Smooth reinforcement class A1. What is the difference between reinforcing bars A1 and A3

Considering mechanical properties reinforcement, it is distributed to different classes. There are classes A and At. The index “t” indicates that the material has undergone heat treatment.

GOST reinforcement classes

A1– first class of smooth reinforcement. This is hot rolled steel from 6 to 40 mm in diameter. Steel – grades 3SP, ST3, D16. Application – in cases where it is necessary:

  • elongation when stretched;
  • plastic;
  • low temperature tolerance;
  • welding of meshes, load-bearing structures.

A2– this is reinforcement with a diameter of 10-80 mm. Steel – St5sp, St5ps (for diameter 10-40), 18G2S (40-80 mm). Application is the same as A1. Has a periodic profile.
A3– most often used for industrial and civil facilities. Diameter – 6-40 mm, steel – A400, A500S, St3, 35GS, 25G2S. The class is characterized by good weldability, which is why A3 reinforcement is ideal for reinforced concrete structures. The most commonly used are 10,12 and 14 mm reinforcement.
A4– reinforcement from 10 to 32 mm in diameter made of steel 80S (10-18 mm) and 20ХГ2Ц (10-32 mm). Used similarly to A3 fittings.
A5 the reinforcement class has a diameter similar to A4, that is, 10-32 when using steel 23V2G2T. Good for long structures and load-bearing floors.
From A4 and higher classes of reinforcement are used as prestressed reinforcement.

At4 more preferable for use by crimped ferrule. Has a diameter of 8-35 mm.
At5 with a diameter of 6-36 mm and steel 23Kh2G2T (AT800) is good for structures with long spans.
At6– steel 6-32 mm and steel grades 22Kh2G2AYU, 22Kh2G2R, 20Kh2G2SR. Applies similarly to class 5. In general, reinforcement classes 4-6 are mostly used in the production of reinforced concrete structures.
(At is heat-treated steel.)

General classes of fittings A1-A6 - table

The main differences between different strength classes of reinforcement

Smooth reinforcement is class A1, and the periodic profile is determined by the line pattern protrusion across the rod. This is also characterized by the color of the rod ends. If there are protrusions located in a serpentine pattern, it can be judged to be A2 steel. A3 and A4 have protrusions in a herringbone pattern, that is, located at an angle to each other. High-strength reinforcement A4 and A5 are excellent for stressed structures.

However, the most common types are A1 and A3. They have different purposes, composition, and they also differ in appearance. What exactly are the differences between fittings A1 and A3?

1. Relief- this is the most obvious difference, because A1 reinforcement is smooth and therefore it is often used for frames and meshes, especially as vertical rods, because its adhesion is worse than corrugated reinforcement, like A3. The protrusions of the profile are transverse, the ribs are longitudinal and are located strictly at a given angle. That’s why A3 is mostly used as a reinforcing material.

2. Strength– according to this criterion, A1 is clearly inferior to A3, because A3 is produced using high-alloy steel with admixtures of manganese, silicon, chromium and titanium. Therefore, ceilings, floors, high-rise buildings, and bridges must be made of A3.

3. Scope of use. In terms of versatility, among the classes of reinforcement according to GOST, A1 wins because it can retain all its properties under any conditions. In addition, smooth reinforcement resists aggressive substances well. Therefore, it is often used for the construction of oil refineries in extreme conditions(for example, in the North). But the A3 will easily crack in such conditions.

If you are in doubt about what kind of reinforcement is needed, you can proceed from the design criteria, purposes and characteristics of the steel, or find out the opinion of specialists. In our company it is possible to buy reinforcement of strength classes - AI and AIII.

There are many types of fittings that are extremely difficult for an inexperienced person to understand. Among all this majority, two types stand out: A1 and A3. This article will answer the question that interests many people: how does A1 reinforcement differ from A3. And you can suitable fittings for you, so let’s move on to the article itself.

Type A1 fittings

Such fittings are made exclusively from high-strength low-alloy carbon steel of smooth or periodic profile. In rare cases, it is made from cold-drawn wire. The main difference between the A1 and A3 fittings lies in the high characteristic indicators. However, it is not the only one, but more on that later.

