From the foundation to wall insulation: building a house from expanded clay blocks. Building a house from expanded clay concrete blocks - step-by-step guide, useful tips Order a house project from expanded clay concrete blocks

If you build a house from expanded clay concrete blocks, do it yourself! After all, it is economical, fast and quite simple. And thanks to the low thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete, walls with a thickness of 30 cm or more do not require external insulation, which significantly affects the final cost of construction.

Making a foundation for a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands

The foundation is the basis for the reliability of the entire building. The service life of the house depends on the correct choice and compliance with the technology of the device. After all, a weak and “floating” foundation will cause cracks to appear in the walls, and this cannot be corrected.

Choosing a foundation

Since expanded clay concrete is a hollow and fairly lightweight material, construction one-story houses does not require a complex foundation. If soil samples at the site showed the absence of high groundwater, and the soil itself is sandy or sandy loam, suitable for such buildings columnar foundation with a filled grillage or shallow strip foundation.

If it is planned two-story house, and the soils are unstable, or it is not possible to take soil samples, it is better to play it safe and pour the strip foundation to a depth below freezing of the soil (depending on the region, it is 1-1.5 m).

Also performs well on unstable ground screw piles, which are buried to a stable soil layer. Such a foundation is also suitable for areas with strong differences in height, allowing you to save on leveling the construction site.

Pouring strip foundation

For self-filling strip foundation you will need:

  • a trough for mixing concrete, but it is better to use a concrete mixer;
  • buckets and shovels - for pouring and leveling the concrete mixture;

The process of laying the foundation itself requires care and a certain skill:

  1. Removed fertile layer soil. Do not neglect this point - the land will be useful for creating flower beds or a vegetable garden.
  2. Using reinforcement and stretched string, the area for the trenches is marked. It is important to carefully measure the angles, checking the equality of the diagonals.
  3. The width of the foundation depends on the type of base chosen. The sinking plinth is made narrower than the wall, and the protruding plinth is made wider.
  4. The trenches are made wider for the installation of formwork.
  5. A layer of gravel is poured onto the bottom, and another 20-30 cm of sand is poured on top, which is spilled with water and compacted. To prevent sand from “sinking” into the ground, it is better to sprinkle it on geotextiles laid on gravel.
  6. The formwork is placed and the reinforcing mesh is knitted. The reinforcement is tied with wire; the reinforcement cannot be welded. To prevent the metal rods from sinking into the sand, special stands for loose soils are placed under them.
  7. When the entire foundation is poured, it is carefully bayoneted, or it is better to go through it with a vibratory rammer. In poorly compacted concrete, air cavities may remain, reducing its strength.

A month later, after the foundation has completely hardened, you can begin building the walls.

Construction of walls made of expanded clay concrete

Building walls is not a technically difficult task, but it requires certain skills. You need to place the blocks as carefully as possible, your hand must be steady, otherwise if they deviate vertically even by a few centimeters, the walls will have to be leveled both outside and inside.

Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay block can be placed either on cement mortar or on special glue. The first option is suitable for irregularly shaped blocks, as it allows you to hide all the flaws due to the thickness of the masonry. But before finishing, an additional leveling layer of plasters will be required.

Glue is used only for blocks with the correct geometry, smooth walls and without defects. The surface of the foundation must be level. This type of masonry allows you to make seams with a thickness of only 3-5 mm, which allows you to save on rough plaster.

The process of laying expanded clay blocks is almost the same for both options:

  • Waterproofing is laid on the foundation, protecting the first expanded clay concrete row from rising moisture.
  • The solution is applied to the foundation, and glue is applied to the bottom and side surfaces of the blocks.
  • The evenness of the block is checked with a level both horizontally and vertically, if necessary, correcting the block with a rubber mallet.
  • After completing a row of one wall, the evenness of the entire surface is checked with a long level, also in two planes.
  • The ceilings of the second floor are laid without cutting into the block. ends wooden floors wrapped with waterproofing.

When the walls of the second (or attic) floor are completed, you can begin installing the roof.

Insulation and blind area of ​​the basement

It is best to do the insulation of the base yourself using EPPS, since it is not hygroscopic and is easy to install. If the house does not have a basement or basement, extruded polystyrene foam boards can be fixed with dowels. If waterproofing was applied to the foundation from the outside, fastening with dowels is contraindicated - they will pierce waterproofing layer, nullifying all the work.

