Country porch. How to make a wooden porch with your own hands. Preparatory stage before the start of construction

To get into interior spaces own home, you need to go through the porch. Without this extension, the house or cottage looks like an incompletely finished structure. The porch performs several functions: aesthetic, the function of entering and exiting the house, and protecting the house from winter drifts. Build wooden porch with your own hands is not the most difficult task. In terms of its design, it can be simplified, built-in, or attached. Less common are porch-patios and other original forms.

By design, the porch can be simplified, attached or built-in.

Included project documentation under construction wooden house do-it-yourself designs usually include porch drawings, from which you can deviate somewhat if desired. A patio porch is an intermediate option between a terrace and an ordinary porch. Its design is quite simple, but functional. This building is ideal for wooden house located in a warm climate where there is no snow. But such structures are also erected in regions with precipitation in the form of snow. In this case, it is recommended to additionally trim the outside of the wooden porch with siding. You can build it without any problems.

Materials and tools

To work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • pine log or timber 100x200 mm;
  • boards for making steps, platforms, side posts and railings;
  • boards 50x150 mm for constructing a canopy over the porch.

Tools you will need:

Porch steps size.

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • shovel;
  • level;
  • nails and screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Porch construction

The construction procedure includes the following main stages:

Stage 1. To build a wooden porch, you need to equip a foundation. Optimal choice Its design is considered to be a pile version. It is characterized by ease of construction and low cost. The pine timber from which the supports will be made is treated with an antiseptic compound. For the installation of each support, a hole about 80-100 cm deep is dug. You can drill it with a drill of the required diameter. The lower part of the pillars is treated with hot bitumen, wrapped in roofing felt, installed in a hole, covered with soil and compacted. Instead of bitumen, waste oil is also used. You can fill the supports with concrete. Installed pillars need to be cut so that they are the same height.

Schemes of stairs for the porch.

Stage 2. It is necessary to make a bowstring and stringers. The simplest bowstring is one with ledges carved on it. The option with steps embedded in the bowstring is more complex. The recesses for the steps can be marked using a pattern cut from cardboard in the form right triangle. Its legs are equal to the dimensions of the tread and riser. The tread is the horizontal part, the riser is the vertical part.

The recommended tread width is 37-45 cm, the height of the steps (risers) should not exceed 20 cm. The porch of a wooden house should have an odd number of steps. The width of the porch should be one and a half times the width of the door to which the porch adjoins. The marked parts are cut out with a hacksaw or jigsaw. Ready elements are leveled using a level and attached with the upper end to the supports. For more durable fastening of all structural elements, steel brackets and metal strips are used.

Stage 3. All work on the installation of flooring, steps and risers is completed, and railings are installed. These parts are attached in different ways: using grooves and tenons, nails, screws, self-tapping screws.

The service life of a wooden porch depends on many reasons. Not least among them is the quality of materials. The wood must be well dried. In order to protect against rotting and various pests, all structural elements must be treated with antiseptics.

Stairs on different types supports

Stage 4. Construction of a canopy or roof over the porch. This detail can give everything country house complete aesthetic appearance, protect the porch of a wooden house from the effects of precipitation. Decorations made from carved wood and metal forging. The shape of the canopy, its color and material usually repeat the corresponding parameters of the main house. But this is not prerequisite. Most often, the roof is made with a pitched slope, with the slope sloping away from the house. The materials used are traditional metal tiles, slate, and corrugated sheets.

Roofs and canopies made of colored polycarbonate sheets look quite effective. They easily take any shape, are easy to install and light in weight. For their construction, additional wooden or metal racks. You can simply attach a frame welded from metal to the wall. You can use a frame made of aluminum profile. The dimensions of the canopy over the porch usually do not exceed 100x200 cm.

Possible errors in construction

  1. The staircase attached to the house is attached close to the door. Frozen ground in winter can lift the entire structure. As a result, the front door may open with certain difficulties or become completely jammed.
  2. The pile foundation is not deep enough or not treated with bitumen. This will lead to rotting of the wood and gradual destruction of the structure.
  3. It is recommended to install a wooden porch 10 cm below the door leaf, and install a threshold in the doorway. These measures will protect against the occurrence of many possible troubles during the operation of the porch.

Some useful notes

A porch made of logs fits perfectly into the ensemble of wooden houses.

