Pumping of sewer wells. Pumping out sewerage in a private house - sewage disposal at home Planting plants in an artificial pond

Chemical method Cleaning the bottom of the device from sludge involves the use of special strong caustic chemicals that soften and convert condensate waste into a liquid state. Chemical composition it foams, is poured into the structure, acts for a certain time, the effect of mechanical action is created, blockages, formed grease deposits and debris are dissolved. This method is completely environmentally friendly, but is used quite rarely, since chemicals have a very high cost.

Thermal washing of wells

Thermal washing method. Used strong pressure hot water, heated to 160 degrees, which is supplied to the installation. This method will help clear the well of accumulated debris only if you apply it 2 to 4 times in a row. We recommend using it in addition to hydrodynamic cleaning.

In a full range, both for enterprises/organizations and individuals. All work related to pumping, cleaning and removal of waste is carried out using special equipment, sucker video see his work on the page.

Our sewer trucks are based on trucks of the MAZ, GAZ and ZIL brands - these are domestic vehicles who confirmed their excellent performance for many decades. Thanks to this special equipment and the equipment installed on it (pumps and tanks), measures for cleaning storm drains and other treatment systems is reduced to a minimum.

Pumping, transportation and disposal of sewage is the main range of activities of our organization!

As you understand, human life and activity are not realistic without the production of waste - and their removal is an urgent task. Otherwise, the soil, air, water bodies and the surrounding space as a whole will be polluted and dirty. Moreover, stench and toxins pose a serious danger to the person himself.

The company "Otkachka Service" provides services in the North-East of Moscow and the region, in particular we serve the following cities: Sergiev Posad, Ivanteevka, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo, Korolev, Pushkino. Be it private houses, cottage villages, summer cottages, separate enterprises - we will take care of the sewage system for each customer! Sludge suckers, photographs of which can be seen on the pages of our website, will make sure that wastewater treatment plants will function efficiently and for as long as possible.

The main thing is not to forget that the cleaning of pits, septic tanks, and toilets must be carried out systematically, only in this case can you count on their normal operation. And if you are interested in how suction pump working video- for your attention!

Sludge pump operation video

And exploitation summer cottages Problems arise that cannot be solved on our own. For example, the sewer system in a house becomes clogged, or it is necessary to pump out sludge from a well.
Problems often arise with cleaning storm drains, pumping water from basements, removing sludge from settling tanks, cleaning ponds, and draining swampy areas. To solve all these problems, you need to contact a specialized company and call a suction pump.

The sludge sucker is a tank car, equipped with vacuum pump with a special drive, hydraulic system and additional technological equipment. High cross-country ability allows these vehicles to reach even the most hard to reach places. A modern sludge extractor is no longer the same old sewer machine, covered in dirt and dripping with stench. This is a unit that uses the latest equipment and meets all current environmental safety requirements.

Differences in dimensions, wheelbase width, tank capacity, pump power and additional technological equipment make suction pumps universal in use. Thanks to modern systems These machines can pump out dirt from a depth of up to 8 meters. All work is carried out without unnecessary leaks or unpleasant odors.
The scope of application of such machines is huge. From small summer cottage or car washes to reputable manufacturing, construction or utility companies.

A large fleet of sludge suckers allows specialists to choose the optimal option in terms of efficiency and cost for completing a specific task. So, if an order is received at a dacha, then a suction pump with a minimum capacity will be provided to fulfill it, capable of easily driving through a narrow dacha driveway. If it is necessary to drain an entire pond, then preference will be given to equipment with maximum tank capacity, a wide wheelbase and maximum cross-country ability.

Today, with such an assistant as a sludge sucker, you don’t have to be afraid of any difficulties or rush jobs. It is only necessary to clearly define the frequency of its call and have the details of a specialized company at hand in case of an emergency situation.
Ilosos is always right

The art of landscape design today has reached such heights that human imagination simply knows no bounds. Absolutely any idea can be brought to life by creating a miniature front country house the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or the topiary labyrinth of evergreen rabbits and birds, like Louis XIV. In addition, enterprising landscape designers Today we have learned to create beautiful artificial reservoirs that do not require special soil or an underwater source.

Gorgeous cascades, noctilucous fountain, a romantic stream from an overturned jug in oriental style... You can really do all this with your own hands - without special costs and attracting specialists. The main thing is to know how and what will be discussed in this article.