After the base is insulated, you can fill it up and compact it sand cushion. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the sand cushion, and EPS boards are laid on top of it. After this, a metal reinforcing mesh is placed and everything is filled with concrete screed.

It is important to remember about the slope from the house outward - to allow water to drain along the blind area. Therefore, the formwork is initially made so that the outer side is lower than the inner.

Roof of a house made of expanded clay concrete

Your home should be comfortable and cozy, so you should choose your roof wisely. The simplest option is gable roof from corrugated sheets. This material is the most popular because it is inexpensive and durable, does not require continuous formwork, and due to its light weight there is also no need for reinforced rafters.

Device technology:

The video shows the process of constructing a roof in a very accessible and clear way:

A house made of expanded clay concrete is excellent and inexpensive option for those who want to move outside the city, especially if noisy Moscow has already become tiresome!

Before design starts country house, villa, cottage or buildings such as a bathhouse or garage, you will have to select the basic material. The project of the future building is not just a drawing, but complex circuit, in which each element is calculated. For example, to select the right foundation, you need to know the weight of the walls. Old-school builders will recommend brick or wood, but building structures from lightweight concrete is more economical, and the walls will be stronger and more durable. A lightweight and reliable modern product that can retain heat - expanded clay concrete.

1. Lightweight.

Expanded clay concrete is lighter than brick and monolithic concrete. But foam and gas blocks are even lighter, but not always more reliable. The weight of the material is important because you can save on concrete for the foundation, and working with blocks is easier and faster.

2. Fast and cheap construction.

You will have to spend more time on brick and masonry mortar. Expanded clay concrete blocks are much larger in size. To build a wall from them, use the usual composition, and not glue, as for gas silicate blocks. In addition, monolithic structures are built from expanded clay concrete.

3. Good thermal conductivity.

The house is not hot in summer and not cold in winter; compared to concrete and brick, the wall thickness is less. Aerated concrete structures can be even thinner, since they contain more air, but due to insufficient strength, their thickness increases. In addition, they need additional cladding, since aerated concrete quickly becomes saturated with moisture. Expanded clay blocks do not need cladding. But they don’t look fancy, so sometimes the front side of special blocks is made to look like stone. You can also apply plaster, use brick and other types of cladding. The surface of the blocks is non-uniform, so all materials adhere well to expanded clay concrete.

4. Durable.

To hang a cabinet or TV on a foam concrete wall, you will have to buy special fastenings, because the blocks are very fragile, making grooves and reinforcing them is inconvenient. Expanded clay blocks do not require special care in work; they are easy to reinforce. But it is impossible to build floors or foundations from blocks, even for small buildings. Before building a house from expanded clay concrete blocks, you need to calculate the loads on the foundation and walls. This way you will know the exact thickness of the walls and the size of the foundation.

Examples of projects

Let's give brief description several options, usually all the documentation takes at least 50 pages, so it is inappropriate to describe all the details here. Just examples for inspiration.

Irish style cottage for big family. For cladding, 3 types of material are used: base made of natural stone, the first floor is made of red brick, and the second floor is covered with white plaster. Garage for 2 cars, sauna and fireplace room: this house has everything for a family of 2-3 generations. The cottage has a prefabricated foundation, so before choosing this project you need to find out the type of soil, if it bearing capacity small ( high level groundwater, peat heaving) you will have to arrange drainage around the house and increase the level of waterproofing. A house with a basement floor gives a lot of space for imagination; usually a sauna or swimming pool is located in the basement.

House with an attic. Brick trim in different shades of red. On the ground floor there are 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room. Suitable for families with children. The cost of such a house starts from 1.5 million rubles, depending on finishing options. The attic is the second floor, with a roof instead of a ceiling. On the one hand, this solution allows for maximum use of space in the building, on the other hand, it leads to heat loss.

Two-story expanded clay concrete house. The cottage looks compact, but it has 4 bedrooms, a garage, an office, a dining room, a living room, and a kitchen. An asymmetrical emerald-colored roof and a wide loggia give it a romantic look. The sides of the house are slightly larger than 10x9. Ground floor no, but there is a small attic.

Nuances of building a house

You need to order expanded clay blocks for building a house from a reliable manufacturer, since there are many low-quality products sold on the market. We recommend expanded clay concrete blocks from the factory "Cheboksary Construction Plant", more than 5 thousand houses have been built from their products over the past three years. It is important to choose the right brand expanded clay blocks. The material for load-bearing walls must be at least M50. It must contain sand. There are blocks made only of cement and expanded clay; partitions are built from them or used as insulation. Nice block It shouldn’t crumble, and if you throw it, it won’t break.

