Calculation of cubic capacity of lumber boards. Calculation of lumber volume. Planed timber - what is its difference from timber

It faces every developer. For a person doing work with his own hands, calculating the number of boards, timber or bricks determines the cost building materials. A person who has hired workers and left it to professionals to decide how much and what needs to be purchased in order to erect a building will be interested in checking the master’s calculations with his own calculations. Let's give various ways calculation of lumber in one cube. You will need a construction tape and a pencil with a calculator.

Method 1: Mathematical calculations and formulas

Calculation of lumber per cubic meter of space can be done using well-known (from a school mathematics course) formulas. The volume of a rectangular figure (parallelepiped) is equal to the product of its three parameters: length, width and height.

V = a b c h Image 1.

The board or beam is a parallelepiped. Length, width and height edged wood can be measured with a construction tape. Their dimensions are equal in cross-section (unlike unedged lumber, calculations for which will be given below). Therefore, we will calculate the volume of one wooden product.

Length: a = 6.1 m.

Width: b = 20 cm.

Thickness: c = 2.5 cm.

Let's convert the obtained values ​​into common units of measurement (meters).

The length is the same: a = 6.1 m.

Width: b = 0.2 m.

Thickness: c = 0.025 m.

Let's do the calculations:

V = 6.1 x 0.2 x 0.025 = 0.0305 m3.

Image 1. Calculation of lumber per cubic meter using the formula: V = a b c h.

The resulting volume is a figure with several decimal places. There is a desire to round the value, convert 0.0305 to 0.031 m3. This is what most sellers do. On two, three, ten pieces this rounding is hardly noticeable. The tree becomes more expensive by pennies compared to the real, actual cost.

If calculations are carried out in large construction (timber house, construction wooden frame under the roof), here the volume of the seller’s construction allowance, for the purpose of supposed simplification, is expressed in a more significant figure.

For example, you purchase one hundred of these floorboards (the actual volume of which is 0.0305 m3, but according to the seller it is taken as 0.031 m3).

The difference in material for one floorboard is:

0.031 – 0.0305 = 0.0005 m3.

For one hundred floorboards, this difference increases to 0.05 cubic meters, which you do not purchase, but pay to the seller. For a thousand boards this is already 0.5 cubic meters.

Now let's get back to determining how much lumber you have per cube. To find out how much board material a cubic meter of space contains, divide 1 cube by the volume of one floorboard (the resulting V value).

1: 0.0305 = 32.459 pieces.

The resulting number is also not an integer. This is where rounding can be to your advantage. The value 32.459 is rounded to 32.5 or 33 boards cubed.

Method 2: use ready-made tables

To avoid doing calculations, you can use ready-made tables.

Image 2. Table of the number of boards per cubic meter.

If you make a large volume of purchases of various lumber, the table will make it easier for you to determine the quantities of each type of wood purchased. To be sure that the payment corresponds to the amount of wood purchased, let’s check one of the table values ​​with our own calculations.

Example. The selected floorboard (for which we measured the parameters earlier) exceeds the length required by standards by 10 cm ( standard length lumber is 6 m). Therefore, technological length allowances of 10 or 20 cm are not taken into account in calculations. As a result, the tabular figure for the number of boards (size 25 x 200 mm) is 33 pieces. Image 2.

Method 3: for unedged lumber

Unedged board is different different sizes width. At one end it can be equal to 30 cm, and at the other end it can be narrowed to 15 or 20 cm. How is the amount of building material per cubic meter calculated and how to calculate its cost?

In calculations of unedged materials, the average width of the wooden product is taken. They measure the widest place, the narrowest place and reduce their mathematical values ​​to an average. For example:

The width of the larger edge is 32 cm. The other has a smaller width and is 18 cm (thickness is 25 mm, standard length is 6 m). We perform the following mathematical operations:

Average width b = (32 + 18) : 2 = 25 cm (250 mm to determine from tables or 0.025 m to do your own calculations).

Next, you can use the table above for trimming material. Since it does not have the parameters 250 x 25 mm, we will use the value 250 x 50 mm (it will be exactly twice as large, since the thickness of 50 mm is twice our thickness). For a thickness of 50, the amount of material in a cube will be 13.3 pieces. This means that for our size the number of unedged boards (25 mm thick) will be

13.3: 2 = 6.15 pieces.

This is some interesting construction mathematics.


