Unfavorable lunar days in January. The influence of the Moon on the fulfillment of desires

The Full Moon is the highest point of the Moon's growth and an extremely powerful time. On this day, you can influence your destiny and change your life for the better if you know how to achieve harmony with lunar energy.

The full moon has long been considered a mystical time: the full moon appears in legends and folk signs. It is believed that this time is best suited for rituals for money and love.

When is the Full Moon in January 2017?

The January Full Moon in 2017 will occur on the 12th. The moon on this day will be under the influence of the constellation Cancer, which can greatly affect the emotional state of people. You should be wary of a hysterical state, aggravation of conflicts and sleep disturbances: the water element of Cancer primarily affects the area of ​​feelings and emotions.

Try to be extremely attentive to your well-being and the emotions of your loved ones: the energy of the Full Moon in January is such that it will be very difficult to correct an accidental quarrel later.

Negative aspects of the Full Moon in January 2017

  • conflicts with loved ones;
  • exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases;
  • sleep disorders;
  • overflowing emotions.

These signs indicate a violation of the biofield and a lack of positive energy. Walking in the fresh air, which can be combined with effective meditation while walking, will help you correct the situation and put yourself in a harmonious state.

Try to give yourself more rest, don’t worry about trifles and devote more time to yourself and your desires. This approach to your well-being will improve your condition and allow you to admire the Full Moon without experiencing discomfort.

Positive aspects of the January Full Moon

For people with strong energy, the Full Moon can feel completely different:

  • energy;
  • realistic vivid dreams;
  • always in a good mood.

This feeling of the Full Moon shows that your energy is in perfect order and is in harmony with the lunar cycles. You can devote time to a list of 7 things that need to be done on the Full Moon, but do not forget that the next day the cycle of the waning Moon begins, and along with the lunar energy, personal energy will begin to decrease. Try to spend the evening calmly and give yourself more time to relax.

Like any strong time, the Full Moon imposes certain prohibitions and requires compliance with certain rules. Knowing what Zodiac Signs cannot do on the Full Moon, you can avoid many problems and spend this time calmly. We wish you a beautiful full moon in the sky and harmony with the energy of nature. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.01.2017 05:05

The full moon is the most powerful time in the entire lunar cycle. On this day you can achieve what you want...

The full moon is a special time. When the Full Moon lights up the skies, the most powerful rituals are performed. This...

2016 is behind us. Now the time has come to move away from everything that brought us sadness, frustration and misfortune during this difficult period. The lunar calendar also calls us to this.

To get a complete picture of what awaits us at the end of January, you will need the lunar calendar for January 2017. The moon will begin to wane on the 13th, just on the day when the new year fully comes into its own. During this period of waning of the lunar disk, try to spend as much time as possible “throwing out” garbage from your life - literally and figuratively.

What you should do during the period from January 13 to 27

The key word is cleaning. First, get rid of all the negativity that 2016 brought you. It was a leap period, so a lot of psychological problems accumulated. You just need to let them go. If you haven’t found your love, lost a loved one, or come face to face with financial problems, then don’t despair. 2017 will help you get things right, but it will take some time.

First, start cleaning the inside. The psychological problems that haunted you in 2016 should remain here. Tell yourself that you are stronger than self-doubt. You can do anything, so nothing will stop you on your path to happiness. Get rid of envy, anger and become kinder. Try to find in this world something worth living for with pleasure.

This week there is a high chance that you will find yourself a new hobby or passion. Cling to any branch, for the Universe is now most strongly predisposed to cooperation.

Second, declutter your home. Spring cleaning will help clear your home of negative energy, which must be removed if you don't want 2016 to affect you anymore. If there is no or little red in your home, then add it, even at the expense of style. 2017, the Year of the Fire Rooster, is the time when the color red is at its most powerful.

In general, the eastern and lunar calendars largely agree in terms of 2017. The waning Moon in January should help you take the first step towards global changes in all areas of life.

To get rid of last year's negativity, you will need to forget all the bad things and plan the most important things for a couple of months in advance. On the waning Moon this will be most effective.

What to watch out for on the waning moon in January

Astrologers advise first of all to beware of monetary debts. Do not lend to anyone and under no circumstances take on debt yourself, otherwise you will have every chance of losing large sums of money in the future. Continuing the financial topic, it is worth noting that it is better to suspend purchases in the period from January 13 to January 27. Only investments in your own development and improvement of skills are welcome.

