Heating system for 2 floors diagram. What could be a two-pipe heating system for a two-story house: diagrams and options. Dead-end and passing schemes

A properly equipped heating system guarantees the comfort of any home. The heating scheme requires especially careful planning. two-story house, because it involves the need to raise water in the pipes to an additional height.

The water supply system (WW) of a residential building with two floors is understood as a complex of elements, including pipelines, a boiler, fittings, temperature control sensors and other components. If they are correctly selected and installed, operating costs for heating your home can be significantly reduced and at the same time enjoy a truly comfortable microclimate.

Water heating system for a 2-story residential building

A modern heating system for a two-story house comes in different types:

  • two- and one-pipe;
  • with top and bottom wiring;
  • With natural circulation and with forced;
  • with risers of horizontal and vertical design;
  • with a main option for moving the coolant and with a dead-end option.

Heating with a main option for moving coolant

In each specific case, the owner of the cottage selects the most effective CO, which ensures the maintenance of the set temperature in the home for a certain time, has simple, functional and convenient control, and makes it possible to install a “warm floor” system.

The optimal heating option is when all the equipment that makes up the heating system of a two-story house operates in automatic mode.

Let's talk about which CO is best to install in a cottage with two floors.

The simplest one is considered to be the joint venture called “Leningradka”. She was very popular in Soviet times thanks to what the owner did country cottage completely independent from central system heating. “Leningradka” is an economical single-pipe heating scheme that is easy to do with your own hands. This CO works with both electric and brick ovens, where peat briquettes, firewood, and coal are loaded.

SO "Leningradka" for a private home

"Leningradka" makes it possible to halve the number of pipes required to organize heating of housing, compared to a two-pipe system. Its other advantages include:

  • low labor intensity of installation (as was said, everything can be done with your own hands) and its “budget”;
  • possibility of simple repairs during operation;
  • maintaining an elegant interior in the house (than less pipes, the more invisible they are indoors);
  • possibility of installing a “warm floor” system (subject to certain conditions) and installation under doorways“main” pipe (supplying coolant for steam heating).

“Leningradka” can be “hidden” under the floor, it is easy to install it above it, installation of pipes for water heating can be done both vertically and horizontally. It would seem - better system can not found. Unfortunately, everything is not so rosy. Firstly, “Leningradka” is more suitable for one-story buildings. Heating a two-story house with its help is associated with a number of serious difficulties, which, however, if desired, can be resolved with your own hands with relatively little effort. low cost. Secondly, "Leningradka" at horizontal installation does not allow you to create a “warm floor”.

Installation of pipes for water heating

Also, the described single-pipe CO requires the use of welding equipment and mandatory testing (very complex and time-consuming) of the tightness of the resulting welded joints, increasing pressure inside the system. Many people consider its main disadvantage to be that heat transfer from radiators located in different rooms, is uneven. For these reasons, the two-pipe CO is many times better than the Leningradka.

This heating scheme for a two-story house is devoid of most of the “cons” that a single-pipe design has. True, its installation requires more pipes and other materials. But the organization quality heating a private building is undoubtedly more important.

A two-pipe system operates according to the following scheme: the coolant goes up along one line, and returns along the other. To carry out such a scheme with your own hands, you can use any pipes and types heating batteries. Radiators are connected in different ways. If the pipeline is “hidden” under the floor or both main pipes are located under the battery, the return flow and the coolant itself are connected to the lower radiator pipes.

Radiator connection diagram

Heat dissipation efficiency heating elements in this case, it may not be very high, since the upper section of the battery does not always warm up. It is not recommended to use such a scheme for connecting water heating pipes if cast iron radiators are installed. It is better in this situation to use more modern panel batteries.

The second method is that the return is connected from below, and the coolant is connected from above (on one side). With this connection method, two-pipe wiring functions much more efficiently. But it is not suitable for batteries with big amount(over 15) sections – heat loss in the presence of 16 or more sections becomes critical.

