Frame shed 3 by 4. How to build a shed: detailed step-by-step instructions with photos. Advantages of frame construction

At the dacha you can’t do without a shed. Materials and working tools are stored here, and some settle in it for a while while the house is being built. The 3x6 format is the most popular. Most often it is made with a pitched roof. Ordering a project for an outbuilding is a very expensive pleasure; it is better to make the drawings yourself. And from our article with photos and videos you will learn how to build this building with your own hands.

Choosing a place for a construction site

Since the barn is an auxiliary building, special architectural delights are not needed here, but overall design area it should not stand out. There are 2 optimal options:

  • adjoin close to the house;
  • take it to the edge of the site.

When choosing the location of the building, you should proceed from the following considerations:

  1. The soil at the construction site should be the least suitable for laying out beds. Perhaps there is a place where nothing grows because of strong shade or with such a relief that it is impossible to place anything else there except a shed.
  2. TO utility room there must be convenient access.
  3. The shed must be placed at such a distance from the work site that it is not far to carry heavy tools and equipment used on the site.

There are quite a lot of options for buildings, let’s consider some that are not very complex.

Attention! When building a utility block, the presence of drawings or at least sketches made by hand is a prerequisite. Without this, it will be difficult for you to correctly determine the location for the construction of the future shed; you will not be able to calculate how much material you need to purchase.

Frame shed made of OSB boards

Having cleared and leveled the site according to the hydraulic level, they begin to construct the foundation. The easiest way is to lay it around the perimeter foundation blocks. Can be done columnar foundation, having dug holes under it and arranging a pillow at the bottom, install the finished blocks vertically on it. The second option is to make the base yourself by pouring concrete mixture. Further:

  • collect bottom trim;
  • treat with an antiseptic;
  • lay the floor from rot-proof boards;
  • install the first frame post, secure it with metal corner, attach a temporary spacer for rigidity;
  • attach an OSB sheet to the stand and base;
  • install the second rack, secure it to the previously installed sheet;
  • remove the spacer and repeat everything;
  • assemble the top frame from timber directly on the site;
  • install the structure on the racks and secure it;
  • assemble the truss structure;
  • attach the sheathing;
  • cover the shed with corrugated sheeting or other material.

All that remains is to paint the building and make steps.

Advice. It is better to attach the sheets to the bottom of the frame, retreating 5 cm. To do this, attach a block, the height of which is 50 mm, to the bottom trim. The sheet is rested on it, secured, and the control bar is moved further.

3x6 shed with a pitched roof from what was found

It’s not difficult to build an outbuilding with a pitched roof, it’s inexpensive, and it looks interesting, especially if you use existing leftover building materials. To erect such a building with your own hands, you only need to have minimal carpentry experience.

Before we begin construction, we will collect tools and materials in one place. You can do everything manually, but if you have a screwdriver, an electric plane and jigsaw, an angle grinder, or a drill, the construction will end 2 times faster. The material you need to have is:

  1. The beam is 15x10 cm. The frame is constructed from it.
  2. Edged boards 5x15 cm, 4x15 cm for slings and sheathing, respectively.
  3. Unedged boards. The lathing is made from them.
  4. Roofing material.
  5. Waterproofing.
  6. Ingredients for preparing concrete mass.
  7. Self-tapping screws, nails.
  8. Ruberoid.

A shed made of such materials is lightweight, but it also needs a foundation. The most rational solution is columns laid to a depth of 0.4-0.5 m. Having considered all the nuances, we begin to work:

  • mark the outline of the future structure using a tape measure;
  • drive pegs into the corners and pull the rope;
  • mark the places where the pillars are planned to be installed;
  • holes are made with a drill;
  • formwork is made on top, protruding 0.2-0.3 m;
  • arrange a cushion of gravel and sand, insert reinforcing bars;
  • fill;
  • let stand for 4 days;
  • wood is processed;
  • remove the formwork from the pillars;
  • cover the head with double folded roofing material;
  • a frame is assembled from timber and secured with staples;
  • install the racks, checking the verticality with a level;
  • strengthen the vertical beams with the help of temporary slopes, while the racks of the front wall must be higher to ensure an average roof slope of 17 degrees;
  • install logs with a distance of 0.6-1.2 m and lay the floor;
  • The ceiling is placed on vertical supports, securing the beams with brackets.

Important! The optimal distance between the elements of a columnar foundation is 120-150 cm. Their number depends on the dimensions of the barn.


When the frame is assembled, they begin to build the roof:

Advice. Step between elements rafter system from 0.6 to 0.8 m. This means that for a building 3x6 m you need to stock up on eight rafter legs.

  • If you plan to make a roof from galvanized iron, then you can do without lathing. For a 3x6 shed, 2 sheets are enough, but they need to be laid with an overlap.
  • When covering a shed with edged boards, an overlap of about 25 mm should be made. To prevent unpainted areas from appearing after the wood dries, better painting perform before covering.
  • Paint consumption, if applied in 2 layers, is about 15 liters for a barn dimensions of 3x6 m.
  • On average, it takes 7 days to build a shed of this type.
  • Per device single-pitch design you need 30% less money than for a 2-slope one.
  • If one wind direction predominates at your dacha, then the option with a pitched roof suits you more than others.

Building a simple shed with your own hands is a feasible task. The main thing is not to forget to step back the legal 3 m from the neighbor’s fence and 5 m from the road, but there are no other restrictions.

Shed with a pitched roof: video

In order not to clutter up your summer cottage or house with garden tools, you can build a frame shed with your own hands. He will become convenient place for storing various household equipment. It is not very difficult to build such a building, the main thing is to follow the technology.

Construction of a shed begins with determining the location. The barn should not be conspicuous; it is better to place it on backyard. The approach to this building must be made as free as possible in order to bring in or take out large objects and materials: watering containers, gas-powered tools, etc.

Width front door is calculated based on the size of the garden wheelbarrow, which may have to be rolled inside the building. It is better to build a barn on a small hill, this will protect the building from melt water, capable of undermining the foundation and destroying the entire structure.

Barn on a small hill

You can build an auxiliary structure from any lumber: boards, timber or OSB boards. The foundation can be used of any type - columnar, strip, monolithic or prefabricated.

Barn maybe various shapes– square or rectangular, with a pitched roof or ridge type. There are also no special problems with roofing; corrugated sheets, ordinary slate or roofing felt are suitable if finances are limited. Colored roofing material will help revive the structure. Now you can find both corrugated sheets and slate on sale various colors and shades.

2 Calculation of material for a shed measuring 3x6 meters

First you need to draw up a construction plan or diagram, which will help you more accurately calculate the amount of material needed. A correctly drawn up building plan will allow you to take into account all the nuances of construction, so that during the work you do not have to purchase additional materials. When purchasing timber and boards, pay attention to their humidity, which should not be more than 22%. Also, the wood cannot have large knots, blue stains, or traces of wood-boring beetles.

To make a frame shed you will need the following structures:

  • Bottom and top harness. For this you need a beam with a section of 100 by 100 mm. Six 6-meter pieces and eight 3-meter bars.
  • The flooring is made from boards with a cross-section of 40x150 mm; at least 20 pieces are required; you can add more if necessary. For finishing coating better use OSB boards s.
  • Vertical supports - here you will need timber with a cross section of 100x100 mm, in the amount of 11 pieces, each 2.5 meters long, two of them for the doorway.

Vertical supports of a frame shed

To create a slope pitched roof one of two possible methods is used. If vertical racks frames are made of the same length, then on one side of the perimeter of the building they are built up with bars with a section of 50x50 mm, of which 4 pieces are required. According to another method, when installing vertical posts on one side of the building, you should install or more high bars or a little shorter than the others. When using any option, the roof slope will be ensured.