In the area of ​​health, it is important to maintain balance in everything. Alcohol consumption is allowed, but in limited quantities. Astrologers advise to beware of overeating and large quantities of fatty foods. Cleanse yourself of impurities and toxins during these two weeks. Do not overwork your body with exhausting loads at work, at home and in the gym. This applies not only to the physical state, but also to the moral one. Take a break from business, work and negativity, without letting it break into your life.

In the love sphere, you will need to be wary of indiscretion and impulsive behavior. In a relationship with any person, the maximum level of calm will allow you to quickly find common ground. Even with enemies, diplomacy will be the best tool for dialogue.

The year of the Fire Rooster 2017 is very important for all people. His energy will be incredibly strong. Tune your body to the desired wave. Throw away everything unnecessary during these two weeks - literally and figuratively. Start a new life during the waning moon in January 2017. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

January 1 0:00 — January 2 12:57 — The waxing Moon in Aquarius is just what you need during the holidays. New plans will be invented. New aspirations and desires will appear. It will be a great holiday with friends. The most pleasant moment will be when the Moon interacts with Venus - January 2 from 7:00 to 13:00. At this time, you will make new friends and your personal life will be renewed, albeit not yet on an event level, but on the level of expectations and plans.

January 2 12:57 — January 4 19:19 — The waxing Moon in Pisces will enhance emotionality and intuition. Creative activities will be good. Give vent to your imagination - draw, write poetry, compose music. And the growing Moon in Pisces lifts the veil over the invisible, so you can use this time for fortune telling and prophetic dreams. It is easiest to see a prophetic dream in the early morning of January 3rd. And when you get up, “don’t make sudden movements” until noon - direct your energy to creativity, otherwise it will be spent on quarrels and emotional outbursts.

January 4 19:19 - January 6 23:17 - The waxing Moon in Aries brings with it activity, energy and tension. Things are moving fast. People behave uncontrollably. The boors and aggressors become the most noticeable, so it seems that everyone has suddenly become like this. Spend your energy on useful things. On the evening of January 5, you will easily cope with any obstacle. And early in the morning of January 6, something unexpected may happen. At this time, the risk of injury increases, so you should not repair electrical appliances, perform tricks or get involved in stories.

January 6 23:17 — January 9 1:06 — The waxing Moon in Taurus patronizes the growth of material well-being. Save money, shop, do handicrafts, grow plants, raise animals, that is, do everything so that you have more material things, any property. Taurus is an inert sign, so don’t waste your energy trying to get things moving. This will be energy-intensive.

January 9 1:06 — January 11 1:48 — The waxing Moon in Gemini makes the days hectic and active. There are a lot of small, quick things happening. Meetings, acquaintances, studying, searching for information, obtaining documents, and small trips go well. It's easy to do a lot of small things. It is not recommended to “slow down”, get hung up on something, or delve deeply into the situation. Everything needs to be done easily, quickly, top-to-bottom and without involving emotions.

January 11 at 1:48 The Moon will enter the sign of Cancer, and immediately you will feel the energy of the Full Moon (it will be on January 12 at 14:34). Thanks to her, issues of home, housing, and real estate will be resolved. Some aspects of family relationships will become clear. If you don't control your emotions, there may be a family quarrel. Therefore, be prepared in advance to ensure that your words and actions are aimed at achieving family harmony, and not at expressing your dissatisfaction with your loved ones. The Moon will leave the sign on January 13 at 3:07.

January 13 3:07 — January 15 6:52 — The waning Moon in Leo makes people express feelings dramatically, enhances their oratorical and acting talents, and helps them empathize with the actors on stage. Take advantage of this position of the Moon to get rid of what is “painful”: throw out your emotions in front of a patient listener - a friend, a psychologist, or go to the theater or cinema to relive their story with the characters. After this, your soul will feel lighter.

January 15 6:52 — January 17 14:15 — The waning Moon in Virgo is a time to restore order. You will be able to organize everything: thoughts and feelings, papers, numbers in reports, money in your wallet, things in the apartment. Everywhere everything will be in its place, repaired, put in order and carefully counted. This position of the Moon also helps fight diseases: the waning Moon takes illnesses with it.