2-pipe connections

The most popular are projects for heating a private home on two floors, which use a cross (diagonal) method of connecting pipes with your own hands:

  • on one side (top) the coolant approaches the radiator;
  • the return is connected on the other side from below.

Two-pipe wiring in a private house allows you to shut off CO in one of its sections at any time. At the same time, the remaining rooms in the cottage continue to be heated to the same extent. It is advisable that two-pipe system was performed with forced rather than natural circulation (EC) hot water. We will talk about the differences between types of circulation further.

The difference between these two types of circulation is the way water moves through the CO. To implement the forced scheme, it is necessary to install special equipment, in particular circulation pump, for a natural person there is no such need.

The EC is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • absence of noise and vibration during system operation;
  • simplicity of installation and maintenance;
  • long service life.

Installation of a natural circulation system

At the same time, COs with natural circulation start up quite slowly; the water in the pipes of such systems can freeze when sub-zero temperatures on the street. Another disadvantage is the need to install large cross-section pipes (they are more expensive and more difficult to install).

Nowadays such systems are used quite rarely. Users prefer more modern and effective scheme heating This is forced circulation CO, which has the following important advantages:

  • the possibility of constructing wiring of any length in a private house;
  • independence of heating quality from coolant temperature indicators;
  • simple adjustment of operating modes.

CO with forced circulation

In versions with forced circulation, hot water flows through the pipes due to the operation pumping equipment. The water comes from the boiler, in which it is heated, under the action of a special pump (it is called a circulation pump).

With such a heating scheme, Mayevsky valves and taps are installed on each radiator. The first make it possible to select the heating temperature of a specific battery. Valves can be automatic or manual. And the Mayevsky valve allows you to remove unnecessary air from the system.

Experts advise installing CO in two-story cottages with a double-circuit boiler and forced circulation. Then it will be very easy for you to make a “warm floor” in your house, install heated towel rails and always control the operation of the heating system, setting for yourself the most comfortable temperature.

The growing popularity of this heating scheme for private buildings is due to the ease of its management and operation. Collector one- or two-pipe CO is characterized by an independent supply of coolant to each radiator installed in the cottage. Due to this, you can, if necessary, completely disconnect any battery or reduce (increase) the temperature of the water in it. At the same time, in other rooms the radiators will operate in the same modes.

Collector independent liner

The collector system has the following scheme:

  • return and supply collectors are installed on the risers of the first and second floors of a residential building;
  • return and supply pipelines are connected to the batteries on the floors (they are placed in the wall or “hidden” under the floor);
  • Air vents that operate automatically or Mayevsky taps must be installed on collectors and radiators.

Air vent to the manifold

This wiring is ideal for creating a “warm floor” system. In some cases (relatively small area of ​​the cottage), collector steam heating is installed without radiators. In essence, a “warm floor” replaces a pile of radiators. This reduces the cost of installing a home heating system.

In the process of installing a heating system, the owner of a two-story house faces a number of tasks. First of all, the owner must choose optimal project heating a two-story house, based on the specific layout of the building, the available finances and the availability of a certain type of fuel. Step by step, implementing the heating system, which is provided for by the heating scheme of a two-story private house, the owner will have the opportunity to effectively and uniformly heat all key and auxiliary rooms in the building throughout the cold season.

Most often, when doing turnkey heating, contractors give preference to a water heating system, but depending on external conditions and according to the wishes of the owners, an electric boiler or wood-burning stove can be installed as the basis of the circuit. At the same time, a typical basic heating scheme for a private two-story building, during the work of contractors, is adapted by specialists to the needs specific house. Correctly made adjustments to the heating project will allow you to achieve maximum efficient work circuit and avoid system breakdowns in the future.

