Original solutions for corner fireplaces. Corner fireplace in the interior (photo) Modern corner fireplace in the living room interior

The play of flames fascinates, relaxes and calms after a tiring and emotional working day. Sometimes energetic, sometimes thoughtfully flowing tongues of fire set you in a philosophical and romantic mood, allowing you to detach yourself from the surrounding problems, plunging your consciousness into a world of dreams and tranquility. And although modern homes Not always can their owners afford to install a classic fireplace; corner fireplaces can be a solution, and the photo below undeniably confirms this.

Why do you need a fireplace in your home?

It would seem that in our time, when you don’t have to waste time and effort on chopping wood, heating the fireplace and removing ash, many owners of country houses (and not only) strive to have a fireplace in their home.

First of all, an open live fire allows you to experience an indescribable feeling of calm and tranquility. Residents of private houses have particular problems with installation corner oven it won’t be - searching for a craftsman or assembling it yourself, determining the location and some time to implement your plan. It’s more difficult for residents of most high-rise buildings; they don’t have a live fire in such a fireplace, both literally and figuratively, because installing such a product in almost all apartments is prohibited. But you will be able to buy a successful imitation; an electric stylized fireplace will help with this. Its angular location will allow you to get the desired opportunity to contemplate the flames without losing useful space.

Previously, when individual heating systems had not yet been installed, the fireplace served not only as a source of pleasant sensations, but as a completely complete and autonomous source of heat. Sometimes food was cooked and heated in it. Modern ones have not been seen for such purposes, although on a cool autumn day in a dacha or country house it is quite possible to turn a wood-burning fireplace into a source of heat.

A fireplace is the dream of many. Now there is nothing stopping you from bringing your ideas to life. But what if you want to save money? usable area rooms and at the same time make your dream come true? It's simple. It is worth considering corner fireplaces in the living room interior.


All corner fireplaces are divided into several subtypes. There is no specific classification, but corner models divided by material of manufacture. For example, this type includes models made of plasterboard. Although, to be more precise, this is not exactly a fireplace, but a box for an electrical module.

Installation Features

To install a corner model in a house, you should provide several important points:

  • The chimney should be installed so that the chimney ends up appearing higher than the ridge on the roof.
  • Choosing a location. You can't shove it into the first corner you come across. It is necessary to be guided by the design of the building.
  • Installed in accordance with technology fire safety. It is necessary to prevent overheating of adjacent walls.
  • It is definitely worth considering the base and cladding. Also, in accordance with all rules, the voids between the wall and the structure itself must be processed and filled.
  • The wall must be well insulated. Ideally, you can use refractory bricks, plasterboard, foam blocks or basalt wool.
  • If you plan to install real fireplace, then the floor must be reinforced. If you plan to install an electrical module, then this is not necessary.
  • It is necessary to correctly calculate the air flow, which is important for ventilation.

Advantages of corner structures

It is worth noting all the important advantages:

  • With their help you can make the interior of any living room unique and unique.
  • You can save useful space.
  • Practical and convenient to use and maintain.

Among other things, there are:

  • Excellent flame visibility. You can watch the bonfire from anywhere in the living room.
  • With the help of such a fireplace, several rooms are heated at once.
  • Various designs. The design itself can be made in various forms, framing and bring some special functionality.

How to make the right choice?

Before purchasing, you should understand some features that are important to know before purchasing:

  • dimensions and geometry of the product;
  • facade;
  • shape;
  • type;
  • functionality;
  • design.

Also, among the variety of corner fireplaces, you can choose any type of fuel. Namely:

  • Electrical. This variety is more suitable for city apartments. The equipment operates solely on electricity. Simulates real fire and the characteristic sound of a campfire. You can choose high-quality and inexpensive models, the installation of which does not require special permission.
  • Biofireplace. These models use alcohol as fuel. Perfect option for decorating a city living room. They work without soot and soot. Easy to install. No additional permissions are required for installation. Such fireplaces can humidify the air in the room.
  • Gas models. It is considered a cross between electric and wood burning. To carry out the installation, a special permit and installation of the chimney will be required. As a result, you will get real fire and warmth. Moreover, there is no need to arrange a special place for storing firewood.
  • Wood-burning. This is a classic and the top of the fireplace hierarchy. It is worth noting that such a model cannot be installed in an apartment. This option is suitable for private country houses. Installing it is difficult, but in the end you will get a real fire in your living room. Everyone's favorite sound is the crackle of a fire. For heating, you can use not only wood, but coal, peat or pallets.


