Installation of mounting holes in aluminum slatted ceilings. Aluminum slatted ceiling: installation and features of the suspended structure. Rack ceiling: photo

From aluminum panels Today it is quite widespread in our country, since many people associate it with such a concept as “European-quality renovation”. Initially, such structures were brought to us from abroad, so their cost was quite high.

A little later, the aluminum ones were slightly modernized by adding decorative inserts to their structure. Thanks to them, even the most daring design solutions can be implemented during installation.

Varieties of aluminum panels

It is worth saying that the assembly process for all of them is practically no different, so you need to pay special attention to the details.

There are 2 main types of aluminum ceilings:

  • Rack and pinion. When assembled, it is a plane made of slats various sizes and colors.
  • Cassette. Modular system assembled from cassettes having a rectangular or square shape. Size and color may also vary.

Features of aluminum slatted ceilings

The slatted ceiling is one of the types suspended ceilings. Such a suspension system looks like a single surface, although it is made of separate strips, which are available in different sizes and colors. This makes it possible to create very original and stylish designs.

Installation of a suspended aluminum ceiling is carried out only after plastering of the walls and finishing of the floor is completed. First it is assembled onto which aluminum panels are then attached.

Types of slats

The most popular among buyers is a suspended ceiling made of aluminum panels in two configurations:

  • With smooth slats. After assembly, there are small gaps between the panels. fasten slatted ceiling It’s not difficult, but it doesn’t look that impressive.
  • With alternating profiles. Intermediate inserts are installed between the slats, which may differ in size and color from the main panels. This slatted ceiling looks very unusual and stylish.

The range of manufactured slats is so huge that it can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers. The panels come in smooth and perforated, glossy and matte. Their texture can imitate wood and even leather. The shape of the slats can be rounded or rectangular. The huge number of colors and shades is simply amazing. The slats can be installed even diagonally, which allows you to visually increase or decrease the space.

Suspended ceilings made of aluminum panels also differ in the joints between the slats. At open method installation, there remains a small gap of 15 mm between them. Special decorative inserts are attached to it or left open. At closed method panel joints overlap each other. They also sell slats that are joined closely, which allows you to get a blind joint that has no gaps.

What is a suspension system

The main components of the suspension system are the comb, the corner profile and the adjustable suspension. A comb is a galvanized strip that has special clamps into which the slats are secured.

The suspension consists of a bracket attached to the supporting comb and a rod, which is mounted directly to the ceiling. The aluminum ceiling is fastened at a distance from the main ceiling from 5 to 12 cm (depending on personal preferences, as well as communications located on the ceiling).

Advantages of slatted aluminum ceilings

In terms of functionality and technical parameters A suspended ceiling made of aluminum panels is superior to other ceiling systems:

  • Their slats are quite resistant to various negative external influences, especially to excess moisture and elevated temperatures. That is why they are installed in the kitchen and other rooms where other surface finishing options are inappropriate.
  • Safety. Slatted ceilings are made from environmentally friendly pure materials that do not emit harmful compounds.
  • Thanks to the simple installation, you can assemble an aluminum ceiling with your own hands in the shortest possible time.
  • This design can be installed on curved surfaces of walls and ceilings, since the aluminum strip easily bends and allows you to create a tent or dome shape. To assemble a curved ceiling system, mounting rails are mounted at different levels.
  • When decorating a room, the external aesthetic appearance is of no small importance. The aluminum suspended ceiling is assembled from panels painted with resistant powder paints, so it has a very attractive appearance. A fairly wide palette of colors allows you to choose the shade that best suits the interior of the room.


Before you begin preparing the ceiling and installing aluminum panels, you should purchase everything you need.

The set of elements usually includes:

  • fastening tires (traverses, combs);
  • starting profile, which is attached to the walls along the perimeter of the room along the intended line;
  • slats that make up the surface of the structure (when installing aluminum suspended ceilings, 100 mm wide slats are most often used);
  • intermediate inserts necessary for connecting the main slats (not used in all slatted structures);
  • suspensions - metal rods or plates;
  • fastening elements (screws or dowels);
  • recessed lamps.


