Hallways on 9 floors. How to choose the optimal design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house (10 photos). Design of a large hallway

In this article we will discuss the question of how to make a beautiful and high-quality repairs hallway in panel house with your own hands. You will learn about the stages of work and get acquainted with the nuances of performing certain types of finishing.

Coming from the street, people first find themselves in the hallway; this is where every house begins. This room serves as a meeting place for guests, and also acts as an intermediate space for moving from one room to another.

The purpose of the hallway determines the options for its renovation. It should be as spacious as possible and functional room, bright and cozy, which begins and ends the design of all other rooms in the house.

As a rule, the hallway in a panel house is narrow and dark corridor no windows. There is always a lack of light and space here. And it’s not easy to maintain order here, since they leave shoes and outerwear, bringing with them street dust and dirt.

Thus, it becomes clear why the hallway has to be renovated more often than any other room in the house.

Pay attention! If you started major renovation in the apartment and plan to re-finish all the rooms, then the renovation of the kitchen and hallway should be done after completing the work in the rooms. After all, these are open spaces where construction waste from distant rooms will somehow end up.

Finishing materials

Selection of finishing materials

From finishing materials it is better to choose those that tolerate well high humidity and easy to clean. Among such materials are suspended and suspended ceilings, wall tiles, economy panels, washable wallpaper.

  • Linoleum or ceramic tiles with a non-slip, textured surface.
  • Repair narrow hallway(and most of these rooms in panel houses are small in size) involves the selection of light finishing materials. They will visually expand the boundaries of space.
  • A vertical pattern on the wallpaper will visually increase the height (this issue is also relevant for many corridors in Khrushchev-era panel houses).
  • Wallpapers are the most economical option However, it is more practical to carry out repairs using wall coverings. They can be located as you like: along the entire height of the wall - from floor to ceiling, or occupy only half of its height.
  • Wall panels for finishing an entrance hall or corridor can be made of materials such as plastic, wood, laminated MDF. They are very easy to clean, stand up well to stress, look good, and have a wide variety of shades, patterns and colors.
  • The top of the wall can be decorated with wallpaper or decorative plaster.

Hallway design project

Start of renovation

The design and renovation of the hallway, first of all, should be carefully considered.

The first stage of any interior change is creating a sketch. Take a pen and paper and draw the hallway you would like to see in your home. Visualization of desires is the first step towards their fulfillment.

Having created a design project, write down in detail the steps to achieve the goal: what work you will do first, what work second. You may need the help of experts at some stages.

Sequence of work

Repairs in the hallway in a Brezhnevka, Khrushchev, Czech or other standard panel house always have the same sequence.

The first step is to carry out work related to dust and dirt, then everything related to replacing electrics, pipes, installing ventilation and air conditioning, and only then, finishing the ceiling and floor.

Updating the walls

First, you should remove layers of old wallpaper and other coatings (paint, plaster, panels) from the walls. Removing old finishing materials today can be done quite quickly. Depending on how exactly, the dismantling of coatings will be carried out differently.

Dismantling the old coating

  • Wallpaper is removed by hand. Simply pull the strip of paper around the corner from top to bottom. A piece of wallpaper will simply move away from the wall. If some parts are tightly glued, they can be moistened with water and scraped off with a knife.
  • Artificial plaster is removed from the walls using a construction scraping machine. First, with light pressure, walk 130-150 mm cycles over the entire surface of the wall. Next, having already decided on the force required to dismantle the plaster, as well as the angle of application of the tool, you can begin to cut off the protrusions that are on the surface of the wall.
  • As for the paint, it is either scraped off the walls or removed using construction hair dryer- a device that heats the material and makes it easy to remove. Usually the price of such equipment is quite high, do not rush to purchase it, it is better to rent it.

Pay attention! There is no need to remove paint from the walls at all. It is enough to prime the surface and plaster it.

Applying a coat of primer to the wall


After old layer finishing materials will be removed, you can proceed to priming the surfaces. This is necessary to create better adhesion of finishing materials to the wall. When treating walls with an oil primer, do not forget to wear gloves and ventilate the room from time to time.

Next, a layer of putty up to 9 mm thick is applied. The first layer should dry within 24 hours. After which the walls are moistened with water from a spray bottle and a second layer of putty is applied. After 24 hours, the third layer is applied. It is important to achieve maximum smoothness of the surfaces on which they will later be laid. finishing materials.

