Which drainage pit is best for a private home? Arrangement of a sewage system for a country house: do-it-yourself cesspool. Volume and selection of building materials

City dwellers, when using water supply, as a rule, do not think about where the waste water then flows. But the owners country houses The problem of waste disposal often has to be solved independently. Let's look at how to properly make a drain hole. After all, this is a popular option local sewer is the simplest, cheapest and most affordable for self-construction.

When improving a house or site, the first step is to build water supply and sewerage systems. Because imagine comfortable life If necessary, carrying water from a well is quite difficult.

There are a lot of options for organizing wastewater disposal, but the simplest and therefore very popular is the construction of a drainage pit. Let's look at how to make a drainage pit with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professional builders.

Types of drainage pits

For all its simplicity drain hole may have different design. Here are the most common options:

  • Sealed pit.
  • Filter pit.
  • Two-chamber pit.

Sealed pit

This option for installing a local sewer system is the safest for the environment, since all wastewater from the house disappears into a sealed sump and remains there until it is pumped out by vacuum cleaners.

Thus, there is no risk of contaminated water getting into the ground and soil waters, that is, the presence of this type of sewage system on the site does not affect ecological systems. The disadvantage of this waste disposal option is the need to regularly pump out the accumulated liquid.

Filter drain pit

Build filter type drainage pits sanitary rules permitted only if the volume of wastewater per day is less than a cubic meter. If Wastewater little, they have time to be processed through natural decomposition. Pits of this type can be built for a bathhouse, as well as for a house in which there is a separation of drains.

In the latter case, two sewer branches and two drainage pits are constructed. The first (filter type) transports wastewater from the shower, from the washbasin, washing machine, that is, relatively clean. The second (sealed type) should be used to transport wastewater from toilets and kitchens.

Two-chamber drain pit

Another practical solution tasks, how to build a drainage pit - the construction of a two-chamber installation. Let's consider the operating principle of such a treatment plant:

  • The pit consists of two chambers connected at the top by an overflow.
  • The first chamber is sealed, the second is filtering.
  • The wastewater (unseparated) flows from the house into the first sealed chamber, where it is mechanically separated, that is, simply settled. Solid inclusions sink to the bottom, and relatively clean water flows into the second chamber.
  • From the second chamber, water is filtered into the ground.
  • Waste accumulated in the first chamber should be pumped out periodically.

Advice! To ensure that the drainage pit can be cleaned less frequently, it is recommended to use special biological products. Bacteria process organic matter, reducing the amount of solid waste.

Construction planning

Before making a drainage pit, you should draw up a construction plan. You need to decide on the type of structure, choose the location of construction and determine the required volume of tanks.

How to determine the volume of the drain pit?

The main indicator on which the volume of the drainage pit will depend is the intensity of use of the residential property. It is clear that a larger hole is needed for a house than for a summer house.

Advice! Of course, it is better to determine the volume of wastewater individually, but there are generally accepted standards. So, for a family of three people permanently living in a house, you should build a pit with a capacity of 6 cubic meters.

When determining the volume of the tank, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Availability of vacuum cleaner services.
  • The volume that sewage disposal equipment can pump out at one time.

Where should the drain hole be located?

  • Soil water must lie deep enough in the area, since the minimum depth of the hole is two meters.
  • If there is a source nearby drinking water, then the pit should be placed at a distance of at least 30 meters from it.
  • The cesspool must not be placed on a slope.
  • It is necessary to provide for the availability of free passages for servicing the pit.
  • You cannot place the pit next to the house and the fence of the neighboring property. The minimum distance to housing is five meters.

In a word, choosing a place for construction is quite difficult, especially if the site is already developed. However, you cannot deviate from the rules listed above.

Selection of material for construction

To build a sealed pit, the following materials are used:

  • Concrete solution. A formwork is built into which the solution is poured. The thickness of the walls and bottom should be at least 7 cm; it is advisable to reinforce it with steel mesh.
  • Plastic containers. This is the least labor-intensive option. Prepare a pit into which the finished product is installed plastic container.