To install a suspended aluminum ceiling, you will need the following tools:

  • tape measure, level, ruler and marker (for marking);
  • hammer drill or drill (to make holes for fasteners);
  • scissors and a metal knife (for cutting slats);
  • self-tapping screws and dowel-nails;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver (for connecting all frame elements).


Installation of a suspended ceiling made of aluminum panels begins after everything necessary to complete the work has been prepared. To make such a ceiling with your own hands, you must first mark the perimeter. This is done in order to determine the level of location suspended structure.

The minimum distance from the base floor should be approximately 3.5-4 cm. The largest distance is limited by the length of the hangers. Along the perimeter of the room, according to established level, a line is drawn that will be the defining reference point when installing the suspension system. When marking is applied, the line must be checked using a level and the distance between flooring and with it at intervals that range from 1 to 1.5 meters.

Next, you need to apply markings to the floor slabs. To install the frame, depending on the number of traverses, the appropriate number of lines should be drawn. The distance between the wall and the comb should be within 40-50 cm, and between adjacent fastening rails - about 100-120 cm. Fastening the traverses with such a step ensures the required structural rigidity. After marking is completed, frame assembly and installation begin suspended ceiling made of aluminum.

Installation of rack and pinion system

The assembly of the frame for a suspended slatted ceiling is carried out in stages:

  1. First of all, a starting profile is installed along the perimeter of the room according to the markings. It is applied to a horizontal line and, using a hammer drill, holes are drilled in the plank and wall. This kind of work needs to be done with an assistant, and not alone, since one pair of hands is needed to fix the profile, and the other to drill.
  2. At the next stage, plastic dowels are inserted into the prepared holes. Next, the profile is finally secured by driving special screws intended for express installation into them. The step size for installing fasteners is 50 cm.
  3. After the profile is securely fastened, they begin to mount it on hangers for installing traverses.
  4. At the next stage, the surface of the ceiling structure is assembled. To do this, before attaching to the mounting rail, all aluminum slats are adjusted to the right size. To do this, make a notch along the cutting line on the panel to be cut using a knife or awl.
  5. Next, use metal scissors to cut the edges of the plank and break off excess material. The prepared panel is lifted and snapped into place on the fastening located on the traverse. The ends of the slats are brought into the starting profile. Then intermediate inserts are installed between the main panels. The last rail is cut not only along the length, but also along the length.
  6. The assembly is completed by installing and connecting the built-in lamps. Appropriate holes are made in the slats for lighting fixtures.

Installing a hanging system is not at all difficult; the main thing is to try to carefully study the relevant instructions and information from the manufacturer.

Aluminum panels: price

Cost from aluminum profile varies significantly depending on the country of origin, type, texture, color and presence of perforation. Cost of panels Russian production noticeably lower. average price is from 300 rubles per 1 m 2. Foreign material costs from 600 rubles per 1 m2.

Overview of the main types of slatted ceilings: aluminum, zinc, plastic. Analysis of how to install them. DIY installation guide for a suspended slatted ceiling in a bathroom.

In previous articles we reviewed ceilings and ceilings, today let's look at slatted suspended structures.

Slatted ceilings, first appearing on the domestic market construction market in the early 90s, and today they do not lose popularity. They got their name thanks to their geometric features, since they form such suspended ceilings from narrow aluminum or zinc slats.

Mirror slatted suspended ceiling

The reason for their particular popularity is their attractive appearance suspended structure, under the walls of which you can successfully decorate uneven surface main ceiling. In addition, they are famous for their ease of installation without using additional equipment. Therefore, anyone can make a slatted ceiling in the bathroom with their own hands.

You just need to choose the components wisely and know key points installation of the structure.

Types and advantages of rack and pinion systems

A slatted ceiling is a structure that includes a suspended frame system and cladding panels. The material for the manufacture of finishing panels is most often plastic, galvanized steel or aluminum.

Diagram: rack and pinion system design

Rack structures made of polyvinyl chloride are lightweight, but have low strength. Zinc ceiling slats are more susceptible to corrosion. And therefore it is not advisable to install them in bathrooms and kitchens, where the humidity often exceeds the threshold of 70%.