A standard heating system for a two-story house involves the use traditional elements. They carry out heating of the coolant, its circulation and heat transfer. The elements of the heating system are installed according to the instructions of the heating system diagram for a two-story house, drawn up by heating engineers in advance, taking into account the heat needs of the house.

The main elements of the scheme are:

  • boiler or oven;
  • piping system;
  • batteries;
  • regulators and sensors;
  • shut-off valves and fittings.

By correctly selecting elements according to power and purpose, the owner will ensure that the heating system of a private two-story house will be implemented at top level and will allow you to establish an optimal indoor microclimate in a matter of minutes.

Scheme selection

At the moment, experts suggest using several promising schemes.

The schemes differ in the way pipelines are laid out, the use various types connection of radiators, features of coolant circulation and options for the location of risers.

Since all houses differ in layout, area and degree of insulation, the heating system layout of a two-story private house must be selected individually.

What type of radiator connection should I choose?

Today, one-pipe and two-pipe connection schemes are most often used. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Single-pipe scheme

Single-pipe heating distribution in two-story house was popular in those years when fuel was cheap and it was not always possible to find material for circuit equipment. connection assumes the absence of return risers; therefore, its implementation requires a much smaller number of pipes and fittings. However, savings on materials are not offset by the efficiency of the circuit. This scheme does not allow you to regulate the temperature of individual batteries in the circuit and in practice shows itself to be insufficiently functional and primitive heating wiring.

Two-pipe scheme

It is considered more preferable to connect heating radiators in a two-story house, which involves eliminating all the disadvantages of a single-pipe circuit. Of course, the implementation of such a project will require large expenses for the purchase of materials and wages for installers, but the labor intensity of the work on connecting radiators is justified by the efficiency and functionality of the system.

A special feature of the scheme is the supply of a pipeline with hot coolant to each radiator, which, after cooling, is discharged via the return line.

Two-pipe heating systems, horizontal wiring of which is more preferable and require an insulated riser, are currently the optimal schemes for private houses. They ensure uniform heating and smooth cooling of the coolant, and also allow you to regulate the temperature of each radiator connected to the circuit and equipped with a thermostat.

Wiring options

Autonomous heating of a two-story cottage, diagrams of which can be downloaded online, may involve upper and lower piping. Since a private two-story house has an attic and ground floor, then the owner can choose any of the proposed layouts. If the owner decides to use the attic, then the coolant will be supplied through the upper distribution into the installed risers, and then into the radiators. If the owner has chosen a lower distribution of the heating system, then the supply of heated coolant from the boiler is carried out from below, that is, from the basement.

Beam scheme

An effective radiant heating system for a two-story house invites owners to abandon the traditional laying of pipelines along the walls. This design solution contributes to the rapid cooling of the coolant and is a problem when heating a large two-story house. Instead, the scheme beam system recommends using several separate circuits for heating, and the pipelines are laid not along the walls, but along the floor.

A correctly installed radiant heating system has a number of advantages:

Collector circuit

Modern heating projects for a private two-story house can offer owners to use a manifold circuit for connecting devices. Its principle is a two-pipe floor-by-floor connection of radiators, while the pipelines connecting the circuit elements can be hidden under flooring, window sills or under the ceiling. The scheme can be adjusted depending on the layout of the house. The only constant condition is the installation of a heating boiler on the first floor, and an expansion tank to compensate for the coolant pressure level on the second floor.

Owners choose the collector option for connecting radiators for several reasons:

Coolant circulation type

The heating circuit may provide for forced and natural circulation of coolant. As a rule, the gravity heating system of a two-story private house, the design of which is drawn up individually, is inferior in many respects to a heating system with forced circulation. Therefore, owners of private houses use optional equipment, such as electric, to pressurize the circuit. The pump provides better circuit performance and efficient heat distribution throughout the radiator system.

Final choice

There is no clear answer to the question: which home heating scheme is more preferable. Owners should remember that designing the heating of a private two-story house is a purely individual process that depends on a number of external conditions and factors. Therefore, they need to choose a scheme that will satisfy the heating needs of the house and will not hit their pockets with huge costs for the purchase of materials.

