Review of the best varnishes for pine stairs. Oil for wooden stairs - protection and excellent appearance How to paint wooden steps

The wooden staircase in the house looks amazing. Wood is not just one of the most environmentally friendly materials, it has a special energy and can bring comfort and magical warmth to any room. At the same time, unfortunately, it is not capable, like, for example, metal or glass, for very long long term maintain its unchanged appearance and more often requires restoration. And if a wooden staircase is located on the street, the impact external factors can be merciless.

Protecting and maintaining this noble structure in proper condition is the task of any good owner. Painting wooden stairs DIY is quite realistic if you take into account all the nuances and requirements for wood processing. Our article will help you with this.

How to paint the stairs?

So, let's first look at the materials that are used to create protective coating.

Wood putty.

Used on initial stage. Needs sanding and puttying wooden elements stairs. This is necessary to get rid of defects, as well as to create a coating layer that is resistant to moisture penetration.

  • Acrylic putty– fire and moisture resistant, dries quickly, but not very durable. May crack if applied too thickly.
  • Epoxy putty resistant to water and various chemical compositions, without smell. Not suitable for further processing of wood for staining.
  • Polymer putty– dries quickly, environmentally friendly, odorless, levels well, expensive material.
  • Oil putty– takes a long time to dry, but creates a durable coating.

The color of the putty is determined by the color of the wood. There are a variety of brands on the market offering materials with a wide palette for wood different varieties(“Tikkurila”, “Lakra”, “Eurotex”, also domestic “Rainbow”, “Extra”, etc.).


Has an antimicrobial, antifungal effect, protects against harmful insects. Types of antiseptics:

  • Oil . Has water-repellent properties. Gives wood a darker shade. Of the minuses: it is flammable, has a peculiar persistent odor. Not recommended for use in interior structures.
  • Water soluble. It washes off easily; when using this composition, you need to let the surface dry thoroughly.
  • Organosoluble. Strengthens wood, penetrating well. Toxic, gives wood a greenish tint. It is not recommended to use for internal stairs, as well as structures containing metal.
  • Fire retardants are combined antiseptics.

Present on the market various brands: “Tikkurila”, “Aquatex”, “Neomid”, “Senezh”, “Pirilax”, etc. When using the compositions, it is important to follow the instructions, strictly observing the specified proportions.

Fireproof impregnation. Necessary Requirement For wooden structures. Carried out at the stage of manufacturing the stairs. Then the procedure should be repeated every five years.


With its help, you can easily give the tree the desired shade. Unlike paint, it penetrates deeply into the wood structure.

  • Water stains are the most popular, but they raise the lint on the wood, so before use it is recommended to wet the surface with water, let it dry, and then sand it.
  • Alcohol dries quickly, this must be taken into account when applying so that there are no streaks or stains left on the wood.
  • Oil-based ones are very easy to use, do not raise lint, and have the widest range color shades.
  • Wax, acrylic– products of the latest developments. Do not disturb the structure of the tree, create protective layer, moisture-repellent. More expensive, their price in comparison, for example, with water stains, is 5 times higher.
Primer for wood.

Strengthens the surface by gluing wood fibers, counteracts moisture absorption, disinfects, and helps reduce paint or varnish consumption. The most the best option There will be a universal primer, but for expensive types of wood you can opt for a specialized one. Fresh wood must be processed at least twice, after sanding and sanding.

At the final stage of creating the coating, paint or varnish is used. About them we'll talk below.

Paint selection criteria

Painting stairs is a way not only to create a protective coating on a wooden surface, but also to implement various design solutions to create unique objects.

The main selection criterion will be the location of the staircase - indoors or outdoors. Based on this, you should pay attention to wear resistance, durability, resistance to temperature changes, exposure to external factors, toxicity, elasticity, fire resistance, drying time and coating consumption. Types of paints differ in the nature of their composition, which determines their main characteristics. Highlight:

  • Acrylic based paints. More suitable for interior work, moisture resistant, protect against fungus and mold, do not have a strong odor, are durable, have a voluminous texture, and are easy to use. Will help create deep, rich shades. You should choose matte or semi-gloss options so that the steps are not slippery.
  • Acrylate paints. For external structures. They have good protective properties.
  • Latex based paints. Non-toxic, easy to apply, environmentally friendly, breathable. Such coatings are durable and pleasant to the touch.
  • Paints on water based(water-based). Their fire resistance properties are higher than those of others. Resistant to temperature changes, wear-resistant. Suitable for external and internal structures.
  • Glazing paints. They are colorless, emphasize and make the natural structure of wood more expressive, and are used to create finishing coatings for stairs both indoors and outdoors.
  • Alkyd. They dry quickly, hide imperfections well, have good water-repellent properties, often have a strong odor, and are less durable. Recommended for internal structures.
  • Polyurethane. Wear-resistant, durable, heat-resistant, dry quickly.
  • Oil paints. They are cheap, require at least two layers, have a toxic, persistent odor that disappears after a few days, are economical in consumption, and create a dense, non-breathable coating on the wood, which can crack over time. Currently, they are used quite rarely due to the advent of more modern formulations.