The “golden mean” can be considered aluminum panels, which successfully combine positive properties and galvanized analogues. Soft material is not afraid of water and is not subject to corrosion. Such a ceiling will also relieve extra costs in case of flooding by neighbors.

There are two options for installing slatted shelves:

  • Closed type - requires installation metal frame and installation of the panels themselves on it. An inter-batten insert is placed in the gap between adjacent panels, which adds decorativeness to the structure.

Diagram: installation of a slatted ceiling closed type

  • Open type - does not provide for filling the inter-rack space. They form a complete and smooth surface.

Systems open type have good ventilation, which prevents water condensation from settling on the slatted surface. But regardless of the installation method, the arrangement of a slatted ceiling eliminates the need for the construction of powerful frame systems.

Scheme: open type installation

As for the aesthetic aspect, thanks to the variety of textures and wide color palette By using rack and pinion structures you can successfully realize your most daring ideas. Design ideas can be gleaned from photos on thematic forums on the Internet.

An impressive design can be created using shaped slatted panels. Arched elements help shape curves, making a smooth transition between two rooms with different heights ceilings.

Video selection: options for finishing kitchens with river ceilings

Suspended structure components

To make a slatted ceiling with your own hands, it is important to know the types and purposes of the main elements of the system.

All components that are used for installing slatted ceilings have a non-combustible base. And thanks to the dust- and moisture-repellent coating, the parts are strong and durable.
There are slatted ceilings on sale that can be assembled like a construction set. It is also possible to customize the suspension system, in which aluminum or galvanized panels can have non-standard dimensions.

The main elements of the slatted ceiling are:

  • Stingers - strips equipped with grooves are designed to fix the protrusions of facing panels. They may have different sizes and are selected in accordance with the size of the slats themselves. These strips allow you to disassemble part of the structure without much hassle to repair broken ones. engineering communications or replacing damaged parts.

Accessories for slatted suspended ceilings

  • Suspensions can be spring type or equipped with spokes. They are designed to hold the suspension system, preventing it from sagging. Due to their length, the suspensions make it possible to lower the ceiling to a given height, which allows you to place ventilation equipment or lay electrical wiring in the resulting niche.
  • Guides and intermediate profiles are necessary for arranging the frame. They are made of aluminum with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm. Length finished products is 4-6 meters.
  • Cladding panels - can be made of aluminum, plastic or steel. They often have a mirrored or embossed surface. The width of the slats ranges from 50-200 mm, and the length of the products can reach 10 meters.

Types of guides

Tip: To correctly calculate the number of slats, profiles and fasteners for installing a slatted ceiling with your own hands, you can use a slatted ceiling calculator. To carry out calculations, you just need to set the parameters of the bathroom, on the basis of which you can obtain the exact volumes of material.

Sequence of installation work

The technology for installing a slatted ceiling with your own hands includes a number of main steps:

    1. Surface preparation. At this stage, the height of the ceiling and the distance between surfaces are determined. These parameters depend on what will be laid in the intermediate niches, for example: pipes, ventilation ducts or cable channels. The height of the interceiling space is also determined taking into account the dimensions of the selected lighting fixtures. For pendant lamps for halogen or LED bulbs it is necessary to provide at least 130 mm of height. For installation of recessed lamps, it is enough to allocate minimum area necessary for electrical wiring and installation of fasteners.

Attention: In bathrooms, the height of the walls does not exceed 2.5 meters, the ceiling space is kept to a minimum. To do this, the stingers are fixed directly to the ceiling, aligned using special gaskets. For illumination in these cases choose pendant lamps. The ceiling surface is leveled and cleaned, only after that they proceed to marking it.

Installation of slatted ceiling

    1. Surface marking. To install a slatted ceiling with your own hands, you need a set of tools, which includes
      • Roulette;
      • Electric drill;
      • Screwdriver;
      • Pliers;
      • Metal scissors or saw.

Markings begin from the flattest wall in the room. Having stepped back from the base ceiling to the allotted distance for installing the structure, draw a parallel line for installing the stinger.

Surface marking

Tip: So that the line is located in horizontal plane, masters recommend using a building level.