The same stages of work are carried out with the ceiling. If you decide to close it with curtains or tension systems, you can limit yourself to cleaning the surface from the old layer of materials.

As a rule, only hallway renovations look simple and fun in pictures.

In fact, preparing walls and ceilings is painstaking work associated with a large number dust and construction waste. When performing this, you will have to cover the floor and objects that will remain in the hallway during the renovation with newspapers, and change them several times.

Replacing wiring

The next stage is the replacement of electrics, heating pipes, installation of an air conditioning system (all this if necessary) and fine finishing walls and ceiling. Depending on what kind of renovation you are planning to do in your hallway, the list of work on installing finishing materials will differ.

Summing up

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In this article I will describe the interior style for the hallway in an apartment in a panel house. I'll tell you about possible options interior renovations. Their positive and negative sides. I will name finishing materials that are better suited in these cases. I’ll tell you what furniture to choose and how to arrange it correctly. I will pay attention to lighting and wall design.

Interior style for the hallway in an apartment in a panel house

If the hallway is separated from the apartment by a door, then you can decorate it in any style you like. When, after redevelopment, the corridor is combined with another room, the situation changes. After all, now you need to make the interior common and harmoniously combined. It is even important, two or three-room apartment. Since the functionality of the room will depend on this.

Moreover, it is worth considering how many people there are in the family and whether there are children. Indeed, in this case, the living room can simultaneously act as an office, dining room and recreation room. And sometimes - an overnight stay for relatives and friends.

High-tech and minimalism are more appropriate than ever for this room. Since these styles have much in common with the basic aspects of the arrangement small room. A minimum of things and their functionality. Strict lines and practical materials. But in principle, you can use any style for the hallway, even Egyptian.

Interior renovation

To expand the corridor space, you can go one of two ways:

  1. Remove the doorway.
  2. Dismantle the partition between the corridor and the room.

Before dismantling the partition, you need to make sure that the wall is not load-bearing. Otherwise, work cannot be done.

Then you need to start zoning the room. In this case, you can use options such as:

  • arch. A universal option suitable for any style. For minimalism, a square arch is better, and for classics, an oval arch. For lovers of creativity, a design with smooth curves is suitable. You can make an arch from different materials. But the most popular design is made of plasterboard. It turns out beautifully and cheaply. Moreover, any person can cope with the task of constructing an arch, even without experience in this field;
  • columns. Strict and rectangular ones are recommended to be used for decorating the hallway in modern style. Whereas for classical, Greek and Egyptian styles you can build a column in the shape of a semicircle. You can additionally decorate it with stucco molding. The material used for making structures can be different: from wood to metal. But the most popular options are plasterboard and polyurethane columns;
  • open . They can be convenient for storing many things. These are books, a vase of flowers to decorate the hallway and other necessary little things;
  • sliding doors. They can be installed in frosted or clear glass. The advantage is that they will let light into the corridor, making it brighter.

Decoration and materials for the hallway

Let's consider the materials that are suitable for finishing.


Since the room is a walk-through and front door It will be cold, snow, mud, etc. will be carried in with your shoes. You can use linoleum, which is resistant to heavy loads, has a wide range and low pricing.

Ceramic tiles are also suitable. It is wear- and moisture-resistant, durable and beautiful. But there is also a minus, its slipping. Although the problem can be avoided by purchasing tiles with a rough surface.

Laminate flooring with natural wood look shows good characteristics. And if you lay it across the corridor, the room will visually become wider.

If desired, you can also zone the hallway with flooring. Where they take off their shoes, ceramics are placed. And then, a cozy carpet and everything turns out comfortable and practical.


Experts advise choosing moisture-resistant materials. Moreover, they should be light shades. This will visually increase the space.

Detergents are suitable, decorative plaster, paint, wall panels. It all depends on your desire.

Minus wall panels is that they steal usable space hallway Whereas decorative plaster can simultaneously act as insulation.


Choosing ceiling structure for the hallway you can follow the basic rules, as for any other room in a two-room or three-room apartment.

They will fit well. Although you can make two-tier structures if the height of the room allows.

Selection of furniture and its placement

Only the most necessary furniture is selected for the hallway. It must be multifunctional. It is important to avoid cluttering the corridor.

