Production of decorative concrete fences. Production of concrete fences: features of the technological process Production of concrete fences

Many people who want to install a concrete decorative fence around their property have the idea of ​​making it themselves. This desire is usually dictated not by cost savings (most often the cost of a finished product and one made independently is not much different), but by the desire to be confident in the quality of the concrete mixture and reinforcement. Use only quality materials and careful attention to the manufacturing process is a guarantee of the durability of the fence. Some go through this labor-intensive process in order to make a unique, unusual product.

What does a concrete decorative fence consist of?

A concrete fence structurally consists of several elements that can be made independently. This:

  • slabs for sections,
  • pillars,
  • finial caps for pillars.
  1. Section slabs differ in shape, patterns, texture, and color. Single-sided and double-sided slabs can be produced.
  2. The posts can be made solid or stacked, with grooves located opposite each other and at an angle of 90 degrees for corner posts or without grooves at all, as well as with different patterns.
  3. The caps can be ordinary pitched, round, dome-shaped, square, with small architectural forms - with balls, spears, rhombuses, etc. on the top. In the caps, it is possible to immediately provide a hole at the casting level for the cable outlet for lighting or communications.

A cap with a ball gives the fence a finished look.

Casting molds

To manufacture any elements of a concrete fence, you will need casting molds. A wide variety of forms can be seen on sale. Forms available from

  • polyurethane,
  • polyurethane with plasticizers,
  • silicone,
  • fiberglass,
  • formoplasty,
  • aluminum, etc.

Traditional polyurethane forms are durable, easy to use, tear-resistant, and elastic. Purchase ready-made forms- This best option for those who are satisfied with a standard fence, but who want to independently control the quality of materials for manufacturing and the technological process.

For those who dream of an exclusive fence, there is nothing else to do but make the forms themselves.

How to make a matrix for a mold

To make a mold from polyurethane or silicone, you will need a matrix. The matrix on one side represents the imprint in mirror image outside of the form. It is inserted into a box made of metal or wood into which it will be poured concrete mortar. The sides of the matrix must have a flat, smooth surface.

In order to make a matrix shape, you need to find a product whose shape and relief will be repeated on the surface of the fence: it can be brick, a wide variety of stones, wood, as well as patterns made, for example, from rods or forging. These relief products are laid on the surface of the base and filled with liquid forming material.

The material for making molds must be strong, smooth, wear-resistant, able to withstand high temperatures. Such materials are traditional PVC and modern ABS plastic. PVC molds for a long time were indispensable in this market, but in lately they began to be crowded out by ABS molds. Their ABC forms are distinguished by durability, rigidity, wear resistance, and maintainability. Today this is the best option in terms of price/quality ratio for the construction of “Euro fences”.

Texture samples are laid out on a small pedestal, the gaps between them and the surface are carefully sealed silicone sealant so that no bubbles form in future molds. All surfaces must be treated with a separator so that the mold can then be easily removed without damage.

The material for filling the matrix can be one-component or two-component. When preparing a two-component solution, you must strictly follow the instructions, stir the material with a low-speed drill or manually so that no air bubbles get into the material. The lifetime of the fluid material before the start of gelation is 10-15 minutes, during which it is necessary to fill the matrix for the mold.

To obtain a large product, polyurethane is poured onto the matrix carefully from one corner. It is necessary to ensure that the material spreads evenly over the plane. To do this, you can slightly raise the stand from the pouring side, and when the material has spread over the entire surface, level it horizontally again. Open surface filling is most often used for manufacturing flat products with a slight difference in height. This is the simplest type of molding.

There is another method used for small products. The model is rigidly installed in the formwork. Using a soft brush, the mixture is applied to the model to draw the relief and “force” the air. The mass is poured so that the thickness future form was 10 mm. After hardening, the form should rest for two days so that its edges do not collapse. Polyurethane has memory and remembers its shape in the first 48 hours. If during this period the form is bent, then it will remain that way.

Ready-made “stone” form.

The main advantages of open pouring:

  • simplicity,
  • ability to see air inclusions.

There is another method of filling - closed. To work with this method, a casing is poured, which ensures the production of a thin, uniform shape. This method is more labor-intensive, but thanks to its use forms are made more high quality, thinner ones that can be removed by rolling.

