DIY frame garage: step-by-step instructions with photo report. Do-it-yourself wooden garage Garage frame made of timber

Construction technology frame garage brought to the simplicity necessary for the average car owner, who is not accustomed to sophistication, but requires at least minimally comfortable conditions for maintaining the car.

Find out strength

Of course, the first thing every self-respecting motorist who loves his car will pay attention to is the strength of the future garage.

No awnings, temporary shelters, canopies or other structures that are flimsy can serve as a garage, although many of the unique ones manage to “shove” their car in there for year-round “residence.”

If funds are tight and you need a garage, then a frame covering can save your car from natural phenomena and temperature changes.

The proposed technology is one of the most accessible and profitable– the construction of a frame garage with your own hands can be done, indeed, by hand, that is, without the involvement of heavy equipment.

A frame “house for a car” will be strong enough, but to bring the structure to the ideal, you need:

  • build a garage in such a way that it does not depend on the external environment;
  • create so much simple design so that it allows you to repair the car on site;
  • ensure a low level of heat transfer from the structure;
  • invest a minimum of funds in construction.

Do you need a hole?

If everything is very clear with the foundation for a frame garage: it weighs little and therefore allows you to take a platform as the basis for the structure, then with the need to construct an inspection hole A fair question arises: is it needed at all?

It is necessary to make a decision about its presence or absence on the eve of all construction work. This element of the garage is mandatory only if you are repairing your car yourself.

If you decide that a pit is needed, then installing it will take some time and will make the implementation of your project somewhat more expensive (not significant).

They dig a hole according to the markings, reinforce its walls with bricks (a method of laying in one brick) and provide high-quality lighting.

Along the upper perimeter of the inspection pit, it is necessary (!) to install a steel frame, which is carefully cemented. This is necessary in order to avoid collapse of the pit under the weight of the car.

The next stage consists of arrangement monolithic foundation . On the area prepared for it (at the bottom) a so-called cushion is poured - a mixture of sand and gravel no more than 10 cm, with concrete (3 cm) on top. A frame of reinforcement is placed in the concrete - iron rods are laid both lengthwise and crosswise, fixing them at the intersection points.

Formwork is installed around the perimeter of the almost finished site and the structure is concreted.

When the concrete fixing the foundation dries, you can, without waiting for it to settle well (it’s not a house, after all), begin installing the frame structure.

Types of frame garages

Like any other, building a frame garage with your own hands involves the most difficult and crucial moment of building the foundation. But when this stage of work is over, it turns out that there is still a lot left important points, which must not be overlooked.

Even the type of garage you choose depends on the safety of your car.

Among some frame garages, there are several types of garages that determine the quality of car maintenance. And although experts say that keeping a car in all frame structures will be approximately the same, you have a chance to choose, check, compare.

Metal garage

According to experts, such a frame garage will cost the owner only 30 thousand rubles.

Optimal garage sizes from corrugated sheets (and all other types of garages) 4.5X3.5 meters, provided that it contains one car.

The garage should not be cramped; it should provide comfortable accommodation for the car, the owner and all small and large available equipment.

Two-meter sheets of metal profiles of grade C 10 are most suitable for the walls and roof of such a garage. The thickness of such a sheet should be at least 0.5 mm.

For a standard garage space you will need 23 sheets, the lion's share of which will be spent on arranging the walls.

Cover the walls with overlapping sheets, connecting roofing screws. Adjust the length of the covering (roof) so that its main size (covering) is 1.9 meters, and 10 cm is left for the overhang equipment necessary for draining rainwater.

The construction time for such a garage is frame technology is a week.

Metal frame garages are discussed in more detail in the following.

Frame and panel garage

To build a frame-panel garage you do not need a project. You can simply take the most simple designs produced at any factory: in this case it is truss structures and wall panels.

This type of frame garage is highly economical, its construction can be completed within 25 thousand rubles, excellent heat conservation and simplicity of design.

In addition, such structures are more reminiscent of a house than a place to store vehicles, and successfully complement landscape design.

Construction of a frame garage with your own hands if you have chosen the frame-panel type, it happens according to the usual scheme:

  • laying the foundation;
  • installation of the frame;
  • covering the “skeleton” of the building with panels;
  • insulation;
  • roof construction;
  • gate hanging.

Here's a video on how to build a frame garage with your own hands.