A1 fittings are very widely used in almost all industries. It is used in construction, as well as in the extraction of various minerals (oil, gas, etc.). The ability to use in the most aggressive conditions is what distinguishes the A1 fittings from the A3. She is not afraid of any caustic substances such as chlorine or natural gas. In addition, it has a fairly solid heat resistance rating. All these facts make it a very versatile material.

A3 type fittings

It is used primarily for the manufacture of various iron concrete structures. It significantly improves the performance of the building. For its manufacture, high-quality reinforcing steel is used, which is alloyed various elements(titanium, manganese, chromium, silicon, etc.). The composition of such reinforcement must comply with the established GOST No. 380-94 (if we are talking about low-carbon steel) and GOST No. 14959-79 (if we are talking about high-carbon steel). The further operational component of the building largely depends on the quality of this reinforcement, therefore special requirements apply to it.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that the main difference between A1 and A3 reinforcement is that the first can be used in any, even the most severe conditions, and the second has better characteristics (weldability, durability, elasticity, etc.). Of course, the type of reinforcement is chosen purely based on the specific task, so it is very important to know all the features of the material.

Today, metalworking plants produce more than twelve types of reinforcing bars. But two types of fittings are in particular demand: A3 and A1. Below we will look at how they differ from each other. Experts from advised us on this. It should be noted that reinforcing bars are metal rods with a corrugated or smooth surface, as well as a round cross-section. The main purpose of the reinforcement: the formation of a spatial frame of stone or concrete products. It is the reinforcement that takes on the load, so the main material ultimately remains intact and can long time be exploited.

Reinforcement is used for making monolithic walls, strip, tile and pile types of bases, columns, beams, floors. It is also used in the construction of partitions, walls made of aerated concrete or foam concrete, in the construction of sidewalks, asphalt concrete roads, berths, bridges, dams, subways, during the construction of industrial facilities. It is also indispensable for repairs. Thus, reinforcing mesh is used for plastering walls and strengthening screeds.

Material used for the production of fittings: high-alloy and low-alloy steel. In this case, cold-drawn and hot-rolled methods are used. It is these characteristics that influence the classes of reinforcing products: there are working rods, and there is assembly steel. The fittings can also be marked with the letters K (anti-corrosion coating), C (weldable) and T (thermally strengthened). Each brand of fittings has its own distinctive features.

A1 fittings

Manufacturers use low-alloy carbon steel or cold-drawn wire (less commonly) in the manufacture of such fittings. Has a smooth surface. It is characterized by high strength. It is because of these properties that it is used in various industries, during the construction of monolithic buildings, in the mining industry, in particular in oil production. A1 fittings are resistant to various aggressive environments: sudden temperature changes, high and very low temperatures. Also important characteristic This reinforcement has excellent weldability. This class of reinforcement is inexpensive, so its use allows you to reduce the project budget.

A3 fittings

For the production of fittings of this class, hot-rolled steel is used. It is used in the construction of industrial and residential buildings. Her distinctive feature: corrugated surface. The pattern has two longitudinal ribs and many transverse ribs located at a distance. Such reinforcement provides good adhesion to concrete. For this reason, when reinforcing various reinforced concrete structures A3 reinforcement is used as the main material. It has high strength. Manufacturers produce it from high-alloy steels using impurities of silicon, titanium, as well as manganese and chromium. The reinforcement welds well and has high stability to atmospheric influences. But it does not tolerate temperature changes as well as A1 fittings, and this is its disadvantage. It copes well with oxidation.


So, A1 fittings have the following differences:

  • less durable;
  • has a smooth surface;
  • adhesion to concrete is less strong;
  • carbon steels are used in production;
  • resistant to sudden temperature changes.

Fittings that belong to class A3 have the following differences:

  • more durable;
  • has a corrugated surface;
  • adhesion to concrete is very strong;
  • High-alloy steel is used in production;
  • less resistant to sudden temperature changes.

When constructing reinforced concrete structures, one of the ways to ensure the greatest strength of structures with low weight components is reinforcement steel frame. The most commonly used rods are A1 and A3. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, before buying fittings, you should familiarize yourself with the features of each individual type.

Comparison of class A1 and A3 fittings

The production is based on low-carbon steels with varying degrees of deoxidation. Ductile metals with a slight inclusion of carbon, as well as a deep deoxidation threshold (St2kp), are usually used for A3 rods. Tough and hard steels(St3sp) are recommended for A1 reinforcement that is less deformed at the time of manufacture. It is used to strengthen concrete structures, cover any shape, produce fences, gratings, etc.