Varnish selection criteria

The structure can be refined and protected with varnish. Depending on the composition and properties, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Nitrocellulose. Creates a durable coating, dries quickly, and is resistant to seasonal influences. external environment. They can be used to cover street structures.
  • Alcohol based. Quick-drying compounds, excellent for polishing. They have negative moisture and frost resistance, and therefore it is not recommended to use them for treating stairs outdoors.
  • Oily.
  • They take a long time to dry and have low moisture resistance. Used for interior work.
  • Polyurethane. Durable, wear-resistant, recommended for working with external staircase structures. Acrylic.

Universal and most widely used. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor

Beautiful wooden stairs are also obtained after painting with enamel, which is a mixture of colorless varnish and coloring pigment. The requirements for them are the same as for the above coatings. Enamels European manufacturers have properties such as high environmental friendliness, resistance to yellowing, strength, ability to protect the structure from aggressive environmental influences. We recommend applying them using an aerosol.

How to paint a wooden staircase?

Now let's look at how to properly paint a wooden staircase. Main stages:

Preparatory work:
  • puttying;
  • sanding;
  • stripping.

It is important to achieve a perfectly smooth, uniform surface. Sanding is carried out with fine sandpaper or a sanding machine in two stages with a gap of a couple of days to remove the wood fibers that have risen after the first time. For final cleaning, use a vacuum cleaner.

Applying the finishing coat. When treating stairs with varnish or paint, several basic rules should be followed:

  1. Start painting the stairs from top to bottom (the exception is the stairs to the basement, where painting begins from the lower steps).
  2. It is necessary to paint the stairs 2-3 times. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Layers are applied in different directions: first we move the brush from side to side, on the next layer - back and forth.
  3. To work, use a brush or roller. It is recommended to apply stain under varnish, like some paints, with a spray gun to ensure more even distribution.
  4. Remember to protect your hands and respiratory system, especially if you use toxic compounds.

How to paint a pine staircase?

We will write in a little more detail about painting stairs made of this type of wood, since when working with resinous wood, it is necessary to detarring. This can be done using the following composition. For 1 l hot water Take 200 ml of acetone, 50 g of baking soda, 10 ml of alcohol, 40 g of soap flakes, 50 g of potash.

The solution is applied with a brush, then the wooden surface is washed hot water, then you need to let it dry. Paint for pine stairs is also applied in 3 layers; varnish requires 6-7 layers.

What color to paint the stairs in the house is up to you. Modern manufacturers paint and varnish coatings offer to the consumer the widest range color shades. In the classic version, the color of the stairs is usually darker than the overall tone of the room. IN modern interiors sometimes the bravest ones are embodied design solutions, but do not forget that the noble, natural color of the wood will invariably remain unrivaled - this is not an aging classic.

If the process of constructing a staircase is already behind you and a magnificent pine structure, made by yourself, is already in your country house, then it's time to start painting it. How and with what to paint the staircase system, what types of paint and varnish products to give preference - this article will tell you about this and much more.

A pine staircase coated with varnish looks beautiful and durable

Features of painting wooden surfaces

Varnishing and painting pine products has its own characteristics. After all, as you know, wood, unlike metal, plastic and stone, is hygroscopic. Besides, don't worse than water its surface is eaten away by paints, varnishes and solvents. This can cause the wood fibers to change and the surface to become rough.

That is why you can paint a pine staircase with your own hands only with a coating that is intended specifically for these purposes.

Due to its unique resinous structure, pine wood requires a special approach and certain knowledge

Does wood need to be painted?

The texture of the wood itself is quite beautiful and can be used as part of the decor. In this case, its coating can be made transparent or translucent.

Pine has a high content of resin that impregnates the material. Therefore, not all paint will apply evenly to the tarred area.

