Tanks for storing oil and petroleum products: classification, types, sizes. Vertical steel tank. Pressure vessel

Geometric characteristics The main types of steel vertical tanks are given in table. 1.

Walls vertical steel tanks consist of metal sheets, usually 1.5 × 3 m or 1.5 × 6 m in size. Moreover, the thickness of the lower belt of the tank ranges from 6 mm (RVS-1000) to 25 mm (RVS-120000) depending on tank capacity. The thickness of the upper belt ranges from 4 to 10 mm. The upper weld seam with the roof of the tank is weakened in order to prevent destruction of the tank during the explosion of the steam-air mixture inside the closed volume of the tank.

To store relatively small quantities of petroleum products, horizontal steel tanks with a capacity of up to 1000 m³ are used. In addition to steel tanks, reinforced concrete ones are also used in some cases.

Depending on the purpose tanks are divided into groups. The first group includes tanks, intended for storing liquids at excess pressure up to 0.07 MPa inclusive and temperatures up to 120°C. The second group includes tanks operating under pressure more than 0.07 MPa.

Table 1
Geometric characteristics of RVS type tanks

No.Tank typeTank height, mTank diameter, mFuel surface area, m²Tank perimeter, m
1 RVS-1000 9 12 120 39
2 RVS-2000 12 15 181 48
3 RVS-3000 12 19 283 60
4 RVS-5000 12 23 408 72
5 RVS-5000 15 21 344 65
6 RVS-10000 12 34 918 107
7 RVS-10000 18 29 637 89
8 RVS-15000 12 40 1250 126
9 RVS-15000 18 34 918 107
10 RVS-20000 12 46 1632 143
11 RVS-20000 18 40 1250 125
12 RVS-30000 18 46 1632 143
13 RVS-50000 18 61 2892 190
14 RVS-100000 18 85,3 5715 268
15 RVS-120000 18 92,3 6691 290

Reservoirs can be installed underground or above ground. Called underground tanks, buried in the ground or covered with soil, when highest level the liquid stored in it is located at least 0.2 m below the minimum level of the adjacent site, as well as tanks that are lined at least 0.2 m above permissible level oil product in the tank and a width of at least 3 m. Above-ground tanks are those whose bottom is at the same level or above the minimum planning level of the adjacent site within 3 m from the tank wall. In areas of the Far North with permafrost, it is practiced to install tanks on pile foundations.

All tanks are equipped with breathing fittings to align the treatment inside the tank with the environment when pumping or pumping out oil or petroleum products, receiving and releasing devices, and, if necessary, especially when storing oil and dark petroleum products, systems for washing out bottom sediments. Ventilation pipes on tanks for petroleum products with a flash point of less than 120°C are equipped with fire arresters.

Receiving and releasing devices for storage tanks for light and dark petroleum products may differ in design. In the first case, the receiving and releasing device consists of a receiving and releasing pipe, a firecracker, a firecracker control mechanism, which includes a winch and a cable, a bypass device and a supply pipeline. In the second case, instead of firecrackers there is a riser pipe, which is a continuation of the inlet and outlet pipe and is connected to the latter using a hinge.

Khlopusha It is a metal damper installed on the inlet and outlet pipe. The damper is mounted on a hinge and closes the pipe under the influence of its own weight. The valve opens either under the pressure of the pumped liquid or using a control mechanism. Cracker control mechanism consists of a cable and a winch, which may have manual drive for pipelines of small diameters (up to 350 mm) or electric in explosion-proof design for pipelines with a diameter over 350 mm. Throttle opening pressure firecrackers determined by the weight of the damper itself and the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column in tank. Control axis center firecrackers is usually located 900 mm above the axis of the inlet-outlet pipe on which it is mounted flapper.

Reservoirs designed for storing viscous petroleum products are often equipped with heating systems and covered with thermal insulation non-flammable material. As thermal insulation materials Brick, asbestos cement, slag wool, and foam glass can be used. Heating the stored liquid in tanks with the help of internal heaters it is produced with saturated steam or hot water.

On the roofs of tanks, in addition to breathing fittings, there are also light and technological hatches for taking measurements and Maintenance, and on floating roofs, in addition, devices for removing precipitation through flexible hose or a hinged pipe and a movable ladder.