The seller and buyer of timber pursue their own interests. This is enough delicate matter you need to have certain - simple - knowledge. Today everyone has a tool: a calculator on their phone.

What is a cubic meter of edged boards?

How many edged boards are in one cube - Photo

Edged board- lumber with cleanly cut edges, without bark residues. The width of the edged board is at least twice the thickness.

Since the fee is charged per volume in cubic meters, let us remind you geometric formula its definitions:

W * H * D = volume.

Everything is calculated in meters

To find out how many boards are in one cube:

1 / (W * H * D) = number of boards in 1m3 (cube)

Where, Sh- Width, IN- Height, D- Length

Translation: 1mm = 0.001m, 10mm = 0.01m, 100mm = 0.1m

Below is a table of some types of edged boards and their volume

Board dimensions

Volume of one board Boards in 1m3 (cube)


0.012 m³

83 pcs.


0.0144 m³

69 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0216 m³

46 pcs.


0.024 m³

41 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.015 m³

67 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0225 m³

44 pcs.


0.027 m³

37 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.0375 m³

26 pcs.


0.018 m³

55 pcs.


0.0216 m³

46 pcs.


0.027 m³

37 pcs.


0.0324 m³

30 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.045 m³

22 pcs.


0.0192 m³

52 pcs.


0.023 m³

43 pcs.


0.0288 m³

34 pcs.


0.0346 m³

28 pcs.


0.0384 m³

26 pcs.


0.048 m³

20 pcs.


0.024 m³

41 pcs.


0.0288 m³

34 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.0432 m³

23 pcs.


0.048 m³

20 pcs.


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.03 m³

33 pcs.


0.036 m³

27 pcs.


0.045 m³

22 pcs.


0.054 m³

18 pcs.


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.075 m³

13 pcs.

When purchasing lumber in small quantities, you can get confused with decimal places, namely rounding. An experienced seller will round the resulting number to the 3rd decimal place. An experienced buyer will round by GOST y - up to 0.000001 cubic meters and will remind the seller that up to 0.001 cubic meters. meters are rounded only batch of boards. The most common quantity - from several boards to 2-4 cubic meters - is not made into a batch. In order not to offend either one or the other, round to 4 decimal places.

Then the resulting volume is multiplied by the cost of 1 m3 (cube). And this is where the number of decimal places can significantly affect costs.

1 edged board 32 mm thick, 200 mm wide and 6 m long(32Х200Х6000) has volume

  • 0.032 * 0.2 * 6 = 0.0384 cube

30 boards will have the volume

  • 0.0384 * 30 = 1.152 cubes

If the seller rounds the volume of 1 board to 0.04 cubic meters, he will additionally receive income:

  • 0.04 * 30 = 1.2 cubes
  • 1.2 - 1.152 = 0.048 cubic meters

Selling these 0.048 "air" cubes makes it easier on the buyer's wallet

Cost may vary depending on the type of wood. The grade decreases with a decrease in quality: the presence of wood defects and deviations from standard sizes. If batten has a curvature, is narrower or thinner than the standard by 3-5 mm, it will not be completely useful. Visual inspection of lumber is as important as precise definition volume.

Covered area of ​​edged board

To find out how much lumber you need, calculating the board in a cube will help you. The above formula is based on the definition of area

W * D = area.

Having calculated the area to be covered, all that remains is to multiply it by the desired board thickness

W * D * 0.022; 0.025; 0.032; 0.04 m and so on.

All that remains is to see how many boards there are in one cube and determine required quantity. Just in case, print or memorize the table above.

You also need to take into account the future cutting of the material.Flooring and lining boards have an overlapping tongue and groove, which is taken into account in the cubic capacity, but is not included in the covered area. A couple of boards are needed have in reserve .

Determining the volume of an unedged board

How many unedged boards are in one cubic meter - Photo

Unedged board, that is, not having rectangular section along the entire length, is significantly cheaper and is widely used for the device various kinds rough sheathing, temporary fencing.

It is important to understand that the upper and lower surfaces of such a board must be sawn along the entire length. If one face is not sawn, then it is already croaker. The definition of cubic capacity of such lumber differs precisely in that it does not have the correct geometric shape.

Current standards establish several ways to account for unedged material, and it is practically impossible to calculate exactly how many boards are in 1 cube.