By painting wood, you not only make it more attractive, but also protect it from external factors


This layer is mandatory and should be the first when processing wood. Its advantages:

  • firstly, it prevents the tree from fungus;
  • secondly, it protects against rotting;
  • thirdly, it does not allow midges to breed in the wood.

In addition, the stain forms a moisture barrier and prevents the pine from cracking.

Pine wood produces a large amount of resin and therefore requires very careful processing

However, this coating alone is not enough, since it is not able to protect the wood from mechanical wear. And you will agree that walking along the soaked stairs only barefoot or in slippers is not very comfortable.

What coating to apply

The second layer after applying the stain should be varnish or enamel.

From the right choice quality coating depends appearance the entire structure


For painting wooden stairs made of low-grade wood best choice there will be enamel. It will hide the putty on knots and cracks and protect the surface from wear and mechanical damage. In addition, the enamel layer is very easy to care for - you just need to wash it periodically.

Enamel can hide all imperfections in wood texture


If the surface of a pine staircase is smooth and free of any damage, then varnish would be the best choice. It will highlight the beauty of the texture and elevate its appearance.

If the pine wood is of the highest quality, then it can be varnished

The varnished surface of a pine staircase looks extremely beautiful.

When to paint

Many novice craftsmen are interested in the question of when to paint and varnish a pine staircase - before installation or after.

You can paint the stairs both after assembly and before, depending on the type of structure

According to many experts, you need to coat a product with varnish or paint like this:

  • If for installation staircase design apply anchor bolts, screws and studs, then it is best to apply a layer of coating to the component parts before joining them together. This will reliably protect against negative external influences those planes that will be inaccessible after installation of the system.
  • If, when building a staircase with your own hands, you use glue to connect its components, then you need to coat the surface with varnish or paint on a ready-made staircase structure.

Varnish better stairs already in a ready-made, finally assembled form

How to choose the right paint and varnish

Before deciding on the right coating, must be divided work surface pine stairs into separate components, since they have completely different modes of operation.

When choosing paint and varnish, you should give preference to proven brands

For example, steps are subject to more severe wear - stilettos and heels can leave marks on the wood surface if the protective layer of the coating is weak.

At the same time, handrails and fittings, as well as risers, experience almost no overload. And, therefore, their coating has more of a decorative function. Hence the choice of materials.

Fittings (balusters and railings) must also be coated with high-quality paint and varnish products

Deciding on the type of coverage

So how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands and choose the right varnish and paint?

For the working surface of the steps, alkyd floor enamels are used - for example, domestic paint PF-266, as well as its imported analogues.

In a specialized store you can choose any color

The best varnish for pine stairs is polyurethane parquet. Its cost is quite high, but despite this it is of very high quality and forms a strong and wear-resistant protective surface.

For those surfaces that do not experience strong mechanical stress, we can recommend PF-115 enamels.

The paint and varnish industry today offers a lot quality species varnishes and paints for wood processing

As for varnish, the best option is affordable nitrocellulose varnishes of the NTs series or alkyd PF-170.

Dyeing process

So, we now know how to paint a pine staircase. It remains to figure out how to do it yourself.

When purchasing varnish for pine wood, carefully read its instructions

The entire dyeing process is divided into the following stages:

  • Degreasing the surface.
  • Application of putty.
  • Sanding the product.
  • Painting the stairs.

Processing of the staircase structure must occur in a clearly defined sequence


This is the first step of preliminary work. Pine, as you know, has a resinous surface, and in order to remove it, it is necessary to treat the product with a special solvent. Excellent for these purposes regular one will do turpentine.

To degrease the surface of a pine staircase, you can use regular turpentine.


In order to repair all existing flaws in the structure, it must be puttied. In this case, the best choice would be a special acrylic wood putty.

Before painting, the product must be puttied, thereby making the surface perfectly smooth.


Immediately before painting a pine staircase, to obtain a flawless surface, the product must be sanded. It is better to process steps using a grinder, and balusters and railings by hand.

The paint will lie in an even layer on a well-sanded surface.


It is better to paint a pine structure with a brush. Alkyd enamel or viscous varnish cannot be sprayed with a spray gun; for a roller, the surface of the stairs has a rather difficult shape.

Painting is carried out in three layers, and polyurethane varnish can be applied to steps in 6-7 layers, since in addition to its aesthetic function, it also serves as protection against mechanical damage.

Painting should be done with gloves and in compliance with all safety standards.

After applying the first layer and drying it completely, the entire surface is sanded with zero-grade sandpaper.

