Do-it-yourself hydrogen installation. DIY hydrogen-oxygen generator. Making a generator in-house


The development of technology has led to the replacement of classic wood stoves with boiler units. In addition to firewood and coal, gas, oil, diesel fuel and even electricity began to be used as fuel. Recently, energy for autonomous heating systems additionally obtained using solar panels and geothermal installations. Considering that hydrogen is an inexhaustible source of energy, you can try to assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands to produce environmentally friendly fuel.

DIY hydrogen generator

Operating principle of the device

A hydrogen generator for heating is considered a promising development, since it is possible to obtain fuel with a high calorific value You can use regular water. The main task is to obtain pure hydrogen in the simplest and cheapest way possible.

Hydrogen production

Traditionally, the electrolysis method is used for these purposes. Its essence is as follows: metal plates are placed in the water, not far from each other, and are connected to a source high voltage. Water conducts electricity, so when electricity is applied, the water molecule breaks into its components. The release of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom from each molecule allows one to obtain the so-called Brown gas with the formula HHO.

The calorific value of Brown's gas is 121 MJ/kg. When the substance burns, no harmful substances are formed, and in order to use it as an energy carrier for heating a house, it is enough to slightly upgrade a standard gas boiler. However, when creating an installation for producing hydrogen with your own hands, special attention should be paid to safety measures - when hydrogen combines with oxygen, an explosive mixture is formed.

Generator design

An electrolyzer, an installation for producing Brown gas by electrolyzing large volumes of water, consists of several cells in which metal plate electrodes are mounted. The larger the total surface area of ​​the electrodes, the more powerful the installation.

The cells are located in a sealed container, which is equipped with a pipe for connecting to a water source, a pipe for removing the resulting gas, and terminals for connecting the power supply. The generator is also equipped with a water seal that prevents contact of hydrogen with oxygen, and a safety valve to prevent the backfire effect - the gas burns only in the burner device.

Operating principle of a hydrogen generator

Hydrogen heating

Hydrogen home heating requires the use of an installation with large area electrodes, otherwise the heating boiler will not be able to effectively heat the coolant. It is unprofitable to use a conventional electrolyzer, increasing its dimensions, since more electricity will be spent on producing hydrogen than would be spent on operating an electric heating boiler to heat a house of the same area.

Development of more efficient installations for producing hydrogen fuel without unnecessary energy consumption is underway. The story of the American inventor Stanley Meyer is known, who created a “hydrogen cell” that consumes tens of times less electricity compared to traditional installations. However, the scientist failed to make a revolution in modern technology - he died suddenly from poisoning, and the drawings of the installation disappeared.

The creation of a hydrogen generator with attempts to implement Meyer’s idea is being worked on in technical laboratories and in the workshops of home craftsmen all over the world. The invention of the American scientist was to create a resonance of a swinging water molecule with electrical impulses - in this case, it splits into atoms without the use of high electrical voltage.

Bright prospects

Hydrogen is an extremely promising energy carrier for a number of reasons.:

  1. It is available throughout the Universe, on Earth it ranks tenth in terms of prevalence - the energy resource can be called inexhaustible.
  2. The gas is non-toxic and cannot harm living organisms. It is only important to take safety measures to prevent leakage with the formation of an “explosive mixture” of hydrogen and oxygen.
  3. The product of hydrogen combustion is ordinary water vapor.
  4. The energy carrier has a high heat capacity, the combustion temperature is 3000°C.
  5. If gas leaks, it will quickly evaporate without causing any harm, since it is 14 times lighter than air. But there should be no open fire or sparking wiring nearby, otherwise the explosive mixture will explode.
  6. A cubic meter of hydrogen has a calorific value of 13,000 J.

Advantages hydrogen heating

Hydrogen as an energy carrier - scope of application

Hydrogen is highly regarded as an energy carrier and is actively used, for example, as fuel for space rockets. Various methods are used to obtain it on an industrial scale. This is mainly the gasification of coal or petroleum products, the conversion of methane and its homologues. Such cheap hydrogen cannot be considered as an environmentally friendly fuel, since its production is associated with harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen in large volumes is used only in Norway, where there is an abundance of cheap electricity.

The compact electric gas generator has found application in the field of gas cutting. Equipment producing hydrogen is more convenient to use compared to bottled gas - there is no need to transport heavy cylinders, depend on liquefied gas supplies, etc. But for the sake of convenience, savings were brought - the electrolytic process requires a lot of electricity, as a result, the cost of the energy carrier increases significantly. At the same time, the difference in the cost of purchased and produced hydrogen is largely compensated by the absence of costs for its delivery.

Hydrogen heating boilers

On many websites devoted to heating systems, you can find information that hydrogen is a worthy competitor to natural gas as an energy carrier for a heating boiler. The emphasis is on the fact that by installing a hydrogen generator, you get the opportunity to spend no more money on heating than on gas heating, without having to fill out a lot of documents and pay significant sums for connecting your house to the central gas network.

Based on the above, the article can conclude that the cost of hydrogen is low only during its industrial production. That is, producing fuel by electrolysis will obviously cost more, and it makes no sense to rely on attractive figures for the cost of a kilogram of liquefied hydrogen.

Let's take a look at the boiler equipment on the market. The production of hydrogen boilers is carried out by the Italian company Giacomini, which specializes in the field of alternative energy. Also, similar units are manufactured by some Chinese companies that have successfully copied the technology.

Hydrogen solid fuel boiler

Giacomini's developments are aimed at creating heating equipment that would be completely safe for environment.

The hydrogen boiler of this company belongs to this category - its operation is associated with the release of water vapor, there are no harmful emissions. Hydrogen is used as an energy carrier, and it is produced by electrolysis.

However, it is worth paying special attention to the operating principle of this boiler. The hydrogen produced in the system is not burned; it reacts with oxygen in the presence of a catalyst. As a result, thermal energy is released, which is sufficient to heat the heating circuit to 40°C.

That is, hydrogen boilers, which are offered to be purchased at a substantial price, are only suitable for use as a heat generator for a water floor circuit, baseboard or ceiling heating.

It can be concluded that the world's manufacturers of boiler equipment have not found an acceptable technical solution to create an efficient heating boiler capable of using the thermal energy of burned hydrogen. Or they calculated that this option is unprofitable.

Making a generator in-house

On the Internet you can find many instructions on how to make a hydrogen generator. It should be noted that it is quite possible to assemble such an installation for your home with your own hands - the design is quite simple.

DIY hydrogen generator components for heating in a private home

But what will you do with the resulting hydrogen? Once again, pay attention to the combustion temperature of this fuel in the air. It is 2800-3000°C. If you consider that metals and other solid materials are cut with the help of burning hydrogen, it becomes clear that installing the burner in a regular gas, liquid fuel or solid fuel boiler with a water jacket will not work - it will simply burn out.

Craftsmen on the forums advise lining the inside of the firebox with fireclay bricks. But the melting point of even the best materials of this type does not exceed 1600°C; such a firebox will not last long. The second option is to use a special burner that can lower the flame temperature to acceptable values. Thus, until you find such a burner, you should not start installing a homemade hydrogen generator.

Having solved the issue with the boiler, choose a suitable diagram and instructions on how to make a hydrogen generator for heating a private house.

A homemade device will be effective only if:

  • sufficient surface area of ​​the plate electrodes;
  • correct choice of material for the manufacture of electrodes;
  • High Quality liquids for electrolysis.

What size should be the unit that generates hydrogen in sufficient quantities to heat a house will have to be determined “by eye” (based on other people’s experience), or by first assembling a small installation. The second option is more practical - it will allow you to understand whether it is worth spending money and time on installing a full-fledged generator.

Rare metals are ideally used as electrodes, but this is too expensive for a home unit. It is recommended to choose stainless steel plates, preferably ferromagnetic.