Tank parks for storing oil and petroleum products are complex engineering structures and consist of tanks, usually combined into groups, pipeline systems and other structures. To reduce losses of petroleum products during their pumping and injection of groups tanks with fixed roofs can be equipped with gas equalization systems. These systems are a network of gas pipelines connecting through fire retardants steam-air spaces of the tanks among themselves. The gas equalization system also includes a gas tank, a condensate collector, a pump for pumping condensate and a condensate pipeline. To disconnect the gas space of individual tanks from the general network, there are shut-off valves and gate valves on the gas pipeline lines extending from the tanks.

Reservoirs where education is possible bottom sediments(sediment), leading to a decrease in their useful volume, are equipped with hydraulic washout systems. Bottom sediment washout systems include: pumping unit for supplying water to the system, a stripping pipeline with a diameter of 150 - 300 mm to a hydroejector installation, a hydroejector installation consisting of an ejector, a mobile electric pump and hydraulic monitors, a paraffin-water mixture drainage pipeline.

Oil and petroleum product warehouses, depending on the capacity of tank farms and the capacity of individual tanks, are divided into the following categories (Table 2).

The unit nominal volume of tanks, the permissible nominal capacity of a group of tanks and the minimum distance between tanks in one group are determined according to the document and are presented in table. 3.

table 2
Categories of warehouses for storing oil and petroleum products

Table 3
Main characteristics of tank groups

ReservoirsUnit nominal volume of tanks installed in a group, m³Type of stored oil and petroleum productsAllowable total nominal capacity of the group, m³Minimum distance between tanks located in the same group
With floating roof 50000 or more Regardless of the type of liquid 200000 30 m
Less than 50000 Regardless of the type of liquid 120000 0.5D, but not more than 30 m
With pontoon 50000 Regardless of the type of liquid 200000 30 m
Less than 50000 Regardless of the type of liquid 120000 0.65D, but not more than 30 m
With fixed roof 50000 or less Oil and petroleum products with a flash point above 45°C 120000 0.75D, but not more than 30 m
With fixed roof 50000 or less Oil and petroleum products with a flash point of 45°C and below 80000 0.75D, but not more than 30 m

According to their purpose, tank farms can be divided into the following types:

  • commodity and raw material bases for storing oil and petroleum products;
  • tank farms of pumping stations of oil and petroleum product pipelines;
  • tank farms for storing petroleum products at various facilities.

Tank farms of the first type are characterized, as a rule, by significant volumes of stored liquids, and also by the fact that petroleum products that are similar or identical in composition and fire hazard properties are stored in one tank group. In tank farms of the second type, all tanks most often contain oil or oil products of the same type.

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.11.03-93, above-ground tanks for storing oil and petroleum products with a volume of 5000 m³ or more are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems.

In warehouses of category IIIa, if there are no more than two ground tanks with a volume of 5000 m³, it is allowed to provide fire extinguishing of these tanks with mobile fire fighting equipment, provided that the tanks are equipped with permanently installed foam generators and dry pipelines (with connecting heads for connecting fire fighting equipment and plugs) extended beyond the embankment.

Above-ground tanks with a volume of 5000 m³ or more are equipped with stationary cooling units.

IN automatic systems To extinguish fires in tanks, medium expansion foam with a top supply method is used, as well as low expansion foam with a top or sub-layer supply method. Automatic installation includes a pumping station in which water feeders (pumps), a container with a foaming agent and a dispenser are located. Pumping station serves water solution foam concentrate through the pipeline system to the protected tanks. The solution pipeline network is circular and is located outside the tank embankment along highways and fire passages.

Schematic diagrams for protecting tanks and equipment are shown in Fig. 1 - 10.

Rice. 1. Stationary fire extinguishing installation with medium expansion foam

Rice. 2. The use of sliding foam drains for smooth supply of foam to the surface of the oil product

Rice. 3. Stationary fire extinguishing installation with foam supplied to the base of the tank through an elastic hose to the surface of the product

Rice. 4. Stationary fire extinguishing installation with low expansion foam supplied to the layer flammable liquid(under-layer fire extinguishing method)

Rice. 5. Protection of a tank with a floating roof by a stationary fire extinguishing installation with low expansion foam supply

Rice. 6. Foam chamber with a foam generator for the formation and supply of low expansion foam into a tank with a floating roof

Rice. 7. Protection of the tank with low-expansion foam generators, permanently placed on a floating roof. The foaming agent solution is fed up the elastic hose

Reservoirs are distinguished by location: above-ground, underground. Underground tanks include tanks covered with soil. Pile structures are considered to be of the ground type. In conditions low temperatures The tanks are installed on piles. Tank volumes: from 100 to 20,000 m3.