Corrugated A3 reinforcement is most often used to create simple, light and durable frames of various concrete structures. It is least suitable for the construction of auxiliary structures, except for lightly loaded ones.

Disadvantages of reinforcing rods A3 compared to A1:

  • significant internal stresses caused by another rolling process (to create grooves);
  • high cost due to production features;
  • less efficient profile section, compared to a round bar, with the same mass per linear meter.

But the main difference between the two brands is the surface design - smooth (A1) and with grooves (A3). Naturally, class A3 reinforcement has greater structural strength due to better adhesion to concrete.

Metalworking plants produce more than 12 types of reinforcing bars. The most popular metal products in residential construction are two grades – A1 and A3. Our article will help an inexperienced buyer understand the similarities and differences between the fittings of the above classes.

According to GOST 10884-94, reinforcing bars are metal rods round section with a smooth or periodic surface, designed to form a spatial frame for concrete, stone and other products. The reinforcement takes on most of the bending and tensile loads, leveling the stress, so the main material (concrete, cement) remains intact and lasts for more than 20 years.

Rolled products are used for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products, such as:

  • slab, strip pile and other types of foundations;
  • monolithic walls;
  • floor slabs, foundation blocks;
  • rings, beams, columns and much more.

The reinforcement is used in the construction of walls and partitions from cellular concrete(foam concrete, aerated concrete), in the construction of large-sized industrial and public facilities (bridges, subways, dams, piers), asphalt concrete roads and sidewalks. This view is irreplaceable steel products and under repair. Reinforcement mesh strengthen wet and semi-dry screeds, plaster on walls inside and outside the building, and so on.

The fittings are produced from low- and high-alloy steel grades (25GS, 35GS and others) by hot-rolled and cold-drawn methods. Depending on the type of raw material and production method, the following classes of reinforcing products are obtained:

1. Assembly rental. It is used in the construction of screeds, as well as in the foundations of low-rise buildings. The transverse part of the reinforcing frame is laid out from the rods. The main difference is smooth surface and diameter from 4 to 40 mm, marked with the letters A1 or A240.

2. Working rods. This is the basic element of the power “skeleton”; it is located longitudinally in the structure, so it takes on deforming loads. It has a periodic profile, is manufactured in diameters of 6-80 mm and is divided into the following classes:

  • A2 (A300);
  • A3 (A400, A500);
  • A4 (A600);
  • A5 (A800);
  • A6 (A1000).

Since the fittings are used in different conditions, manufacturers offer products special purpose with appropriate markings:

  • T – thermally strengthened;
  • C – weldable;
  • K – with anti-corrosion coating.

What is the difference between A1 and A3?

Each brand has its own purpose, composition, the difference is present even in appearance. Below is a table of comparative characteristics.

Differences between products of the A1 and A3 series:

PropertiesA1 fittingsA3 fittings
Marking (by steel fluidity index)A240A400
Types of productsStandard without special treatmentStandard

Designed for fixation by welding (A400C, A500C)

Galvanized (with anti-corrosion coating)

CompoundLow alloy steel grades St3kp, St3ps, St3sp and othersHigh-alloy steel grade 25GS, 35G2S and the like
DimensionsDiameter – 4-40 mm, length – up to 11.7 mDiameter – 6-80 mm, length – up to 12 m
Areas of useConcrete products (floor slabs, beams, blocks),

foundations for buildings weighing no more than 80 tons,


screed, plaster,

columns, arches,

shaped products, greenhouses.

foundations of all types,

complex structures made of reinforced concrete (bridges, supports, piers, dams, subways),


monolithic enclosing floors.

As can be seen from the table, the differences between A1 and A3 are significant. The first type is called universal due to its wide range of applications. And the second one is more different high level strength, because the composition contains alloying additives such as chromium, titanium, manganese.

Both brands can be used in a product simultaneously, for example, when knitting a frame in strip foundation. But the main condition is that these classes of reinforcing products are not interchangeable.

6 16 17 27 36 Reinforcement A3, L=11.7 m, rub/linear meter10 15 21 25 35

The difference in prices is due to the thickness of the products and the total quantity per ton. In regions, the cost may vary between 3-12% due to the seller’s logistics costs.

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