Design a shower at the dacha in the house. How to make a summer shower from scrap materials. Waterproofing and ventilation of the shower - what to pay attention to

Country house For many, it is a favorite place where you can relax from the bustle of the city. But here, far from civilization, people are not used to giving up the benefits that this civilization provides. And one of them is the opportunity to splash around on a hot afternoon under a cool shower. That's why Summer shower refers to utility structures necessary for a comfortable pastime in a suburban area. It is even more relevant if there is no natural body of water nearby. To feel like a person even in the country, you need to build a solid structure that can last for more than one season. Have you already thought about how to build Summer shower? The photos will clearly demonstrate the main stages of the process.

We build a summer shower for a summer house with our own hands

Start bringing your vision to life with careful design. As they say, measure seven times, but cut only once. To get started, look through ready-made summer shower designs and make your own based on them. The space allocated for the shower, the availability of building materials and the desired dimensions are taken into account. Here you need to take into account the volume of the owners themselves.

Even a beginner can easily create a shower project on his own. A simple drawing or small drawing will help calculate the amount of building materials, avoid some mistakes and unnecessary costs.

An outdoor shower should be spacious and comfortable. It is necessary to provide space for clothes and bath accessories - at least 40-60 cm. The height of the shower should be about 2.50 m. Dimensions interior space, which are most common - 160x100 mm and 190x140 mm. All this must be taken into account when drawing up a drawing or project.

Tips for site preparation...

Now you need to decide on the location of the summer shower. Naturally, it is better to build it in a well-lit, sunny place, away from other buildings. Then the water in the tank will be heated from the sun's heat throughout the day. But if you plan to build a heated summer shower, then it is not necessary to adhere to this condition.

The distance from home should also not be too great so that you can quickly cross after water procedures into the room. It would be wise to take care of water drainage in advance. It is better to dispose of it in a septic tank or settling tank. It is worth paying attention to the convenience of water supply and, if possible, ensuring automatic filling of the container. After selecting a location, it is necessary to prepare the site: remove upper layer, level the base for the shower and fill the area with sand.

We are building the frame...

An outdoor shower can be a permanent structure, or it can be light frame structure. Therefore, the main stages of constructing such showers differ.

The foundation is a reliable basis for a shower stall, but sometimes it is completely unnecessary

In order for the base for the shower to be correct and for convenience, you need to make basic markings: for this, pegs are driven into the outer corners of the site. After this, be sure to check the diagonal and tighten the cord.

The dimensions of the foundation depend on the materials that will be used in the construction of the shower. For a building made of brick or cinder block, a foundation 30 cm deep is poured. If a metal or wooden frame for a summer shower is used as a base, the foundation will be slightly different. Before pouring, you need to prepare a place for the pipes - lay a log or branch required diameter, wrapped in roofing felt.

If you use an outdoor shower family has been planning for more than one year, it is better to make formwork - raise the level of the foundation above the ground by 10-15 cm, increasing the height of the trench using boards reinforced with pegs and spacers.

When pouring concrete for a shower base, it is extremely important to ensure a level surface. This is done in the same way as when screeding a floor, using a level and two guides. The guides are leveled, poured with concrete, and the base floor is leveled along the guides. Only a horizontal surface can serve reliable basis for further construction. After the leveling is completed, they begin laying bricks.

Installing a shower using a frame

You can use a metal frame as a base for the shower (it is more durable). Construction of a summer shower will be much more economical if you use wood. But this material is not durable. Taking into account the peculiarities of our climate and the increased humidity due to the operation of the building, it is better to treat it with bio-impregnation to protect it from insects and fungus.

Having decided on the amount of building materials and the dimensions of the building, we proceed to the installation of the frame. The first stage is marking. A rectangle is marked on the ground, the sides of which will correspond to the parameters future design. In order for the design of the summer shower to be stable, it is necessary to make pile foundation. Therefore, holes of the required depth are drilled at the corners of the markings (130-170 cm, the depth depends on the length of the pipes). Then the pipe foundation is installed directly. It is better to use for this metal pipes 1.5–2 m long (diameter - 9-10 cm), but they can even use railway sleepers. The piles are deepened into the ground so that they protrude 20 cm beyond the ground. The pipes are then filled with concrete. After it hardens, it should be installed in the pipes wooden beams. The width of the timber used for the frame should be no more than 10 cm.

This is how we will cover the frame with PVC film and get an excellent construction

The next installation step is bandaging: starting from the top, the entire structure is bolted together. If the calculation is made correctly and all dimensions are observed correctly, the design will be reliable. This will make it possible to install a water tank big size. Its volume should be calculated according to the formula: 40 l × 1 person and no more than 200 l. The structure simply cannot withstand a heavy container. It is desirable that the tank be flat and correspond to the area of ​​the roof, that is, rest against the supporting structures.

The bandage inside the frame will later serve as shower floor joists. Now we connect the beams-bases of the walls with each other using bevels. They should be installed in the thickness of the wall, but not in the overlay.

And here is a version covered with plastic slate

Slate sheets, OSB boards, boards, plastic panels and even PVC film.

Summarizing communications...

You can build a summer shower with your own hands from building materials left on the site after the construction of the dacha, but with the installation of communications the situation is somewhat different. This is not possible without financial investments.

  • Laying pipes, installing a tank. After the structure is erected, a water pipe is installed. The outlet for the shower head hose must be made above head level. Otherwise the pressure will be too low. Now you need to install the tank. You can install a purchased plastic tank. Although, in order to save money, they usually use a barrel or any other container. Before the tank rises to the top, you need to make a threaded outlet, and also install a tap with a nozzle. Now the tank or barrel should be securely fastened to the roof. As a rule, the water in a tub or tank is heated by the sun's rays. In order for the tank to heat up faster, it is pre-painted black. It is good to equip a greenhouse made of film around the tank: cover it with foil on the north side to reduce heat transfer.

