Which power tool is best for professional work? Rating of rotary hammers by reliability - comparison of the best models for home and professional use. Buying power tools correctly

Every man has at least a minimal set of power tools at home or in his garage. Most often it includes a hammer drill and grinder, an electric drill and a screwdriver, a jigsaw, etc.

If you need to update an existing one, or make an initial purchase of a tool, then a non-professional may have a problem with the choice, because... There are dozens of models on the market in a wide range various manufacturers. Help such buyers make right choice is what this article is intended to do.

Industrial power tools

As a rule, craftsmen are individuals and do not use industrial tools due to their narrow specialization and very high cost. It is advisable to purchase it exclusively for industrial enterprises or use in construction. Only here it is possible to recoup its value with high dividends.

The following power tool manufacturers are the undisputed leaders in this segment:

Professional power tools

In the mentioned market segment of this product, a tool is presented that was initially designed to perform a limited number of available operations, which, as a rule, does not exceed three. But with the highest quality.

This tool is characterized by a significant resource and power, exceeding the value of a similar parameter for semi-professional and household tools. Professional models they are more reliable, have increased wear resistance and are characterized by increased strength indicators (the body material is more resistant to mechanical loads, including shock).

They allow you to work in continuous mode for much longer than is permissible for household tools. In this case, damage to the armature, windings, brushes and other internal elements the structure does not occur.

Tools belonging to this group must have mechanical or electronic adjustment, allowing:

  • smoothly change power;
  • eliminate sudden jerks during the work process at the start-up stage and during fixation;
  • smoothly adjust the specified rotation speed;
  • stabilize it as loads increase;
  • protect the product from overload, automatically turning off when the specified values ​​are reached;
  • set max torque.

This group includes the following brands:

Characteristic distinctive feature instruments belonging to the group under consideration is their blue color. All German instruments from this brand are reliable and affordable. That is why they are preferred quite often;

Household power tools

The tools presented in this market segment are produced exclusively for home use. Many models are made using special ergonomic design, which gives them additional visual appeal, and are focused on greater versatility and ease of use.

The main disadvantage of this category of tool is the prohibition on their continuous use for more than 3 – 4 hours a day. Moreover, during this time it is recommended to take at least three breaks lasting up to 15 minutes (within an hour).

The main advantage is cost. Therefore, in cases where occasional use of the tool is planned, this is the best option.

Let's consider several major manufacturers of power tools of the mentioned class that are worthy of mention:

Mains or battery, what to choose

All offered power tools are divided into two groups. The first includes products that require an external power source. They are called network.

The second includes a tool that allows you to work regardless of the presence or absence of a network, which is powered by its own battery. This tool is called a battery tool. This tool is characterized by ease of use, lightness and versatility.

The division mentioned applies to an instrument from any segment discussed earlier.

The advantages of network models are their power and increased reliability. But there are many situations. When performing work without using a cordless tool is almost impossible.

This tool is better suited for work that requires frequent movement. Battery products are indispensable in explosive and fire hazardous areas.

The disadvantages inherent in such a tool are the periodic need for recharging, the significant cost of batteries and lower power ratings.

Russian manufacturers

On the shelves of specialized stores, a significant part of the power tools offered have Russian names. But, unfortunately, this does not always indicate that these goods were made in Russia.

Most of these products can be classified into two groups, which can roughly be called:

  • Pseudo-Russian (instrument made in China from an unknown manufacturer, but under the Russian name);
  • Assembled using the “screwdriver assembly” method on the territory of our country, but from the same Chinese (optionally from other) components of unknown origin.

And only a third of such power tools are actually developed and completely manufactured here.

Leading Russian manufacturers offering on the market own products, are:

  • IMZ (Izhevsk) is a huge diversified production facility producing weapons and microelectronics, devices for various purposes and power tools in a wide range. The products on the market are represented by the Baikal trademark (passed international registration);
  • "Interskol" mentioned above. produces wide range power tools, but partially from imported components. The company owns a number of factories located in different parts of the world:
    • BEZ – Russia;
    • IPT – Italy;
    • Two factories in China (in the cities of Jinghau and Shanghai).