Working with expanded clay blocks is no more difficult than working with bricks. Cement mortar is used for masonry. Proportions: 1:3:0.7 (cement, sand, water), and the thickness of the seam is up to 9 mm. If you use special mixtures, the seam will be thinner (3-5 mm), but the first row must be placed on a cement-sand composition.

Before starting work, the surface of the foundation is leveled and waterproofed, usually this is done using roofing felt. It is important to perform the correct dressing: there must be a distance between the vertical edges of the blocks, then the wall will be strong.

When laying, be sure to reinforce the wall. The rods are placed in 2 rows in ready-made grooves. If they are not on the block, you will have to do it yourself. In some cases, a mesh can be used. Each decision on reinforcement and wall thickness must be supported by calculations.

Thanks to the rough surface, expanded clay blocks can be finished with plaster, brick and tiles. There are also blocks whose front side is made of artificial stone.

Price of projects

The cost of a standard plan starts from 30,000 rubles, but sometimes such a document needs to be revised before construction. Some architects do not take into account the nuances of the location of communications; some house designs are only suitable for a certain type of soil. In addition, by ordering an individual project, you can build a comfortable and unusual home.

The cost is affected by:

  • House area. Many architects charge a fixed rate per m2 of plan. Average price- 1000 rubles per m2 of plan.
  • Ready-made or custom project.

The average cost of a finished project 10x10 or a total area of ​​100 m2 is 30,000 rubles. This amount includes an architectural sketch and layout of all communications. Some companies offer turnkey house design and construction. This option will do for busy people, if you choose a truly reliable company, you will not need to constantly check the quality of work, search for and order materials.

You can find free projects online. But you shouldn't trust them, especially if real house was never built. If you decide to save on everything, at least take your documents for verification. It’s safer to look for projects on forums or from friends who have recently completed construction of a house. Some will give the documentation for free, others will have to pay, but the price will be significantly lower.

Advantages of the finished project:

1. Fast. If you don’t need to redo anything, you can sign the contract and deliver the documents on the same day. It takes about a month to develop a project from scratch.

2. Inexpensive. Price individual project 2-4 times higher.

3. Reliable. If this plan has already been built, you can look finished building to be confident in your choice. Architectural bureaus that develop ready-made house designs collaborate with certain contractors, so you have the opportunity to hire builders who have already built similar structures.

1. Expensive to remodel. The slightest change can increase the cost by 1.5-2 times. Of course, installing a non-load-bearing partition is not difficult, but in order to change the type of foundation or expand the room, the project will need to wait. And these are unnecessary expenses. Something simply cannot be changed; for example, it is impossible to turn an attic into a full-fledged living space.

2. Lack of individuality. Sooner or later, the same cottage may appear in your village, and you will have to adapt your needs to a standard home.

Individual project

The average cost of developing an individual project is 1000 rubles per m2. It all depends on the complexity of the work and the status of the architect you contacted. Often a house with a smaller area, 10x9, costs more than 10x10, if its design involves complex technical solutions. It happens that people bring a ready-made project for a house made of expanded clay concrete to a specialist, but ask them to build it from gas silicate. Changing the material requires a complete recalculation of all loads on the foundation and walls, so you won’t be able to save much on this.

  • Individuality. You are building a house or cottage that is right for you, and not for anyone else. Only a suit made for you in a tailor shop will fit perfectly, and the same can be said about your home.
  • For a long time. First, you leave all your wishes, then the architect draws a sketch, then you decide that you need a garage for 2 cars and an attic instead of a full second floor, and so on several times. Then the designer begins to draw communication diagrams. It turns out that the architect did not foresee something. You will have to spend at least a month.
  • Expensive. It costs several times more than a finished project. People who want to save money download a free ready-made design and then take it to an architect to have the details redone. But house designs are a system in which everything interacts, therefore, if you expand one room, then you need to narrow another, move load-bearing wall, transfer communications, that is, completely redo the project.

Cost of laying expanded clay concrete

The average cost of laying blocks is 300-500 rubles per m2, it all depends on the thickness and complexity of the block ligation scheme. Total price erecting a house from this material is lower than if the building was built from brick. The consumption of the solution, the cost of the blocks themselves and payment to workers will cost you 1.5 times less.