A metal shower tank will never go out of style, but now plastic options are increasingly being used

  • Lighting. When wiring for lighting, do not forget about the electrical installation rules. After all, the humidity in the shower is increased. Of course, you can do without electric lighting if you use the shower exclusively in the summer. A stream of light coming from a small window (above head level) with frosted glass will be sufficient. In spring, the days are somewhat shorter, so there will not be enough daylight alone.
  • Ventilation. To improve air circulation and protect against condensation, it is advisable to make a hole in the ceiling and cover it with a decorative grille.
  • Shower drain. How to build an outdoor shower, install pipes, install lighting - we figured it out. Now let's deal with the drain problem. With an increase in the average daily temperature, the workload of summer residents increases significantly and the load on the shower increases. But the temperature of the soil does not affect its drainage properties. It’s good if it is possible to combine the shower drain and waste pipe at home.

For quick disposal and good drainage of wastewater, the outdoor shower must be installed on a hill. The walls of the pit should be further strengthened to prevent collapse. Please note that the volume of the drainage pit must certainly be at least 2 cubic meters. meters.

A common mistake made by novice builders is placing the septic tank next to the wall of the shower stall or under the shower itself. If the volumes of water are large, the septic tank may overflow. Over time, drainage works worse, and bad smell. With constant flooding, it is possible not only for the soil to shrink, but even to destroy the foundation, which is extremely dangerous. Therefore, the drain of a summer shower must be diverted several meters from the structure.

The water drainage is equipped with a waterproof layer using PVC film, roofing felt or hydroglass insulation. Alternatively, they do concrete screed, reinforced with metal mesh.

Clay cannot be used as a waterproof layer. After some time, it will wash away and may contaminate the drainage ditch.

Installing the pallet

A tray will allow you to equip a summer shower with your own hands and ensure the drainage of wastewater for it. This can be a purchased pallet, a stainless steel sheet pallet, or the most cheap option- wooden pallet. Instead of a pallet, boards are laid, but not tightly, but leaving gaps for water. The lattice of boards is first sanded well with sandpaper and treated with an antiseptic. For convenience, you can put a rubber mat on top.

The simplest shower tray is made from ordinary boards

Waterproofing must be laid between the floor of the summer shower and the tray. For this purpose, roofing material is used. When installing the pan, you must ensure that the slope is formed towards the drain for unimpeded water flow. The pallet is screwed to the walls with self-tapping screws.

For more comfortable washing, so you don’t have to stand on metal pallet, it is advisable to install plastic grilles.

Facing the structure...

An outdoor shower should fit harmoniously into the overall design of your yard. Any designer will tell you that for exterior upholstery it is better to use materials that complement the ensemble of nearby buildings.

The cladding of a summer shower is not only decorative; it is necessary to protect the walls from the effects of weather conditions. The surface of the walls can be plastered and painted or sheathed vinyl siding, it all depends on the owner’s imagination, his financial capabilities and the features of the structure. For example, a summer shower made of polycarbonate on a frame does not need cladding at all.

On the left is the polycarbonate version; on the right is a shower lined with wood

A good option is to cover the walls and ceiling with clapboard. If the family visits the dacha only warm time year, then it is better to choose as a material for lining a summer shower PVC film, thick colored (opaque) polyethylene or tarpaulin. If the shower casing is removable, it can be easily stored in the pantry for the winter.

How to make a summer shower comfortable...

It is very convenient when the building is divided into two zones: a shower and a changing room. To prevent water from entering the locker room area, the floor of this area should be raised a few centimeters. A small decorative curtain made of polyethylene will also help protect clothes from splashes.

If you need to use the shower during colder periods, the walls will have to be insulated. For this purpose, polystyrene foam is used. This material must be used to fill the internal space of the frame. Next, the structure is covered with PVC film using a stapler and decorative slats. Already on top of the film, interior finishing is done.

If you are choosing materials to decorate an outdoor shower (there are plenty of photos on the Internet and in catalogues), try to pay attention not only to aesthetics, but also to practicality. For finishing the interior of the shower stall, only moisture resistant materials.

A modern summer shower in the form of an extension to the house - why not an option?

For interior decoration, you can use thin linoleum, plastic panels, oilcloth or wood. If you choose wood, don’t forget to cover each board separately with hot drying oil, and only then proceed to finishing works. When facing interior walls the material is run under the sides of the pallet.

To improve soil drainage, you can plant several moisture-loving plants near the shower. Green spaces absorb water. They will not only decorate, but also protect the space around the shower stall from waterlogging.

Thus, a do-it-yourself summer shower will become an indispensable outbuilding on a personal plot.

In hot weather, quite often you want to freshen up at your dacha, but there are situations when there is no clean body of water nearby, and setting up a pool is a rather complicated and expensive task. To get out of this situation, it is recommended to independently build a summer garden shower for your dacha; it will save you in summer heat and perfectly refreshing. It will be especially pleasant to take it after a hard day at work. A shower will help you relieve tension, refresh, invigorate, calm and distract you from negativity.

This structure performs another equally important practical function - health care. It is recommended to rinse periodically in order to wash away dust that has settled on you, which may contain particles of fertilizer. Doctors have noticed that people who neglect summer showers and prefer to postpone hygiene procedures until taking a bath are more likely to turn to specialists with problems such as diseases gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases.

But what if there is no shower at the dacha? If you don’t want to splash around in a trough or basin, you need to arrange comfort in the field and build a summer shower with your own hands, using ready-made drawings and photos, studying the description step by step.

The choice of material and location are the most important parameters

This building has a huge variety of construction options, both from a technical and aesthetic point of view. But the general details are the same for any option, these are the frame, fence, tank and pallet (floor). But the options for their assembly are very diverse.

The simplest and most affordable option is to take a bucket, punch more small holes in it and hang it in a convenient place. The main advantage of such a device is its absolute accessibility, but sometimes ten liters may not be enough to wash properly. And from an aesthetic point of view, such a design is not very attractive. Another advantage of this option is that you don’t need to build anything.

If you don’t go the simple route, then an outdoor shower can be constructed from wood, metal profiles and various plastics. The choice of material depends on what tool you use. If you don’t have a grinder at your disposal and welding machine, then the structure will have to be built from planed bars. Can be used as cladding plastic lining, board, or simply attach a waterproof film to the racks.

Each option has its own subtleties. For example, when assembling a wooden summer shower, you can use a huge number of design options, but plastic and metal constructions do not require special processing.

