Fireplaces in the interior of an apartment or house: design ideas. Design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house Fireplace in a small living room

For many, the idea of ​​comfort is inextricably linked with the soft warmth of the hearth, the reflection of the fire on the wall, the crackling of firewood and the subtle aroma of smoke. This has been embedded in human genetic memory since cave times, when fire meant life. And thousands of years later, when, instead of a cave, man acquired own home, the desire to have a source of fire in it has not disappeared. Almost any owner would want to order a living room design with a fireplace in a private home - no matter how many square meters allocated for the living room.

A comfortable chair, a fluffy blanket, not bright light a floor lamp, a cup of hot tea or a glass of wine, a leisurely conversation and a philosophical mood - the hearth is associated with all this. The decision to decorate your living room like this today is no longer a wonder; they are placed in luxurious country mansions, small private cottages, modern apartments, sometimes in cramped conditions. After all, today a fireplace is not a bulky structure at all; more often it is a compact decorative element in any style.

If you dream of having an original, comfortable and Beautiful design living room in a private house - with a fireplace, success is already guaranteed. It guarantees a special atmosphere and will become the center of the house. Although its installation requires special knowledge and professional skills, the task is quite feasible. For starters, it’s a good idea to learn more about modern fireplaces, their design, and installation. And carefully study the safety requirements.

Modern fireplaces are structurally divided into 4 groups:

  • corner ones are the most popular. Installed in the corner, they are clearly visible, take up little space, and arranging furniture nearby is quite simple;
  • wall-mounted - respectable, although quite massive option, therefore appropriate in a spacious room;
  • built-in - installed in a niche, there is only a firebox outside, so it is compact. There are two disadvantages: you must first create the niche itself and big problems during repairs;
  • island - mounted in the center of the room. It is convenient because it fits into any room and helps in zoning the room.

According to the material, fireplaces can be stone, brick and metal. It must be remembered that the fireplace itself will be the main accent, so it should be fully compatible with the rest of the decor.

Brick fireplaces are the most versatile. The shade of the brick is important here. For supporters of the classics, a hearth made of brown and sand-colored brick will suit you. The shabby chic style dictates the fashion for light gray bricks.

In country and rustic styles Fireplaces made of stone - natural or artificial - will fit perfectly. You can not limit yourself to framing, but lay out the entire wall, create an arch or a small shelf.

Metal is appropriate if it is designed with a fireplace in a private house in the spirit of techno or hi-tech. The setting will dictate the color of the metal - from sparkling chrome to noble matte gold. Glass elements go well with metal. There is only one limitation - you won’t be able to install a mantelpiece, the metal gets very hot, and there is a risk of getting burned.

Fuel for fireplaces also varies. Most people prefer traditional wood-burning ones. Coal or peat are almost never used. Many people switch to gas; this eliminates the need to install a chimney. For purely decorative purposes it is convenient to use biofuel.

The choice of fireplace is up to the home owner. In any case, it will take a lot high-quality ventilation. You also cannot do without a special set - fireplace tongs, a poker for coals, a scoop for raking them out.

Furniture next to the fireplace

The hearth is very noticeable in the interior; it should not be further highlighted with furniture. But they must be completely compatible. The amount of furniture varies depending on the area of ​​the room.

The lounge area is considered a classic: couple comfortable chairs, floor lamp and coffee table near.

You can put corner sofa. Pay attention to the upholstery: if zoning of the living room is not planned, it should be the same, and if the fireplace area is a special zone, then the furniture upholstery in it will be different, but compatible with the overall interior design.

IN narrow room an overabundance of furniture will take away all the charm of the fireplace. TO fireplace chairs You can only add small shelving, everything else is better placed opposite.

The design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house suggests that this room creates the warmest, most relaxing environment possible. The room will be decorated with paintings or photo collages, beautiful clocks, and candles. Everything is selected according to the general style:

  • porcelain vases, figurines, frames and bronze candlesticks go with the classics;
  • artificially aged frames, pots and boxes are appropriate in country, rustic, shabby chic;
  • ultra-modern styles like hi-tech allow all of the above, but done in an appropriate manner.