The corner model also has its shortcomings. These include:

  • If you choose electrical equipment, then you should know that it consumes a lot of electricity to operate.
  • If you have chosen a wood-burning fireplace or a biomodel, then they should not be left unattended.
  • Installing a gas fireplace is not easy. This requires permission from gas industry and in most cases in apartment buildings Such structures are not allowed. And to pull a pipe, for example, to the 9th floor will cost a pretty penny.
  • A real hearth requires close attention and care. You need to constantly monitor the chimney and clean it from time to time.

Types of radiation

Corner fireplaces are distinguished not only by their purpose, stylistic design, heating, but also the type of radiation:

  • Unidirectional. Such models are used only in large living rooms. Their distinguishing feature is one flame direction with one cross section, which has a triangular shape.
  • Bidirectional. Such models can be used in small living rooms. Distinctive feature are truncated shelves.
  • Tridirectional. It is practically not used as a heating element. This model operates on the principle of a fire, with uneven distribution heat.

Do not forget that now the fireplace is not used as the main source of heat, so the heating of the house must be separate. Nowadays, such equipment is increasingly of a decorative nature.


You can design and build a fireplace with your own hands. And the very first thing you need to start with is the drawing. Next, you need to accurately determine the location, materials for construction and finishing. Let's look at an example of how you can build a fireplace yourself from brick.


This is the basis of any construction. To prepare it, you need to mark the horizontal depth. And then you need to proceed from the characteristics of your home.

If there is no basement:

  • A hole is dug with a mandatory margin of 15 cm from the size of the foundation.
  • Covered with debris or rubble.
  • It is compacted thoroughly.
  • Formwork is installed, which in no case should be connected to the wall.

If the house has a basement floor, then the foundation is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • Depth markings are made on the wall.
  • The floor is disassembled and all marks are transferred to it using a plumb line.
  • We lay the base foundation and saw through the logs.
  • Marking the foundation on ground floor. It is definitely worth considering that there should be a free distance between the foundation of the house and the firebox, which is filled with sand.
  • As soon as the foundation is built level with the first floor, a cement solution mixed with roofing material is placed a couple of rows before the base. This will protect the building from basement dampness.
  • The sawn logs are laid along the foundation of the fireplace.


The walls must be laid out strictly in rows. Let's consider detailed diagram buildings:

  • 1 row. Clean floor level.
  • 2-3 row. Foundation.
  • 4-5 row. Ash pit.
  • 6th row. Base.
  • 7th row. Salary.
  • 8-13. Fireplace walls.
  • 14-19 row. Smoke collector.
  • 20-25 row. Chimney. It can be laid out with brick or made of metal.

The chimney outlet through the roof is concreted and covered on top with a special chimney made of tin. It will protect from rain and snow.

Additional cladding may not be required. Fireclay brick It has beautiful texture and color that will highlight the interior of the living room. If you don’t want to leave it in this form, then you can use a textured decorative plaster or artificial stone.

Corner fireplace in interior design

Many people think that a brick fireplace is the most win-win option that fits into any design. This is partly true. Do not forget that it can be performed in any color solutions, but they all have one thing in common:

  • decorative shelves;
  • portal or screen;
  • closed or open hearth.

Which style to choose is up to you, but there are a few tips to remember:

  • If the living room is large, then Rococo or Baroque style is ideal. The design of the fireplace must be appropriate.
  • If the living room is small or you live in a small apartment, then a minimalist style would be appropriate. In this case, opt for electric or biomodels, which can also be wall-mounted or built-in.
  • The living room in a country house can be designed in country style. It will fit perfectly here corner fireplace, which will only emphasize the room and the effect of antiquity.
  • The living room can be decorated in Art Nouveau style.

Review of famous manufacturers

In the table below you can see well-known manufacturers corner fireboxes and hearths, as well as their features.



  • The firebox is made of cast iron.
  • Compactness of the entire structure.
  • High efficiency.
  • Easy and simple to install.
  • The fire in the fireplace can be maintained continuously for about 5 hours.
  • Size: 89*79*64 (height, width, depth).


  • Triangular shape at the base.
  • Easy and simple to install.
  • Size at the base – 89*89 cm; height – 161 cm.


  • Availability hob, which is hidden by decorative.
  • Easily heats a room of 120 m2.
  • Dimensions: 100*65*55 (height, width, depth).


Video for those who are arranging their living room and want to include a corner fireplace in the interior.

