Prefabricated reinforced concrete garage. Prefabricated garage made of reinforced concrete modules and its installation. Concrete block garage

The best material For the construction of a garage for storing vehicles or repairing them, red brick is left, warm, durable and very expensive. Thanks to modern materials Today the easiest way is to build a concrete garage, which in terms of comfort, quality of construction and thermal insulation is not much inferior to brick competitors. Moreover, construction concrete garage Doing it yourself will be faster and cheaper.

Concrete garage design options

  • Casting concrete mortar into reusable, adjustable formwork;
  • Construct from slabs and concrete blocks that are suitable in size for the garage structure. This is the most difficult option construction of a concrete garage, since heavy concrete slabs and blocks must be tied and laid out so that the building does not collapse under its own weight, like a house of cards;
  • Buy ready garage as a kit concrete slabs and put the building together in one or two days.

Important! In any case, before starting work, you will need to consult a specialist with legal experience correct design documents for ownership of the property, which will be the garage you built.

How to proceed with paperwork

The most common mistake in capital construction is haste in making decisions. Often the desire to acquire as quickly as possible real estate pushes people to take rash actions, for example, before the rights to land plot Concrete slabs and blocks are delivered, and in a couple of days the garage is ready. As soon as the construction is completed, the legal owner appears and, through the court, takes away the brand new garage.

Paperwork is an even more difficult and lengthy process, requiring patience and the ability to talk with officials:

  1. At the stage of selecting and registering a site for the construction of a garage, it is necessary to begin by clarifying the information in the BTI about whether the site is “clean”, whether there are court prohibitions on its purchase, use or rental;
  2. If a garage space is purchased in the form of joining a garage cooperative, a certificate from the BTI plus a decision of the local government on the allocation of a specific site for construction will be required;
  3. To purchase land, you will need to allocate a plot of land from the general plan, pay for the implementation of the project of allocation and description of boundaries, withdraw the plot from the lease agreement of the cooperative, and only after that draw up a purchase and sale agreement.

For your information! The received 49-year lease agreement or certificate of ownership will be the basis for the start of construction.

If you go the opposite way, build a concrete garage and try to get it recognized as a residential premises through the court, the process of legally registering it as your property may drag on indefinitely. Unlike even buildings made of corrugated sheets or sandwich panels, stone walls and the foundation will be the basis for considering yours future garage capital buildings and real estate.

Building a concrete garage

For any garage design from concrete materials it is necessary to make a full-fledged capital foundation. It is better to use a slab, or, in extreme cases, a shallow one. If a basement, storage facility or inspection hole, you will need to lay the tape to the depth of soil freezing. The heavier the building, the stronger the foundation will be required.

For example, a standard-sized garage of 4.0x6.25 m, with a ceiling height of 2.25 m, assembled from slabs 12 cm thick, depending on the method of reinforcement and the presence of thermal insulation voids, weighs from 12 to 18 tons. With a foundation strip length of 21 m and a width of 0.3 m, the load will be from 2000 to 3000 kg/m2, so weak soils or on heavily watered soils it is better to use monolithic slab, reinforced with reinforcement. Considering the large weight of the structure, the installation of concrete slabs and blocks or their casting into adjustable formwork can be completed in 24-28 days.

Concrete slab garage

The most in a simple way quickly build a garage is an assembly from a purchased kit for erecting a building from ready-made wall slabs, ceiling and gender. Today on the market there are quite a large number of offers of ready-made prefabricated concrete garages of various designs and sizes.

If desired, you can purchase complete set which includes:

  • Concrete blocks for laying in the foundation for a garage;
  • Floor slabs and a kit for arranging a concrete glass inspection pit;
  • Walls and floor slabs.

For your information! Wall slabs are made in the form of ready-made reinforced reinforced concrete slab to the size of the building frame. Thanks to the use of stiffeners, the slab is lighter and stronger than standard hollow floor slabs.

The DIY kit must include assembly drawing and the sequence of installation of individual components and parts. It is extremely important to comply with all the requirements for leveling and connecting the walls with the foundation and floor slabs as required in the instructions by the developer of the concrete garage project. Amateur work in such work is fraught with serious problems, from injuries to complete collapse of the structure. At the core correct assembly lies professional work slingers, crane operators and assemblers.