Don't forget about cozy pillows, rugs, capes.

TV next to the fireplace

These two elements of the interior do not combine well: the hearth is a symbol of a chamber setting, and the TV is a symbol of modernity. Perfect design A living room with a fireplace in a private house can do without a TV at all.

But if you can’t do without a TV, we follow 2 rules: there is no place for the TV in front of the fireplace (the glare of the fire is reflected on the screen, obscuring the image), we don’t place it above the fireplace (believe me, watching TV with your head up is not very comfortable, and the heat of the fire is harmful screen pixels). The best option is to place it on an adjacent wall; it is safe for electronics and does not interfere with viewing.

Don't forget about safety

The fireplace plus the surround is quite heavy. Make sure you have a solid, heat-resistant base. Do not place a carpet next to the fireplace; it will be warm anyway. Fur rugs can be thrown near the chairs. On external wall the fireplace is not placed, all the heat will “go” outside. Furniture and rugs should be placed no closer than 1.5 m from the fireplace.

In a private house, the design of a living room with a fireplace must take into account a closed firebox with a door made of fireproof glass. This will allow you to safely warm up and admire the play of fire. This option is ideal if you have small children and pets.

A little imagination - and the dream of a fireplace will become a reality, giving your home the warmth of the hearth and a special atmosphere.

I like

No one will remember those times when the main task of a fireplace was not to decorate the house, but exclusively to heat it. Time passed, and progress moved along with it, which replaced the usual wood heating for electric and gas. However, as many skeptics believed, fireplaces did not disappear, but rather became even more popular and live fire is still present in the interior of many private houses, only this time not only as a source of heat in the house, but also as a luxurious decorative element . The presence of a fireplace in home interior- This The best way to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Fireplaces for the home: design features

A fireplace is a natural and natural source of heat, and the desire for naturalness is inherent in all types of design. He has adapted perfectly and feels confident even in what would seem to be completely incompatible with his urban style.

Today, the existing variety of fireplaces simply amazes with their sophistication and luxury.

Finished with metal, natural stone, marble, and other materials, modern fireplaces fit perfectly into the overall design concept of the premises. They look especially beautiful when executed in a classic style.

Since ancient times, in caves, people loved to gather around an open fire to warm up and cook food. Nowadays, the cave has been replaced by a living room, and instead of cooking, the family gathers around the fireplace for intimate conversations. That is why it is best to place it opposite the fireplace. upholstered furniture And coffee table.

Brick fireplaces: the best interiors

Brick is truly unique building material, combining a large number important characteristics, which are indispensable when building a fireplace. The brick contains only natural, environmentally friendly components that are absolutely harmless to humans. In addition, brick is able to withstand fairly high temperatures, accumulate and release heat.

Having a source of heat that will always be pleasant to be near, especially when the house is cool, is the dream of any owner of a country house.

Fireplace - design solution, allowing you to avoid monotony in the interior

As you may have noticed, the fireplace in the living room is most often a kind of center of the room. Therefore, it is very important not to disturb the style and harmony in interior design.

All Decoration Materials should combine well with each other to create a complete picture. For example, on walls or, they will fit well into an interior where there is natural stone or brick.

Fireplace lining: what material is better to use

The fireplace can be finished with almost any natural or artificial materials, which are resistant to elevated temperatures and have an attractive appearance. These include:

  • natural or fake diamond;
  • ceramic tile;
  • marble and granite;
  • clinker tiles;
  • metal;
  • fireproof glass.

Each material is unique in its own way and has a wide variety various forms, colors and shades.

Dining table in front of the fireplace - great way create a magical atmosphere during your evening meal

You should also pay special attention to the arrangement and finishing of the fireplace chimney. In addition to the main function - removal of combustion products, it is also additional source warmth in the house and a unique interior decoration.

Cladding the fireplace with stone + photo

One of the most commonly used finishing materials is natural or artificial stone. And it’s hard to argue with this, because such proximity simultaneously gives the interior an atmosphere of strict restraint and tranquility.