Choosing the shape and design of the future reservoir

The most successful shape of an artificial reservoir is round. Firstly, it looks more natural and closer to nature, and secondly, garbage often accumulates in square and rectangular pools and ponds, which is not easy to remove. That is why it is recommended to give preference to smooth and smooth forms. sharp corners: in the form of a heart, a circle, the imprint of a huge human foot, a drop or a dolphin. Of course, the more unusual the shape of the reservoir, the more difficult all construction work will be. But the more impressive the end result will look.

As for the area of ​​the artificial reservoir, then decorative ponds it usually does not exceed five square meters. But their depth should not be more than half a meter, plus 10 cm must be set aside for a sand bed. But for a small lake, the area of ​​which exceeds 9 square meters, the depth must be made from 60 cm to a meter so that the water warms up slowly and evenly. By the way, if you plan to breed fish in an artificial pond in the future (for yourself or for sale), then they will need a lot of space. And in general, the larger the reservoir in area and depth, the easier it is to maintain ecological balance in it, and the less often it will need to be cleaned.

Today you can purchase a ready-made pond bowl in specialized stores, which you just have to bury in the ground. But for greater savings, you can also dig a beautifully shaped pit yourself and cover it waterproofing film. The main thing is that all the ledges are made strictly horizontally, because only on a flat bottom can plant residues be distributed evenly and processed by microorganisms without the unpleasant formation of swamp gas. In general, ledges are often made only on one side of the pond, while its opposite wall descends almost vertically.

Determining the place of the reservoir in the garden layout

A beautiful artificial pond is, without exaggeration, the most spectacular and noticeable element of landscape design. But the place for its placement depends more on the purpose for which it will be built:

If fish will be bred in a pond made by yourself, it does not have to become the central element of the layout. After all, carps, like all living things, love peace and quiet.

But if the reservoir will primarily perform decorative functions, it can be safely installed in the most noticeable and visible place - and it will become a win-win trump card for its owners.

Many people dream of their own, albeit small, quiet pond with lilies or a stream shimmering in the sun, which they can admire alone on pleasant, fresh evenings. Then such a pond in the garden layout should be located in the farthest secluded corner, where only one path will lead.

But in any case, no matter what purpose the artificial reservoir serves, it can only be placed where:

  • no strong winds;
  • the sun's rays warm the water no more than 6 hours a day;
  • there are no trees nearby that will clog the pond with their flowers and leaves, and also damage the walls of the pond over time.

So, as soon as the place is chosen, you can begin to build an artificial reservoir.

Construction of cascades and waterfalls

An artificial reservoir does not have to look flat and primitive. The more decorative and architectural delights it contains, the more luxurious the entire landscape design of the site will look.

But what are cascade and waterfall, and how do they differ? So, a cascade is stone steps along which water flows. A waterfall is just one step, but of greater height, from which a large mass of water falls directly into the bowl of the reservoir. And the cascade can be safely combined with a reservoir, which can simply be at the very beginning of the water movement, and at the end, when the multi-level cascade ends with a small waterfall. Here a lot depends on imagination and on the possibility of using the terrain of the land where the artificial reservoir is being built. The main thing is that it fits organically into the surrounding design.

The ledge itself for the waterfall can be one, or in the form of steps - this will be even more effective. And the shape of the ledge also shapes the falling stream - will it be a continuous curtain or will it begin to be divided into even “strands”. Or the pond will become a spectacular miniature of the fountain of tears in Bakhchisarai, with flowing drops.

In addition, the sound of falling water - dull or ringing - directly depends on the stone that was chosen for the cascade or waterfall, and on the height of the ledge.

And most importantly, in an artificial reservoir with a waterfall and cascades, you can safely plant plants and even keep fish. After all, water in movement and fall is well saturated with oxygen and cools better in the heat, which is especially useful for fish and aquatic greenery. And oxygenated water is always clearer and cleaner than stagnant water.