A very important point at the beginning of the assembly is how many people will use the shower and how often. Based on this, the volume of the tank is calculated, as well as the presence of a special drain.

The comfort of using a shower may vary. If possible, equip your dacha shower with a locker room yourself. In this case, you will avoid such an unpleasant moment as wet things. The highest level of comfort is a building that houses a shower, dressing room and toilet. Of course, creation similar design will require investment of both money and effort. If the tank is painted black, the water will heat up faster.

When choosing a location for the shower, try to ensure that it is sunny and that buildings and trees are as far away as possible. This is important because the source of heating the water in the tank is the sun. Another point is that the shower should not be installed on a noticeably lowering ground, as this will impede the flow of water. Particular care needs to be taken of the drain itself.

For infrequent use and a small volume of water, a small drainage layer under the pan will be sufficient. And if a shower is used by a family of several people who will use it quite often, it will be necessary to install a septic tank. It should be located 2-3 meters from the structure itself, this is done so that there is no unpleasant odor coming from it into the shower. You can plant moisture-loving plants near the summer shower - they will decorate the area and provide natural drainage.

Once the location and material have been determined, the construction of the structure can begin. To do this, study 5 simple options on how to make a summer shower yourself.

Homemade shower cabin made of wood

Before you build a summer shower in your country house, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools for the work. To create an outdoor shower structure, you will need the following materials:

  • timber;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rubber hose;
  • shower kit, which includes a bracket, curved pipe, adapter, mixer and nozzle.

Stages of assembling a wooden garden summer shower:

  1. A shower pit with a depth of 40 cm and dimensions of 1 × 1 m is dug, a layer of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the pit, it will facilitate the rapid absorption of soapy water by the soil. After this, you need to lay cinder blocks in the corners. They must be leveled.
  2. After this we begin to make the frame. To do this, you will need boards 15cm wide and 30mm thick. A base measuring 1 × 1 m is made from them, and 4 beams with a cross section of 70 × 100 mm are attached to it. Using side and two transverse jumpers inserted into the grooves, the frame is bandaged. They also serve as reinforcements for the roof, where a hundred-liter tank will be installed.
  3. Frame covering. To do this, you can use clapboard, blockhouse or false beams. The gaps between the grooves should be about 2-3 millimeters. This is necessary so that when wet the timber can easily expand. We used a material that imitates logs to cover the shower.
  4. Finishing. Before painting, you need to prime the wood. A bioprotective antifungal impregnation is suitable for this; after it dries, the surface is painted with façade acrylic water-borne varnish in 3 layers.
  5. Then you need to hang a tank, the minimum volume of which is one hundred liters, a curtain, install shelves and attach hooks.

For self-creation A similar shower at the dacha will take 1-2 days. But a shower cabin in the country, made by yourself, will delight you throughout the entire summer season.

Country shower made of polycarbonate

When many people think of polycarbonate, a greenhouse comes to mind. Most people immediately wonder how to use such a shower, which is also transparent. But for shower stalls there is a special material that hides everything.

An outdoor shower made of polycarbonate on a metal profile is more durable than a wooden one and is not more difficult to assemble. To do this, you will need a profile pipe with a cross section of 40x20 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm and a steel angle of 50x50 mm. The number of profiles is determined based on the dimensions of the shower: length and width - 1 meter, height - 2.1 meters.

The dimensions of the cabin are not important since its length and width depend on the dimensions of the tank. The posts must be 10 cm larger than the height of the frame; this is necessary for concreting.

For convenience, it is better to assemble the sidewalls on a flat concrete or asphalt area, using welder magnets to fix the profiles.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a shower from a profile pipe and polycarbonate look like this:

  1. Two racks and two crossbars are laid in pairs on the site, after which they are welded overlapping.
  2. After installing the side frames vertically, two transverse profiles are attached to them by welding, the corners are checked and the joints are fixed with a working seam.
  3. As soon as the concrete screed has been poured under the booth, it is placed on it finished frame so that the legs of the racks are immersed in the concrete. The installation is checked for verticality (if necessary, the depth of immersion in the screed of the racks is adjusted).
  4. All that remains is to weld the door frame and attach the hinges to it. The final touch will be cutting the cellular polycarbonate and attaching it with self-tapping screws to the frame itself. To collect water, you can use a steel pan or make a special channel for drainage at the time of concreting.
  5. For the reservoir, it is recommended to use plastic flat tanks. They are easier to install and act as a roof, completely covering the cabin.

Outdoor shower made of polycarbonate can look very attractive thanks to color scheme. Of course, such a design should not be put at the forefront. But for the owners themselves and their guests it will be very pleasant to use such a shower. In addition, polycarbonate does not require any special care.

Shower for a cottage made of brick

Creating a brick structure requires the construction of a foundation. To do this, you will need to dig a trench 400 mm deep and 200 mm wide along the perimeter of the future structure. The trench is filled up broken brick and is filled with liquid concrete so that it seeps between it. After a week has passed after the concrete has hardened, begin laying the brick on the cement mortar.

Don't forget about installation door frame. The door itself can be made of wood, or a frame can be welded from a profile and a sheet of corrugated sheets sewn into it. When will you lay it down? last layer bricks, embed the transverse ones into the masonry wooden blocks, preferably brick thickness. The tank will be attached to them and the roof will be laid.

The roof will require rigid material. Corrugated sheeting or slate are well suited for this role. After roofing material Fixed in it, a hole is drilled in the middle of the roof. The tank is installed on the roof so that the supply tube passes into the hole. A tap and watering can are screwed onto the tube.

The optimal tank volume for such a shower is 200 liters. You can buy a plastic or galvanized tank in the store or make it yourself from stainless steel. Any container that has a neck for filling water can be used as a tank.

To create a heated brick shower, you need to install a 2 kW heating element into a metal tank. The reconciliation container must be painted black. This color attracts the sun's rays more strongly, which allows the water to heat up faster. If you additionally install a wood-burning titanium in the cabin, then in addition to heating the water, you can also heat the cabin itself. In this case, you will need to install another cold water tank.