January 17 14:15 - January 20 1:09 - waning moon in Libra - days of peace and harmony. People avoid disputes and quarrels, they don’t want to sort things out with anyone, they want pleasant communication and equally pleasant impressions. It is possible to reach agreement on controversial issues. But you can do this if you like the person, and it’s better not to communicate with unpleasant people. For relaxation, walks in the park, visiting exhibitions and museums, and relaxing in nice cafes are recommended. The best time of this period is the first half of January 19 (6:30-12:30).

January 20 1:09 — January 22 13:45 — the waning Moon in Scorpio will intensify experiences and bring sharp, alarming, but often meaningless events. These are unfavorable days, which are recommended to be spent as calmly as possible. Don't associate with unpleasant people or do things that can make you unbalanced. Think, analyze past mistakes, but don’t get depressed, but tune in to the fact that soon you will try what didn’t work out again and do everything better.

January 22 13:45 — January 25 1:43 — The waning Moon in Sagittarius will help you fit into the hierarchy and understand where your place is among other people. These days you need to respect the law and unwritten rules. You can't go against authority. If you build relationships with your superiors correctly, they will help you get to the top. It is advisable to do nothing on January 24 from 9:40 to 15:40 - this is the time when everything will work out with difficulty or will not work out at all.

January 25 1:43 — January 27 11:36 — waning moon in Capricorn. These are the last days of the Lunar month, so work less and rest more. Rest should be economical and useful. In the first hours of January 26, you will receive a call on business or a business letter, and from morning until lunch on the same day, do not plunge into negative emotions, find something to distract yourself with. Avoid visiting places where there is crowding: shopping centers, train stations, crowded squares.

On January 27 at 11:36 the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. The New Moon is approaching. The strong-willed qualities of people are weakening. They are easily susceptible to changeable, sudden emotions and are capable of actions that are unexpected for themselves. No need to do anything important! At the moment of the New Moon (January 28 at 3:17) you can do a ritual to renew your life, so that you have new friends and new dreams and goals. And then rest until the Moon leaves the sign (until January 29 at 19:10).

January 29 19:10 - January 31 24:00 - The waxing Moon in Pisces will inspire you to be creative. Intuition will help you understand people and events happening in your life. In addition to intuition, fortune telling and esoteric practices will be useful for this. The thinnest border between the material and invisible world will be on January 30 from 10:20 to 16:20. And the blossoming of creative imagination and inspiration awaits you on the evening of January 31st.

Useful tips

An important event this month will be the exit of Mercury from retrograde motion. January 8, 2017. That is why it is better not to plan many things related to papers. for the first week of the month, as there may be confusion in the documents, inaccuracies, miscalculations, and errors.

The moon will rise from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 January 2017. At this time it is good to start some new projects and things that require development. There will be a peak in the rise of energy January 12 when the full moon occurs. This is a rather stressful and difficult day, the Moon will not make favorable aspects, so the full moon will be felt even stronger. This especially applies to people with unbalanced nervous system. Many things will not work out as expected on this day.

From January 12 to January 27, 2017- time of the waning moon. On the waning Moon, you can also start new things, but they are associated with getting rid of something. For example, it's good to start renovation work, which involve first getting rid of the old and outdated, and only then replacing it with a new one.

MAGICAL TIME: January 28 from03:07 to 08:28. The magical 1st lunar day this month will last only 5 hours and 21 minutes, which means that this watch will carry very strong energy that each of you can use for yourself. Therefore, on this day we advise you to get up early and think about your dreams and desires. You have a chance to get closer to what you want faster.

At the end of the article, look at the convenient , which lists various matters and better days for them in January 2017.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for January 2017 section:

Symbols of the day : leopard, tree of paradise. Today is a rather positive and joyful day, time to rest and relax, because this is how it usually goes first day of the year, and the Moon this time will not interfere with a good mood. In addition, there will be several pleasant surprises and surprises on this day. Invite guests to your house or go visit yourself, spend this day in a pleasant and good company, and if you have to work on this day, do not lose your sense of humor, keep a good mood!