Construction of a garage begins with laying floor slabs. Often, for the purpose of additional thermal insulation, the base part is designed in the form brickwork, raised above ground level. The layer of expanded clay or screenings must be carefully leveled, compacted and the screed concreted before laying the floor slab. Next, the walls are installed in pairs, first the back and side, after fastening the front and second side.

All laid wall slabs are aligned along the mounting grooves and connected by welding reinforcement and anchoring. The last to be laid are the ceiling slabs.

Price ready-made kit A concrete slab garage can range from $3,000 to $4,000 with delivery. At least 30% of the cost of the material will go to installation work, laying and crane operation.

Thus, the cost of the entire structure will be up to 6 thousand dollars without finishing works, insulation and gate installation.

Concrete block garage

Often the buildings are the most simple designs constructed from concrete blocks used for foundations or similar purposes. Most often, FBS 12.3.6 or 9.3.6 blocks are used for the construction of walls and foundations of garages. The first one measures 118x30x58 cm and weighs almost half a ton. The second type of blocks with dimensions 88x30x58 cm weighs about 350 kg. The cost of a set of concrete blocks of the first type for garage walls measuring 6x4x2.5 m will be about $750-800, excluding delivery and installation work.

For the ceiling, you can use three standard hollow core slabs PC 63-10-8, size 6.2x1.0x0.22. The cost of each will be 12-15 dollars without delivery and installation. The size of the concrete slab for the garage floor should be selected from the exact dimensions of the wall box. In some cases, it is more profitable to buy and lay wider slabs on the walls so that an overhang is formed along the contour due to the protruding edges.

Thus, the cost of building a garage from foundation blocks, taking into account the large volume of installation and loading works, there will be approximately half as much construction.

It is worth noting the disadvantages of building a garage from concrete blocks:

  • Firstly, erection of walls will require installers with sufficient experience in working with concrete blocks, since each wall will need to be laid out perfectly vertical walls from five rows of FBS.
  • Secondly, the weight of the structure of such a building will be almost twice the weight of the box assembled from a ready-made kit, which will require the use of a powerful strip foundation.
  • Thirdly, the construction of such a garage will take approximately three times longer.

Construction of concrete walls using casting into formwork

To form walls using casting, you will need a set of adjustable, reusable formwork; in addition, it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work on reinforcing the foundation and walls. The cost of a concrete garage with a wall thickness of 200 mm and a cast ceiling will cost approximately $700-750 to purchase concrete mortar, 200 dollars for reinforcement and another 200 to pay for the installation of reinforcement and pouring concrete.

In total, such a concrete garage design, depending on the design features of the box, will cost $1,200-$1,300. It should be borne in mind that the building, due to its lower weight, can be installed on a simpler and cheaper MZL foundation.

Finishing operations

Insulation of a concrete garage is almost always carried out using foam blocks, which are glued to the inner surface of the walls and ceiling. A layer of insulation is sheathed OSB boards or drywall. Outer surface walls are plastered with cement sand mixtures. Roof covering on flat roof most often made from rolls roofing materials, for example, from glass insulation or roofing felt.

If previously a reinforced concrete garage testified to the well-being of its owner, now, thanks to the industrial technology of manufacturing elements and blocks for its assembly, the cost of its construction has decreased several times.


Most domestic car owners who own a plot of land or rent it on long-term terms try to build a reliable and durable “home” for their car. A permanent structure, in which the “box” and the foundation form one whole, is the most popular design. For its construction you can buy from manufacturers reinforced concrete panels for the construction of a garage, or brick. However, it should be noted that the cost of constructing a brick or foam block structure will be several times higher than building from reinforced concrete blocks.


Modern “houses” for cars made of reinforced concrete are manufactured in factory conditions at industrial enterprises and are presented in two possible versions:

  1. Made;
  2. Monolithic.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete garages consist of separate slabs, fastened together during assembly with special anchor bolts. The second option is a completely finished and fastened “box”, which, during installation, is rigidly fixed to the prepared foundation.


First of all, the positive characteristics of a structure made of reinforced concrete include, subject to compliance with all construction and technological standards and regulations, high strength, reliability and durability of the entire structure. In addition, reinforced concrete slabs can be selected based on the desired size of the future garage, or you can order ready-made ones that are closest in size to the desired size.