Some of the products of this manufacturer are manufactured at partner enterprises, such as:

  • IMZ - Russia;
  • GGP - Slovakia;
  • Starmix - Germany;
  • Sparky - Bulgaria;
  • Rexon - Taiwan;
  • Keyang - South Korea and so on.
  • OJSC PNPK (Perm) – power tools are a by-product of this company;
  • KZMI (Konakovo) - Production is carried out using imported equipment. The lineup includes about twenty types of power tools and pneumatic tools. The drills from this plant are considered one of the best among those produced in Russia. And this plant does not have screwdrivers among its products Russian production, analogues;
  • EMZS "LEPSE" (JSC) Kirov produces electric shears, electric hammers and angle grinders;
  • SEZ (Saratov);
  • "Inkar-Parma" (LLC) - electric saw plant.

Power tools manufactured in Southeast Asian countries today account for up to half of the assortment that fills Russian shelves. This tool is offered in a lower price category and can be presented to buyers as products manufactured in the USA, Europe and even in Russia. Many people know examples of the latter symbiosis. These are the brands of power tools:

  • "Bison";
  • "Caliber";
  • "Energomash";
  • “Progress – Tool”;
  • "Resource";
  • "Diopd";
  • "Stavr";
  • "Enkor";
  • "Grad - M", etc.

An article about choosing a power tool, how to distinguish a household tool from a professional one. What should be the best power tool and what to look for when buying.

Problems with assortment construction power tools today no, a huge number of manufacturers, types and models are able to satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding buyer. True, because of this abundance, another problem has quietly arisen - how to choose the right power tool, what to look for and what characteristics it should meet. This is exactly what our article will help with.

Today, electric tools can be purchased in the market, in construction stores and even on the Internet without leaving home. Competition in this market is quite high, dozens of well-known and large companies We constantly improve the quality and functionality of our products and update our line of models. In addition to quality products, construction markets There is a frightening variety of fakes and counterfeits, mostly made in China. But everything is in order.

Electric tools - where is the best place to buy

Construction power tools of proper quality simply cannot be cheap, and therefore looking for where to buy cheaper is not entirely reasonable. Need to search Better conditions purchase and further service power tools, and this can only be offered official dealers with authorized stores. Of course, the cost in branded stores will be somewhat more expensive, and sometimes much more expensive, but you can rest assured that the instrument is real, genuine. In addition, it will be covered by a warranty and professional maintenance service during operation.

Online stores that are gaining popularity are convenient because you can buy an electric tool without leaving your home. However, we strongly do not recommend choosing a model on the website - the choice must take place in “real life”. Also, when buying a tool online, choose specialized online stores that have been working in this segment for several years. It is better if the payment method is cash on delivery, then you can pay for the order after receiving and inspecting the goods.

Finally, the most unreliable way to replenish your home tools is to buy at markets or, especially, from hand. All the stories about how an instrument is sold only because you are leaving for your homeland are a fairy tale; in fact, you can easily turn into a buyer of stolen goods, thereby violating the criminal code, which, as you know, must be respected.

But today you can run into fakes even in large, seemingly reliable retail outlets, especially since today they are trying to counterfeit instruments that are in the average price range, including products from domestic manufacturers.

How not to buy a fake

Fake household power tool produced in self-made workshops using outdated equipment and using the cheapest raw materials. And therefore, the end result is a low-quality, quickly breaking power tool, which is essentially disposable. It cannot be repaired, and you will be very lucky if the fake power tool breaks and does not cause injury, since in this case anything can happen.

Using cheap materials in production, underground “businessmen” cannot achieve appearance, corresponding to the original - you can easily detect poor fit of parts, sagging and seams. The smell of a counterfeit, as a rule, is acute and chemical - the result of using low-quality plastic from recycled materials, in addition, color shade the case will differ from the original. Here are some more signs that you can spot a fake:

metal parts are poorly processed, there is rust in places;

The counterfeit power cord is short and thin, the protective insert where the cord connects to the body is short or constantly falls out;

the body and handles, instead of rubberized inserts, which are designed to reduce slipping and reduce vibration transmission, plastic is used, or even these places are simply painted a different color;

there are no inscriptions on the body, painted or embossed in plastic - instead there are bright paper stickers;

the name of the fake model may simply not exist from the real manufacturer;

when the engine is running, it is possible that unpleasant odor, the anthers are hard, the nameplate is attached haphazardly;

no passport, certificates. The instructions are in another language, or are printed poorly and with errors;

The box is made haphazardly, and the price is very low.