  1. A wooden porch is the most common type of such structures. It is perfect for houses made of logs, timber and adobe. They are often finished with vinyl siding.
  2. IN modern construction beams are usually used instead of traditional logs different sections. Ideal material for the manufacture of beams from which they build pile foundation, larch.
  3. You can decorate a porch for a wooden house with your own hands, making it especially attractive and capable of charming guests who come to the house.
  4. Without proper care, protecting structures from mold and insects, a wooden porch can quickly lose its functions and presentable appearance.
  5. If you plan to build a roof or canopy over the porch, this structure should be 20-30 cm higher than the front door.
  6. The area under the porch can be concreted with a layer 10-20 cm thick. This will give it special strength.
  7. You can build a porch from rounded logs, inserting between them steps from thick boards or from the same logs sawn along. This design will require the construction of a strip foundation.
  8. For construction country house it takes a lot cash, as a result of which there may not be enough of them for the porch. In this case, you can build a simple porch using the remains of beams and boards after building a house.
  9. It is recommended to install railings when the porch height is more than 1.5 m. Optimal height the railing is 80-100 cm.
  10. The internal volume under the porch can be used for economic needs. For this use, you need to cover the porch on all sides with boards, chipboard, and other materials. You need to install a small door through which you can get inside the under-wing space.

Building a porch of any type for a wooden house with your own hands is a completely doable task.

To perform it you need a minimum of tools. To make a porch, you can use scraps of materials left over after building a house. You can decorate the finished structure with wooden carvings, elements from forged metal. The main thing is to process all wooden parts hot bitumen, antiseptic agents. This will significantly extend the life of the porch.

The porch of a house is not only a decorative element of the facade, but also good protection from rain, snow and wind all year round. A wooden porch is characterized by ease of assembly, reliable construction and natural beauty. Having become familiar with all the intricacies of constructing a wooden porch in advance, you can complete such work yourself quickly and without much difficulty.

Preparatory work

It is possible to build a wooden porch with high quality and quickly, observing certain requirements for preparing a future project:

  1. We create a drawing. The plan diagram includes a general view of the structure, dimensions of all structural elements.
  2. We determine the type of wood for construction ( best option- hard wood).
  3. Calculating the area landing sufficient for the smooth opening and closing of doors.
  4. Let's calculate.
  5. Before you start building a wooden porch with your own hands, it is important to think about the general appearance of the structure and its design style. It is important that the design is in harmony with the facade of the building, being included in a single composition.

Wooden porch project

When attaching a wooden porch to a house, the following parameters are calculated:

  • Height of the stairs. It is easy to determine this indicator; to do this, measure the distance from the soil surface to the threshold of the doorway, subtracting 5-10 cm of indentation (taking into account seasonal fluctuations in the soil and changes in the thickness of the tree under the influence of precipitation).

Attention: if the height of the porch requires a large number of steps, experts recommend erecting a corner frame made of wood, in which one of the flights is placed along the facade of the building.

  • Length of stringer (string). The supporting beam of a staircase with a comb along the top line on which the steps are fixed is called a stringer. Bowstring is a structural element onto which steps are fixed using the groove method.

  • Width and height, number of steps. The calculation of these indicators is based on the width of a person’s step. On average, the height of a step is 18 cm, width (depth) -26 cm. You can determine the required number of steps using the formula K = i/d, where: K is the number of steps; i is the distance from the porch to the starting point of the base of the stairs; d is the length of the step.

Choosing a wood species

When planning construction, it is important to choose the right material for the job. The most durable, high quality wooden staircase The porch will be made of larch or pine. The log houses for a wooden house made of rounded logs look very colorful.

Before purchasing lumber, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • dryness of the wood (the cut of the wood is smooth, without wet spots);
  • no traces of mold, knots, or bark beetle nests.

Design features

Wooden porch for a private house - small extension to the facade of the building.

Device options:

  • open area with steps - simple design without railings (ideal for a small one-story country house);

  • partially enclosed area with low railings;

  • closed porch - a structure consisting of a staircase, a platform, railings and a canopy. An enclosed porch helps keep the house quiet and increases the level of thermal insulation.

The advantages of a wooden porch

An undeniable advantage of wooden structures is the ease of processing lumber. It is also worth noting a number of positive points:

  • a large selection of models of wooden structures;
  • low thermal conductivity (wood canopies help increase the thermal insulation of a building);
  • wood does not require additional decorative finishing;
  • simplicity and speed of construction (no need for a reinforced foundation);
  • If repairs are necessary, there is no need to dismantle the entire structure; only a separate part of it can be replaced.

Cons of a wooden porch

Wood like natural material susceptible to destruction under the influence of moisture, fungus or mold. The surface of wooden steps wears out very quickly and dries out under the influence of direct sun rays. It is especially worth noting the high degree of combustion of structures made of timber and boards.