To make rafters, you will need a board with a cross-section of 50x100 mm in the amount of 4 pieces, each 4 meters long, taking into account the roof overhangs. The lathing is made from a board with a cross-section of 22x100mm, which will require approximately half a cube. The rough ceiling is made from sheets of multilayer plywood, chipboard, fiberboard or OSB boards. The wind board is made of edged lumber with a cross-section of 25x100 mm. 6 boards of 3 meters each will be enough.

Boards with a section of 50x100 mm

The type of fastening depends on the thickness of the timber: the joint into a paw (half a tree) can be fixed with nails. The joint-to-butt connection is made with steel angles and strips. The work will also require self-tapping screws, screws, and L-shaped metal plates for fastening the timber at the corners. The main fastening element will be nails various sizes. They are selected to such a length that when driven into two boards being connected from the outside, the tip should extend 1.5–2 cm from the outside. reverse side. This connection will be more reliable.

All wooden elements buildings are treated with an antiseptic, which extends their service life. It is best to apply the protective composition in two layers.

3 Foundation construction

You can't build a shed without a good foundation. A strip foundation will reliably protect the structure from moisture and give it strength. In this case, the floor of the barn will rise relative to ground level by 40–50 cm.

First, the foundation is marked on the ground, which will require pegs and a strong thin cord. Then a ditch is prepared with a depth of 40–50 cm and a width of about 30 cm. A sand cushion is poured onto the cleared and leveled bottom (it needs to be moistened and compacted a little), and polyethylene is laid on top so that the cement laitance does not absorb into the sand, thereby reducing the strength of the concrete .

Marking the foundation of the shed on the ground

After this, formwork is installed along the edge of the trench, with a height in accordance with the size of the base. In the upper part of the formwork, spacers are installed between its walls so that the boards do not move apart under the weight of the concrete. Next, a reinforcement cage is laid throughout the trench, where the rods are connected to each other with steel wire.

For pouring, grade 200 or 250 cement, crushed stone or pebbles, sand and water are used. Experts recommend pouring the foundation without long breaks in work, so that air voids do not form. It is better not to start work during rain, as the concrete mixture will become liquid. Such concrete will take much longer to dry, and its strength may decrease. After 3-4 weeks, you can begin work on the construction of a frame shed.

They begin constructing the basement part when the concrete poured into the formwork gains the necessary strength, after which the formwork is dismantled. First, roofing material is spread on the concrete, which will act as waterproofing. Several rows of red brick are laid along it. Don't forget to re-bandage the seams in the brickwork. In the top row along the entire perimeter of the building in brickwork wooden blocks are laid every one and a half meters, onto which the bottom trim beam will subsequently be attached.

Pouring the foundation of a barn

When installing the plinth, it is necessary to use a building level, keeping the masonry horizontal. If the horizontality of the basement part is disturbed, the frame of the shed will skew and it will not be possible to build a reliable structure. Having laid out the basement level and cleaned all the seams from mortar build-up, leave the structure for a couple of days to harden. After this, you can begin installing the frame elements.

4 Assembling the frame of the shed

First, roofing material is again laid on top of the plinth to protect the timber from moisture. It is better to put two layers of roofing felt and only then proceed with the installation of the lower trim.

For this purpose, timber with a section of 100x100 is used. The joints at the corners need to be made into a “paw”. At each end of the beam a recess is made equal to half its thickness. The length of the cutout according to the cross-section of the timber will be 100 mm. Thus, when connected, it will be flat angle. If necessary, the junction of two beams can be worked with a chisel. The strapping beam is attached to the mortgages wooden parts in the base with nails. Be sure to drive them in obliquely and check that the timber is laid horizontally.

The next stage of building a barn is installing the floor. Here you need boards with a section size of 50x100 mm, which will serve as logs. They are placed on the edge, resting on the beam of the lower trim, in increments of 60 cm. They are fastened with nails of the appropriate size. To make further work more convenient, you can assemble a subfloor from plywood or any old boards. Afterwards, if necessary, they can be dismantled or filled with other material. When the base is ready and you can move on it without the risk of falling, the installation of the vertical elements of the shed frame begins.

Construction of the floor of a frame barn

For vertical racks you also need a beam, the cross-section of which will correspond to the dimensions 100x100 mm. It is attached to the side of the lower harness using L-shaped metal fastenings or nails 150 mm, using an oblique face. The distance between installed racks is at least 1.5 meters. For reliability, they are fixed diagonally with temporarily installed boards with a cross-section of 40x100 mm.

Intermediate vertical posts are additionally secured with jibs so that their verticality is not disturbed. After installing the top trim, they can be removed.

Location of vertical posts for installation door frame depends on where it will be located and on its type. If selected single door, there are two ways to attach the supports:

  • You can save a little on material by installing one stand. The second will serve as a corner vertical beam.
  • If the entrance is in the middle, then two additional racks are installed.

Installation of a frame barn door frame

After measuring, the top bar is nailed to the height of the opening so that it is at the level of the top of the window blocks, for which the seat is prepared in the same way.

5 Roofing and wall cladding

To install a pitched roof, one side of the shed must be raised to a slope not exceeding 25°. Then the rafters are installed. The material is boards with a cross section of 50x100 mm, installed on the edge. In a structure with a pitched roof, the rafters are fastened with iron staples or nails, which are driven in using the “sloping face” method.

Installation of a pitched roof for a frame barn

Then the sheathing is installed. It can be sparse or solid, it all depends on the type chosen roofing material. For waterproofing, roofing felt or other modern membrane materials are laid, and after that the roofing material is installed.

The frame can be sheathed with any material, but usually corrugated sheets or planed board. You can also use clapboard, but this option will be a little more expensive.

6 Metal or plastic shed

This is a new development in the field of construction for the rapid construction of utility blocks and auxiliary premises in summer cottages. All parts are packed in compact boxes; they can be quickly and conveniently delivered to your location.

Advantages of ready-made frame structures:

  • You can build a shed in a short time
  • Practicality in maintenance. The building does not require maintenance.
  • You will not need to do work such as treating purchased lumber with an antiseptic solution or updating it every year appearance barn paint. All you need to do with such a new design is to periodically wash it with water from a hose.
  • For assembly, you do not need to prepare a foundation; a compacted base, where a sand-gravel mixture or crushed stone can be used, is suitable.

Finished frame structure of a plastic shed

In general, the construction of a frame utility block is a simple procedure. It is important to calculate everything in advance and remember that according to the existing law, it can be built in a place that is located at a distance of no less than 3 meters from the neighboring plot and 5 meters from the extreme line of the road. Everything else is up to you.

The 3x6 shed is one of the most popular formats. I have already published one report on the construction of a 3 by 6 meter shed, now I decided to add another one. This time a barn with a pitched roof.

Let's start with the foundation. Since the site is located on the banks of the Mother Volga (the upper earthen layer, and below it - river sand), decided to pour concrete foundation. I dug eight holes 600x600x600 mm. He mixed the concrete and poured it into the finished holes. I installed reinforcement in the concrete (vertically upward) so that I could then attach the platform for the shed to it.

I made the platform out of brick - laid out the brickwork, measured it level the next day and added it where needed cement mortar so that it is even.

Once dry, I began to assemble the lower frame of the shed.

For this, a board 50x200x6000 mm was used. The vertical posts of the frame are made of 50×100 mm boards. Here is a photo of the finished shed frame:

As for the roof: a 6 by 3 barn required 8 rafters. I took rafters 50x150x5000 mm. Cuts are made on the rafters and fastened to the frame with nails. You can also attach it with metal corners, but it seemed more convenient this way. Here is the diagram for attaching the rafters:

Here's a closer photo of the rafters:

I did not do any lathing, since the roof is galvanized 2500 mm. The roof took 2 sheets of galvanized steel with a slight overlap.

Shed paneling from edged boards 25x150 mm. The overlap is about 2.5cm. Fastened with galvanized nails 90mm. I decided to paint the board right away, before covering it. It seemed easier this way. And when the board dries, the unpainted areas will not be visible.