Hydrogen generator design

There are certain requirements for water quality. It should not contain mechanical impurities and heavy metals. The generator operates most efficiently on distilled water, but to reduce the cost of design, you can limit yourself to filters to purify water from unnecessary impurities. To make the electrical reaction more intense, sodium hydroxide is added to the water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Economic question

Before you begin to understand in detail how to make a hydrogen generator, it is advisable to remember your school physics course. All transformations occur with a loss of energy, that is, the cost of electricity to produce hydrogen will not be recouped by the thermal power when burning the resulting fuel.

If we consider that it is simply impossible to burn hydrogen at maximum temperature and heat transfer at home, it becomes clear that real losses will be even higher than those calculated for ideal conditions.

So, using a DIY hydrogen generator for heating doesn't make any sense if you don't have access to free electricity. Installing an electric boiler to heat your home and spending electricity directly, without complex transformations, will cost you 2-3 times less. In addition, the electric boiler is completely safe, and the operation of a homemade installation can lead to an explosion if the installation and operation rules are not followed.

Obviously, producing cheap hydrogen in an environmentally friendly way, which includes electrolysis, is a matter of the future, which scientists in the leading countries of the world are working on today.

DIY hydrogen engine

Hydrogen generators for passenger cars- Make your own hydrogen generator

Do you want to make a hydrogen generator for a car? Thousands of people who are developing their own hydrogen generators are installing them in cars to run on water due to the ever-increasing prices of fuel. If you are one of the many people who want to save money, or are trying to find ways to reduce consumption, you have probably already heard discussions about hydrogen for cars and methods for building your own generator.

The first time I heard about hydrogen for cars was several months ago, and although I was very skeptical, I still decided to find out about it and did some research. It turned out that Brown's gas is not only easy to obtain by electrolysis, but also that it has been in the USA for a long time simple installations are sold that help save from 30% to 50% of fuel

These hydrogen fuel cells for cars consist of a small container or vessel with water located under the hood, pour ordinary tap water into the vessel, throw in a teaspoon of catalyst, soda and immerse several stainless steel plates. We connect these plates to the battery and when the ignition is turned on, gas begins to be produced. We install a hose with hydrogen in the air duct after the filter.

Once all of this is properly established, hydrogen and oxygen (HHO) can be extracted from water using electrolysis (a process where electrical energy is used to break water molecules into HHO). . Hydrogen engine how to make an engine. This mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is then drawn into your car's intake manifold, where it is mixed with regular gasoline from fuel tank and burns out in the engine as usual.

In this mixture of gasoline and HHO, combustion occurs more efficiently, which significantly improves engine performance, thereby saving fuel. In some cases up to 50%. It also increases the power of your motor.

It turns out that making your own hydrogen generator for a car is not only quite easy, but also inexpensive. It cost us less than 100. There are a huge number of tutorials on the Internet, if you want to see the details, write a hydrogen generator on YouTube. The supply of hydrogen bound in water is virtually inexhaustible. Breaking atomic bonds allows hydrogen to be created and then used as fuel. Numerous processes have been developed to decompose water into constituent elements.

Do-it-yourself hydrogen installation for a car


All videos Advanced search By duration By date Order High-definition only Safe search Added 9 Uploaded 0 9 videos 14:52 Stanley Meyer cell (hydrogen generator) Nova Ukraine EcoSystems 178 views one year ago A demonstration of a hydrogen generator built according to Stanley Meyer's patent is given. Inefficiency The device is justified by the small amount of gas produced, as well as the use of a specific material with an admixture of titanium in the reactor. It is also shown that the device does not require a resonance generator, but m. 2:23 HHO Avto Hydrogen generator for a car Nova Ukraine EcoSystems 215 views one year ago Electrolyzer for sale Brown's gas. (Hydrogen generator) for testing the production of hydrogen gas from ordinary water at home. The scope of implementation depends on your imagination and awareness.


Hydrogen generator - introduction: Water is a compound of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom. Replacing the Skoda Fabia timing parts with your own hands is not difficult, and in this article we will look at how to change the belt. This is the chemical symbol H 2 O which indicates that any molecule is a combination of 1 oxygen atom and 2 hydrogen atoms. All atoms can create ions. Atoms have the property of being ionized when exposed to an electronic field. You can create this in experiments with the introduction of a Tesla coil. Hydrogen forms positive ions and oxygen forms negative ions. And we will use this to our advantage by using an electronic field to separate water molecules from each other.


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Hydrogen generators, which are currently used in cars to save energy, come in two types: wet electrolyzer and dry. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the dry electrolyzer is the development of the second generation of devices that produce hydrogen for cars, because it eliminates significant shortcomings of its wet predecessor. When experimenting with hydrogen generation yourself, you should follow safety precautions as carefully as possible! You must first study the experience of other researchers and practitioners. Links to resources on this topic from practical examples at the end of the article. The video shows a diagram of a dry generator. More details on how to make it are in the second video. With your own hands, this is what a ready-made air suspension on a Mercedes Viano looks like. Detailed description To produce dry batteries, you will need perforated stainless steel 316L or 316T. Sheet thickness is 0.4 mm, or 0.5 mm, no thicker, with a hole diameter of 2 mm, or 3 mm.


Review of new cars, test drives. As well as videos on do-it-yourself repair and maintenance. New cars Car testing Tuning Painting Soundproofing Repair Driving lessons Similar videos HYDROGEN generator ikona112211 My hydrogen generator version 2/1 Alexander Woodz Gazo welding machine Prometheus, hydrogen, electrolyzer TAPOK na VPISKE Fuel hydrogen cell ChipiDip Hydrogen generator NHO - Installation on Dodge Ram engine capacity V5.7 Fuel economy. MecoMclub HHO hydrogen generator (assembly),HHO Generator HYDROGEN (assembling) dembik71 Avarinone hydrogen generator high-voltage electrolysis efficiency 150% Dmitry Petrov Stanley Meyer cell (hydrogen generator) solenger Assembly of NHO hydrogen generator dembik71 Hydrogen engine.


Facebook Twitter My World VKontakte Google Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to predict the price of fuel for cars at gas stations. The constant increase in the price of this raw material very often leads the car enthusiast to the idea of ​​simply putting his own car in the garage for an indefinite period of time and switching to public transport. But not everyone thinks critically. It turns out that there are people in modern society who are not going to obey the laws of economics, and find independent ways to solve the problem with the fuel resource. One of these solutions to the problem is the introduction of a hydrogen engine into the system of your own car. Craftsmen have surpassed all expectations and learned to make hydrogen generators without the help of others, and this is fun.

Do-it-yourself hydrogen powered car

Assembling a hydrogen engine with your own hands is the beginning. Here is an introductory video on assembling a generator for.

How to make a DIY hydrogen generator

DIY hydrogen generator! how to do it? From ordinary water it is possible through electronic influence.


A hydrogen burner, as the name suggests, operates using the heat generated by burning hydrogen. A gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (HHO - two molecules of hydrogen and one oxygen) is called detonating gas by us, and Brown's gas by them. Hydrogen in combination with oxygen has the highest combustion temperature among gases - up to 2800 C. But hydrogen is very explosive. Like, in general, any gas supplied in huge cylinders under high pressure. How to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands make a generator engine with your own hands. How to make wheel alignment. You can adjust the wheel alignment angles of your car with your own hands using available tools and simple devices. The advantage of hydrogen (or HHO gas) over other types is the ability to obtain it by electrolysis from ordinary water! Moreover, to create a hydrogen burner with our own hands, we do not need to accumulate hydrogen in any cylinders. How to remove and replace brake pads in a Mitsubishi Lancer 9. If you decide to repair the brake pads in a Mitsubishi Lancer 9 with your own hands, then this is what you need to do. The hydrogen electrolysis burner produces gas in quantities necessary for instant combustion. This significantly increases security gas welding or cutting using a hydrogen torch based on electrolysis HHO generator.