Advice! To eliminate the possibility of container deformation under the influence of soil pressure, as well as its floating during spring floods, it is recommended to concrete the walls and bottom of the pit. When concreting the bottom, special fastening loops are laid, to which the plastic tank is tied with polymer belts.

  • Concrete rings.
  • Ceramic brick.

When choosing the last two options, you have to take additional measures to seal the seams. For this brickwork(or the joints between the rings) are treated from the inside with mortar, the bottom of the pit is concreted.

Additionally, the inside of the walls is covered with a bitumen solution, and the outside is covered with a thick (20 cm) layer of oily clay. What is the best way to line a drainage pit if a filter version of a treatment plant is being built? There are no less options here. Perfect for:

  • Brick. The walls should be laid out so that there are five-centimeter gaps between the rows, arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Reinforced concrete rings. Manufacturers specially produce rings for the construction of drainage wells; they are perforated. If you cannot buy such rings, you can make holes in solid products yourself using a hammer drill.
  • Old car tires. You can easily assemble a drainage well from this available material. The tires are laid one above the other, having first cut off the lower rim on each of them.
  • Old plastic or metal barrels. To build a pit, a barrel without a bottom is used, and a number of holes are made in its lower part for better filtration of water.

Stages of construction of a drainage pit

Let's look at how to properly make a drainage hole, provided you do the work yourself:

  • Construction begins with the preparation of the pit and trenches for laying the supply pipeline.
  • The pit must have a greater depth than the planned depth of the drainage pit, since a drainage cushion is installed at its bottom.
  • The drainage pad is made by pouring a layer of sand and crushed stone, each layer is compacted well.
  • If the pit is sealed, then the height of the layers can be 10-15 cm. On top of the drainage pad, you should either lay a ready-made reinforced concrete slab or make a concrete screed.
  • If a filter pit is being built, then the layer of crushed stone should be at least 20 cm so that the wastewater is better cleaned and the bottom does not silt for longer.
  • Next, the walls of the tank are strengthened, that is, brickwork is done, concrete rings or plastic containers are installed, depending on the chosen construction material.
  • If a sealed tank is being built, then after the walls have been strengthened, they are waterproofed.
  • At this stage, the supply pipeline is connected to the receiving tank. The connection between the pipe and the container must be tight, but not rigid, so that it does not collapse under the influence of soil movements. It is convenient to use rubber couplings.

  • At a distance of approximately 40 cm from the surface of the earth, a covering for the pit is arranged. As a rule, ready-made reinforced concrete slab with a hole for a hatch. If desired, such a slab can be cast independently, having previously constructed the formwork.
  • Alternatively, you can use thick boards to construct the floor, but in this case, it will be less durable.
  • A hatch must be made into the ceiling to check the filling of the pit and pump out its contents.
  • It is advisable to install a ventilation pipe on the lid. Indeed, during the decomposition of waste, various gases are formed, including methane, which is explosive. Therefore, it is better to provide for the possibility of ventilation.
  • The ceiling can be covered with soil from above. The soil must be poured into a mound to prevent rainwater from flowing into the hole.

So, if you plan to develop a local sewer system, the construction of a drainage pit is one of the simplest, but at the same time, convenient and practical options. Beginners in the construction business would do well to visually see how to make a drainage hole - a video describing the stages of work can be found on construction websites.

A cesspool or drainage pit is an invariable attribute of a dacha or private house that does not have a system centralized sewerage. Properly equipped cesspool makes it possible to process waste and allow liquid ingredients to be absorbed into the soil without harming it.

The demand for this structure is due to the fact that its construction does not require specific knowledge and skills. Depending on the construction model, one person can complete such work within 2-6 days without much effort.