An important advantage is that assembling a garage from ready-made reinforced concrete structures Almost anyone can do it with their own hands, even not very experienced builder.
Ease of repair should also be added to the advantages. If cracks or potholes form on the surface of the slabs, you can repair them yourself.

To do this, you need to clean the damaged areas with water supplied under high pressure. Metal reinforcing rods that protrude after cleaning should be cleaned of rust and an anti-corrosion compound should be applied. After which cement-sand mortar the resulting holes should be sealed.


When constructing garage buildings from reinforced concrete, the main disadvantage is the additional costs of transportation or hiring professionals from certain construction specialties.

Reinforced concrete modular garages, just like monolithic ones, require additional waterproofing of the roof, which is usually made flat and covered with roofing felt. If this is not done, then the water that will accumulate under the roof will lead to dampness, and, in the future, to the destruction of the concrete modules.

Another disadvantage of garages built from reinforced concrete is the formation of condensation on the walls, which forms at the joints due to temperature differences, especially in the cold season. But this drawback can be easily eliminated by doing interior decoration garage with plastic slabs or clapboard.

Big or small?

The most popular among buyers are prefabricated (modular) garages made of reinforced concrete, which are produced in several designs:

  • Concrete concrete products-1 (modular without floor). The linear dimensions are 400x625x245 cm, and the weight of the entire structure is about 12 tons.
  • Concrete concrete products-2 (prefabricated with floor). The size is the same as the previous project, but exceeds it in weight by 4.5 tons.
  • ZhBI-3 (modular with floor and basement)

Except standard sizes, large prefabricated garages are provided for "Gazelles", the sizes and average prices in Moscow with delivery can be seen in the table below.

Every car owner must ensure that his iron horse has a “home.” One of possible options could become a reinforced concrete garage. This is a reliable and durable structure that will protect the car from any weather adversity. It is much more reliable than brick and iron. But previously, concrete structures had their drawbacks.

The construction of such a structure was expensive and labor-intensive, since all elements of the structure were manufactured on site. It was necessary to: pour the foundation, tie the reinforcement, fill everything with concrete and compact it thoroughly. And the cost of such a building was significantly higher than that of its analogues. And many simply couldn’t afford it.

Now the technology has become much simpler. Part of the structure is produced in factories and sold as prefabricated elements (based on the principle of a designer). This helped reduce costs by 50%. A concrete garage has become much more accessible and is gaining popularity among car owners. is a construction set for adult men that can be assembled without much difficulty, without resorting to the help of construction crews. The designers focused specifically on ease and simplicity of assembly.

Today there are 2 types of reinforced concrete garages:

  1. Made. Its essence lies in the fact that all components - from walls to fasteners and gates - are included in the kit.
  2. Monolithic. Buy ready-made wooden box, into which the reinforcement is installed, and then the pouring process occurs.

The first type of garage is the most popular. It is simpler and cheaper.

Types of prefabricated projects:

Depending on your needs, you can choose the required type of garage either independently or with the help of construction crew collect it. It is not recommended to undertake the collection of reinforced concrete products-3 yourself, since the design is more complex and dangerous to assemble.

Construction technology

The designers of such garages provide detailed instructions that clearly indicate the sequence of actions that must be followed. Let's consider the procedure based on the reinforced concrete products garage-2. Stages:

  1. Installation of floor slabs;
  2. Assembling the walls and rear wall of the garage;
  3. Installation of the gate panel;
  4. Installation of the floor panel (the panel is hollow);
  5. Roof installation.

Lifting devices will be required to install all components. Installing a gate will also require welding work. The advantage is that you no longer have to resort to welding work. The building slabs are held together using anchor bolts and brackets. Another advantage is that a garage of this type does not require interior or exterior finishing work. It is able to function immediately after assembly. Weather conditions will not have a detrimental effect on the strength of a reinforced concrete garage, unlike an iron one. The second requires painting to avoid metal corrosion.

But still, after a long period of time, the garage begins to wear out. The concrete will begin to crack and particles will be visible in the cracks. reinforcing mesh. In order to prevent the garage from further deteriorating, the fittings should be cleaned of rust (using a stream of water under pressure), coated with an anti-corrosion agent, and the cracks sealed with a special putty.

To save on heating costs, you can insulate your garage. Foam is most often used. It is attached to external walls garage, with a special solution, additionally secured with plastic dowels. Afterwards, a plaster network is applied, which is embedded in the glue applied to the foam. At the end of the work, the surface is covered with putty and painted (optional).