Science understands only one completely pure fuel - hydrogen, which is used in the space industry. During the combustion of hydrogen, compounds with oxygen are formed, in other words, water. The supplies of this fuel are inexhaustible, since it, along with helium, is the main building material in the Universe. Now we will tell you about hydrogen generators, which are becoming increasingly popular in the near future due to their affordable prices and environmental friendliness. DIY hydrogen generators Distinctive features hydrogen heating This type of heating is based on the generation of a lot of thermal energy as a result of the contact of oxygen and hydrogen molecules. Typically, the only byproduct in this case is distilled water. And in order to put this principle into practice, a huge amount of development was carried out to create a hydrogen heating boiler (we are talking about industrial models).

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Hydrogen engines for cars

To call it a lazy transition of car engines to other energy sources is, to put it mildly, incorrect. How to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands... But the trend has already been outlined. At first, the Euro1 standard in the 90s of the last century, later the increasingly narrowing limits of permissible emissions into the atmosphere. In fact, only very rich car manufacturers are currently offering gasoline and diesel fuel as a candidate. And it all started completely wrong.

The first hydrogen-powered car

Because we'll talk Now that we are talking about how to use hydrogen engines in cars, about the prospects for their emergence on the assembly lines of car factories in principle, we simply cannot help but remember that such an engine appeared 75 years earlier than the gasoline unit. This was in 1806, and the invention itself is attributed to the French-Swiss inventor de Rivaz. As is clear, the gasoline engine was invented only towards the end of the 19th century.

The hydrogen engine is designed to solve not only the economic problem of the constant rise in price of petroleum products. In the end, oil will eventually run out and at that moment it will be too late to think about its candidacy. On the other hand, scientists are looking for a replacement for ordinary fuel for car engines, literally, in order to save civilization. The planet's atmosphere is already oversaturated with nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and carbon dioxide. And with the increase in the number of personal vehicles, even in developing countries, the situation with the environmental indicators of the planet’s atmosphere is close to critical.

What is a hydrogen engine

Now there are obviously two directions in which hydrogen vehicle designers are working.

  1. Tests are being carried out to train a conventional engine to run on hydrogen. internal combustion.
  2. Introduction of hydrogen fuel parts to produce electricity as an energy source.

Both of these areas are considered promising and we can already talk about more or less effective experiments in this area.

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For example, the Toyota Mirai operates on the principle of a hybrid car. The only type of energy used is electricity. How to make wheel alignment with your own hands. But with all this, the electric motor is powered by both a nickel-metal hydride battery and a hydrogen fuel cell, the so-called chemical generator.

The principle of operation of an engine with a hydrogen generator

The mechanism of operation of a hydrogen car is not very complicated. Here is a schematic representation of the device and principle of operation of a hydrogen unit.

  1. Oncoming air is supplied through grilles in the front panel and in the bumper.
  2. The air, or more precisely, the oxygen that is in the air, is supplied to a hydrogen generator.
  3. The generator produces electronic energy, which is fed into the battery.
  4. Also, part of the energy goes to operate the electric motor.
  5. The electric motor turns the drive wheels through the drive system.
  6. Water, which is formed as a result of a chemical reaction, is removed from the car either automatically or at the command of the driver.

The mechanism of operation of a hydrogen generator is also simple. It is based on the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, as a result of the molecular interaction of which electronic energy is generated. Above we've included a nice diagram showing how a hydrogen fuel cell works.

ICE with hydrogen?

The next direction that inventors and designers are taking is the use of an internal combustion engine that can operate on a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. There are more such developments. For example, Mazda, Ford, BMW and MAN have been improving the designs of hydrogen vehicles for a couple of years. They took as a base not an ordinary piston gasoline engine, but a rotary one. How to make a gazelle wheel alignment with your own hands. This is explained by the fact that the exhaust and intake manifolds are located quite close to each other. How to make hydrogen send to the engine. Make your own generator. The exhaust manifold can heat up to very high temperatures, therefore there is a high possibility of fuel ignition outside the combustion chamber. The rotary engine does not have such a feature, so it was taken as the base.

But a standard engine with a crank mechanism was also used as an experiment on a BMW 7 Series. It was an engine that ran on both gasoline and hydrogen completely independently. The 12-cylinder six-liter engine demonstrated a power of 260 horsepower, regardless of the type of fuel. Hydrogen consumption per hundred square meters was about 50 liters. The hydrogen tank provided a range of 200 km, after which it was possible to switch the engine to gasoline.

Disadvantages of hydrogen engines

The project failed. The fact is that even with minor modifications to the car’s design, it was necessary to install a hydrogen tank, which occupied half of the trunk. In addition, the infrastructure of hydrogen filling stations in the world has only a few points where you can fill your car with hydrogen. It makes no sense to produce hydrogen with your own hands, the scale is not the same, and the filling equipment must be completely sealed.

Scientists predict a more active development of hydrogen refueling infrastructure only by 2030, not earlier. How to replace rear brake pads with your own hands? How to remove the brake drum on a Kia Picanto? Pure hydrogen can be obtained only in 2 ways - either by electrolysis, or by isolating it from natural gas, since pure hydrogen does not exist in nature.

The prospect of producing hydrogen from water looks intriguing, but investors are not queuing up to finance the construction of the equipment needed to obtain the volatile gas from ordinary water. Development continues, oil is slowly running out, so the world’s population should think about other types of fuel a little more actively, before it’s too late. In the meantime, good luck to everyone on our diesel and gasoline cars.


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Hydrogen engine - description, characteristics, equipment. DIY hydrogen engine for a car

Hydrogen car. Hydrogen generator for car

Sooner or later, oil reserves around the world will run out. Naturally, this is unlikely to happen tomorrow, but today prices for oil-based fuel have increased significantly. This fact has become a good incentive for developers who are inventing the fuel of the future. Moreover, it should not be just a fuel, but, preferably, a renewable fuel. Many are sure that a hydrogen car is a toy. Let's see if this is true.

Fuel of the future

The famous writer Jules Verne wrote about such fuel a long time ago in his adventure novels. In one of his novels on the topic of alternative energy sources, the writer said that ordinary water would become a product for energy. And so it happened. Yes, this is not fiction.

Water, or more precisely, one of its components - hydrogen - is not only the first chemical element. It is also a source of energy for the future. And imagine, this future is already very close.

Today, Japanese companies produce engines that run only on this type of fuel. The hydrogen car from Toyota is the world's first production car equipped with this engine.

The car is a sedan with four doors. It has an electric motor with a capacity of 151 hp. With. You may ask, what does hydrogen have to do with it, since the motor is electric? Let's figure it out.

Toyota Mirai technologies

The electric motor is powered by a special converter. And it already receives energy directly from hydrogen. Gas is contained in car tanks under high pressure. The containers are made of carbon fibers.

But the reaction still requires oxygen. Yes it is. The car receives oxygen directly from the radiator while driving. One filling of two tanks with hydrogen will be enough to cover up to 480 km by car. Refilling takes only 3 minutes. During this time, 170 liters of gas will be filled into the tanks of the car. On average, a hydrogen car will consume about 4.7 liters per 100 km.

How it works?

When hydrogen reacts with oxygen, a violent chemical reaction occurs that produces electrical energy. It is stored in the battery. The vehicle is driven by a synchronous AC motor.

Technical characteristics of the “Japanese”

The maximum speed that a hydrogen car is capable of is 180 km/h. The car can accelerate to 100 km in just 9 seconds.

In addition to the fact that you can drive a “Japanese” without harming the environment, this car can also be used at home as a power plant. Engineers and designers who took part in the development of the new product claim that with the help of such a system, current is supplied to whole house. Thus, you can freely enjoy free electricity for 5 days.

Discounts on fuel for buyers

Those residents of Japan and the United States who purchase a hydrogen car will receive large discounts and free refueling of their cars. The authors of the grandiose project are confident that they will be successful. However, other automakers are not sitting idly by. And consumers may soon have a greater choice of alternative fuel vehicles.

