How to lay polycarbonate on a pitched roof. A polycarbonate roof is a modern solution for your home. Direct polycarbonate roof: implementation technology

The use of translucent, durable and flexible polycarbonate has opened up new possibilities in the construction of roofs. This available material, produced in the form of panels standard size, allows you to create light, openwork, weightless structures that are optimally suited for the construction of gazebos, canopies, terraces, greenhouses or elements of urban infrastructure. The combination of low price, long service life and enormous decorative potential makes this coating a strong competitor to others roofing materials. In this article we will tell you how to make a polycarbonate roof with your own hands.

Polycarbonate is a special type of thermoplastic plastic based on carbonic acid and bisphenol, which is used for constructing roofs, as well as creating other translucent structures. A polycarbonate roof has high impact resistance, light transmission up to 92%, weather resistance and an attractive appearance. They produce 2 types of this material:

Pay attention! Polycarbonate roofs are constantly in direct contact with ultraviolet rays, which have a negative effect on this material, leading to premature wear of the coating. To make the structure last longer experienced craftsmen They use plastic with a special coating that blocks ultraviolet rays.

Features of the material

Over the years of use, transparent plastic has gradually replaced fragile glass and quickly cloudy plexiglass, thanks to its excellent technical and operational characteristics. It is used to create roofs, canopies, terraces, greenhouses, greenhouses and other structures into which light must penetrate. Professional roofers The following advantages of this material are noted:

  1. The polycarbonate roof has a high bearing capacity, impact resistance with very light weight. Transparent plastic panels weigh less than any other roofing material, therefore they do not require the construction of a massive frame, as well as the pouring of a deep foundation.
  2. Plastic, especially cellular plastic, bends well, which makes it possible to easily create complex domed, arched, and shaped structures without using special tools.
  3. This material is easy to process; it can be easily cut with a special knife or circular saw, sticks together.
  4. The material has high insulating properties, it protects against water penetration, effectively retains heat, and also blocks sounds.
  5. The material has long term operation, wear resistance, without requiring special care.

Please note! When working with polycarbonate plastic, you need to take into account the main disadvantage of this material - thermal expansion. When exposed to high temperatures, a polycarbonate roof expands, so when installing the structure, the fasteners are not fully tightened, leaving gaps.

Design principle

A polycarbonate roof consists of 2 main components: a supporting frame, which is made of wooden bars or a metal profile, and the roofing material itself. Polycarbonate is laid on a sheathing located perpendicular to the rafters. They are distinguished by shape the following types designs made from this material:

  • Flat. Flat roof made of polycarbonate plastic is a structure consisting of one plane, with a slope that does not exceed 1-2 degrees. There is a significant snow load on such a roof, so it is made only from monolithic polycarbonate with a thickness of at least 8-10 mm.
  • Pitched. Roofs are made from polycarbonate, consisting of 1 or more slopes with a slope of up to 30-40 degrees, including tent structures. The ease of processing and light weight of the material greatly facilitates the creation of a rafter frame.
  • Arched. Honeycomb type polycarbonate plastic is an ideal material for creating arched roofing structures. The flexibility of this coating allows you to easily make roofs with any bend on a metal frame with your own hands.
  • Dome. Dome structures made from cellular polycarbonate, taking advantage of the high flexibility of this material. However, for DIY roofing in the form of a dome is complex and requires careful calculation and adjustment.

Professional craftsmen recommend using steel or aluminum frames to create roofs made of polycarbonate plastic, since the service life of these materials is approximately the same. If, in order to save money, polycarbonate is fixed to wooden base, the bars should be carefully treated with an antiseptic composition to prevent rotting and deformation of the load-bearing elements.

Self-installation technology

DIY polycarbonate roof - practical solution for a garden gazebo, canopy, carport or swimming pool. For construction it is better to use finished project with calculation of the distance between the frame elements, the angle of inclination of the slopes or the shape of the arch. This measure allows you to avoid errors during cutting and installation. Assembly of the polycarbonate roof is carried out in the following order:

Pay attention! If the width of the sheet of material exceeds 1 m, point fastening technology is used, and if it is polycarbonate, a special plastic profile is already used.