Now you know how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands and choose the varnish. But, if for some reason you do not want to build and then paint the structure yourself, then you can always take advantage of the offers of our online store and buy from us a ready-made staircase made of pine or any other material

A pine staircase painted carefully and in compliance with all the rules looks extremely beautiful and impressive

To paint a pine staircase, you need to choose the coating that is most suitable for it. Alcohol- or nitrocellulose-based varnishes highlight the natural color of wood and dry quickly. Some of them are used to cover stairs indoors, while others are used outdoors. You need to choose the most suitable covering. To do this, it is important to know what paint products are on the market and choose the best option.

Types of varnish

There are several types of such varnishes:

  • nitro varnish;
  • polyurethane;
  • acrylic;
  • yacht;
  • epoxy;
  • resin;
  • alkyd.

The ladder, coated with nitro varnish, dries quickly and looks good. But it is more suitable for outdoor work. The disadvantage is strong toxicity.

Polyurethane varnish is not so harmful to health, since it is based on water. However, it is short-lived and turns yellow over time. A staircase coated with such varnish becomes unattractive.

Acrylic varnish is also water-based. It is non-toxic and heat resistant. It can be used for interior work.

Yacht varnish is durable. It is used on decks and in interior spaces. Epoxy varnish hardens quickly. It is used for different types finishing indoors and outdoors.

Resin varnish perfectly emphasizes the wood texture; it contains fewer toxic substances than synthetic ones. Alkyd varnish is perfect for varnishing pine stairs. But it takes a long time to dry, more than two days.

Varnishes vary in gloss. They can be matte or glossy to varying degrees. Before coating a wooden staircase, you need to think carefully about which varnish is best to use. A pine staircase coated with varnish lasts longer.

Varnish for wooden stairs made of pine

How construction material pine has its advantages and disadvantages. It is well processed and dried. Pine stairs are inexpensive and more accessible.

Tree rings are visible on the wood, which makes it attractive in appearance. different designs from her. The texture of pine allows you to leave the wooden staircase unpainted. However, a structure coated with clear varnish is more reliable. But you should think about what varnish to cover the steps with.

Over time, pine can begin to rot and collapse. To preserve the structure and protect it from negative changes, it is best to varnish the wood. Preference should be given to polyurethane varnish. Durable polyurethane flexible material. It is able to withstand heavy loads, therefore it is recognized as the best for covering wooden pine stairs.

Experts advise choosing polyurethane varnish with a hardener. It is odorless, easy to process, and highly resistant.

The best producers of polyurethane coating are the USA and Germany. In many world markets you can find paint and varnish products from the Finnish company Tikkurila. There is a lot about varnish from this manufacturer good reviews. It has varying degrees of glossiness. Before using Tikkuril varnish, you should carefully read the instructions.

Stair processing

Before applying varnish, the wooden staircase must be treated. It is dried, fumed, sanded and polished. Before applying the varnish, impregnation and priming are carried out. This will help protect the pine from mold, mildew, and insects. The varnish is applied with a brush, roller or spray.

Once they find out how much it costs to paint a staircase, many decide to master this skill on their own. It is not surprising that all staircase work is not cheap, because... To achieve long-term and beautiful results, they require strict adherence to technology. Having painted your stairs once, either indoors or outdoors, you will gain invaluable experience, thanks to which you will also be able to restore the coating with your own hands after many years. Moreover, all painting work with the selection of paint and varnish colors is quite interesting and does not require special physical strength.

The need to paint stairs

Stairs made of wood, like stairs made of metal and other materials, are subject to many external influences, which, in the absence of proper protection, quickly render them unusable. Firstly, there are constant mechanical impacts from walking up steps and holding handrails. It is not surprising that it is the steps and flights of stairs wear out and get dirty the fastest. It is these areas that need to be given special attention when applying the topcoat. The length of use without restoration depends on what to paint the steps of the staircase with. Secondly, the staircase, no matter where it is located, is subject to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, which over time can affect its strength and appearance. If Sun rays get to wooden steps, it is also important to protect them from drying out.

How to paint the stairs in the house

When choosing a covering for a staircase, you should take into account the type of wood from which it is made, the color of the wood and the location conditions of the staircase. So, conifers(pine, spruce, fir) tend to release resins that impair the adhesion of wood to paints and varnishes. Hardwood are deprived of this property, and there is nothing to fear with them. In addition, pine needles do not uniformly absorb the liquid part of the paint or varnish. Loose wood absorbs more, while dense and old wood absorbs less, which is why paints and varnishes must be applied in many layers.