Great and terrible

The fact that hydrogen can become number 1 in matters of alternative fuel has been talked about for quite some time. Even before the economic crisis back in 2008, the media constantly published reports about how wonderfully the power of hydrogen could be used.

Any car powered by hydrogen was considered a breakthrough, and its creators were elevated almost to the ranks of saints. Unprepared readers and car enthusiasts confidently considered this a real breakthrough, but it must be said that this is not so.

150 years ago

The real state of affairs is slightly different from what is written in blogs dedicated to alternative energy. Hydrogen has been used in this capacity for about 150 years. The hydrogen car helped win the war.

The very first internal combustion engine using this fuel was built by Lenoir in 1860. Then, in 1942, there was a fairly massive conversion of all automotive equipment to a hydrogen energy source.

This happened in besieged Leningrad. Initially, hydrogen was to be used in air defense systems for balloons. However, the great Russian engineers managed to change the situation.

How it was?

Airbuses were used to protect the city. These flying rubber objects, filled to the brim with hydrogen, did not allow fascist planes to conduct targeted fire at the city.

However, the rubber air protection had one huge disadvantage. Due to the fact that the shell of the Airbus allowed this gas to pass through, the Airbuses descended. Instead of hydrogen, various water vapors and other gases took its place. Therefore, sometimes Airbuses were lowered to the ground, vented and refueled again.

To refuel the airbuses, winches and GAZ AA gasoline trucks were used. And under the blockade, gasoline was very expensive in Leningrad. The war depleted supplies, and Boris Shelits, who was then a military technician, served just gas station these same airbuses. So here it is. There was no gasoline, that is, completely. He tried using electric winches to lower flying bodies. However, the electricity soon ran out. Many different alternative energy sources have been tried.

One day, a military technician thought that hydrogen could be used in other ways than simply being released into the sky. After all, the heat that this gas produces during combustion is 4 times higher than that from coal, 3 times higher than that from gasoline and other petroleum products. Schelitz asked for permission to experiment, and it was signed for him. Need I say that this is how a hydrogen car appeared?

Principle of operation

The scientist’s scheme boiled down to connecting an Airbus using a hose to the inlet manifold of a car engine. The hydrogen went directly into the cylinders, bypassing the carburetor. The dosage of hydrogen, as well as the air necessary for the reaction, was carried out using a throttle valve or the gas pedal.

Shelits conducted his first experiments in the cold. The engine started easily, despite the temperature outside. The motor worked stably and for a long time. True, the balloons exploded, and Shelitsa was shell-shocked. After this, a special protection system was invented. It is based on a water seal, which prevented the mixture from igniting during flashes in the engine manifold. This is how a hydrogen car became safer.

By the way, after one of the engines was disassembled, there were practically no signs of wear on it. There was no carbon deposits in the cylinders, and the exhaust gases were only water vapor.

Hydrogen saves lives

The hydrogen machine thus invented during the war helped save many lives, withstand the blockade, and Schelitz himself received an award for this development, and even patented it. The developer was awarded the Red Star.

Hydrogen taxi

After the war, when hydrogen was no longer available anywhere, they began to forget about it. However, some people still remember how in Ukraine, in Kharkov, there was a taxi, but not a regular one, but a hydrogen one.

Save with Brown's Gas

In the majority of even the most modern automobile internal combustion engines, fuel burns far from optimally. About 60% of the mixture of air and fuel is simply lost in the depths of the exhaust manifold. In the collector, the mixture does not burn completely, and at the same time it also forms quite toxic exhaust gases.

A hydrogen generator can be used. This is fundamentally new equipment that will allow you to significantly save on fuel in your car. Most of these devices have a standard circuit diagram. However, the hydrogen generator itself for cars from different manufacturers may have certain differences.

They have been wanting to use hydrogen as a fuel additive for a long time. But then there were no systems to optimize the mixture of fuel and the so-called Brown gas, which was supplied to the cylinders.

A hydrogen generator for a car uses the principle of electrolysis in its operation. Water is used here as a catalyst. But it does not decompose into two components - oxygen and hydrogen. Modern generators use nothing more than Brown's gas. This is brown or green hydrogen. It is sometimes called water gas or oxyhydrogen. Its formula is HHO. Its difference is that it is completely safe and does not explode. In addition, all the gas that is produced will completely enter the cylinders.

Such generators consist of a device that produces electrolysis and a container. Electrolysis processes are controlled by a special modulator. In injection engines, the design also includes an optimizer. It allows you to automatically adjust the ratio of the mixture of fuel and air with Brown gas.

Types of catalysts

The devices used in electrolyzers are simple, split cell and dry type.

In the first case, the electrolyzer has the simplest and rather primitive design. Controlling it is also very simple. The device can


Hydrogen engine for a car, how to get rid of oil addiction

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Oil reserves are running out, forcing humanity to look for... alternative sources energies that can replace “black gold”. One solution is to use a hydrogen engine, which is characterized by lower toxicity and greater efficiency. The main thing is that the supply of raw materials for the production of fuel is almost unlimited.

When did the hydrogen car engine appear? What are the features of its device, and what is the principle of operation? Where is this technology used? Is it possible to make such a motor with your own hands? We will consider these and other questions below.

When the hydrogen engine appeared, the main companies leading its development

Interest in the use of hydrogen appeared back in the 70s during a period of acute fuel shortage. The first modern developer to introduce a hydrogen car engine was the Toyota concern. It was he who, in 1997, put on public display the FCHV SUV, which never went into mass production.

Despite the first failure, many companies continue research and even production of such cars. The greatest successes have been achieved by the Toyota, Hyundai and Honda concerns. Other companies are also developing - Volkswagen, General Motors, BMW, Nissan, Ford.

In 2016, the first hydrogen-powered train appeared, which is the brainchild of the German company Alstom. The new Coranda iLint train is scheduled to begin service at the end of 2017 on the route from Buxtehude to Cuxhaven (Lower Saxony).

In the future, it is planned to replace 4,000 diesel trains in Germany with such trains, moving along sections of roads without electrification.

Norway, Denmark and other countries have already shown interest in purchasing Coranda iLint.

Features of hydrogen as engine fuel

In an internal combustion engine, gasoline is mixed with air, after which it is supplied to the cylinders and burned, resulting in the movement of the pistons and the movement of the vehicle.

The use of hydrogen as fuel has a number of nuances:

  • After combustion of the fuel mixture, only steam is formed at the outlet.
  • The ignition reaction occurs faster than in the case of diesel fuel or gasoline.
  • Thanks to detonation resistance, it is possible to increase the compression ratio.
  • The heat transfer of hydrogen is 250% higher than that of a fuel-air mixture.
  • Hydrogen is a volatile gas, so it gets into the smallest gaps and cavities. For this reason, few metals are able to withstand its destructive influence.
  • Such fuel is stored in liquid or compressed form. If the tank breaks down, the hydrogen evaporates.
  • The lower level of gas proportion to react with oxygen is 4%. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to adjust the operating modes of the motor by dosing the consistency.

Taking into account the listed nuances, it is impossible to use h3 in its pure form for an internal combustion engine. Requires design changes to the internal combustion engine and installation additional equipment.

Hydrogen engine design

Cars with a hydrogen engine are divided into several groups:

  • Machines with 2 energy carriers. They have an economical engine that can run on pure hydrogen or a gasoline mixture. The efficiency of this type of engine reaches 90-95 percent. For comparison, a diesel engine has an efficiency coefficient of 50%, and a conventional internal combustion engine - 35%. Such vehicles comply with the Euro-4 standard.
  • A vehicle with a built-in electric motor that powers a hydrogen cell on board the vehicle. Today it has been possible to create motors with an efficiency of 75% or more.
  • Conventional vehicles running on pure hydrogen or a fuel-air mixture. The peculiarity of such engines is clean exhaust and an increase in efficiency by another 20%.

