How to improve an artificial pond. How to make a pond on your property with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. How to decorate a pond at your dacha with your own hands in landscape style

When arranging an artificial reservoir on a summer cottage, there is no need to restrain your imagination - a lot is possible here: both small thresholds and fountains, and large stones decorated with a variety of green spaces.

How to design a pond in your yard depends on how your area looks as a whole and how you imagine it in general. However, there is no need to be afraid to use your imagination, because even a simple mess can look like a design idea.

The design of an artificial reservoir can be divided into two types:

  1. Relief, or one that looks like natural
  2. Designer, or one that uses atypical for nature color combinations, but it looks like a specially designed design idea.

There are also country swimming ponds - this is a pond that is like a natural reservoir, however, in addition, it provides for swimming.

How to make a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands (video)

Decorating a pond at your dacha with your own hands in a landscape style

If the overall picture of the site allows you to create your own pond, close to natural, then in this case the shape of the reservoir can be any, usually it is a curved coastline, which is then formed with stones.

It will be better if the stones are either granite, or river pebbles, or decorative onyx.

Beige sand, patterned tiles and the like will look quite beautiful. The size of the stone should be determined depending on the size of the pond itself: if the pond is small, then the stones should be either small or medium in size; if the reservoir is large, the stones will be correspondingly large, but in harmony with the small ones. Thus, general form the design will be natural, unlike if the stones were the same.

The decoration may be based on Japanese garden style. In the gardens of ancient Japan, the pond was built in a strict style, but with a carefully considered combination of stones. There shouldn't be any bright plants here. Due to the fact that Japan has a small territory, it has developed a culture of minimalism, as we see in the arrangement of reservoirs.

Tradition requires the presence of all the elements that include water. Usually this is a small vessel, near which a stream of bamboo tubes flows. Dwarf-sized trees are planted on the sides of such a stream.

Often such a pond was built in the shape of a rectangle, which also emphasized strict style Japan

You can get a special effect if, when arranging a reservoir, you put stones on its bottom. In this case, the depth of the artificial pond should be small so that the stones are visible through a small thickness of water.

Graceful bridge over the pond

Also, instead of stone, the bottom of a pond can be laid out with beautiful patterned tiles. A beautifully designed monolithic bridge over the pond will also fit very well into the overall picture.

Arranging a pond with greenery

The combination of beautiful stones needs to be complemented by well-chosen plants to make our landscape look like it is in natural wilderness.

Before planting, you need to sketch out an approximate layout of the plants. In this case, it is important to take into account such factors as the level of the landscape, the combination of pond elements, free space, etc.

It is very important not to overdo it with the number of plantings. Water lilies on the surface of the water and ferns on the shore will fit very well into the overall picture

There are a variety of plant crops that differ in shape and size. It is important to select them carefully to avoid large accumulations of objects and, if possible, to clear overgrown growths.

When the pond is more than 0.5 m deep, the algae must be placed in baskets, and only then placed in the pond itself. Such vegetation grows well where there is shade and purifies water quite effectively if planted at the right depth.

If your pond is small in size, you need to approach the design even more seriously so that the overall landscape is not overloaded with various elements. Recommended use simple plants. Here you can plant junipers or bushes with hanging shoots, grasses or wild vegetation that can be found near the water.

When arranging a home pond with vegetation in a small pond, it is recommended to have frogs or snails there, which will create the necessary fauna

The frog usually eats midges that live in ponds, and the snail eats garbage at the bottom of the pond, which will be quite useful for you.

Making an artificial pond with your own hands

If your reservoir is large enough, it is recommended to divide it into several main zones:

  • Area for plants on the shore
  • Shallow plant area
  • Deep plant zone

At a sufficient depth, you can place fish that will fit well into the overall picture of the landscape reservoir. If the pond is of small depth, then in order for the fish to overwinter, you can dig a hole of one and a half meters.

A home pond can also be decorated with an artificial stream that will flow down the steps. It is important to make the shore and the path to the pond from the same material so that it is made in the same style.

You can also create a pond with your own hands from several levels, thanks to which the water in it will gurgle pleasantly

Also, not far from the pond, you can place a gazebo, from which the entire planned picture will be visible.

When choosing a style solution for arranging a home pond, it is important to take into account ready-made architectural, plant and design ideas, but if you have your own vision of the landscape, you will not commit any crime.

Design of a decorative pond in a designer style

Forms designer style The reservoir differs from the natural one and its design is more strict. Often it incorporates one concept and is designed in the same way as the entire summer cottage.

If you don’t have enough imagination in designing a pond, we recommend making a pond in a free landscape style.