The cost of developing a turnkey project and its construction can be conveniently calculated using special calculators. Also on many websites of organizations you can send an application with all the data - specialists will perform all the calculations for free.

On forums they argue about reliability. Meanwhile, industrial buildings, garages and houses built from expanded clay concrete have been standing for more than 40 years, since the material appeared in the 60s of the last century. Happy owners don't complain. If you find quality blocks, contact to a good architect and hire normal builders, then the house, cottage or villa will turn out exactly the way you want, no matter what it is built from. Designing and building a house requires a lot of patience, time and knowledge; the more attention you pay to your future home, the more comfortable it will be.

Everyone who wants to build a house dreams of not spending a lot of money, but at the same time getting a durable structure, moreover, without compromising heat conservation. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. But there is great option is a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks, which is lighter and warmer than the alternative.

Features of expanded clay concrete

As the name suggests, expanded clay concrete blocks consist of expanded clay, sand and cement. The first component is foamed baked clay, which promotes better heat retention. And due to its porosity, expanded clay concrete material is lightweight. The process of producing expanded clay concrete can be simply described as follows: expanded clay is mixed with other elements and poured into molds. It remains there until it dries completely. Only natural components are used for the blocks, so the material can be called environmentally friendly. Due to this and its other characteristics, expanded clay concrete is now very popular. Its properties:

  1. Low hygroscopicity. This means that the material does not absorb moisture and can be used in conditions of high moisture content. Thus, the water absorption rate of expanded clay concrete is 18%.
  2. Frost resistance. Depending on the brand of blocks used, from 15 to 200 cycles.
  3. High density and strength. The strength of the material is directly dependent on density, which is also quite high. Therefore, expanded clay concrete can withstand significant loads.
  4. Elimination of any interaction with fire and absence of combustion.
  5. Durability.
  6. Low thermal conductivity. The indicator varies from 0.14 to 0.45 for products in a dry state. With natural humidity it increases slightly.

Advantages of houses made of expanded clay concrete

From all the listed features of the material, we can conclude that it is perfect for the construction of private houses. Using expanded clay concrete, the owner receives a structure that has advantages over structures made of similar materials. Moreover, the list of them can be significantly expanded and include, in addition to the mentioned qualities, also:

  1. Elimination of rotting, damage by insect pests, and corrosion.
  2. High vapor permeability, due to which the correct microclimate will be maintained indoors.
  3. Easy to install due to its low weight and the ability to build it yourself.
  4. Elimination of shrinkage. This indicator makes it possible to immediately begin external and interior decoration without waiting for shrinkage to take place.
  5. The need for less mortar for masonry compared to brick.
  6. Low cost of material, which allows you to save on construction.
  7. Excellent sound insulation.
  8. It is impossible for microcracks to appear on the walls if the foundation and masonry are done well.
  9. Availability of material.


Despite the mass positive aspects, expanded clay concrete also has its disadvantages:

  1. Possibility of purchasing low-quality products. Due to the simplicity of production, there are now many artisanal workshops whose workers rarely follow the technology.
  2. Difficulty of processing. So, for example, special equipment will be required for cutting.
  3. A large number of seams in the walls due to small size source material. Elimination of cold penetration into the room is achieved through external insulation.
  4. The fragility of materials with medium and low density.
  5. Small range of standard sizes. Manufacturers offer standard blocks 390*190*190 mm or semi-blocks.

These negative characteristics can be called subjective. After all, with proper selection of materials, poor-quality purchases are eliminated, and additional equipment construction site special equipment will solve the problem of cutting blocks. In addition, when building a house, almost any masonry material requires insulation. Only by taking into account all the pros and cons of expanded clay concrete can you create a high-quality and reliable house.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

The construction of houses from expanded clay concrete blocks begins with the creation of a project and calculation of materials. You can calculate the number of blocks using an online calculator or yourself. Experts do not recommend the first method, because due to their primitiveness, such programs do not always produce correct results. At independent calculation necessary:

  • supplement the calculation with the number of blocks needed to complete the gables;
  • take into account that internal and external walls are not always constructed from the same block structures;
  • take note that the thickness of block walls may decrease if brick cladding is planned;
  • add spare elements, since packages can often contain blocks unsuitable for construction;
  • Keep in mind that blocks may be smaller than the sizes stated in the standard.