Of course, there are some problems with subsequent exploitation drain hole. You need to decide how to pump waste out of the pit and who to hire to carry out such a mission. Means a lot and volume of constructed drainage pit It depends on how often the sewage will need to be pumped out of it.

IN rural houses or in their dachas many people use the simplest design drain hole. They simply bury old tanks or barrels that have served their time in the soil. At similar design collection of sewage and their filtration is possible provided that their number per day is no more 1 m³. The sanitary inspection has a negative attitude towards such drainage systems, since they poison the environment and harm the environment.

The simplest cesspool you can build on summer cottage for a short time. Through the drain pipe, the waste goes straight sent to the container the bottom of which is covered with a layer of gravel or pebbles. To release methane generated during waste processing, a gas outlet pipe is placed on the tank lid.

This system is not applicable in houses for permanent residence, After all, their approximate water consumption per day for an average family is more than 1 cubic meter. m. They need a way to drain waste and fecal matter into the ground and subsequent filtration. This system has become widespread among those living in dachas, country houses and cottages.

Its construction does not involve any difficulties, but it is worth considering some nuances:

  1. The walls of the pit must be strengthened, since water entering it will destroy the building. To prevent this, a tank or container is placed, the wall is laid out of brick or concrete rings are installed.
  2. The average volume of the drainage pit is calculated based on approximately 3 m³ per day, or calculate that water consumption per day for each family member does not exceed 1 cubic meter. m.
  3. Mandatory installation ventilation system in a pit to speed up waste processing.

When building a cesspool of this design, keep in mind that it requires almost no cleaning. In such a system they put multiple cameras To process sewage, it is first poured into the first pit where it is collected. Then when they get ready overflow lintel, sewage will go into the second chamber and liquid waste will be absorbed by the soil. The solid waste in the first pit will be processed by septic tank bacteria and used for fertilizer.

Types of cesspools

According to the manufacturing method, drainage pits are made into categories:

  1. Storage tanks made of monolithic concrete.
  2. With brick walls.
  3. With receiving container.
  4. Temporary, dug in the ground.
  5. With wooden formwork.
  6. Without bottom with exhaust outlet liquid waste into the ground.

According to the regulations of SNiP, which determine location of drainage pits on the premises, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Residential buildings and outbuildings should be located at a distance of about 20 meters from drainage pits.
  2. The distance from the cesspool to the nearest fence must be at least 1 meter.
  3. The distance to the nearest natural source of water (well or spring) from a drainage pit without a bottom should be within 30 meters.

Selection of material for construction

The following building materials are used to make a cesspool tank:

  • ceramic or ordinary brick;
  • plastic material in the form of containers, barrels;
  • reinforced concrete rings.

For the tank, you can use various containers that have become unusable: a casing from a washing machine, barrels without bottom or tires from car wheels stacked on top of each other.

Typically, the shape of the cesspool depends on the container used. But the most suitable shape is cylindrical, which has greatest strength and makes it possible to evenly distribute loads on the walls of the tank. Cubic containers are significantly inferior to cylindrical ones in strength due to uneven distribution loads on the walls.

Brick cesspool

Most suitable for making a cesspool ceramic brick. He has significantly more long service life, than usual, and he is not so afraid of dampness. First of all, you need to dig holes according to the previously made dimensions.

At the bottom of the pit you can build small foundation, made from broken bricks or stones. The walls of the pit are laid out in half a brick to save material; it is advisable to leave between the ends of the bricks small cracks, for filtering and releasing wastewater into the ground.

After laying several rows of bricks, it is necessary to carry out drainage bedding, consisting of crushed stone and pebbles between the walls of the pit and the brickwork.

Brick walls are raised to a height below ground level approximately 60 cm, at this height the well made must be covered with a strong lid made of any available material (metal sheet, reinforced concrete slab).

The lid must provide hose hole sewer truck, you need to make a reliable cover for the hole. On top of the lid you can pour the remaining earthworks soil and plant a flower bed on it.