The shape of a designer pond is usually made in the correct shape or in the form of some kind of pattern, but always maintaining the geometry of the lines.

A pond with straight edges in the courtyard looks very stylish and minimalist, and when round flower beds are planted around such a pond

Any material can be used – from reinforced concrete rings to rubber tires. In turn, these types of materials require high-quality refinement.

You can use any plants for arranging a pond, even the rarest ones - those that bloom lushly and brightly or deciduous ones with an unusual shape. Clay pots They also look beautiful with plants planted in them.

Pond Styles

You can also do Japanese style reservoir You can't use it here big amount colors. If you make a pond in chinese style , then lush vegetation is welcome, and on dwarf trees need to make an emphasis.

In ancient England the gardens were reminiscent of Chinese ones because they had the same strict geometry, but were not decorated with lush plants.

For a garden decorated in french style Characterized by a clear layout, smooth geometry in the flower beds, and bush fences that rise above the ground. The atmosphere in the garden is reminiscent of the days of medieval palaces.

The pond looks very ascetic Celtic style . Only stones are used here, and a combination of stones of different sizes is encouraged.

Lanterns by the water at the dacha

Additionally, you can also decorate the pond with lanterns Not big size. These are like special decorations for your pond. Also, an illuminated fountain looks very impressive. How to build such fountains is described in other articles.

Having a beautiful pond in the garden is the dream of any summer resident. In order for the reservoir to be original and easy to maintain, it is necessary to think through all the details: choose a location, select materials, select residents and plants, and then begin construction.

A pond in the garden: how to choose a plot and not make a mistake with the shape and size

On initial stage, often due to their inexperience and ignorance, gardeners make mistakes that can cause many problems in the future. Only correctly selected terrain, size and shape ideally suited to the area of ​​the site is the key to successful construction. That is why, before carrying out such work, a diagram is drawn up and planning of landscape design objects and buildings in the garden is carried out.

Site selection

  • An open area is best suited for a pond, as tall trees and shrubs will constantly clog the water. Alternatively, you can cover the surface with a net during leaf fall, but in the summer the protection will have to be removed, and debris from surrounding plants will still end up at the bottom of the reservoir. A pond placed in the shade will take a long time to warm up, especially in early spring.
  • It is very important that the selected area is exposed to sunlight either in the first half of the day or in the second.
  • The surface of the construction site must be perfectly flat. Even a slight difference in height can spoil the entire appearance; for example, waterproofing protruding from high banks does not look aesthetically pleasing.


The laws of landscape design state that for a small palisade in natural style the optimal solution is a sinuous, intricate shape. As practice shows, placing such a pond in a small area is quite problematic, and it will look comical.

But this is not a reason to abandon the reservoir; you can make a waterfall with a height difference or a small semi-fountain. With proper decoration, even the simplest geometric model will fit into all kinds of plantings without disturbing the landscape.

If the palisade is designed in a certain style, then the pond should correspond to it. Yes, for English style a round pond is suitable, for a classic one - with strictly defined corners, and oriental design allows you to choose a completely arbitrary shape.

Size and depth

It is not necessary to make a pond in the garden large, even if the area allows it. A properly placed small pond will look much more impressive than a lake in the middle of the lawn. Although the larger ones are easier to care for, easier to decorate and can be used for swimming or fishing.

The optimal depth of the pond is from 30 to 50 cm; under such a thickness of water both vegetation and living creatures will be comfortable. But it is worth considering that such a reservoir will freeze, and fish and plants will have to be relocated for the winter. It is much easier to install and design a shallow reservoir with gently sloping banks.

DIY pond in the garden

Garden ponds are installed from a wide variety of materials: plastic, concrete, stone, film, geotextiles. You can also buy a ready-made base - it is relatively easy to install, it is suitable for wintering aquatic plants and has a fairly long service life.

The purpose of a pond can be different:

  • a mini pond made from a cast iron bathtub or garden cart;
  • a decorative swamp with which you can drain a problem area;
  • a home for local flora and fauna;
  • a haven for exotic fish and plants;
  • pool with iridescent water.

Arrangement of a pond from a ready-made mold

Using a specially designed container made of polyethylene or fiberglass, creating a small mini-pond with standing water is quite simple. They come in a variety of shapes and types and are sold in specialty stores and at themed landscape design exhibitions.