All types of containers are equipped protective fittings to equalize pressure with the atmosphere. Large tanks are equipped with a sediment washout system. Ventilation corridors are equipped with fireproof shields.

Tanks intended for storing viscous elements are heated and are usually insulated on the outside with non-flammable material. Slag, brick, and asbestos cement are used as insulators. In case of heating from the inside, pipes with steam or hot water are used.

On top of the tank there is one or more technological hatches. Purpose: measuring and pumping liquid. For zones high humidity False roofs are installed in the tanks - floating elements for collecting and removing condensate.

Types of tanks

Material of manufacture. Products can be reinforced concrete, metal, synthetic, earthen.

Overpressure. High and low pressure. Low pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure, but does not exceed it by 0.02 MPa.

Application technology. Water tanks, settling tanks, storage tanks for viscous substances, tanks for petroleum products with protective properties.

Design. Cylindrical vertical tanks, horizontally cylindrical, with a straight or conical roof, with a regular or wide bottom.

In industry, reinforced concrete and steel structures storages.

Vertical steel tank (VS)

RVS is a volumetric container, most often for petroleum products. The walls of the structure are made of belts from metal sheet or rolls from 3 to 6 mm thick, from 5 to 30 mm at the bottom. To prevent explosive situations top part The tank and roof are welded with a weak seam. The thickness of the metal in the upper part is 3-10 mm.

Varieties of RVS. RVSP - vertical steel rez-ar with a pontoon. RVSPK - with a floating roof. Raw material tanks are used for oil. Process tanks designed for collecting water, commercial ones are used for storing oil ready for sale.

Hot water storage tank (HWA)

Tank for storing water up to 95 C. Used in water supply systems. Installation according to the system - after the heater before the consumer. By design, the product is classified as a domestic hot water supply and serves to provide stable hot water.

The horizontal product has a rounded wall, bottom and roof. The wall is made by rolling or assembled from sheets of rolled steel. Automatic double-sided submerged arc welding guarantees excellent joint quality.

Products with a capacity of less than 5000 m2 are equipped with a conical roof. Others have a dome-shaped roof. The design is equipped with bandages. Vertical reinforcing elements will protect the tank from deformation.

Horizontal steel tanks (RGS)

Products are manufactured in volumes from 3 to 100 m3. Horizontal steel above-ground tanks come in single-wall (RGS) and double-wall (RGSD) designs, used for storing petroleum products and water.

To strengthen the RGS, triangular diaphragms with a cross-section of a brand are installed inside the tank. A hatch and process pipes are installed in the roof. Technological holes are reinforced with linings as thick as the tank wall.

Tanks are subjected to overpressure only after installation. The test pressure exceeds the working pressure by 0.25%. The test duration is at least 10 minutes. After holding, the load is normalized to working load and the integrity of the structural seam is checked by visual inspection.

RGD is a horizontal two or more sectional tank. Suitable for storing two or more types of fuels and lubricants. Horizontal partitions are made of steel with a thickness no less than the thickness of the walls of the structure. In the upper part, each compartment has its own opening and ventilation.

Underground horizontal drainage tanks

There are two main types of containers:

EPP - tank with heater;

EP - without heater.

The products are used for temporary storage of wastewater, petroleum products, and oil industry waste.

Horizontal underground installation designed to protect the environment from the harmful effects of stored products.

The design is a metal cone-shaped cylinder, with two hatches located in the upper part. One hatch is for refueling, the other is for diagnostics. Underground products are ideal for heavy industry.

Pressure vessel

Capacity closed type, designed for sealing chemical reactions, as well as storing and transporting flammable liquids and gas. Widely used in industry, sports and everyday life. Diving cylinders, heating boilers, receivers, gas cylinders- examples of wide application.

A vessel is a complex, dangerous device. Operation is permitted only in compliance with industrial safety and labor protection rules. For safe work installations are equipped shut-off valves, pressure gauge, thermometer, safety valve, level indicator.