Pallet production

When making pallets for large products, the load-bearing elements of the frame are carefully adjusted to the shape and carefully secured to the pallet, eliminating the appearance of gaps. When making permanent pallets with corrugated or irregular shapes, you will need rigid side-fitting bottom support, which can be done using polyurethane foam. Such forms have precise, high-quality surfaces. The products will have a clean surface like marble or granite. And if you add coloring pigments to concrete during production, you can achieve a visual imitation of natural materials.

Concrete fences serve to protect and improve the appearance of residential buildings, as well as buildings and structures for domestic and cultural purposes. The height of a concrete fence and the architectural type of fencing can be different and determined by specialists different stages construction. Beautiful fence can not only protect the building from the prying glances of passersby, the owner of an exquisite fence can be proud of the beauty of the concrete fence.

When the owners country houses and country cottages begin to think about building a fence, they rarely consider the option robust construction made of concrete. Why is this happening? Many find it difficult to answer because they are accustomed to old Soviet fences made of wood. like this simple design You can build it yourself from old boards. But where is the guarantee that wooden fence can it become a reliable protection? But it happens the other way around: a person has a desire to make a concrete fence, but lacks an understanding of what the advantage of such a design is.

Let's consider the priorities of a concrete fence:

  1. Durability. Concrete is a durable material that is not afraid of moisture; it will not succumb to rotting processes, like a wooden fence. Therefore, such a fence will serve the owner for several decades.
  2. Strength. If the technology for pouring a concrete fence is correctly followed, then such a structure will have high strength.
  3. Simplicity and speed. You can make a concrete fence yourself in a short time and with minimum costs for the purchase of necessary equipment.
  4. Attractiveness. Previously, owners of country houses and small country houses they abandoned boring gray fences because they did not decorate the building. Now, thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to make a custom-made mold for casting a concrete fence. It is also possible to complement the concrete fence with metal forging or make a pattern from natural stone.
  5. You can repaint a concrete fence at any time in the color you like. The paint will stay on concrete for 5-7 years. So you can repaint the fence only after 7-8 years, and this already means savings consumables for fence maintenance.

Necessary materials and equipment

To make a decorative concrete fence, you will need the following:

  1. Vibrating table with 2 motors for casting forms of concrete structures.
  2. Cement mixing machine (concrete mixer).
  3. A tray for drying the finished product.

This is only a minimum list of equipment required for the manufacture of a concrete fence. You also need to purchase forms for concrete fences. You can choose a simple design or purchase a basic set of forms.

They are divided into the following types:

  • for panels (double-sided, openwork, blind);
  • form for pillars.

Since the fence may have different heights, thickness and design, then in order to create a diverse range of concrete structures, it is necessary to have different shapes. In addition, in order to make a good profit, you need to cast at least 5 molds of the same type per day. The price of a concrete fence may vary and depend on the complexity of the design and availability decorative elements. So, the cost of 1 simple form can be from 15 thousand rubles, and forms for pillars - from 8 thousand.

In addition, to make a concrete fence yourself, you must have a vibrating sieve for cleaning bulk material(cement and sand) from debris. You also cannot do without a concrete mixer. The power of the device is of great importance.

Based on this indicator, equipment is divided into 2 types:

  1. Gravitational.
  2. Forced.

The first version of the concrete mixer is suitable for personal use to cast a small amount of concrete structures. Connect the concrete mixer to high voltage not necessary - this is the main advantage, as well as low energy consumption. The cost of such a device varies from 9 to 50 thousand rubles.

When a large amount of work needs to be done, it is advisable to purchase a portable concrete mixer. Although it has a high cost (from 60 to 500 thousand rubles), it has high productivity. The main requirement for operation is installation on a solid surface, preferably on a foundation.

Raw materials for the production of concrete fence

To make a durable concrete structure, you must use the following materials:

  • cement (grade M500 - without additives);
  • sand of fraction 2.5, clay particles in the sand should be no more than 3%;
  • you can use crushed stone of a fraction of 5-10 mm, grade – 800;
  • plasticizers;
  • water;
  • steel reinforcement for the frame - BP1 (strengthens the strength of the structure and the pillar), for pillars - from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm (diameter from 4 to 10 mm).

To make 1 concrete pillar (height 2 m) you need to spend 11 linear meters wire (thickness 8 mm).

All materials must be of high quality; special attention must be paid to the choice of cement grade and sand quality. Allowed to use river sand. Before use, it must be sifted and dried.

See the photo for options for concrete fences:

Manufacturing technology for decorative concrete fences


A popular technology for the production of concrete fences is vibration casting. This method is currently considered one of the most effective. Suitable for the manufacture of structures of medium thickness. As a result of using this method, the concrete product is not exposed to moisture or temperature changes. We can speak with confidence about the strength and durability of a concrete fence.