At the front of the barn, I first tried on the door, then began to plank it.

If anyone is interested, I painted it with Azure paint, impregnation V33. Bought in Leroy, it took about fifteen liters for the shed. I applied 2 layers. The paint seems to be good.

And here are the final photos of the 6 by 3 meter shed:

The construction of the shed took about a week of leisurely work. The barn stood fine over the winter, no problems were found.

Hard to imagine Vacation home or a dacha without outbuildings. Gardening tools, summer swings, hammocks and folding furniture are stored in the sheds; farm animals and poultry can also be housed here, hay and feed can be stored. As a rule, outbuildings are constructed from materials that remain after the construction of the house. The owner can only choose a drawing of the barn, decide on its size and roof structure.

Barn construction

Most optimal size for an outbuilding - 3x6 meters. This area is enough even for the construction summer shower and a toilet inside the building, and you can also arrange a summer kitchen here.

You can make a drawing of a shed using photos found on the Internet, or come up with your own original shed, and then transfer the idea to paper. It is not recommended to build even the most simple buildings without drawing. After all, all the dimensions and inconsistencies will become visible on paper.

The roofs of barns are most often made pitched. Flat roof retains too much precipitation and snow masses and requires careful waterproofing. Roofs complex shape They are also inappropriate for sheds, because this building is not intended to decorate the site, but to serve household needs.

The optimal solution for a shed would be pitched roof. Unlike a gable roof, there is no need to install a ridge; you will need half as many rafters. It is easier to assemble a pitched roof, and precipitation and snow disappear from it very quickly, without threatening the waterproofing.

Important! The angle of inclination of a pitched roof should be greater than 18 degrees. Such a slope will allow precipitation to freely leave the roof and protect the structure from winds and cold.

The optimal value of the pitched roof angle is 18-25 degrees.

The walls of an outbuilding can be erected from absolutely any materials, it can be:

  • brick;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete;
  • boards;
  • plywood or MDF mounted on a wooden frame (frame type building).

Shed made of foam blocks

If you need to buy materials for building a shed, it is better to opt for foam concrete. Porous blocks have many advantages over other building materials:

  • do not burn;
  • do not absorb moisture;
  • are light in weight;
  • There are several standard sizes from which it is easy to choose best option for small buildings;
  • have higher strength and heat capacity than bricks;
  • can allow air to pass through no worse than wooden walls;
  • absolutely safe and non-toxic.

Despite the lightness of foam blocks, it is imperative to build a foundation for the shed. Considering the size of the building (3x6) and the weight of the structures, it is better to choose a strip foundation. For resistant, dry soil will do and a columnar base.

Strip foundation for a small outbuilding, it is poured to a depth of about 40-60 cm, and it is necessary to take into account the depth of soil freezing on the site in winter.

The ground at the site chosen for construction is cleared of debris, roots and vegetation. They mark the perimeter of the barn and dig a trench for the strip foundation.

A “cushion” of sand, crushed stone and gravel is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted thoroughly. Now you need to secure the formwork for the foundation from old boards, plywood or slate. Metal reinforcement is installed inside the boxes, which should strengthen the foundation.

Concrete is poured. The solution is pierced in several places with a metal pin, ridding the foundation of excess air. Now you need to leave the foundation for several weeks so that the concrete can gain the necessary strength.

Once the concrete has dried, you can begin building the walls. First lay out the bottom belt.

Attention! Blocks or bricks of the bottom row must be placed on a layer of waterproofing. The strip foundation is covered with a layer of roofing felt or coated bitumen mastic so that moisture from the concrete does not reach the walls of the shed.

In accordance with the building drawing, the walls are laid out, making window and door openings. The outbuilding box made of foam blocks is ready.

Wooden barn

Much more often it turns out that the owner has leftover wood, and he decides to build a wood shed. For such work, at least minimal carpentry skills are required, because you will have to work with both a saw and a plane.

A building made of wood weighs very little; a columnar foundation can serve as its base. To do this, markings are made on the site, transferring the perimeter of the future building to the ground.

Posts are installed at the corners of the barn. Several more supports should be located in the center of the rectangle. The distance between the supports is 80-120 cm (depending on the size of the shed and the type of soil on the site).

The depth of the supports depends on the level of soil freezing in the construction region, on average it is 40-60 cm. After the trenches for the supports have been dug or drilled, they are installed wooden formwork, a sand and gravel “cushion” is filled in, and metal reinforcement is laid.

Now you need to pour the concrete. After 5-6 days, when the foundation has hardened, you can dismantle the formwork and begin building walls.

First, you need to make the bottom frame of the building from timber. Before laying the wood, the foundation supports are covered with a double layer of roofing material. At the corners, the timber is connected with metal brackets and checked for level.

Install vertical supports in the corners of the barn, always checking the level. They are fixed with temporary spacers. Taking into account door and window openings collected from wooden beams the entire frame of the barn.

After assembling the frame, they begin covering the walls. This can be done with boards, moisture resistant plywood or other sheet material.

Important! Before building a shed, wood must be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent it from rotting. To protect against fire, fire retardants are used, which are also impregnated with beams and boards.

Installation of a barn roof

Assembling a shed roof with your own hands step by step consists of the following steps:

Advice! Sheds with a pitched roof must be inspected after each winter: defects, leaks, and damp wood must be identified and eliminated.

Photos of finished sheds will help you decide on the type of construction and size of the utility room. But most owners of suburban areas and summer cottages choose small outbuildings, with parameters of 3x6 meters. And roofs are made pitched; this design is easier to implement, cheaper and performs well in operation.

  • Barn with gable roof with your own hands
  • Garage made of profile pipe
  • How to build a hut
  • How to make a utility block for a dacha with your own hands

The first building to appear on the new summer cottage- this is, of course, a barn, large and roomy. At first, until the bare territory of the dacha is “overgrown” with full-fledged outbuildings, a house, summer kitchen and a garage, a simple barn with a pitched roof will for a long time remain the only shelter for equipment, building materials and country property.

Which type of shed to choose for your summer cottage?

Depending on the plans for the future development of the summer cottage, the availability of free time and money, solve the problem of the utility room on suburban area can be done in several ways:

  • Hire a team and build a permanent shed from brick or foam block, with a pitched roof and a basement;
  • Pour a concrete foundation for the future building with your own hands, buy a five-ton railway container and install it on your summer cottage instead of a barn;
  • Build an ordinary barn with a pitched roof, 3x6 in size, from timber and boards, as in the photo.

Of course, experienced summer residents with experience will without hesitation cast their votes in favor of the last option; this is the most balanced and thoughtful decision.

Advice! To immediately build a shed from foam blocks on a “clean” site is not correct from a planning point of view; often outbuildings of this type have to be demolished or moved in favor of a summer house or garage.

In addition, the construction of stone, prefabricated, panel sheds, as well as the purchase of a container, will require an order of magnitude greater investment and time than is necessary for a wooden building with a pitched roof and a simple foundation. The main thing is that, at considerable expense, there are no tangible advantages over a lean-to wooden shed measuring 3x6.

Optimal design of a 3x6 wooden shed

Most complex element homemade shed is its roof. Choose a pitched roof for your shed, you can’t go wrong. Even experienced craftsmen They prefer to put pitched roofs on barns; they are not so beautiful, but easier to build and more reliable in operation. Moreover, you can make a shed roof with your own hands step by step even with minimal construction experience.