Excavation work, preparation and strengthening of the ditch

All work on the construction of an artificial reservoir can be carried out only in the summer, and only on those days when the air temperature is at least 20˚C. Firstly, only at this temperature can you spread the film - in colder conditions it will not be able to straighten and stretch normally. And secondly, if a ready-made tank bowl is used instead of a film, then the soil during work should be loose and dry - the same as in summer, because in both spring and autumn there is a slight shift in the soil (swelling and shrinkage), which, little by little, can cause the plastic bowl to become deformed from pressure and crack. That's why experienced builders It is recommended that work on the manufacture of an artificial reservoir be carried out at exactly this temperature and only in summer.

How to make an artificial pond from a finished bowl

The easiest way to build a pond with your own hands is to purchase a ready-made bowl made of plastic or fiberglass. The technology of all work in this case will be as simple as possible - just dig a hole required sizes and place a plastic or fiberglass bowl in it. Therefore, if you plan to build a small reservoir, a ready-made bowl will be an ideal option.

A plastic bowl for an artificial pond is the most affordable. It already has specific outlines, colors and projections for aquatic plants. But plastic is also the most short-lived material, which does not tolerate light well and easily cracks at bends, although in Lately Forms have already appeared that are not afraid of ultraviolet rays.

The strongest and most durable bowls for ponds are rubber-based and fiberglass. But to save money, you can also purchase a compact plastic form - in any case, it will be better than a thin and unreliable film.

But fragile fiberglass bowls, which come in a variety of shapes and are designed for both small reservoirs and tanks up to 6000 liters, can last up to 30 years and can be easily repaired. They tolerate it well low temperatures and are quite resistant to ultraviolet rays. And they can be of very different colors - from black to green. And finally, fiberglass is absolutely safe for fish and plants. But this form is by no means cheap.

So, if a ready-made bowl was purchased to make an artificial reservoir, then everything must be done in the following sequence:

  1. The finished bowl must be placed in the chosen place and circled around it with a shovel. Then the form can be removed again. By the way, if a ready-made reservoir was not purchased, the contours of the future reservoir can be outlined freely, according to the plan.
  2. It is necessary to dig a pit to fit the shape of the future reservoir, making sure to add 15-20 cm from the intended contour for the necessary filling and 10-15 cm in depth.
  3. At the bottom of the pit you need to lay sand 4-5 cm thick, which will prevent possible subsidence.
  4. Now the entire bottom needs to be leveled and the slopes compacted well.
  5. The form needs to be put in place and the edges checked using the rule - it should stand straight.
  6. Now the mold needs to be filled a third with water, and fill the voids around with sand, periodically wetting it with water for density. In this case, all the soil around the pond may sag, and therefore it must be watered with water from a hose for several days.

After all this, all that remains is to purchase special container-baskets with plants that can be placed in the pond at the required depth.

Also, when installing a fiberglass bowl, you must remember that:

  1. Fiberglass is a fairly fragile material, and therefore it must be transported and installed very carefully.
  2. It is advisable to fill the space between the fiberglass mold and the walls of the pit tightly, without any voids. To do this, you can constantly water the sand and tamp it down with force.
  3. The fiberglass container must stand strictly horizontally and not warp - otherwise attempts to speed up and simplify the installation technology will end in failure of the container itself.

How to make an artificial pond with your own hands without a bowl

A DIY concrete bowl for a pond will cost less than buying a ready-made tank. To do this, you must purchase in advance concrete mixture, reinforcing mesh and get boards for formwork. The concrete “pool” will be the strongest and most durable. But after installing such a bowl, you should not immediately populate the pond with plants - first you need to use a bitumen-based sealant, which will prevent flora and fauna from coming into contact with lime that is dangerous to it.

But a beautiful and budget-friendly pond can be made without bowls - either concrete or purchased. To do this, dig a pit and cover it with a special waterproofing film - cheap and cheerful. It is only important to know about all the intricacies of such work, and artificial pond will delight you for many years.