  1. Place a two-level base in a predetermined place and outline its contours on the surface of the ground, adding 15 cm for seams. Dig a pit for one level, and then, after re-trying, for another, but 15-20 cm deeper than the bath itself
  2. Thoroughly clean the recess from stones and plant debris and compact it well. Next, make a layer of dry sand, 10 cm thick, and level it. Using a level and a ruler, ensure that the container is installed correctly.
  3. Fill the resulting air space with sand, moistening it until it stops seeping down. At the same time, fill the pond with water and monitor its level. If necessary, twist until the position is even.
  4. After 24 hours, check to see if the pond has subsided. If this happens, add sand and compact it. Then empty the container, wash and pour clean water.
  5. That's it, the pond is ready for decoration. Place pebbles around it or make paths from colored gravel, plant plants in containers.

Original do-it-yourself pond in the garden photo

Often the main determining factor when choosing one of the options decorative pond, is the financial side. We offer several very original and relatively inexpensive ways build the treasured water feature.

Second Life

Old barrels located in a secluded place will serve as an excellent habitat for aquatic plants. The principle of laying such a mini-pond is the same as in the previous method. Wooden barrels It is better to use oak, the main thing is that they are not dry. But with metal containers you will have to tinker a little: wash it, cover the outer surface with bitumen, and paint the inside oil paint black to add visual depth.

Man-made lake

What could be more charming than a small lake next to country house? You will need plastic film, which can be used to cover 3 by 3 meter pieces of cardboard and plywood or similar pieces of plastic (5 pieces).

You'll have to work hard:

  • dig a pit with a volume of 3*3*3 m;
  • secure the ground (using thin plywood or construction cardboard); if the plastic compound will not be installed, then cover them first plastic film;
  • install the plastic covering perfectly evenly inner surface and bottom.

As a result, your creation will delight the eye for many years.

raised pond

If the garden area is very small, this is not a reason to deprive yourself of the pleasure of admiring the water composition. The basis can be an ordinary old bathtub, the sides of which will be successfully disguised by wood or stone. This design is not recommended for breeding fish, but it is ideal for aquatic plants and snails.

To make cleaning in the pond easier and to disguise the white enamel, use black film, securing its edges with decorative stones so that the bathtub is not visible at all.

DIY pond in the garden photo: choosing plants for compositions

Without a doubt, a pond made with one’s own hands is a great achievement, but in order for the pond to attract the eye and invite relaxation, the vegetation should be successfully selected.

Floating crops

The key place in every garden pond is occupied by the well-known water lily or nymphea (lat. Nymphaea). Many small-flowered and large-flowered varieties allow you to beautifully decorate a pond of any size.

For example, for a small pond, the most suitable are dwarf water lilies (Pygmaea Alba, N. tetragona, Marliacea Rosea), as they can visually increase the area. It is not advisable to plant other floating plants next to the nymph, or to erect a rockery or fountain (splashes can damage the leaves).

Marsh buttercup (Hottonia palustris) and water buttercup (Ranunculus aquatilis) will look very impressive on the water. These species are unpretentious; a piece of shoot is enough for their reproduction, but they are completely unsuited to wintering under thick ice, so during the cold period the plants should be moved to the basement.

Shallow water plants

The peculiarities of the root system of amphibian crops make them most suitable for landscaping ornamental swamps, reservoirs located in low areas, as well as shallow waters. This group includes: iris, marsh marigold, manna, arrowhead.

Coastal zone

The selection of plants for edging the pond depends on the level of soil drainage and the depth of groundwater. Heuchera, daylilies (Hemerocallis), bathwort (Tróllius), Siberian iris (Íris sibírica), and cornflower (Thalictrum) will take root on a gently sloping, damp bank. The numerous varieties and the most unusual color schemes make it possible to combine these aquatic plants.

The coastal zone, framed by rocky hills, involves planting drought-resistant, light-loving plants, such as saxifrage (Saxifraga) and young (Sempervivum), as well as low-growing bells and cereals, edelweiss and phlox. When planting crops, it is necessary to regulate the layering of plantings: plant low-growing perennials at the top, in a kind of water plateau, and tall ones - several levels lower.

Bottom line

A garden pond is not just a water feature - it is a real architectural structure, the erection and arrangement of which will require a lot of effort and time. But thanks to our practical advice and instructions, creative process construction and landscaping of the reservoir will bring a lot of pleasure.

If you have free space on your dacha or suburban area, you have the opportunity to create decorative water features that will be an ideal addition to the recreation area. For example, next to a pond it will be much more pleasant to read a book or wet your feet while relaxing after a hard day.

And considering that such a pond can also look different, you can show your imagination and design such a corner so that it is as comfortable as possible for the whole family.

We will push you to creative solutions - with our proposal to study pictures and photos of landscape ideas for a pond at the dacha with your own hands.

How to apply artificial pond at the dacha, photo

Choosing a location for a pond

If you decide to create a swimming pond in your country house with your own hands, first determine best place where you can dig it up.