There are two methods for creating the floor and drainage of a country shower:

  • dig a hole equal to the area of ​​the cabin and 300 mm deep, fill it with crushed stone on top of which install a wooden lattice pallet. This type of drainage works well with small amounts of water;
  • if you plan to build a heated shower for a summer cottage, which will be used by a large number of people, then it is necessary to drain it. To do this you need to lay 50 mm sewer pipe from the dug hole to the drainage well. Fill the hole with crushed stone and fill it with concrete so that the drain is flush with the floor. Place a wooden pallet on top of the concrete.

A do-it-yourself summer shower for a cottage made of brick is built not for one season, but for many years, so it can be equipped with heating.

Summer shower made of corrugated sheets

A successful solution can be considered the construction of a country shower from corrugated sheets. This material is lightweight, strong and durable. For covering like this suitable material both wooden and metal frames, but additional cross bars must be present on it.

Additional emphasis will not hurt due to the fact that this material is quite soft. For a metal profile, the frame is built similarly to the above options.

It is recommended to weld the door frame from a metal profile. The metal profile is fastened using galvanized self-tapping screws with a sealing washer through one wave. First, the corrugated sheets are attached to the side walls, then attached to the door.

If it becomes necessary to cut the material, use scissors or a special disc with teeth for an angle grinder; this is done so that the special tool does not burn out during cutting. polymer coating corrugated sheets

The frame of this shower is made of metal pipes. The wall cladding is made of brown corrugated sheets. The roof is also made of corrugated sheets. The opening between the roof and the wall allows light to enter the shower room.

A simple option for building a summer shower

Often many people think about how to build an outdoor shower with their own hands using a minimum of funds. This shower will be able to provide for a minimum number of people and allow for maximum savings.

Most simple design the shower is installed near the blank wall of the main building. A water container with an attached shower head is also attached to this wall. The floor of such a shower is a wooden pallet or a concreted area for convenience, which is covered with a rubber mat. For walls, use a cellophane curtain or tarpaulin wrapped around a wooden frame.

You can use any available means as shelves for shampoos and soaps. For this purpose, you can even use a plastic bottle cut in half and nailed to the wall. The lower part of the bottle can serve as a stand for shampoo, and the upper part for soap or washcloths, which will allow water to flow freely and not stagnate.

From an aesthetic point of view, such a structure is noticeably inferior in contrast to a capital one, but nevertheless has the right to exist.

5 ideas for organizing a shower in the country

Quite inexpensive and quite simple country shower This is a frame made of wooden blocks covered with planed boards.

If you have a grinder and a welding machine at your disposal, you can make an outdoor shower yourself from a metal profile and cover its walls with tarpaulin. In the absence of a welding machine, the frame can be assembled using threaded connections, reinforcing the corners with steel gusset plates. The sides can also be closed using a film screen placed on rings and a cord.

There is no need to build a shower frame if you attach it to the wall of your home. To do this, you will need to line it with waterproof material and bring a mixer with a hose to the surface. By filling the floor with large pebbles and performing simple drainage, you will get a fairly cozy and bright corner for taking water procedures. If you don’t like the open option of a wall shower, you can install it light wall screen.

Considering further the options for a summer shower, it is worth noting that it can be made not only from purchased, but also from inexpensive scrap materials. Look at the photo below. The frame of this structure is made of wooden blocks. The fence is woven from willow vine, which can be found near summer cottages.

The shower can also be made from wavy metal sheet bent in a semicircle. For this option, you do not need to install a tank for heating water. You just need to connect to the water supply.

Now you know enough how to make a country shower yourself. If you are full of confidence in the need for a country shower, then go for it. The best option is obtained after preliminary calculations. And after finishing this work, you can return to everyday dacha chores, in which case you have a place where you can freshen up.

Shower cabins for a summer residence are one of those “structures” that are easy to make yourself, but very difficult to do without. There are a huge number of different options for shower cabins, each master makes his own improvements to their design. We will not dwell on complex and expensive options; we will consider the most “budget”, but very functional solutions.

Before starting construction, decide what you want in the end, what capabilities and characteristics the shower cabin should have. The specific features of the shower stall depend on:

  • the number of people living in the dacha. This indicator affects the volume of the tank for heating water and the need for drainage;
  • landscape features of a summer cottage and physical characteristics of soils. It is better to install showers on small hills; this will allow you to do without special drainage in most cases. The installation location of the shower stall should be the sunniest and not very far from the dacha. It is advisable that in this place there are garden paths. Another important point is the availability of water. If you have any automatic water supply system, great, we will tell you how to automatically fill the container. If water at the dacha is obtained in buckets from a well, you will have to fill the tank on the shower stall manually;
  • manufacturing materials. The frame can be made from shaped steel, square pipes or wood. Each material has its own characteristics. The walls are covered with clapboard, cellular polycarbonate or metal profile. There are cheaper options - stretch a tarpaulin, opaque plastic film or ordinary thick material over the frame;
  • location. The cabin can be free-standing or attached to external wall country house. There are options for a mobile cabin - if necessary, it can be moved to a new location and does not require the construction of foundations. For such options, ultra-light load-bearing structures and cladding materials are selected;
  • engineering features of the water heating tank and shower drain control system.

Outdoor showers made of gabions
Outdoor shower

Outdoor shower made of brick (stone)
Large wooden outdoor shower

You shouldn’t “save” on the size of the cabins; make it at least 2.2 meters in height, the dimensions of the base are at least 1x1 m. The fact is that the cabin should have space for bath accessories and clothes. Let's consider step by step two options for booths - with a metal and wooden frame.

Prices for summer shower

summer shower shower cabin

Shower stall with metal frame

Metal shower cabin Shower stall with metal frame
Do-it-yourself shower cabin in the countryside photo

To carry out the work, you will need square pipes with a cross-section of at least 20×30 mm, sheet iron with a thickness of 1 mm and a corner 45×45 mm. Tools – angle grinder (grinder) and welding machine.

GOST 8639 82 steel square pipes
Galvanized iron sheet
Corner 45 x 45

Step 1. Draw a sketch of the cabin.

The height of the booth is approximately 2.2 meters, the perimeter size is 1x1 m.