The only mandatory condition is the correct orientation of the pitched roof and the entire shed building relative to the wind rose in order to reduce the risk of rainwater flowing under the upper overhang and gables of the roof:

  1. The design of the barn, dimensions 3x6 m, with a pitched roof is shown in the drawing;
  2. The construction is carried out on a simple columnar foundation of 12 supports. A standard cinder block is used as the material for the pillars, but it is better to cast the supports from concrete in the formwork;
  3. The basis lean-to barn consists of a frame of boards and timber, the dimensions of the building are 3x6 meters, with a ceiling height of 2 m and the highest point of the rafters of 2.7 m;
  4. The shed roof is made according to the classical scheme, on hanging rafters with stuffed sheathing boards and a flat roof. As roofing you can use corrugated sheets, ondulin, or make a two-layer version from roll material, for example, roofing felt.

The construction will be very simple and easy, if you assemble the foundation correctly, then wooden box a frame with a pitched roof can easily withstand winds of 18-25 m/s. If there are no strong winds in the area in which the shed is planned to be installed, then when building walls you can limit yourself to vertical drains from boards and timber, as in the drawing. For open areas, it is recommended to strengthen the vertical load-bearing supports with side struts, as in the photo.

The same applies to the design of a pitched roof. For quiet areas, you can build a pitched roof without using beams ceiling, but in this case the upper frame of the walls and the mauerlat will need to be supported with additional vertical supports made of timber. For windy areas, a pitched roof must be reinforced with floor beams and supports in the middle of the rafters.

We build a barn with a pitched roof with our own hands

  • For the frame, material with a cross section of 50x150mm - 14 pcs., 25x100 - 23 pcs., 50x100 - 19 pcs.;
  • For the floor, boards measuring 25x100 mm - 27 pcs.;
  • For the sheathing and roof supports, 43 boards with a section of 25x100 mm are required.

All joints and connections are made with black carpentry screws 50 mm, 70 mm and 110 mm. To reduce the cost of construction, you can use ordinary nails and construction angles, but such savings are not always justified.

Making a foundation for a 3x6 shed

After choosing a site for building a shed, you will need to plan and remove soil on an area of ​​at least 3x6 m in size. Make a building spot bigger size doesn't make sense. To prevent vegetation from pestering you, the cleared space can be covered with salt and sand.

After marking the location of the supports, at the installation points of the pillars we dig 12 holes, 15 cm deep and the size of a standard cinder block. At the bottom of the mini-pits we pour a 5 cm layer of a mixture of crushed stone and sand, after which we lay out columnar supports from cinder blocks using masonry mortar with the addition of PVA.

Before laying out you will need to tighten horizontal cords, by which you can control the height of each support so that the entire supporting surface of the pillars is in the same horizontal plane.

After a day, you can install the strapping beam. All corner joints and T-shaped mortises are made with the ends cut “half-wood”; each connection is reinforced with self-tapping screws screwed into the beam at different angles.

Assembling the frame and pitched roof

At the next stage, you will need to install load-bearing vertical posts; they are highlighted in orange in the drawing. Next, we sew up the floor and lay the rafters of the pitched roof.

We make the central load-bearing racks from 50x100 boards, for the rear wall you will need to cut three 220 mm racks, for the front wall - four 250 mm racks. We first fix each support on the bottom trim with one self-tapping screw, then construction level We set the exact horizontal position and additionally secure it with small half-meter struts, as in the photo.

After all the racks are installed, we strengthen them with additional temporary struts and tie the upper tier of the frame under the future pitched roof. To give the entire structure of the barn additional rigidity, before assembling the elements of the pitched roof, it is necessary to cover the floor with a tongue-and-groove board.

Next, all installed elements, floor boards, rafters, sheathing material, side posts, lower and upper trim must be treated with an antiseptic and preservative. During the time it takes to assemble the rafters and roof of the pitched roof, the procedure must be repeated twice.

For the upper overhang of a pitched roof, installation of rafters and sheathing, you will need to secure an additional horizontal beam of the mauerlat, as in the diagram.

Gash seat on the rafter beam is carried out according to markings or according to a prepared template. After installing and leveling the position of each beam, it is recommended to fill the space between the beams with short boards; they will fix the rafter from horizontal displacement and at the same time strengthen the base of the pitched roof.

Roofing and finishing works

At the final stage, we sew up the rafters of the pitched roof with a sheathing board. If bituminous materials are used for the roof of the barn - flexible tiles and roofing felt, additional OSB sheets will need to be laid on the boards or the sheathing will need to be hammered solid with wooden clapboard.

The easiest way to cover a pitched roof is with corrugated sheeting. Metal surface will withstand any disasters that may arise on a summer cottage, and laying and fastening roofing material is much easier and faster than euro-slate or roofing felt. Installed as waterproofing polyethylene film, the edges of which will be released from under the awnings and nailed to the upper edge of the wooden walls of the barn.

Laying the roof on a pitched roof begins with the bottom left sheet, as in the diagram. Each element is joined to the previous one in a row in an overlap of two waves, an overlap of 15-20 cm is made on the bottom sheet. The overlap areas, the lower and upper edges must be pierced with roofing nails with a silicone washer.

On the sides roofing pie nailed down wind bars, protecting the pitched roof from water flow and gusts of wind. We nail a similar strip for installing a drainage gutter under the lower overhang. We protect the upper overhang of a pitched roof with a screen made of two wooden planks.

The assembled frame of a shed, as a rule, is not insulated for the winter, so as a material for lining the walls, you can use clapboard, a regular edged board or sheet panels OSB. To install the cladding, you will need to install additional vertical slats and struts on the walls. Joints and cracks between OSB boards and edged boards must be blown out polyurethane foam, cut off excess polyurethane foam and be sure to paint it with weather-resistant paint.


The selected version of a shed with a pitched roof, measuring 3x6 m, can last up to 15 years without repair, subject to the proper choice of protective paint and varnish materials. This design has one undeniable advantage - a shed made of timber with a pitched roof can be relatively easily disassembled and moved to a new location after a summer house or a new shed made of foam blocks is built.

The first building that appears on a new summer cottage is, of course, a barn, large and roomy. At first, until the bare territory of the dacha is “overgrown” with full-fledged outbuildings, a house, a summer kitchen and a garage, a simple shed with a pitched roof will long remain the only shelter for equipment, building materials and dacha property.

Depending on the plans for the future development of the suburban area, the availability of free time and money, the problem of utility room on a suburban area can be solved in several ways:

  • Hire a team and build a permanent shed from brick or foam block, with a pitched roof and a basement;
  • Pour a concrete foundation for the future building with your own hands, buy a five-ton railway container and install it on your summer cottage instead of a barn;
  • Build an ordinary barn with a pitched roof, 3x6 in size, from timber and boards, as in the photo.

Of course, experienced summer residents with experience will without hesitation cast their votes in favor of the last option; this is the most balanced and thoughtful decision.

Advice! To immediately build a shed from foam blocks on a “clean” site is not correct from a planning point of view; often outbuildings of this type have to be demolished or moved in favor of a summer house or garage.

In addition, the construction of stone, prefabricated, panel sheds, as well as the purchase of a container, will require an order of magnitude greater investment and time than is necessary for a wooden building with a pitched roof and a simple foundation. The main thing is that, at considerable expense, there are no tangible advantages over a lean-to wooden shed measuring 3x6.

Optimal design of a 3x6 wooden shed

The most difficult element of a homemade shed is its roof. Choose a pitched roof for your shed, you can’t go wrong. Even experienced craftsmen prefer to install pitched roofs on barns; they are not as beautiful, but easier to build and more reliable in operation. Moreover, you can make a shed roof with your own hands step by step even with minimal construction experience.

The only mandatory condition is the correct orientation of the pitched roof and the entire shed building relative to the wind rose in order to reduce the risk of rainwater flowing under the upper overhang and gables of the roof:

  1. The design of the barn, dimensions 3x6 m, with a pitched roof is shown in the drawing;
  2. The construction is carried out on a simple columnar foundation of 12 supports. A standard cinder block is used as the material for the pillars, but it is better to cast the supports from concrete in the formwork;
  3. The basis of a lean-to barn is a frame made of boards and timber, the dimensions of the structure are 3x6 meters, with a ceiling height of 2 m and the highest point of the rafters of 2.7 m;
  4. The shed roof is made according to the classical scheme, on hanging rafters with stuffed sheathing boards and a flat roof. As a roofing covering, you can use corrugated sheeting, ondulin, or make a two-layer version from rolled material, for example, roofing felt.