Timber garage

The peculiarity of building this type of garage is the construction of a wooden frame, and, well, the price. Such a frame garage will be much more expensive in cost than its counterparts - metal profile and panel garages.

But if you adhere to the principle: if you’re going to build, then build with quality, and you’re right. Wood as a material has a whole series benefits:

  • the most environmentally friendly;
  • most energy efficient;
  • the most vapor permeable;
  • most easily processed;
  • most appropriate in landscape composition.

In these photos, you see the stages of building a frame garage with your own hands.

When building a frame garage from timber, you only need take into account some nuances:

  • when choosing a strip foundation for a frame wooden garage, you only need to deepen it by 60-80 cm, but the piles or pillars will have to be installed deeper and stronger;
  • before installing the timber frame, it is necessary to develop a project or at least a sketch (but as detailed as possible);
  • If possible, joining the beams should be done using the simplest methods: the overlapping method is just right.

How much does a cheap garage cost?

The issue of price remains relevant when implementing any project, even such a super-simple one as building a frame garage with your own hands.

Everyone has long gotten used to the idea that made by yourself is much cheaper, which is why most car owners try to provide their “swallow” with an apartment of “author’s” construction.

Taking into account the frame, cladding, and work, a frame garage will cost you from 25 thousand rubles. If you are using wood as building material– then the cost will be about 35 – 70 thousand rubles, depending on the type of wood.

The garage protects the car from adverse weather conditions, robbers, “well-wishers” and street animals, mainly cats, who like to leave dirty marks on the freshly washed hood. With the increase in the number of cars, open guarded parking lots have given way to metal boxes. Owners of private houses prefer stone analogues. But both the first and second are inferior to wooden garages.

The tree has a number of positive qualities:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • ease of installation,
  • durability,
  • the ability to create any geometric shapes,
  • light weight compared to stone,
  • construction assembly speed,
  • ease of dismantling,
  • minimal costs for landscaping.

During operation, owners of wooden garages will encounter other pleasant features of the material, which manifest themselves depending on the climatic characteristics of the region:

  • high vapor permeability,
  • resistance to negative atmospheric influences,
  • high waterproofing performance,
  • resistance to rodents,
  • high-quality sound insulation.

However, the tree is not perfect. Although the material is quite practical, it requires some processing with special protective equipment. Made to protect against:

  • fires,
  • bacteria, bacteria
  • fungus,
  • mold,
  • wood insects,
  • destructive action of ultraviolet radiation,
  • temperature changes,
  • negative effects of moisture.

At the right approach to the selection and preparation of materials, wooden structures will last much longer than any other analogues. For example, in England and Germany there are residential buildings that are more than seven hundred years old. People still live in them, and their appearance is much more beautiful than modern buildings.

Wooden garage projects

The first step to building a wooden garage is its visualization. There are several types of this design:

  • frame,
  • national team,
  • log house

The log house is the most expensive, but the most interesting option. The following facts distinguish it favorably:

  • aesthetic appearance that harmoniously combines not only with wooden house, but also with any other buildings,
  • monolithic structure, tight fit of wooden beams provides increased strength indicators,
  • resistance to mechanical damage; it will take at least 40-50 minutes to cut through, drill or saw through a wall so that a thief can get through the hole,
  • high installation speed, from three to seven days, depending on the size.

Price similar design, taking into account materials, ranges from 8,000 rubles. up to 40,000 rub. for 1 m 2.

Wooden garages made from timber, although good, will require significant investment. Therefore, prefabricated technology is more often used. First, a parallelepiped is made along the perimeter of the future garage, then the cheapest boards are sewn to it on both sides. They are decorated on the outside using siding, interior work- at the discretion of the owner.

Cost from 4000 rub. up to 10,000 rub. for 1 m 2.

A more advanced version of this technology is a wooden frame garage. It differs in that the parallelepiped is immediately built taking into account all the design features, including doors, garage doors, windows, etc. The design is made in such a way that the plane of the frame resembles a chessboard. The cellular principle of the internal ceiling increases heat savings and significantly increases the strength of the structure.

Cost from 6000 rub. up to 25,000 rub. for 1 m 2.

Review of materials

Before you build a wooden garage, you need to understand in detail the types of wood that in the best possible way fits climatic conditions and the selected project.