All this clearly shows that it is a fake. But that’s not all, we must also say about counterfeit spare parts, the use of which can easily damage even an original power tool. In this regard, it is necessary to use only official services service centers, because even after the model is discontinued, the company continues to produce spare parts for it for many years.

Choosing a power tool: professional or household?

The eternal question - household or professional tools, which is better? Most people consider a professional instrument to be of higher quality and more expensive, but this is not entirely correct. Although there is still some truth in it, since professional tools are made from more resistant materials designed for increased load. Accordingly, the cost of such a power tool will be higher than an ordinary household one, which is designed for use, as they say, from time to time.

Of course, buying a high-tech model for home tools designed for almost continuous use of power tools on a construction site is, to say the least, illogical. Let's compare these two types and try to determine which power tool you need.

Characteristics of household power tools :

light weight of the tool, which is achieved due to reduced power;

work with the tool should be alternated with breaks; it is recommended to take a half-hour break for half an hour;

a household appliance is, as a rule, a multifunctional power tool that comes with different attachments that expand the functionality of the tool;

increased instrument safety, so-called “foolproof”. It is assumed that a household tool will be used by an inexperienced person or not at all;

The warranty is about two years, the cost of household tools is noticeably lower than professional ones.

And here characteristics of professional tools :

increased efficiency - a “pro” is able to work for 7-8 hours in a row;

high power and performance, the power tool is able to work in dusty and humid environments, and is resistant to vibrations;

large working life, allowing you to work without repair for a long time;

narrow specialization and high ergonomics, as well as versatility of consumables;

quite high cost.

Usually, manufacturers directly indicate what kind of work the tool is intended for - amateur or professional, or indicate this using the colors of the case. For example, the Bosch company uses green for amateur tools, and blue for professional tools. The main thing, of course, is the duration of possible continuous use of the power tool.

The best power tools - cordless or mains powered

Cordless tools are more popular today because they allow you to work conveniently even when there is no network. Modern technologies They are moving forward, and batteries are becoming more and more “long-lasting”, capable of working for many hours without recharging. Corded power tools do not require recharging and work wherever there is an outlet and where the cord is sufficient.

To choose wisely high-quality power tools, it is necessary to pay attention not only to engine power or speed. The most important indicators are also the performance of the tool when working with different materials, as well as possible equipment.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the endurance of the device, that is, the duration of continuous operation. You are unlikely to like a tool with a powerful motor, but after 10 minutes of work, it requires a 10-15 minute break. Therefore, find out this from the seller in advance and look at the documents.

When choosing a power tool, check the frequency of maintenance - replacing grease and brushes. The larger the resource, the better, of course, for the owner.

Read carefully about any restrictions during operation of the power tool that the manufacturer indicated. The fewer there are, the more reliable and universal tool. Sometimes there are models that can only be used indoors, so think about whether you need a drill that stalls in slight frost.

Power tool price

The cost of the tool depends on its technical characteristics, the simpler the product, the cheaper. I think it’s clear that a model for professional use will cost more than one for household use. But you can reduce the price somewhat if you follow a few rules. First of all, you need to know that the same model in big city and in the province it will cost differently, the larger the city, the cheaper. If you want to buy a high-quality tool at reasonable prices, look for promotions from large stores, usually when clearing out a warehouse for new batch, large retail outlets hold sales where you can even buy professional tools at a reasonable price.

Power tools - quality check

If you have done a lot of work studying the theory, and have selected several suitable models, it’s time to do a little test drive. First, start the tool - the motor should run smoothly, without jerking. The louder the work, the poorer the quality it was assembled.

Turn on the device at low speeds, listen to the spindle beat, install the equipment, and check with it. If the equipment suddenly stands up after turning off the motor, there is an obvious problem with the assembly of the model, provided that it does not have an electrodynamic brake.

Look at the model in action, usually in large retail outlets this can be done without problems. If the tests are successful, evaluate the tool visually for scratches, ease of use, whether the cord is damaged, whether metal parts rust.