For rigidity, provide three rows of jumpers: at the top, in the middle and at the bottom. For the lower lintels it is better to use a corner; a wooden grid will be installed on its shelves. In the upper part you need to make stops to place the container under water; the specific sizes of the stops depend on the dimensions of the container.

You can sheathe the side surfaces metal profile, cellular polycarbonate, plastic or wooden clapboard or fit different flexible materials. For each material, you need to think about places for fastening. Drill mounting holes in square pipe You can’t, weld metal plates for these purposes.

Don’t get too carried away with cellular polycarbonate for cladding. It is good in many respects, but only for a limited time. One of the disadvantages that manufacturers never mention is that over time, moss will begin to grow in the combs. And no seals will help; the power of nature will overcome any protective measures. The sight of polycarbonate sheets with moss inside will not make you happy, to put it mildly. In general, we recommend covering shower stalls with light, cheap, soft materials. They can be replaced with new ones every season, the cabin will always have an attractive appearance without much loss of time and finances.

Metal sheet prices

a metal sheet

Step 2.

If you already have an idea about the structure of the frame, you can start making it.

Get started with cutting metal elements. Cut 4 pipes 2.2 meters long (vertical supports). If you want to make opening doors in the booth, then you will need to cut two more pieces of pipe for them; the length may already be shorter; the door height dimensions should be kept within 1.5 m.

Under the grille stop you will need four corners of one meter each. The same length should be used to prepare pipes for the lintels of the side surfaces and doors. You will need two of them for each element of the cabin. You only need to cut parts according to the template, all angles are strictly 90°.

Very important: Follow safety precautions when working with grinder, injuries can be very serious. Some "craftsmen" install cutting discs in such a way that sparks fly into the the opposite side from them. This is a grave mistake! In this position, the grinder is undermined with enormous effort; it is impossible to hold the tool in your hands.

Step 3.

Check the cut areas and clean them for welding. You don’t have to make a chamfer; the strength of the weld will withstand the load.

Step 4.

To increase the strength of the structure, prepare metal equilateral corners, the length of the legs is 5÷10 centimeters. It is advisable to install them at all corners of the frame and doors. Square supports ≈20×20 cm need to be welded under the legs.

Triangles to strengthen the structure

Step 5.

Welding the frame. Carry out the work very carefully, never immediately lay down full seam On the one side. As it cools, it will pull the metal, making it very difficult to return to its original position. First, attach the adjacent pipes on one side, straighten the structure, and only after that can you lay a full seam on the opposite side. The seam has cooled down - weld the place where you baited.

For welding, you can use alternating voltage electrodes Ø4 mm.

This is the most universal diameter of electrodes; they can weld metal with a thickness of 1÷4 mm. Select the correct current strength; the metal should melt under the electrode to the required depth, but not completely cut through the pipe wall. If you have no experience performing welding work– It’s better to seek help from a professional. This will ultimately cost less than discarding expensive material yourself.

Work must be performed on a level area, constantly monitor the corners of the structure. The frame will stand on metal plates-legs measuring approximately 20x20 centimeters in size. Prepare them and cook them.

Prices for AC electrodes

AC electrodes

Step 6.

Frame assembly. You cannot do this work yourself; you need to call an assistant. Weld individual elements of the frame in the specified way, constantly check its spatial position. At the bottom, corners are welded on which the wooden grate will rest; on top, make a structure for a container for water.

Summer shower for the dacha - frame

Step 7

Finishing. Carefully remove all burrs and sharp corners with a grinding machine, clean metal structures from rust, oil and dirt.

Removing the weld seam At this stage you can stop or continue processing for a better result

For painting, use special paints for metal. You will have to paint it at least twice, after the first time the metal will be visible. Do not use a pneumatic spray gun; it is only suitable for painting large surfaces. In your case, most of the paint will go into the air. Paint only with a brush; you will not need more than one to two hours for the entire painting.

In the photo - anti-corrosion compounds for metal

Next, you can make wooden grates for your feet and begin installing a water container. We will tell you how to install the container and connect the shower at the end of the article after describing the manufacture of the wooden frame of the shower stall.

Video - Do-it-yourself summer shower on the site

Shower stall with wooden frame

The linear dimensions can be the same as in the version with a metal frame. Manufacturing material – wooden blocks 50×50 mm, boards 50×100 mm, select specific dimensions taking into account total weight containers for water. Boards and bars need to be passed through a surface planer - the size will be equalized and roughness will be removed.

Step 1. Draw a sketch. It will come in handy not only during work, but it makes it much easier to choose best option designs. It's better to correct your mistakes on paper than on finished product. Draw several options on paper, think about the location of the stops, shelves and tank for the container. Compare several designs of shower stalls and choose the one that suits you best.

Step 2. Cut all the blanks for the frame to size; according to the design, it does not differ from the metal one. Once again, pay attention - watch the dimensions, make blanks only according to the templates.

Step 3. On level ground, begin assembling individual structural elements. It is better to make the connection in half a tree. If this is difficult for you, use metal plates and corners with screws.

Step 4. Assemble the individual frame elements into a single structure. If there are doors, secure them on hinges.

Instead of doors, you can make an ordinary curtain. Consider a location for installing the water tank.

Attach with inside shelves for bath accessories and hooks for towels and clothes. Prepare a wooden footrest.

Wooden grate - example

Step 5. Ends vertical racks must be protected from rotting. You can treat them with special antiseptics, or you can soak them several times in drying oil or sunflower oil. By the way, drying oil is unrefined technical oil of oilseeds, including sunflower.

Drying oil prices

Let's give a few practical advice on the installation of a shower stall.


You can find advice to install shower cabins on screw foundation, pour a concrete platform under them, etc. We do not recommend doing such work for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, a shower stall is not a structure that requires special foundations.
  2. Secondly, we can guarantee you that over time you will have a desire to build a warm shower, and for this you will have to dismantle the cabin.

We recommend using paving slabs or wide paving stones for the foundation. Remove a small layer of soil underneath, level it horizontally and lay tiles in the prepared areas. Tamp it down a little - this will prevent the appearance of distortions while using the booth.