Pit made of concrete rings

A cesspool in a country house or dacha can be made from ready-made reinforced concrete rings. The construction of a drainage pit from reinforced concrete rings is carried out using special equipment, so without the involvement of specialists you will not be able to build this structure.

The sequence of work is as follows:

It is also often used when constructing cesspools. old tires from Vehicle. Tires from heavy-duty vehicles or tractors are most suitable for this purpose.

The tire sidewalls are cut using a grinder or jigsaw, do not forget to cut hole for pipe entry for draining. After preparation, the tire rings are installed in the pit one on top of the other, and drainage from crushed stone and gravel is poured at the bottom.

The top of the tires is covered metal lid with a pipe for ventilation, and is covered with earth to insulate and improve the area.

Little tricks when arranging a pit

When constructing a drainage pit, it must be taken into account that sewage must drain by gravity, and for this it is necessary to provide for a slight slope of the sewer pipes when laying them.

Sewer pipes must be laid with a slope of at least 20−30 mm per meter of pipe length. At greater slope Maybe break the water lock and that's all unpleasant odors will go straight to your premises. Even when large slope the pipes will form an accumulation of dirt. If the slope of the sewer pipes is low, sewage stagnation and clogging can occur.

Pit ventilation system. A constructed cesspool is required must be ventilated the upper edge of the ventilation pipe must be located at a height of at least 4-5 meters. For device forced ventilation you can apply in an original way. Paint ventilation pipe black And Sun rays when heated, the pipes will provide the necessary draft.

Sewer pipes. The most suitable pipes for these purposes are with a diameter 100 mm. For a drainage hole, a shallow depth of 20 centimeters is sufficient. bury the pipes to protect them from freezing in winter.

Organization sewer system a private house is priority after the construction of the building. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the functioning of the water supply, shower and toilet in a residential building. Building a cesspool with your own hands is a fairly simple task that even a beginner can handle.

  1. Choosing a suitable location. The cesspool must be placed on a private plot, at a distance of at least 5 m from buildings. Otherwise, the foundation may be washed away by water coming from the drainage pit after filtration. The distance from the pit to the water source on the site should be at least 20–30 m. If the size of the site does not allow maintaining the required distance, it is advisable to make the hole completely sealed. This will require more frequent sewer cleaning, but will completely isolate the soil on the site from harmful wastewater.
  2. Volume calculation. Depending on the number of family members living in a private house, as well as the length of stay (seasonal or permanent), the dimensions may vary. It is estimated that an average person needs 150–200 liters of water per day, including showering and toilet flushing. When calculating, you need to include a larger value in case of arrival of guests or relatives.
  3. When planning a cesspool, you need to immediately decide whether waste from the water supply and toilet will be drained into one place. In some cases, separate pits are built: for the toilet - with a sealed bottom, for waste water - in a pit without a bottom.
  4. Selection of building material. The following materials will be required:
  • Concrete rings.
  • Brick.
  • Concrete.
  • Plastic container.

First of all, you need to lay a pipe on the site from the house to the future sewer container. It is placed in a trench that slopes from the house to the drainage pit.

The depth of the trench should be below the freezing level, or you need to properly insulate the hole under the water drainage system into the sewer:

  • Place a sand and gravel “cushion” at the bottom of the trench.
  • Place insulation on top, then waterproofing material.
  • After laying the pipe on top, fix the edges of the waterproofing and pour insulation sand and gravel mixture and lay down the soil.

Such measures will prevent deformation drain pipe, going to the sewer.

Pit preparation

  • After choosing the location of the drainage pit, excavation work begins. If the sewer system in a private house is installed using bricks, concrete mortar or a plastic container, it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit the right size. This can be done either with the help of hired equipment or independently, spending a certain amount of effort and time.
  • If concrete rings are chosen as a building material, it is enough to place one of them in the place of the future drainage pit. For excavation work, you need to use a comfortable shovel with a short handle. First, the earth is removed from the middle of the concrete ring. The earth is gradually removed from under the concrete walls of the ring, gradually lowering it into the hole. After the ring is completely immersed in the ground, you need to place the second ring on the first and continue excavation work.