The process of waterproofing the bottom of a reservoir

If a ready-made plastic mold was not used in the manufacture of an artificial reservoir, then it is important to ensure that the water does not go into the ground, i.e. carry out waterproofing work. And you need to do it like this:

  • So, a 5-centimeter layer of sand, peat or a special soil compactor that is not subject to rotting is placed on the carefully leveled bottom of the dug pit. You can buy one in a specialized store.
  • The prepared layer must be crushed well. If there is thick, coarse material or old blankets, they can be placed on top of the sand.
  • The film from the selected material must be carefully straightened and pulled onto the bottom so that its edges extend onto the shore another 10 cm. Next, the edges are secured at the corners either with slabs or bricks. Moreover, butyl rubber and PVC film there is no need to trim perfectly along the entire bottom - they themselves will take the shape of the pit after the liquid begins to press on them. But cheap polyethylene will still need to be straightened with your own hands towards the edges from the center, while being sure to form even thin folds on all protrusions and corners - so that there are no tears in the future.
  • The edges of the film are masked with decorative mats or a thick layer of gravel and stone. You can plant plants between cobblestones of different sizes - it will be more aesthetically pleasing. And the bottom can be filled with river pebbles (only pebbles, not crushed stone, which will easily cut the film)
  • All edging materials must be placed close to each other and seated on cement mortar. But, if in the future fish will be bred in an artificial reservoir made with your own hands, you cannot add lime to it.

Film coating as a type of waterproofing

The most economical option Film coating, which has several types, is rightfully considered.

Polyethylene film. This is a transparent and very thin film, which, unfortunately, is neither strong nor durable. Its service life is 2 years. That is why such a coating is only suitable for creating temporary reservoirs. Herself polyethylene film It also comes in different colors and thicknesses.

Polyvinyl chloride coating. PVC material is considered the most resistant to external influences than plastic film. It glues perfectly, stretches and takes any shape. But, at the same time, this coating is not famous for its durability. In addition, over time, unsightly folds appear on it. But PVC film can serve for more than ten years.

Synthetic rubber film. This film can also take any shape, it is also quite difficult to damage, and in any case, all cracks and damage can be easily repaired on this film by special means for gluing. However synthetic rubber does not tolerate direct exposure well sun rays and frost. Therefore, such a film serves for more than half a century and is absolutely indispensable for deep reservoirs and rocky surfaces.

Waterproofing with reinforced liquid rubber. Liquid polymers are the most modern look coating, thanks to which you can make a solid and reliable bowl of absolutely any configuration with your own hands without much difficulty. Wherein liquid rubber environmentally friendly and resistant to external influences - the elastic material is almost never damaged during operation.

Waterproofing the bottom of a reservoir using polyurium. Polyurium today is one of the most durable and quality materials. It was preceded by bitumen, rubber and various solvents, but this material compares favorably with all others. It consists of a mixture of resin and isocyanate, which, under conditions high pressure mix with each other and form a particularly strong and durable coating. Moreover, it is absolutely non-toxic - you can safely breed fish and other living creatures in a polyurium pond.

You only need to apply polyurium to the walls of the pond once - it instantly hardens and forms an unusually durable layer. Construction works it is usually uncomplicated and can be completed in a short time. And for creating an artificial pond, polyurium is ideal because it is laid without a seam and provides the bottom of the reservoir with truly reliable waterproofing.

So, as soon as the foundation pit for the artificial pond is dug and prepared, it is necessary to make a geotextile backing for greater strength. Next, you can apply polyurium in the same way as paint using a spray gun. The equipment for it is, of course, expensive, but only with the help of it can you create a layer of the required thickness. The polyurium coating system itself usually comes in two different containers of liquids, which will require a two-component dispenser, spray gun and compressor to heat and mix.

When all work on creating a waterproofing coating is completed, the pond can be filled with water. If everything was done correctly, the water will not drain. And due to the fact that polyurium does not release any organic or toxic compounds, rare plants and even fish can be grown in such a reservoir.

A pond made from polyuria is especially durable because... the appearance of cracks in it is completely excluded, and therefore it simply does not need repairs, unlike a pond with a vinyl film or a ready-made plastic tank.

Installation of underwater and surface lighting

The artificial pond looks especially charming in the evenings, when the special illumination of the water is turned on and the streams are filled with a fabulous bright light. And don’t think that such a miracle only happens in huge city parks - such beauty in miniature can be recreated in your own area. After all, it’s all the fault of the little one decorative lighting, which can be both surface and underwater.

Lamps for illumination underwater are always equipped with special waterproof lamps, which can be of a variety of shades and colors. They need to be installed at the bottom of the reservoir, or on the lowest ledge. Such illumination creates a mesmerizing internal glow of water, and the blue color closer to the ocean is especially remarkable in this sense. Of course, such lamps need to be connected to a common network, but for extra safety, you can also purchase floating ones powered by batteries. Not attached to the bottom and not having any long wire, they move freely throughout the reservoir in a chaotic direction, which also looks very impressive. And finally, rotating lighting is in fashion today, which is placed directly on the pump under water.