In the price lists you can see rounded data 40*20*20. Exact dimensions expanded clay concrete blocks 390*190*188 mm, and calculations must be made based on them. For a better understanding, it is necessary to consider an example. So, the main material in this case will be 0.4*0.2*0.2 blocks, taking into account the masonry joint. It is necessary to calculate the amount of material for a one-story house. We will count by the area of ​​the walls. This requires data from the project, which is always drawn up before construction. So, the calculation is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the building and the area of ​​the floor walls.
  2. Calculate the area of ​​windows and doorways and wall area excluding openings.
  3. The number of blocks per 1 m² is determined by dividing the unit by the height and width of the block multiplied (0.2 and 0.4, respectively).
  4. The number of blocks is calculated by multiplying the resulting number by 1 m² by the area of ​​the walls without taking into account openings.

The number of blocks per garage is calculated using the same principle. Afterwards, these values ​​are added up and the final amount of material required to build a house with one floor from expanded clay concrete blocks is obtained. This indicator will be obtained with a thickness of half a block, that is, 20 cm. If the thickness is needed 40 cm, then the quantity is multiplied by 2.

Making the foundation

If the groundwater level is normal, and the soil itself is sandy or sandy loam, then a columnar foundation would be an excellent option. It must be supplemented with a grillage. A shallow tape type of base is also possible.

If the soil is not stable and it is planned to build a two-story house, then a deep strip foundation or a foundation on screw piles can be made.

Within the framework of this material, the algorithm for making a strip base will be considered. First of all, you need to stock up on a concrete mixer or trough, shovels and buckets, as well as a vibrator. The technology of the base device itself is as follows:

  1. Removing the fertile soil layer.
  2. Marking the area in accordance with the project using a tape measure and string on the trench. But they should be a little wider for formwork.
  3. Laying gravel and sand on the bottom in a layer of 20–30 cm, watering it with water and compacting it.
  4. Formwork installation and knitting reinforcing mesh.
  5. Laying the reinforcing mesh into the formwork and pouring the concrete in one go. If the volume is large, it is better to order a ready-made solution with a concrete mixer.
  6. Processing the poured concrete with a vibrator to get rid of air bubbles inside.
  7. Constant moistening during the process of concrete hardening.

Step-by-step construction instructions

A month after pouring the concrete, the foundation will finally harden, and you can build a house on it using expanded clay concrete blocks. Here the work is divided into construction stages that need to be completed one after another: laying walls, insulating the base and forming the roof. Expanded clay concrete blocks can be laid using either glue or cement mortar. Moreover, the first type is used for blocks that have the correct shape, and the second can also be used for those that have visible defects. The installation process follows the given technology:

  1. Covering the foundation with waterproofing film.
  2. Installing corner blocks and stretching the control thread between them.
  3. Applying the mortar to the foundation, as well as to the lower and side surfaces of the block, and securing it.
  4. Check the horizontal position of the installation with a level and, if necessary, adjust with a mallet.
  5. Laying the second row with an overlap of half a block.
  6. Reinforcement of every third or fourth row with a special mesh. In addition, this mesh is installed under window opening 90 cm on each side.
  7. Creating a lintel over openings by pouring it yourself or laying a finished block.
  8. Laying the floors of the first floor.

It is best to insulate the base with extruded polystyrene foam due to its ease of installation and non-hygroscopicity. If the foundation does not have a basement, then it can be easily secured using dowels.

If the base was waterproofed in advance, then this should not be done under any circumstances. You will have to dig a trench to create a blind area with a depth of 30 to 40 cm and a width of 1–1.5 m and insulate it. After this, compact the sand cushion. The following are laid on it: waterproofing, polystyrene boards, metal mesh reinforcing type, and everything is filled with concrete.

The blind area should have a slope away from the house so that water does not enter the basement.

The choice of roofing for your home should be approached responsibly. The simplest design would be gable roof. You can assemble it yourself step by step:

  1. Mounting the Mauerlat - supports for the rafters on the last row of the wall.
  2. Assembly rafter system on the ground and securing it at a height.
  3. Laying waterproofing and fastening it with counter-lattice to the rafters.
  4. Installation of sheathing and roofing material.

