, which is 3 times lower than the threshold value (7.5 kcal/min) that provides a health-improving and preventive effect. In this regard, to compensate for the lack of energy consumption during work, a modern person needs to perform physical exercises with an energy consumption of at least 350-500 kcal per day (or 2000-3000 kcal per week). According to Becker, currently only 20% of the population of economically developed countries engage in sufficiently intense physical training to ensure the required minimum energy expenditure; the remaining 80% have daily energy expenditure significantly below the level necessary to maintain stable health. A sharp restriction of physical activity in recent decades has led to a decrease in the functional capabilities of middle-aged people. For example, the MIC value in healthy men decreased from approximately 45.0 to 36.0 ml/kg. Thus, the majority of the modern population of economically developed countries has a real danger of developing hypokinesia. The syndrome, or hypokinetic disease, is a complex of functional and organic changes and painful symptoms that develop as a result of a mismatch between the activities of individual systems and the body as a whole with the external environment. The pathogenesis of this condition is based on disturbances in energy and plastic metabolism (primarily in the muscular system). The mechanism of the protective effect of intense physical exercise is embedded in the genetic code of the human body. Skeletal muscles, which on average make up 40% of body weight (in men), are genetically programmed by nature for hard physical work. “Motor activity is one of the main factors that determine the level of the body’s metabolic processes and the state of its skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular systems,” wrote academician V.V. Parin (1969). Human muscles are a powerful generator of energy. They send a strong stream of nerve impulses to maintain optimal tone of the central nervous system , facilitate the movement of venous blood in vessels to the heart (“muscle pump”), create the necessary tension for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. According to the “energy rule of skeletal muscles” by I.A. Arshavsky, the energy potential of the body and the functional state of all organs and systems depend on the nature of the activity of skeletal muscles. The more intense the motor activity within the optimal zone, the more fully the genetic program is implemented, and the energy potential, functional resources of the body and life expectancy increase. There are general and special effects of physical exercise, as well as their indirect effect on risk factors. The most general effect of training is energy consumption, directly proportional to the duration and intensity of muscle activity, which makes it possible to compensate for the deficit in energy expenditure. It is also important to increase the body’s resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors: stressful situations, high and low temperatures, radiation, injuries, hypoxia . As a result of increased nonspecific immunity, resistance to colds also increases. However, the use of extreme training loads required in elite sports to achieve “peak” athletic form often leads to the opposite effect - suppression of the immune system and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases . A similar negative effect can be obtained when engaging in mass physical culture with an excessive increase in load. The special effect of health training is associated with an increase in the functionality of the cardiovascular system. It consists in economizing the work of the heart at rest and increasing the reserve capabilities of the circulatory system during muscle activity. One of the most important effects of physical training is the exercise of resting heart rate (bradycardia) as a manifestation of economization of cardiac activity and lower myocardial oxygen demand. Increasing the duration of the diastole (relaxation) phase provides greater blood flow and a better supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. It is believed that an increase in resting heart rate by 15 beats/min increases the risk of sudden death from a heart attack by 70% - the same pattern is observed with muscle activity. When performing a standard load on a bicycle ergometer in trained men, the volume of coronary blood flow is almost 2 times less than in untrained men (140 versus 260 ml/min per 100 g of myocardial tissue), and accordingly, the myocardial oxygen demand is 2 times less (20 versus 40 ml/min). min per 100 g of tissue). Thus, with an increase in the level of fitness, the myocardial oxygen demand decreases both at rest and at submaximal loads, which indicates economization of cardiac activity. This circumstance is a physiological justification for the need for adequate physical training for patients with ICS, since as fitness increases and By reducing myocardial oxygen demand, the level of threshold load increases, which the subject can perform without the threat of myocardial ischemia and an attack of angina. The most pronounced increase in the reserve capabilities of the circulatory system during intense muscle activity is: an increase in the maximum heart rate, systolic and minute blood volume, arteriovenous oxygen difference, a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR) , which facilitates the mechanical work of the heart and increases its performance. An assessment of the functional reserves of the circulatory system under extreme physical exertion in people with different levels of physical condition shows: people with average UFS (and below average) have minimal functional capabilities bordering on pathology, their physical performance is below 75% DMPK. On the contrary, well-trained athletes with high UVC meet the criteria of physiological health in all respects, their physical performance reaches or exceeds optimal values ​​(100% DMPC or more, or 3 W/kg or more). Adaptation of the peripheral blood circulation comes down to an increase in muscle blood flow under extreme loads (maximum 100 times), an arteriovenous difference in oxygen, the density of the capillary bed in working muscles, an increase in the concentration of myoglobin and an increase in the activity of oxidative enzymes. An increase in fibrinolytic activity of the blood during health-improving training (maximum 6 times) and a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system also play a protective role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. As a result, the response to neurohormones decreases under conditions of emotional stress, i.e. The body's resistance to stress increases. In addition to the pronounced increase in the body's reserve capabilities under the influence of health-improving training, its preventive effect is also extremely important, associated with an indirect effect on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. With increasing training (as the level of physical performance increases), there is a clear decrease in all the main risk factors for NES - blood cholesterol, blood pressure and body weight. B.A. Pirogova (1985) in her observations showed: as UVC increased, the cholesterol content in the blood decreased from 280 to 210 mg, and triglycerides from 168 to 150 mg%. At any age, with the help of training, you can increase aerobic capabilities and the level of endurance - indicators of biological age organism and its viability. For example, well-trained middle-aged runners have a maximum possible heart rate that is about 10 beats per minute higher than untrained runners. Physical exercises such as walking and running (3 hours per week) already after 10-12 weeks lead to an increase in MOC by 10-15%. Thus, the health-improving effect of mass physical education is associated primarily with an increase in the aerobic capabilities of the body , level of general endurance and physical performance. An increase in physical performance is accompanied by a preventive effect in relation to risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: a decrease in body weight and fat mass, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, a decrease in LIP and an increase in HDL, a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate . In addition, regular physical training can significantly slow down the development of age-related involutional changes in physiological functions, as well as degenerative changes in various organs and systems (including delay and reverse development of atherosclerosis). In this regard, the musculoskeletal system is no exception. Performing physical exercises has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity. The mineralization of bone tissue and calcium content in the body increases, which prevents the development of osteoporosis. The flow of lymph to the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs increases, which is the best means of preventing arthrosis and osteochondrosis. All these data indicate the invaluable positive impact of health-improving physical education on the human body. CONCLUSIONS So, we can draw the following conclusions: · In modern society, where heavy physical labor has been replaced by machines and automatic machines for a short period of time, from the point of view of human development, a person faces the danger that has already been mentioned - hypokinesia. It is she who is credited with a largely predominant role in the widespread spread of the so-called diseases of civilization. Under these conditions, physical culture is especially effective in maintaining and strengthening human health. · The beneficial effects of physical activity on the human body are truly limitless. After all, man was originally designed by nature for increased physical activity. Reduced activity leads to many disorders and premature decline of the body. · Under the influence of physical exercise, the structure and activity of all human organs and systems is improved, efficiency increases, and health is strengthened. · Physical activity is a leading factor in human health, because is aimed at stimulating the body's defenses and increasing health potential. · Full physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, influencing almost all aspects of human life. LIST OF REFERENCES USED 1. Amosov N.M. Thoughts about health. - M., 1987. - 230 p.2. Amosov N.M., Bendet Ya.A. Physiological activity and the heart. - K., 1989. - 216 p.3. Belov V.I. Encyclopedia of health. - M., 1993. - 412 p.4. Brekhman I.I. Valeology is the science of health. - M., 1990. - 510 p.5. Muravov I.V. Physical culture and active longevity. - M., 1979. - 396 p.6. Muravov I.V. Health-improving effects of physical culture and sports. - K., 1989. - 203 p.7. Fomin N.A. Human physiology. - M., 1982. - 380 p.