But above-water lighting is installed on land in order to illuminate the fountain from the outside. This is a beautiful flood light that comes either from a spotlight or from lamps. And any shade can be achieved using modern light filters.

Both above-water and underwater lamps are mounted on a special support mechanism, which is easily adjusted and rotated in the desired direction. The main thing is that the electrical wiring used is sealed and water-repellent, as well as being as resistant to decomposition and rotting as possible, even in places that will be above the ground. Finally, it is recommended to purchase lighting wiring that has an automatic circuit breaker system in case of current leakage.

Installing the pump and ensuring water circulation

Even a very small fountain in a decorative artificial pond looks simply wonderful. Moreover, installing it is quite simple, and all this can be done by any non-professional.

Today you can purchase fountains and water fountains of a wide variety of products in any specialized store. fancy shapes. But, if the external design can be easily selected according to your own taste and compliance with the landscape design of the site, then the type and shape of the sprayer is more dictated by the size of the pond itself. After all, no matter what the fountain is, the main thing is that the splashes of water do not fall too heavily on the surrounding landscape - this way the water itself will drain faster, and the soil near the reservoir will simply begin to erode.

The fountain spray tube itself must be mounted in a vertical position, but the type of jet will depend on the sprayer itself. By the way, today the best sprayers are considered to be ceramic, bronze and fiberglass, which do not deform in the cold. A decorative effect which will provide beautiful water pictures, is achieved with the help of special nozzles.

But the height of the jet will be determined by the power of the pump. For small ponds, the most compact and inexpensive models are suitable. But it should be remembered that most pumps are powered from a regular electrical network, and therefore it is extremely important to take all precautions during operation: water and current are an extremely dangerous connection. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to purchase a pump with a waterproof cable, waterproof connectors and a particularly durable dielectric housing.

Installation of a filtration system

So that the created artificial reservoir is always in perfect order, you need to think in advance effective system filtration for the water itself.

The choice of the type and purpose of filters for a particular reservoir depends, first of all, on the following factors:

  • Pond size.
  • Its depths.
  • Local climatic conditions.
  • Designs of cascades and fountains.
  • The presence of fish and their quantity.

For a pond populated with fish, choosing filters is a little more difficult. After all, fish grow, and therefore every day there is less and less oxygen for them in the reservoir. That is why it is advisable to choose a filter and pump for such a pond with a reserve of performance.

So, powerful aquarium filters are quite suitable for mini-reservoirs. But for more substantial artificial ponds and waterfalls, the filtration system must be selected carefully, taking into account all the design features.

Pressure filters. Pressure filters are the simplest and most economical. Such filters consist of three stages of purification - biological, mechanical and ultraviolet. But, despite their affordability, they professionally cope with the task of water purification. Such filters are installed not under water, but on the shore of a reservoir, which is convenient for its periodic cleaning.

Non-pressure multi-chamber filters. Multi-chamber filters for artificial reservoirs perform the following types of water purification:

  • Rough mechanical cleaning. For rough cleaning water is usually used quartz sand, gravel or special granules. The smaller the aggregate fractions, the higher the efficiency of such cleaning. But such filters, naturally, require periodic washing - you need to turn on the appropriate mode, or, failing this, replace the filter material itself, which can be easily purchased at any pond equipment store.
  • Multilayer mechanical cleaning. In such filters, the layers in the chamber are heterogeneous - each has its own task: brushes remove large particles, such as silt and leaves, and a coconut mat serves for finer mechanical cleaning.
  • Biological treatment. During biological treatment organic matter is decomposed by special bacteria. To do this, a porous structure (most often a sponge) is placed in a special container, which is artificially populated with anaerobic and aerobic living organisms. In the process of their life, they process proteins, fats and carbohydrates into gas. And thanks to porosity, sponges are created favorable conditions for the growth of more beneficial bioflora. But often, instead of a sponge, manufacturers use polypropylene balls, which have hollow cylinders inside - an ideal environment for the life of many beneficial bacteria.
  • Ultraviolet cleaning. Ultraviolet filters - new on construction market, but with them, caring for an artificial reservoir has become easier. Special ultraviolet radiation kills all harmful single-celled creatures and algae in the water, without affecting in any way ornamental plants and fish. And the highest quality ultraviolet filters are those made in Germany, which are equipped with tube self-cleaning systems, thanks to which the non-contaminating lamp is designed for a fairly long service life - as much as 10,000 hours of operation.