Insulation and finishing

Almost any material can be used to insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks. It could be mineral wool, foam plastic or penoplex. The last option is the most modern and preferred. Here is a short algorithm on how to properly insulate and clad a facade:

  1. Surface cleaning and preparation.
  2. Kneading adhesive solution. Its type can be selected based on the material used for insulation.
  3. Applying glue to the wall surface.
  4. Consolidation heat-insulating material. You need to start from the bottom corners and go in a circle. Be sure to check the evenness using a level during the process.
  5. Additional fastening of the material is carried out using umbrella-type dowels.
  6. Reinforcement of the layer with fiberglass mesh by attaching it to an adhesive composition.
  7. Plastering and final painting of the surface.
  8. Application of a fixing varnish to eliminate contamination and make the cladding more resistant to external influences.

Expanded clay concrete is different a large number advantages that allow you to build a house with your own hands in the shortest possible time.

Expanded clay concrete became widespread in the late 90s. It has become an excellent alternative to brick and wood, without having good strength characteristics and pronounced decorative qualities. Its advantages include low price and ease of use in the construction of load-bearing structures and partitions. no need to purchase abroad or produce to order. They are always on sale, so to build your house from expanded clay blocks you don’t have to spend a lot of time searching and transporting.

About the material

The main components are concrete and expanded clay, which are pieces of baked clay. These pieces have high porosity, which allows them to be used for floors. In bulk form, they have been used for a long time and have proven themselves well over many decades.

The size of the granules is on average 5-10 mm. The mixture is prepared from sand and porous filler in proportions 1: 2: 3. Cement-sand mortar must have a grade of at least M300. With a large number of voids, this makes it possible to achieve the high strength necessary for the construction of a two-story building. Thanks to the low cost, it becomes expedient to build not only expensive cottages, but also one-story garden houses and utility buildings for which a large budget is not allocated.


Products differ in purpose and are marked as follows:

  • C - wall;
  • Ug - angular;
  • R - privates;
  • L - facial;
  • P - septal;
  • Pr - adjacency blocks.

The front ones should look attractive on the facade. They are produced with a smooth or embossed side surface. Sometimes decorative finishing have not one, but two sides. Colored cement is often used for this class. Corners can be straight or rounded. To improve adhesion, the walls are made with longitudinal grooves or they leave voids that are filled with masonry mortar during construction.

When building houses from expanded clay blocks, grades from M5 to M500 can be used. Frost resistance ranges from F15 to F500. This indicator indicates the permissible number of freezing and thawing.

Standard sizes are given in the table:

Purpose Length Width Height
Wall 288 288 138
288 138 138
390 190 188
290 190 188
288 190 188
190 190 188
90 190 188
Septal 590 90 188
390 90 138
190 90 138

Deviations range from 3 to 4 mm. It is allowed to produce products of non-standard sizes to order.

Like any material, expanded clay concrete has advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.


  • TO positive properties applies low thermal conductivity. A gas heats up and cools down more slowly than a solid. Air pores trap cold, preventing it from penetrating into the room. Thanks to this feature, the products can be used not only as structural elements, but also how.
  • Porous blocks make building structures lighter. This makes it possible to use where tape is usually required. This saves time and budget, since there is no need to make a concrete pad around the perimeter of the building and its load-bearing walls.
  • Good sound insulation is provided not only by supporting structures, but also by internal partitions.
  • Low price, availability and wide range of sizes and physical properties make any project possible at minimal cost.
  • Strength characteristics allow the construction of buildings up to two floors high using. Unlike some of their analogues, expanded clay concrete does not crack during operation.
  • The products have a rough surface that provides good adhesion to.
  • The small weight makes it possible to do the work yourself quickly and efficiently.


  • The porous structure facilitates the absorption of moisture from environment, so you will need finishing both inside and outside.
  • Additionally, it is not necessary if a mixture with high thermal insulation properties is used as a masonry mortar. If it is ordinary cement mortar, insulation will still be required.
  • Unlike low porosity materials, blocks should be stored in a dry place. It is necessary to build a canopy for them and make a flooring that protects them from getting wet. It is not recommended to carry out work in the rain - otherwise you will have to dry the walls.
  • Decorative qualities leave much to be desired. Even dyes in cement and a textured surface cannot save the situation. Brick and wood look much more attractive. The problem can be solved with the help of finishing and cladding, which, however, will not lead to cost overruns - after all, the base will be quite cheap.

As we have seen, there are more advantages than disadvantages, which makes the choice of suburban property owners clear.