The construction will be very simple and easy; if you assemble the foundation correctly, the wooden frame box with a pitched roof can easily withstand winds of 18-25 m/s. If there are no strong winds in the area in which the shed is planned to be installed, then when building walls you can limit yourself to vertical drains from boards and timber, as in the drawing. For open areas, it is recommended to strengthen the vertical load-bearing supports with side struts, as in the photo.

The same applies to the design of a pitched roof. For a quiet area, you can build a pitched roof without using ceiling beams, but in this case, the upper frame of the walls and the mauerlat will need to be supported with additional vertical supports made of timber. For windy areas, a pitched roof must be reinforced with floor beams and supports in the middle of the rafters.

We build a barn with a pitched roof with our own hands

  • For the frame, material with a cross section of 50x150mm - 14 pcs., 25x100 - 23 pcs., 50x100 - 19 pcs.;
  • For the floor, boards measuring 25x100 mm - 27 pcs.;
  • For the sheathing and roof supports, 43 boards with a section of 25x100 mm are required.

All joints and connections are made with black carpentry screws 50 mm, 70 mm and 110 mm. To reduce the cost of construction, you can use ordinary nails and construction angles, but such savings are not always justified.

Making a foundation for a 3x6 shed

After choosing a site for building a shed, you will need to plan and remove soil on an area of ​​at least 3x6 m in size. It makes no sense to make a larger building area. To prevent vegetation from pestering you, the cleared space can be covered with salt and sand.

After marking the location of the supports, at the installation points of the pillars we dig 12 holes, 15 cm deep and the size of a standard cinder block. At the bottom of the mini-pits we pour a 5 cm layer of a mixture of crushed stone and sand, after which we lay out columnar supports from cinder blocks using masonry mortar with the addition of PVA.

Before laying out, you will need to pull horizontal cords, along which you can control the height of each support, so that the entire supporting surface of the pillars is in the same horizontal plane.

After a day, you can install the strapping beam. All corner joints and T-shaped mortises are made with the ends cut “half-wood”; each connection is reinforced with self-tapping screws screwed into the beam at different angles.

Assembling the frame and pitched roof

At the next stage, you will need to install load-bearing vertical posts; they are highlighted in orange in the drawing. Next, we sew up the floor and lay the rafters of the pitched roof.

We make the central load-bearing racks from 50x100 boards, for the rear wall you will need to cut three 220 mm racks, for the front wall - four 250 mm racks. We first fix each support on the lower frame with one self-tapping screw, then set the exact horizontal position according to the building level and additionally fasten it with small half-meter struts, as in the photo.

After all the racks are installed, we strengthen them with additional temporary struts and tie the upper tier of the frame under the future pitched roof. To give the entire structure of the barn additional rigidity, before assembling the elements of the pitched roof, it is necessary to cover the floor with a tongue-and-groove board.

Next, all installed elements, floor boards, rafters, sheathing material, side posts, lower and upper trim must be treated with an antiseptic and preservative. During the time it takes to assemble the rafters and roof of the pitched roof, the procedure must be repeated twice.

For the upper overhang of a pitched roof, installation of rafters and sheathing, you will need to secure an additional horizontal beam of the mauerlat, as in the diagram.

The cutting of the seat on the rafter beam is carried out according to the markings or according to a prepared template. After installing and leveling the position of each beam, it is recommended to fill the space between the beams with short boards; they will fix the rafter from horizontal displacement and at the same time strengthen the base of the pitched roof.

Roofing and finishing works

At the final stage, we sew up the rafters of the pitched roof with a sheathing board. If bituminous materials - flexible tiles and roofing felt - are used for the roof of the barn, additional OSB sheets will need to be laid on the boards or the sheathing will need to be completely hammered in with wooden clapboard.

The easiest way to cover a pitched roof is with corrugated sheeting. The metal surface will withstand any disasters that may arise on a summer cottage, and laying and fastening roofing material is much easier and faster than euro-slate or roofing felt. A polyethylene film is laid as waterproofing, the edges of which will be released from under the awnings and nailed to the top edge of the wooden walls of the barn.

Laying the roof on a pitched roof begins with the bottom left sheet, as in the diagram. Each element is joined to the previous one in a row in an overlap of two waves, an overlap of 15-20 cm is made on the bottom sheet. The overlap areas, the lower and upper edges must be pierced with roofing nails with a silicone washer.

Wind strips are nailed to the sides of the roofing pie, protecting the pitched roof from water flow and gusts of wind. We nail a similar strip for installing a drainage gutter under the lower overhang. We protect the upper overhang of a pitched roof with a screen made of two wooden planks.

The assembled frame of a shed, as a rule, is not insulated for the winter, so lining, ordinary edged boards or OSB sheet panels can be used as a material for lining the walls. To install the cladding, you will need to install additional vertical slats and struts on the walls. The joints and cracks between the OSB boards and the edged boards must be blown out with polyurethane foam, excess polyurethane foam must be trimmed and painted over with weather-resistant paint.


The selected version of a shed with a pitched roof, measuring 3x6 m, can last up to 15 years without repair, provided that protective paint and varnish materials are chosen correctly. This design has one undeniable advantage - a shed made of timber with a pitched roof can be relatively easily disassembled and moved to a new location after a summer house or a new shed made of foam blocks is built.

At the dacha you can’t do without a shed. Materials and working tools are stored here, and some settle in it for a while while the house is being built. The 3x6 format is the most popular. Most often it is made with a pitched roof. Ordering a project for an outbuilding is a very expensive pleasure; it is better to make the drawings yourself. And from our article with photos and videos you will learn how to build this building with your own hands.

Choosing a place for construction site

Since the barn is an auxiliary building, special architectural delights are not needed here, but it should not stand out in the overall design of the site. There are 2 optimal options:

  • adjoin close to the house;
  • take it to the edge of the site.

Place the shed in a convenient location

When choosing the location of the building, you should proceed from the following considerations:

  1. The soil at the construction site should be the least suitable for laying out beds. Perhaps there is a place where nothing grows because of strong shade or with such a relief that it is impossible to place anything else there except a shed.
  2. There should be convenient access to the utility room.
  3. The shed must be placed at such a distance from the work site that it is not far to carry heavy tools and equipment used on the site.

There are quite a lot of options for buildings, let’s consider some that are not very complex.

Attention! When building a utility block, the presence of drawings or at least sketches made by hand is a prerequisite. Without this, it will be difficult for you to correctly determine the location for the construction of the future shed; you will not be able to calculate how much material you need to purchase.

Frame barn OSB boards

Having cleared and leveled the site according to the hydraulic level, they begin to construct the foundation. The easiest way is to lay foundation blocks around the perimeter. You can make a columnar foundation by digging holes under it and arranging a cushion at the bottom, and installing ready-made blocks on it vertically. The second option is to make the base yourself by pouring a concrete mixture. Further:

  • assemble the lower trim;
  • treat with an antiseptic;
  • lay the floor from rot-proof boards;
  • install the first frame post, secure it with a metal angle, attach a temporary spacer for rigidity;
  • attach an OSB sheet to the stand and base;
  • install the second rack, secure it to the previously installed sheet;

OSB shed

  • remove the spacer and repeat everything;
  • assemble the top frame from timber directly on the site;
  • install the structure on the racks and secure it;
  • assemble the truss structure;
  • attach the sheathing;
  • cover the shed with corrugated sheeting or other material.

All that remains is to paint the building and make steps.