From this line, moving along the wall, draw parallel lines, maintaining an interval of 1.2 meters. Having drawn the main lines for the frame on the wall, ceiling surface Mark points for installing lighting fixtures.

The technology for installing a slatted ceiling in a bathroom with your own hands is clearly demonstrated in the video

Caring for a slatted ceiling does not require much effort. To remove contaminants, you can use traditional detergents. The washed surface is polished to a shine with a soft cloth.

How to properly install a slatted ceiling: video

Rack ceiling: photo

It is difficult to put technical rooms in order: too conflicting requirements must be combined in finishing materials. They should be practical and beautiful, and should not be afraid of water, high humidity. It is also very desirable that they are easy to install and inexpensive. Agree, it is not at all easy to find material that meets these requirements. One option is an aluminum slatted ceiling. If you need to update the ceiling in the bathroom, toilet, hallway, balcony or kitchen, take a closer look at this system.

The device of a slatted ceiling and its types

Like any suspension system, the aluminum slatted ceiling is mounted below the ceiling level, therefore the initial state draft ceiling doesn't matter. It consists of a system of suspensions to which the supporting profiles are attached. These profiles have special recesses for fixing aluminum strips, which form the front surface of the ceiling.

Slatted suspended ceiling is one of the options for inexpensive repairs

The appearance of the aluminum ceiling depends on the type of planks. They are made from thin-walled aluminum, then painted and coated protective layer varnish Color - any from the RAL palette. The most common is white and its shades, beige. They are usually in stock, other colors are available upon request. When choosing a color, you can also choose the type of surface - matte, semi-gloss, glossy.

Reiki can be different widths and shapes. Width - from 90 mm to 200 mm. The front surface of the plank can be flat (German and Russian), rounded (Italian). There are also triangular ones, but they are rarely used in apartments. Separately, it is worth mentioning the perforated strips. They are good for ventilation, but the look is too formal for an apartment or house.

According to the method of fastening, an aluminum suspended ceiling can be:

Most common open option. The gaps are closed with slats of a different color, but you can choose the same one. There is another option - a strip with a side. When using them, the gaps close immediately. In private houses and apartments, the areas of application for such ceilings are the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.

System components

The aluminum slatted ceiling consists of:

You can assemble an aluminum slatted ceiling in a bathroom or kitchen in a few hours. It's simple, the most complex operations— installation of fasteners, cutting slats and profiles into pieces of the required length.

In addition to these components, you will need to take care of lighting. Most often used Spotlights. Holes are cut in the slats for them. You can also use chandeliers, but you will need to think through the mounting yourself.

Release forms and prices

There are two forms of production of aluminum slatted ceilings: all components separately or in a set. The set is designed to fit specific sizes and includes everything you need. Hangers may be missing as ceiling heights may vary. If you want to make a metal suspended ceiling in a typical bathroom or kitchen, you can easily find the set you need. The downside of this solution is small selection colors

Purpose and sizeBrandSlat widthColorPrice
Universal set 2500*1500Cesal100 mmlight pink2800 rub.
Cesal150 mmwhite marble3000 rub
Bathroom set 1700*1700Cesal150 mmmosaic3600 rub.
Set of slatted ceilings for toilet 1330*900Moscow ceilings85 mmwhite matte1800 rub.

If you buy components for a slatted ceiling yourself, the choice is much wider. Standard length the slats are 6 m, but there are four and five meter slats. The price depends on the width of the strip, type of profile, metal thickness, length and color. The cheapest ones are white flat ones. They cost from 45 rubles per linear meter(with a width of 100 mm). The price of painted “wood” ones is from 100 rubles/m with a width of 100 mm. The most expensive ones are chrome plated. For them you will have to pay 260 rubles/m or more (with the same width).

The remaining components cost very little:

  • guides - 150-180 rubles per 4 m;
  • insert - from 56 to 360 rubles per 4 m;

In general, if you need a way to quickly and inexpensively tidy up the ceiling in the bathroom or kitchen, you need an aluminum slatted ceiling.