1. Wooden beam. It can be either solid or glued.

  • solid beams are made from a tree trunk. This determines the high cost of the material from 6000 rubles. up to 10,000 rub. per cubic meter Another factor influencing the cost is the type of processing: profiled and non-profiled. Non-profiled products will require further processing at home. They have an untreated surface, which results in increased consumption. paint and varnish materials, at least three times. In addition, during the process of fitting and trimming, non-profiled beams quite often develop cracks, which then need to be puttied. The profiled version does not have these disadvantages;
  • glued beams are divided into profiled and sheet. The production process of laminated veneer lumber is even more expensive. Therefore, a cube of ordinary laminated veneer lumber will cost 17,000 rubles, and a cube of sheet timber – 36,000 rubles. Both options are wooden panels glued together. For standard timber the span width is from 2 to 5 cm, for sheet - 0.5-0.7 cm. With all the advantages solid log, glued laminated timber is not subject to deformation, does not change geometry and does not require additional supports. However, the feasibility of using it to build a garage primarily depends on the budget.

2. Wooden board. The most common and inexpensive option- pine. However, this material is extremely capricious, highly susceptible to mechanical stress, easily absorbs moisture and changes geometry throughout the calendar year, which negatively affects fastenings. Fir and spruce have the same disadvantages. Experts include the following types of wood suitable for construction:

  • oak is perhaps the most durable and reliable material. The disadvantage is that it is extremely poorly processed due to the high strength of the wood. Therefore, it is better to order sawing from the supplier. Cost from 8000 rub. per cube;
  • beech, comfortable and practical. It has a pleasant natural color and is quite easy to process. Cost from 3000 rub. per cube;
  • alder, the main advantage is high moisture resistance and the possibility of imitation valuable species tree. Cost from 2500 rub. per cube;
  • larch is suitable for those who live in regions with heavy precipitation. The tree is not subject to rotting even in conditions of ultra-high constant humidity. Cost from 10,000 rub. per cubic meter

For most regions, alder is ideal, but in the northern and Far Eastern regions it is better to use oak, which is more resistant to low temperatures and less demanding to care for.

How to make a wooden garage from timber

Now we will consider in detail the steps that need to be taken to build a garage from solid or laminated timber. Work plan:

  • foundation arrangement,
  • floor installation,
  • construction of walls,
  • finishing works.

Monolithic foundation for wooden structures needed only where the depth is groundwater is less than 10 m. In all other cases, a strip with a depth of 50 cm and a width of 20 cm is sufficient. For drainage, a layer of gravel of 5-7 cm is used. The height of the foundation above the ground should be at least 20 cm.

By building regulations for a wooden garage, a pole garage is enough, in extreme cases, pile foundation, but the absence of a barrier along the perimeter in 99% of cases will lead to the appearance of mice or rats under the garage. A strip foundation will protect against such trouble.

The floor is laid directly on the foundation. Typically, timber is used for these purposes, but it is suitable for saving edged board, with a thickness of at least 2 cm. It is installed on logs, with a cross-section of 15x15 cm. The logs are placed perpendicular to the board. The distance between them should not exceed 0.5 m. It is also recommended to reinforce wooden beams with supports. For these purposes, trimmings of beams are used, which are installed in a checkerboard pattern on brick pedestals. The perimeter of a square is meter by meter. All fastenings are made with wood screws. Wood is not attached to concrete and bricks, since the weight of the walls creates a sufficient load for reliable fixation.

Once the base is ready, we move on to installing the walls. Both solid and glued boards are cut by the supplier to the specified size at the customer’s request. In this case, it is necessary to draw a detailed plan of the garage indicating the dimensions. Otherwise, the grooves on the logs will not match and you will have to spend a lot of time on adjustment.

Since there are quite a lot of ways to attach logs to each other, the process will be demonstrated more clearly in the photo:

It is worth noting that drafts may appear in the corners. This happens due to poorly made grooves. It is quite difficult to notice the defect visually, so it is recommended to use a thermal imager, which clearly demonstrates the temperature difference and the future cold bridge in winter.

Finishing work involves impregnating the wood with the necessary impregnations and giving it the final appearance. It makes sense to carry out the first part of the work before installation begins. Since all impregnations must be evenly distributed on all sides of the beam. The following are used as mandatory:

Additionally used:

  • stains that change the color of wood,
  • sun protection, protects against fading,
  • structure-forming impregnations, adapt the fiber structure to expensive species.