As noted above, the design of a motor running on h3 is almost no different from an internal combustion engine, with the exception of some aspects.

Main feature is a method of supplying fuel to the combustion chamber and igniting it. As for the conversion of the received energy into the movement of the crankshaft, the process is similar.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of hydrogen engines is worth considering in relation to two types of such installations:

  1. Internal combustion engines;
  2. Hydrogen cell engines.

Hydrogen internal combustion engines

In an internal combustion engine, due to the fact that the gasoline mixture burns more slowly, the fuel enters the combustion chamber before the piston reaches its top point.

In a hydrogen engine, thanks to the instantaneous ignition of the gas, it is possible to shift the injection time until the moment the piston begins to move back. At the same time, for normal operation of the engine, a small pressure in the fuel system (up to 4 atmospheres) is sufficient.

IN optimal conditions The hydrogen motor is capable of operating with a closed power supply system. This means that atmospheric air is not used during the formation of the mixture.

After the compression stroke is completed, steam remains in the cylinder, which is sent to the radiator, condenses and becomes water.

The implementation of this option is possible if an electrolyzer is installed on the machine - a device that ensures the separation of hydrogen from h3O for subsequent reaction with O2.

It has not yet been possible to make the described system a reality, because oil is used to ensure normal engine operation and reduce friction.

The latter evaporates and is part of the exhaust gases. So the use of atmospheric air when operating a hydrogen engine is still necessary.

Hydrogen cell engines

The operating principle of such devices is based on the occurrence of chemical reactions. The element casing has a membrane (conducts only protons) and an electrode chamber (it contains the cathode and anode).

H3 is supplied to the anode section, and O2 is supplied to the cathode chamber. The electrodes are coated with a special coating that acts as a catalyst (usually platinum).

Under the influence of the catalytic substance, hydrogen loses electrons. Next, protons are supplied through the membrane to the cathode, and water is formed under the influence of the catalyst.

From the anode chamber, electrons exit into an electrical circuit connected to the motor. This generates the current to power the motor.

Where have hydrogen fuel cells been used?

The peculiarity of hydrogen fuel cells is their ability to produce energy for an electric motor. As a result, the system replaces the internal combustion engine or becomes a source of on-board power for the vehicle.

Fuel cells were first used in 1959 by a company from the USA.

Generally speaking, fuel cells are used:

Hydrogen fuel cells have also found use in forklifts, bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, tractors, golf carts and other equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

To understand the features and prospects of a hydrogen engine in a car, it is worth knowing its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • ECO-FRIENDLY. The introduction of a hydrogen engine is an opportunity to forget about the problem of environmental pollution. With a global transition to this type of fuel, it will be possible to reduce the greenhouse effect and, possibly, save the planet. The environmental friendliness of new developments has been confirmed by Toyota. The concern's employees have proven that car exhaust is safe for health. Moreover, the water that comes out can be drunk, because it is distilled and purified from impurities.
  • DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE. It is known that the hydrogen engine was created a long time ago, so there should be no problems with its use in cars. If you go deeper into history, the first semblance of a hydrogen engine was created at the beginning of the 19th century by François Isaac de Rivaz, a designer from France. In addition, during the siege of Leningrad, almost 500 vehicles were converted to a new type of fuel.
  • AVAILABILITY. No less important factor in favor of h3 - absence of deficit. If desired, this type of fuel can even be obtained from wastewater.
  • POSSIBLE OF APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT POWER INSTALLATIONS. There is an opinion that hydrogen is used only in internal combustion engines. This is wrong. The new technology is used to create a fuel cell, with the help of which it is possible to generate electric current and power the electric motor of a vehicle. The advantages are safety and the absence of fossil elements, which eliminates environmental pollution. On modern stage This scheme is considered the most secure and is in greatest demand among developers.

Also the advantages include:

  • Minimum noise level;
  • Improving power, throttle response and other engine parameters;
  • Large power reserve;
  • Low fuel consumption;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • High potential for use as an alternative fuel.

Disadvantages of a hydrogen engine:

In addition to those already discussed above, it is worth highlighting a number of disadvantages:

  • Fire or explosion hazard.
  • Risks for the planet, because an increase in the volume of hydrogen can lead to irreparable consequences for the ozone layer.
  • Increased weight of the machine due to the use of powerful batteries and converters.
  • There are problems with storing hydrogen fuel - under high pressure or in liquefied form. Researchers have not yet reached a consensus on which option is better.

The dangers of hydrogen fuel

The disadvantages discussed above mentioned the danger of using hydrogen fuel for the engine. This is the main disadvantage new technology.

When combined with an oxidizing agent (oxygen), the risk of hydrogen ignition or even explosion increases. Studies have shown that 1/10 of the energy required to ignite a gasoline mixture is sufficient to ignite h3. In other words, a static spark is enough for hydrogen to flare up.

Another danger is the invisibility of the hydrogen flame. When a substance burns, the fire is almost invisible, which complicates the process of fighting it. In addition, excessive amounts of h3 lead to suffocation.

The danger is that it is extremely difficult to recognize this gas, because it has no odor and is completely invisible to the human eye.

In addition, liquefied h3 is at a low temperature, so if it leaks to exposed body parts, there is a high risk of severe frostbite. This gas must be located in special storage facilities.

From what was discussed above, the conclusion suggests itself that the hydrogen engine is dangerous, and using it is extremely risky.

In fact, hydrogen gas is lightweight and if leaked, it will disperse into the air. This means that the risk of ignition is minimal.

In the case of suffocation, such a situation is possible, but only when in a closed room. Otherwise, a leak of hydrogen fuel does not pose a danger to life. In justification, it is worth noting that the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines (namely carbon monoxide) also carry a fatal risk.

Modern cars with hydrogen engines

The possibility of using hydrogen fuel engines has attracted the interest of many manufacturers. As a result, more and more cars running on this gas are appearing in the automotive industry.

The most popular models include:

  • Toyota has released the Fuel Cell Sedan. To eliminate problems with limited space in the cabin and luggage compartment, containers with hydrogen fuel are placed on the floor of the vehicle. The Fuel Cell Sedan is designed to transport people, and its cost is 67.5 thousand dollars.
  • The BMW concern presented its version of the Hydrogen car. The new model was tested by famous cultural figures, businessmen, politicians and other popular personalities. Tests have shown that switching to a new fuel does not affect the comfort, safety and dynamics of the vehicle. If necessary, fuel types can be switched from one to another. Hydrogen7 speed is up to 229 km/h.
  • Honda Clarity is a car from the Honda concern, which amazes with its power reserve. It is 589 km, which is something no other low-emission vehicle can boast of. Refueling takes three to five minutes.

  • General Motors' "Monster" premiered in October 2016. The peculiarity of the car is its incredible reliability, which is confirmed by studies conducted by the US Army. During testing, the vehicle traveled more than 3 million kilometers.

  • Toyota has launched the Mirai hydrogen model on the market. Sales began in 2014 in Japan, and in the United States in October 2015. The Mirai takes five minutes to refuel and has a range of 502 km per fill. PHOTO 21 22 Recently, representatives of the concern announced that they plan to introduce this technology not only into passenger vehicles, but also into forklifts and even trucks. The 18-wheeler truck is already being tested in Los Angeles.
  • Manufacturer Lexus is planning its hydrogen-powered version of the car in 2020, so few details are known about the vehicle.

  • Audi presented the H-tron Quattro concept in Detroit. According to the manufacturer, the car can travel about 600 km on one tank, and it can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h in 7.1 seconds. The car has a “virtual” cockpit that replaces the standard dashboard.

  • BMW, in collaboration with Toyota, plans to release its hydrogen vehicle by 2020. The manufacturer assures that the power reserve of the new model is more than 480 km, and refueling will take up to 5 minutes.