Installation tools

To install a metal slatted ceiling you need simple tools:

A few clarifications about the tool. Drills are needed to install dowels, select the size accordingly. If the walls are tiled, you will need tile drills. After the holes are made in the ceramics, the drill should be changed to one that is designed for working on concrete.

A crown is not a necessary tool, but it is easier to work with. If the crowns suitable size no, you can cut the hole with metal scissors: first make a small hole in the center, then cut it in a spiral to the desired size.

Installation process

First of all, you need to decide on the level of the suspended ceiling. If there are no other restrictions, take into account the height of the recessed lamps that you are going to install: height of the lamp + 3-5 cm. Next, the actual installation begins.

Installation of wall profile

We begin installing the aluminum slatted ceiling by marking the walls - we need to draw a line along which we will align the slats. The easiest way to do this is to use a laser plane builder (level); if you don’t have one, you will have to transfer the mark with a water level.

You will need to screw the wall profile along the intended line. There are two types - L-shaped and U-shaped. It is easier to work with the first one, and when installing the second one, it will be possible to tightly fix the stringer using the linings. So the choice is yours.

The wall profile is cut into pieces of the required length - according to the width and length of the toilet, bath or kitchen. We apply the cut piece to the drawn line, and mark the installation locations of the fasteners on it. We place one dowel at the edges, then after 40-50 cm. If there are tiles on the walls, the fasteners should be in the middle, so we focus more on this rather than on the distance.

We drill holes in the plank according to the marks, and again put the profile in place. This time we make marks on the wall through the holes we made. We drill and install plastic dowels. They should be flush with the wall surface. To avoid damaging the tile when driving, you can drive the dowel through wooden block. After installing the dowels, we attach the wall profile. We carefully trim the corners. You can do it at 45°, or you can carefully do it straight.

Installation of stringers

Stringers (guides) are mounted so that their edges fit into the installed wall profile. Their length is 1 cm shorter than the distance between the walls - so that they do not rub or creak. The wall profile will not bear any load. All the weight will be taken by the suspensions and stirngers.

The step between the guides is no more than 1.2 m, the installation of hangers is from the wall at a distance of 30 cm, between the hangers - 120 cm. We insert a stringer into the profile, take the selected system of hangers, and install them at the selected distance.

Some ways to attach a springer to the ceiling are shown in the figure above. The suspension can be not only this, but any one you choose. The first option is suitable if you need to lower the ceiling to a significant height. In this case, the height is adjusted using a spring. In the second and third cases, height adjustment occurs by screwing in/unscrewing a screw or dowel. It is clear that the adjustment limit will be much less, but it depends on the length of the screw (you can choose a long one).

If the guide is installed in a U-shaped wall profile, it must be cut small area top shelf and bend it up. Otherwise, the stringer simply won't work. There is no such problem when using an L-shaped profile.

The installed guides should be approximately at the same level. If a spring is used for adjustment, the plane must be set at this stage; if screws or dowels are used, this can be done after installing the slats. The plane is controlled with a bubble level or level.

Installation of slats

Next, we actually begin to assemble the aluminum slatted ceiling. We remove the planks from the protective film (it can be white or transparent and then you may not notice it), cut it into pieces of the required length. Length - 0.5-0.8 cm less than the distance between the walls. It’s not worth cutting a lot of planks at once - rooms with ideal geometry are rare. You can cut 2-3-4 pieces at a time.

You can cut with metal scissors or a diamond disc on a grinder. If you are working with scissors, cut the bar along the mark on the edges, draw something sharp along the cutting line, and bend along this line. The rack usually breaks. But the edge is not very smooth. It will be smoother if you cut with scissors or a grinder.

The first rail is usually placed at the door opposite the entrance. One end of it is inserted into the wall profile, turned slightly, and the other end is inserted from the other side. Move to the installation site. At the same time, it must be pulled down a little so that the grooves on the stringers do not catch. Having pushed it into place, the bar is pressed up until it clicks - the protrusions on the bar fit into the cutouts on the guide. We check all connections. We install the other slats in the same way, only the last slats usually have to be cut. You can draw a line along, make cuts perpendicular to it and cut it into pieces. It's easier.