The second part of the work involves opening the garage with varnish. This is not necessary, but regular nitrocellulose matte finish will eliminate the need for cosmetic work for the next 4-5 years.

How to make a frame wooden garage

Because technology prefabricated garage– this is a more modernized version of the frame one, let’s consider both options together. Work plan:

  • foundation arrangement,
  • frame assembly,
  • insulation,
  • sheathing

In this case, the foundation must be made monolithic. The frame is lighter than timber, and this circumstance explains the fact that a wooden floor covering will be quite difficult to fix. Naturally, it is often attached to the floor using dowels, but this method violates the integrity of the board and significantly reduces its service life. In addition, the monolith will simultaneously serve as a floor. If it is necessary to construct a pit, then this nuance should be considered before pouring the foundation and the formwork should be installed in advance.

The frame is assembled as follows:

  • beams with a section of 5x5 cm are installed horizontally to the ground, at a distance of 1 m from each other,
  • put first corner beams, the rest of the geometry is determined from them,
  • the beams are screwed to the floor with special metal corners,
  • one on both sides is enough, but for reliability it is recommended on each side,
  • then guides are attached perpendicular to the support beams, at a distance of 1 m from each other,
  • the guides must be attached between the load-bearing beams so that nothing protrudes beyond the load-bearing beam.

Openings for doors and windows, if the frame was not ordered from the manufacturer, are cut out after assembling the frame. The boards are cut to the size of the opening plus 5 cm - the thickness of the beam for the window plus 10 cm, since sheathing will be needed on four sides.

For insulation, either foam plastic or mineral wool is used. Before installing them with inside stretch the vapor barrier. Next, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier with outside and a finishing layer of waterproofing. Sheathing finished frame- a matter of fantasy. This is siding, metal profiles, wood, plywood or any other material, including gypsum.

Methods finishing depend on the material:

  • for siding and metal profiles – not required,
  • for wood and plywood - varnish, stain or a combination of both,
  • For decorative stone– varnish,
  • For natural stone– not required,
  • for gypsum - a special protective hardener.

Arrangement of a garage roof made of wood

Whatever the type of garage, the roof is always arranged the same way:

  • the rafter box is assembled,
  • the hemming board is attached,
  • insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing are installed,
  • the outer covering is attached.

If you plan to use soft tiles, then before the last point, the roof slopes are covered with OSB board, to which bitumen is already glued.

Here it is worth adding not so much about the technology of assembling the roof, but about the methods of its use. Since the garage is traditionally considered a place for men, it is advisable to equip the roof with either an attic or an attic. At a minimum, this will allow you to add space for storing various necessary things, from tools to your favorite books and radio controlled models. As a maximum, in the attic it is enough to simply equip a cozy office with an electric fireplace and a luxurious armchair.

The main advantage of building a garage from planks with your own hands is saving money on materials for the frame and the cost of hiring specialists to build the structure. You can take any boards for construction - it can be scraps after building a house or just material lying around after finishing interior spaces. In addition, for cladding you can use the material remaining after dismantling pallets or pallets. In any case, following the instructions below, you can create a reliable and durable garage box.

Do-it-yourself garage made of planks - step-by-step guide with photos

We begin construction by purchasing or collecting all necessary materials. First of all, stock up on 5-6 cubes of 40 mm boards. It will go to the frame of the building. If you are wondering how to do warm garage from boards with your own hands, then buy 5-6 packs of insulation. It is best to take Penoplex or Isover slabs with a thickness of at least 50 mm. For vapor barrier, you can use regular film or take a roll of glass insulation.

For roofing and wall cladding, 20-25 mm boards are suitable. In this case, it does not matter at all whether they are planed or unedged. Also, do not forget to prepare a set of fastening components: nails, self-tapping screws, steel angles 25x25 mm. If you are going to do it yourself concrete mixture for the foundation, then prepare 5-6 bags of cement and quartz sand, fraction 0.25-0.5 mm. Once all the materials are on the site, you can begin to build the foundation.

First you need to remove construction waste from the location of the future structure. Then removed fertile layer soil to clay or sand, depending on the soils that predominate in your area summer cottage. The next step is to fill it with sand to a depth of 3-4 cm. Thoroughly compact the resulting cushion and secure the formwork along the contour of the site.

For wooden garages, either a slab foundation or a shallow foundation is installed concrete base. In our case, you can quickly make a slab base, for pouring it you will need a frame of 30-40 mm reinforcement and concrete. The reinforcement frame is laid directly on the sand, the connection of the rods in the corners is made using bent elements. Fill gradually until the slab thickness is within 30-40 cm.