Subbotina Anastasia Alexandrovna

Bashirova Dinara Shamilevna

students of the Department of Accounting, Analysis, Audit and Statistics, UGUES, Ufa

Azovtseva Olina Vladislavovna

scientific supervisor, assistant at the Department of Physical Education, UGUES, Ufa

Thanks to the technological revolution, our contemporaries have comparatively better health and longer lives than people in past centuries. Modern inventions greatly influence our lives. Medical science has made significant strides in the fight against disease. This helps keep most people healthy. However, technological progress has also brought with it undesirable consequences.

Time has shown that technology has given rise to a new, previously unknown “disease” that has affected large sections of society. This “disease” is called a sedentary lifestyle. The American Heart Association recently published “International Cardiovascular Disease Statistics.” Among the reasons for their occurrence, “physical inactivity” is also named.

Most modern people think that physical education is of no use to them, because they are not overweight. But exercise is beneficial for both those who are overweight and obese and those who are not. Exercise can improve a person's overall well-being and prevent many serious diseases, including some types of cancer.

According to recent studies, it has been observed that exercise reduces anxiety and even prevents depression. Therefore, regardless of whether a person is overweight or not, if he leads a sedentary lifestyle, then it is better for him to increase his level of physical activity.

With the modern pace of life, most people do not have the time and energy to engage in sports or any physical exercise. Others are afraid of exercising because they think it involves grueling heavy lifting, miles of running, or difficult stretching.

At the initial stage of physical education and sports, you should start with small loads and gradually increase them. For example, a medical publication from the University of California dedicated to fitness and stress management advises sedentary people to increase the load little by little: “Adding a few minutes at a time, work up to 30 minutes each day. You don't have to do anything fancy, you can just walk or take the stairs, just do it a little more, faster and more often" ("UC BerkeleyWellnessLetter").