  1. Batch.
  2. Piece by piece.
  3. Sampling method.

In batch In this case, the boards are packed tightly into the bag correct form with further measurements. Further calculations are made using the standard formula for determining volume. Using different coefficients.

Piece measurement made using average measurements of height and width. The largest and smallest dimensions in meters are added and divided in half.

(Wmax + Wmin)/2 * (Bmax+ Bmin)/2 * D = volume, m3

Where, Sh- Width, IN- Height, D- Length

If it is visually clear that the wood is fresh and, accordingly, damp (humidity above 20%), then the seller is obliged to reduce the total volume by multiplying the resulting cubic capacity by the coefficient:

  • 0,96 for coniferous species
  • 0,95 for deciduous.

Sampling method used to determine the volume of a large batch not edged lumber. When loading, for example, into a truck vehicle, every fifth, tenth or twentieth board is measured using the second method.

The resulting volume is multiplied by five, ten, twenty. Loading continues until the next control board. It is also practiced to select control boards into a separate stack. The count is made after loading is completed.

Calculating the volume of timber: how much timber is in a cube?

Calculation of the amount of timber in one cube - Photo

A timber differs from an edged board only in that all its edges or two opposite ones have the same size: more than 0.05 m in thickness and 0.013 m in width. The formula for determining its volume is standard

R timber size

Volume of one beam

Timber in 1m3 (cube)


0.06 m³

16 pcs.


0.09 m³

11 pcs.


0.135 m³

7 pcs.


0.108 m³

9 pcs.


0.162 m³

6 pcs.


0.1944 m³

5 pieces.


0.12 m³

8 pcs.


0.18 m³

5.5 pcs.


0.216 m³

4.5 pcs.


0.24 m³

4 things.


0.3 m³

3 pcs.

W * T * D = timber volume, m3.

To find out how much timber is in one cube

1 / (W * T * D) = amount of timber in 1 m3 (cube)

Where, Sh- Width, T- thickness, D- Length

Translation: 1mm = 0.001m, 10mm=0.01m, 100mm=0.1m

When purchasing timber, the volume must be determined individually, since the timber in the stack is laid with spacers. Measurements of such a stack and calculation of cubic capacity using the given formula invariably lead to a significant overestimation of the volume.

Length of 1 cube of timber (as well as any edged lumber) in meters is determined by dividing the unit by thickness and width. For example, you need to find out how much timber is in one cube - the edge is 180 mm.

1 / (0.18 * 0.18) = 30 meters 87 cm.

1 meter of such timber will have the following volume.

0.18 * 0.18 * 1 = 0.0324 m3.

These calculations may be needed when determining the costs of funds and materials.

Volume of construction logs: how many logs are in one cube?

How many logs are in one cube: calculation - Photo

Log structures are and will be relevant. Determining the volume of a round material depends on the method of its production.

  • Hand-barked construction logs.
  • Construction logs, rounded on special machines.

A section of a trunk for manual trimming has the shape of a slightly truncated cone, so the formula for the volume of a cylinder is used, but with some features.

3.14 * r 2 * L = log volume, m3

r- averaged radius, calculated as (r 1 +r 2)/2, r 1 - radius from one end of the log, r 2 - radius from the other end of the log.
L- log length.
3,14 - constant "Pi".

A rounded log naturally has cylindrical shape and is calculated using the above formula. But here the radius is measured at any end once. Determining the number of logs in 1 cube is determined similarly to timber.

1 / (3.14 * r 2 * L) = Number of logs in 1m3 (cube)

Blanks for construction logs are measured in the same way.

The radius (diameter divided in half) is measured without taking into account the thickness of the tree bark. In practice, manual calculations are not carried out. They use special tables compiled in a cubic book. They are also available in electronic form.

In conclusion, it should be noted that lumber for critical work, standard in size, wood species and moisture content, should be purchased at large sites. Small producers, as a rule, are not allowed there due to the lack of appropriate control over the quality of their products.

In the process of erecting wooden structures, a variety of wood is used. When purchasing it, there is a need to measure it correctly. The main difficulty in carrying out this operation lies in non-standard sizes, shape, quality and weight of such building materials. It is quite difficult for a beginner to correctly calculate the amount of lumber. Therefore, tables for calculating the cubic capacity of lumber come to the rescue, with the help of which it is much easier to make all measurements. The main thing is to know what building materials you need to build this or that wooden structure.