  • In 2013, Ford announced that active production of hydrogen engines would begin by the end of 2017 in collaboration with Nissan and Mercedes-Benz. But it has not yet been possible to implement the plan in practice - the concern’s employees are at the development stage.
  • Mercedes-Benz presented the GLC SUV at the Frankfurt Motor Show, which will appear on the market at the end of 2019. The car is equipped with a 9.3 kWh battery, and the power reserve is 436 km. Top speed is electronically limited to 159 km/h.
  • Nikola Motor presented a hydrogen-powered truck with a range of 1,287 to 1,931 km. The cost of a new car will be 5-7 thousand dollars per month for rent. Production is planned to begin in 2020.

  • The Hyundai manufacturer has created a new Tucson line. To date, 140 vehicles have been produced and sold. The Hyundai Genesis brand presented its GV hydrogen-powered car. The vehicle was first presented in New York, but its production is not yet planned.

  • The UK is also not lagging behind in terms of new technologies. The Riversimple Rasa hydrogen car can already be rented in the country for three or six months. The car weighs just over 500 kg and can travel about 500 km on one fill.

  • The design house Pininfarina has created the h3 Speed ​​hydrogen fuel car. The peculiarity of the car is its ability to accelerate to hundreds in just 3.4 seconds, and maximum speed- 300 km/h. Refilling time is only three minutes. The cost of the new model reaches 2.5 million dollars.

Difficulties in operating hydrogen internal combustion engines

The main obstacle to the introduction of new technology is the excessive costs of obtaining hydrogen fuel, as well as the purchase of component materials.

There are also problems with storing h3. Thus, to maintain the gas in the required state, a temperature of -253 degrees Celsius is required.

The simplest way to produce hydrogen is electrolysis of water. If the production of h3 is required on an industrial scale, high energy costs cannot be avoided.

To improve production profitability, the capabilities of nuclear power are required. To avoid risks, scientists are trying to find alternatives to this option.

Moving and storage requires application expensive materials and high quality mechanisms.

We must not forget about other difficulties that one has to face during operation:

  • Explosion hazard. If there is a gas leak in a closed area and there is little energy for the reaction to occur, an explosion is possible. If the air is overheated, this only makes the situation worse. The high penetration of h3 causes gas to enter the exhaust manifold. That is why the use of a rotary motor is considered more preferable.
  • When storing hydrogen, containers with a large volume are used, as well as systems that prevent gas volatilization. In addition, devices are used that prevent mechanical damage to containers. If for trucks, water or passenger transport does not have this feature of great importance, a passenger car loses valuable cubic meters.
  • Under heavy loads and high temperature h3 provokes the destruction of the elements of the cylinder-piston group (cylinder-piston group) and lubricant in the engine. The use of special alloys and lubricants increases the cost of producing hydrogen engines.

The future of hydrogen engines

The use of h3 opens up great prospects and not only in the automotive sector. Hydrogen engines are actively used in railway transport, airplanes and helicopters. They are also installed on auxiliary equipment.

Many concerns, which were already mentioned above, are showing interest in the development of such engines - Toyota, BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors and others.

Already today there are real cars on the roads that run on hydrogen. Many of them are discussed above - BMW 750i Hydrogen, Honda FSX, Toyota Mirai and others.

Almost all large concerns that are trying to find their niche in the market have joined the work.

The main disadvantage remains the high price of h3, the lack of gas stations, as well as the shortage of qualified workers capable of servicing such equipment. If the existing problems can be solved, cars with hydrogen engines will definitely appear on our roads.

Competing technologies

Attention to hydrogen engines is dissipating because the technology has competitors.

Here are just a few of them:

Can I do it myself?

The technology of running a gas engine has been known for a long time, and many concerns have achieved success in introducing hydrogen engines. Craftsmen have also started thinking about improving the classic internal combustion engine.

The idea is to supply special gas to the combustion chamber. This device is called the Brown system. In this case, gasoline is also supplied to the engine, but is mixed with gas, which ensures better combustion.

As a result, water vapor appears, which cleans the valves and pistons of the engine from carbon deposits, improving the performance of the engine and increasing its service life.

To convert water into gas with your own hands, you need a catalyst, distillate, electrodes and electricity.

The structure is assembled from scrap materials. One can can be used, but it is better to use six.

Afterwards, the plates are cut out and combined according to the crosswise principle. Next, they are wrapped with wire and attached to the lid. It is important that the electrodes do not short circuit with each other.

At the last stage, the jars are filled with electrolyte and catalyst. This scheme can work on any car.

If we talk about a full-fledged hydrogen engine, then garage conditions Of course, it won’t be possible to do it due to the complexity of the technology.

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DIY hydrogen generator

DIY hydrogen generator


Do you want to make a hydrogen generator for a car? Thousands of people who are developing their own hydrogen generators are installing them in cars to run on water due to ever-increasing fuel prices. If you are one of the many people who want to save money or are trying to find ways to reduce consumption, you have probably already heard talk about hydrogen for cars and ways to build your own generator.

I first heard about hydrogen for cars a few months ago, and although I was very skeptical, I still decided to find out about it and did some research. It turned out that Brown's gas is not only easy to obtain by electrolysis, but also that simple units have been sold in the USA for a long time helping to save from 30% to 50% fuel


So how does a hydrogen generator work?

These hydrogen fuel cells for cars consist of a small container or vessel of water located under the hood, fill the vessel with plain tap water, throw in a teaspoon of catalyst, soda and immerse several stainless steel plates. We connect these plates to the battery and when the ignition is turned on, gas begins to be produced. We install a hose with hydrogen in the air duct after the filter.

Once all of this is properly installed, hydrogen and oxygen (HHO) can be extracted from the water using electrolysis (a process where electrical energy is used to break water molecules into HHO). This mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is then drawn into your car's intake manifold, where it is mixed with regular gasoline from the fuel tank and burned in the engine as normal.

In this mixture of gasoline and HHO, combustion occurs more efficiently, which significantly improves engine performance, thereby saving fuel. In some cases up to 50%. It also increases the power of your engine.

It turns out that making your own hydrogen generator for a car is not only quite simple, but also cheap. It cost us less than $100.

There are many tutorials on the Internet, if you want to see the details, write hydrogen generator to YouTube.

The reserves of hydrogen bound in water are practically inexhaustible. Breaking atomic bonds allows hydrogen to be produced and then used as fuel. Numerous processes have been developed to decompose water into its constituent elements.

Hydrogen generators


Electrolysis is widely used in production sector, for example, for the production of aluminum (devices with baked anodes PA-300, PA-400, PA-550, etc.) or chlorine (industrial installations Asahi Kasei). In everyday life, this electrochemical process was used much less frequently; examples include the Intellichlor pool electrolyzer or the Star 7000 plasma welding machine. The increase in the cost of fuel, gas and heating tariffs radically changed the situation, making the idea of ​​water electrolysis at home popular. Let's consider what devices for splitting water (electrolyzers) are, and what their design is, as well as how to make a simple device with your own hands.

What is an electrolyzer, its characteristics and application

This is the name of the device for the electrochemical process of the same name, which requires external source nutrition. Structurally, this device is a bath filled with electrolyte, in which two or more electrodes are placed.

The main characteristic of such devices is productivity, often this parameter is indicated in the name of the model, for example, in stationary electrolysis plants SEU-10, SEU-20, SEU-40, MBE-125 (membrane block electrolyzers), etc. In these cases, the numbers indicate hydrogen production (m 3 /h).

As for the remaining characteristics, they depend on the specific type of device and scope of application, for example, when electrolysis of water is carried out, the efficiency of the installation is affected by the following parameters:

Thus, by applying 14 volts to the outputs, we will get 2 volts on each cell, while the plates on each side will have different potentials. Electrolyzers that use a similar plate connection system are called dry electrolyzers.