Vortex chambers. Center-Vortex non-pressure filters have vortex chambers. When water enters such a chamber, its flow rate decreases sharply, due to which large dirt particles remain at the bottom, and cleaner water already flows through the remaining filter elements.

Skimmers. To clean an artificial reservoir, you can use a special device such as a skimmer. There are three types of skimmers: free-floating, fixed-stand and side-mounted. Skimmers with a fixed stand can only be used in a pond where the depth is at least 6-8 meters, but for a floating skimmer such parameters of the pond are not important. Both the first type of skimmer and the second work simultaneously with the pump, but for the side skimmer it will need to be purchased separately.

Silt suckers. For better cleaning of an artificial pond, silt cleaners are also used - special devices that operate on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner. And they clean the reservoir from accumulated silt. After all, you can collect fallen leaves from the surface of a reservoir with a net, but scraping off the remains of plants and fish waste products from the bottom with your own hands is problematic. It is for this purpose that the sludge pump was developed, but it can only be used in those reservoirs where the bottom is hard and where the total size of the pond does not exceed 10 meters.

Planting plants in an artificial pond

Moisture-loving green spaces will help revive a pond and make it indistinguishable from nature. But it is extremely important to know when, where and what plants can be planted in an artificial pond:

  1. Not all plants can grow under the jets of a fountain and with the active movement of water. For example, beautiful lilies do not like splashes and generally feel good only on the still, mirror-like surface of water.
  2. Plants need to be planted in May so that they have time to get stronger and take root before summer.
  3. It is imperative to plant floating plants - they will do a good job of restraining the growth and reproduction of algae.
  4. Planting plants on ledges is done as follows:
    • The upper ledge can be populated with marsh plants - marigold, calamus, dwarf rush and others. To do this, you can place a box with well-compacted soil or special filler on the ledge.
    • Water lilies, water lilies and water chestnuts in pots will do well on the lower ledges.
    • On the deepest ledges you need to place underwater and aquatic plants that do not need soil - they will absorb everything they need nutrients straight out of the water. Therefore, they can be safely planted in gravel, sand and pots.

But around the pond it is advisable to plant tall herbs and shrubs with branches hanging to the ground: hosta, bergenia, lupins, daylilies and rhubarb.

Once the plants are planted in the pond, the work of creating it is completed. Life will appear in it very soon, and the water will soon turn green - algae will multiply. But literally in a few months the pond will become transparent again - the process of natural cleansing will work, with the same plants.

Decorating a pond and masking technical elements

Of course, both the filter and the wires must be hidden from prying eyes - at least for the sake of aesthetics, not to mention safety for children. And for this, planting flowers, plants and even ceramic figurines will be used.

For example, a ground pump and filter can be hidden in an architectural statue or false stone, and the wires can be covered with a lawn or buried in tall grass. The main thing is that there is nothing to remind you that this pond was created by man and not by nature.

Artificial pond care

A properly created artificial reservoir has the property of self-regulation, and its natural balance quickly establishes itself.

But from time to time, the pond needs to be cleared of wind-blown debris and fallen leaves so that they do not sink to the bottom and begin to decompose there. That's why on autumn period You can stretch a net over the pond, similar to a fishing net, and its exterior will not suffer much from this. And for more thorough cleaning of the reservoir from leaves and petals, a bottom vacuum cleaner is traditionally used. It is designed to remove silt, mud and drowned natural debris.

In order to maintain a natural nutrient medium in a reservoir, especially if there are fish in it, aerators are usually used - the same as in aquariums, only more powerful. But not bad additional sources aeration can be provided by waterfalls, fountains and cascades, thanks to which the water constantly circulates and is therefore well saturated with oxygen.

Often small and insufficiently heated artificial reservoirs suffer from algal blooms. This is due to unicellular algae that actively reproduce. But it is not at all necessary to use some kind of sophisticated technology or expensive filters to purify such water - plants with floating leaves - water lilies, egg capsules and others - can handle this perfectly.