It is worth giving preference to the following options:

  • a soft ottoman or stool will allow you to put on your shoes comfortably;
  • if there is space, it’s worth putting a narrow one. Outerwear, shoes and many other necessary things are stored in it;
  • If it is not possible to install a closet, you need to at least hang hooks. To have somewhere to hang clothes and a bag;
  • in order not to clutter the space, you can hang a mezzanine near the ceiling;
  • it is also possible to store necessary things in a cabinet;

Lighting and wall design

To decorate the hallway use:

  • with a landscape image;
  • which will visually increase the space of the room and allow you to look at yourself when leaving the house;
  • family photos will add individualism.

The lighting system can be sconces on the wall or spotlights on the ceiling. Especially when it comes to suspended ceilings. There is no need for very bright lighting.

Volumetric chandeliers will only make the interior heavier. It is better to refuse them.

Examples of spectacular design

Let's consider interesting options decorating the hallway in a panel house.

Create harmonious interior in the hallway panel house not easy. This requires a lot of effort. After all, the room should be spacious, cozy, functional and bright. Will help you cope with the task modern materials and furniture that takes up minimal space.

The first impressions on guests in your home are appearance hallway It can be called a kind of business card. Developing hallway design in a panel house, the designer faces difficulties associated with small in size this room.

In addition, the most common shape of hallways in such houses is a rectangle, which is more likely associated not with the name “hall”, but with the name “corridor”.

The main task of the designer in this case is to turn these shortcomings into advantages, and if this is not possible, try to hide them.

Photo of hallway design in a panel house

As everyone knows, dark colors visually reduce the parameters of any room. That is why, in order to make a cramped hallway seem at least a little more spacious, it would be better to use light-colored materials.

The design of the hallway in a panel house, the photo can be seen below. Experts suggest using colored plaster, cork covering, paint and light-colored wallpaper.

When renovating the hallway in a panel house, you can also cladding the walls of the room wood panels. It will look more fashionable and exclusive.

The hallway is the first room that all guests see, so it is a kind of “face” of the apartment, indicating the neatness and neatness of the owners. Anyone who values ​​their status should definitely think through in detail the design for the hallway of a panel house apartment. On the other hand, this room, being non-residential, must have a certain functionality: have a shoe rack, a hanger, mirrors, etc. Due to these features, the design of the hallway seems to be a particularly difficult task.

Photo of the original interior design is not large hallway

Interior renovation

It often happens that the gray standard layout of mass panel buildings, where the division between residential areas is very conditional, makes many owners think about restructuring. Most often, the hallway is a long and narrow corridor, and very small in size.

There can be a great variety of options for transforming the interior of a corridor in a panel house apartment. The whole set of them can be divided into two large groups:

  • a small, “cosmetic” improvement - adding arches, decorating with stained glass, building one or more partitions (and it is not necessary to maintain symmetry), skillfully integrating large furniture into the interior while maintaining compatibility in color and visual design;
  • serious redevelopment, which may even include the destruction of blank walls (it is even possible to completely transform the room into another purpose, for example, into a wardrobe or storage room).

See below a photo of the original design of the hallway of a panel house apartment.

Design of the hallway of an apartment in a standard panel house after redevelopment (photo)


Furniture at proper installation can perfectly decorate the interior of the hallway in a panel house apartment and become an organic part of the corridor (see photo). The main thing you need to focus on is the area of ​​the room. If it is small, then it is hardly worth placing something larger than a shoe stand there. The same goes for premises non-standard shape: an individual order may be the solution.

You can talk about furniture only if the corridor is at least medium in size. Moreover, most often apartment owners panel houses opt for cabinets, as this allows you to free up significant space in living spaces.

In order for the cabinet to fit successfully into the interior, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. The cabinet should be neither too wide (it will not allow passage in a small room) nor too narrow (then the structure will be very unstable and will have to be attached to the wall). Typically, a width of a little more than half a meter is considered ideal.
  2. For corridors it is better not to buy expensive furniture natural wood, which will very quickly lose its presentation. On the other hand, you should not install a headset made of cheap plastic.
  3. Furniture should be chosen in light shades or with an original combination of several colors.
  4. Cabinets with sliding doors(“coupe”)
  5. Large mirrors built into furniture can also add a unique ambience.