After all the slats are installed, you can check the plane of the ceiling (if you did not do this when installing the guides and are using long screws). This is done using a screwdriver inserted into the gap between the slats - tighten/unscrew the screws. The last stage of installation of an aluminum slatted ceiling is the installation of inserts (slotted profile). It is cut into pieces of the same length as the slats, and the edges are also inserted into the wall profile. Then one edge is inserted into the groove. At the same time, the insert clings to the edge of the bar with its protrusion. We simply press the second edge until it clicks. We check the connection along the entire length, and correct it where necessary.

The aluminum ceiling is a lightweight suspended structure. With the help of such a system, you can improve the premises in a short time, while the costs will be minimal. Thanks to such systems, you can easily hide existing defects, damage, cracks, ventilation system, electrical wiring, pipeline.

Features of suspended aluminum ceiling

The ceiling, made of aluminum slats, has the appearance of a single surface. In fact, during installation work, the ceiling is made up of separate elements, which may differ in shape and color scheme. Due to the fact that images can be applied to the material, it is possible to emphasize the design of the room, and with the help of lighting fixtures to focus attention on any elements.

Designs using cassettes have a completely different look. As a rule, this option is classic and is used more often for offices. The surface turns out to be monotonous; cassettes in the form of squares or rectangles are used.

If we consider similar designs In terms of popularity, there are two options:

  • With smooth surface – after the ceiling is assembled from panels of equal size, gaps remain small sizes, which are practically invisible to the naked eye;
  • alternating profile– slats are used for such purposes; the distance between them is masked using intermediate inserts, which may differ in color.

Before starting installation work, it is recommended to first study the features of each option.

Open aluminum system

The aluminum system for an open ceiling includes slats, between which it is necessary to install special inserts. As a rule, the gaps between the tiles are closed with thin planks, which not only eliminate the gaps, but also serve as decorative elements on the ceiling.

Hanging systems may differ in design and color scheme. Depending on the design of the room, you should choose the color of the ceiling and decorative elements.

Closed aluminum system

For closed-type aluminum systems, it is not necessary to purchase and install intermediate strips. If this model is chosen, then the panels should be installed tightly to each other, leaving no gaps. Everything else closed systems similar to open ceilings. The installation principle and components are identical in both cases. Closed aluminum ceilings are in most cases installed in public spaces.

Complete set of aluminum ceiling systems

Before you begin installation, you should purchase everything you need for the job. Included ceiling system includes the following items:

  • depending on the total area of ​​the room, mounting rails, combs or traverses may be included;
  • starting profile, which is mounted along the entire perimeter of the room to the walls according to pre-applied marks;
  • The surface of the ceiling structure being erected consists of main profiles and slats; 10 mm wide strips are often used for installation;
  • intermediate inserts are used to connect the main rails; as a rule, they are most often found in such structures;
  • hangers - metal rods or plates used during the installation process frame system with a major ceiling, if the inter-ceiling space is up to 10 cm, then it is best to use plate hangers; when the distance is 10 cm or more, it is recommended to give preference to spring rod hangers;
  • fasteners, including self-tapping screws or dowels;
  • if provided for by the project, then it is worth purchasing lighting.

After all the components have been assembled, you can begin installation work on installing the aluminum system.

Selection of aluminum ceiling panels

To minimize the cost of purchasing material for installing an aluminum system and to have confidence in the quality of the purchased structure, you need to pay special attention to the selection of aluminum strips. It is worth considering the following factors:

  • length - on sale, as a rule, there are planks 3-4 m long; if these dimensions are not suitable, then you can seek the services of a construction company that cuts the material;
  • width – unfortunately, the choice is small and the width of the panels varies from 9 to 20 cm, the best option is the choice of material 10 cm wide;
  • thickness - this indicator directly affects the reliability of the entire structure; the ideal thickness of the slats for aluminum systems is considered to be 0.5 mm.

You can find several types of slats on sale:

When choosing an aluminum ceiling, you should pay attention to the presence of a protective film and absence of damage. The quality of the ceiling depends entirely on the thickness of the purchased slats.

Advice! The color of the aluminum ceiling must match the design of the room. If necessary, the ceiling can be painted using enamel for this purpose.