Video instructions

To protect the house from bad weather or make the garden more attractive, you need to build a roof over the balcony or make a gazebo. One of the most popular solutions is a polycarbonate roof.

Features of polycarbonate roofing

Today carbonate is actively used in construction due to its technical characteristics:

Despite its strength and flexibility, care should be taken when transporting it as the material may bend and deform. Polycarbonate is still inferior to glass in quality and requires more careful attention during storage and installation. Experts also talk about low abrasive resistance, that is, the ease of scratches and cracks.

But considering all the pros and cons, it should still be recognized that polycarbonate is now recognized as one of the best materials for the construction of roofs, greenhouses and installation of corridors.

The polycarbonate roof does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, which will protect people indoors

When choosing polycarbonate, you will be offered several types to choose from. Polymer slabs vary in color, structure, thickness and some characteristics; in each subtype certain qualities predominate:

  1. Monolithic. A smooth material made from a single sheet, reminiscent of glass, but unlike the latter, it is lighter in weight.
  2. Cellular or cellular. One of the most affordable. Consists of several layers that connect special lines with voids. In cross-section, a sheet of such a polymer looks like a honeycomb. Thickness can be from 5 to 25 mm. Popular also due to its low price.
  3. Profiled. It has all the characteristics of a monolithic polymer, but is more durable. In addition, you can choose any suitable color, size and shape. However, it is significantly more expensive.

Video “Installation of cellular polycarbonate”

From this video you will learn how to properly make a roof from cellular polycarbonate.

Preparing for installation

Before starting work, you must prepare necessary tools. You should have a screwdriver, drill, welding machine, hacksaw, glue or liquid nails, screwdriver, gloves, screws, tape measure and level.

You must decide what type of roof you want to see in your yard.

There are several main options:

  1. Flat. This is a design with one plane and an angle of inclination of no more than 5°. Due to its shape, it is subject to a large load of snow and precipitation, so it is made only from a monolithic polymer.
  2. Sloping. This roof consists of several slabs that are attached at an angle of 30–40°.
  3. Arched. Honeycomb carbonate is excellent for this species.
  4. Dome. Honeycomb polymer is also used, but this type of roofing is more difficult to assemble on your own.

A polycarbonate roof can have different shapes, each of them has its own nuances during construction


A carbonate roof consists of two main elements: a frame, which can be made of wood or metal, and the roof itself. We propose to consider an example of installing a pitched roof using cellular polycarbonate.

To get the job done as correctly and quickly as possible, you should start by preparing a project or drawing.

Drawing up a drawing

There are several options for drawing up a drawing:

  • you can find them on the Internet and adjust them to your specifications;
  • order from a specialist and assemble it yourself;
  • calculate the project yourself.

Before building a polycarbonate roof, you should draw up a detailed drawing

Installation of rafters

  1. You can make rafters for polymer from wood or metal profiles. If you choose wood, you should first treat the boards with an antiseptic to prolong the life of the material. You can also change the shade with a special varnish.
  2. Next, you should install the boards vertically at a distance equal size polycarbonate plate.
  3. The joints of the polymer sheets should lie on the rafters.
  4. The transverse lathing is made of 50x20 mm bars. They are cut into the frame board laid on the end. As a result, you should get a reliable sheathing and strong, stable rafters.

Make the rafters with high quality, as the stability of the entire polycarbonate roof structure depends on them

Pin a profile

At the connection and fastening stage, it is important to select suitable profiles. The profile dimensions must match the thickness polymer sheet. If you chose metal rather than wood for the frame, it is better to seal the end parts of the sheets with tape.

The collapsible profile is attached in several steps: first the lower element, then installation of the panels and upper part. Non-separable profile additional work does not require.

Cutting polymer panels and subsequent installation

Now you should cut the polymer into sheets and complete the installation.

This part of the work is performed according to the following algorithm:

So, when building a polycarbonate roof, you should carefully choose the type of material and type of roof you would like to see. Take the installation steps responsibly to ensure the result is high-quality, safe and durable.