What not to do : You shouldn’t take everything that happens to you too seriously. Keep everything in moderation. Don't overload yourself with things and try not to think about problems.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS , FISH from 12:58

Moon without course from 10:58 to 12:57

Symbols of the day : tree of paradise, unicorn. In Lukna, we do not recommend starting new things without a course. If the result of the case is important to you. For example, if you want to promote something new innovative idea, you should contact the appropriate authorities until 11:00, until the Moon went into “idle mode”. Today it is also good to engage in education and self-education. If you are on vacation, read more, watch educational programs, etc.

What not to do : you should not change your job, move to a new position, or look for a new job. We also do not recommend asking your boss for a promotion.

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISH

Symbols of the day : unicorn, bird. This day is full of negative aspects that can interfere with routine affairs and also interfere with the implementation of your plans. “The holidays are over, everyday life has come again,”– it’s with these thoughts that you can wake up today and feel sadness and loneliness, because the holiday is over, your friends have dispersed, and it’s difficult for you to get back into routine. It’s good to do something creative on this day, something interesting and new for yourself.

What not to do : Try on this day not to be sad, not to think about bad things, not to feel lonely. You cannot quarrel, express aggression, or sort things out with your loved ones.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISH , ARIES from 19:21

Moon without course from 19:14 to 19:20

Symbols of the day : bird, wind rose. A good day for creativity, for new beginnings, interesting intellectual activity. However, be careful with papers today: there is a risk of mistakes and revision of decisions. You can solve various family problems peacefully, without nerves and showdowns. To do this, use your intuition to find the right one. approach to partner or children, the right time for conversation or action. Remember that your loved ones on this day will need increased attention and care from you.

What not to do : If possible, do not sign important documents today, as there is a high risk that you may regret it. It is better not to prepare or submit important reports, give lectures, or write important business letters.

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES

Second phase of the moon from 22:48

Symbols of the day : wind rose, fire. Difficult day: change of lunar phase. In addition, the approach of the negative aspects of the Moon can lead to a tense situation in the family and any groups. We do not recommend this day sit back, but you shouldn’t overload yourself with work. Be strict but fair today.

What not to do : You can’t be nervous, show aggression, or give in too much to emotions. This day is not suitable for starting repair work, borrowing money, or applying for loans. It is also better not to contact your superiors or high authorities, as there is little chance of getting a positive response.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES , TAURUS from 23:19

Moon without course from 21:41 to 23:18

Symbols of the day : fire, bat. The day is quite good for starting new things, especially those that require quick completion. It is especially good to start work after 9:00. New ideas can be brought to life make important decisions, take responsibility. It is also good to do sports and any physical labor today.

You can go on a tourist trip.

What not to do : It is better on this day not to make investments, not to carry out any explosive work, not to get married.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.TAURUS

Symbols of the day : bat, fountain. This holiday promises to be quite positive. It's good to decide today various questions related to money, real estate and property. However, any business documents should be signed with caution, as this is a time of static Mercury. It's good to put the house in order.

What not to do : You can’t quarrel and sort things out.

JANUARY 8, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.TAURUS

Moon without course from 05:23

Symbols of the day : fountain, crown. The Moon will be “idling” all day, so this day will not be suitable for starting new important things. Today you can continue or complete different things. Can do some cleaning or go for small purchases.

What not to do : start new important things, the result of which is of great importance to you. You should not make large purchases: the money may be wasted.

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.TWINS from 01:07

Moon without course until 01:06

Symbols of the day : crown, heart. Today the need for contacts increases, because the Moon will be in the air sign of Gemini. You can do different short-term and not too serious business, start studying something, attend lectures. Be careful in any undertakings, in trade transactions, if possible, avoid very serious matters today. You can make purchases, but it is better to make small and insignificant purchases (in the afternoon).

What not to do : In the first half of the day, it is better not to deal with serious matters related to money or partnership agreements. You can’t sort things out, as you can take the situation even further. There is little chance of solving problems in relationships with partners and close relatives.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS

Symbols of the day : heart, ring. Today is not the most favorable day due to the negative aspect between Moon and Saturn. At least, until 13:30 It is better to refrain from starting new important matters related to papers or business agreements: there may be many obstacles. Ventilate the premises well today; you can do wet cleaning of the premises.

What not to do : you should not start important long-term affairs, buy things that should last a long time (furniture, cars, etc.)