To sum it up

A concrete garage has a number of advantages over brick and iron. It is more reliable, easier to assemble, much warmer and more durable. Of course, such designs also have their drawbacks. They are much more expensive and look the same. There are two types of such garages: prefabricated and monolithic garages. The first has a number of advantages that make it more popular than a monolithic reinforced concrete garage. It is easier to assemble and is much cheaper.

If the question is about building a “home” for your car, and the financial issue is not a priority, then you shouldn’t even think about which one is better. The answer is obvious. Reinforced concrete structures will last a long time and flawlessly.

We offer three types of Concrete garages with a width of 3200mm, 3420mm and 3900mm, length 6000mm. height 2600mm.

Name Price (RUB) Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Weight (kg) Quantity per car (20t)
Concrete garage 1 + Concrete floor + Gate 185000.00 6000 3200 2600 14700 1
Concrete garage 2 + Concrete floor + Gate 205000.00 6000 3420 2600 15700 1
Concrete garage 3 + Concrete floor + Gate 225000.00 6000 3900 2600 17700 1
Concrete garage 4 (without floor) + Gate (2800x1900x3) 160000.00 5480 3240 2320 10230 1

Reinforced concrete garage1

Reinforced concrete garage2

Reinforced concrete garage3

Surely many motorists have had to deal with the problem of arranging their parking lot. vehicle. Many people prefer to use paid guarded parking lots, however, there are also some car owners who, for various reasons, want to have their own garage. In addition to its direct functions, a garage is also attractive because it can store various equipment and accessories for the car, carry out minor repairs, which is very difficult in a parking lot or garage complex. One of the most popular today are reinforced concrete garages.

From a technical point of view, a reinforced concrete garage is a structure made in the form of a monolithic box. Since reinforced concrete structures are quite heavy in weight, it is quite natural that prefabricated reinforced concrete garages are especially popular, the delivery of material for which in parts is most economically beneficial for the buyer. Often, for a buyer who has studied the market, it becomes quite obvious that buying a reinforced concrete garage is much more profitable both economically and in terms of labor costs compared to building a garage from other materials. This design has many advantages: quick construction, convenient transportation to the assembly site, no welding work, the ability to quickly dismantle and transport to a new location.

Of course, an important factor is that the market building materials offers a fairly wide range, any buyer can choose almost any reinforced concrete garage with a price that suits him. Moreover, the market makes it possible to choose any size, shape of garages and offer relatively low prices compared to building a garage from other building materials.

A monolithic garage is a precast concrete structure that can be purchased at finished form at the factory that manufactures such products. In this case, the structure looks like a monolithic box. After installation in place, metal gates are hung on it.

In another option, separate ones are purchased reinforced concrete blocks and the garage is assembled with your own hands using cement. The article will tell you how to make a monolithic garage yourself.

Materials for the construction of garages

When starting the construction of any building, it is necessary to find out what material it can be built from.

So for a garage you can use:

  • Tree. These are relatively inexpensive buildings that do not require a strong foundation or additional thermal insulation. Disadvantages wooden garage are:
  1. easy flammability;
  2. need for special treatment protective equipment from possible rotting.
  • Stone or brick(cm. ). They are quite practical and reliable. The material tolerates temperature fluctuations or other external influences. But the walls from it need additional insulation, and the entire structure is on a reliable, solid foundation, which can significantly increase the cost of the garage. The room needs arrangement reliable system heating and ventilation. Inside brick garage Large amounts of moisture may accumulate.
  • Concrete blocks.Different:
  1. increased strength:
  2. durability;
  3. good heat retention;
  4. easy to process.

Condensation does not accumulate on the walls of the room; the material can “breathe”.

How to build a garage out of concrete blocks

The price for purchasing concrete blocks is quite attractive, which makes it possible to construct a garage at a relatively inexpensive price.

The advantages of a garage made of precast concrete are:

  • High speed of construction.
  • The prefabricated structure kit comes with fairly detailed instructions from the manufacturer for assembling the product.
  • Ease of transportation due to the possibility of dismantling and then moving to another location.
  • No welding required.