The main stages of the technological chain for the production of concrete fences:

  1. It is necessary to put the required amount of material (concrete, sand, plasticizers and other additives) into the concrete mixer.
  2. Preparing the mold (lubrication). Laying the mold on a vibrating table.
  3. After the solution is ready, it is loaded into a pre-prepared form.
  4. Turn on the vibrator. While working on a vibrating table concrete mixture is distributed evenly, it spreads throughout the entire mold and becomes compacted. Just can be tracked exact quantity material and, if necessary, add more or remove excess. Excess solution is removed manually special tool- the rule.
  5. Metal rods are laid in sections of the future concrete fence. The work of laying the frame from the reinforcement is carried out with the device turned on. The frame is recessed into the solution by about half.
  6. The mixture is in the mold for 60 seconds with the vibrator turned on. This allows air to be removed from the solution. You don’t have to wait for the specified time, but monitor the process - as soon as air bubbles stop forming on the surface (they will gradually disappear), you can turn off the vibrator.
  7. Removing (unmolding) the product from the mold. It is more convenient to perform this part of the work on a special stripping table.
  8. The finished concrete product is transferred to racks for hardening. Naturally, a concrete fence hardens within 48 hours.
  9. The form is prepared for the next cycle - it is washed out of cement residues and lubricated with stripping agent.

To prevent splits and cracks from occurring in the future during operation of the concrete fence, dry finished product needed at a certain temperature. The temperature in the room should not be higher than +15 o C. After 5 days, the product will be ready for use if it is necessary to proceed with the urgent installation of a concrete fence. When time allows, it is advisable to leave the finished product for 28 days to wait until the concrete is completely mature.

You can speed up the maturation time of concrete, and this will not affect the strength and durability of the product. The finished product is placed in a special drying chamber. After drying, in about a day, the product will be ready for transportation. The drying chamber significantly speeds up the process of making a concrete fence, but its high cost can be attributed to the disadvantages. Price drying plant ranges from 15 to 20 thousand dollars.


The “exposure” technology is superficially similar to the technology described above, but there are some nuances. As a result of painstaking work (the solution must be homogeneous), the concrete product will be obtained with a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

Stages of work:

  1. A form is installed on the switched on vibrating table, which must be pre-mounted in a permanent wooden pallet.
  2. The form is filled with the prepared mixture. Excess material is removed as a rule. The surface is carefully leveled.
  3. Reinforcing elements are laid (to the middle of the product).
  4. The structure is left on the vibration table turned on until all the air is removed from the solution.
  5. When vibration compaction is completed, the structure is sent to dry for 1-2 days.
  6. To prevent wooden stretchers from falling apart when moving the filled matrix mold, it is necessary to use wooden beam 30-60 mm or weld a strong metal structure.
  7. To prevent the matrix from falling out during formwork, you need to try to fit all the frame elements and secure the form to the pallet. If you are careless in the manufacture of pallets, this can lead to wear and even breakage of the matrix.
  8. Before pouring the solution, be sure to lubricate the mold with K 222 stripping lubricant. It will create a thin film on the surface and prevent contact of the solution with the surface of the matrix. In addition, K 222 will help accurately convey the relief of the matrix and significantly extend the service life of the mold.
  9. After drying, a clean, high-quality concrete product with a smooth (or under) surface will be obtained. natural stone) surface.
  10. If you use coloring additives, you can get a high-quality imitation of natural materials such as marble and granite.

Instant stripping

When you need to make a concrete fence yourself and enclose a large area, you can resort to making a concrete fence using the “instant formwork” method, when the prepared mixture is cast into molds. It is necessary to have the required number of pallets on hand. For someone uninitiated in the intricacies of making a concrete fence, this method may seem the same as the methods described above. But there are differences - as a result, the concrete structure is not so smooth, with possible unevenness. The method also differs in that it allows you to save on equipment and make a concrete fence yourself at home.

Material requirements:

  1. Concrete grade M-300 (higher possible).
  2. Filler (crushed stone), fraction 5 mm.
  3. Plasticizer.
  4. You can use filler - it will give the product the desired shade.

To lubricate the molds, lubricating mixtures “Separen” or “Lerossin” are used. It is not recommended to use self-prepared mixtures from used motor oil.