Interior in romanesque style- this is a limitless flight of fantasy

Well-chosen colors in a luxurious modern interior living room

Nice textiles, beautiful carpet, large vases, floor lamps And desk lamp- this is just a small part of the things that can transform the interior of a living room with a fireplace. In addition to this, use all possible accessories for decoration.

It can be absolutely anything - a figurine brought from vacation, a painting, or a set of favorite family photographs framed in beautiful frames.

High ceilings and a fireplace in the living room are emphasized individual style Houses

A comfortable sofa and comfortable armchairs are always conducive to a relaxing holiday; the presence of a fireplace will make it even more pleasant.

Try to place your living room furniture so that it is symmetrical to a central piece, such as a coffee table.

Fireplace - perfect place for reading books

How to choose a fireplace

In fact, everything is very simple. Today, there are a large number of types of fireplaces for living rooms, both in design and in their placement. Therefore, pick up suitable option It won’t be difficult to match the style of your interior.

From the total mass of fireplaces existing today, the following can be distinguished:

  • Open and closed fireplaces against the wall (wall-mounted);
  • Fireplaces located in the corner of the room (corner)
  • Freestanding fireplaces (fireplace island);
  • Hanging fireplace.

The living room itself can be either a separate room isolated from all the others, or a kitchen, bedroom, hall and other rooms combined with other rooms. In order to have a large living room, it is not at all necessary to build main wall made of brick.

For a partition, a lightweight structure made of plasterboard, wood or impact-resistant glass will be quite sufficient. The main thing is to approach the issue with soul.

Modern fireplaces whose photos are mesmerizing

Today, a fashion trend that is increasingly gaining popularity and, apparently, will not slow down soon, has become the use of modern fireplaces in the interior of living rooms. Their shapes, size and design amaze even seasoned interior design specialists.

There are a lot of design options for decorating the living room interior, so there is room for your imagination to run wild.

If at some point you are not one hundred percent sure of something, the main thing is not to rush, and even better to seek the help of a specialist. It won't be easy to redo the mistakes you've made.

Fireplaces with live flame effect

Unfortunately, according to technical standards and operational rules, installing wood-burning fireplaces in an apartment located in an apartment building is strictly prohibited. But don’t be upset; an electric fireplace can be an excellent alternative to a wood-burning fireplace.

An electric fireplace is a fairly safe device that has a compact shape and beautiful appearance. Thanks to its mobility, its installation will not be difficult to cope with; you just need to select the right one for it. appropriate place and connect to electricity.

More expensive models electric fireplaces have the so-called living flame effect. This fireplace is arranged as follows. Bright light passes through special filters that create flickering, which, together with water vapor, creates peculiar flames. The effect is so beautiful that you can tell artificial fire from the present it is almost impossible.

White fireplace

The color of walls, floors, ceilings and furniture have always been of key importance in interior design. Calm, bed tones are conducive to relaxation, bright colors are conducive to fun, and dark colors- make you think.

When creating another interior, designers very often use White color, creating an atmosphere of freshness, warmth and comfort. The unique feature of white visual increase space makes it an indispensable assistant upon registration small rooms. In addition, a bright room will not have to be hung with chandeliers and lamps; it will be comfortable even with minimal lighting.

There are several golden rules that should be followed whenever possible when installing a fireplace in the living room:

  • The fireplace does not need to be located near external wall at home, if this is neglected, part of the precious heat will simply go outside;
  • Those who like intimate conversations over a cup of coffee should place a small coffee table opposite the fireplace, opposite which should be placed comfortable, soft armchairs;
  • It is not recommended to place anything that could distract you, such as a TV, near the fireplace.

Transforming your living room with a fireplace

By combining and connecting the rest of the rooms, the living room turns into central place, where the owners of the house spend most of their free time. One of the most popular methods of transforming a living room is to expand it by combining it with a dining room.

Good lighting and a superbly chosen design will highlight and add elegance to the interior, as if reviving it. Curtains made in the same color scheme and the fabric from which the furniture is made gives harmony to the interior. Dilute the color soft pillows other shades.