Tanks for thermal power plants and state district power plants

Tanks for thermal power plants and state district power plants are made in rectangular and cylindrical horizontal or vertical designs. Material of manufacture: carbon steel. Install indoors, protected from fire.

Power plant application:

Steam boilers;

Heat exchangers on a turbine unit;

Feed water deaerator;


Steam expanders;

Tanks for storing fuels and lubricants.

Stainless steel tanks

Used in industry and everyday life. Products used in everyday life:

Storage food products, drinking water;

Accumulator, temporary storage for condensate or liquid;

For industry they use:

Storage of petroleum products;

Industrial processing;

Containers for bulk materials.

The main advantage of stainless steel is its excellent anti-corrosion properties and protective qualities against salts and acids. The design of the container can be either sealed or open. The thickness and number of walls depends on the operational tasks.

Administration Overall rating of the article: Published: 2015.08.03

The production of tanks involves the manufacture of two types of structures: above-ground and above-ground. The first include containers located underground and covered with soil. The above-ground structures are pile structures. The volume of these products is 100-20 thousand m³. Tanks used at subzero temperatures have a pile foundation.

Iron containers are used to store viscous substances. They are provided with devices that normalize internal pressure, heating, and a technological hatch. The outside of the tanks is insulated with non-flammable material.


Depending from raw materials, from which containers are made, they are divided into:

  • metal;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • earthen;
  • synthetic.

Orienting for appointment, tanks are divided into:

  • water containers;
  • storage facilities for viscous substances;
  • settling tanks;
  • petroleum product storage facilities.

Design there are tanks:

  • With different roofing– conical, straight;
  • cylindrical horizontal;
  • cylindrical vertical;
  • with different bottoms - regular, wide.

In addition, it involves the manufacture of low and high pressure devices.

Stainless steel tanks

As storage facilities chemical substances, as well as food products, stainless steel tanks are used. Steel is used for their manufacture. This material has protective properties from acids and salts and has high anti-corrosion properties. Depending on the type of substances stored, such tanks may have different numbers and wall thicknesses. Their design has two types of execution. The first is open, the second is sealed.

Hot water storage tank

In hot water supply systems, BAGV containers are used. They provide liquid storage with a maximum temperature of 95º C. Containers with horizontal design have a round shape. Tanks with a volume of up to 5 thousand m³ have a conical roof. Structures with a larger capacity are equipped with a domed roof. To protect containers from deformation under the influence of foreign factors, they are provided with reinforcing elements.

Vertical steel tank

RVS is used as a storage facility for petroleum products. The raw material for the manufacture of these containers is metal in the form of rolls or sheets. For the upper part of the tank, a material with a thickness of 3-10 mm is used, and it is welded with a weak seam. This reduces the likelihood of explosions. In the manufacture of the bottom of the container, material with a thickness of 5-30 mm is used. Varieties of such containers are provided with either a pontoon or a floating roof.

Horizontal steel tank

RGS is used for storing liquid and oily substances. The volume of these containers is 3-100 m³. In addition to conventional tanks, RGSD - double-walled tanks are manufactured. To strengthen the product, it is equipped with stiffening diaphragms, linings, a hatch is mounted on top, and technological access is made. After installation of the structure, it undergoes an overpressure test.

Underground horizontal drainage structures

As a temporary storage facility for petroleum products and their waste, as well as waste water, underground horizontal tanks are used. They are divided into two types:

1. EP – without heating.

2. EPP – heated.

This metal containers in the form of a cone-shaped cylinder. There are 2 hatches in the upper section of the structure. One of them is used as control access, the second is used for loading. This type of tank has proven itself in heavy industry. Hatches allow you to protect environment from exposure to substances in containers.

Pressurized tank

For the delivery and storage of gas and various flammable liquids, pressure vessels are mainly used. This type of tank is very dangerous. Therefore, their operation requires compliance with proper regulations. For this purpose, such containers are equipped with a safety valve, shut-off valves and various measuring instruments. Examples of pressure vessels are gas cylinders, diving tanks, heating boilers etc.

Today, the production of tanks allows us to produce in-demand products. The manufactured products have wide application in many areas of human life. You can ask any questions you are interested in in any way convenient for you.

Modern requirements for tanks for storing petroleum products are quite strict. Nevertheless, they are of enormous interest to industry representatives.