All of the above shortcomings are easily corrected. To do this, you need to regularly soak wooden surfaces special protective and antipyretic compounds.

How to build a foundation

When constructing a porch made of wood, you can use following types foundations:

  1. Columnar - ideal option grounds for lightweight design made of wood. Quantity support pillars depends on the total area of ​​the porch.
  2. Slab - a base made of a concrete monolithic slab, as a rule, is used for very heavy structures.

Let us consider in more detail the process of constructing the simplest pile (columnar) foundation.

Algorithm of actions:

  • According to a pre-calculated pattern, holes are dug in the ground.
  • A small layer of sand and gravel is poured into the bottom of the hole. It is necessary for high-quality moisture absorption and preservation of the pillars from premature rotting.
  • The support is installed in the prepared hole and filled with concrete solution. Important: the depth of the supports is 20 cm from the freezing level of the soil.
  • After waiting the required time for leveling and hardening of the concrete, check the height of all support pillars. If necessary, the required areas are trimmed. Important: in order to increase the strength of the structure, the outer supports are attached to the facade of the building with self-tapping screws.

How to build a wooden porch

Having determined the dimensions, type of design, purchasing necessary materials, you can begin construction.

When constructing a porch made of wood, you must adhere to certain rules and procedures:

  • as supports most suitable material pine logs will become;
  • an additional waterproofing layer must be laid between the wood of the stringer and the base of the foundation;
  • support pillars must be processed protective compounds;
  • support pillars are dug into the ground no more than 80 cm.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands

A clear algorithm of actions has been developed, following which you can easily and quickly build a wooden porch with your own hands:

  1. Designing a plan future design. We calculate the dimensions of all structural elements and the amount of material required.
  2. We are laying out the foundation.
  3. We build a staircase to the porch made of wood with our own hands.
  4. We arrange a canopy and railings.
  5. We cover the entire structure with protective compounds.

We arrange the flooring, steps and fencing

There are several ways to lay deck boards and steps:

  1. A wooden beam or board is tightly fitted to each other and attached to the base with self-tapping screws. Important: in this case, the slope of the site is at least 2°C.
  2. The boards are laid with some gap (no more than 3 mm).

Installation of steps must begin from the bottom of the bowstring. First of all, risers are installed, and then steps.

The final stage is the installation of the railings. There must be a fence if the height of the stairs exceeds three steps.

Installation of a wooden porch floor platform

The site is built from durable thick boards that can withstand the daily movement of a large number of people. A small gap (gap) is left between the flooring boards, which is necessary for the free flow of rainwater and the unhindered movement of air.

Important: the boards for the site must be laid out at a slight angle of inclination.

Care and protection of a wooden porch

A canopy will help protect your wooden porch. Visors made of wooden beams above the porch frame.

Extend service life wooden structure You can, by adhering to certain rules and requirements:

  1. Wood requires periodic treatment with protective compounds. The wood is processed for the first time before construction begins, then protective layer applied during the operation of the structure.
  2. Give more decorative look During construction, painting or finishing with varnish will help to reveal the beauty of the wood. It is necessary to apply paints and varnishes in several layers.

Important: do not coat pine wood with transparent varnishes. For soft woods, water-based, alkyd or polyurethane paints are most preferred.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a wooden porch yourself

When building a wooden porch with your own hands, it is important to follow a clear sequence of actions:

  1. Project development and calculations required quantity materials. The quality of the work performed, the reliability and durability of the erected structure largely depend on the accuracy of the calculations.
  2. Construction of the foundation. For a wooden structure, it is enough to build a foundation from a pile. This easy-to-install base ensures the porch is reliable and durable for many years.
  3. Construction of a wooden porch frame - forming a bowstring.

It is easy to assemble a single structure; all elements are connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove method. Metal staples will help strengthen the frame.

  1. Arrangement of the platform, steps, railings. The easiest way to arrange a wooden porch area is to cover it with boards. The elements of the risers and feet are fixed to the frame using self-tapping screws. Installation of steps begins from the bottom of the bowstring. First of all, risers are installed, and then steps.

Safety of movement on the stairs is ensured by wooden or metal railings.

Make something beautiful wooden porch It’s possible to do it yourself, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the process in advance and strictly follow all stages of construction.

The porch is mandatory element the entrance part of the building and its “business card”. The desire to decorate your own home, taking into account fashion trends and personal taste preferences are inherent in almost everyone. The design of the porch of a private house should emphasize the integrity of the entire structure and make it more attractive. There are many options for designing the entrance of a building, so we invite you to consider the most popular and interesting of them.