Advice. It is better to attach the sheets to the bottom of the frame, retreating 5 cm. To do this, attach a block, the height of which is 50 mm, to the bottom trim. The sheet is rested on it, secured, and the control bar is moved further.

3x6 shed with a pitched roof from what was found

It’s not difficult to build an outbuilding with a pitched roof, it’s inexpensive, and it looks interesting, especially if you use existing leftover building materials. To erect such a building with your own hands, you only need to have minimal carpentry experience.

Before we begin construction, we will collect tools and materials in one place. You can do everything manually, but if you have a screwdriver, an electric plane and jigsaw, an angle grinder, or a drill, the construction will end 2 times faster. The material you need to have is:

Simple shed diagram

  1. The beam is 15x10 cm. The frame is constructed from it.
  2. Edged boards 5x15 cm, 4x15 cm for slings and sheathing, respectively.
  3. Unedged boards. The lathing is made from them.
  4. Roofing material.
  5. Waterproofing.
  6. Ingredients for preparing concrete mass.
  7. Self-tapping screws, nails.
  8. Ruberoid.

A shed made of such materials is lightweight, but it also needs a foundation. The most rational solution is columns laid to a depth of 0.4-0.5 m. Having considered all the nuances, we begin to work:

  • mark the outline of the future structure using a tape measure;
  • drive pegs into the corners and pull the rope;
  • mark the places where the pillars are planned to be installed;
  • holes are made with a drill;
  • formwork is made on top, protruding 0.2-0.3 m;
  • arrange a cushion of gravel and sand, insert reinforcing bars;
  • fill;
  • let stand for 4 days;

Construction of a barn

  • the wood is treated with an antiseptic composition;
  • remove the formwork from the pillars;
  • cover the head with double folded roofing material;
  • a frame is assembled from timber and secured with staples;
  • install the racks, checking the verticality with a level;
  • strengthen the vertical beams with the help of temporary slopes, while the racks of the front wall must be higher to ensure an average roof slope of 17 degrees;
  • install logs with a distance of 0.6-1.2 m and lay the floor;
  • The ceiling is placed on vertical supports, securing the beams with brackets.

Important! The optimal distance between the elements of a columnar foundation is 120-150 cm. Their number depends on the dimensions of the barn.

When the frame is assembled, they begin to build the roof:

Advice. The step between the elements of the rafter system is from 0.6 to 0.8 m. This means that for a 3x6 m building you need to stock up on eight rafter legs.

  • If you plan to make a roof from galvanized iron, then you can do without lathing. For a 3x6 shed, 2 sheets are enough, but they need to be laid with an overlap.
  • When covering a shed with edged boards, an overlap of about 25 mm should be made. To prevent unpainted areas from appearing after the wood dries, it is better to paint it before covering it.
  • Paint consumption, if applied in 2 layers, is about 15 liters for a barn dimensions of 3x6 m.
  • On average, it takes 7 days to build a shed of this type.
  • The installation of a single-slope structure requires 30% less money than for a 2-slope structure.
  • If one wind direction predominates at your dacha, then the option with a pitched roof suits you more than others.

Building a simple shed with your own hands is a feasible task. The main thing is not to forget to step back the legal 3 m from the neighbor’s fence and 5 m from the road, but there are no other restrictions.

Shed with a pitched roof: video

Construction of a barn: photo

It’s rare that a dacha does without a small outbuilding. Sometimes during construction, space for storing tools and equipment is allocated directly to country house, but as they accumulate, sooner or later the question arises about the need to build a separate shed in the country for these purposes.

Moreover, if you have a desire to have chickens or other animals.

Purpose of a country shed

First of all, you need to decide for what purposes the room will be used. Not only the dimensions of the future structure depend on this, but also the type of foundation, floor covering, wall material, and their height. Even the shape and insulation of the roof can be determined by the purpose of your outbuilding.

If the shed will be used as a regular storage for shovels, rakes and similar utensils, as a garage for a couple of bicycles and a garden cart, then it does not need warm high walls, as well as a ventilation and sewerage system.

Even windows in such a structure may be superfluous if you do not plan to set up a small workshop in it. And if you plan, then at least one in work area will be needed, and better openable.

In this case, it would not be superfluous to add a small extension open terrace so that some of the work can be done outside, but under a canopy that protects from rain and sun.

If you want to use this room, or part of it, for keeping pets, you need to create a minimum for them the necessary conditions accommodation:

  • for chickens - an attached fence for walking, perches and nests;
  • for goats - a warm floor, a place for feeding, a system for removing the liquid fraction of waste products and minimal ventilation;
  • for pigs - the same set of “conveniences” as for goats, but of a completely different quality and from different materials.

If the dacha is located near a pond, then sometimes its owners keep ducks and geese. Summer residents often breed rabbits and nutria. And the silkworm and freds remain in stock.

Construction of a barn at the dacha 3 x 6 with a pitched roof, drawings

Most often, at dachas they build just such sheds with dimensions of 3 x 6 (or close to these dimensions) with a pitched roof. And the most acceptable technology for such construction is frame.

You can take finished drawing, and, having adjusted the dimensions to suit your needs, begin construction.

Or you can draw a simple sketch yourself, which will make it possible to calculate the materials and landing dimensions necessary for construction.

Such a shed can be installed on a simple base made of wall blocks (except for gas silicate and foam blocks that actively absorb moisture), installed above small pits with sand and gravel mixture. Of course, they must be leveled and covered with a layer of roofing material on top.

The sketch shows a standard block size of 200 x 300 x 400, but you can use others, or even install your shed on a solid drainage pad covered with a layer of roofing felt.

Wall cladding from the inside can be done with OSB sheets.

A exterior finishing– the same OSB with two-layer painting or vinyl siding, fixed on racks. The use of wood has always been popular, both in exterior and interior decoration country houses. The barn is no exception.

Roof covering - any, even the same roofing material. In the latter case, it is important to remember that its approximate service life is 8 years and after that it is better to replace such a coating without waiting for its complete failure.

If you do not plan to heat this room, you can save on insulation. And if the room is planned to be warm, then place it between the racks, following the installation technology. Technologies frame construction are described in detail here.

DIY pallet shed

Interesting experience in building similar structures from pallets, using a minimum amount additional materials. Anyone who has a minimum set of carpentry tools and knows how to use them can build a shed from pallets.

It is convenient to fasten pallets together by passing timber of suitable size through them.

Using the same scheme, you can assemble a flooring and even a roof, in which similar connecting beams will serve as rafters.

The choice of materials for covering floors, walls and ceilings is varied, but plywood or OSB are most often used.

An example of the construction of such a structure is shown in the video:

Sheds for chickens and goats - construction features, photos

It is better to make such structures at least minimally insulated, taking into account the peculiarities of their maintenance, and ventilated, taking into account your sense of smell.

Do chicken barn do it yourself, as shown in the photo above, is not difficult, but in addition to the above, you need to take into account a few additional points:

  • it should be installed either on a closed strip foundation or on poles, which will make it difficult for animals to enter the chicken coop and steal chickens or eggs;
  • roosting in it should be done while maintaining the required technological distances,

  • it is advisable to choose poles round shape with a diameter of 35 - 40 mm, taking into account the physiology of the inhabitants,

Other possible options:

  • the number of nests arranged in a chicken coop is calculated at the rate of 1 per 3 – 5 chickens;

  • The size of the run for chickens is calculated based on the norm of 0.4 sq.m. per individual;

  • It is better to make the floor in the chicken coop concrete due to the chemical aggressiveness of the droppings and cover it generously with sawdust, etc.

Goat barn requires slightly different approaches. Therefore, when concreting a floor with a slope device for draining liquid into a receiving container, you need to make a continuous wood flooring so that the goat can lie down on a warm floor without its cloven hoof getting stuck between the boards.

It is possible to install two-tier open stalls when keeping several goats.