When choosing an area for arranging such a water body, consider the following features:

  • It is better if the pond is located in an open area. If trees grow next to it, they will not only damage the landscape, but will also pollute the pond with their branches and leaves, and you will have to spend much more time cleaning;
  • try to choose an area where even after arranging the pond there will still be free space. It is likely that in the future you will want to expand the water feature and add new decorative elements, including massive ones;
  • You should not allocate a place for a pond that is in the open sun: in such conditions the pond will dry out, unwanted microorganisms will begin to develop in the water, and flowering will appear.

Ideally, the sun should illuminate the pond only half the day, that is, in the morning or evening. During lunch this area should be shaded. Determine the possibility of creating the necessary shadow on the site immediately: on suitable place mark the pond - and take a closer look at how its brightness changes during the day.

Both the nearest building and tall vegetation can create a shadow for this area. Bushes and trees (especially those with a weeping crown) will decorate your pond and emphasize its natural design.

By the way, it is important to harmoniously fit the pond into the surrounding landscape, so this factor should also be taken into account when planning it.

Do-it-yourself pond at the dacha: landscape ideas, photos

If you decide to make a pond in low and wet places in your garden, you will be able to drain water from it through the drainage system. garden plot. And if such an area has a flat surface, choose a place for the pond on the border of the garden, where bushes and trees are located, or next to the carnivore (but then you will have to form a smooth transition of their perennial or ornamental herbal plants).

We do not recommend making an artificial pond at your dacha with your own hands in the middle of the lawn. If this is the only one suitable option, then visually divide the pond and lawn grass, planting vegetation with different parameters on the border, including low vegetation, so that the water could be observed through it.

Often decorative ponds created where a rock garden or alpine slide is formed. The stones located on these objects can be harmoniously combined with the decor of the water body itself. We also recommend not to neglect the uneven terrain: they can be used advantageously to create streams that will flow to the pond over the stones. And in the future it will be possible to install a bridge here, which will serve as another decoration.

Planning the shape and style

Before you make a pond at your dacha with your own hands, you should plan a couple more things. Find out right away which style is most preferable for you. Depending on the style, the shape may also change.

For example, for English design characteristic round shapes. For a regular style, strict geometry is suitable.

Imitation of a pond at the dacha with your own hands, photo

And the closest to the natural, with its inherent irregularities and asymmetry, will be Japanese and Chinese design.

There are no clear requirements for choosing the design of a pond in the country. But it will be better if it looks natural.

Alternatively, you can combine several different shapes if you are creating a pond in a spacious area.

Decoration of a pond at the dacha, photo

Suitable materials

Forming a decorative pond at your dacha with your own hands begins with digging a pit. But to do this, you need to know exactly how such a water body will be created.

Most often, two methods are used:

  • can be used for a pond ready-made forms on a polyvinyl chloride or fiberglass base. No less popular are plastic ponds for summer cottages, as well as ponds made of polypropylene. Choose forms based not only on cost, but also on their quality characteristics if you are interested in the pond being preserved for a long time;
  • the second method involves the use of PVC film or butyl rubber. The film has a ten-year service life, and butyl rubber can last up to fifty years.

Artificial pond at the dacha, photo

Each of these methods has its own advantages. So, if you use a ready-made mold, you will complete all the work faster, since after creating the pit it will be enough to securely fasten it inside. The second method allows you to independently choose the parameters of the pond and create natural shapes.

Advice: To be on the safe side, using the second method, you can make a concrete pond at your dacha with your own hands.

In addition to the materials that will form the shape of the pond, make sure to purchase everything necessary to maintain it in the required condition. At a minimum, you will need a pump for a pond in your country house. You can find the necessary accessories at specialized points of sale or purchase everything for a pond at your dacha in online stores.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a pond from film

Now let's get acquainted with the procedure on how to build a pond at the dacha with your own hands, using film or rubber. Traditionally, pond construction begins with digging a pit: for small ponds a shovel will be enough, but if you are planning to make a huge water feature, you will need an excavator.

Decorative pond at the dacha, photo

Make markings on the selected area using pegs. Then remove the top layer of soil, remove terraces 0.3 meters deep and 0.2 meters wide - and begin digging the main bowl.

Attention! The slope of the bank should be forty-five degrees, and the depth of the pit should exceed sixty centimeters. Otherwise, your pond will freeze when frost sets in and will also overheat in the summer.

To ensure reliable installation of a pond in a country house with film waterproofing, form a ditch approximately fifteen centimeters deep around the perimeter of the pond. This will allow the film to be securely attached.