Where does every person always strive? Where is it warm, good and comfortable? Where will they always understand, support and cheer you up? At home, of course! After all, a home is its own fortress, it is its own abode of warmth and comfort. Apartment in a high-rise building or a private house– this is a special place where every person feels protected and happy.

Arrangement and improvement of living space - not an easy task. Every detail, even the smallest, plays a special role in creating general atmosphere. In addition to interior items, the most important and valuable will be feelings and relationships. The “soul” of the home is sincere emotions, children’s laughter, love, trust and mutual understanding of all family members. And to make the room more comfortable and cozy, the person himself must take care of this.

Regardless of the style in which the renovation was carried out, the furniture was selected, Appliances and even decorative elements, there are some things that make any room more comfortable and give it its own charm. Today fireplaces are very popular. A fireplace not only produces heat, warming the room, it also creates a special atmosphere.

Fireplaces in modern interior are presented in a fairly wide range. They may differ in size, type of installation, style, type of heating element and many other criteria. Quite often found in homes are false fireplaces that perform a purely decorative function.


Style directions in design

The living room is the room in a house or apartment where you spend the most time. It is here that all household members gather in the late evenings to have tea, discuss the past day or make plans for the coming weekend. When arranging an apartment or house, the issue of decorating the living room is among the primary tasks. Usually it is in the hall that a fireplace is installed, which serves as a family hearth. What could be more pleasant than sitting by the fire with the whole family?

IN Lately Corner fireplaces have become very popular. This type is the most beneficial practical point vision, because it heats two walls in the apartment at the same time. Also, a corner fireplace in the interior of a living room looks more stylish, emphasizing the sense of taste of the mistress of the house, the keeper of the hearth.

The peculiarity of the corner fireplace is in its external design; it does not take up much space, but at the same time it looks quite harmonious and attracts everyone's attention. When arranging furniture, designers recommend carefully considering the seating area in the hall. For example, quite often the living room is a room that is not too cluttered with furniture. Big windows with light airy curtains and massive drapes, dining table with beautiful chairs, a sitting area with a sofa and comfortable soft chairs or rocking chairs, several shelves or high racks with your favorite books - this is quite enough for the living room. Near the source of heat, you can lay a thick layer on the floor. flooring, where you can spend romantic evenings with your loved one.

Today, corner fireplaces for residential premises are presented in various style variations. To correctly decide on the style, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and advice of designers who design the interiors of houses and apartments.

The most common style trends among modern society:

  • Classic Suitable for almost any interior decoration of an apartment or private house. Most often for fireplaces classic type choose decorative finishing made of heat-resistant red brick.

  • Minimalism- a style that is considered characteristic of small apartments in modern high-rise buildings. Ceramics are suitable for decoration, tempered glass or steel.

  • Modern or high-tech- two style options that are in great demand today among connoisseurs of modernity. A white corner fireplace will look interesting and advantageous in the living room interior.

  • Baroque, Rococo and Empire Suitable for large and spacious rooms. Fireplaces are designed in accordance with the features that are characteristic of these trends: the presence of columns, elaborate stucco molding, the predominance of gilding and silver in colors finishing materials. At the same time, they can be supplemented various elements decor.


The age of innovative technologies is what contemporaries call the present time. The period when society is fully covered technological processes and fashionable devices, when the whole world is being rebuilt for automation in literally everything. And it would seem that incredible dissonance can be caused by a person’s excessive interest in installing fireplaces in residential premises. After all, such stoves have a long history; they existed back in that period of time when no one could even think that one day the time will come, when all you need to do is flip a switch to turn on the light.

What is a fireplace? Essentially, this is a fire in a specially isolated area of ​​the room. Fire gives a feeling of warmth, comfort and coziness. And it is precisely these qualities that attract modern man. Even if the room does not technically provide for the option of installing such a source of heat, they resort to installing artificial fireplace, which performs a purely decorative function. False fireplace - this is the name given to this kind of interior decorative elements of a room.

There will be two types of fireplaces most common in homes: frontal and corner. The latter are more interesting due to a number of advantages:

  • they look more interesting in terms of design;
  • heat two at once interior walls rooms;
  • can serve as a kind of divider of one room into several zones (typical for asymmetrical fireplaces);
  • They are compact, so they do not take up much free space;
  • safer to use;
  • wide the lineup and a variety of style options for finishing and design.