  1. The distance between the plates (between the cathode and anode space), the smaller it is, the lower the resistance will be and, therefore, more current will pass through the electrolyte solution, which will lead to increased gas production.
  2. The dimensions of the plate (meaning the area of ​​the electrodes) are directly proportional to the current flowing through the electrolyte, and therefore also affect performance.
  3. Electrolyte concentration and its thermal balance.
  4. Characteristics of the material used for the manufacture of electrodes (gold - perfect material, but too expensive, so stainless steel is used in homemade circuits).
  5. Application of process catalysts, etc.

As mentioned above, installations of this type can be used as a hydrogen generator to produce chlorine, aluminum or other substances. They are also used as devices that purify and disinfect water (UPEV, VGE), and also carry out a comparative analysis of its quality (Tesp 001).

We are primarily interested in devices that produce Brown's gas (hydrogen with oxygen), since it is this mixture that has every prospect for use as an alternative energy carrier or fuel additives. We will look at them a little later, but for now let’s move on to the design and operating principle of a simple electrolyzer that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Device and detailed operating principle

Devices for the production of detonating gas, for safety reasons, do not involve its accumulation, that is, the gas mixture is burned immediately after production. This simplifies the design somewhat. In the previous section, we examined the main criteria that affect the performance of the device and impose certain performance requirements.

The principle of operation of the device is shown in Figure 4; a constant voltage source is connected to electrodes immersed in an electrolyte solution. As a result, a current begins to pass through it, the voltage of which is higher than the decomposition point of water molecules.

Figure 4. Design of a simple electrolyser

As a result of this electrochemical process, the cathode releases hydrogen, and the anode releases oxygen, in a ratio of 2 to 1.

Types of electrolyzers

Let's take a quick look at design features main types of water splitting devices.


The design of a device of this type was shown in Figure 2; its peculiarity is that by manipulating the number of cells, it is possible to power the device from a source with a voltage significantly exceeding the minimum electrode potential.


A simplified design of devices of this type can be found in Figure 5. As you can see, the design includes a bath with electrodes “A”, completely filled with solution and a tank “D”.

Figure 5. Design of a flow electrolyzer

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  • at the entrance of the electrochemical process, the gas together with the electrolyte is squeezed into container “D” through pipe “B”;
  • in tank “D” gas is separated from the electrolyte solution, which is discharged through the outlet valve “C”;
  • the electrolyte returns to the hydrolysis bath through pipe “E”.


The main feature of devices of this type is the use of a solid electrolyte (membrane) on a polymer basis. The design of devices of this type can be found in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Membrane-type electrolyzer

The main feature of such devices is the dual purpose of the membrane: it not only transfers protons and ions, but also physically separates both the electrodes and the products of the electrochemical process.


In cases where diffusion of electrolysis products between the electrode chambers is not permissible, a porous diaphragm is used (which gives such devices their name). The material for it can be ceramics, asbestos or glass. In some cases, polymer fibers or glass wool can be used to create such a diaphragm. Figure 7 shows the simplest version of a diaphragm device for electrochemical processes.


  1. Oxygen outlet.
  2. U-shaped flask.
  3. Hydrogen outlet.
  4. Anode.
  5. Cathode.
  6. Diaphragm.


The electrochemical process is impossible in distilled water; a concentrated alkali solution is used as a catalyst (the use of salt is undesirable, since this releases chlorine). Based on this, most electrochemical devices for splitting water can be called alkaline.

On thematic forums, it is advised to use sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which, unlike baking soda (NaHCO 3), does not corrode the electrode. Note that the latter has two significant advantages:

  1. Iron electrodes can be used.
  2. No harmful substances are released.

But, alone significant drawback negates all the benefits of baking soda as a catalyst. Its concentration in water is no more than 80 grams per liter. This reduces the frost resistance of the electrolyte and its current conductivity. If you can still come to terms with the first warm time years, then the second requires an increase in the area of ​​the electrode plates, which in turn increases the size of the structure.

Electrolyzer for hydrogen production: drawings, diagram

Let's look at how you can make a powerful gas burner, powered by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. A diagram of such a device can be seen in Figure 8.

Rice. 8. Hydrogen burner design


  1. Burner nozzle.
  2. Rubber tubes.
  3. Second water seal.
  4. The first water seal.
  5. Anode.
  6. Cathode.
  7. Electrodes.
  8. Electrolyzer bath.

Figure 9 shows a schematic diagram of the power supply for the electrolyzer of our burner.

Rice. 9. Electrolysis torch power supply

For a powerful rectifier we will need the following parts:

  • Transistors: VT1 – MP26B; VT2 – P308.
  • Thyristors: VS1 – KU202N.
  • Diodes: VD1-VD4 – D232; VD5 – D226B; VD6, VD7 – D814B.
  • Capacitors: 0.5 µF.
  • Variable resistors: R3 -22 kOhm.
  • Resistors: R1 – 30 kOhm; R2 – 15 kOhm; R4 – 800 Ohm; R5 – 2.7 kOhm; R6 – 3 kOhm; R7 – 10 kOhm.
  • PA1 is an ammeter with a measurement scale of at least 20 A.

Brief instructions on parts for the electrolyzer.

A bathtub can be made from an old battery. The plates should be cut 150x150 mm from roofing iron (sheet thickness 0.5 mm). To work with the power supply described above, you will need to assemble an 81-cell electrolyzer. The drawing for installation is shown in Figure 10.

Rice. 10. Drawing of an electrolyzer for a hydrogen burner

Note that servicing and managing such a device does not cause difficulties.

DIY electrolyzer for a car

On the Internet you can find many diagrams of HHO systems, which, according to the authors, allow you to save from 30% to 50% of fuel. Such statements are too optimistic and, as a rule, are not supported by any evidence. A simplified diagram of such a system is shown in Figure 11.

Simplified diagram of an electrolyzer for a car

In theory, such a device should reduce fuel consumption due to its complete burnout. To do this, in the air filter fuel system Brown mixture is served. This is hydrogen and oxygen obtained from an electrolyzer powered from the car’s internal network, which increases fuel consumption. Vicious circle.

Of course, a PWM current regulator circuit can be used, a more efficient switching power supply can be used, or other tricks can be used to reduce energy consumption. Sometimes on the Internet you come across offers to purchase a low-ampere power supply for an electrolyzer, which is generally nonsense, since the performance of the process directly depends on the current strength.

This is like the Kuznetsov system, the water activator of which is lost, and the patent is missing, etc. In the above videos, where they talk about the undeniable advantages of such systems, there are practically no reasoned arguments. This does not mean that the idea has no right to exist, but the declared savings are “slightly” exaggerated.

DIY electrolyzer for home heating

At the moment, it makes no sense to make a homemade electrolyzer for heating a house, since the cost of hydrogen obtained by electrolysis is much more expensive than natural gas or other coolants.

It should also be taken into account that no metal can withstand the combustion temperature of hydrogen. True, there is a solution, patented by Stan Martin, that allows you to circumvent this problem. There is a key point to pay attention to that allows you to distinguish a worthy idea from obvious nonsense. The difference between them is that the first is issued a patent, and the second finds its supporters on the Internet.

This could be the end of the article about household and industrial electrolysers, but it makes sense to make a short overview of the companies producing these devices.

Overview of electrolyzer manufacturers

Let's list the manufacturers that produce fuel cells based on electrolysers; some companies also produce household devices: NEL Hydrogen (Norway, on the market since 1927), Hydrogenics (Belgium), Teledyne Inc (USA), Uralkhimmash (Russia), RusAl (Russia, significantly improved Soderberg's technology), RutTech (Russia).

To generate heat in your home, you can use various energy sources. There are also quite unusual options among them - for example, hydrogen fuel. Currently, hydrogen heating is rarely used by domestic consumers due to some difficulties in obtaining raw materials.

However, this method is still considered the most environmentally friendly and provides heating for large rooms. And the costs of such heating will be, although higher compared to the use of gas as an energy carrier, but noticeably lower compared to the operation of solid fuel and electric boilers.