Wooden fireplaces

It's no secret that wood is a truly unique finishing material that has been used by humans for thousands of years. It goes perfectly with any interior, symbolizes spiritual purity and gives the room a unique harmony.

The main emphasis in the design of this interior- wooden wall

A harmonious combination of different shades creates a unique contrast against the background of surrounding objects, and a fireplace used in the interior will give the appearance a unique and romantic look.

The living room is a fairly multifunctional room, so any creative idea will find its place and application in its interior.

When making a choice in favor of a particular style for the living room, you need to focus solely on your taste, as well as the comfort and convenience of the room.

In our modern times, fireplaces in the living room not only warm the rooms in which we live, but also perform a decorative function, thereby decorating the living room.

However, there are many ways to decorate the design of a living room with a fireplace both in apartments and in private houses. In order for the living room design to be unique and cozy, it must be equipped with a fireplace, and it doesn’t matter what kind of fireplace it is?

Whether it’s a classic version of a fireplace that runs on wood, or a modern electric fireplace that simulates fire.

The choice of fireplaces is so wide that choosing a fireplace for your living room is not easy. Therefore, this article will help you thoroughly understand this issue, and you can also familiarize yourself with some options for a photo of a living room with a fireplace.

Types of fireplaces in the interior

On this moment fireplace manufacturers reproduce wide choose various types fireplaces, so making a decent choice is very difficult.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the fireplace would fit well with the interior of the living room, and also decide on the type of fireplace. So, let's figure out what types of fireplaces there are?

Electric fireplaces

As a rule, this type of fireplace is most often installed by residents multi-storey buildings in apartments. At the same time, it is problematic to install a classic fireplace powered by wood in an apartment.

The fact is that such a fireplace takes up quite a lot of space, and this is not very practical or convenient. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the rules fire safety. Therefore, in apartments the most great solution There will be an electric fireplace installed.

It has many varieties, and at the same time, it does not take up much space, and it is also fire-safe.

Wood burning fireplaces

This type of fireplace is considered one of the oldest and most stylish fireplaces. Since such a fireplace runs on wood, such fireplaces are mainly installed in private and country houses, where the area of ​​the room allows you to install such a fireplace.

The arrangement of the chimney of this fireplace is of no small importance, and it is necessary to select all the necessary attributes for the fireplace, and this is: a small shovel or scoop for collecting ash, a poker, etc.

Therefore, you can look at the burning fire for an infinitely long time, which certainly calms and relaxes.

Gas fireplaces

This modern look fireplaces that are powered by gas heaters. This fireplace has a special temperature control sensor.

Of course, such a fireplace looks very unusual and original.

False fireplaces

This type of fireplace is only an imitation of a real fireplace and performs only a decorative function in the living room interior. The base of such a fireplace has a portal made of brick or plasterboard.

To make such a fireplace more natural, it is recommended to add a few firewood and candles. Such a fireplace creates an incomparable and calm atmosphere in the room.

How to best place a fireplace in the living room

Before installing a fireplace in the living room, you need to pay attention to the place where you plan to install the fireplace.

Don’t forget about the size of the room in which you plan to install a fireplace.

The interior of a living room with a fireplace should have a free and light style; moreover, the fireplace itself should attract all residents of the room. At the same time, the fireplace should have a good contrast with the furniture and other decorative elements.

It is recommended to choose furniture in light colors, and the color of the furniture should contribute to complete calm and relaxation, this is important. At the same time, it is recommended to install fireplaces in the same color palette, like furniture, this is necessary for a more natural and harmonious combination of furniture with the fireplace.

Separately, we should remind you about wallpaper and flooring. So, the best option flooring Parquet is considered to be predominantly white.

Modern ideas for placing a fireplace in the living room interior

This year, the most modern ideas can be divided into several design solutions:

A room with various additional decorative elements can clearly reveal classic style, while the interior of the room can be decorated in a different high-tech style. In this case, it is recommended to use a beautiful and unique fireplace.

If the living room is decorated in the styles: modern, high-tech or fusion, then it is necessary to install a special electric fireplace with fire imitation.