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.CANCER from 01:50

Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49

Symbols of the day : ring, pipe. An active day filled with many events. With the Moon in the sign of Cancer, we want to be closer to family and solve various problems related to immediate family. Intuition will work quite well on this day. A good day for trading, especially the first half.

What not to do : you should not risk your health, look for new acquaintances, or arrange wedding celebrations.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER

FULL MOON at 14:35

Moon without course from 14:36

Symbols of the day : trumpet, kite. The Full Moon in the sign of Cancer can aggravate issues related to family, home, and areas. Today is a rather difficult and ambiguous day, when many things can work out not like that at all, as you wish. Negative aspects of the Moon can bring many surprises, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. Today I want to embrace the immensity and manage to accomplish many things. There is a risk of wishful thinking and believing empty promises.

What not to do : We do not recommend sorting things out with family members on this day. It is better not to sign important documents and not to go to court. You cannot waste money or enter into financial transactions.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.LION from 03:09

Moon without course until 03:08

Symbols of the day : snake, dove. Today is a neutral day: the Moon will have no aspects, which means the day promises to be smooth, without any important events, especially unfavorable ones. If you would like to do creative activity, especially with the participation of children, this day could not be better suited. You can engage in social activities or any legal matters. If you have any requests to your superiors, or you would like to change something in your usual environment, you can contact us today. Today is also a good day for marriage.

What not to do : It is better to postpone the start of new things related to cooperation and joint activities. Leo prefers to act alone, so it will be difficult to come to an agreement: each of the partners will pull the blanket on themselves.

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.LION

Moon without course from 18:17

Symbols of the day : dove, bunch of grapes. A positive day, especially for creative people: inspiration awaits you, new interesting ideas will come, you can learn something new. Use this day also for communication with children, spend time with them. Go to the cinema, theater, visit any cultural events, cafes and restaurants. You can make new acquaintances, including with foreigners. A good day for banquets.

What not to do : This day is not suitable for solving serious matters, at least in an official setting.

15 JANUARY, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.VIRGO from 06:53

Moon without course until 06:52

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes, mirror. This day is no longer as favorable as the previous one. It's better not to do it today nothing important, but do the routine everyday things at home: cleaning, inspecting old things, sorting out books, organizing and sorting small things.

What not to do : Today you should not start things that require inspiration and emotional uplift. It is better to postpone making important decisions and postpone important negotiations to another day, as there is a risk that you will be dissatisfied with the results.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : mirror, spider. Difficult day, it will be difficult to get the desired result from new important things. There is a risk of drowning in trifles, becoming irritable, ruin relationships with people from your inner circle, bosses or clients. This is especially true for those who have difficulty controlling their aggression. This day, like yesterday, is better to devote to routine and not too important matters: sorting out papers, putting things in order in the house or workplace.

What not to do : Don’t be in too much of a hurry to make important decisions: they may turn out to be wrong.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO ,SCALES from 14:17

Moon without course from 09:09 to 14:16

Symbols of the day : spider, eagle. This day is more successful than the previous one, but the time of the Moon without a course can interfere with important matters. In the afternoon, you can reconsider the arrangement of things in your home and, if necessary, move them to new places. Can move furniture, rearrange boxes and drawers, rearrange things in the closet and dry them. As you know, things often acquire an unpleasant odor if they lie idle for a long time in a folded state.

What not to do : Today it is better not to hold important meetings and negotiations, as it will be difficult to come to mutually beneficial agreements. There may be misunderstandings and misunderstandings.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES

Symbols of the day : eagle. This day can be quite stressful, especially the second half due to the negative aspects of the Moon with the higher planets. You may encounter misunderstanding On the part of partners, strong emotions, tension and bad mood can affect business. If you are confident in your abilities, balanced and know how to relieve stress in healthy ways, the negativity of these aspects of the Moon won't affect you. Be attentive to your partners today, consult with them if you want to make any decision.

What not to do : you shouldn’t argue, sort things out, there is a risk of falling under bad influence. Today it is extremely undesirable to conduct any experiments or test new technology. We also do not recommend buying shares: your money may be lost.

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES

Moon without course from 11:55

Symbols of the day : horse. The approaching change of the lunar phase will make this day also not very successful for starting new things. However, you can keep everything under control and find a common language with your opponents if you want. Be attentive to every detail, do not go to extremes. Sudden changes in mood and increased excitability can prevent you from making important decisions. You can change your mind, change your views on problems and situations that may appear in your life on this day.