When using this method, you need to keep on hand building level, with the help of which it is necessary to correct the position of concrete rings in the horizontal plane.

  • A brick sump requires a rectangular, square, or round hole in the ground, along the perimeter of which masonry is carried out to the very top. Below the freezing level, it is necessary to prepare a hole for introducing a drain pipe from the house, and after its installation, seal the joint between the pipe and the wall of the cesspool.
  • If you plan to build a sealed cesspool, then the bottom of the hole in the ground must be concreted using reinforcement. Laying bricks around the perimeter of the pit begins on the prepared bottom. Experts recommend treating not only the joints of bricks with mortar, but also their side surface. This will give reliability to the entire structure.
  • If you plan to drain water into the soil, you need to create a natural filter that includes not only sand and gravel bed, but also parts broken bricks. The thickness of the filter layer should be at least 30–50 cm. This will protect the nearby soil from the harmful effects of waste contained in it.
  • Placed on top: either a concrete slab or wooden frame With metal sheets. It is necessary to provide a hole in the improvised hatch for periodic cleaning of the cesspool.

Construction of a concrete cesspool

A drainage pit can be made by pouring concrete into prepared formwork, but professionals suggest giving preference to concrete rings. They are easy to install, although they do require some effort to get them into place.

Concrete is a reliable building material that allows you to make drainage pits, both with a sealed bottom and with a natural filter for water coming from the sewer.

Note! Concrete structure perfectly withstands the loads arising from soil deformation in winter.

You can close such a hole using concrete slab or hatches of the required diameter.

Drain hole made from a plastic container

In this case, a plastic container of the required volume is selected. If you cannot find the required capacity, you can combine it using connecting pipe two smaller containers. Still on the ground around plastic containers is being prepared reinforced frame made of metal rods welded together. The entire structure is placed on a concrete bottom, and the sides are poured concrete mortar, preventing soil pressure on the sewer in winter.

Note! The need to fill a container with concrete arises when it is installed in unstable soil, and is determined individually for each case.

The use of plastic containers is very convenient because they already have hatches suitable hole for periodic cleaning of the drainage pit.

Additional cleaning methods

It is advisable to regularly clean the cesspool. Chemistry can help with this. These include: bleach; oxidizing agents; formaldehyde; special ammonium compounds.

The use of chemicals in each specific case should be determined by the type of cesspool and its location. It must be remembered that although chemicals are effective and do not depend on the hardness of the water, as well as the impurities in it, they cause great harm environment, therefore their use should be extremely dosed. These drugs may come as powder, liquid, or tablets.

In addition to chemicals, you can use an antiseptic to clean the drainage pit. This method is more environmentally friendly than chemicals. Antiseptic and antibacterial drugs speed up the decomposition process, naturally reducing the amount of waste found.

Preventative measures for cleaning drainage pits will help keep the sewer system in perfect order.


Video on how to make a high-quality and inexpensive cesspool:

One of the most important stages of arranging a bathhouse is the organization of timely disposal of wastewater into a treatment facility. Most affordable option sewer system - drainage pit for a bathhouse.

To ensure the safe use of the drainage system, before starting work, it is recommended to carefully study its design features and carry out necessary calculations, and at the construction stage - follow the basic recommendations of experts.

Types of drainage pits

There are three types of sewage pits: a sealed tank, a drainage type pit and a multi-chamber septic tank.

A sealed cesspool is the simplest and most safe option structures that prevent the penetration of polluting wastewater and household chemicals into the soil and aquifer. It is being built on land plots With high level occurrence of groundwater.