Buying power tools correctly

So, you have chosen a model, assessed its capabilities, and you can start making a purchase. First of all, check that the contents of the case correspond to the description from the documentation for the device. The second point is that the warranty card must be filled out correctly. This is: the full name of the electric tool, catalog and serial number, stamp of the selling company, cash receipt number, signature of the seller. Basically, that's all you need to know to buy the "right" power tool.

I welcome you to this article, in which I have compiled a rating of power tool manufacturers based on reliability, so that in the future, when going to the store, you know which companies to focus on. After all, there are manufacturers who produce very good tool, and there are also those whose products are best avoided altogether. It would be nice to know who is who. But first, I’ll do a short review of the classes of power tools; the rating itself will be at the end of the article.


Having decided to buy a power tool and coming to the store, you are immediately faced with so many items that your eyes widen. And you immediately notice that prices for different brands are very different.

Someone believes that some companies inflate the price of their products only because of their famous name(the hackneyed phrase “you overpay for the brand”), others, on the contrary, think that a cheap instrument is necessarily bad. In fact, neither one nor the other is right.

Simply the entire power tool can be divided into two large class: household and professional. Household ones are cheaper, professional ones are more expensive. And if you bought a household item for professional use, then naturally you will say later that it is bad.

Or, if you again bought a household appliance for household chores, and your neighbor Vasya is a professional, then, of course, you think that Vasya “overpaid for the brand”, since neither your nor your neighbor’s instrument breaks.

Let us now consider these two classes of power tools separately.

Household tool

Household tools are intended for infrequent use at home when carrying out any one-time work. For example, it is convenient when you have a hammer drill at home, so that you can easily and simply hang up the shelf you just bought yourself, and then put the hammer drill back in a distant drawer for six months until the next need.

When working with household appliances, you should follow the recommended operating mode for them - work for 15-20 minutes, rest for 10-15. If you do not give it periodic rest, then, of course, it will not break immediately, but in general its total resource will decrease significantly.

Sometimes you can hear that someone, having bought a cheap power tool, works with it for hours without rest, and even every day, but he doesn’t care. Well, yes, such cases do happen. However, there are many more people in the world who tried to work just as hard, and their apparatus ended up breaking down very quickly.

The household class can be divided into two more types. Conventionally, they can be called “Chinese” and “non-Chinese” (although most of the non-Chinese ones are still produced in China).

There are companies that do not produce equipment themselves, but only order it from some Chinese factory. At the same time, it is discussed in advance what color it will be and a sticker with what name will be placed on it. This kind of instrument can be called “Chinese”.

And the quality, as a rule, is the most “Chinese” in the sense familiar to most. True, among this technology there is something better, for example, Zubr, DWT or Stavr, there are worse ones, for example, Caliber, Whirlwind or Kolner, and there are also very bad ones, for example, Prorab.

Other companies have own production, even if some of them are located in China. That is, they built the factories themselves, they have their own technologies. Such an instrument can be called “non-Chinese”. These are, as a rule, long-established manufacturers, such as, for example, Skil, Black and Decker, Ryobi, Bosch (green).

The “non-Chinese” subclass is generally of higher quality than the “Chinese” one. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake, it is better to purchase it for home use. True, the price here is slightly higher.

It’s logical to buy “Chinese” when you urgently need to do a one-time job, and you have a limited budget.

Professional tool

Professional tool has a long resource and is designed for long-term operation. It does not have any restrictions on operating time, but you should not work with it to such an extent that it melts.

It is quite easy to determine that this is a professional instrument, since there are not so many brands that produce it. The main brands of this class that can be found in stores today are Bosch ( of blue color), Makita, Hitachi, Dewalt, AEG, Kress and Metabo.

Total 7 manufacturers. Of course, there are others, but these seven manufacturers are most represented in Russia.

Naturally, all these products are produced at these companies’ own factories. Therefore, you should not be afraid to buy it, even if it says that it was made in China.

It is clear that the main purpose professional power tools- This is work in a professional environment. However, no one will forbid you to buy it for your home. Thus, you will insure yourself against sudden breakdowns that household appliances Even with proper operation, sometimes they happen.

Naturally, if you have started a major renovation of your home, then it is also recommended to purchase professional equipment for this.

It should be noted that in addition to these two classes, there is also an intermediate one - the so-called semi-professional. It will be more reliable than a household one, but it will not reach the level of a professional one. This class includes, for example, devices from Sparky.