What not to do : Postpone starting any important activities that have to do with the partnership. For example, on this day it is not advisable to schedule a wedding or sign important documents with partners. You should not start a complex course of treatment or seek help from higher authorities.

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.SCORPION from 01:10

Moon without course until 01:09

The fourth phase of the moon from 01:15

Symbols of the day : elephant. Great day for a big wash. In addition, the laundry will dry quite quickly, making it easier to iron afterwards. Regarding serious business issues, this day is suitable for scientific and research work. You can conduct experiments and test new equipment. It is quite possible to make important decisions today. Especially if they concern large purchases, the start of renovations, confidential transactions and any secret activities.

What not to do : We do not recommend hiring new employees, as well as looking for work and taking on a new position. This is also an unfavorable day for litigation.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : crocodile. The day is suitable for teamwork and resolving confusing situations. You will be able to improve relationships with partners if you show tact and trust your intuition. Good to search missing things. Repair work can begin.

What not to do : You cannot take out loans or borrowings, or file cases in court. This is also not a good day to move to a new place of residence.

22 JANUARY, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:46

Moon without course from 04:24 to 13:45

Symbols of the day : bear. Moon without course may prevent you from getting good results if you start business at this time. If you are planning some important matter, for example, contacting government agencies or to the authorities, plan it after 14:00, otherwise you won't get the result. You can also go on a long journey after lunch.

What not to do : It’s better not to start business related to construction and land plots today.

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : turtle. Today, beware of exaggerating your abilities and capabilities. Today there may be some surprises, mostly good news, including from people from abroad. Today is also a good day to go on trips abroad. You can move to a new job, ask for a promotion, deal with legal issues and documentation.

What not to do : You should not make vain promises, as this can lead to serious conflicts.

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 20:33

Symbols of the day : turtle, toad. Quite a difficult and stressful day, many negative aspects of the Moon. Try to save energy on this day. Appeal to superiors or higher authorities may be unsuccessful. Travel may have obstacles and difficulties. Especially if you are traveling to mountainous areas.

What not to do : It is better to refrain from heavy mental work today, since there is too little energy now and the information will be remembered quite slow and hard. Do not enter into any conflicts, as this may turn against you.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.CAPRICORN from 01:44

Moon without course until 01:43

Symbols of the day : toad, trident. Not a bad day for solving various production problems and business issues. For example, today is good to sign various serious documents, plan future affairs and have a far-reaching perspective. You can start repair work, contact your superiors or higher authorities with various questions. Many complex matters that require patience can be resolved today.

What not to do : Today you should not move to a new job or start a new position. It is better to postpone this until the days of the waxing moon. You should also not change your place of residence: moving can be very exhausting and costly.

26 JANUARY, Thursday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:10.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : trident, lotus. At the end of the lunar month, it will be difficult to focus on important issues, especially on this day when the Moon will be affected by malefic planets. However, today you may be attacked complex tasks, you may be required to follow the plan or repay the debt. Be calm and try to deal with all surprises with a calm heart.

What not to do : Do not get into conflicts with your superiors - this may end badly for you. It is better to discuss everything in a peaceful atmosphere.

27 JANUARY, Friday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:52.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 11:38

Moon without course from 10:18 to 11:37

Symbols of the day : lotus, octopus. Negative, difficult day. One of the most negative days of the month, when all the negative energy comes out. This can lead to all sorts of quarrels, scandals, and conflicts. The body wants release accumulated stress, relieve tension in different ways. Choose healthy methods for this, for example, you can visit the sauna, go for a swim in the pool, meet nice people, like-minded people and friends.

What not to do : Try not to quarrel or sort things out, and if something bothers you, speak calmly, share your problems and try, together with your partners, to find ways out of difficult situations. You cannot start new businesses and projects.


28 JANUARY, Saturday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 03:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:28.AQUARIUS

NEW MOON at 03:07

Symbols of the day : octopus, lamp, cornucopia. On this first lunar day of the month it is good to make plans and make wishes, however, it is too early to start new activities and projects, since there is still too little energy. WITH 03:07 to 08:28- magical hours when you can bring the fulfillment of your desires closer. During these hours, think about how you would like to see yourself in the future, when your cherished dreams come true. It's good to relax in good company or go on vacation abroad.