After the pit is ready, level the bottom, get rid of the stones and form a five-centimeter layer of clean, washed sand on its surface. Then cover it with geotextile fabric to protect the film from damage.

Now you can start laying the film or rubber itself. The parameters of this material are calculated taking into account the length of the pond and its double depth. Also take half a meter in reserve, since the film will have to be secured at the edges.

Lay out the sheet and secure the edges with bricks. Now the pond can be filled with water. Do not cut the edges, as the material will take the required shape within 24 hours. Only after this will it be possible to get rid of them, leaving a quarter of a meter under the blind area.

Decorative pond at the dacha with your own hands, photo

Choose the blind area itself, focusing on your own preferences. This can be stone, brick, decorative tiles and many other materials. They are fixed to a cement mortar. The width of such elements must be at least sixty centimeters.

Making a pond from a bathtub

It’s quite easy to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands from old bath, and we will look at how this can be done step by step. Work begins with the creation of a small pit. The parameters of the recess are calculated taking into account the size of the container for the pond at the dacha.

The hole should be filled river sand, and also make a cement screed so that it does not erode in the future groundwater. The sand layer should be about ten centimeters, and the cement layer should be about three to five. Seven days after the formation of these layers, make another one - from gravel. The height of such a layer should be about twenty to thirty centimeters.

Now you can safely lower the bath. After installation, use gravel to fill the openings on the sides (at least ten centimeters from the bath to the cut). Make sure that the edges of the container are not visible above the shore. Decorate the perimeter of the pond with flat pebbles or large stones.

Design of a pond at the dacha, photo

If you are making a pond with your own hands from a bathtub on a slope, then strengthen it on one side with a large stone, forming a full trench for one and a partial trench for the other, free side. Visually it will look like a rocky alpine hill.

How to create a mini pond

We have already noted that a homemade pond made with your own hands at the dacha can have a wide variety of shapes and parameters. If you plan to build an artificial pond at your dacha solely for decorative purposes, you can use small containers.

For example, you can make a mini-pond at your dacha from a basin. It is installed similarly to a large bathtub, but is much more compact. An unnecessary trough is also suitable for these purposes, flower pots, barrels.

They often make a mini-pond at their dacha out of tires. To make a tire pond with your own hands, you will have to think about how a reliable bottom will be created.

Do-it-yourself small pond at the dacha, photo

If you look at a photo gallery of ponds at your dacha, you will see that small ponds can go deeper or, conversely, rise above the boundaries of the hole. To decorate them, use large pebbles, gravel, colorful sand, bricks, as well as living plants.

The nuances of caring for a pond

How to care for a pond at your dacha? To maintain the attractive appearance of your homemade pond, you will have to carry out some procedures in a timely manner. First, it is important to create the necessary ecosystem, so choose the right aquatic plants. Secondly, in the summer, get rid of the weeds surrounding the pond, as well as algae in the water. For these purposes, use rakes, nets and other tools.

Do-it-yourself artificial pond at the dacha, photo

Attention! Cleaning a pond at your dacha can also be done using suitable chemicals, which, moreover, allow you to saturate the water with oxygen, so that they are absolutely harmless to its inhabitants.

If you notice that the pond is starting to dry out, replenish the water. With the onset of autumn, promptly remove leaves, branches and other debris from the water surface, otherwise they will settle on the bottom. Some varieties of plants that are used for decoration will have to be transplanted into containers, and thick and lush plants will have to be thinned out. By the way, with the end of the swimming season, you can use a special net to protect the pond from debris.

In the spring months, start trimming dried plant stems and cleaning the walls and bottom of the pond from any silt that has appeared. Special equipment can easily cope with this task. In mid-spring, it will be possible to launch a fountain, if there is one at such a water body.

And, of course, do not forget about strengthening the banks of the pond at your dacha if you begin to observe significant changes. It is better to do this work by involving specialists.

If you carry out these procedures on time, you will not spend a lot of time and effort maintaining the appearance of your pond.

Arrangement of a pond at the dacha, photo

Suitable vegetation

Many people are interested in what beautiful plants plant around the pond at the dacha. Not all varieties are adapted to wet conditions, so let's look at this stage of designing a pond at the dacha in more detail.

The banks of large ponds can be decorated with lush plants. What to plant by the pond? For example, varieties of swamp iris, willow loosestrife, coin loosestrife, as well as tall reeds and dharmer are suitable.

Plants that are perennial are also suitable for a pond in the country. These are gunnera, hosta, marsh iris, Rogersia, bergenia, astilbe. And among the pebbles that are located as close as possible to water body, you can grow sedums, tenacious or forget-me-nots.