A private cottage not connected to the central heating main must be equipped with own system heating. An autonomous heating system can be one-pipe or two-pipe. The first is more economical and easier to install, but less efficient in operation. More popular now is a two-pipe heating system for a two-story house, the design of which involves the parallel connection of all radiators and the presence of a return riser.

The difference between one and two-pipe heating schemes Source timber-ok.ru

What does the heating system consist of?

The main structural details of the heating system of a private house:

  • radiator set;
  • coolant– most often water, but it can be a gaseous medium or non-freezing liquid, depending on the type of boiler;
  • boiler– electric, gas, solid fuel, diesel or kerosene;
  • heat pipe.

The system has a closed principle of operation, that is, first the coolant is heated by the boiler, sent through a pipeline to the radiators, and then, cooled down, returned to the heat source. A set of heating devices together with a heat pipe is called a heating circuit.

The listed elements are enough to create simplest project heating a two-story house. However, to improve efficiency autonomous heating, a few more details are added to the diagram:

  • filter– needed to protect the boiler from clogging;
  • pump- For forced circulation coolant through pipes;
  • safety devices(pressure relief valve, air vent, pressure gauge) – required in systems with forced circulation;
  • expansion tank – collects excess coolant when it overheats and expands in volume.

This creates a heating scheme for a two-story house with forced circulation.

The heating system consists of many interconnected elements Source opechi.ru

Basic system requirements

There are a number of important requirements that must be taken into account when designing a heating system.

  1. In general, the heating design of a two-story house must comply architectural solution building. The placement of the boiler requires certain structural and design conditions of the room in which it will be located. The installation locations of radiators, as well as the pipeline routes, should not violate the architectural rules for the arrangement of residential and technical premises. All this means that a qualified designer must draw up a plan for the heating system, based on the finished architectural design of the house.
  2. During operation, the system must provide all internal and external surfaces with the temperature specified building codes and rules (SNiPs).
  3. The system must be quite economical to operate. If heating a house requires too much energy consumption, you should contact a specialist: perhaps some parts or components can be unified.
  4. The pipeline should have a minimum of bends and turns. If during its installation you need a large number of fasteners in different sizes, it means that the heating circuit is poorly designed.

It is always necessary to draw up and evaluate a preliminary scheme Source tapiart.ru

  1. During use, the system must be reliable, safe, convenient and silent. Good system allows home owners to easily manage heating appliances and, if necessary, easily repair them.
  2. The aesthetic side is also important. Radiators and pipes connected to them should have a neat, attractive appearance. The less noticeable the heating elements are, the better.

Video description

In our video we will talk about heating in a private country house. Our guest is the author and presenter of the Teplo-Voda channel Vladimir Sukhorukov:

Designing a heating system for a two-story house

The heating system of a building in which there is more than one level must ensure that the coolant rises to the height of the floor. The heating connection diagram in a two-story private house can be with forced or natural coolant circulation, with vertical or horizontal arrangement risers, with lower or upper wiring. And, of course, it may involve one-pipe or two-pipe wiring. Before choosing one or another type of heating system design, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Natural coolant circulation

A distinctive feature of the scheme with natural coolant circulation is the placement of the system pipes at a slight angle to “help” the liquid flow from one part of the scheme to another.

System with natural coolant circulation - pipes are located at an angle Source strojdvor.ru

The natural or gravity heating scheme of a two-story house functions due to the fact that the liquid (coolant) expands when heated and its density decreases. In a loose state, it rises along the accelerating vertical section into the radiators of the second floor. After this, in a cooled, dense state, it flows down the pipeline and enters the boiler for further heating.

Natural circulation systems have their own advantages:

  • cost-effective installation;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • absence of noise that occurs when the pump operates in forced systems;
  • independence from power supply, but only if the boiler can operate without electricity supply;
  • does not require frequent repairs, since it consists of simple elements.