Polycarbonate is now widely used in the construction industry. The material is produced by melting plastic granules and passing the resulting mass through a special mold - a die. As a result of this technology, sheets are obtained that have a cellular structure, in which several polycarbonate sheets are connected by means of longitudinal stiffeners. Polycarbonate is credited with universal qualities; in the modern construction industry it is the optimal substitute for glass. Let's look at the features of application and installation in this article.

One of the areas of application of this material is the installation of roofs. The material is suitable for installing roof structures of various shapes. It can be a gable, single-pitch polycarbonate roof or a hip roof.
Polycarbonate can be used to cover not only the roof of a living space, because... This suitable option and for the terrace. It will make it more comfortable and cozy. The terrace area increases the usable area of ​​the house and at the same time allows you to enjoy complete rest in nature. The roof of the terrace should be a continuation of the architectural ensemble of the main building. Mostly she builds without an attic. The main function of a terrace roof is to protect the site from bright sun and precipitation. Polycarbonate will cope with this task successfully.

Roofs made of polycarbonate. Photo:

Types of polycarbonate

You can make a polycarbonate roof from two of its varieties:

  1. Monolithic type material is used for arranging roofs of curved and flat shapes. This polycarbonate has significant advantages, the number of which is not inferior to glass. But at the same time, it also has a drawback that prevents its widespread use - it is high cost.
  2. Structured polycarbonate, also called cellular, is more affordable financially and therefore has gained great popularity. This material is also called light-transmitting plastic. A roof made on its basis will allow you to stay on the terrace in hot weather and not feel discomfort from the sun's rays.

Advantages of polycarbonate material:

  • high thermal insulation rates;
  • light weight, which simplifies the installation process;
  • elasticity, thanks to which you can independently install arched ceilings without the help of specialists;
  • resistance to various chemical influences;
  • long period of operation – up to 20 years;
  • low flammability - the material is able to restrain the spread of fire in the event of fire;
  • ability to maintain operational properties at temperatures from -40ºС to +120ºС.

Which polycarbonate to choose for the roof?

High-quality polycarbonate is produced on the basis of primary granulate. But there are technical specifications, which allow the manufacturer to add secondary raw materials to products. The content of the last component can reach 70% of the total mass of polycarbonate sheets. Such material can be distinguished by its low cost, but at the same time it also has low performance. A visual inspection will help determine quality products:

  1. A high-quality sheet has an absolutely smooth surface.
  2. If bubbles, inclusions or other defects are observed on the surface of the material, it is not recommended to purchase such polycarbonate.
  3. Also, during the selection process, you should take into account the weight of the sheets. Polycarbonate for the roof, the thickness of which is 0.4 cm, should weigh 0.8 kg. The mass of sheets 1 cm thick is 1.7 kg.
  4. On sale you can find products marked “light”, which indicates that the weight of the material is 15% less than the established norm. When working with these sheets, standard methods for determining atmospheric loads cannot be used. The situation is complicated by the fact that not all manufacturers put this label. This material can be distinguished by its low cost.
  5. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the presence of a protective film. Its function is to protect sheets from negative influence ultraviolet rays. If polycarbonate does not have this coating, it will lose its performance characteristics without serving for even one year.
  6. The thickness of the film should also be taken into account. If this indicator does not exceed 35 microns, the material will last no more than 5 years. With a thickness of 60 microns, the sheets will retain their properties for 10 years.
  7. You can determine the thickness of the protective coating by reading the certificate that comes with the product. This is impossible to do visually.

In general, according to quality indicators, the material is divided into 4 categories:

  • “premium”, which can last for 20 years;
  • “elite” – the service period is about 12 years;
  • “optimal” – maintains performance characteristics for 10 years;
  • “economical” - will last for 5-8 years.