How to calculate the cost of a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Total cost consists of a large number of factors. The construction of load-bearing structures is only one of them. For clarity, let's take average prices. Let us assume that we will carry out the work with our own hands without help construction crew. Let's say that we need to build a small one-story house with an area of ​​10 x 10 m without internal partitions. Let us take the height from floor to ceiling to be 3 m.

The total area of ​​the four walls in this case will be 3 x (10+10+10+10) = 120 m2.

For masonry we will use products with dimensions of 0.4 x 0.2 x 0.2 m. We calculate the area of ​​the outer side: 0.4 x 0.2 = 0.08 m2. For one square meter accounts for 1/0.08 = 12.5 pcs. This means that with a thickness of one layer we will need 120 m2 x 12.5 pcs. = 1500 pcs. We did not take into account window openings in our calculations. According to statistics, exactly the amount that is needed to fill them is discarded. This could be damage during transportation and careless handling, defects, trimmings, etc.

When the brand, size and consumption are known, all that remains is to study the offers from different suppliers and manufacturers. If 1 pc. costs 65 rubles, the whole batch will cost 97,500 rubles. Plus transportation and masonry mortar. You can safely add another 25,000 rubles.

In general, you can use calculators for calculations - online programs can be found on a variety of thematic sites.

Construction work

You should start with a project. Even if it does not need to be agreed upon, it will be required in order to calculate costs and draw up an action plan. It is necessary to think through in advance all the nuances from the location on the site to the small details associated with the interior.

Foundation for a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

The material is highly porous, making the building lightweight. This makes it possible to use pile foundation, but for moving soils containing a large amount of clay, it is better to make a reinforced concrete foundation. It will cost less monolithic design. Many people prefer this solution, although it has a clear drawback. For the solution to set and gain brand strength, it will take at least three weeks. In addition, if the soil is too mobile, such a foundation is likely to crack. To figure out which technical solution would be optimal, you should call a specialist to conduct a soil survey.

Provides the greatest reliability. Work begins with the fact that along the perimeter of the internal and external walls a trench or foundation pit is dug in a building. IN middle lane And northern regions with high humidity, the base must be protected from exposure to groundwater. The problem is that liquid in the ground expands when it turns into ice. This does not happen evenly. As a result, bending deformations occur, leading to the appearance of cracks. To avoid this, a layer of crushed stone 10-15 cm high is poured into a trench or pit, and a sand flooring of the same height is placed on top.

The number of blocks and their typical size are determined at the design stage. The depth of placement depends on the characteristics of the soil. In the north, where the ground freezes several meters, it can be taken equal to 0.7-1 m. In the middle zone, 0.7-0.5 m is sufficient.

The rows are laid in a bandage. You should move from the corner. To avoid distortions, a cord is stretched from edge to edge of the building. Each element is leveled so that its edges are at the same height. A mixture of grade M100 is usually used as a masonry mortar.

An armored belt is placed on top, which is a monolithic reinforced concrete strip about 25 cm high. The formwork for it is made of boards. It is advisable to support the walls with stakes or tie them with wire so that they do not bend under the weight of the solution.

Walls, windows and doors

The construction of houses from expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out using the same technology as brick ones. There are no special features here.

Laying begins from the corners, aligning each row with a rope and level. The dressing is done with an offset of a third or half the length of each element. Every four rows lay reinforcing bars or a mesh to strengthen the structure and give it mobility. Window and windows are strengthened in the same way. When calculating their sizes, it is more convenient to proceed from the dimensions of standard products. You can consider the following window size options:

  • single-leaf - 85 x 115 cm, 115 x 190 cm;
  • double-leaf - 130 x 220 cm, 115 x 190 cm;
  • tricuspid - 240 x 210 cm.

It is necessary to leave a gap of 2-5 cm under. After installing windows and doors, the openings are covered with waterproof plaster, and the window sill from the outside is covered with ebb from stainless steel. It is advisable that it protrudes beyond the foundation line.

Side openings for heating and ventilation pipes usually have round shape. It is better to cut them with a diamond crown when finished construction work.

When the walls are ready, an armored belt is placed on top.

Floor and ceiling in a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Build a building from porous materials need to be mindful of strength limitations. Its supply is quite enough to load-bearing structures withstood a standard floor slab used in multi-story construction. Creates less load aerated concrete panels, not inferior in performance characteristics. They are able to withstand loads of up to 600 kg/m2. At maximum sizes 6 x 1.8 x 0.3 m, their weight usually does not exceed 750 kg. Such floors are environmentally friendly and, unlike wooden ones, are fireproof.