If the living room has large area premises, you can install a special hanging fireplace. This will make it possible to rationally use the free space of the room. As an additional decorative element, it is necessary to use white and fluffy rugs, and the furniture should have various sizes and dimensions.

Fireplaces powered by electricity can be considered universal since they can be installed equally well in an apartment and in a private house. Such fireplaces are very safe, so you can lay a variety of carpets in close proximity to them, and you can install various household appliances.

To create a relaxed and calm atmosphere, small modern coffee tables can be installed in close proximity to the fireplace, in addition to which you can install a variety of lamps.

But a fireplace of the classic style “wood-burning fireplace” is usually installed in private homes. For an interior in a classic style, it is most important to have chic and expensive decorative elements that have extraordinary beauty and charm. So, when decorating a living room in a classic style, it is good to use a large and chic chandelier or a stylish sconce.

If you still have any questions or misunderstanding of this topic, we recommend that you turn your attention to our photos of a living room with a fireplace, which will help you choose the most suitable one for yourself. best option when decorating your living room.

Photo of living room design with fireplace

A modern-style living room with a fireplace will become a real family center; the whole family and friends will be happy to gather around a warm fire.

Just a few years ago, installing a fireplace in an apartment was an extraordinary event. Now designers have developed many models that can be placed in city apartments without fear of fire, and they fit perfectly into rooms of any size and style.

Nuance! To install a fireplace, it is better to invite a specialist who knows everything technological subtleties and will do the job reliably and efficiently.

A living room equipped with a fireplace looks much more original and attractive; it feels cozy and calm.

But before you start decorating the living room, you need to decide on the design of the fireplace and choose a model that will harmoniously combine with the decor of the room.

Design features and design of a fireplace in a living room in a modern style

When choosing a fireplace, you should decide in advance whether a fire will be lit in it or whether the function of the fireplace device will be purely decorative.

If it is assumed that the fireplace is intended to heat a room, then it is necessary to determine what type of fuel it will operate on.

Apartment fireplaces are classified according to the fuel used as follows:

  1. Wood-burning. This is a classic option that gives real warmth, light and smells nice. A wood-burning fireplace is placed in a spacious room of at least 20-25 square meters. m with a durable floor. Particular attention is paid to the construction of the fireplace floor, chimney and firebox, since the fireplace can cause a fire. Its installation requires permission from the BTI and the fire service. When placing a wood-burning fireplace in a room, you must provide a special place for storing logs - a firewood shed.
  2. Carbonic. To install it in an apartment, you also need to obtain permission from special services. The chimney of a coal fireplace must be regularly cleaned of combustion waste. Some coal should be kept in a basket near the fireplace.

  1. Gas. In this case, you need to connect to gas pipe and obtaining permission from the gas service. A gas fireplace provides heat, without the need to store coal or firewood in the room, and there will be no carbon deposits in the chimney.
  2. Electric. The lack of a live flame is compensated by ease of operation and safety; some models successfully imitate the crackling of logs and the noise of fire.
  3. Biofuel. The principle of operation is similar to the action of a spirit lamp: it is used as fuel ethanol. To operate the fireplace, you do not need to build a chimney, the weight of the fireplace does not exceed 100 kg, it can be moved mobile and built into interior partitions.
  4. Pellet. Fuel - biopellets from peat and agricultural waste. It is fed into the fireplace automatically.

  1. False fireplace. It imitates a living flame, but is not used to start a fire; it is a room decoration.

The design of the external fireplace portal determines the interior style of the living room.

What finishing materials are used to create front part fireplace:

  • wood (oak, cherry, teak, sirocco);
  • stone (artificial, limestone, sandstone, shell rock, river and sea stones, pebbles);

  • glass;
  • metal, forging;

  • plaster;
  • tiles, ceramics;

  • marble, granite, onyx;
  • brick.

The decoration of the fireplace portal and the style of the living room should match the materials and colors used.

In the photos offered in the gallery, the fireplace in the interior of the living room, the modern style of which is emphasized by numerous decor, becomes a fundamental element. Therefore, it is important to choose the right design external design fireplace to maintain the style of the room.