Features of hydrogen heating

For the first time, home heating using hydrogen was developed by Italian inventors. The device they created created virtually no noise and did not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. At the same time, the temperature inside the boilers was low, and the equipment could be made not from cast iron or heat-resistant steel, but from ordinary metal and even plastic.

The “classic”, low-temperature version of hydrogen heating is the release of heat during the formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen. Although there is also a technique that involves the reverse process - the splitting of water molecules to create hydrogen fuel that burns in boilers.

Boilers running on hydrogen do not need a special system for exhausting combustion products into the atmosphere. After all, the process produces only steam, which is harmless to the environment. And obtaining raw materials is practically no particular problem, unlike energy carriers such as gas, diesel fuel and pellets.

Costs when using hydrogen heating will only go to electricity for the generator.

Advantages and disadvantages

The spread of hydrogen heating systems is facilitated by a number of advantages of this method:

  1. Environmental cleanliness of emissions.
  2. Work without the use of fire (only for conventional low-temperature systems). Since heat is not produced by combustion, but as a result of a chemical reaction. The combination of hydrogen and oxygen leads to the production of water, and the energy released goes to the heat exchanger. In this case, the coolant temperature does not exceed 40 degrees, which is an almost ideal mode for a “warm floor” system.
  3. The use of hydrogen fuel saves money for the owner of a private home.

The only more profitable method in terms of operation is gas heating, which is not always available for suburban housing.

Also, the use of hydrogen reduces the costs of hydrocarbons such as oil and gas, which are non-renewable resources.

True, the technique also has disadvantages. Firstly, hydrogen is quite explosive and, as a result, difficult to transport, although this problem exists only for the low-temperature version.

Secondly, there are few specialists in our country capable of correctly installing such boilers and certifying hydrogen cylinders.

Principle and device

Hydrogen heating is based on the release of a significant amount of thermal energy resulting from the interaction of oxygen and hydrogen molecules. The process is characterized large sizes the capacity necessary for its flow and high efficiency(>80%). For proper operation of the equipment it is necessary:

  • connection to a source of liquid, the role of which is most often played by the hydrogen system;
  • availability of power supply, without which it is impossible to maintain electrolysis;
  • periodic replacement of the catalyst, the frequency depends on the performance and design of the boiler;
  • compliance with safety requirements) although compared to gas heating there are much fewer of them due to the occurrence of all reactions inside the boiler, and only visual control of the process is required from the user).

However, given that it is unlikely to be possible to create equipment such as a low-temperature hydrogen installation for heating a house with your own hands, an alternative method is most often used - producing hydrogen and using it as an energy carrier. This option will be more affordable and will provide a higher coolant temperature in the heating system (the same as gas).

System assembly

Hydrogen heating systems include hydrogen generators, burners and boilers. The first is necessary to decompose the liquid into its components (with or without the use of catalysts to speed up the process). The burner creates an open flame, and the boiler serves as a heat exchange device. All this can be purchased at the appropriate stores, but the same system created by yourself, as a rule, works more efficiently.

The hydrogen generator can be assembled in several ways. To make it you will need several steel tubes, a tank for the location of the structure, a pulse-width generator with a power of 30A and above, or another power source. In addition, during assembly you cannot do without a container for distilled water.

The liquid from which hydrogen will be released is supplied inside a sealed structure, where there are stainless steel plates (the more of them, the more hydrogen is produced, although additional electricity is also consumed), adjacent to each other.

In the container, under the influence of current, the process of splitting water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen occurs, after which the latter is fed into the boiler where the burner is installed. If the current is supplied not from the network, but from a PWM generator, the efficiency of the system increases.

Materials used

The heating system usually uses distilled water, to which sodium hydroxide is added in the proportion of 10 liters of liquid per 1 tbsp. l substances. In the absence or difficulty of obtaining required quantity distillate, it is also possible to use ordinary tap water, but only if it does not contain heavy metals.

As metals from which hydrogen boilers are made, it is permissible to use any types of stainless steels - excellent option will become ferrimagnetic steel, to which excess particles are not attracted. Although the main criterion for choosing a material should still be resistance to corrosion and rust.

To assemble the apparatus, tubes with a diameter of 1 or 1.25 inches are usually used. The burner can be purchased at the appropriate store or online service.

If you select the right materials and carefully study the heating circuit, manufacturing the installation and connecting it to the boiler is not difficult.

Feasibility of the technique

The reason for installing a hydrogen heating system in a private home may be the lack of natural gas and the availability of electricity. At the same time, the costs of providing the building with heat are lower compared to the use of electric heating devices.

In addition, there is no need for pipes to remove combustion products. It turns out that the hydrogen installation may well be used in country houses as independent or additional heating equipment.

We are accustomed to consider it the most affordable type of fuel natural gas. But it turns out he has worthy alternative– hydrogen obtained from the splitting of water. We receive the starting material for the production of this fuel completely free of charge. And if you make a hydrogen generator yourself, the savings will be simply amazing. Right?

For those wishing to build a cheap but very productive fuel generator with their own hands, we offer detailed instructions. We provide recommendations for proper use. Photo applications and videos were used as informative additions that clearly explain the principle of operation.

In high school chemistry classes, explanations were once given on how to obtain hydrogen from ordinary tap water. There is such a concept in the chemical field - electrolysis. It is thanks to electrolysis that it is possible to produce hydrogen.

The simplest hydrogen installation is a container filled with water. Two plate electrodes are placed under the water layer. Electric current is supplied to them. Since water is an excellent conductor of electric current, contact with low resistance is established between the plates.

The current passing through the low water resistance promotes the formation of a chemical reaction, which results in the formation of hydrogen.

Diagram of an experimental hydrogen installation, which in former times was studied in the high school chemistry class. As it turns out, those lessons were not superfluous for the practice of modern everyday needs

It would seem that everything is simple and there is very little left to do - collect the resulting hydrogen to use it as an energy source. But chemistry is never complete without subtle details.

So it is here: if hydrogen combines with oxygen, at a certain concentration an explosive mixture is formed. This point is one of the critical phenomena that limits the ability to build sufficiently powerful home stations.

Hydrogen generator design

To build hydrogen generators with your own hands, they usually take Brown’s classic installation scheme as a basis. This medium-power electrolyser consists of a group of cells, each of which contains a group of plate electrodes. The power of the installation is determined by the total surface area of ​​the plate electrodes.

The cells are placed inside a container well insulated from external environment. The tank body has pipes for connecting the water main, hydrogen outlet, as well as a contact panel for connecting electricity.

Installations for operation within condominiums are also developed and manufactured. These are already more powerful designs (5-7 kW), the purpose of which is not only the energy of heating systems, but also the generation of electricity. This combination option is quickly gaining popularity in Western countries and in Japan.

Combined hydrogen generators are characterized as systems with high efficiency and low carbon dioxide emissions.

An example of a real-life industrially manufactured station with a power of up to 5 kW. In the future, similar installations are planned for equipping cottages and condominiums

Russian industry has also begun to engage in this promising type of fuel production. In particular, Norilsk Nickel is mastering technologies for the production of hydrogen installations, including household ones.

It is planned to use the most different types fuel cells in the development and production process:

  • proton exchange membrane;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • proton exchange methanol;
  • alkaline;
  • solid oxide.

Meanwhile, the electrolysis process is reversible. This fact suggests that it is possible to obtain already heated water without burning hydrogen.

It seems that this is just another idea that, if you grab onto it, you can launch a new round of passions related to the free production of fuel for your home boiler.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

When experimenting at home with homemade models, you need to prepare for the most unexpected results, but negative experience is also experience:

DIY hydrogen generators for the home are still a project that exists at the level of one idea. There are no practically implemented do-it-yourself hydrogen generator projects, and those that are positioned online are the imagination of their authors or purely theoretical options.

So we can only rely on an expensive industrial product that promises to appear in the near future.

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