When choosing what color to paint the stairs, you should choose a shade as close to natural as possible, so as not to spoil the natural appearance of the rock. Having chosen what color to paint the stairs, you should decide on the type of paint. Pigmented Decoration Materials They are good because they hide many imperfections during assembly; the stairs can be puttied under them. But, at the same time, many of the external advantages of natural wood are also hidden under a layer of paint.

Provided the stairs are located inside the house, where there are few adverse influences, they will do oil paints on artificial drying oil or even cellulose coatings. If the staircase is external, you only need paint on natural drying oil. To paint the stairs yourself, Tikkurila Empire alkyd paint is suitable, because... it is easy to apply with a brush. Betolux and Pesto paints also apply smoothly to wooden surfaces without smudges. Betolux urethane-alkyd paint is ideal for previously painted surfaces, but it is not sufficiently resistant to wear when frequent use, not suitable for crowded rooms. Alkyd paint Pesto is more durable and suitable for damp rooms or rooms requiring frequent washing, for example, a child's room.


Clear varnishes are good because they do not hide, but rather emphasize the natural texture of the wood. Their advantage is also that they dry very quickly and are easy to use. There are alcohol-based varnishes and nitrocellulose varnishes. The first are resin in an organic solvent, and are used exclusively for internal stairs, because... When such a coating hardens, the film is not frost and moisture resistant enough. If you plan to varnish a street ladder, use nitrocellulose material containing colloxylin and plasticizers that strengthen the coating.

The most established varnish manufacturers on the market are Parade and Trae Lyx. German-made Parade varnish is highly wear-resistant and easy to use due to its quick drying. It also does not have such a strong pungent odor as some others. Dutch Trae Lyx varnishes are even more durable and wear-resistant, because... their solid component is 35%. This property allows them to be easily used to cover steps. public buildings. This varnish is absolutely transparent, covers the surface uniformly without changing the degree of gloss under different angles gaze. And despite so many advantages, it still has one drawback, namely for a long time drying. Full load on the steps can be given only 7 days after application.


After applying varnish or paint, the steps may still not have a finished look. To make the wood sparkle and shimmer in the sun, it can be coated with polishes. The color of the polish is selected to match the color of the wood, but so as not to darken the wood. The polish is applied with a brush or rag, before the surface is cleaned. Nitro-based polishes are applied only to nitrocellulose varnishes and paints.


At the same time they give desired color stairs, and protect it from adverse influences due to the formation of a dense film. Enamel is produced by mixing clear varnish with pigment. The enamels are applied with an aerosol, and the contents must be thoroughly mixed before spraying. In its calm form, enamel is a substance with a gel-like consistency. After stirring by shaking, it becomes liquid. Inside the aerosol there are special metal balls that agitate the material.

Italian Sirca enamel is characterized by high surface strength and resistance to yellowing. Enamels of this brand are available in both glossy and matte. Quick drying in 60 minutes and sufficient work time makes it easy to cover the stairs with such enamel yourself. Swedish Synteko varnishes and enamels have also proven themselves to be quite good. They are suitable for those who are trying to make their home as environmentally friendly as possible, because... This company does not add NMP polymers, which are harmful to humans, to paint and varnish products.


Impregnations such as stain or Pinotex not only give wood color, they have antiseptic and fire-repellent properties. And on top of them you can apply any finishing varnish. It is preferable to use oil- or wax-based impregnations for stairs, especially if you are working with them for the first time. It is these impregnations that can be applied in several layers without fear of smearing or making a stain, unlike alcohol and nitro impregnations, which are instantly absorbed. Impregnations can be sold in the form of a ready-made solution or powder, which you need to dilute with water yourself. In addition, to apply oil stain you do not need a sprayer or spray gun; it can be easily done with a brush.

How to paint a staircase with your own hands

Surface preparation

To ensure that the surface of the steps is smooth, they are puttied and sanded. Putties are selected to match the color of the wood. After drying, begin sanding with sandpaper or scrapers. After the first sanding, take a break of several days to allow the pile to rise, and then sand it clean. Before applying paint, the surface is primed, applying primer to all surfaces 2 times.


It is important to know what and how to paint the stairs. It is best to apply paint or stain-type impregnation using a sprayer. There are pneumatic and electric sprayers, with their help the layer is applied more evenly. But if you don’t have a sprayer, you can use regular brushes. For thicker, more stretchy, slow-drying paints, bristle brushes are preferable. For liquid coatings Flat, soft hair brushes are better. They are also called flutes. The length of the hair of such a brush should be approximately twice the diameter. To apply thick paint, the length of the bristles should be shorter, and for liquid paints- more. When working, the brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface to be coated. To clean the brush from paint at the end of the work, you can dip it in turpentine or a special solvent.