The choice of color greatly depends on the size of the room and its layout. The correctly chosen color scheme when developing the design of a corridor in an apartment in a panel house gives the first and most serious visual impression. This is clearly shown in the photo below.

At the same time, you should not lose sight of a number of points:

  1. Room size. It is widely known that dark colors visually make a room smaller, so it is highly not recommended to use it for already cramped panel houses (except in cases where there are windows, which is extremely rare in domestic planning practice). There is an unspoken rule in the design community not to use more than three colors in a design, and only one of them will be the main one, and the other two play only a supporting role. Most often, a competent combination of cream, orange, blue and other light colors is used.
  2. Form. You can correct the shortcoming of a low ceiling by simply painting it with brown paint. A similar play of color can be used to create the effect of lengthening or shortening a room with an unusual shape.
  3. General style of the apartment. The interior of a separate room should not stand out from the overall design of the home, otherwise it will be perceived as extremely vulgar.
  4. Individual idea of ​​the designer. The use of a specific author's concept allows for sufficient freedom in choosing materials and colors in order to embody any sophisticated idea. For example, decoration in the Baroque style presupposes a predominance of golden, as well as white and pink shades.

Wall decoration

When choosing options for finishing the hallway of a panel house, several considerations must be taken into account:

  1. This is a room where a person spends much less time than in any other, so the cheapest materials are usually used for its decoration.
  2. The hallway is the place where dirt from shoes and dust from the entrance constantly settle. Therefore, the materials should not only be cheap, but also easy to clean.
  3. Durability. The walls and ceiling are also influenced by temperature changes due to the constant opening of the door, so condensation settles on them.

If you decide to simply paint the walls, then you need to keep in mind that in this case their surface must be perfectly flat. All flaws, cracks and dirt will be visible to everyone who crosses the threshold of the house. Therefore, you should not skimp on the services of expensive plasterers who will level the walls.

An example of correct wall painting is shown in the design photo real apartment panel house.

However, most often they decide to decorate the interior of the corridor in the apartment with wallpaper:

  1. Wallpaper for subsequent painting. The main advantage of this solution is the ability to paint old surface again, giving her " new life" Since dirt will inevitably stain the lower part of the wall, it is better to keep it in a more dark colors than the top;
  2. Photo wallpaper is only suitable for those hallways whose walls are not completely filled with wardrobes and hangers. A high-quality drawing should please the eye in full height;
  3. The so-called liquid wallpaper has become especially popular recently.

Sometimes the interior of the hallway is finished PVC panels, tiles, stone. The latest fashion is to show the corridor in vertical black and white horizontal stripes(art deco style).


To illuminate the corridor, install various types lighting:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • floor

For small and low rooms, floor lighting with a stream of light directed at the ceiling is perfect. With skillful lighting design the size of a small hallway in an apartment in a panel house will optically appear larger (see photo).

Regarding wall lighting, then it is ideal for almost any type of hallway. The shape of the lamps can be chosen specifically to match the theme of the room design. The main thing is that the light does not blind, for which sometimes the lamps are placed at a height of more than two meters. If the corridor is very narrow, then you can place a sconce on the wall at the end.

If a mirror is installed in the room, then for the best optical effect the light should be soft, otherwise the reflection will be blurry and will cast shadows.

It is better not to place an impressive chandelier on the ceiling of the hallway - it will visually reduce the interior. The best solution there will be an installation of “portholes” built into the plane of the ceiling in two rows along its entire length. This will create a unique comfort and mysterious atmosphere.

When thinking through the features, you need to pay attention to the little things and nuances. Thanks to the optimal approach, each owner of such a hallway has the opportunity to make it wider and at the same time save a lot of space. Advice from professionals will help you achieve this result. There is no need to put a lot of furniture in the room - you should choose from a variety only the most necessary items, and most importantly, they should also be functional. In order to save space, ideal option there will be built-in furniture. If you want to choose beautiful, expensive wallpaper that will improve the appearance of the room, then it is better to choose light shades, they will make the room visually spacious.

In a beautiful way visual expansion space is the presence of mirrors on the walls. Mirrors are the main decorative item, especially if they are framed in a beautiful frame. Lighting plays an important role; you can opt out of a large-volume chandelier - it will clutter the room, visually turning it into a miniature one. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house in the photo may look great, but the most important role human feelings play.