Attention! To gain strength, the foundation should be left alone for about 1-2 weeks. After this period, you can begin tying the subfloor and building the wall.

Having decided on the height dimensions of the garage, you must first cut the boards to required sizes and lay them out in packs on each side. In addition, experts advise treating with an antiseptic and any type of fire-prevention impregnation. They mainly use 50x100 mm boards for the garage frame, and to install vertical posts in the corners they buy 100x100 mm profiled timber.

To build a garage frame from boards with your own hands, you need to start by forming the bottom frame. To do this, attach cut boards to the bolts in increments of 1.5 meters. For stability future design We insert struts, which we secure with metal corners. Next, we nail 50x50 mm timber in the form of longitudinal ribs. We place vertical supports at a distance of 2-3 cm from the corners of the harness. We fasten them along the top with boards with 150 mm nails. If the frame turns out to be unstable, additionally fasten the sides of the garage with boards diagonally. The garage frame made of planks is ready.

Covering the frame of a garage box

Before covering, you need to solve the issue of insulation. If you will not use the garage as a workshop or a place for car repairs, you don’t have to additionally insulate the walls. Otherwise polyurethane foam fill all seams and voids. Then you nail the boards along the entire perimeter of the garage box, leaving only space for the gates and windows.

Attach sheets to the inside of the garage using self-tapping screws or foam. thermal insulation material, having previously laid a vapor barrier. For exterior decoration, you can use siding or block house. If you want to save money, then before you build a garage from boards with your own hands, prepare planed board and cover it with drying oil or varnish. In that case external finishing not required for walls. The inside of the garage is most often lined with plasterboard or clapboard.

Construction of a garage roof from planks

First on vertical racks rafters are laid. For gable roof you will need to make grooves in the timber, since you need to connect the rafters at an angle of 35-45 degrees. Then the gables and cross boards of the roof are sheathed. Roofing felt is laid on top of the boards as the first layer, and the second layer is laid out with corrugated sheets or flat iron. It all depends on your budget and desire. Photo finished garage from boards with your own hands you can see below.

Important! Be sure to foam all the corners and gaps between the boards in the roof. This way you can provide protection from moisture and heat loss in autumn and winter.

Video of building a garage from boards with your own hands

There is not always a need for a major garage. Often, the safety of a car can be ensured with a simple structure that will require less labor and money. We have prepared step-by-step instructions for building a frame-type garage, indicating all the necessary steps.

Advantages of a frame garage

The abandonment of frame buildings is most often due to their low burglary resistance. But if the garage is not in a cooperative, but on a residential area and under supervision, low protection penetration no longer looks like such a compelling argument. In the end, the difficulty of burglary is determined by the most vulnerable element of protection, and this is almost always a gate, window or front door.

Frame construction requires much less resources - both money and labor. Wooden frame easy to assemble with a couple of assistants in just one day; in terms of capital investment, such a structure will cost at least a third less than masonry.

Moreover, such construction is an excellent opportunity to rationally utilize the lumber remaining after assembling scaffolding for building a house. For garages up to six meters wide, 50x100-150 mm boards are perfect; you will only have to purchase materials for flooring and wall cladding.

Foundation and floor

For easy frame structure it is recommended to arrange a non-recessed or shallowly recessed strip foundation from 250 mm wide with a backfill of 30-40 cm of non-heaving material (sand, gravel). If in the future you plan to install an inspection pit, there is nothing you can do about it; you will have to take as a basis a foundation with a base below the freezing depth and ensure its high-quality waterproofing.

On the entrance side of the tape, a lowered part should be made, the upper plane of which is flush with the zero level of the floor. The rest of the foundation is carried out 200-250 mm above the ground level in the adjacent area, regardless of the degree of deepening.

1. Sand preparation. 2. Strip foundation. 3. Concrete floor. 4. Sand preparation for screed. 5. Compacted soil

The reinforcement of the tape is standard: four rods of 12 or 14 mm each, connected by structural reinforcement at intervals of 60-80 mm. The thinning on the entrance side is reinforced with the same scheme, but denser. You should immediately decide on the placement of studs and tying them to the working reinforcement. You can leave the anchoring after 100-120 cm, or fasten with anchor bolts, providing a sufficient protective layer of concrete at the top edge.