Even experienced craftsmen Not everyone knows how to paint a staircase correctly, because... the result is always assessed purely subjectively. Not everyone knows that the coating is applied in 2-3 layers only after the previous one has completely dried. With a brush, the impregnation is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the step so that there are no special stains. First, paint one side of the step, then, turning it over, apply impregnation to reverse side. At the same time, you need to cover the entire step evenly before the coating dries, so that there are no visible smudges left. To make it easier to turn over a wooden step and the impregnation is less smeared, it is convenient to use wooden coasters. If the first layer of paint or varnish is applied along the grain of the wood, then the second must be applied across it. The third layer is again applied lengthwise, so the step is painted most thoroughly. Do not forget to stir the paint periodically, this will protect you from the formation of lumps and sediment at the bottom.

Varnish coating

Application varnish coating on wood should be carried out as much as possible clean room so that dust does not settle on the freshly varnished coating. Before application, the step or baluster itself is also thoroughly cleaned and polished. If the wood has a defect, then it can also be carefully puttied under the varnish, using putty to match the color of the wood. Wide parts are varnished with a spray, and narrow parts with a thin brush. When working with varnishes, it is important to protect the skin of your hands and respiratory organs from toxic substances.


What is the best way to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor of a house with your own hands?

Modern residential buildings often have several floors or an attic, the entrance to which is carried out by internal stairs. Often flights of stairs and sites are being executed. To create an interior in the same style, the wooden staircase to the second floor can be coated with varnish or painted with environmentally friendly paint. This article answers the question of how and with what to paint a staircase with your own hands.

Finishing a wooden staircase

There are two types finishing wooden stairs:

  1. Transparent - with this type of finishing coating, the wood texture remains open. Under a layer of colorless varnish there is a unique pattern natural wood perfectly complements the overall interior decoration interior space in the same style with the overall design.
  2. Opaque finish - with this type of finish there is a tone finish layer coloring composition applied to wooden surface in a continuous layer, covering the wood texture.

Varnish compositions for finishing wooden stairs

Varnish compositions for wood structures are special compositions that form a durable layer with a matte, transparent, shiny surface.

The properties of varnish compositions are quite different:

  • Varnish compositions based on alcohol resins– these finishing compounds have a short drying time. Within 2 hours the coating is completely dry. Polishing the finishing layer also does not cause any difficulties. But alcohol-based compositions have significant disadvantages: low moisture resistance and insufficient frost resistance. These restrictions allow the compositions to be used only in warm rooms.
  • Lucky based on nitrocellulose– the improved formula of the varnish allows the composition to be used for exterior and interior use.
  • Formaldehyde varnish compositions– the most common for finishing structures of internal wooden stairs. The varnish perfectly covers surfaces, allows you to achieve High Quality finishing coating.

Important! A huge disadvantage when using this composition is that it is persistent. bad smell, which does not disappear from the room for a long time.

  • Alkyd varnishes– made with the addition of various oil compositions, which are well absorbed into natural wood. Upper layer alkyd varnish coatings are resistant to mechanical loads, but the coating quickly becomes unusable - it quickly wears out. Such compositions should be used to coat wooden stairs that are of secondary importance and are rarely used.

Opaque types of coating

Opaque coatings can be applied in several layers, completely hiding the texture and imperfections of the wood. Before applying finishing compounds, it is necessary to completely clean previously painted surfaces and carry out a preliminary set of priming and putty work. Putty can hide small cracks and imperfections in wood; a layer of primer increases the degree of adhesion of the paint composition to the surface.

Tools for applying finishing compounds

To carry out work on finishing stairs in an apartment with my own hands, you will need: bristle brushes and flutes; drying oil; primers; turpentine; varnish or paint.

Advice. Before the beginning finishing works Working brushes should be carefully prepared; they are soaked in drying oil, then washed in turpentine.

Surface preparation

Before applying the painting composition, it is necessary to clean the surface of dust, paint or old varnish, remove dust, putty the stairs and coat them with a primer.

Important! Varnish or other paint composition should be thoroughly mixed before use.
The composition is applied to the surface with broad strokes, then the layer is leveled, while the brush is held slightly inclined.

Painting stairs: video

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