Manufacturing technology concrete slabs for the fence:

  1. A pre-prepared form is placed on the turned on vibrating table.
  2. The form must be washed in advance from any remaining mortar and lubricated with a special mixture to prevent the cement from sticking to the surface.
  3. The prepared mixture is poured into the mold, the excess is removed with a special tool.
  4. A metal frame is laid on top. Since the table vibrates, it spontaneously deepens, you can direct it so that it is located exactly in the center of the part.
  5. After compacting the solution, the table is turned off.
  6. The form is lifted and the section is laid out on a pre-prepared pallet.
  7. The mold can be immediately cleaned of any remaining solution, rinsed and lubricated.
  8. The finished element is left to dry for 2 days.

Making a concrete fence yourself is quite difficult and expensive. But if you have enough strength and capabilities, then you can cope with any task, the main thing is to follow the instructions and be patient.

Recently, decorative fences cast from concrete have become increasingly popular among owners of private households, cottages and townhouses, as well as organizations that own their own buildings.

The point is that most such buildings are erected more or less standard projects, so they look quite monotonous. But with the help of concrete sections of various shapes and textures, you can give them individuality and a certain style. In addition, concrete decorative fences are a good alternative, for example, to forged grilles: they are cheaper, stronger and do not require painting to prevent rust.

So there is a certain demand for this product, and the demand is constantly growing - low-rise construction occupies a large segment of the industry in Russia. But a relatively small number of enterprises are engaged in the production of decorative concrete fences, and decorative fences are mainly produced according to individual orders and as an addition to the main products - other concrete or reinforced concrete products - slabs, blocks, paving slabs, etc.

It is not known exactly why this happens - perhaps large production enterprises concrete products It is unprofitable to invest money in one-time and small, by their standards, projects, and for small ones to open a new, rather little-known, by Russian standards, business. But in principle, the production of concrete decorative fences can become a “gold mine”, especially if you competently approach not only the technical, but also the marketing issues of this line of business.

Indeed, now buyers are simply forced to pay a clearly inflated price for decorative concrete fences: this is due to the absence of manufacturers of this product on the market, and piece products, as we know, are much more expensive than mass-produced ones.

But if you start producing decorative fences in a sufficiently large quantity, then, at a relatively low price and high quality (and the quality of products produced by a company specializing in their production will be higher than the quality of products produced by a third-party organization for which such production is new, even if everything is available necessary tools and that's all necessary equipment), clients will come to you themselves.

However, in the production of decorative fences it is necessary to maintain a balance between cheap mass production and a variety of designs: no matter how high the quality of decorative fences, they remain primarily decorative and are purchased mainly by representatives of the “middle class” as a kind of sophistication that emphasizes individual style the owner of the house (organizations, as a rule, are less demanding). Therefore, it is necessary to create the illusion of an individual approach and a certain elitism of the product - this is what an active consumer values.

Technology and equipment for the production of concrete decorative fences

The manufacture of decorative fences requires not only the actual molding equipment and molds, which will be discussed below. Pre-treatment is also important cement mixture– the higher quality raw materials are used, the better the finished product will be.

The production of concrete decorative fences begins with sifting cement and sand - the main components of concrete. It is produced in special vibrating sieves with an electric drive with a cell size of no more than 5 mm.

One vibrating sieve(220 V; 0.55 kW) costs around 500 US dollars, the number of these machines directly depends on the power and type of production: for large volumes and in-line production, at least three or four sieves will be required, but for custom production there will be enough one or two - the order execution time is calculated according to the available equipment, and if an order is received for, for example, 10 tons of products with an equipment productivity of 2 tons per day, its execution time physically cannot be less than 5 days.

The next stage of production is mixing the concrete mixture. Manual mixing is excluded in accordance with the technology of manufacturing concrete and reinforced concrete products, therefore it is produced in concrete mixers, which are often also called “concrete mixers”.

Here you have enough difficult choice: The range of faucets provided is very large. In general, it is necessary to distinguish between gravity and forced concrete mixers. The first ones are cheaper, the price range for them is from 370 to 2130 US dollars, depending on the capacity (in this case, the volume of loading components and the yield of ready-made concrete, which is usually indicated by a fraction sign, in this case, for example, 130/100 l and 430 /380 l).

In addition, gravity mixers (except for the most powerful ones - from approximately 200-300 l) do not require industrial (380 V) voltage and are portable. Forced concrete mixers are usually stationary (and some even require having a lung foundation), are more expensive (from 2340 to 17600 US dollars) and consume electricity at 380 V. But productivity also increases accordingly: from 200/150 l to 1500/1330 l.