Unlike fireplaces that were popular in the past, today's fireplaces serve not only a functional role, but also a decorative one, and they serve as design elements for living rooms. When thinking about installing a fireplace in an apartment or private house, a person must initially decide on the type of stove most suitable for his home.


Types of corner fireplaces in the living room interior:

  • Symmetrical type considered the most popular. The fireplace is the central and main element of the room.

  • Asymmetrical type used for zoning a room.

  • Gas types quite popular, but require special permissions for installation.

  • Electric fireplaces are in high demand, characterized by ease and ease of use. Fireplaces electric type do not require any permissions to install.

  • Biofireplaces or the stove of a modern person is quite convenient to use. They are distinguished by a high degree of environmental friendliness. There is one significant disadvantage - the high cost of fuel.

  • Wood burning fireplaces installed in cottage or country houses with rooms large area. It is important to properly design the chimney so that all smoke is vented outside. After all, indoor smoke is dangerous not only to health, but also to people’s lives.

Every owner wants to feel warmth and comfort in their home. To do this, you need to create an appropriate interior. Comfort in the house is created both by individual decorative elements and by the general atmosphere. Curtains, furniture textiles, colors - all this plays a very huge role in creating warm interior. It's also worth thinking about the fireplace. Since ancient times, the fireplace has always been considered a source of warmth. Modern fireplaces serve more of a decorative function than a heating one, but still provide warmth. Fireplaces also create a certain ambience and atmosphere.

The market offers its consumers a very huge selection of fireplaces. You can choose a fireplace in accordance with any conditions and parameters. You just need to correlate your requirements with the given fireplace criteria and the result will exceed all expectations.

Fireplaces are classified:

In appearance, fireplaces are brick, ceramic, marble and plastered. For classic interior The first three types are suitable. They create an atmosphere of antiquity and luxury. Suitable for living rooms and offices in private homes with a large area.

A plastered fireplace is created using a special solution of the latest generation. Working with modern technologies, it becomes possible to create compositions in various styles.

In terms of location, fireplaces can be external, open, corner, or closed. The first type is very convenient, since it can be installed after the house has been built. The only negative is that the roof will have to be dismantled to install the chimney. Open type also called island, as it is located in the center of the room. Suitable for country houses, hunting lodges. Closed type It is convenient because it is built into the wall space. This type of fireplace is installed when the house is built. This requires specialist knowledge.

Particular attention should be paid to the corner type of fireplace; it is quite popular among lovers of this piece of furniture.

Corner fireplace in the living room interior

Corner fireplaces are varied in shape and differ in their model range. Also for creating beautiful design used for them various material finishing. Corner fireplaces are installed in different living spaces. They are distinguished by their compactness and are the most good option for installation in the living room interior.

To install such a fireplace, you must first decide on the style, location, prepare documents permitting installation, and invite a specialist.

Corner fireplaces are distinguished not only by the type of fuel, but also by other external differences. Before installing a fireplace, you should study the main characteristics.

Corner fireplaces are:

  1. Asymmetrical. Most often they are used to highlight a certain area, which allows you to get rid of unnecessary partitions, bulky structures, doors and walls. The installation of such a fireplace can be done with an open or closed firebox.
  2. Symmetrical. The name itself speaks for itself. This type of fireplace is distinguished by the fact that its side is full mirror image opposite. Symmetrical fireplaces have sufficient volume, and their installation requires more space. Designers recommend that if this type is chosen, then when developing the design, place the main emphasis on the fireplace.
  3. Bio-fireplaces suitable for city apartments. Its main feature is that there is no need to install a chimney. Its operating system is based on combustion ecological fuel. Well suited to an interior with a minimalist or hi-tech style.
  4. Brick corner fireplaces can be considered an immortal classic. These fireplaces are different unique design, the strength of the foundation, the release of real warmth and comfort. The only negative can be considered complex installation and certain care.
  5. Decorative type. False fireplaces are installed for decorative purposes only. Its main function is light.

Living room with corner fireplace

The living room with a fireplace in the corner creates a pleasant atmosphere for evening gatherings with the whole family.

Therefore, it makes sense to think carefully about its location and the overall interior of the room:

  1. First of all, the fireplace should not be covered with pieces of furniture; the visibility of the flame should cover the entire space.
  2. Next to the fireplace you can place a strong rocking chair or an original pouf, located with its side facing the fireplace.
  3. The room can be decorated in cooler colors, so they will harmonize better with warm look fireplace

The corner fireplace can be decorated with a shelf on which you can place various figurines or family photos.