Attention! It is better to plant plants near a pond in the country not in the soil, but in jute pockets or containers, so that in winter they can be moved to a safe place.

Now you know what to plant near a pond in your dacha and what plants are considered suitable. But it’s also worth thinking about the vegetation that will float on the water. Dwarf water lilies, aquatic varieties of hyacinth and buttercup, duckweed and many other varieties will suit you.

Design of a decorative pond at the dacha, photo

Other Pond Decorations

One of the options for how to decorate a pond at your dacha with your own hands involves arranging a fountain. This can be either a large fountain for a pond, placed in the center, or many small fountains in the country that will highlight the beauty of the water feature.

To create a pond with a fountain at your dacha with your own hands, you should purchase special equipment with sprinklers from a specialized store. They will require metal profile stands. Screw the body of the fountains to them, sand the legs (as they can ruin the film in the pond) - and place the structure in the right place in the middle of the water.

Decoration of an artificial pond at the dacha, photo

By the way, you can connect a hose to the fountain and let the water flow through decorative elements(for example, through jugs). So you can make a pond in your country house with a waterfall with your own hands.

The next suitable decoration for a pond in the country is made of stones. These could be small steps emphasizing the uneven terrain, stone-based fences or statues that blend into the natural landscape. You can make a pond made of stones at your dacha with your own hands in different colors.

Interesting ideas for arranging a pond at the dacha include installing bridges. These elements can be purchased or made with your own hands from forged metal, wood, stone and other materials. The advantage of bridges is that they are suitable for decoration at the dacha plastic pond and anyone else. And on the shore of the pond you can place decorative benches, hammocks, tables, sun loungers and much more.

Do-it-yourself pond design at the dacha, photo

A common idea on how to decorate a pond at your dacha with your own hands is to use colored lighting directly in the water or around the perimeter. In the evening and at night, it will draw attention to this object and create comfortable conditions for a relaxing holiday, setting you up for reflection and emphasizing the natural beauty.

Decorating a pond at the dacha with your own hands, photo

In order to get as close to nature as possible, you can keep animals in the water. Goldfish will look especially interesting in a pond. But you can choose other types of fish, for example, think about keeping crucian carp in a pond at your dacha. Then you can go fishing without leaving your summer cottage.

Just plan in advance what to feed the crucian carp in the pond at your dacha so that they don’t die out. Worms, larvae and even some cereals are suitable for these purposes.

Beautiful ponds in the country, photo

Thanks to the wide variety of ideas for arranging and decorating homemade ponds, making your site even more comfortable is quite possible! All that remains is to decide which of the listed ideas you will turn into reality. Although, you can combine several of the proposed options to make the landscaped pond look even more interesting.


Photo gallery

For those who want to improve their plot of land, you should pay attention to landscape design ideas using ponds. an artificial pond at the dacha is not only original, but will also add richness and beauty to the area, but can also serve useful element registration

How can I buy it already? ready-made options To set up such a decorative pond, you can buy an artificial pond not at all expensive, but still making an artificial pond with your own hands is both cheaper and more original, because you can realize your ideas and create!

There are many implemented ideas, photographs of which can serve as an example of design, or simply prompt the owner to come up with his own project. But first you need to understand what types of reservoirs are used in landscapes. Let's talk about how to make an artificial pond.

Types of reservoirs:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • fountain;
  • waterfall.

What is their difference?


A pond and similar water places mean structures in which the water does not move, and at the same time communicates with groundwater. The advantage of such a reservoir is that waterlogging of the soil is excluded. In addition, such a place can be decorated with boulders, stones, favorite plants on the shore, add fish and set up a large aquarium. Making an artificial pond is quite simple.


The stream on the site is a narrow stream of water with a current and a winding bed. When arranging this type of reservoir, a varied and large number of bends, thresholds, and overflows look advantageous. It should be taken into account that the speed depends not only on the pressure of the supplied water, but also on the width of the channel and its angle of inclination.

If you want to add even more naturalness, then you can use the advice to quickly decorate the stones by the stream with moss: to do this, you just need to smear the stones with kefir. This will speed up the maturation process of moss on stone surfaces.


Fountains have long been considered beautiful decoration garden or plot. Fountains humidify the air well and bring aesthetic pleasure when watching it. They can be either individual or in combination with a pond.

An important detail in the construction of a fountain is its accessibility from all sides, that is, it must be visible so that it can be admired. There are two types of fountains: stationary and submersible. The former are used to create a fountain in a pond, and the latter for individual structures.