  1. Polycarbonate requires special storage conditions. It should only be kept in a dry room.
  2. Before installation, it is recommended to seal the cells with adhesive aluminum tape or sealant. This will help prevent dust and moisture from accumulating.
  3. If condensation is found inside the material, it can be removed by blowing the sheets with compressed air.
  4. There is no need to remove the protective coating from the surface before installation.
  5. Polycarbonate cannot be covered with polyester or metallized film, since the contact of these materials will result in the formation of condensation. As a result, the film and sheets will lose their performance qualities.
  6. In progress installation work Do not step on polycarbonate. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the formation of cracks on the surface of the material. For movement, special ladders should be installed on the sheathing or rafters.
  7. A polycarbonate roof cannot be completely flat. The minimum acceptable slope should be 5%.
  8. If the material is inserted into frames, the coefficient of linear expansion must be taken into account when designing their size. This indicator is determined based on the thickness of the sheet.
  9. When working with material, you may be faced with the need to use not entire sheets, but individual fragments. This problem can be easily solved. Polycarbonate sheets lend themselves well to cutting, welding, gluing, and drilling. A jigsaw, hand saw or hacksaw is used for cutting, and an automatic or automatic one is used to form holes. hand drill equipped with a metal drill.
  10. Polycarbonate makes it possible to install roofs non-standard forms. For this purpose, cold, vacuum and thermal molding methods are used. When transporting and storing the material, mechanical impact should be avoided.

A do-it-yourself polycarbonate roof must be made in such a way that snow cover can be freely removed from its surface. Also, the structure must have sufficient strength. The roof can be given a wide variety of shapes. Initially, the frame is installed on which the sheets are installed. For frame structure use profile elements made of steel, aluminum or polycarbonate.

The latter option has several advantages over the first two materials. Profiled polycarbonate for the roof allows you to install the roof without visible connection areas. Also, this material has tightness, low weight, and high strength. This creates the visual effect of a roof floating above the building.

Polycarbonate profiles are divided into two types: detachable and one-piece. There are cavities inside the polycarbonate material. The sheets should be placed so that the arrangement of the cavities is parallel to the direction of the structure. If this condition is ignored, the material may become deformed during operation.

How to cover a roof with polycarbonate with your own hands

For installation you will need:

  • boards;
  • beams with a cross section of 40-60 mm;
  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • nails, self-tapping screws, screws;
  • saw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • scotch;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • mastic.

The installation process is performed in the following sequence of actions:

  1. The work begins with the installation of the frame structure. For this purpose, you can use one of the three types of profiles described above.
  2. The sheets have a standard width of 2.10 m. The space between the beams should not be greater than this distance. In order to be able to join several sheets, the gap between the rafters should be calculated so that the junction of the sheets is in the central part of the bar.
  3. The next step after installing the rafters is installing the frame. In case of use metal profiles The end sides of the cut sheets must be sealed with tape. This will prevent debris and moisture from getting into the grooves.
  4. When using a polycarbonate profile, this measure is not necessary, since these profile elements are initially equipped with a special film. It prevents various contaminants from penetrating into the sheet cells that have opened due to pruning.
  5. If the profile is collapsible, installation is performed in the following order:
  • Initially, the profile parts are attached to the bars with the lower part;
  • after which polycarbonate is mounted, on which the upper part of the frame structure is installed.
  1. The non-separable type profile is immediately attached to the rafters using self-tapping screws. On these fasteners, after 20-30 cm, there are thermal washers, to which the polycarbonate sheets will be installed.
  2. There are two ways to cover a roof with polycarbonate. The first involves a point method, in which fixation is carried out after 30 cm.
  3. According to the second, fixing profiles are used. The seam area must be treated with mastic. There is an inscription on the sheets. They should be placed on the frame so that the side with this inscription is directed upward. A compensation space of 5 mm is left between the sheets. Then the profile covers are secured and the plugs are attached.
  4. From the edges profile elements limiters are installed, which are fixed with rivets.
  5. At the last stage, the side parts and the surface of the sheets are covered with tape. This will help protect the material from negative impact ultraviolet radiation. Suitable for this purpose regular tape. The lower part also needs a protective coating. In this case, you will need perforated tape that will prevent insects from entering the cavities.

Rules for cutting and drilling

Cutting sheets into fragments must be done as carefully as possible to avoid damage to the top protective layer. This procedure is carried out using a circular saw or jigsaw. It is important to choose the optimal speed. Cutting too slowly will cause chipping. Excessively high speed will result in overheating and melting of the polymer. Sheets should not vibrate when cutting, this will lead to the appearance of microcracks.

If fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, you must first prepare holes in the sheets, the diameter of which should be 1-2 mm larger than the size of the fastening elements. To do this, use a drill for non-ferrous metals. Self-tapping screws should not be tightened to the maximum. Sheets will move under temperature changes. A polycarbonate roof for a terrace should be installed taking this condition into account.