In general, the interior of the fireplace should correspond to the overall styling of the room. For apartments, it is best to purchase bio-fireplaces or electric ones. They are more secure and also take up less space.

Electric corner fireplaces

Electric fireplaces are a good answer for owners of small apartments, where technology prohibits the installation of a fireplace. For the living room, such fireplaces are used for different purposes: as additional source heat, for interior decoration and additional lighting.

The electric fireplace has good list advantages:

  • Small size;
  • Large view of the flame;
  • Heat dissipation is approximately 30% greater;
  • Increased security;
  • Original design;
  • Diversity in the model range;
  • Saving.

It is also worth noting that electric fireplaces very easy to install and maintain. To do this, just install it on the selected wall and plug it into the power supply. Also, fireplaces of this type have a temperature regulator from weak to strong, which is very important when the weather constantly changes.

There are models of electric fireplaces that have a built-in additional function wood fireboxes. This function is very useful during emergency power outages.

Fireplaces powered by electricity are also available different types. They can be placed in the center of the room, mounted on a wall, installed in a corner or hidden in a wall. Regardless of the type, the fireplace brings its own original touch to the interior. Electric fireplace is the most convenient and interesting way bring a special charm to the interior, add warmth and emphasize the pleasant atmosphere of the room.

Stylish corner fireplaces in the living room interior (video)

To summarize, we can say that the fireplace is a universal decorative element that has many useful functions. In addition to the spread of heat, the flames flickering in the firebox have a calming effect on a person’s emotional state. Quite often, aromatic dry herbs are thrown into the fire to spread a pleasant aroma in the room. Modern technologies allow you to install fireplaces not only in country houses, but also in city apartments.

Design of corner fireplaces in the living room (photos in interiors)

Modern interior design allows you to make any dream come true and it is not necessary to spend a huge amount of money on this realization? The optimal solution for private households and apartments there is a corner fireplace, maximally adapted to living conditions.

Variety of choice

The main difference between corner fireplaces offered today is their design. They can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. If you want to place the main emphasis on the fireplace, choose a symmetrical shape that will be ideally viewed from any angle and point of the room. This type of fireplace also has best characteristics and heats the room in the best possible way.

Asymmetrical corner fireplace models are most often used for zoning a room. Such designs look best in large rooms and allow you to organically organize the space. It should be noted that thanks to its shape, such a fireplace will ideally fit into the design of absolutely any interior. The undoubted advantage of the asymmetrical design is its ease of installation and originality.

Advantage of a corner fireplace:

  • increased level of security;
  • many finishing options and room for creative imagination;
  • wide visibility of fire.

Today you can easily purchase a corner glass fireplace, which has a purely decorative function, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere in room.

DIY corner fireplace

Before you start installing it, you need to decide on the location of its installation and study all the pitfalls. It is also necessary to decide on the place where the chimney pipe will exit and how it will rise. When installing a fireplace in an apartment in a multi-apartment residential building, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits, which will require a project that will also take into account all fire safety requirements.

Plays an important role masonry diagram, which can be found on the Internet or using the experience and knowledge of an experienced stove maker. Each scheme has a certain order, thanks to which the process of laying out a corner fireplace with your own hands is greatly simplified.

Define optimal height and the width of the fireplace insert, the depth of the firebox and the smoke exhaust hole. The typical ratio of the fireplace insert opening is 3:2. The greatest heat transfer will be ensured by a small depth of the firebox, but it should be remembered that a significant decrease in the depth can lead to smoke in the room.
As for materials, to install a corner fireplace you will need:

  • fire brick;
  • coarse sand;
  • packaged cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • rod reinforcement;
  • blue clay.

Sand before adding to cement mixture must be sifted and cleaned of debris and dust. As for cement, experienced stove makers recommend using Portland cement grade M300-M400.

Installing a fireplace requires certain knowledge and skills if you are not confident in own strength, don’t take risks - trust the professionals!

Finishing a corner fireplace

Last time fashion trend are unlined corner fireplaces. But this option is only permissible if new materials were used during installation, and all work was done with the highest quality and proportionality. If you decide to resort to this option, be prepared for the fact that after a few years of operation the fireplace may lose its attractive appearance.

Simple and affordable way finishing - plastering. This method will allow you to realize your creative abilities and realize your skills. Upper layer plasters can be painted with national patterns or simply painted with water-based paint.

Regardless of fashion and time, tiles remain a current option for decorating a fireplace, which will make your fireplace exclusive and original.

Corner fireplace - photo

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