Highlight the following types fireplace design:

  1. High classic.

Installed in a spacious, bright room, significant space is needed to highlight its beauty.

Decorated with a variety of plaster, stucco, miniature columns, stone carvings, expensive varieties of marble, onyx.

  1. Classic.

Such a fireplace can be decorated either luxuriously or discreetly and strictly.

The portal is decorated with stone, marble, wood, glass, metal and plaster.

On a note! Be sure to have a shelf above the fireplace for interior accessories.

A classic fireplace has symmetrical geometric shapes and proportional dimensions.

  1. Modern.

Even a small living room in Art Nouveau style can be decorated with a fireplace. To design it we use forged metal, fireproof glass, stained glass, brick. In this case, an asymmetrical installation of the fireplace or its parts - the firebox and chimney - is justified.

Unusual curvilinear designs are also welcome. structural elements. Another feature is the high chimney that reaches the ceiling.

  1. High tech.

An abundance of black or chromed metal, glass, treated plaster, brick and polished wood, enclosed in clear rectangular shapes- all this will allow you to fit the fireplace into an ultra-modern high-tech room.

In this case, suspended fireplaces of unusual plastic shapes, as if floating in the air, are irreplaceable.

  1. Bionics.

A living room with a fireplace in this style becomes a work of art, because the fireplace demonstrates the original absence of right angles, metal painting, wood carving, and unusual decor are used.

  1. Rustic.

Fireplaces of this style, which is also called country, are often small in size, but massive; a firewood rack is required.

Portals are made primarily of brick, wood or small stone; the roughness and unevenness of the textured material is emphasized.

A rustic fireplace necessarily protrudes from the wall and can be complemented in the interior with ceiling beams.

  1. Scandinavian.

Important! Cylindrical or conical shape make this type of fireplace completely unusual.

They fit into any style of living room, adding amazing charm.

Living room interior with fireplace in modern style

When integrating a fireplace into the living room design, the owner must immediately decide on its location.

According to placement, the fireplace can be:

  • island, in the center of the room;
  • angular;

  • built-in;
  • wall;

  • suspension;
  • mobile.

Nuance! The fireplace must be placed in a capital interior wall rooms, you cannot build it between the window and the door.

Designers offer many options for how a living room with a fireplace should look in a modern style.

Here are some ideas:

  1. The fireplace is either central decorative element interior, or it is invisible and catches your eye only when you turn it on directly. If the modern style of the room is determined by the appearance of the external part of the fireplace device, then it is necessary to maintain the unity of color and materials when decorating the interior. Accessories (vases, figurines, mirrors and other small items) are selected depending on the design of the fireplace.
  2. The presence of a fireplace is emphasized by the arrangement of furniture in the room. Typically, a pair of armchairs or a sofa, as well as a coffee table, are placed directly next to the fireplace or opposite, focusing attention on it. Optimal distance from seat the fireplace is an outstretched arm.

  1. On the sides of the fireplace there are small bedside tables or cabinets and shelving.
  2. It is most often not recommended to hang a TV over a fireplace that produces a live flame. High temperatures negatively affect the operation and durability of equipment. The optimal placement of television equipment is perpendicular to the fireplace wall. However, you can hang a TV above a false fireplace without any danger.
  3. Traditionally top part the chimney is decorated:
  • mantelpiece - trinkets, figurines, photographs, memorabilia are placed on it;
  • built-in lamps;

  • a large mirror in a beautiful frame;
  • painting.
  1. In a room with a fireplace, living plants in large floor flowerpots look good.
  2. Do not place a carpet in front of the fireplace. If the living room is too small, from carpeting It’s better to give up altogether in favor of high-quality flooring – parquet or laminate.