Polycarbonate is an innovative material and has been used in the construction field relatively recently. But at the same time it is already actively used. This material is used for various purposes, one of which is the installation of roofs. It has all the properties necessary for a roofing material. Installation of polycarbonate sheets does not require qualified knowledge. You can do this yourself by first reading the instructions.

Roof made of polycarbonate. Video:

Installation of a polycarbonate roof with your own hands, as well as the properties of the material, its application, how to choose the thickness roofing sheets for installation of a pitched roof.

Polycarbonate (PC) owes its birth to Alfred Einhorn, a chemist from Germany. The first experiments with isomers began to be carried out at the end of the century before last. Industrial production of the material belongs to " General Electric" The company has been producing industrial substances since 1960.

After 20 years, by improving technology, sheet, cellular construction thermoplastic appears. He becomes a worthy alternative expensive and fragile glass. The current annual production of this durable material exceeds 3 million tons.

What is polycarbonate

Polymer plastic obtained by reacting carbonic acid with phenols is called polycarbonate. This is environmentally friendly polyester, of artificial origin, in the form of 2 mm granules. By extrusion, transparent, translucent (colored, matte) products are produced from colorless particles. The synthetic polymer has the following characteristics: technical specifications:

  • Light weight.
  • Great strength.
  • Transparency.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Resistant to some chemical influences.

Due to these properties, it is widely used in various industrial fields.

Types of polycarbonate

Monolithic polycarbonate

Modern industry produces several types of products:

  1. Film. Widely used in electronics, design, lamination of various surfaces and objects.
  2. Profiles. Docking devices for mounting plastic, creating almost invisible joints and visual lightness of the structure.
  3. Liteva. Available in the form of granules (crushed waste) or ingots. Subsequently used in the manufacture of various polymer products.

The most popular are sheet plastic:

  1. wavy ( transparent slate).
  2. Monolithic (cast), colloquially – plexiglass.
  3. Cellular (cellular).

The difference between them lies in the shape and design features.

The first one has a monolithic base with a profile, corrugated shape. It is this that gives higher strength.

The second is a smooth, transparent, even thermoplastic. Its resemblance to glass and high strength allow it to be called “shockproof glass.”

The third one represents different colors, width and thickness of sheets, cellular structure. These are plates connected to each other by stiffening ribs. The space between them is filled with air, which ensures low thermal conductivity.

They all have almost the same qualities.

Material properties

All sheet products have the following characteristic properties:

  • Good flexibility and ductility.
  • Light weight.
  • Impact resistance, low susceptibility to mechanical stress.
  • Translucency.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Resistant to fire (self-extinguishing).
  • Resistant to low temperatures - up to 40 degrees, high temperatures - up to 120 degrees (some varieties - up to 145; - 200).

The material has minimal moisture absorption. It is durable and easy to install.

Where is polycarbonate used?

Sheet polymer plastic, due to its qualities, is in great demand in various branches of construction.

It is widely used in making canopies, such as:

  • Above the pools.
  • Entrance to the entrance, house.
  • Gas station, shopping pavilion.
  • Open cafe.
  • Transport stop.

Smooth panels are suitable for vertical glazing of houses, greenhouses, and gazebos. Here are the sheets used:

  • 4-6 mm – optimal for greenhouses.
  • 2 mm or more – construction of gazebos.
  • 10-12 mm are good for glazing houses, creating a good noise absorption barrier.

The roof is made from PC sheets of various thicknesses. When covering buildings that are expected to have increased load:

  1. Garage.
  2. Private house.
  3. Industrial or other premises.

Types of roofing made of polycarbonate plastic

The strength and varying degrees of flexibility of the roofing PC allows you to make different types of roofs:

  1. Pitched. Surfaces with a slope angle of 30-40 degrees can be single- or multi-slope. This also includes tent structures. Flat roofs with a slope of 1-2 degrees are made only with monolithic panels.
  2. Dome. Such models are made using cell types of thermoplastic.
  3. Arched. Cellular PC Type – perfect material when creating these structures. Its flexibility allows for any roof bend.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Modern artificial polyester used in roof construction has the following advantages:

  • Multicolor.
  • It's easy to get the shape you want.
  • Low price and weight, combined with high strength.
  • Ease of processing.
  • Long-term operation, minimal special care.
  • Heat resistance, low flammability.
  • The presence of protective layers (ultraviolet penetration, light reflection, anti-condensation).
  • Noise absorption.