Geometric characteristics of building materials

Buying wood nowadays is not a big problem. Its choice is simply huge, but this fact does not always make the task of choosing the right lumber easier. It is very difficult for a person who has little understanding of the quality and type of wood not to be deceived. The type of wood used, the conditions for its processing, storage and geometric characteristics There is a huge variation in both price and product quality.

If the width of the longitudinal cut of a building material is 10 cm or more, then it is called timber. This material has the following geometric characteristics: 10x10, 10x15, 15x15 and 18x18 cm with a length of 6 m.

Beam 10x10 cm can be used for the construction summer house or baths, since living in such a building in winter will be cold and uncomfortable. If you plan to live in the house year-round, then timber with a cross-section of 10x15, 20x20 cm or larger is suitable for such purposes.

In the process of designing a future building, you should take into account that the standard length of the timber is 6 m. Therefore, if you are planning to build a house with large sizes, then you will need to order non-standard ones or make a longitudinal joint of the beam, which in both cases will lead to additional waste of money and effort.

If the width of the lumber differs from the thickness by more than 2 times, then such wood is called a board. Their standard thickness is 25, 40, 50 mm, and the width is 100 and 150 mm with a length of 6 m. For laying floors, boards with a width of 85 to 140 mm and a thickness of 27, 37 and 45 mm are used.

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What determines the calculation of lumber cubic capacity?

When calculating the required amount of wood, it is necessary to take into account some features applicable to existing rules sales of lumber. They are quite complex to implement, so even companies involved in monitoring the sale of such materials are not always able to assess the accuracy of their sale. Main feature is that wood is not calculated by weight or piece, but is measured in cubes.

In some cases, manufacturers of building materials deliver them to supply points when the cubic capacity and price have already been calculated. This can significantly simplify the calculation process. But such situations are very rare, so you almost always have to do everything yourself.

The calculation of cubic capacity can be affected by the quality of the board’s processing, its grade and type.

In 1 m3 it is possible to have boards of different quality. To carry out the calculation, you must select the method by which this operation will be carried out. The first is a separate measurement of the volume of each board followed by a summation operation. The volume of lumber is calculated using the formula: V = a*b*c, where V is the volume of material, a is length, b is width, c is board thickness.

The second is the use of a special table for calculating cubic capacity per 1 m of length or per 1 piece. This table allows you to calculate the amount of lumber per 1 m3. To use the data from the table, you also need to adhere to some rules in measuring lumber:

  • the width of an edged board with non-parallel edges is measured in the middle of the length;
  • the thickness of the material is measured anywhere, but no closer than 15 cm from the end;
  • For each parameter, rounding is performed, the value of which is individual for a particular case. It can be either up to 0.001 or up to 0.01.

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Tables for calculating cubic capacity of lumber

To understand the entire calculation technology, an example will be considered in which it is necessary to construct wooden house measuring 6x6 m and ceiling height 2.2 m. The house is planned to be made of timber with a section of 20x20 cm and a length of 6 m.

First you need to calculate the required number of beams (excluding doors and windows). To do this, the height of the future building should be divided by the height of the timber: 220/20 = 11 pcs. That is, to build one wall you need to prepare 12 elements (11 beams and one base crown). Next, the result obtained is multiplied by 4 walls: 12*4 = 48 pcs. Then you should calculate how much it will be in m3: 48*0.2*0.2*6 = 11.52 m3.

When making calculations, it is worth considering one nuance: in 1 m 3 of timber with a cross section of 20x20 cm and a length of 6 m there are 4.17 elements. Many sellers round up given value up to 4. Therefore, if for the given example we calculate the number of beams at the rate of 4 pieces per 1 m 3, we will get: 11.52 * 4 = 46 pieces, that is, 2 pieces will not be enough.

To make a more accurate calculation, you can use tables for calculating the cubic capacity of lumber. The table for calculating the cubic capacity of edged boards is shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 2 shows a table for calculating the cubic capacity of clean-cut timber.

In the woodworking industry there is the concept of folded and dense cubic meters. The price list for lumber indicates values ​​in dense mass, so folded meters must be converted into dense ones. For this purpose, special coefficients are used. For example, for lumber less than 2 m long, the coefficient is 0.48, and for wood more than 2 m long - 0.43.

By selecting the right type building materials and implementing correct calculations, you can count exact amount required lumber for the construction of a wooden structure. At the same time, you can save your money on a possible excess of wood or on additional delivery in case of shortage.