The floor in a frame garage can be made of bulk, monolithic concrete or wood, there is no fundamental difference. Let us only note that when installing a wooden floor, it makes sense to cast a foundation with a ledge of 5-6 cm in order to rest the logs on it. It is better to carry out the excavation of soil and the filling of gravel immediately, but it is advisable to postpone the final installation of the floor until the roofing work is completed.

How to assemble a wall frame

The garage frame system consists of four sections. It is recommended to first make side walls, then back and front. Before assembly, the wood must be impregnated with an antiseptic and dried under natural conditions.

Each of the walls is initially knocked down in the form of a rectangular frame. For the upper and lower bases, only solid boards should be taken; vertical elements can be joined by hemming with a bandage.

To assemble the frame, it is better to use ready-made steel corners and gussets.

If you were putting anchor pins into the foundation, first try on the bottom foundation board and drill required quantity holes. Position the wall frame so that the foundation protrudes 25-30 mm from the outside. On a flat area, lay out two longitudinal boards in parallel, add two posts between them at the edges. Knock down the corners, align the diagonals and secure corner connections headscarves.

Next, add vertical posts to the frame in 60 cm increments. It is possible that the installation step of the racks will have to be recalculated so that they are not located in the places where the embedded studs pass. Before installing the walls, roll out 2-3 layers of roofing felt along the foundation strip.

For fastening, use rough nails 100-120 mm long. When one section is knocked down, it is lifted and placed on the foundation, then secured to it using embedded pins or anchor bolts. The fasteners are not fully tightened until all four sections are assembled together.

After installing the side walls, they need to be supported from the ground with slopes nailed to the frame with one nail for free adjustment of verticality. When both sections are plumb and the distance between them is adjusted in several places, you need to throw 3-4 boards on top for temporary fastening.

The rear wall of the garage is usually blank and is assembled according to the same principle as the side ones. After lifting and installing it, you need to provide temporary fastening of the corners with braces. The opening in the front wall of the garage requires a reinforced header. Typically the front wall is assembled from two narrow sections located on either side of the gate. Their height is lower than the others, so that a powerful beam can be laid on top, assembled from 3-4 boards 50 mm thick, placed on edge and bolted together.

After assembling the main frame, you need to check its geometry: check the diagonals in the upper and lower planes, ensure that the walls are vertical. Next, adjacent sections are fastened together with braces nailed no closer than a meter to the corner, then the final tightening of the fastenings to the foundation is carried out.

Roof and ceiling construction

After assembling the wall frame, an almost finished Mauerlat is formed for rafter system. First, on the outer edges of the upper bases of the side walls, you need to install one longitudinal edge on the edge and screw it from below with self-tapping screws to give the Mauerlat an L-shaped profile. Afterwards, boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm are inserted between the ribs and attached to both parts of the mauerlat, acting as floor beams.

Instead of boards, pre-assembled trusses can be immediately inserted and fastened if the garage does not have a habitable space on the second floor. Trusses should be assembled according to a template in the shape of a narrow rectangular trapezoid. The top boards of the trusses, forming the slope (or slopes) of the roof, must be located at an angle of at least 15º and have an overhang of 30-40 cm to form eaves overhangs. At the base of the truss there are two right angles, which are inserted exactly between the ribs of the Mauerlat. It is recommended to fasten beams and boards for trusses using a tongue-and-groove joint, reinforced with tenon plates on the sides.

For such a frame garage, it is possible to install an uninsulated attic. When the ceilings are installed, L-shaped assemblies are lifted onto the Mauerlat, connected by a jumper 50-60 cm from the upper junction. The tails of the rafters should extend 30-35 cm beyond the mauerlat and have a hem for quick and easy fastening. In total, each tail of the rafters rests with a groove on the edge of the Mauerlat and is attached with two screws to its horizontal bar and floor beam.

To protect the frame from getting wet, the rafters are temporarily fastened from the inside with several longitudinal boards. Next on the slopes you need to pull plastic film and to secure it, fill the counter-lattice with strips 15-20 mm thick. When it comes to installing the roof, fill the horizontal sheathing and install any suitable type of covering.

For soft roof the sheathing is done with a wide board (including unedged) with small gaps of 2-3 cm

Installation of doors, windows, gates

WITH window openings no difficulties will arise. For natural light A width of 60 cm between the posts is quite enough, just add two horizontal crossbars and insert the window frame.