The main disadvantages are:

However, manufacturers do not stand still; PC performance is constantly improving.

How to choose the thickness of roofing sheets for a pitched roof

The choice of thickness depends on the characteristics of the object to be coated:

  • The thinnest ones are 4-6 mm, suitable for greenhouse and greenhouse roofs.
  • 6-8 mm – for gazebos, outbuildings, awnings, end glazing of the roof of a house.
  • From 16 mm and above - directly for residential buildings and other premises with increased load.

You can use different types:

  • Smooth.
  • Wavy, U-shaped, trapezoidal.
  • One-, two-, four-chamber.

Monolithic, corrugated, cellular polycarbonate, taking into account design features and functions of the covered roof.

Installation of a polycarbonate pitched roof

After calculating the structure, which includes taking into account the loads on the roof, we move on to choosing the frame material.

« Need to remember: Angular slope, no more than 5 degrees, only allow water to drain. A 25-30 degree slope will allow “snow bags” to form. The best option there will be an angle of 45 degrees or higher.”

The choice of material will depend on the angle of inclination of the roof (the greater it is, the less external load on the rafter system), appearance transparent roof.

Metal, aluminum profile frame, benefits from a more elegant look. Wooden is easy to install (adjustment of parts can be done during installation), but it looks more bulky, which reduces the transparency of the coating. Wooden rafters, are subject to mandatory treatment with an antiseptic.

Standard sheets of roofing plastic have a width of 210 cm. Their joining should take place in the middle of the rafters. The distance between the centers of beams, metal (square, round) pipes, cross-section 60×40 or 60×80, should be 105 cm. After that, in increments of 40-50 cm, the sheathing is installed.

Having completed the preparation and installation of the main roof frame, they begin to install the fastening profiles made of aluminum and polycarbonate. Here, connecting (detachable, one-piece) models are used for joining sheets. End caps that protect the ends of the PC from dirt and other debris.

Ends aluminum profiles sealed with tape, plastic ones with perforated tape.

The fastening system is installed on the frame with self-tapping screws. The collapsible profile is installed one by one. The lower part, after installing the sheet, the upper cover. Polymer profile, screwed every 30 cm using self-tapping screws with thermal washers.

It is better to cut and drill panels at a temperature not lower than 5ºС. In extreme heat, they should be cooled and worked in the shade.

The sheets must be laid with stiffening ribs along the slope, with a protective film from ultraviolet on top. The first panel is placed 3-5 cm with a protrusion beyond the roof border.

Polycarbonate should be fastened with galvanized self-tapping screws, using special thermal washers. They will protect the material from the formation of cracks (thermal compression/expansion) and crushing of honeycomb models. The “cold bridge”—the temperature difference at the fastening points—will be eliminated. The screws should not be overtightened.

The lower edges of the honeycomb material are sealed with a special perforated tape. This aluminum tape helps the release of possible condensation that appears in the honeycomb spaces. The end is also closed with UP profiles, with drilled holes.

Tools for working with polycarbonate must be sharp with fine teeth. You can cut with a circular saw or hacksaw. Drills need high-speed drills with a sharp cutting edge.

There are many examples where traditional roofing materials cannot be used for the sole reason of opacity to daylight. Previously, in such cases, the translucent roof was made of glass; now a polycarbonate roof is used. This polymer has many advantages over glass, and one of them is the ability to choose the type of polycarbonate.

A polycarbonate canopy is simplest example pitched roof for terrace

Types of roofing polycarbonate

If we talk about structure, there are three types of polycarbonate for roofing:

    Monolithic. It is a smooth sheet up to 12 mm thick. In the transparent version, it is a complete analogue of sheet glass with a little more low coefficient transparency, but much lighter and stronger than it. Although the thinnest polycarbonate (2-3 mm) is not used for roofing.