In addition, many of forced concrete mixers are equipped with a “skip” or skip hoist designed for supplying (raising in height) concrete mix aggregates. The skip hoist consists of a movable hopper, moved along guides by an electric winch through a system of blocks and automates the process of loading primary raw materials into the mixer; gravity mixers are loaded manually, which requires at least one auxiliary worker for each unit.

The third stage consists of the actual molding process decorative panels– fence elements. This process is most important from the point of view of the appearance and consumer properties of finished products.

Molds for the production of decorative fences must be of good quality, without welds, and also have sufficient strength to avoid deformation.

Decorative fences (as well as forms for them) are divided into two categories - solid and openwork, or, more simply, impenetrable and “transparent”.

Forms for an openwork panel are slightly more expensive - about 375 US dollars per piece versus 345 for a form for a blank panel. Accordingly, forms are perhaps the biggest cost when opening own business: after all, for a normal assortment you will need to purchase at least 60-65 of them (of both types), and for a normal production volume per cycle - 5-10 pieces of each, so as not to produce, for example, a 50-meter fence one section at a time. And this is not counting the forms for holding posts, which cost, depending on the type, from 175 to 515 US dollars per piece and which must also be purchased in quantities corresponding to the number of forms for the panels, that is, twice as much - one panel is held by 2 posts right and left.

As with other quality concrete products (e.g. paving slabs) for shrinkage of concrete, a vibrating forming table is required - a special machine that produces forced settlement of concrete using frequency vibrations (vibration). The increase in concrete density occurs due to the removal of air bubbles from the mixture.

Vibrating tables come in two types: belt-based and spring-based. The former are slightly cheaper (about $605), but wear out faster due to abrasion and stretching of the belts; the latter are a little more expensive (from 950 to 1240 US dollars), but they last longer. In principle, the choice of the type of table depends on the volume of production - if it is small, then you can safely take a molding table with belts.

Although in the production of concrete decorative fences special plasticizers and modifiers are used, which are put into the solution to give it plasticity, prevent microcracks, and, among other things, easy removal of the hardened product from the mold, it is recommended, although not necessary, to also use a demolding vibration table costing $550 .

Sometimes the same molding table, equipped with special nozzle costs only 25 US dollars, however, with a continuous process or large volumes of production, the use of this method is impractical: the forming vibrating table is equipped with more powerful electric motors than the demolding table, therefore, each time using the forming table for demolding, it should be reconfigured or one of the motors should be turned off (if a pair electrical circuit is used).

Prospects for business development in the production of concrete decorative fences

The main direction of development, besides, of course, increasing sales markets, is the provision of design and decoration services (not counting, of course, the obvious - installation of decorative fences): for a fee, the designer will select an individual pattern for the fence, its color and type that matches the design of the house or lawn.

This direction is the most promising, as it opens up wide opportunities for expanding production: in addition to simple (unpainted) decorative concrete panels, colored ones can be produced by adding special pigments (dyes) to the initial solution.

Additionally, if your designer is also designing the front lawn or yard, you can also offer the client additional elements decoration in accordance with the design of the fence: for example, flowerpots, flower beds, herbalists, benches, urns, decorative figures (the so-called “garden gnomes” and other creatures), fountains, balusters, borders, barbecues, etc.

Prices for fences made of concrete sections

What determines the prices of concrete fences? First of all, it depends on the overall dimensions of the structure, the finishing options chosen by the client, the types of support and foundation, the complexity of installation, and the area of ​​the fenced area. If it is important for you to purchase a product cheaper, then you can choose a model of modest decorative properties, without complex design elements. It is worth mentioning that concrete fences cannot be too cheap, since the process of their creation is very labor-intensive, as well as installation work. In our catalog you can see photos of completed projects, as well as reviews from our clients that will help you make your choice.

Decorative concrete fences

The production of concrete fences is especially popular decorative type, in the design of which various stylizations are used (natural stone of various textures and colors, brick, etc.) spectacular decorations– lattice inserts, concrete ornaments, columns and much more. Such abundance technical capabilities opens up prospects for the successful implementation of the most complex projects that reflect the aesthetic preferences of our clients.

The advantages of decorative type fencing include their lighter weight, which makes the process of transportation and installation easier. On strength characteristics this does not affect, so the service life of concrete structures will be more than a dozen years. You can choose from us inexpensive option fencing in a stylish design.