Decoration of small hallways

When designing, you should pay attention to such details as:

  • Choice of floor color and material;
  • Selection of wall material;
  • Combination selection color solutions;
  • Determination with the type of walls.
  • Expanding space through zoning

An excellent way out of this situation could be to divide the hallway into two main zones - the entrance and corridor zones. Ceramic tiles can be used near the entrance area, and the rest can contain laminate or carpet. The two coatings must connect clearly and beautifully, and the line does not necessarily have to be even. It can have a wave relief or run in a zigzag, the most important thing is that it beautifully emphasizes the features of the interior.

Another important step will be the choice of floor covering. If you want to achieve a great effect, you can use transverse laying of the laminate. Using a massive floor strip or tiles that imitate it. This pattern helps expand the room. if you make a design for the floor correctly, you get a unique and original design hallway in an apartment in a panel house, which has beautiful photos capable of delighting with beauty.

Working with walls

Wall decoration is quite significant in the design unity of the hallway. You should not cover it with clapboard and other materials, since the room is already small. If you want to cover the walls with wallpaper, then their pattern should be vertical. Thanks to this approach, you can expand the room, especially if you use light colors. As already noted, an excellent approach in this situation would be to use mirrors, which should be enclosed in a beautiful frame. However, if they have standard arrangement, then it will be difficult to achieve the expansion effect. Also, if mirrors are positioned correctly, their abundance will not irritate the eye.
If you want to expand the boundaries of the hallway, then you can choose photo wallpaper as a means of pasting. In place of the walls, you can use a beautiful sunset, a sea beach or beautiful Parisian streets. Wallpaper with prints can also be used - such patterns can blur the corners. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house can be seen in the photo, and after that you can safely combine ready-made ideas with their own. Discover new opportunities for yourself, because they are simply endless.

Performing a rebuild

If the hallway is long, then it can be divided not only in the plane, but also in part of the volume. Having made an arch or partition, a vestibule area is created. The arch can have several additions in the form of stained glass, and glass can also give the impression of increased volume. To equip a hallway with partitions it is not at all necessary to achieve symmetry, rather the opposite. Proper division into zones can occur thanks to the successful integration of furniture - for example, a wardrobe with other elements.

When planning, more serious restructuring can be carried out. She represents radical measure, that is, partial or even complete destruction blank walls. Even if you came to this radical method, do not think that the problem is solved. It is necessary to achieve competent and correct location furniture, the result is a wonderful result. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house, a photo of any variety, distinguished by special features that are important and necessary to evaluate

Not an apartment, but a studio

The decision to make a studio instead of an apartment is optimal, but you need to remember that the feeling of a calm home environment will disappear and something else will take its place. Many will prefer comfort and a homely atmosphere, while others will choose rational use space and something unusual in the corridor. In such a room, the zoning should remain conditional. The best option would be if flooring in the hallway area it enters the living room, and not to talk about the previous miniature spot that was in front of the door. Often used for zoning decorative columns or racks.
Design of a hallway in an apartment in a panel house - you can take a photo to view it to have an idea of ​​what you want.

Using partitions

Instead of typical blank walls in a panel house, owners can easily use partitions, which have a number of advantages in the form of decent aesthetics and other aspects. If you decide to get rid of walls, then lightweight partitions will look great. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the stained glass canvas, which lets light into the hallway. You can also make an incomplete combination in the rooms or carry out zoning.

Whatever you choose, the most important thing remains up to your own imagination, which simply does not and cannot have limits. The corridor area can be kept intact and entrance area can be expanded by room. If you reduce some area, this can be compensated by the fact that the shape remains interesting and original. As a result, a niche appears that allows you to arrange a dressing room or library - at your discretion. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house, a photo of which you can create yourself or use ready-made ones, must meet the wishes of the owner and be stylish.

At the right approach To optimal combination colors and styles, you can achieve excellent results. The design of the hallway in the apartment will be stylish even in a panel house. This is evidenced by numerous photos of results from professionals. Choose the optimal color or style combinations to stay informed best options and decisions, start feeling great with the created interior that you wanted and dreamed about for a long time, because you deserve all the most beautiful things. When creating the optimal picture, you can use ready-made ideas and perfectly combine them with your own imagination.

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