Video - Rules for laying paving slabs

Water drainage

And here you can find advice on the design of an entire engineering system. What does practice show? The volume of the water tank rarely allows more than two people to shower at the same time, the consumption for each is approximately 20÷30 liters. Depending on the weather, the water heating time ranges from five hours. We assure you that during this time the used water will quietly go into the ground. And one more thing - you shouldn’t be afraid that without a septic tank “unpleasant odors will appear”; this is not a sewer.

Water tank and shower

You can build the most beautiful and most reliable shower stall, but it will be very inconvenient to wash in it. Reason – incorrect installation water tank and shower. How to avoid such trouble? Let's give some practical recommendations.

Water container. You can use two options: plastic and metal.

Plastic containers

Advantages: relatively low price, wide choice of capacity, ease of installation.

But there are also significant drawbacks.

  1. Firstly, to increase heating efficiency, it is recommended to use black plastic containers, and this option is difficult to find and, moreover, to choose the optimal option in terms of capacity. It is almost impossible to paint a white container black.
  2. Secondly, the physical strength of the plastic does not allow you to reliably fix the shower connection point. Constant vibrations of the outlet pipe violate the tightness of the connection, and leaks appear. In addition, due to frequent bending forces in these places, the effect of material fatigue occurs. And this can lead to a complete separation of the shower with all the consequences.

Metal containers

Advantages - the high strength of the metal guarantees the tightness and reliability of the shower connection. The metal is easily painted black, and this color significantly increases the efficiency of heating water by solar rays.

Disadvantages: weight increases. You can ignore corrosion processes; a thick-walled barrel will last for decades. Moreover, a barrel of water corrodes much more slowly than an empty one. We recommend using metal barrels: cheap and reliable.

Construction and operation

Another important question is how to fill containers with water. Filling in buckets is not the best option. We strongly advise you to take all measures to ensure that water is filled with a hose. If your well or borehole is located at a great distance from the cabin, then you can make a temporary line with a flexible hose from the dacha. We will also tell you how to make water filling automatic. To do this, you can use an ordinary float made of cistern toilet. Adjust it to a response difference of approximately twenty liters of water, taking into account the size of the container. This will make it possible to constantly keep the barrel fully “filled”, the water will constantly heat up, and you will not have to prematurely end the shower process due to lack of water. Another advantage of “automation” is that the possibility of water overflow is eliminated. Overmoistening the soil near the shower stall is undesirable.

You may come across a proposal to take shower water from a container using a float. The end of the flexible intake hose is fixed on the float (you can take a piece of foam plastic of the appropriate size), as the water is consumed, the float will lower, the intake is always made from the top, warmest layer. This device has an effect, but it is insignificant. The fact is that the water in the containers heats up from the walls, the hot water rises, the cold sinks down. The movement of water through the volume occurs almost constantly, which means that there is not much difference in water temperature in the tank depending on the height.

Another improvement is to make electric heating, which will allow you to have warm water regardless of weather conditions. Yes, the water will be hot, but who will dare to take a shower if it’s outside? low temperature? But this is not all the problems. During the device electric heating the rules of the PUE must be strictly observed, and they impose very strict requirements for such work. In addition, you will need to install automatic switching on/off of heaters. Do you need such “complexities” in an ordinary outdoor shower stall? If there is a need to use a shower stall in cold weather, make a shower room in the dacha room. This decision will have to be made in case of a long stay on the site.

If your shower is attached directly to the container (no shower hose), then a set of additional measures should be taken to ensure its reliable fixation. Using stops (wooden or metal), secure the pipe, eliminating even the theoretical possibility of vibrations while using the tap. It is better to install the faucet of the valve type. It has a much easier rod stroke, the water pressure is gradually regulated, the working surfaces do not oxidize - the smoothness of the stroke does not change over time.

During the construction of the shower stall, consider the possibility of adding small additional rooms to it. They can be used both for extensions of the shower room or the installation of another one next to it, or for a separate dressing room.

Industrial shower cabins

A wide selection of both price and performance characteristics allows you to choose the best option, taking into account your own preferences and individual characteristics of your summer cottage. Industrial shower cabins can be completely plastic, metal with lining various materials or tented. They are equipped with water tanks, cabins (metal or wood), pallets and cladding materials.

Shower for a summer residence, plastic

According to consumer reviews, using the booths is quite convenient, but there are several significant shortcomings. Plastic cabins do not meet the required strength indicators; if there are children at the dacha, then a season of work without repairing such a structure will be a great success.

The second disadvantage is the high price. A do-it-yourself shower stall will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. There are also quite cheap options for industrial booths, but in terms of strength they can be classified as “single-season”. Don’t waste your money; for this money you can build a wonderful, durable and reliable shower stall yourself.

Outdoor shower cabin “Economy”

The third disadvantage is that mass production is designed for the average user. This is natural, everyone works according to this scheme manufacturing enterprises. By creating a booth with your own hands, you can make all the calculations for yourself, change the location of the shower, its height, the diameter of the drain holes, adjustment mechanisms, etc. In addition, there are no restrictions on installing additional equipment, changing dimensions in height and width, devices additional elements decor. There are craftsmen who make very original shower stalls.

Video - Country shower cabin with tent


Each suburban area requires constant improvement, so take care of these things. You can start with a shower stall, then build a gazebo, then a bathhouse, and so on, from simple to complex. You will see at personal experience- No better than that, which is made with your own hands.

During the summer work on summer cottage there is a desire to freshen up under the pressure of warm water. Not everyone has country house convenience, so a summer structure in the form of a shower can be made in the yard.

Summer showers for cottages come in a variety of shapes and layouts, of varying complexity. Today, many manufacturers offer simple shower stalls for easy installation, with a frame made of aluminum profile, and the covering is made of polycarbonate plates. A 100 liter plastic container is installed at the top. Such a shower can be put away in the utility room for the winter. You can buy a summer shower for a dacha of this type either in supermarkets or order it in online stores, of which there are many online. You just need to choose the appropriate configuration, height and internal volume of the structure itself.

There are also more complex stationary buildings that are used not only in summer, but also in winter. They are usually created from a capital foundation and building material(foam block, gas block, brick, concrete block). An intermediate and one of the most commonly used materials for a classic summer shower is wood. In any case, building a summer shower for your dacha with your own hands (see photo) will not be much of a hassle, as long as you plan and prepare everything carefully. In modern conditions there are many opportunities and means (materials, equipment, tools) for quickly solving any dacha problem. How to build a summer shower at the dacha with your own hands and which option to choose?