If an additional door is required in the rear or side wall, one of the racks will have to be cut out, and then the upper lintel will be made from it. At the same time, to create an opening under the door, you can either add two racks on the sides, or spread door block inside the existing opening there are 15-20 cm blocks.

The greatest difficulty is the construction of the opening for the gate. It should be designed with at least a double post on each side and, as mentioned, a reinforced horizontal beam on top. This is sufficient for installing overhead or roller gates. With swing doors, it becomes difficult to bear the load when the doors are open. To the double posts of the opening, you need to add two beams that continue under the floor system until about halfway down the length of the garage.

Insulation, cladding, finishing

The final stage of construction is frame cladding and finishing. Instead of the common chipboard cladding, it is entirely possible to use moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard or gypsum fiber board from the inside. Gypsum boards will ease the construction budget and eliminate the need to maintain temperature clearances. Additional complications include adding horizontal crossbars between the posts to join sheets and adding additional strips for corner joints.

Preparing a frame garage for sheathing: 1. Wind protection. 2. Lathing. 3. Pediment

On the outside, the frame posts will serve as an excellent basis for covering with siding; you just need to pre-stuff windproof membrane. The transition from the walls to the base part of the cladding is simple corner profile, preventing moisture from flowing inside.

On the outside, it is also possible to install continuous cladding made of OSB or SML for painting, plastering or brick cladding. So even a frame garage can be designed in the same style as the rest of the buildings on the site.

There is no need to insulate such a garage. After parking the car, the residual heat of the engine will heat the air and cause moisture condensation on the body, so the faster the air cools inside, the longer the stored equipment will last.

Owners of their own cars often think about how to ensure the safety of their property. Leaving your car outside, exposed to rain, snow, or sun, is not an option. Therefore, the choice falls on building a garage.

The simplest and most inexpensive option is a frame garage. You can create this building yourself.

Types of frame garages

Frame garages can be divided into several types. And although these structures essentially have the same function - to protect the car, there are differences in the materials used and the cost of construction.

From metal profile

In terms of cost, it can cost approximately 30 thousand rubles, the construction period is 6-8 days. For one car, a structure measuring 4.5 * 3.5 meters is sufficient. At the same time, you need to make sure that the garage will not be cramped. It should easily accommodate both the machine and all the necessary care products.

To create the building you will need C10 metal profile sheets measuring 2 meters. A total of 23-25 ​​such sheets are enough.


It can also be easily built with your own hands. No project is required for its construction, you can use ready-made structures that are created in production: panels and rafters.

Such a structure will fit perfectly into the landscape design of any site. The construction scheme for such a garage is standard:

  • Creating a foundation.
  • Installation of the frame.
  • Covering the structure with panels.
  • Creation of insulation.
  • Roof installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of a frame garage

This technology has a number of undeniable advantages, which often become the main arguments when choosing this construction option:

  • The main advantage of a frame garage is that it is easy to build with your own hands. This works out quite economically. All its elements are fastened together using bolts and screws. Work can be done at any time of the year.
  • It is more convenient to work together; construction will take no more than two weeks. Creating a building does not require the use of complex equipment; there is no construction waste, as with conventional construction.

The disadvantages of a frame garage include:

  • Flammability of materials. When creating a frame, it is worth understanding that to ensure fire safety, wall cladding should be made with non-combustible materials.
  • To insulate the structure, it is advisable to use stone wool, since it is also not exposed to fire.
  • To extend the life of the frame, it is recommended to use an antiseptic. We are talking about a wooden frame structure.

What is needed for construction

Before starting construction, you need to find a plot of land where the garage will be built, choose a design option, purchase materials and tools.


The project can be made to order or created independently. There are a lot constructive solutions, which can be downloaded for free online. This will save money.

In any case, the project must contain the following data:

  • Construction plan, preferably in 3D;
  • Construction of the foundation, plinth;
  • Markings of height and location relative to other objects on the site;
  • Analysis of the installation of wall structures;
  • Roof creation drawing;
  • Drainage

All drawings require explanatory notes that contain the names of the materials used, the work plan and the characteristics of the finished object.

Frame garage project


Choose suitable site is an equally important task. Ideal for the garage fit size land 6*6 meters, if it is built for one car. You need to have a small supply.