While everything is clear in theory, in practice the situation is not so rosy. Preserving raw materials is quite problematic, because... it is worth observing whole line requirements and standards.

Requirements for tanks for storing oil and petroleum products

The trend is connected with the fact that such resources are characterized by properties that complicate production and logistics operations by an order of magnitude.

In addition, hydrocarbon raw materials are considered:

  1. Dangerous from the point of view fire safety. During storage, no risk or creation of favorable conditions the appearance of open fire and especially its spread. Fire safety requirements also apply to the occurrence of electrical discharges. A cold spark of sufficient strength can cause a gas or oil fire.

  2. Explosive. This quality forces the creation of a whole list of protective mechanisms at any enterprise in the corresponding segment.

  3. Sensitivity to impurities and foreign substances. The ingress of foreign objects into oil can lead to its spoilage and loss of high quality.

All this is taken into account when reservoirs for storing oil and petroleum products are created. Anyone understands that it is not possible to change the initial properties of a hydrocarbon resource. Moreover, it is precisely on the properties of the fossil that its demand as the main fuel of our time is based.

The most common solution to the storage problem is to develop all the necessary components that will create favorable conditions.

Thus, all kinds of tanks for storing petroleum products were created. They help prevent a large number of risks.

All this allowed the development of an industry direction, one of the main vectors of which is considered to be the creation optimal conditions storage

Enterprises in this area are engaged professional selection or the development of containers that meet current safety standards and structural requirements. Such communications allow you to work with resources without any risks or threats.

Main types of tanks for storing oil and petroleum products

Steel structures are the most popular. Most often they have a vertical oblong shape. Such variations are equipped with a floating pontoon. Their capacity often reaches 50,000 cubic meters of raw materials.

Also in practice, cylindrical types of tanks for storing petroleum products with a spherical roof have found use. Sometimes it may have a conical design. Now models with a floating bridge with a capacity of 120,000 tons have found quite widespread use.

The entire segment of resource extraction, storage and transportation cannot fully function without the presence of such containers.

It is noted that the capacity of the tanks is growing every year, and their equipment is being modified every day.

Innovations and advanced developments from leading engineers in the segment are constantly being introduced. Moreover, all requirements for similar designs don't disappear anywhere.

It is noted that custom development must meet the same safety requirements as typical tanks. Their task remains the same: to minimize the risk of fuel spills throughout the facility, resistance to ignition and explosion.

Such equipment is considered in narrow circles to be quite complex when considering its design or application.

The process of determining the required volume of construction or ordering a product is a priority for any organization.

Finding a contractor who can develop excellent types of tanks for storing oil and petroleum products is often a matter of increased complexity.

to his appearance All containers for industrial tasks are similar to each other. Thus, people who are far from this production segment may assume that their main difference is capacity. But everything is far from so prosaic and easy. Such products must be used only for their intended purpose.

Some types of structures are used to store water and technical fluids, others - for all kinds of minerals.

Designs for gaseous fuel and petroleum products are designed only for a specific type of feedstock. Thus, they can be used for storing gasoline, technical oils, diesel fuel and other products.

At the same time, in structures intended for storing light types of fuel, it is necessary to store only it, and for dark types - the corresponding raw materials. Such structures are developed exclusively from first-class, high-strength metal or polymer that is resistant to aggressive environments.

In practice, such products are made from stainless high-alloy steel. At the same time, a whole list of requirements is put forward for all materials used in production. All engineering developments undergo strict testing and diagnostics.

Classification of tanks for storing oil and petroleum products

The classification of tanks for storing oil and petroleum products is the following list of structures:

  • single-walled;
  • double-wall variations;
  • horizontal structures;
  • vertical options;
  • underground structures;
  • ground container.

Large enterprises prefer multi-wall variations. Organizations believe that tanks for storing petroleum products of this class are more durable and less susceptible to corrosion. For more favorable conditions, an inert gas is introduced between the walls of the structure.

Horizontal developments have greater resistance to an aggressive environment and the pressure of raw materials, and therefore are considered more preferable, although they are less common in the industry. But they do not receive due attention from industrial giants, because... are not economical in terms of available space in a plant or oil storage facility. The main advantage is easy maintenance and operation.

Modern production of tanks for storing petroleum products

Modern petroleum storage tank manufacturing has become fixated on the design of above-ground tanks.