    Cellular. The structure of this type of polymer is somewhat reminiscent of corrugated cardboard. In the “household” version, cellular polycarbonate consists of two or three thin parallel plates interconnected by many longitudinal stiffeners. The strength of such a material is lower than that of a monolith, but in principle it is sufficient if the frequency of the sheathing corresponds to the angle of the slope of the pitched roof. The fundamental difference is that light passing through polycarbonate is scattered. This slightly reduces the transparency coefficient, although it makes the natural lighting of the space under the roof “softer”, without sharp transitions between the boundaries of light and shadow.

Cellular polycarbonate not only diffuses sunlight, it has good thermal insulation properties

    Profiled. In cross section, this is a typical type of corrugated sheet, which is made of polycarbonate rather than steel. And in this case, a profile in the form of a rectangular or trapezoidal wave provides the necessary structural strength. There are manufacturers that produce both types of roofing materials with the same dimensions, and they are compatible with each other in geometry. They can be used in combination on one roof slope without special technical solutions for waterproofing longitudinal and transverse joints.

Even taking into account the small thickness of the sheet itself, profiled polycarbonate has sufficient rigidity to withstand serious loads

If we talk about choosing a specific thickness of sheet or cellular polycarbonate for the roof, it depends on the slope of the slope, regional standards for wind loads and snow pressure, and the frequency of the sheathing. The strength of a roof made of profiled carbonate is regulated by the choice of profile type and the frequency of lathing. But in any case, the design should be carried out by specialists, and the purpose of this article is to become familiar with the general principles of arranging a polycarbonate pitched roof.

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Features of polycarbonate as a roofing material

Cellular polycarbonate can be called the lightest sheet roofing material, which is mounted on a row sheathing. Depending on the thickness of the sheet, 1 m2 weighs from 0.8 kg (4 mm) to 1.7-1.8 kg (10 mm).

Monolithic polycarbonate is heavier for the same sheet thickness: from 4.8 kg to 12 kg. And it can no longer be called easy.

But the low weight of the roofing material can be considered as an advantage only from the point of view of ease of installation - for a supporting structure this is a secondary factor. Compared to snow loads weight difference different coatings does not have a significant impact on rafter system and lathing. For example, Moscow and the region for the most part belong to the III snow region with a standardized load of 180 kg per 1 m2, and the north of the region belongs to the IV region, for which the calculated snow pressure on the roof is 240 kg/m2.

Snow is the most serious test for a roof. But the supporting structure, not the roofing material, is responsible for strength.

The main difference between polycarbonate and other types of roofing materials is its high coefficient of thermal expansion. And as general principle During installation, it is taken into account that with seasonal temperature fluctuations, for each linear meter of a roof made of transparent polymer, a tolerance for changes in linear dimensions of 5-6 mm is required, and for a colored one - 7-8 mm.

Another feature of roofing polycarbonate is the mandatory presence of a layer that protects the material itself and objects under the translucent roof from the negative influence of the ultraviolet part sunlight. For monolithic and honeycomb sheet polymer protective layer located on the front part, on the profiled sheet - on both sides.

Preparatory stage

During storage and transportation, the sheets are covered with protective packaging film. Before installation, the film is removed only partially, along the edges of the sheet along the fastening line. It is not recommended to completely remove the film - otherwise you can scratch the surface of the polymer sheet during operation.

The protective film should not be left on a sheet that is exposed to the sun for a long time. It may “stick” to the polymer and will be difficult to remove.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services for small architectural forms - gazebos, greenhouses and similar turnkey structures. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

The cellular polycarbonate at the ends is covered with “temporary” tape, which protects the internal channels from the penetration of dust and moisture. This tape is removed before installation. Instead, sealing tape is glued along the upper cut of the panel, and perforated tape is applied along the lower cut.

Note! If the sheet will not fit into any mounting profile, the tapes must be covered with end profiles. The same rules apply for them: the upper end is closed tightly; at the bottom cut profile, to drain condensate from the internal cavities of the polycarbonate, drainage holes must be pre-drilled in increments of 30 cm and with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

When installing a polycarbonate roof for a veranda or terrace, all paint work on the wooden supporting structure must be completed. If polycarbonate is used as a canopy for a porch or in a canopy metal frame, then all welding work must be completed before installing the sheets.