The area is cleared, then a trench is dug into which the formwork is installed. This concludes the preparation, and you can begin the actual construction.

How to build

The construction of a frame garage includes certain sequential work. The construction stages are as follows:

  1. Creating a foundation. This design is lightweight, so a capital foundation is not required. You can fill it, then the floors will have to be covered with gravel or asphalt. Another option is a slab foundation. It already includes the creation of gender. Please note that the foundation must stand for at least 3 weeks.
  2. Decoration of the base. Its layout is made of concrete blocks or bricks. It is necessary to isolate this structural element from moisture. Hydroglass insulation, a special waterproofing material, can be used here.
  3. Construction of the frame. For the base of the structure, you can take a wooden beam, but welded metal structure will be more reliable. Creating a frame involves the following types works:
    • Creation of the base: stacked bottom harness on the plinth. The timber is connected to each other.
    • Racks are mounted, corner braces are created, and the structure is secured diagonally.
    • The top harness is attached.

    Expert advice! The wall on which the gate will be hung needs strengthening. To do this, an additional reinforced beam is installed on it.

  4. Covering the frame, creating walls. When constructing walls, you must immediately lay insulation, then you can start cladding. For garages as facing materials clapboard or siding are used. Interior The structure is framed with beams in increments of 30 centimeters; insulation must also be laid between these elements. Often used for these purposes mineral wool. Next, the final plating is also carried out.
  5. Creating a roof. This work includes the following steps:
    • Rafters are installed;
    • Steam, heat and waterproofing is created;
    • Mounted roof covering. You can choose slate, metal tiles or andulin.

    At this stage of work, it is advisable to equip drainage systems and snow retainers.

  6. Hanging the gate. There are currently many options for gates. The most widespread swing gates, because they are easy to operate and reliable. The structure also consists of a frame, filling and cladding. Most often on a frame made of metal corners steel profile sheets are fastened. Lastly, the lock is cut into place.

How to insulate

Insulation of the garage, of course, is optional. This is an optional stage of construction, but many people want to use it comfortably in winter.

Often used to create thermal insulation stone wool in mats. They are conveniently placed between the racks:

  1. Wind protection is first created on the surface; a film is used for this. The mats are secured with boards or sheathed with sheets of iron.
  2. You can use penoplex or. The material is attached to the garage walls using glue and dowels. Next, the surface is plastered.
  3. It is quite effective to use for insulating a building.. They have a profiled coating, a layer of insulation, and a metal sheet on the inside.
  4. The garage must have insulation of the roof, walls and gates. If there is a basement or inspection hole, it is necessary to deal with their thermal insulation. The technology is similar to how a thermal insulation layer is created for the walls of a building.
  5. The technology of roof insulation depends on whether there is a ceiling. If there is one, then the insulation is done from the attic side. In this case, you can use expanded clay, a layer of 3-4 centimeters is enough.
  6. If the roof is roofless, then the technology is similar to the creation: waterproofing, insulation, .
  7. Gate insulation- the most important thing, since the cold penetrates into the garage from here. In addition to the fact that metal, in principle, is not able to retain heat, there are also gaps and cracks between the canvases and the walls and floors. The cold also penetrates the moment the gate opens.
  8. Light materials are used for insulation, so as not to weigh down the gate, use penoplex, polystyrene foam. The insulation technology is the same as for walls.
Garage made of corrugated sheets

Construction of a garage with a pit

Do you need a hole? The answer to this question should be decided before construction begins. It is needed if the garage is producing renovation work car. A garage with a pit will cost a little more, but according to car enthusiasts, the difference is insignificant.

They dig a hole at the stage of creating the foundation. The walls are lined with bricks for strengthening. It is mandatory to create good lighting. Mounted on top of the pit walls steel strapping, which is then filled with cement. This will ensure safety during repairs.

The foundation is created monolithic. In this case, iron reinforcement is necessarily used, thus creating a frame. Then the formwork is made and concrete is poured. After the concrete has dried, you can begin creating the garage frame.

  • For better insulation space, you can use special rubber pads that are attached around the perimeter of the gate leaves from the inside. You can use frost-resistant rubber or silicone tape.
  • Sometimes it makes sense to hang a tarpaulin in front of the gate to eliminate heat loss.
  • It is advisable to arrange a separate entrance so that you do not enter the garage through the gate. To do this, you can hang a door at the end of the wall or make a separate entrance for people through the gate itself.

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