Installation is carried out using a crane. If it is not there, given the small dimensions, two people can handle the work. The slabs are laid on the foundation and walls. They need to be supported at least 10 cm from their length on each edge. For the fittings to work properly, the panel should be supported on two opposite sides. This rule applies even if they are located from the bar, where there is a third support. The gap with it should be several centimeters. After installation empty seats filled using formwork.

To connect several slabs, a tongue-and-groove system is used. Additional tightness to the joints is provided by a tightening clamp.


Most commonly used truss structure. It consists of wooden frame and sheathing. The frame rests on a mauerlat, which is beams laid along the perimeter of the building. Standard thickness- 150 x 150 mm. For rafters it is better to choose less thick beams.

From within using wooden sheathing A vapor barrier is attached to the frame, and waterproofing and insulation are installed on the outside. Waterproofing must be installed on top. If the insulation gets wet, it will lose its properties. The inside of the sheathing is lined with clapboard. Mounted on an external wooden mesh. A ridge is installed on top of the bend - corner profile, covering the junction of both slopes.

Insulation and waterproofing

We looked at several options for how to build a house from expanded clay concrete blocks. In order to live in it not only in summer, but also in winter, it will need to be insulated and insulated from moisture.

The material has a large number of pores, so its thermal conductivity can be compared with common insulators. However, in severe frosts this will not be enough. Outside, under the facing panels, you can put a layer of foam or mineral wool. The second option is more preferable, since mineral wool, unlike foam plastic, is fireproof and has more high performance. In addition, rodents cannot damage it.

Heating and ventilation

It can be forced air, when air circulates naturally due to a pressure difference, and forced, when the flow is created by a fan. The pressure difference occurs due to the pipe. In winter this effect is much more noticeable. In summer the draft is worse, but you can ventilate the room by simply opening the window.

There are a number of prohibitions for individual housing construction that owners of garden houses should take into account. For example, it is not allowed to lay a ventilation duct near and gas pipe. The distance must be at least 10 cm. Under no circumstances should air ducts from bathrooms and kitchens be inserted into the same shaft. Residential and non-residential premises cannot be connected in this way.

Stoves and portable stoves have always been used for heating. Now the situation has changed. Wall mounted and floor standing boilers operating on gas, solid and liquid fuel. It is better to choose those that run on electricity. They do not create an odor, their installation does not require gasification of the house or special permission. They are cheaper to operate.

Floor-standing models take up a lot of space. They are distinguished by significant power, which is not needed for small areas. Wall-mounted ones are compact and can be installed in any convenient place.

  • Material prepared by: Artem Filimonov

Company " Summer Season» designs and builds houses made of expanded clay concrete on a turnkey basis. We build light, durable and warm cottages for seasonal and permanent residence individually and ready-made projects. The company performs the entire range of work - from preparing documentation to removing waste after putting the house into operation.

Expanded clay concrete block is a molded cellular concrete, obtained by mixing Portland cement, sand and expanded clay of small fractions (granules up to 5 mm). Thanks to semi-dry pressing technology, a strong, frost-resistant and durable material is formed. wall material, having low water absorption and thermal conductivity. It is environmentally friendly because it does not contain aggressive impurities (for example, lime or aluminum).

Due to the increased moisture resistance, when building a house from expanded clay concrete blocks, there is no need to apply plaster that reduces moisture absorption. Laying is done using a thin layer of ordinary cement mortar. When performing work, it is necessary to use special adhesive mixtures No.

Order turnkey house construction

On the website of the company "Dachny Season" it is presented large selection projects of houses made of expanded clay concrete blocks. The catalog contains various options configurations, floor plans, photos ready-made cottages, built in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can also choose additional options, for example, internal and external finishing, installation of gutters, wiring of internal utility networks and immediately calculate the turnkey price. The basic package does not include balconies, terraces and porches.

Advantages of cooperation with the company “Dachny Season”:

  • internal redevelopment - FREE,
  • staged payment - 1% - 14% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 5%,
  • timber from the direct manufacturer,
  • technical supervision,
  • 15 years of experience in the field of low-rise construction,
  • free shipping materials within 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road,
  • Warranty for all types of work - 7 years.

You can also order inexpensively from us individual design houses made of expanded clay concrete or separately purchase any project from the catalog without performing construction work. For consultation, please call: +7 (499) 650–50–18.

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