It is better to make a nursery for food at the height of the goat with sparse rods on the front wall. A goat, eating twice as many different types of grass as a cow, likes to choose.

Either a separate nursery is set up for the kids, or another lower tier is added to the existing ones.

The scheme for removing the liquid fraction of waste products from a goat shed can be as follows:

It is preferable to make a shed for keeping goats with an attic, with a large opening in the ceiling in the area of ​​the goat stalls and a door opening onto one of the gables. It is very convenient to store hay for animals in the attic in winter; it also serves as additional insulation. A warm shed for goats is necessary, but it is not necessary to heat it - the heat that their body produces will be enough, and the chemical reactions occurring in the manure and bedding, of which there should be a sufficient amount. And the goat constantly replenishes it by sorting through the food.

If you keep 1 - 2 goats in a large room, their body heat will not be enough to comfortable stay and it may need to be reheated in very cold weather.

A very productive way to keep goats and chickens together. The chicken coop can be placed above the goat stalls, fenced off on the sides with mesh or fencing. They will warm each other up in winter.

Only the flooring in the chicken coop should be made solid and a simple way to periodically clean it should be provided. Several times a year it will be necessary to clean the goat stalls, disposing of manure in a compost pit and then using it on the site as fertilizer.

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It is difficult to imagine a country house or dacha without outbuildings. Gardening tools, summer swings, hammocks and folding furniture are stored in the sheds; farm animals and poultry can also be housed here, hay and feed can be stored. As a rule, outbuildings are constructed from materials that remain after the construction of the house. The owner can only choose a drawing of the barn, decide on its size and roof structure.

Barn construction

The most optimal size for an outbuilding is 3x6 meters. This area is even enough to build a summer shower and toilet inside the building, and you can also arrange a summer kitchen here.

You can make a drawing of a shed using photos found on the Internet, or come up with your own original shed, and then transfer the idea to paper. It is not recommended to build even the simplest buildings without a drawing. After all, all the dimensions and inconsistencies will become visible on paper.

The roofs of barns are most often made pitched. A flat roof retains too much precipitation and snow masses and requires careful waterproofing. Roofs of complex shapes are also inappropriate for sheds, because this building is not intended to decorate the site, but to serve household needs.

The optimal solution for a shed would be a pitched roof. Unlike a gable roof, there is no need to install a ridge; you will need half as many rafters. It is easier to assemble a pitched roof, and precipitation and snow disappear from it very quickly, without threatening the waterproofing.

Important! The angle of inclination of a pitched roof should be greater than 18 degrees. Such a slope will allow precipitation to freely leave the roof and protect the structure from winds and cold.

The optimal value of the pitched roof angle is 18-25 degrees.

The walls of an outbuilding can be erected from absolutely any materials, it can be:

  • brick;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete;
  • boards;
  • plywood or MDF mounted on a wooden frame (frame type building).

Shed made of foam blocks

If you need to buy materials for building a shed, it is better to opt for foam concrete. Porous blocks have many advantages over other building materials:

  • do not burn;
  • do not absorb moisture;
  • are light in weight;
  • There are several standard sizes, from which it is easy to choose the best option for a small building;
  • have higher strength and heat capacity than bricks;
  • can allow air to pass through no worse than wooden walls;
  • absolutely safe and non-toxic.

Despite the lightness of foam blocks, it is imperative to build a foundation for the shed. Considering the size of the building (3x6) and the weight of the structures, it is better to choose a strip foundation. For stable, dry soils, a columnar base is also suitable.

A strip foundation for a small outbuilding is poured to a depth of about 40-60 cm, and it is necessary to take into account the depth of soil freezing on the site in winter.

The ground at the site chosen for construction is cleared of debris, roots and vegetation. They mark the perimeter of the barn and dig a trench for the strip foundation.

A “cushion” of sand, crushed stone and gravel is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted thoroughly. Now you need to secure the formwork for the foundation from old boards, plywood or slate. Metal reinforcement is installed inside the boxes, which should strengthen the foundation.

Concrete is poured. The solution is pierced in several places with a metal pin, ridding the foundation of excess air. Now you need to leave the foundation for several weeks so that the concrete can gain the necessary strength.

Once the concrete has dried, you can begin building the walls. First lay out the bottom belt.

Attention! Blocks or bricks of the bottom row must be placed on a layer of waterproofing. The strip foundation is covered with a layer of roofing material or coated with bitumen mastic so that moisture from the concrete does not get onto the walls of the barn.

In accordance with the building drawing, the walls are laid out, making window and door openings. The outbuilding box made of foam blocks is ready.

Wooden barn

Much more often it turns out that the owner has leftover wood, and he decides to build a wood shed. For such work, at least minimal carpentry skills are required, because you will have to work with both a saw and a plane.

A building made of wood weighs very little; a columnar foundation can serve as its base. To do this, markings are made on the site, transferring the perimeter of the future building to the ground.

Posts are installed at the corners of the barn. Several more supports should be located in the center of the rectangle. The distance between the supports is 80-120 cm (depending on the size of the shed and the type of soil on the site).

The depth of the supports depends on the level of soil freezing in the construction region; on average, it is 40-60 cm. After the trenches for the supports are dug or drilled, wooden formwork is installed in them, a sand and gravel “cushion” is filled in, and metal reinforcement is laid.

Now you need to pour the concrete. After 5-6 days, when the foundation has hardened, you can dismantle the formwork and begin building walls.

First, you need to make the bottom frame of the building from timber. Before laying the wood, the foundation supports are covered with a double layer of roofing material. At the corners, the timber is connected with metal brackets and checked for level.

Install vertical supports in the corners of the barn, always checking the level. They are fixed with temporary spacers. Taking into account the door and window openings, the entire frame of the barn is assembled from wooden beams.

After assembling the frame, they begin covering the walls. This can be done with boards, moisture-resistant plywood or other sheet material.

Important! Before building a shed, wood must be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent it from rotting. To protect against fire, fire retardants are used, which are also impregnated with beams and boards.

Installation of a barn roof

Assembling a shed roof with your own hands step by step consists of the following steps:

Advice! Sheds with a pitched roof must be inspected after each winter: defects, leaks, and damp wood must be identified and eliminated.

Photos of finished sheds will help you decide on the type of construction and size of the utility room. But most owners of suburban areas and summer cottages choose small outbuildings, with parameters of 3x6 meters. And roofs are made pitched; this design is easier to implement, cheaper and performs well in operation.

  • DIY barn with a gable roof
  • Garage made of profile pipe
  • How to build a hut
  • How to make a utility block for a dacha with your own hands

It is well known that it is almost impossible to live without a shed in the country, since there is always a need for storage various instruments, building materials for the period of construction of a country house, equipment collected from the harvest area and much more. At the same time, the most popular format of such a structure is the dimensions of 3x6 m, and the most common architectural solution is wooden building with a pitched roof.

Site selection and design

The barn is clearly an auxiliary building, therefore, when constructing it, architectural delights are inappropriate, and there is no need for it to somehow stand out in the overall landscape design.

The most rational placement would be either its extension directly to country house, or the construction of such a shed somewhere on the edge of the site. The place for its construction should be convenient, and the construction site is best organized where the soil is least suitable for planting.

A prerequisite must be the presence convenient access and approach to such a utility room, and be located from the place of the main dacha work it should be so that carrying tools, garden equipment and other massive objects into it is accompanied by the least physical effort.

Any construction, even not very complex, should begin with a project. Addressing such a question to professionals is quite expensive and impractical, but hand-written drawings and sketches will be very useful. Especially for calculating the quantity of material and as a basis for technical solutions During construction, such a scheme is simply necessary.

Hiring professional builders for this work is also expensive and unreasonable, because such work, in essence, can be done by every man who owns minimum set construction skills. Therefore, the construction of a shed must be done with your own hands.