A standard set of precast concrete structures consists of the following elements:

  • Panels for the construction of a cellar.
  • Left panel for flooring.
  • Right floor panel.
  • Several wall panels.
  • Middle wall panel.
  • Panels for installing gates.
  • Roof slabs that have the appearance of a hollow structure.

Advice: When assembling a garage, you should constantly clarify the order of work with detailed instructions, which is included with the building kit.

For ease of use of the garage, it is necessary to provide:

  • for carrying out maintenance auto.
  • Availability of a basement for harvest storage and preservation throughout the year.
  • For prefabricated garages made of reinforced concrete structures, they are mainly used strip foundations from ready-made reinforced concrete blocks, as can be seen in the photo, and a properly equipped blind area (see). A layer of sand is placed in the trench and compacted well. Foundation slabs are installed, fastened together and waterproofed.

Precast concrete structural elements can be easily assembled without welding using specially provided rigid metal brackets And bolted connections, which are necessarily included in the delivery for assembling the garage.

Advice: When purchasing reinforced concrete structures, you should carefully check the completeness of the delivery.

The garage construction kit includes and.

The garage assembly should be performed in the following sequence:

  • A pit is being dug.
  • Panels are assembled for the foundation and basement.
  • Slabs are installed to construct the floor, usually two of them.
  • Everything is mounted side panels for walls of precast concrete structures.
  • The central wall panel is installed.
  • The panel for fastening the gate is fixed.
  • Metal gates are being installed.
  • The work ends with the installation of the roof. For this, hollow core slabs are used.

How to assemble a garage from reinforced concrete elements

A do-it-yourself monolithic garage from purchased elements of reinforced concrete structures can be assembled in the following sequence:

  • Support posts are installed. This does not require a special foundation. When constructing the back wall:
  1. holes are dug in the ground;
  2. supports are installed;
  3. gradually the excavations are filled with concrete in a ratio of cement and sand of 1:5;
  4. Each layer is carefully compacted.

For filling, it is good to use stones, crushed stone, gravel and broken bricks.

Tip: To ensure that all racks are the same height, it is necessary to make a template corresponding to the dimensions of the first hole, which looks like a concrete plug. It will be the depth standard for the remaining holes.

  • Wall elements are mounted from bottom to top to a certain height. In this case:
  1. horizontally located seams are sealed with a cement mortar of concrete and sand in a ratio of 1:2;
  2. rear rafter purlins are laid;
  3. The connecting brackets are carefully walled up.
  • Install in the same way as the rear side walls . All horizontal connections are carefully controlled. All seams between adjacent elements are carefully sealed.
  • Marking of butt seams is carried out, which should be on the overhang and ridge runs.
  • Panels are installed on the roof. At the pediment, cement mortar is used for fixation. The roof panels are mounted on hinges and pins that are provided on the parts.
  • All panels are laid according to the markings.
  • All cracks are filled with concrete mortar.
  • Embedding is in progress.

Tip: You should not walk on the roof. In case of great need, boards can be laid on it.

  • When laying the roof, it is necessary to ensure that the surface is clean and dry.

How to hang a garage door

The gate hanging technology is as follows:

  • The gate threshold is laid on the sandy surface. In this case, the lining is placed strictly horizontally.
  • The gate leaf is hung on the provided holders.
  • Using shim washers, it is necessary to achieve the same desired suspension height.

The final finishing of a monolithic concrete garage is as follows:

  • All irregularities on the roof are first removed with cement mortar. Then roofing material is glued onto it in two layers, which can be replaced with glassy plastic. It is best to lay the panels parallel to the ridge of the building, starting from the overhang.
  • By treating the external surfaces of walls, you can provide additional protection. Internal surfaces should be plastered lime mortar, and then just whiten it. When processing external walls (see), you can harmoniously fit the garage into the existing style of other buildings and landscape. If there are no special conditions, you can use ordinary plaster on cement, which is thrown onto the wall with a trowel and carefully rubbed down. After drying, the surface can be treated with lime and simply renewed every 2-3 years.

The video shows details about the construction of a monolithic garage.

After constructing a concrete garage, you should take care of the flow into the room fresh air. The most inexpensive and fairly acceptable option is to install a natural ventilation system. In this case, at a height of approximately 0.5 meters from the floor level, a pipe is placed to supply fresh air, exhaust pipe should be at ceiling level.

Competent and careful construction of a garage from reinforced concrete structures will extend its service life for many years.

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