Sections of decorative concrete fences

Manufacturing fences from concrete panels

We offer reliable sectional fencing, the production of which is based on the application modern technologies and high quality materials. Our company produces concrete products and prefabricated panels. Reinforced concrete structures are the most durable and massive, their installation is in demand in industrial areas, warehouses and construction sites. The work scheme used by our company involves the creation of monolith sections of the required sizes, which are then transported to the installation site. For high-quality installation specialists need to build a foundation that can support the significant weight of structures.

Decorative concrete fences are less massive; they are erected on site, by attaching individual elements between support posts. We create original typesetting panels, the surface of which imitates natural wood, stone,

Our company sells reliable structures made of high-quality concrete self-made. The catalog presents a variety of fencing, both industrial and decorative - for a home or cottage. This allows our customers to select the optimal products that meet the customer’s practical requirements. We are also always ready to create a custom-made design for you that has suitable overall dimensions and appearance. An individual approach allows our clients to be directly involved in the selection of components for each fence, which affects the cost of the finished structure.

From us you can order an inexpensive or luxury fence that will not only protect your home, but also create a harmonious atmosphere, decorate the area, and complement the architectural ensemble of the building. The prices for our company's products include measurement, design, delivery, as well as services such as installation.

Concrete fence for fencing local area- it's not only reliable protection, but also an additional decoration of the architecture of the house. Today, concrete fences are considered one of the most reliable and durable, and you can make them yourself.

What types of concrete fences exist

First of all, they are distinguished by purpose and design, secondly by manufacturing and installation technology.

The functional purpose of the fence is to enclose an area, which also has a decorative meaning. So, next to a wooden log house, this fence will look out of place, but the architecture of a stone building will harmoniously combine with concrete panels or brick.

Currently, fences are constructed not only from ready-made flat-shaped concrete panels - they can be made independently using various shapes. Besides decorative fencing can imitate natural material, have different colors and a certain style.

Possible options in the photo

A stone structure on a solid foundation will protect the local area from prying eyes The hollowness of concrete blocks allows the use of a large number of elements due to their low weight The simplest of fences is monolithic with one decorative side Embossed inserts provide a refreshing pop of color A double-sided fence can easily be used on personal plot Contrast is created by dark-colored support pillars, echoing the color of the roof of the house. Both the design itself and the finishing are expensive, but justify their service life

Types of fencing

These include:

  1. Monolithic.
  2. Typesetting.
  3. Decorative.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of concrete fences

Type of fencingPros Cons
MonolithicStrength, durability, large sizes, the ability to decorate surfaces with paintLarge weight, the block cannot be lifted (the use of lifting machines is required), the need for a solid foundation
Self-sufficientThe height of the finished blocks is up to 3 m, ease of assembly due to the one-piece panel design, the ability to install without a foundationHeavy weight (up to 2.5 t)
typesettingEasy to assemble, has a decorative (outer) side, can be installed on or without a foundation. Decorative design fence, standard sizes. Can be double sidedThe need to install additional support pillars for fastening the panels, the relatively large weight and the need to use a crane
DecorativeLightest weight, variety decorative species, the ability to use materials that imitate any surface, ease of installation and the ability to install a fence without the use of special equipmentHigher cost (with additional surface decoration)
BlockyLight weight due to the hollowness of the blocks, no need for additional installation pillarsNecessary requirement: laying blocks on cement, followed by decorating or plastering the surface and the mandatory construction of a solid foundation; the cost is higher than for a fence made of prefabricated panels

Monolithic fences are used, for the most part, by large enterprises, institutions and even guarded parking lots - organizations for which it is primarily important protective function fencing. Such fences have a rough external texture and are panel fences. They cannot be stacked on top of each other like a construction set, since the panels are heavy. Required condition- establishing a solid foundation.

Recently, monolithic reinforced concrete slabs, thanks to which the fence is called self-standing. A characteristic feature is the mandatory wide horizontal base of the slabs for installation; in some cases, self-standing fences can be installed with spikes on the “glass”.

A stacked fence is a fence consisting of several slabs. The stacked slabs have both a different texture and a decorative side, and one of the parts of the sections may differ from the other - as a rule, these are the upper rows of the fence.

One section can have up to four assembly panels installed in grooves. For a concrete fence, it is also necessary to construct supports - special pillars to which the sections will be attached.

When installing a type-setting type of fencing, it is necessary to accurately calculate the step between the supports, as well as secure them firmly.