How to install a suspended ceiling made of aluminum panels

Whatever aluminum ceiling option is chosen, installation work should begin with surface preparation. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. They take measurements - calculate the number of panels, lighting fixtures, and material that will go into the frame.
  2. Prepare the ceiling surface.
  3. Purchase the necessary finishing materials.

Also don't forget about construction tool And Consumables, since during the installation of an aluminum ceiling you will need not only hardware, but also drills and primer.

To prepare the ceiling, you will need to remove the previous finishing material, remove decorative elements, eliminate cracks and treat the surface special means which will prevent the appearance of fungus.

Attention! At this stage, it is best to carry out electrical wiring and select locations for installing lamps. The wire should be placed in corrugated pipe, which will prevent short circuits.

DIY installation of aluminum suspended ceilings: video

Installation of an aluminum ceiling is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Work begins with markings. To do this, retreat 13 cm from the wall and draw a horizontal mark along the level.
  2. Once the height of the room has been determined, they begin to install the supporting and guide profile around the entire perimeter. For a slatted ceiling, the guide profile is placed perpendicular to the guide rails.

  3. The guide profile must be attached to load-bearing floors using adjustable hangers, after which it is leveled.

  4. To attach the suspensions, you should drill holes in the ceiling and hammer anchors into them. The hangers are installed so that they are at the same level, and a step of 1.2 m must be observed.

  5. The ends of the guides are placed on the shelves of the corner profiles, but do not rest on them. If you plan to install aluminum cassette ceilings, then transverse inserts are attached to the longitudinal guide profile using special locks.
  6. The support rails must be secured to the hangers. Before proceeding with the installation of aluminum panels, it is worth removing the protective film. If you need to mount lighting fixtures on the ceiling, you should first cut holes for them. As a rule, the slats snap onto the lugs of the suspension system.

  7. The panels are fixed to the traverses, after which the tabs located on the support rails are snapped into place.

During the installation process, you will need to install lighting fixtures, if any.

Attention! You should work with slats as carefully as possible, as they can easily become deformed.


Aluminum ceiling – great option, if you need to improve the room as quickly as possible. Installation work do not take much effort and time, they can be done independently. If you follow all the recommendations and stages of installing an aluminum ceiling, the structure will last for many years.

Lath structures on the ceiling are used for decoration various rooms, both residential and public. The kitchen is no exception. The popularity of this material is explained by its durability, moisture resistance, low weight of the structure, ease of installation and ease of maintenance. If you have minimal construction skills and the necessary set of tools, you can install a slatted ceiling with your own hands.

It’s not at all difficult to make such a ceiling

Slat ceiling design

This is a type of suspended ceiling. The design consists of aluminum, plastic or steel panels and a special system for attaching slats to the wall. Panels are made of steel, aluminum or plastic tape thickness from 0.4 to 0.7 mm, width from 50 to 300 mm and length up to 6 m. It is possible to order according custom sizes, then the length of the slats is made accurate to the millimeter.

They begin to be installed last: when the finishing of the floor has already been completed and the plastered walls have dried.

Types of slats

Slats (panels) can be selected to suit every taste

The surface can be matte or glossy, smooth or perforated, and can imitate leather or wood in texture. The shape of the panels can be rectangular or rounded, and a great variety of colors and shades are offered. The slats can be placed lengthwise or crosswise, as well as diagonally. This will help visually enlarge or reduce the room. So, if it is long and narrow, it is better to place it horizontally (across) the ceiling. Otherwise, the room will seem even longer.

Vary ceiling structures this type of interfluve junctions, of which there are several varieties. When the joint is open, gaps about 1.5 cm wide remain. In this case, the installation is completed by attaching the decorative profile to these gaps. If the joint is closed, the slats overlap each other. Another type is a joint without gaps, when they are installed close to each other.

What is a suspension system

It consists of a universal support rail (other names: comb, stringer, traverse), adjustable suspension and corner profile. The bus is a galvanized steel strip with slotted latches into which the slats are installed and secured there (snapped into place). The suspension consists of a bracket and a rod. The bracket is attached to the bus, and the rod is attached to the main ceiling. The distance to the hanging system is usually 5-12 cm. You can determine this distance yourself; it will depend on the availability of communications and your personal preferences.