Types of summer showers and principles of their structure

Depending on the complexity of the future structure, several types of these useful structures are distinguished.

Simple summer shower. At the dacha it can be installed in a hidden part personal plot. Making such a structure will not be particularly difficult. To do this, it will be enough to prepare four supports made of wood, metal or durable plastic. They go 80 cm into the ground. To do this, holes are dug to fit the diameter of the material. Then the supports are installed in the holes and filled with concrete.

For side walls, you can use a simple opaque fabric, a sheet, a tablecloth, blue or plastic film white. A watering can is installed on one of the supports with special device in the form of a pedal that can be bought at a plumbing store.

The shower tank can be made from a 15 liter bucket. (for one person this is quite enough), but you can install plastic container special purpose. One end of the hose is connected to the water supply, and the second is inserted into the tank. There is a hole at the bottom where the watering can is connected. The pedal and the faucet of the watering can are connected with a rope. The simplest shower for the cottage is ready.

Ready shower for the cottage. You can buy an inexpensive summer shower in disassembled form. He's at the dacha assembled at a pre-selected location, according to the included instructions. Its price depends on the internal volume of the cabin, the quality of the polycarbonate panels, plumbing fixtures (mixer, watering can, shower stand, the presence of a shelf with hooks), the capacity of the water tank, as well as the availability additional system heating However, you can experiment with the configuration according to your taste and financial capabilities.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when buying such a shower is the presence of a hygiene passport, instructions for assembly and operation, as well as a certificate for the construction.

The undeniable advantage of such a summer shower in the country (see photo) is its transportability and the ability to be stored disassembled in the winter. utility room country house. This is one of the most budget and low-cost projects for installing a shower stall in the country in the summer.

Wooden summer shower. How to make a shower with your own hands from wood? A question of this nature can often be heard from summer residents who are just beginning to settle in their dacha.

Wood is a universal material. You can easily create any shower stall design from it. Working with wood is very easy and interesting. What will you need to create a wooden shower stall? A drawing is drawn up in advance and the quantity is determined required material. Metal corners (for the frame), screws, and nails are used as fastening accessories.

Having a screwdriver makes the task much easier. When everything is ready to begin work, you can safely begin to assemble the frame. It must be made of durable timber with a diameter of at least 80 cm to support the weight of the planned container. Then it is covered with boards. You can choose a wide variety of cladding, because it not only performs a decorative and covering function, but also strengthens the entire frame. You can also cover the roof with any material. You can use porous polycarbonate, profiled metal sheet, slate.

It should be noted that the cost of such a structure, if available, own material will be much cheaper than a ready-made booth purchased.

Capital structures of a summer shower. You can build a summer shower in your dacha with your own hands from bricks, concrete blocks, stone, and gas blocks. This method requires from the owner not only design thinking, but also special skills. Anyone can build walls, but here the question of the reliability of the structure often arises. What needs to be taken into account when constructing a capital building?

  • Foundation. One of the most important, basic elements of any capital structure. The foundation walls must be at least 30 cm wide. They are made from concrete and stones. For country houses Pile pit foundation is best suited. If it is not possible to install piles, use concrete, columnar foundation with the arrangement of pillows. Asbestos or metal pipes are used as piles. They are installed in pre-drilled openings using a drill. Then they are concreted. The depth of the openings should not be less than 1 m.
  • Septic tank. It can be designed so that a septic tank for waste water is installed under the foundation. It is required if you plan to install a sanitary unit with a toilet. As a septic tank, you can take a container (barrel, cube, concrete walls with cover). For a shower stall, a well-equipped drainage system in the form of plastic pipes will be sufficient.
  • When the foundation is ready, you can proceed to the construction of walls. The only rule for installing walls is level. The guideline for this is a stretched thread and plumb lines at the corners.
  • After installing the walls of a country shower, you can also make a roof with your own hands. To do this, you will need help or advice from a specialist. There are many roof installation options available online. The best one will be gable roof. A container of water fits well under it. For convenience, hoses are inserted into it for supplying and draining water (if the shower will not be used in winter).
  • The next step is the installation of doors and windows (if provided).

Interior decoration and installation of plumbing equipment is carried out according to the individual wishes of the owner.

Water supply and installation of a tank for a summer shower for a summer cottage

Immediately before lifting the container onto the roof of the house, it is necessary to install a faucet with a spray nozzle. Ready-made tanks for summer showers have a built-in valve system to prevent the tank from overflowing. If it is not possible to purchase a tank, you will need to monitor the level each time you fill the water. To do this, a hole is drilled under the top of the tank and a tap with a hose is installed. When it overflows, water will flow out of the hose. Such a signal will indicate that the water supply needs to be turned off.

After installing all the necessary components, the container is placed on the roof or next to it. If it is made of polycarbonate, it can be used under the roof. In principle, many summer residents place the container immediately under the cover. In this case, the water will take longer to heat up. The tank is attached to the base using metal ties.

Building a summer shower in your dacha will not be difficult. If the cottage is used only in the summer, it will be enough to make a simple shower. If it will be visited in winter, it is necessary to construct a permanent structure and install optional equipment for heating water and space.

Ideas for a summer shower in the country, video

A summer resident's working day begins and ends with taking a shower. Not every dacha has a similar structure. Therefore, among the residents country houses so the question is urgent: how to make a summer shower quickly and without unnecessary hassle? Any man who has basic knowledge of construction and also knows how to use tools can create such a structure.

An outdoor shower can be built at the dacha from any available materials. Before starting construction work, you need to decide on the type of shower stall.

An example of drawing up a drawing of a summer shower

There are many proven ways to build a comfortable shower. The following options should be considered.

Shower type Peculiarities
Metal It is quickly assembled using bolted and welded connections. Anti-corrosion treatment required. The design is durable.
Wood Fits harmoniously into any landscape in the country. The material is characterized by accessibility. Treatment with special impregnation is required.
Brick Brick construction is highly durable, but expensive.
Tent It represents a frame that is covered with tarpaulin. Not very convenient.
Combined If the metal frame is sheathed with wood, you get a reliable combination.
Polycarbonate Characterized by ease of maintenance and reliability.