As original design For fountains, you can use a mascaron: a mask in the form of a human face or the head of an animal, from whose mouth water flows into a bowl. Under the action of the pump, this water then flows back into the mascaron. Any fountains look elegant if they are decorated with lighting. We'll talk further about how to make an artificial pond with a fountain.


This option is also a beautiful design element. To my appearance The ability of the sound of falling water to drown out some noise (for example, the noise of traffic from a nearby road) is also added.

You should know that the volume of falling water is regulated by the height from which the water will flow and its quantity. Several waterfall steps will create a cascade. This will add originality and richness to it. It is recommended to design waterfalls near the slopes of flower beds and hills. This gives it a natural look.

All types of reservoirs are beautiful in their own way, but in order for them to look harmonious in a particular area, you need to evaluate the topography of the land and first design your idea. Only through comparison can you decide on the most optimal landscape option.

Now let's talk more specifically about a do-it-yourself artificial pond

Creating artificial ponds is both simple and difficult at the same time. Simple, this is when you can just dig a hole and fill it with water. But what would this body of water acquire? the right type, you have to put in some effort and creativity.

Typically, artificial ponds are large bodies of water. Ponds for a garden plot are usually made in a pit with concrete waterproofing, and the shape can be any: square, round, oval. A pond is an artificial reservoir using concrete, although it is labor-intensive work, for many the best option.

Modern materials make it possible to make artificial ponds from lighter and more flexible fabric that does not allow water to pass through. The advantage of this material is that it can easily take any shape that the future pond will have.

Butyl rubber belongs to the class of the most expensive materials when applied to artificial ponds. Although the material is more expensive than others, it is not subject to temperature changes and is not afraid of either cold or heat. In addition, its service life is quite long, approximately 10 to 20 years. Buy an artificial pond made from butyl rubber, the price is 15,000 rubles.

To strengthen the banks and bottom, artificial ponds may also be suitable polyvinyl chloride film. In terms of rubber, it costs half as much. In terms of its qualities, it is quite strong, flexible and can last 10 years. If you decide to build a pond that will be raised above the soil surface, then you will have to use brick, or possibly pressed stone. An artificial pond at the dacha will be a beautiful addition, decoration and highlight of your dacha.

Sometimes, to create a pond, it is not necessary to have a spacious place. You can get by with a small pond, in combination with it, build a small bridge, make a miniature creek or a small waterfall.

Some experts say that it is impossible to create a perfect pond that would suit everyone. There are as many projects as there are people who want to have their own artificial pond. A classic pond is usually 4 or more square meters. m. With such volumes of the pond, it is easiest to achieve a normal ratio between water, fish and plants.

Water has always attracted people. That’s why many people think about how to make a mini-pond at the dacha with their own hands, because then the landscape design will have its own zest. Being near water is natural for humans. You can relax on the shore, put fish in the water, make a fountain or waterfall.

The tradition of decorating areas near the house with bodies of water came to us from the East. But let's not consider simple stone bowls in the yard. After all, we are interested in integrating the pond into the design of the site. So, East. There are 2 design options: Chinese and Japanese. In China, a mini-pond was a body of water richly decorated with lush plants. It looked like a corner wildlife. In Japan, ponds were designed differently - in the style of minimalism. Having adopted this tradition, European designers began to make ponds in their own way. Often they were of the correct geometric shape. Which style to choose is a matter of taste for each owner.

Fundamental differences There are no ponds in the construction, so this material will be useful no matter what style you choose for your construction. It could be a traditional Chinese or Japanese mini-pond or a high-tech creation. Creating a pond is fun and you can get everyone in your family involved. This is especially true for design. Well, if you introduce fish, the children will be happy to feed them. The only thing that is not recommended to do in the pond is swimming. This is what the pool is for.

Construction of a pond

Just like in any other construction, you need to choose the right location. You should not build a pond where the water will be exposed to the sun all day. Plants will wither from excess sunlight, and algae in the water will multiply vigorously, and the pond will become overgrown. At the same time, if you make a pond on the shady side of the site, this will adversely affect the growth of plants. The best option- it is when Sun rays illuminate the pond for at least 5 hours a day. The mini-pond should not be located near trees. When making a pond in the garden with your own hands, keep in mind that in the fall all the fallen leaves will end up in the water and rot. In addition, overgrown tree roots can damage the bowl, even if you make it from concrete. Such a garden pond should be located at some distance from the trees. As a last resort, choose a place where old trees grow, cut them down, remove the stumps and use this place for a pond in the garden.

You should be able to admire your creation. What good will a reservoir be if it is located deep in the site and cannot be seen? It’s good to have a pond nearby garden gazebo or the terrace of a house. Or set up a comfortable bench on the shore so you can sit and enjoy the beauty.