DIY slatted ceiling installation: step-by-step guide

If you have never watched how editing is done, the video should be useful to you:

To work, you will need the following tools: a hammer drill, a drill, metal scissors, a construction level, a tape measure, a ruler, a marker, sharp knife, screws and dowels.

Installation diagram

Step one: installing guides around the perimeter of the room

First, mark the starting point with a marker. The distance must be at least 5 cm from the existing one. By using building level move this mark around the perimeter of the room (step up to 1 m). Draw a line. Measure the length of the wall using the marks you made and cut the required piece of the corner profile. The standard profile length is three meters. It is cut with metal scissors.

Place the guide profile against the wall along the drawn line and drill a hole with a drill. Screw in the screw and dowel. Having secured the entire profile in increments of 50-60 cm, check its evenness with a level. On internal corners the profile should be fastened end-to-end, and on external ones - at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step two: installing hangers

The tire mounting points must be marked with a tape measure. Make the first mark at a distance of 30-40 cm from the wall, the next ones should be 90-100 cm parallel to each other. Secure the hangers with screws and dowels, having previously drilled holes with a drill. Check the level of the hangers.

Step three: fastening the support rails

Tires are the basis of the design

It is better that the distance between the traverses does not exceed 1-1.2 m. Install the tires perpendicular to the slats at the same level with the profile nailed around the perimeter. Screw them to the hangers using a screwdriver. It is very important at this stage to avoid errors in order to mount an even structure. After all, the appearance of the entire ceiling depends on its evenness.

If the distance is short, the tire can be mounted not on hangers, but directly on the base.

The distance between the profile and the tire is 1 cm. If it turns out to be shorter than necessary, it can be added. To do this, the suspension is fixed at the very beginning of the next traverse. The second traverse is screwed end-to-end with the first.

Step four: installing the ceiling

Installation of slats

Remove the slats from the protective film and cut them to fit the room. The length should be 0.3-0.5 cm less than the distance between opposite walls. They are carefully inserted into the guides and snapped along the entire length onto the traverse clamps. Each subsequent one is installed next to the previous one. The height of the tires can be adjusted, if necessary, by changing the depth of screwing in the screws (if the tire is mounted on the ceiling) or adjustable hangers. If the last rail does not fit in width, it needs to be cut. To do this, mark the required distance along the entire length of the panel and draw a line along the ruler with a knife. Bend and unbend until it breaks. If the length is large, it is better to make transverse cuts and break off each part separately. After installing the cut panel, secure it with wooden spacers or pieces of profile.

Don't forget about the baseboard. This decorative element, which will give a complete and neat look and hide the gaps between the structure and the walls. If in the kitchen uneven walls, choose wide baseboard, it will make the structure visually smoother.

Looks modern, original and stylish

It is very easy to care for these ceilings. They are made of plastic or metal and are not afraid of water, so they can be washed with a sponge dipped in soapy water.

The aluminum version is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, so it is an ideal choice for the kitchen. Its installation is quite simple, does not require surface preparation, hides the shortcomings of the existing ceiling, and looks very aesthetically pleasing.

When choosing an option from slats for the kitchen, it is better to give preference to high-quality hangings with protective film. It protects against dirt and moisture, low and high temperatures and various contaminants. Given that correct installation it will retain its appearance for a long time. Many men even like the installation. They compare this activity to assembling a construction set.

Photo examples of design

Classic example for the kitchen will harmoniously fit into the interior made in any style

A color example allows you to achieve something unusual visual effect

Two-level can be used for zoning a room

Two-level looks especially impressive

By installing slats in different directions, you can visually divide the room into several zones

Spot lighting is the most common option

A ceiling made of slats can be not only straight, but also curved. In this case, it can be used to hide differences in height on the ceiling.

Curvilinear allows you to hide unsuccessful layout features or external communications elements

The curvilinear system, lighting features and well-chosen colors turned the view into a very important decorative element.

Original ideas can be implemented by combining different materials for finishing

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