Wooden porch

The most popular option remains installation wooden flooring on the porch. In most cases, such structures are made from pine wood, as the most inexpensive and popular natural raw material. If the porch is properly sealed, varnished and painted, it will look attractive for many years.

This current method decoration of the facade, which is decorated in country style. This design can be complemented with wood-based porch decor, which will add atmosphere country cottage. Wood can be complemented with stone, which is relevant not only for country style. In private country buildings, these two materials look quite harmonious together and are suitable for finishing platforms, doors and for use as decoration.

Concrete porch

Concrete is considered universal material, which is cheap and reliable, and is also optimally suited for making a porch. This monolithic design, which will not begin to wobble over time, which is sometimes inherent wooden products. In addition, it can be easily repaired and decorated with any decor. Don't forget that concrete porch May be various shapes, which will not particularly affect the price and amount of time to complete the task.

Concrete structures can be decorated with tiles, for example, clinker. There are options trimmed with stone, and also painted and treated with other materials. IN modern buildings with a facade made of wood, brick or siding, a concrete porch can be left without additional covering. This allows you to emphasize the features of the texture of the walls and their colors.

Brick porch

A brick porch is a more expensive option compared to the previous ones, but it also looks attractive and is considered a fairly reliable solution for decorating a home. Installing the structure may take more time and require serious effort, but in the future the work put in will pay off in a big way, since it does not require additional maintenance.

Often, a brick porch has a concrete base or a covering of steps based on other materials. There are also options for laying tiles on the steps. It looks homely, inspires confidence and adds reliability to the building. But be careful, as any step surface you choose should not be slippery, otherwise this area will become potentially dangerous in the cold season due to snow and ice.

Porch made of stone

Natural stone considered a classic option. Such raw materials are distinguished by durability, presentability and strength, which is especially important. There are many varieties of stone, some suitable for the base, and a number of others for creating decorative elements (and the raw materials for making the base will be much more expensive). Although, in general, all types of stone can withstand adverse weather conditions and will not require additional maintenance for a long time.

If the building is stone, then you can fit in general design porch with columns. Natural stone can be combined with monumental elements. Such a composition will look harmonious.

Metal and wrought iron porch

Usually, when they talk about a forged or metal porch, they mean decorative parts of the structure - awnings, railings, steps, which are made of metal. But sometimes they install completely metal porch in a private house.

The main advantage they have similar designs, is increased strength and durability. However, you will have to constantly paint and treat your porch to prevent it from deteriorating due to corrosion. Moreover, a metal floor will be quite cold, so it is not suitable for arranging a terrace. The latter option requires a concrete base or wood flooring on a metal base.

Porch with canopy

In most cases, awnings seem to continue the roof and, together with the porch, perform the important function of protection from the effects of precipitation and solar radiation. This great option arranging a comfortable entrance to the building.

If the building has architectural features, which will not allow installing a canopy over the main entrance, even small size, replace it with a visor. Such a detail will not only partially perform the functions of a canopy, but will also be able to diversify the appearance of the building, and if you choose the product correctly or make it in an original way, it will become a real decoration of the exterior.

Even a small canopy can make an entrance to private house more presentable. Its shade can protect you from the sun, as well as save you from streams of water during the rain if you open the doors or wait for the car.

Porch with steps and railings

If at home high foundation and you can install steps that will lead to the main entrance; installation of railings will be relevant. This design will make the exterior of the building appear safer and more stable, and will also perform a very specific function and help residents and visitors enter the house in bad weather.

This traditional look registration of entrance to the building. It can be combined with a canopy or canopy, and can also be decorated various designs additionally, so that the composition looks complete.

What is a porch, why does it exist and what functions does it perform?

The porch is an extension to the house, which, through steps, makes it easier to enter/exit the doors. Since the porch usually has a canopy, this provides additional protection for the doorway from the sun, rain and snow.

In addition, the porch acts as a decorative element that makes the exterior of the house complete and makes its operation convenient.

As a rule, the parameters of the porch are thought out at the stage of building a house, cottage or cottage. But often a porch is attached to an existing structure.

Traditionally, to build a porch in front of a house, the same material from which it is built is used (for example, wood or brick house). The porch can be made of wood, concrete, metal, brick. It is important that the selected material (for steps, cladding, porch finishing) is in harmony with overall design Houses.

Due to the fact that wood is the most popular, as well as affordable and inexpensive material, most often the porch is built of wood. Therefore, we will consider in detail (step by step) how to organize the construction of a wooden porch. Another argument in favor of lumber is the ease of working with wood, which makes it possible to make a wooden porch with your own hands.