If an artificial reservoir is covered with a layer of ice, the fish may die due to lack of oxygen. Therefore, to protect the pond from such a problem, you can install a small special heater in advance, or, as a last resort, make vent, for example, by placing a pan of boiling water on ice.

But, in general, an artificial reservoir, no matter its size, special care and does not require attention - it is enough to correctly place and install all the automation.

Anna Morning, rmnt.ru

Many owners of private houses and personal plots, who own various reservoirs, ponds, wells, and so on, know that these objects silt over time. This problem needs to be addressed periodically. Some people prefer to use different specialized machines, while others try to manually clean the ponds of dirt.

Since manual cleaning of artificial and natural reservoirs, as well as other similar objects, is associated with large time and labor costs, as well as with the necessary technical equipment and a certain degree of danger, many still use the services of specialized companies or equipment that allows this event to be carried out quickly and safely. Today we will tell you about what technique can be used for this purpose, name its features and determine which would be better suited for your purposes.

Sludge pump is a specialized technique, which is basically used by specialized companies for business purposes of cleaning various objects (sewage, artificial and natural reservoirs, wells, septic tanks, cesspools, and so on). There are large machines that are needed to deal with large volumes of waste and small ones that are quite suitable for cleaning a small garden pond. To tidy up your pond. You need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics.

Pond suction pump big size used where a person simply cannot reach it with a relatively small household appliance. It is in this case that professionals in their field get down to business. Technical equipment of such an installation on an industrial scale:

  1. chassis necessary for transporting a tank with sludge deposits, garbage and other waste, as well as equipment. Domestic manufacturers sludge sucking machines are used for the chassis of the following brands of cars: KAMAZ, ZIL, MAZ, GAZelle and so on.;
  2. a tank designed to store waste, as well as water for industrial purposes.
  3. Vacuum pump. This device is directly connected to the engine. The pump pumps air out of the tank, creating a vacuum in it. Thus, waste enters the tank through the hose;
  4. a plunger pump that is connected to a liquid storage compartment technical equipment. It is designed to clean pipe walls and wash away sludge using high-pressure water;
  5. hose through which sludge flows. Additional sleeves can be used to access greater depths;
  6. hose control boom;
  7. control panel through which the operator controls the entire installation.

Such a device can also be equipped additional equipment, which is designed to facilitate and speed up the process of cleaning artificial and natural reservoirs. It includes:

All equipment is installed on the chassis in accordance with the purpose of using the equipment and the needs of the installation operator himself.

This technique is used large companies for cleaning various reservoirs large sizes for legal and individuals. It is not recommended to use it for cleaning small ponds, which are common today among owners of private houses and personal plots.

A sludge pump for a small pond can fit in your home, in your pantry and not take up much space. And the cost of such equipment is much lower than that described above. This is the type of device that owners of private houses and garden plots, on the territory of which there are various artificial and natural reservoirs, prefer to purchase and use. small size. Also, using such devices you can clean keys, sources clean water and wells.

Sludge sucker robot diagram

These devices are equipped with small tanks for storing waste, which allows you to trucks transport them to the disposal site. The hoses are also much smaller, as are the motors and pumps used. This device operates from industrial network power supply 220 V.

Such suction pumps are not recommended for cleaning large reservoirs, as well as cesspools, etc. As a rule, they use a hose of no more than 2.5 m, which significantly limits their capabilities. For business purposes, such devices are not used at all, since the cost of services in this case will not be able to recoup the work of personnel and the cost of equipment in a short time, and the demand for such services is not too great.

In conclusion, it must be said that only you can determine which suction pump you need in a given case. The cost of a household suction pump is not as high as the cost of services from a specialized company. This only means that cleaning will not be too expensive for you.

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1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good. but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive. Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with
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The peculiarity of cooking fish on the grill is that no matter how you fry the fish - whole or in pieces, you should not remove the skin. The fish carcass must be cut very carefully - try to cut it in such a way that the head and
Yu. Andreev - Live Journal!  Andreev Yu.A.  Yuri Andreev: biography
Andreev Yu.A. - about the author Yuri Andreevich was born in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1938, the family moved from Dnepropetrovsk to Smolensk, where they faced the war (the father was a career military man). In 1944, the family moved to Leningrad at his father’s place of service. Graduated from school with gold