In addition, there is also a highly reliable class, which is usually called industrial. You rarely see it in store windows due to its high cost. Representatives of this class are, for example, Hilti, Milwaukee, Festool and others. This technique is practically indestructible, and is used in industries where extreme loads are placed on the tool.

Final rating

Based on the information presented, we will compose our reliability rating:

  1. Industrial grade. Examples - Hilti, Milwaukee, Festool.
  2. Professional class. Examples - Bosch (blue), Makita, Hitachi, DeWalt, AEG, Metabo, Kress.
  3. Semi-professional class. Example - Sparky.
  4. Household class:
  • - 4a. "Non-Chinese." Examples - Ryobi, Black&Decker, Bosch (green), Skil.
  • - 4b. "Chinese". Examples - Zubr, Caliber, Omax, DWT, Whirlwind, DeFort, Hander, Grad-M, Stern, Bikor, Prorab, Stavr, Kolner, Enkor and several dozen more names.

So now you know why different instruments such different prices. I do not claim to be 100% true, but in general the picture looks approximately as described in this article. I hope knowledge about the classes of power tools will help you make the right choice when purchasing it.

That's all for this topic. Read other materials on my website! And see you again!

Of course, it is clear that the first group includes companies (Black&Decker, DeWALT, Omax Inc, Milwaukee), Germany (AEG, Bosch, Metabo, Kress, Festul, Solo) and Japan (Hitachi, Makita) and several others.

Today we will look at several of the world's largest manufacturers of professional power tools. A professional power tool is designed to perform a specific set of functions for which it is intended. Here, manufacturers do not focus on universality, but just the opposite - specificity and high quality execution of the inherent capabilities.

Therefore, the catalogs offered to the buyer are large in volume and provide a wide choice in terms of functionality and price level. Experts note that over the past five to seven years, only a few global brands have been leading the market for professional power tools.


Makita is a Japanese manufacturer of power tools and consumables with its own production facilities in Japan, Europe, China and other countries. A high level of quality and reliability at reasonable prices provides the company with confident leadership in most world markets. Hardly half of the range produced is represented on the Ukrainian market.


Bosch- trademark, which needs no introduction. Big choice all kinds of power tools, plus all kinds of consumables. All - the highest level quality, excellent reliability and not very cheap. The instrument is assembled in Europe or China.


DeWALT - American quality and innovation technological solutions, plus a full set of consumables, plus recognition by the brand’s black and yellow colors to make the work of Chinese “counterfeiters” more difficult. The only negative is the considerable price


Metabo is a German brand, consistently high quality, trouble-free operation, and a supply of consumables. Equipment high power, the widest assortment line. High, but not exorbitant prices.


Kress- German manufacturer. A professional tool at the Bosch level. Problems may create some difficulties with the provision of consumables.


Milwaukee is an American brand. This means it is of very high quality, easy to use and very expensive for our market. Offers many specific tool models that no one else offers. Therefore, if you have specific needs based on your professional activity, you can take a closer look at their offer.


Hitachi is a Japanese model. A well-known brand in our market, which is offered at an attractive price, but, in Lately, does not confirm its quality. When choosing these models, be prepared for unpleasant surprises and communication with warranty repair shops, which will not always be able to help due to specific technical solutions, incorporated by the designers into the tool.


Black&Decker was once a very decent American instrument, now assembled in China, which greatly affected the quality. Good functionality and thoughtful design, not supported by quality, are not an option that will attract a professional.


AEG is a German manufacturer that the market has “forgotten” about, but is worth remembering. The transfer of assembly capacity to China did not affect the traditional German quality, but made it more attractive in price. Now the instrument has been repainted from household blue to professional orange. Moreover, it practically does not break.


Ryobi is, in fact, a simplified AEG, with which it is included in the same industrial group TTI. Slightly less functional and significantly more budget-friendly. For economical option might just be a godsend.


Hilti is not the most popular brand on the world market today (Austria-China) and is inferior to the leaders in terms of quality, but gives everyone a head start in quality and availability of consumables, as well as all types of service.

Many other manufacturers are less known on the market and require more careful study if you decide to purchase their products.

Of course, our review does not claim to be the absolute truth - in any case, the final choice is made by the buyer.

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