Wooden porch for a private house - project

Construction begins with the development of a project that takes into account:

Types of porch

Porch design

  • built-in porch - built together with the house, has a common foundation with it;
  • attached (attached porch) - completed during the operation of the house.

Material for porches in a private house

  1. tree;
  2. concrete;
  3. metal (forging, steel, iron);
  4. brick (stone).

Methods for constructing a wooden porch

Possible implementation in two versions:

This method is simpler and consists in installing a wooden box (or porch frame made of metal profile), on which the steps are installed.

This option is also more budget-friendly; it can be implemented at any stage of construction or operation of the house. A closed wooden porch makes it possible to hide all the flaws that arise during the construction stage;

The peculiarity of this method is that the base frame is prepared only for the lower part of the stringer/string, and the upper one rests on beams or a floor slab. This method of building a porch provides more opportunities for implementing original solutions.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands without mistakes

Before we tell you how to build a wooden porch, we will describe the main mistakes that novice craftsmen may encounter.

  • stylistic errors. The dimensions, appearance, and material of the porch must be in harmony with general view buildings (house design);
  • errors in the dimensions of the porch. The porch should be proportional to the main building;
  • errors in measurements. Each parameter is measured several times and plotted on the diagram;>

    Note. Professionals advise putting on the diagram not only the dimensions of the porch, wooden frame, but also other parameters: the size of the doorway, the distance from the porch to the plants or protruding decorative elements. This information will be useful if necessary to correct the porch drawing.

  • excess material consumption. Eliminated through careful planning.
  • ignoring the requirements for structural strength. The porch is the most used part of the building. In addition, it is susceptible to external factors, which means the material must be selected with a margin of safety and taking into account the dimensions of the porch;
  • provide additional protection to a wooden porch. Untreated wood gradually loses its properties, so it needs protection and constant care;

    Note. Both open parts of the structure and load-bearing parts need protection, i.e. those that are placed in the ground or rest on a foundation.

  • separation of the foundations of the house and the porch (on different (separate) foundations) will lead to uneven shrinkage of the porch and the appearance of a crack between the elements. A threshold installed at the junction of the porch and the house will allow you to avoid this. Or installing a threshold without a march, with the first step 150-170 mm below the threshold. But this is fraught with injury, since when leaving the door, the user is forced to go down;
  • the absence of a foundation leads to the fact that the porch “floats” under the influence of soil displacement (shear);
  • jamming of doors (blocking, jamming). Occurs due to geological changes (frozen soil can raise the porch a couple of centimeters).

How to properly build a porch for a house

Material for making a porch

To make a beautiful wooden porch you will need building materials:

  • For supports, a beam with a cross section of 100x200 mm is suitable. The size depends on the type of porch, the expected load, the number of supports, etc. When choosing wood for supports, it is better to give preference to larch or pine, due to the presence of resins, they can withstand all-season operating conditions well;
  • For entrance area from the steps you can use a board 30-50 mm thick;
  • ready-made balusters and railings. Or timber and lath for their manufacture. The dimensions of the lumber depend on the parameters of the future product.
  • solutions, compositions and impregnations for wood protection;
  • cement mortar (concrete);

Note. Using 50 mm boards for both supports and steps will allow you to avoid errors in calculations, reduce waste and, in general, use lumber more efficiently.

Drawing of a wooden porch

Even a simple (standard) drawing, drawn by yourself, will help to avoid difficulties during its construction.

The porch drawing must contain the following information:

  • appearance of the porch. Makes it possible to visualize the final appearance of the structure;
  • the width of the porch should be one and a half times wider than the doorway (you can calculate how wide the porch should be this way: 1.5 times the width of the door, this will be the minimum allowable width). This width will allow you to open the door while on the porch area;
  • The width of the stairs to the porch (flight of stairs) must be at least 700 mm. Otherwise, difficulties will arise when moving people and objects along the steps;
  • location of the porch platform (flooring). The porch floor should be 30-50 mm below the threshold (doorway). A lowered porch platform will prevent the doors from blocking due to snow or lifting of the porch structure;
  • porch angle;

Note. Professionals advise sloping the porch area and steps by 2-3° to avoid water accumulation. An alternative would be to install deck boards with a gap of 2-3 mm.

  • foundation. Types, depth, characteristics of the soil underneath;
  • number and size of porch steps. The standard recommends adhering to the following dimensions of steps: height - 170-180 mm, step depth (tread) - 300-350 mm. It is desirable that the number of steps be odd. These dimensions will make movement along the steps comfortable;
  • presence and installation location of fencing (balusters and railings).