Most owners of private houses use euro-concrete panels instead of conventional panels, which are lighter in weight and more convenient to install. The most common Europanel size is 2.0 x 0.5 x 0.12 m. In addition, typesetting panels are often produced double-sided - having the same surface appearance on both sides.

TO decorative fences include panels erected from separate sections.

Decorative fences can imitate textures such as:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • granite or marble;
  • cobblestone and rough stone;
  • metal forging.

How to make a concrete fence with your own hands

Fences can be installed from standard panels, purchased on construction market. Or you can make it yourself – “for yourself.” Constructing a fencing structure with your own hands will be an advantage in the case when the owner wants to see on the site custom design, harmoniously combined with the overall architecture of the house and the local area.

Preparatory work

First you need to select the material for mixing the solution. For this you will need:

  1. Cement M400 or M500.
  2. Crushed stone of small fractions - 19–20 mm.
  3. The sand is coarse-grained.
  4. Water.

By mixing them in a certain proportion, you get a solution that must be used immediately - otherwise it will harden. The time required to gain structural strength is four weeks.

It should be remembered that the more sand in the solution, the lower the strength of the concrete will be.

Table: recipe for preparing concrete mortar

To make concrete blocks, a little plasticizer is added to the solution - it will give greater plasticity to the raw material and allow you to create the required shape for the blocks. Water is added to the solution until it has the texture of viscous thick sour cream.

The solution can be mixed in a large trough, but having a concrete mixer will speed up the process.

When working with a concrete mixer, crushed stone is first loaded into it, filled with a small amount of water - so that the cement does not stick to the blades of the inner drum, and only then - cement and sand.

Preparing tools and molds

The mixture for the solution is already mixed in a concrete mixer, now all that remains is to prepare the tools for work:

  • spatula, level;
  • molds for solution;
  • steel reinforcement (4 mm cross-section for the fence and 8 mm for support posts).

If possible, it is advisable to install a vibrating table at the construction site while the fence is being installed to compact the concrete forms. The pouring molds themselves are sold in construction stores and come in rubber, polypropylene, plastic and fiberglass.

Calculation of the number of slabs and concrete for erecting a fence

If you have already decided on the type, then you can start making the slabs. For a regular level fence you will need removable formwork and mortar. The amount of volume for one slab can be calculated based on the formula:

V = L x H x B, m 3, where V is volume, m 3; L - length, m; H - height, m; B - width, m.

Thus, for one slab measuring 1.6x1.5x0.15 m, the volume of the solution will be 0.36 m 3. The width of one slab of a homemade fence must be at least 150 mm.

The number of slabs will depend on the perimeter of the fenced area. It should be remembered that the total length of the fence also includes the size of the support pillars, the cross-section of which is 300x300 mm.

Again, for an area of ​​36 m2 (6.0x6.0 m) you will need 12 slabs:

N = P/L = (2 x (a+b) - 0.3x16)/1.6, pcs., where P is the perimeter of the fenced area, m; a and b - sides, m; 0.3 - length of one column, m; L - length of one slab, m.

The number of pillars for the entire perimeter is 16 pieces, obtained from the calculation (a-3xL)/s, where a is the side of the site = 6.0 m; s - 0.3m - pole length, m.

There are 4 posts on one side of the fence, therefore, a total of 16 pieces should be supplied.

The total volume of solution on the slabs will be at least 0.36 m 3 x 12 pcs = 4.32 m 3.

On the base for the slabs (although it is preferable to arrange strip foundation) will take a little less: with dimensions of 1.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 m, the solution volume is V = 0.24 m 3. For slabs in the amount of 12 pieces, concrete will be consumed V = 0.24x12 = 2.88 m 3.

In total, the total volume of concrete solution will be 4.32 + 2.88 = 7.2 m 3

The width of the foundation for the fence should be twice the width of the slab.

If the choice fell on a concrete fence made from ready-made forms, then everything is simpler. You just need to follow the instructions for making the amount of solution for a specific form.

Device from ready-made molds

  • The concrete mixture is loaded into a concrete mixer.
  • A pouring mold is placed on a flat surface, lubricated with oil or a special compound that prevents the frozen solution from sticking.
  • Reinforcement is placed into the mold to ensure the adhesion strength of the concrete.
  • After laying the reinforcement, you can pour the mortar. Having filled the form to the brim, the concrete should be leveled with a spatula.
  • After drying, the finished product is removed and placed until completely dry - under a canopy. After making the required number of molds, they can be installed on the foundation, fastening the sections together using support pillars.