Underground communications are more preferable in terms of protection. This is due to their location below the soil freezing level in winter. This protects the raw material from adverse atmospheric conditions and prevents the fuel from freezing or overheating.

It is noteworthy that immediately before the dive underground tanks for storing petroleum products they are covered with additional insulation.

Tank farms for storing petroleum products and other devices on display

At the international exhibition "Neftegaz", which will be held under the auspices of the Expocentre Fairgrounds in the second ten days of April, you can find modern solutions the issue of storing petroleum products, advanced technologies of the processing complex.

The exhibition is considered one of the largest projects in the industry. The latest equipment will be presented at the event. Thematic seminars on storage parks will be held here, and the installation of tanks for storing petroleum products will also be discussed.

Back to main construction material The tank has the following requirements: corrosion resistance, non-susceptibility to chemical influences from the product and impermeability. Therefore, the main material used for the manufacture of tanks is steel (rolled sheets) of carbon and low-alloy grades, which are characterized by good weldability, resistance to deformation and good characteristics plasticity. IN in some cases aluminum is used.

Of the non-metallic tanks, the most common are reinforced concrete tanks, in which viscous and hardening petroleum products such as fuel oil, bitumen, as well as heavy petroleum products with a low percentage of gasoline fractions are stored. Oil from big amount gasoline fractions and easily evaporating petroleum products are stored in reinforced concrete tanks, the impermeability of which is achieved by applying an additional gasoline and oil resistant coating.

Flexible tanks, also called oil tanks, made from special polymer materials, are characterized by flexibility, low specific gravity and high chemical and corrosion resistance. Such tanks do not require preliminary laying of a foundation and can be placed on simple wooden pads. Small specific gravity and compactness when folded make them preferable in cases where it is necessary to organize temporary oil storage without the need to erect capital structures. This is also facilitated by the simplicity and speed of their installation and dismantling.

Submersible tanks are tanks submerged in water. The principle of underwater storage of oil (petroleum products) is based on their difference in density compared to water, due to which they (water and oil) practically do not mix. The stored oil seems to rest on a cushion of water. For this reason, many such tanks are designed without bell-shaped bottoms. They are made of reinforced concrete, metal and elastic materials (synthetic or rubber-fabric). Underwater tanks are placed at the bottom of reservoirs and secured with anchors. Filling occurs using pumps, and for emptying, hydrostatic water pressure is sufficient, pushing the oil product up the outlet channel. They are used at offshore bases and oil fields, where they can show greater efficiency than coastal tanks.

The most common shape is cylindrical tanks. They are economical in terms of metal consumption, which was shown by the example of Shukhov tanks, are quite simple to manufacture and install, and also have good strength and reliability. Vertical tanks can be manufactured either in sheet form or from roll blanks.

Along with tanks cylindrical In chemical production, spherical tanks are successfully used, the body of which consists of separate sheets 25 - 30 mm thick, rolled or welded into a ball shape. The tank body is installed after assembly on a reinforced concrete foundation in a ring. Also, the shape of the reservoir can be drop-shaped. Such tanks are assembled from parts in the form of petals, manufactured separately at the factory and delivered to the installation site.

When storing petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene) in the off-season great importance have underground storage facilities constructed in rock salt deposits, located at a depth (100 m and below). They are created by the erosion of salt by water (leaching) through wells. To empty the storage facility of petroleum products, a saturated saline solution is pumped into it.

When storing petroleum products in underground tanks, the space around them is filled with concrete, which ensures safe storage. The degree of soil moisture in which the tank is immersed determines the degree of its additional protection. It can be like a special anti-corrosion protective covering, and waterproofing the tank. Underground tanks have a number of advantages, including ease of use, saving space in the area where they are installed, and the possibility of their placement in places with high seismicity. It is also important to note the fact that underground reservoirs are less susceptible to daily temperature fluctuations.

For storing petroleum products underground, double-walled containers are best suited, in which the tank (main) is located inside a protective tank, and the distance between their walls should be at least 4 mm. This distance is ensured using a rolling profile, which is attached by welding to inner surface protective tank. The cavity between the main and protective tanks is well sealed and filled with gas or liquid, the density of which is less than the density of the stored oil product. Constant monitoring of the interwall cavity makes it possible to timely detect damage and prevent a possible accident.

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