Note. In construction practice, there are no norms and rules regulating the parameters of the porch. The recommendations concern only the parameters of the steps.

Drawing of a wooden porch, as an illustrative example:

Scheme of a wooden porch

It’s convenient when working when the diagram of a wooden porch is made on a large sheet of paper and is always in front of your eyes.

A good alternative would be a life-size cardboard template. A paper template is indispensable when making a flight of stairs on a bowstring.

Foundation for the porch of a house

A correctly selected and poured foundation for a wooden porch is the key to its strength and durability.

A wooden staircase to the porch can be installed without a foundation. But filling it will prevent the porch from moving due to seasonal soil movement.

When building a porch, you can choose one of the following types of foundation:

Columnar. Well suited for lightweight construction. The number of support pillars depends on the size of the porch.

Slab. Structurally represents monolithic slab made of concrete. Designed for heavy (massive) structures. In most cases, a slab foundation does not need to be tied to the foundation of the main structure (house).

Tape. It has a significant margin of safety, while requiring less material costs. Connection to the foundation of the house is required.

Material prepared for the website

What kind of foundation is best to pour under the porch?

Some users recommend setting up strip foundation for the porch. In this case, the likelihood of a discrepancy between the porch and the house, as when using a columnar one, is eliminated. It also reduces material consumption compared to slab. The difficulty in arranging this type of foundation is that it needs to be tied to the house.

How to tie (connect) the foundation of the porch and the house?

First of all, adjacent foundations of the porch and house must have the same depth.

It is better not to immediately fill the place where foundations are attached (fastened, connected), but leave a technical gap (a gap of 20-30 cm), in which there will be connecting elements (studs, reinforcement).

In the old foundation of the house, holes are drilled at a distance of 50-60 mm and studs with expansion anchors are driven in. From the new porch foundation, make a rebar outlet to these studs. Simply fitted (do not twist or weld).

After the new foundation has “settled” (stands) for a year (or at least a winter), preferably under load, the reinforcement can be connected (tied, twisted, welded). Fill the bond with concrete mortar.

The diagram below shows how to make a porch out of wood with the foundation tied to the house.

What is the depth of the foundation for the porch

The depth of the foundation for the porch must correspond to the depth of the foundation of the house and is located below.

Strip foundation, of course, great solution for the construction of a porch. However, not everyone needs a massive structure. After all, most porch staircases are built using stringers or bowstrings. In this case, it is not necessary to pour a strip foundation, but give preference to a pile or columnar foundation. When laying out such a foundation, you need to make concrete “pillows” for the supports and the base of the stringer/string.

The method for constructing a concrete pad is shown in the diagram.

How to build a wooden porch for a house

Let's consider the technology of constructing porches on pillars (piles, supports, beams) made of wood.

The construction of a porch on a foundation in the form of a support cushion for pillars (support pedestals) will be justified only if a number of rules are followed:

  • the base of the stringer must rest against the waterproofing laid between the foundation and the wood of the stringer;
  • It is better to use wood for supports coniferous species, it is preferable in conditions of high humidity;

Advice. When choosing lumber for a support, it is better to give preference not to a 100x100 mm beam, but to two 50x100 boards fastened together.

  • the wood of the supports should be treated with an antiseptic;

Note. The support should be processed to a height of 150-200 mm from the soil level. In this case, it is undesirable to use roofing felt. It prevents the flow of air, and the process of wood rotting begins from the inside. It is better to use drying oil or used machine oil.

  • installation depth of supports is at least 800 mm;
  • After the concrete used to fill the supports has dried, you need to check their height. Adjust the height difference;

Note. When making a porch from wood, it is necessary to consider waterproofing and drainage system. This will avoid distortion of the porch structure.

It is worth noting that there is no fundamental difference in how to build a porch for a wooden or brick house. It is important to make an informed choice of the type of foundation and, if necessary, to correctly link it to the foundation of the house.

Flooring the porch landing and installing steps

Users' opinions differ on this issue. Some advise fitting the flooring boards as closely as possible to each other in order to prevent the appearance of cracks typical of dry wood, and also making a slope of 1.5-2° to allow water to flow smoothly from the flooring.

Others recommend leaving a gap of 2-3 mm so that water flows down unhindered. At the same time, they claim that these gaps do not entail the risk of injury when walking on the flooring (except for high-heeled shoes). Wooden steps for the porch - you can buy them ready-made or make them yourself. If the latter option is selected, a detailed description is provided below.

How to make steps for a porch out of wood

The steps are installed starting from the lower edge of the stringer/string. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, which must be sunk into the wood to avoid injury.