The design is represented by a simple sealed tank dug into the ground to the required depth. A special feature of a cesspool is the need to regularly pump out accumulated water waste. TO significant shortcomings sealed tank can be attributed to the complexity and high cost of maintenance.

A drainage pit for drainage is the most popular option for private baths that do not have bathrooms. In this case, an open container is installed that does not have a sealed base. A gravel-crushed stone mixture is used as a bottom filter. The design of the drainage pit provides for the presence special holes necessary to release the purified liquid into the soil.

The primary sealed chamber ensures the collection and initial filtration of wastewater: solid waste sinks to the bottom, and the liquid undergoes additional purification by aerobic microorganisms. The reservoir is connected to the second compartment by an overflow pipe, which provides the supply of purified liquid. The second chamber serves as a drainage pit, where water undergoes secondary purification and is discharged into the soil.

If the septic tank consists of three compartments, then the drainage chamber is installed last. In this case, a deeper cleaning of impurities and pollutants occurs in the second chamber, after which the purified liquid enters the drainage tank.

Available materials for building a drainage pit

Choice suitable material for the construction of a drainage pit under the bathhouse depends on design features structures, wastewater volume and financial capabilities of the site owner.

Barrel pits

Tanks can be constructed from barrels, metal and plastic, of various sizes. Such a system involves the use of one or two drainage containers:

  • One container. The bottom of the prepared pit is covered with a drainage mixture of crushed stone and gravel, then a plastic container without a bottom and with a perforated surface is lowered into it. The distance between the barrel and the pit is filled with drainage. A waste pipe is connected to the barrel at an angle. Some of the liquid will flow through the drainage holes into the soil for further cleaning.
  • Two containers. This system involves the use of two barrels, with the first being installed 25 cm above the second. The containers are connected to each other by an overflow pipe. The wastewater enters the first container, in which foreign impurities and solid waste settle. Next, the purified liquid is poured into a second tank, to which perforated pipes are connected for drainage. Drainage elements are installed in trenches filled with drainage material and a dense layer of soil.

Brick pits

To construct drainage pits, ceramic bricks are used, the masonry of which is carried out with small gaps - they ensure the drainage of wastewater into the drainage pad and soil. The operating principle of such a drainage system is no different from the previous one, the difference lies in the material used. Distance between brick tank and earth foundation filled with drainage material designed to clean wastewater and distribute it around the perimeter of the pit.

A brick pit is considered more durable and practical compared to a structure made from plastic barrels.

Concrete pits

At technical equipment and financial capabilities, you can build a drainage pit from concrete rings with a perforated surface, which are mounted in a prepared pit. After the installation of the rings is completed, the bottom of the structure is covered with a drainage cushion of gravel and crushed stone.

In the case where the depth of the pit is at least 2 meters and the bottom of the tank is concreted, such a structure can be used both for drainage of wastewater from a bathhouse and for sewerage of a residential building.

Tire pits

Cesspools made from used tires are designed to drain liquid waste, so they are well suited for the needs of a bathhouse.

The arrangement of a drainage system during tire installation can be carried out different ways, including side perforation of walls, maintaining a technological gap between installed slopes, cutting off the outer walls while maintaining internal structure tires

This is the simplest and most popular option for organizing drainage under a bathhouse, according to which the work can be done with your own hands.

Step-by-step arrangement of a drainage pit for a bathhouse

Now let's look at a question that interests many - how to make a drainage pit for a bathhouse with your own hands. The easiest option for beginners is a drainage hole made from a barrel. A metal barrel with a volume of up to 250 liters is used as a drainage tank.

First you need to select appropriate place under the pit. The distance from the foundation of the bathhouse to the treatment device should be from 3 to 7 meters. When determining the depth of the sewer pit, it is important to take into account the total volume of wastewater and groundwater. The optimal value is no more than 7 meters.