Little tricks

Designers offer interesting color combinations:

  1. The stone portico of the fireplace fits perfectly into multi-style interiors of green, yellow, red and beige colors. The furniture in this case should be made of dark wood. The color of the stone should be enhanced by the color of the furniture upholstery.
  2. A snow-white marble fireplace looks beautiful in an elegant room in light colors. Walls can be covered with wallpaper bright colors or paint, a plastered surface is also suitable. Exquisite light wood furniture will make such a living room visually more spacious.
  3. An interesting solution is a fireplace portico made of wood. Rectangular polished tiles emphasize the modern style of the room, as well as rectangular squat furniture made of light wood. Walls and furniture upholstery in this case they look good in this color scheme:
  • turquoise;
  • ocher;

Today, there are countless ways to heat your home.

However, we all want the device to be not only a source of heat, but also a stylish decorative element.

Just one of these options is a fireplace. Psychologists have proven that watching flames in a quiet, cozy atmosphere promotes relaxation and calm. nervous system person.

Today you will learn about what a living room with a fireplace is and how to decorate it in the best way.

Which fireplace do you prefer?

IN standard apartment not everyone has the opportunity to equip real fireplace with a chimney, working on the principle of heating with wood.

The interior of a living room with a fireplace will not suffer at all if you choose electric model device or so-called pseudo-fireplace, which has a purely decorative function.

The design of modern electric fireplaces is so diverse that you can choose a device design that will suit almost any interior style.

The appearance of such a fireplace will be a great addition to your living room decor.

High-quality pseudo-fireplaces are made so skillfully that very often in photos of the design of living rooms with a fireplace they cannot be distinguished from real ones.

The only drawback of such products is that they will not burn, but with the help of well-chosen lighting you can create a real fireplace masterpiece in your living room.

The lucky ones who have obtained permission to install a real stove fireplace in the apartment do not have to limit their imagination in any way.

In urban housing conditions, it is more advisable to install fireplaces powered by gas rather than wood fired.

The decorative finishing of the device can be made in any variation - the fireplace fits well both in a modern high-tech living room and in a simple French Provence.

Fireplace in a private house

The country house is exclusively your property, so you do not need to obtain any permission to install a fireplace in it.

Use your imagination and decorate the living room with a fireplace the way you want.

When choosing a place to place a fireplace, you need to take into account the area of ​​the room itself.

For small living rooms it will be optimal corner location device, and if the space allows, you can have a great living room with a fireplace and a TV hanging above it.

The fireplace can also be installed along the wall, then its location will be called frontal.

Instead of standard gas or wood-burning devices, you can equip cast iron fireplace– it not only looks great in the interior, but also instantly warms up the room.

Fireplace styling

As mentioned earlier, the design of a living room with a fireplace can look like anything. All that is required of you is to adhere to a single style direction in decorating the room.

The truly universal classic style will never lose its popularity. Its remarkable property is its ability to give the interior a touch of solidity and royal sophistication.

When decorating a fireplace, as well as other interior items, only natural and expensive materials. You need to decorate a fireplace in this style in a particularly stately manner, but you should not allow excessive pretentiousness and chaotic colors.

A modern living room with a fireplace, in the vast majority of cases, will be presented in the Art Nouveau style.

The distinctive features of this direction are unpretentious simplicity and rational use space. Each piece of furniture should have its own purpose. This rule applies to the fireplace too.

This device, first of all, must ideally match its heating functions and only then be a decoration in the living room setting. Fireplaces in the Art Nouveau style, despite the severity of this trend, look quite original and are constantly amenable to external modernization by modern designers.

The interior of the living room with a fireplace, decorated in Provence style, combines the romance of the French province and the sophistication of modern design.

This style leaves the imprint of antiquity on the room, which allows you to decorate the fireplace as naturally as possible.

When finishing a heating device, it is widely used brickwork, ceramic elements or natural stone. As for color range, stop at natural green or light brown shades.

Quite often you can see a photo of a living room with a fireplace, decorated in high-tech style. This direction involves the embodiment of the most unusual solutions, as well as the use of cutting-edge materials.

There is a whole series of fireplaces made specifically for high-tech living rooms. Most often, the fireplace in such a living room takes its place of honor in the corner of the room. Great option There is also a cast iron stove, also located in the corner.

Photo of living room design with fireplace

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