First, the riser is installed, then the step. This is due to the fact that it is easier to maintain the dimensions.

When constructing a staircase on a stringer, the steps are attached to it. Options for attaching the steps to the string are shown in the diagram.

Wooden porch fencing

It is important to note that if a flight of stairs has more than 3 steps, it is advisable to equip it with a fence. The fence for the porch can be metal (forged, from stainless steel), wood, brick, stone (or concrete). Wooden railings for the porch can become not only a guarantee of safety of movement, but also an additional decoration.

Recommendation. Provide safety elements - anti-slip coating on the steps of the porch (non-slip, anti-slip, rubber, rubber coating, tiles, mat). After all, frozen moisture (icing) makes movement on them dangerous.

We have sorted out the question of how to make a wooden porch; now it is important to study how to extend its service life.

How to protect a wooden porch - care

A canopy over the porch will protect wooden steps and the structure as a whole from exposure to external factors (sun, snow and rain). A wooden canopy over the porch of a wooden house will look especially good. For buildings made of other materials (for example, for a stone house), polycarbonate, corrugated sheets, tiles or others are suitable roofing materials. The visor can be made with or without stands. The main thing is that the visor supports do not interfere with movement.

Wood processing is divided into pre-operational and operational. The first involves applying special compounds before the construction of the porch begins. The composition of the solutions will reduce the tendency of wood to rot, deform, dry out, etc. And the second one will make it possible to save original appearance designs. Such processing may include painting, waxing or varnishing.

Painting a wooden porch

  • pine wood needs to be exposed (coated) with paint in several layers and the layer periodically renewed;
  • before applying paint, you need to open (treat, impregnate) the wood with a primer;

    Advice. The primer will preserve the properties of wood, but the surface will need to be painted every 3-6 years. Without impregnation, the paint will last up to 10 years, but the properties of the wood will deteriorate significantly.

  • It is not recommended to coat pine with transparent compounds. Sand and dirt are pressed into the soft rock;
  • larch wood or hardwood can be opened with transparent compounds. Vermeister Deck.Oil impregnation oil has proven itself to be excellent;
  • When choosing what to paint a wooden porch on the street, you need to know that the compositions for coating the wood outside and inside the house may differ. To paint a wooden porch from the street (outside), use the following paints and enamels:
  • oil-based (due to their pungent odor they are gradually losing popularity);
  • water-based (need constant updating);
  • alkyd (resistant to moisture and mechanical abrasion);
  • polyurethane (used mainly in industrial environments);
  • reactive (consist of two components; their distribution is limited by high cost and short time for application after mixing the components).
  • Each renewal of the coating on wood is carried out only after stripping the surface of the previous layer of old paint.

How to attach a wooden porch - video

Following the steps listed above will allow you to create a beautiful, reliable and functional wooden porch with your own hands.

It is the porch that creates the first impression of the house. Very often, the owner spends serious money on the design and decoration of the house, and arranges the entrance part only later, without particularly caring about it. appearance. The main thing is that it protects the entrance. But this is not only the main thing; in addition to its practical purpose, this element also becomes a decorative element.

Practical features

The porch is architectural design, which is a separate building from the house. Simply put, it is an extension to a home that helps a person move from ground level to floor level.

The porch serves two functions: practical and decorative.

The practicality is that it protects the entrance to the house from the effects of precipitation. Very often, home owners place a foot mat near the front door. Therefore, we can say that the porch also performs a sanitary function. If it has a staircase, then a storage room is made under it.

Since the entrance element is built after the construction of the house is completed, little attention is usually paid to it. A properly built and decorated porch can become an additional decoration for the yard.

During construction, it is important to know some technical rules:

  • The width of the porch should be greater than the doorway. The size of the site must accommodate several people at the same time;
  • the structure is built horizontally. A small angle of inclination is acceptable for independent water drainage;
  • the number of steps should be such that a person stands on the platform with the foot that first stood on the first step;
  • The recommended width of the steps is about 30 cm, and the height is 15-25 cm, the height of the railing depends on the height of the residents of the house, on average from 80 cm to 1 m.

Types of structures

The porch can be low, high, with or without a veranda.

A low porch is built in a house where there is no ground floor. Entrance doors are low to the ground and such a structure protects them from exposure environment(precipitation, dampness, and so on), and are usually built from concrete or stone. Railings are optional, but sometimes they are installed for beauty.

If funds and space allow, then a low porch is made with a veranda. In this case, it becomes an independent part that must be protected from bad weather conditions. The veranda is close to the ground, so to protect it from dampness, there should be a waterproof cushion underneath it.