To minimize overheating of the supporting structure under a translucent roof, it is recommended to paint it in white fade-resistant paint. Another option is to cover the horizontal planes of the wood sheathing with aluminum tape.

Aluminum profiles are optimal choice for installation of roofing polycarbonate

Fastening monolithic and cellular polycarbonate to the sheathing, connecting the panels to each other and to adjacent surfaces

To attach polycarbonate to the sheathing, holes are drilled in the sheet with a diameter of 3-6 mm larger than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. These holes must be located at least 40 mm from the edge of the sheet. For cellular polycarbonate, it is important that the fastener is located in the middle of the “air” channel and does not fall on the stiffener. During installation, you must ensure that the self-tapping screw enters perpendicular to the surface of the sheet.

For fastening to metal load-bearing structures use self-tapping screws with a drill to wooden frame- wood screws. Both types are used together with a sealing rubber washer, which prevents roof leakage through the fixation points. The fastening pitch is within 40-60 cm.

This is what polycarbonate fasteners for metal look like

The fasteners should not be tightened until they stop, so that when the temperature fluctuates, the sheet can move relative to the sheathing.

To join panels together with their side edges, use three types of connecting elements:

    clamping bar;

    one-piece profile H;

    sectional profile.

The last view consists of two profiles:

    Nizhny Novgorod. It is attached to rafter leg roof or canopy frame.

    Upper C-shaped. They press the sheets to be joined together like a “lid.”

The joints are fixed and sealed using sealing rubber gaskets, which are placed in the grooves of the profile. Then the profile is screwed to the frame with a self-tapping screw.

One type of split profile

To securely fix the sheet, its edge must extend into the profile by at least 20 mm.

When attaching a polycarbonate roof to a wall (canopies, awnings, roofs of verandas or attached terraces), an F-shaped profile is used. It is fixed through a hole in the “leg” of the profile: to wooden wall– self-tapping, to brick wall- on a dowel or anchor.

The end profile is used not only to cover the internal planes of cellular polycarbonate at the ends. They are also used to decorate the side edges of the roof to give the roof a finished look.

Important! Sheets of cellular polycarbonate in a pitched roof are positioned so that the stiffeners are directed from top to bottom. And the slope angle of the slope must be at least 5° so that condensation from the internal cavities can drain out.

Video description

Installation of polycarbonate on the roof in the video:

Installation of profiled polycarbonate

If the roof of the house is made of corrugated sheets, then there is no question of which polycarbonate to choose for the terrace roof - profiled panels are best suited for joining in one plane, and even from a design point of view.

The house has a pitched roof and a terrace nearby, covered with polycarbonate, look like a single ensemble

The general principles for installing this type of roofing polycarbonate are as follows:

    when extending panels in length or when using a combined roof, horizontal joints must lie on the sheathing with overlap top sheet above the bottom not less than 20 cm;

    the longitudinal connection of adjacent sheets is made in the form overlap in one wave;

    full sealing joints occurs due to the laying of self-adhesive elastic tape;

    mounting holes drill in the upper part of the wave with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm;

    self-tapping diameter should be equal to 4.8 or 5.5 mm, and the sealing rubber washer should be 24 mm;

    fastening pitch– 30-40 cm;

    installation of sheets is carried out from bottom to top;

    to the first and last row of the sheathing the panel is attached to each wave, to intermediate supports- through the wave.

Examples of the use of polycarbonate in suspended structures

The canopy acts as a gazebo on the site of a country house

Polycarbonate roof over the porch

The children's sandbox should also have a canopy

Polycarbonate will help protect your car from various weather conditions

You can also protect yourself from the strong sun in the pool

Video description

Polycarbonate can be used in the construction different types awnings, examples in the video:


Although a polycarbonate shed roof has simple design compared to other types of roofing, but its design and installation must be carried out by specialists. Errors in the construction of the supporting frame or insufficient clearance in the mounting profiles to compensate for thermal expansion will lead to the destruction of the roof. Even an incorrectly screwed screw can create local stress in the roof, which can cause depressurization of joints or the appearance of a crack in the polymer.

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