A permanent building at the dacha will be made using brick or silicate blocks. A summer shower made of polycarbonate can be used not only during hot periods, but also in spring and autumn.

The material has the following advantages:

  • the shower warms up well during the day;
  • heat is retained for a long time;
  • the material is durable and strong;
  • mold does not appear on the surface;
  • efficiency of installation work;
  • large selection of color palette.

It is recommended to treat the walls of this structure with a special compound that protects from sunlight. Shower models for a summer residence can be either closed or open. Most often, showers are made using metal, brick or wood. A wooden frame or metal structure can be sheathed with corrugated sheets, clapboard, polycarbonate or boards.

Polymers are not afraid of moisture, but wood structures are more beautiful.

You can build the structure with your own hands. This process is not difficult.

Creating a foundation

Before building showers at the dacha, it is necessary to build a foundation. The shower room is a lightweight building, but requires a reliable foundation.

For this design, two types of base are used:

  • columnar - in the corners of the building, recesses are dug into which pillars made of concrete or stone are installed. When constructing a metal frame, vertical supports are mounted in concrete;
  • slab is a slab of concrete underneath a building. Such a foundation has a depth of no more than 50 cm.

Concrete (slab) foundation

Columnar foundation

Concrete slabs are used for massive buildings. Columnar requires less effort and is done with your own hands. A good option installation of asbestos-cement pipes is considered. Before marking, a plan is drawn up and simple drawings are made.

The construction of the foundation begins with marking an area measuring 1 * 1.2 meters. Pegs are installed at the corners of the rectangle, which are connected with a cord. The distance is checked using a tape measure.

In place of the pegs, holes are made into which pipes with a cross-section of 9 cm are inserted and filled with cement mortar. To protect against high humidity Formworks are made of wood and filled with the same solution as the foundation.

The foundation must be especially strong for a brick structure.

Cabin installation Then we build the cabin. Four vertical pipes or other supports are installed. They tie themselves up profile pipe

or other elements. This is how the frame for the booth is made. The pipes are secured with transverse jumpers. Then the country shower is sheathed with polycarbonate, steel sheets, siding or clapboard. The roof is made in the form of a water tank. Many shower ideas involve designs open type . The roof looks great natural materials

or polycarbonate.

The door can be assembled from boards. There is a simple structure of the walls. Plastic pipes or wooden supports are installed along the contour. A special film is stretched over them or PVC panels are mounted.

a wooden shower consists of a frame as a support for a container of water. The walls of the cabin are made of slate, boards or metal profiles. At the same time, the collapsible type of construction is distinguished by the fastening of large-section glasses in the corners of the frame into which the side elements are inserted.

Wooden shower frame

Iron barrels are used for water. The inside walls of the container are coated with waterproof paint.

Frame installation and finishing

A complex shower design involves installing a second container, to which is connected a heating element and a mixer inside the stall.

The principle of the structure of the soul

Installation of a wooden frame is carried out in several stages:

  • markings are made and the foundation is created;
  • wooden beams with a width of up to 10 cm are installed;
  • the garden shower is secured using a bandage, in the upper part it is secured with bolts, and in the lower part with bars;
  • panels, plastic, boards or slate are used for walls;
  • pipes are being laid out; the pipe outlet for the hose must be above head level;
  • a special outlet is made for drainage;
  • tank is installed.

When wiring, you must follow the rules electrical installation work. High humidity requires high-quality wiring insulation. Simplified ventilation is being installed in the showers, and a greenhouse is mounted on the tank.

Metal carcass

Interior decoration ideas are easy to implement with your own hands. For this, moisture-resistant materials are used: plastic panels, oilcloth, pieces of linoleum. If a wood finish is chosen, then the boards are covered with hot drying oil.

A wooden pallet is used as a floor covering. Or the concrete flooring is covered with wood or plastic gratings.


Additional insulation will allow you to use the shower from April to October. Before covering the frame from the inside, it is recommended to use the following insulating materials for insulation:

  • mineral wool is laid into the frame, then the wall is covered with film and the final finishing is performed;
  • glass wool should be used with great care;
  • polystyrene foam is water resistant. Sheets with a thickness of 50 mm are taken;
  • showers can be insulated with expanded polystyrene, which is laid in internal space, and the top is covered with film.


High-quality insulation will create comfortable conditions for swimming in any weather.

Heating and water supply

For better heating of water, a special heating element device is installed into the tank yourself. This is an effective and safe heating method. The heating element heats the water in a 200-liter container to the desired temperature within 3-4 hours. A simple device does not have a temperature controller and requires monitoring. The heating element turns off as soon as it reaches the desired temperature. You can install the heating element yourself or purchase it finished design, where there is already a heating element inside.

A heated shower is suitable for owners of country houses connected to power grids

Heating can also be done using wood. For this purpose, a special water heater is used, which runs on both wood and coal. This design consists of a firebox water tank and a special mixer.

The water supply to the showers is from a remote source. To install a water supply, the source is connected to the receiver using pipes. You can do this yourself.

Diagram of a heating element water heating device

Features of sewerage installation

Effective shower design ideas require good drainage. If you simply pour water into the ground, then the shower in your dacha will become the dampest place with mosquitoes.

A good option is to install a pan and install pipes with a discharge into a septic tank or a special sewer collector. To arrange such a structure, you will need several meters of pipe and a special barrel for the septic tank. You can build a sewer system with your own hands; to do this, you should first prepare simple drawings.

There are more simple ideas drain installation. The base is made in the form of a concrete slab with a slight slope. In this case, a drainage hole is dug nearby and equipped with a filter with sand and gravel in the form of a septic tank.

Example of drainage pit equipment

It is better to place the pipe system and septic tank a few meters from the shower. The water filtration device consists of a container that is filled with sand and fine gravel. Water leaves through the bottom.

Internal organization

There are a variety of summer shower ideas. Many showers can be recreated with your own hands. With some construction tools and some skills, you can create a comfortable and functional shower.

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