Timber and boards are one of the oldest building materials, but they do not lose their relevance today. At the same time, the cost of these lumber forces buyers to be careful about the accuracy of calculating the required quantity.

Now you can find on the World Wide Web the necessary tables for calculating the required number of cubic meters of building materials, but a skillful owner must be able to carry out the calculation independently.

How many boards are there in a cube of 50 by 150 by 6000

As you probably already understood, the calculation of lumber is carried out in cubic meters. At the same time, a cube of boards and timber may have different overall dimensions. Therefore, for an accurate purchase, you need to understand the size of this cube for a more accurate calculation. The most common cube of lumber has dimensions of 50x150x6000 mm.

We calculate the required volume easily and simply

It is very easy to calculate cubic meters of boards or timber. To do this, you need to have basic knowledge of geometry, which we were taught at school. Thus, to determine the required cubic capacity, you need to initially multiply the width (l), thickness (s) and length (b).

Eg: s boards × l boards x b boards = 50 mm × 150 mm x 6000 mm = 45000 cm/cube.

We remember that a cubic meter is equal to 1,000,000 cubic cm, that is, 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm.

1000000 cc/cm: 45000 cc/cm = 22.22 pieces boards in one cube.

How many boards in 1 cube table 6m:

Board size Volume of 1st board Boards in 1 cube in pieces Square meters in 1 cube
Board 50x 100x 6000 0.03 m³ 33 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 120x 6000 0.036 m³ 27 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 150x 6000 0.045 m³ 22 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 180x 6000 0.054 m³ 18 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 200x 6000 0.06 m³ 16 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 250x 6000 0.075 m³ 13 pcs. 20 m²

As you can see, calculate required amount 6-meter boards are very easy. Now you know how to determine how many meter boards are in a cube. Depending on the size, you simply substitute required sizes V simple formula and get the finished result.

To simplify the calculation, we have prepared a summary table for you. The tables below provide data on the volume of one timber and how many pieces of timber different sizes in the 1st cube. To make you feel comfortable.

How many pieces of edged and profiled timber are in 1 cube table

Dimensions , mm Volume of boards in 1 m 3 Number of boards per m3
100x100x6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs.
100x150x6000 0.09 m 3 11 pcs.
150x150x6000 0.135 m 3 7 pcs.
100x180x6000 0.108 m 3 9 pcs.
150x180x6000 0.162 m 3 6 pcs.
180x180x6000 0.1944 m 3 5 pieces.
100x200x6000 0.12 m 3 8 pcs.
150x200x6000 0.18 m 3 5 pieces.
180x200x6000 0.216 m 3 4 things.
200x200x6000 0.24 m 3 4 things.
250x200x6000 0.3 m 3 3 pcs.
250x250x6000 0.375 m 3 2 pcs.
250x300x6000 0.45 m 3 2 pcs.
300x300x6000 0.54 m 3 1 PC.

How to calculate how much timber is in 1 cube?

We offer a simple calculation so that you do not get confused with the question of how to find out how much timber is in a cube. These calculation options are suitable if you know the dimensions of the timber. For example, let's take a beam 260 x 260 x 6,000 mm (6 meters). The same can be done for timber measuring 3 meters, 4 meters, 5 meters.

Formula for calculating the volume of timber:
100mm · 100mm · 6000 mm = 0.1m · 0.1m · 6m = 0.06 m3

Formula for calculating timber in pieces:
Beam length - 6 meters
1m3 / 0.06m3 = 16 pcs/m3

Difficult? Apparently not! But if the calculation is difficult for you, just use our table. The table contains calculations for all known sizes of timber, which are given in GOST 8486-86.

The page contains answers to simple questions from people:

  • How much timber
  • How many cubes of timber
  • How many cubes of timber?
  • How much timber do you need?
  • How much in one cube
  • How many pieces in a cube
  • How many bars are in a cube
  • How to calculate how much timber is in 1 cube

Why know how much timber is in 1 cube?

There are two reasons for this:

  1. You can immediately calculate total price the volume of timber you need. To do this, you need to know the volume of 1 piece of timber, the price for 1 cubic meter and how many total pieces you will need to implement your plans.
  2. You can count total number units of timber needed to complete the project. And this can be done by knowing how many cubes are required for the work, and by calculating the number of pieces of timber in 1 cube.

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