A high porch is where the house is raised to the ground floor level, built with several steps (depending on the height) and railings.

A building with a veranda looks chic and reliable, but it is not cheap. The veranda can be located in the center of the house, or at its corners. Under the veranda you can plant various vegetation that will decorate the house. The veranda itself, due to its high location, is protected from soil dampness. You can make a storage room under it.

The porch should complement the home, not look separate from it. The design and material depend on what and how the house is built.

If the house is wooden, then it is logical that the porch is wooden. It is simple in execution, and therefore inexpensive. Solid wood is used in areas subject to constant load. Since wood swells when exposed to moisture, the platform is installed below the entrance to the house. The material is dried so that the moisture content is no more than 15−18%. After this, the wood is treated with antiseptic and fire-resistant agents.

A stone porch is durable, reliable and durable. The most difficult thing is the constant care of the stone cladding, which is constantly being destroyed. The depth of the foundation should be equal to the depth of the foundation of the house. The steps are made from face brick, and the cladding is made of porcelain tiles. Clinker tiles are especially recommended, they are easy to maintain, non-slip and have a wide range of colors.

A polycarbonate structure requires a frame to which this material is attached. Polycarbonate is durable and difficult to even scratch. Because of light weight does not bear any load on the foundation. Easy to clean, water leaves no marks. The polycarbonate sheet is covered with a special film that protects the material itself and does not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through. Therefore, it cannot be removed.

A metal porch can be combined with other materials. It's easy to install. To make this structure last longer, it is coated with an anti-corrosion agent. Designs can be either simple or complex. A wrought iron porch looks beautiful, but its cost is high. In addition, it will be very noisy when it rains. It is not recommended to make a canopy made of metal.

Which design to choose

The design of the porch can be represented by either one platform or complex design with veranda, staircase and decorative elements. It is worth considering the design of the house to create a holistic composition.

Here are some tips:

  • the canopy can be attached directly to the house or be part of the structure;
  • a flat canopy is impractical - precipitation will not drain;
  • the steps are not made of polished materials to prevent slipping on them in rain or frost;
  • A porch built into a house looks very impressive when the second floor or roof of the house plays the role of a canopy.

Wooden houses can be built with a porch. It will serve as a summer living room or dining room. If the house has several wings, then you can make a terrace. Sometimes the porch is built in a circle. To create rustic style the structure is made with a canopy to hang pots of plants.

If the house is built of bright brick, then it will be very good to highlight some elements with white, for example, window frames or pillars. This design is suitable for classic houses.

For a house with a built-in porch, you can make a stone finish. There are three options: clad only the portal, the entire porch, and clad the adjacent facade. Bricks are also used to make pillars, fences or steps. Sometimes they simply lay out a brick path to the house.

Well-designed lighting and decorative elements, be it pots with plants, artificial waterfalls, benches and so on.

How to make a porch with your own hands - description of construction technology

Construction technology consists of 4 stages:

  1. Calculations and design.
  2. Choice of material.
  3. Construction of the frame.
  4. Construction.

At the design stage, the foundation is determined, either it is dug separately or shared with the house. If the foundation is separate, then you need to decide on its size and depth, and the length of the piles. Calculate the height of the stairs, railings, and the size of the area in front of the front door.

Often wood or concrete is chosen for construction. The wood used is usually coniferous, most often larch.

The area for the foundation must be cleared and reinforced with a mesh of reinforcement, filled with a thin layer of concrete 20-30 cm. Concrete is mixed as follows: for 1 kg of cement, take 4 kg of crushed stone and 2 kg of sand, stir with a small amount of water, because concrete should not be elastic. Backfill brick is laid on top.

For waterproofing, use aquazol or roofing material folded in two layers. Waterproofing is done both horizontal and vertical.

After waterproofing, a staircase is made and steps are laid. The technology depends on the selected material.

How to avoid mistakes

  • First mistake. The porch is completed after the house is built. In this case, the foundation is dug shallow; it is not connected to the foundation of the house. Therefore, the foundation of the porch is affected groundwater, frosty rise of the earth, different shrinkage of the earth and other factors that lead to cracks between the house and the entrance structure.
  • Second mistake. The platform is installed on the same level as the entrance to the house. Therefore, in winter, when the porch becomes higher due to the rise of the earth, front door may jam.
  • Third mistake. Poor vapor barrier or lack thereof. Water seeps through the concrete and reaches facing tiles, which does not allow steam to pass through, the steam turns into water and remains under the tile. And when frost hits, the water expands and tears off the finish.
  • Fourth mistake. Sometimes during construction

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