Beginners should focus not on intensity, but on regularity. If a person begins to feel that he is becoming stronger and more resilient, then the load can be increased. For example, increase the intensity and duration of exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, climbing stairs or cycling. Subsequently, a more serious training program can include weight lifting and stretching exercises. But in order not to overstrain yourself, get injured and, in despair, not quit classes, you need not to overload yourself

It is worth noting that short sessions throughout the day collectively produce the same effect. For example, 10 minutes of exercise three times a day is almost as beneficial as 30 minutes. Therefore, you don't have to exhaust yourself with long, hard workouts to reap significant health benefits.

In order for your classes to be regular, you can schedule them and set the days and times of your classes in advance. After a few weeks, the exercises will become a habit, and the person will feel that you can no longer live without them. When he feels the health benefits, he will already look forward to the next lesson.

It is obvious that our body is designed in such a way that it needs constant movement. A sedentary lifestyle is harmful to health. No pills, diets or surgeries can replace physical activity. But we must admit that regular exercise, intense or moderate, one or several times a day, takes time. Finding and making time for exercise requires self-discipline and organization.

Any sport requires effort. But the effort is worth it! After all, the dangers that lie behind a sedentary lifestyle can be more expensive. Therefore, it is important to stay active, not be afraid of exercise and train your muscles.

While moderate exercise every day is good for your health, researchers say vigorous exercise is more effective. Below are a few options. But before you begin any intensive exercise program, it is important to consult your doctor. walking . This is one of the most convenient types of exercise. All you need is comfortable shoes and a road. The step should be wider and the pace more intense than during normal walking, and the speed should be from 4 to 9 kilometers per hour.

2.Jogging . It's just a slow run. It is considered the best remedy for strengthening the cardiovascular system. But due to the greater load on muscles and joints, there is a risk of injury. Therefore, appropriate shoes are needed. It is also necessary to stretch and remember about moderation.

3.Cycling. A bicycle is an excellent means of exercising. This burns up to 700 calories per hour. Since cycling (like walking and running) is usually done outdoors, you need to take precautions to avoid getting into an accident.

4.Swimming. When swimming, all major muscle groups are used. It also helps maintain joint mobility and is no less beneficial for the cardiovascular system than jogging. People who regularly engage in swimming have developed respiratory muscles and respiratory organs, and there is good coordination of breathing with movements. When swimming, a person breathes clean, dust-free and sufficiently humidified air. Due to increased activity, the respiratory muscles are strengthened and developed, the mobility of the chest improves, and the vital capacity of the lungs increases. Since swimming creates a gentler load on the body, it is recommended for those suffering from arthritis, back pain, overweight people and pregnant women. It's better not to swim alone.

Also, full-fledged fitness should include strength exercises, for example using weights or dumbbells. Such exercises, if done correctly, not only strengthen muscles, but also increase bone density and promote fat burning. Many experts also advise stretching to develop flexibility and improve blood circulation. Stretching also helps maintain joint mobility.

But to avoid injury, strength and stretching exercises must be done correctly. You can read basic advice from a reliable source or ask your doctor.

Scientists have found that increased physical activity affects the amount of chemicals in the brain that are responsible for a person's emotional state, such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. This explains why many people say they feel especially good after exercising. According to some studies, physically active people are less susceptible to depression than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Although some of this research has not yet been completed, many doctors recommend exercise as a treatment for stress and anxiety.

Recent research has also shown that sedentary people can benefit greatly by simply engaging in daily activities that require moderate effort more often. For example:

·Instead of taking the elevator, it is better to take the stairs. Or get off the elevator two or three floors below and walk the rest of the way.

·When using public transport, it is better to get off a few stops earlier to walk.

·When driving a car, you can make it a rule to park further away so that you can walk. Multi-level parking with the option to climb the steps.

·Walk while talking to someone. It is not necessary to sit in communion with friends and loved ones.

·When working sedentarily, it is important to look for opportunities to do something while standing or walking.

So, an active lifestyle is the key to a person’s health for many years, which directly depends on his level of physical activity. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Movement is life.” Therefore, it is important for every person to monitor their health and increase physical activity. After all, even at the modern pace of life, this is possible!


  1. Zdanevich A.K. Physical culture - M.: Education, 2005. - 117 p.
  2. Zdoniseev Yu.I. Physical culture (textbook for university students). Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004. - 276 p.
  3. Zdravkom: a magazine about healthy life in a big city [Electronic resource]. ― Access mode: URL: date: 11/30/2012)
  4. date: 11/30/2012)
  5. [Electronic resource]. ― Access mode: URL: of access: 02.12.2012)

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