You also need to choose the size of the reservoir. There are also recommendations here, according to which the pond occupies 3% of the site. This best option. However, not all people who want to decorate their site in this way follow it. Often mini-reservoirs are made from old bathtubs or even basins. They are also constructing a pond from tires. Well, lovers of large reservoirs spend a lot of effort to dig the appropriate pit. Or they make two ponds and a small river channel connecting the two reservoirs. This is a personal matter for everyone. In any case, no matter what kind of pond you are planning to make, look at the different options for how you can make a pond in your dacha with your own hands, the photos will help you with this.

Having chosen a place, start digging a pit. Marking can be done using ordinary rope. If the volume of work is large, it will be more rational to use the labor of hired workers or an excavator. Well, you can dig a small pond yourself. But before you remove the soil, you need to decide how you will make the pond. There are different options. You can install formwork and fill the walls and bottom of the pit with concrete with the addition of liquid glass for waterproofing. Or buy an annual plastic container for the pond and dig a hole for it. And you can use the most a budget optionPVC film, which will cover the bottom and walls of the pit.

The pit is dug in ledges (usually 2-3). Plants are then planted on them. It is not recommended to make the deepest part of the pit deeper than 1.5-1.8 m. The pond should not be made too shallow, since in this case the water will be strongly heated by the sun. Some owners drain it for the winter, while others do not. Usually the water is left when fish are introduced into the pond. If the depth of the hole is normal, then they overwinter in the deepest place. Well, if the bowl is too shallow, then the water freezes in winter and the fish die.

So, the pit under small pond dug up What's next? It is necessary to seal the walls and bottom. Let's consider the option with PVC film as the most budget-friendly one.

It is recommended to work with film in warm time years when it is most elastic. It is poured onto the bottom of the pit and onto the terraces. thick layer sand and compacted. The film is placed on it. Sand is needed to prevent accidental damage to the material by sharp stones or roots of plants in the ground. The film will serve as excellent waterproofing, preventing water from escaping into the soil. On the surface of the earth, around the pit, the film is bent and pressed down by large stones. When decorating this garden pond, you will arrange the stones more beautifully, but for now you need to finish with the bowl. When the film is laid, it is recommended to pour a layer of sand on it. If plants on terraces will be planted in the ground, then you need to add soil, but it is much easier to plant plants in pots.

Another point that must be taken into account when building a mini-pond is that the water must be running. This way you will have to spend much less effort on cleaning the bowl and replacing the water. Making the water circulate is quite easy. Needs to be installed in a pond submersible pump. The water supplied through the hose will pass through the filter and drain back into the bowl. When making a pond in your dacha, you can choose any design for the drain. It could be a stream flowing from a nearby alpine slide(this is where you can put the earth from the hole), or you can make a fountain, which is also easy to construct. You just need to beautifully design the pipe connected to the pump and rising above the surface of the water. Having built such a pond at your dacha with your own hands, spend enough time decorating it. Can be used natural stones, paving slabs, decking boards and other materials. Your imagination is not limited by anything. You can also provide multi-colored lighting that will light up in the evening. Different design options for ponds in your dacha will help you choose.

When making a pond with your own hands, you must strictly follow safety measures if you plan to illuminate it, since water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Use only factory sealed fixtures that are specifically designed for underwater installation. If you do everything correctly, then such a garden pond with a fountain and lighting will become a real pearl of your summer cottage.

DIY mini pond (video)

Mini ponds

As already mentioned, in addition to a large bowl, you can also make a pond from a tire. It will be very small, but beautiful in its own way. It is much easier to make than a large pond. You need to pick up an old large tire from a KamAZ or tractor and dig it into the ground. The inside of the tire pond is also lined with PVC film. There is 1 small terrace for planting plants. Small tires are not recommended. After all, the pond will turn out to be tiny. But tires from passenger cars can be used when you want to make a cascade of small ponds in which water will flow from one to another. Such a structure also looks great, especially if it is well decorated. Basins or old bathtubs can also be used for this purpose. Tires can also be used to build flower beds around a large pond. In this case they can be painted bright colors.


As you can see, making a pond with your own hands is quite simple. You just need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • choose the right place;
  • do good waterproofing;
  • provide water circulation;
  • beautifully decorate the space around the pond.

And then, having created a pond with your own hands, you can rightfully be proud of it. Creating a beautiful artificial pond is a creativity where you can fully use all your imagination. Please note that it should be in good harmony with the other elements of landscape design. Although options for construction on a summer cottage were considered here, a pond can also be built in the courtyard of a private house in the city. Beautifully designed small ponds can decorate any yard.

Mini pond on the balcony (video)

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