Video: constructing a concrete fence from ready-made forms

Construction using formwork

At independent device fence without using a form, the whole process boils down to the fact that instead of ready-made forms, you will need to install removable formwork and a foundation.

The foundation for the fence must be wider than the main structure.

This is done as follows.

First, a solid (preferably strip) foundation is built for the future fence, for which a ditch with the required width is dug, and a sand cushion with a layer thickness of 20–25 cm.

The layer is then filled with concrete mortar and left until it reaches its original strength - usually for a month. It is advisable to periodically moisten the concrete structure with water for greater strengthening.

While the foundation is gaining strength, you can prepare the material for removable formwork- shields, boards and supports. The formwork is installed to the width of the planned fence, secured on both outer sides.

The fence can be built separately from standing house, and for a fence adjacent to the house

Don't forget about the reinforcement of the structure!

After preparation, the concrete solution is poured into homemade uniform from the formwork to the original layer height of 20–25 cm, then carefully tamp and add more mortar to the same layer height. The number of layers may be different - it is important that the fence is poured into the formwork in one day, otherwise even a newly built structure may crack.

The height of the fence can be arbitrary - it will depend on the height formwork structure. The poured solution is allowed to settle for at least a day, after which the formwork is removed and transferred to another area.

This construction system is the simplest. The complexity of the work lies in the preparation of the solution and the installation of the formwork structure.

Finishing of the finished building

The fence is in place and needs the finishing touch - decorative finishing, which includes:

  • painting;
  • decorative plaster;
  • brick and clinker tiles;
  • laying decorative and natural stone.

The most affordable and easy look finishing - painting the fence in the color you like. True, for this you will have to prepare the surface - sand it, seal possible cracks, level it and prime it.

Concrete paint manufacturers guarantee an 8-year service life, which is quite good and inexpensive for a concrete fence. Another advantage of the paint is its use not only on flat, but also on textured surfaces - where fences are made up, with a decorative surface.

It is necessary to paint the surface so that the fence lasts as long as possible, is protected from moisture, and blends harmoniously with the overall architecture of the house.

The choice of paints today is large, but you should choose from those that are frost- and moisture-resistant, resistant to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. The usual one meets all the requirements. facade paint- acrylic, latex, silicone. Important condition: the paint must have low coefficient vapor permeability.

The amount of paint is purchased at the rate of 1:300 - 300 ml of paint is required per 1 m2. However, the final volume will depend on the type of surface - the more relief, the more you will need paint.

Regarding color solutions, then those close to natural are considered the most successful - beige, green, brown, soft blue or gray. The choice of these shades will be in harmony with the planted plants, highlighting their natural beauty.

Variegated colors for painting a fence are unacceptable - a couple of shades are enough. If the fence is embossed, then individual elements can be highlighted using a contrasting color or the same shade as the fence itself, only a few shades darker.

In addition, correctly applied paint can imitate wood or sandstone - for this, use a foam sponge, dipping it into the paint different colors- dark and light. The paint is applied to a previously primed surface so that the layers adhere better to each other.

If you want some specialties, you can use decorative plaster. As a rule, high quality material is selected, and in this case you can even use Venetian plaster- it is of higher quality, lasts longer, and is not afraid of dampness and temperature changes. It can imitate marble - then the surface is smooth.

You can also use marble or granular chips.

The disadvantages include the laboriousness of the process - for example, the same Venetian plaster will have to be applied at least 5 times, and for better adhesion with concrete surface Manufacturers advise applying up to 12 layers.

The third type of finishing is brick or clinker tiles. Here the complexity of the process lies in perfect alignment main surface - otherwise the finish will not adhere well to the concrete and will soon fall off. That's why relief panels, stacked fences and sections with decorative patterns cannot be used.

Stone finishing is the most expensive type of fence cladding, but it is the most durable. Before laying, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned, sanded and primed, and reinforced so that the material lasts as long as possible.

The advantages of finishing with stone include the luxurious appearance and strength of the fence, while the disadvantages include the cost and complexity of the work, and a large load on the foundation. Therefore, if you plan to install a concrete fence followed by finishing with stone, the type of foundation will have to be selected at the stage of preparatory work.

Video: how to make a concrete fence with your own hands

Construction of a concrete fence to enclose a local area is a labor-intensive process, but the result is worth it: having durability and strength, such a structure will last much longer than a fence made of wood or corrugated board, and will require less costs in the preparation of materials and annual maintenance.

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