The process of arranging a pit for drainage involves phased implementation works

Pit preparation and pipe laying

  • Preparation construction site under the pit. An earthen ditch must be dug from the base of the bathhouse, having the necessary slope for convenient drainage of wastewater. The average slope is 4 degrees per linear meter. The bottom is insulated and covered with drainage made of gravel and sand. A drainage pipe connecting the steam room and the waste pit is laid on the pillow.
  • Next, they dig a pit and also insulate it. A drainage cushion made of gravel and crushed stone (thickness up to 25 cm) is installed at the bottom.

Preparing the drain container

  • The side surfaces of the barrel are perforated with a grinder in increments of 18 cm in a checkerboard pattern.
  • A hole is made in the bottom for mounting a pipe, which will be connected to the drainage pipe with a fastening coupling. The connecting joint is treated with sealant from the inside and outside.
  • The barrel is wrapped in geotextile material, which will ensure reliable drainage of wastewater and prevent foreign objects from entering the container. Geotextiles are fixed over the entire surface using twine or construction tape.

Installation of the tank in the pit

  • The barrel is placed on a drainage pad so that the pipe is located on top.
  • All formed voids between the walls of the pit and the barrel are filled with fine gravel.
  • The pipe is connected to the drain pipe laid earlier.

Features of laying a sewer pipe

Pad drainage pipeimportant stage in arrangement. According to building codes, the pipe is laid at the stage of foundation construction. It is located at the bottom of the base with a slope towards the drainage hole. When pipe laying is required for a finished building, installation is carried out under the floor of the steam room.

To correctly install the pipe, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Bends, turns and joints are not allowed when installing the product. This can lead to blockages in any part of the pipe.
  2. After completing the installation of the drainage system, concrete screed bath floors with a slope towards the drain hole. After the screed has completely dried, the floor is covered with tiles or porcelain stoneware, on top of which removable wooden gratings are installed. They will provide protection against burns in direct contact with heated flooring. In addition, the gratings can be easily dismantled for drying and treatment with antiseptic compounds.
  3. The drain is closed with a protective grille to prevent possible clogging of the sewer pipe.

Important! Bath floors are not required additional insulation. With high-quality concreting and cladding, such a base warms up during the combustion process and prevents the penetration of cold from outside.

How to make a drainage hole for a bathhouse is a question that will not take the owners of such buildings by surprise. After all, organize reliable system drainage of wastewater from scrap materials and without the involvement construction team It’s not difficult, the main thing is attitude and a serious approach to business.

All the conveniences of human habitation are associated with three components: electricity, water and sewerage. Owners of “summer residences” - dachas, small country houses– they try to arrange their seasonal home with maximum comfort. Providing it with electricity is the most simple task, almost every corner of Russia is electrified. Water supply is solved by installing boreholes or wells. The most difficult issue - the installation of a local sewerage system - also has a standard solution: a drainage pit is built on the site with your own hands.

A drainage pit in a private house or country house is an elementary structure designed to collect and accumulate local sewage waste. Here by sewer pipes transported household waste from toilets, kitchen sinks, washing machines and dishwashers.

Any wastewater treatment plants in anticipation of this simplest collection of sewage drains are not provided. As the pit fills, it is cleaned by pumping out the contents. Depending on the cleaning method, the accumulated sewage is removed by special machines - sewage trucks, or after treatment with biological products, it is used for watering plants and as fertilizer.

Types of drainage pits

Drain pits are classified according to ground level and materials of manufacture.

Relative to ground level

Based on this criterion, sewage waste collections are divided into two groups:

  • superficial;
  • underground.

Surface sewerage collectors

This option is only suitable for use in warm time of the year. It is used extremely rarely, since in this case the sewer network has to be laid on top. The required slope (from the “supplier” of wastewater – sink, toilet, etc. – to the collection tank) can only be ensured if all sources of wastewater are located above the inlet of the tank. It is advisable to install surface drainage tanks in areas with high water levels. groundwater.