What not to do : starting new things, contacting your superiors with new proposals or requests for a promotion.

29 JANUARY, Sunday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:58.AQUARIUS , FISH from 19:11

Moon without course from 08:52 to 19:10

Symbols of the day : cornucopia, leopard. A moon day without a course is unfavorable for all kinds of undertakings. Keep this in mind if, for example, you want to introduce a new idea, start a new position or a new project. If time is running out, and you definitely need to start something, start early in the morning, before the Moon has time to go into idle mode.

What not to do : change jobs, look for a new job or new sources of income, repair computers and any modern equipment.

30 JANUARY, Monday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:24.FISH

Symbols of the day : leopard, tree of paradise. Today there is a risk of perceiving reality as something unreal. You will have your head in the clouds, so you can make annoying mistakes. If possible, plan to start important tasks in the second half of the day. After 14:30 You can negotiate and conclude contracts. This day is also suitable for marriage.

What not to do : gambling, risking money, making financial investments: high risk of monetary loss. It is better not to go to the mountains or engage in mountaineering, but trips to sanatoriums, holiday homes, and bodies of water are acceptable.

31 JANUARY, Tuesday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:48.FISH

Symbols of the day : tree of paradise, unicorn. The first half of the day is not very successful, as the Moon will be damaged by Saturn, so any undertakings and important undertakings may encounter obstacles. After 15:30 It's a good time for a wedding, despite the fact that it's a weekday. The Moon in Pisces promises a strong and loving family, and the Moon in conjunction with Venus will further help strengthen relationships. Today you can also go on vacation to southern reservoirs or in a sanatorium. The day is suitable for signing important documents ( after 15:30, when the Moon leaves the negative aspect with Saturn).

What not to do : Today there is no need to promise much. Especially if you are not confident that you can fulfill your promises.

Lunar calendar 2017: favorable days (January 2017)

Cleaning: 8, 15-17, 20-22, 25-27
Wet cleaning: 7-10, 15-17
Washing: 20-22
Washing windows and glass: 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17-19, 22-24, 28, 29
Ironing: 13-24
Dry cleaning: 13-24
Start of repair: 20, 21, 25, 26
Start of house construction: 13, 14
Moving: 7
Signing important documents: 7, 25, 30, 31
Looking for a new job: 6, 10
Appeal to the authorities: 6, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 26
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 1, 2, 7, 22, 25
Dating, dates, engagements: 7, 13, 14, 23
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 6, 30, 31
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 23, 30, 31
Trips to the mountains: 25, 26
Business trips: 25, 26
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 7, 8, 13, 14, 17-19
Banquets and celebrations: 7, 13, 14
Weddings: 7, 13, 14, 17, 21, 30, 31
Judicial and legal issues: 13, 14, 23
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 1, 7, 13, 14, 25
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 19, 24, 27

In most cases, the new moon occurs only once a month, so astrologers advise always monitoring the beginning of this short-term phase of the moon. The lunar calendar will help with this.

Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

When the New Moon occurs, sexual activity temporarily decreases. People don't want anything - neither romance, nor physical intimacy. This is no coincidence, because biorhythms are slowing down. On January 28, the situation will be just like this, but Aquarius will bring its own notes to this day.

This New Moon will be favorable for dating, so good luck will await those who are actively searching for a soul mate. If you are married or in a relationship, then try to avoid flirting, because even the suspicions of your loved one can lead to serious problems.

As for relationships with people in general, it should be noted that on January 28, misunderstandings may arise. It will be possible to get around it only with the help of humor and flexibility. Don't take seriously everything they say to you, especially if it's some kind of gossip.

Health and mood during the New Moon

Astrologers do not foresee any special problems on this front, so you can be calm about your mood and well-being. Of course, this day will not be without some caveats.

Try to limit your intake of alcohol and fatty foods. A large load on the stomach and digestive system can cause discomfort. This in turn will lead to emotional problems. As a result, you will be left without luck, because the overall energy level will drop sharply. Astrologers recommend not to experiment too much and not to take unnecessary risks by eating fast food.

The new moon is a time of renewal of human energy. The Moon will help you build your future more effectively, plan important things and set priorities correctly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.01.2017 06:30

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