Main material

The most budget-friendly and technologically advanced option would be to build such a shed from OSB boards. This abbreviation stands for oriented strand board. Multilayer material consists of 3-4 sheets. It is made of aspen wood chips, glued with resins with the additive boric acid and synthetic wax filler.

Such boards are used for wall cladding, as removable formwork for concreting, continuous roofing, making floors and various supporting structural elements like I-beams.

This material has significant mechanical rigidity and a high level of sound absorption. It is distinguished by its ability to withstand snow loads and windage. All these qualities make it possible to use OSB boards as a base for various roofing materials.

Frame barn

After marking, clearing and leveling the construction site, it is necessary to equip the foundation. Most simple solution It will be made from foundation blocks laid out around the perimeter of the structure. You can build a columnar foundation. For this purpose, holes are dug, and a cushion is placed on their bottom for installation of finished blocks in a vertical position.

Columns can be made of concrete. They should be buried by 0.4-0.5 m. Having marked the outline of the structure on a tape measure, drive pegs in the corners of the site and stretch a rope between these stakes, after which they mark the places for installing the pillars.

Holes for them are dug with a shovel, or holes are made in the ground with a drill. Formwork is installed on top, rising 0.2-0.3 m above the surface. Then a gravel-sand cushion is installed, reinforcement is constructed and pouring is performed.

Another option is a strip foundation made of concrete poured into formwork. The disadvantage of this method is the very long wait for shrinkage and complete setting of the concrete mixture. If you wish, you can not limit yourself to a rectangular structure, but build a barn with a veranda, observing the overall dimensions of the building 6 x 3 m.

After work on the base is completed, the lower trim is assembled and treated with an antiseptic composition. A floor made of OSB or edged boards is laid on this frame. The first frame rack is also installed here. It is fixed with a steel angle. To enhance the rigidity of the structure, a temporary spacer is attached to the harness.

After this, an OSB sheet is attached to the base and to the first rack. The sheets should be attached to the lower part of the frame with an indentation of 5 cm. For this purpose, a block is attached to the lower frame, on which the OSB sheet is supported. This sheet is secured by moving this control block further.

There, on the site, the upper timber frame is assembled, after which the entire structure is placed on racks and secured, and then mounted truss structure, the sheathing is attached, and the shed is covered with corrugated sheeting or some other roofing material.


Its construction begins after the frame is assembled. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the length of the rafters. For this purpose, the length of two-sided overhangs equal to 40–50 cm is added to the distance between the walls.

Then they begin to manufacture the main rafter leg. To do this, a fragment of the required length is cut from the board, the place for the fastening recesses is measured and marked, and the required number of rafters is made.

The rafter legs are mounted to the frame and connected to one another using a tight thread.

Installing the rest rafter elements produced at a pre-marked level. They are fixed with nails or a corner.

The waterproofing is fastened with a stapler with a 15 cm overlap between the edges of the strip.

Then follows the installation of sheathing, cutting of roofing material and installation of it on the outbuilding.

It should be taken into account that the pitch between individual rafters is 60–80 cm. Therefore, for a 3x6 m shed, eight rafter legs will be required.

The final stage is painting the structure, making shelves, supplying electricity and making steps.

Thus, the construction of such a simple barn on our own is quite a feasible task. The only thing to remember is the legally required setbacks from neighboring properties of 3 m and 5 m from the nearest road.

How to build a pitched roof with your own hands, see the following video.

It is difficult to imagine a country house or dacha without outbuildings. Gardening tools, summer swings, hammocks and folding furniture are stored in the sheds; farm animals and poultry can also be housed here, hay and feed can be stored. As a rule, outbuildings are constructed from materials that remain after the construction of the house. The owner can only choose a drawing of the barn, decide on its size and roof structure.

Barn construction

The most optimal size for an outbuilding is 3x6 meters. This area is even enough to build a summer shower and toilet inside the building, and you can also arrange a summer kitchen here.

You can make a drawing of a shed using photos found on the Internet, or come up with your own original shed, and then transfer the idea to paper. It is not recommended to build even the simplest buildings without a drawing. After all, all the dimensions and inconsistencies will become visible on paper.

The roofs of barns are most often made pitched. A flat roof retains too much precipitation and snow masses and requires careful waterproofing. Roofs of complex shapes are also inappropriate for sheds, because this building is not intended to decorate the site, but to serve household needs.

The optimal solution for a shed would be a pitched roof. Unlike a gable roof, there is no need to install a ridge; you will need half as many rafters. It is easier to assemble a pitched roof, and precipitation and snow disappear from it very quickly, without threatening the waterproofing.

Important! The angle of inclination of a pitched roof should be greater than 18 degrees. Such a slope will allow precipitation to freely leave the roof and protect the structure from winds and cold.

The optimal value of the pitched roof angle is 18-25 degrees.

The walls of an outbuilding can be erected from absolutely any materials, it can be:

  • brick;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete;
  • boards;
  • plywood or MDF mounted on a wooden frame (frame type building).

Shed made of foam blocks

If you need to buy materials for building a shed, it is better to opt for foam concrete. Porous blocks have many advantages over other building materials:

  • do not burn;
  • do not absorb moisture;
  • are light in weight;
  • There are several standard sizes, from which it is easy to choose the best option for a small building;
  • have higher strength and heat capacity than bricks;
  • can allow air to pass through no worse than wooden walls;
  • absolutely safe and non-toxic.

Despite the lightness of foam blocks, it is imperative to build a foundation for the shed. Considering the size of the building (3x6) and the weight of the structures, it is better to choose a strip foundation. For stable, dry soils, a columnar base is also suitable.

A strip foundation for a small outbuilding is poured to a depth of about 40-60 cm, and it is necessary to take into account the depth of soil freezing on the site in winter.

The ground at the site chosen for construction is cleared of debris, roots and vegetation. They mark the perimeter of the barn and dig a trench for the strip foundation.

A “cushion” of sand, crushed stone and gravel is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted thoroughly. Now you need to secure the formwork for the foundation from old boards, plywood or slate. Metal reinforcement is installed inside the boxes, which should strengthen the foundation.

Concrete is poured. The solution is pierced in several places with a metal pin, ridding the foundation of excess air. Now you need to leave the foundation for several weeks so that the concrete can gain the necessary strength.

Once the concrete has dried, you can begin building the walls. First lay out the bottom belt.

Attention! Blocks or bricks of the bottom row must be placed on a layer of waterproofing. The strip foundation is covered with a layer of roofing material or coated with bitumen mastic so that moisture from the concrete does not get onto the walls of the barn.

In accordance with the building drawing, the walls are laid out, making window and door openings. The outbuilding box made of foam blocks is ready.

Wooden barn

Much more often it turns out that the owner has leftover wood, and he decides to build a wood shed. For such work, at least minimal carpentry skills are required, because you will have to work with both a saw and a plane.

A building made of wood weighs very little; a columnar foundation can serve as its base. To do this, markings are made on the site, transferring the perimeter of the future building to the ground.

Posts are installed at the corners of the barn. Several more supports should be located in the center of the rectangle. The distance between the supports is 80-120 cm (depending on the size of the shed and the type of soil on the site).

The depth of the supports depends on the level of soil freezing in the construction region; on average, it is 40-60 cm. After the trenches for the supports are dug or drilled, wooden formwork is installed in them, a sand and gravel “cushion” is filled in, and metal reinforcement is laid.

Now you need to pour the concrete. After 5-6 days, when the foundation has hardened, you can dismantle the formwork and begin building walls.

First, you need to make the bottom frame of the building from timber. Before laying the wood, the foundation supports are covered with a double layer of roofing material. At the corners, the timber is connected with metal brackets and checked for level.

Install vertical supports in the corners of the barn, always checking the level. They are fixed with temporary spacers. Taking into account the door and window openings, the entire frame of the barn is assembled from wooden beams.

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