Underground drainage pits

Underground sewage collection structures are the most common. Depending on the amount of drainage, the design of the drainage pit may or may not have a sealed bottom. Sanitary standards of Russia It is allowed to construct pits without sealing the bottom if the daily volume of wastewater does not exceed 1 m3.

In all other cases, a sealed underground tank is installed.

According to manufacturing materials

The following materials can be used to construct the drainage pit structure:

  • ceramic brick;
  • concrete (in the manufacture of a monolithic structure);
  • waste tractor tires;
  • plastic;
  • tree.

For constructing drainage pits with your own hands, concrete rings are the most unsuitable option. Their installation requires construction equipment– heavy products cannot be handled manually.

The simplest and cheap way arrangement of a drainage pit in a private house or on a summer cottage - decorating its walls with the help of tires. But this design is unreliable in terms of tightness: there is a high risk of the liquid component of sewage drains getting into the soil.

Location – sanitary restrictions

Some homeowners believe that they can do whatever they want on their property, and they are deeply mistaken. Sanitary services do not sleep - they require strict compliance with the rules and regulations in force in the state, regardless of the type of property.

The location of the drainage pit in a private house is also strictly regulated: the standards stipulate the minimum permissible distances from the wastewater storage tank to engineering structures, residential buildings and site boundaries:

  • to the water conduit (central) – 10 meters;
  • before underground gas pipeline- 5 meters;
  • to the drinking well: 20 meters - at clay soils, 30 m – on loams, 50 m – on sandstones and sandy loams;
  • to a residential building (own and neighboring) - 10-12 meters;
  • to the fence (site boundary) – 1 meter.

The maximum depth of the drainage pit is also regulated: it should not exceed 3 m, if the groundwater level allows it. These restrictions are contained in SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97.

Important: Homeowners should be aware that non-compliance sanitary requirements may not only result in a fine, but in case of damage to the health of others, a criminal case may be initiated.

In addition, when making a drainage hole at the dacha with your own hands, it must be located on the site in such a way that it is possible to organize unimpeded access to it for special equipment at the time of pumping.

Advice: Practice shows that it is better to place the drainage pit at a distance of at least 15 meters from the windows of residential premises.

Construction order

Installing a drainage pit in a private house with your own hands, regardless of the choice of material, is carried out according to the general algorithm:

Explosive gas is formed in sewer storage tanks. For his withdrawal ventilation is arranged. Its role is played by a pipe leading through the pit lid. Its dimensions are regulated by building codes: diameter - 100 mm, height - at least 600 mm from ground level.

Choosing a method for cleaning the drain pit

Before you build a drainage pit in a private house, you should decide a very important question: how will you clean it. The amount of work to improve the site depends on this:

  • if it’s easier for you to periodically invite specialists with a sewer truck, take care of organizing an access road;
  • If you are ready to do the cleaning yourself, purchase a plastic container with a sealed lid and find out in advance who will accept your waste. Don't forget about hand and respiratory protection. It would be better if it was a gas mask, but, at worst, a respirator would do. Of course, you can't do without rubber boots.
When arranging a drainage hole, you need to worry not only about how to dig it, but also about how to clean it

Modern technologies can significantly simplify the process of cleaning the drainage pit if it fills quickly, or even make it virtually waste-free. We are talking about microscopic helpers - capable of turning waste into enough clean water and a solid fraction suitable for use as fertilizer.

Bacteria not only decompose the contents of the drainage pit, but also diligently fight the unpleasant odor.

Just keep in mind when deciding how to clean a drainage pit in a private house that you should choose biological products in accordance with the composition of the wastewater. Most bacteria cannot survive contact with household chemicals: detergents And washing powders have a detrimental effect on them. However, microorganisms that are resistant to aggressive environments are now being grown.

After the bacteria have done their work, all you have to do is use a pump to pump out the liquid component (it is completely harmless to humans, animals and plants) and remove the solid sediment from the pit.

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