  • The natural circulation system has a very short range and is therefore not suitable for houses with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. meters.
  • The system requires the mandatory installation of an expansion tank in attic, which means that additional difficulties will arise when arranging heating on the residential roof floor - the attic.

The expansion tank in this scheme must be installed at the highest point of the system Source pinterest.co.uk

  • When heating with natural circulation, rooms warm up very slowly. It may take several hours from the moment the boiler is started to completely warm up the distant rooms.
  • In walk-through rooms where radiators are not installed, it is necessary to insulate the pipes, since in these places there is a risk of liquid freezing.

Forced circulation

In the case of forced circulation, the heating distribution from the boiler in a private two-story house is supplemented by a circulation pump, which drives the coolant through the pipes at the required speed. It's more modern and effective option heating the building.

The forced heating scheme for a two-story private house has the following advantages:

  • fast heating of all rooms;
  • the ability to install pipes of minimal diameter;
  • pipeline parts do not experience temperature changes and therefore last a long time;
  • you can regulate the temperature in the house;
  • You can adjust the temperature in each room separately.

The circulation pump is an obligatory part of the forced heating circuit Source rookame.ru

A forced circulation system also has its own minuses:

  • in a de-energized house, the system with a pump will not work;
  • the pump consumes electricity, resulting in increased energy consumption at home;
  • a running pump creates noise, which, however, with proper selection and installation of equipment, will be almost unnoticeable.

Single-pipe heating circuit

A single-pipe heating system for a two-story house, the design of which involves alternately connecting radiators to the pipeline, has the following advantages:

  • minimal consumption of materials during installation;
  • the ability to lay pipes where needed, even in the most inaccessible places;
  • one pipe laid along the wall looks more aesthetically pleasing than two;
  • quick and easy installation.

Among the disadvantages such features:

  • if repair or replacement of any part of the system is required, the entire system must be stopped;
  • heat spreads unevenly; the closer the room is to the boiler room, the higher the temperature in the radiators.

If parallel connection of convectors is used in single-pipe systems, this scheme is called “Leningradka” Source teplomirkr.ru

Two-pipe scheme

The two-pipe scheme provides two circuits of pipes connected to the radiators. The first line contains hot water, which flows from the boiler along the shortest path to each radiator. In the second, the cooled coolant is returned to the boiler. Installing heating in a two-story house using a two-pipe scheme is more complicated. However, the advantages of this option are so convincing that in most modern houses heating is arranged precisely according to the two-pipe principle. Let's list main advantages:

  • coolant of the same temperature enters all radiators;
  • the distant rooms are just as warm as the nearby ones, so there is no need to increase the number of radiator sections to equalize the temperature;
  • two-pipe systems are more convenient to manage and regulate.


  • high consumption of tubes during installation;
  • the work of installing two pipe lines instead of one is quite expensive.

A universal scheme can also be used - the coolant here moves by gravity, and if necessary, the circulation motor is turned on Source termoresurs.ru

The radiant heating scheme (from below) is the most efficient of the existing ones, but installation requires a large number of pipes Source rmnt.mirtesen.ru

Selecting the optimal heating scheme

First, let's determine what type of heating system we need - with natural or forced circulation. If you have a big two-story cottage, then you need to definitely choose a system with a pump. But if you have small dacha in areas remote from central highways, you may be suitable for a gravity-fed system that can operate without electricity.

Now let's choose between a single-pipe and a double-pipe option. If there are few rooms in the house, and the requirements for the aesthetics of the interior are high, it is better to install heating using a single-pipe system. But if there are many rooms, and the thermal conditions separate rooms, for example, for children, is of great importance to you, choose a two-pipe type of heating.

When making a final decision, it is important to remember that most homeowners prefer a two-pipe scheme with a forced operating principle

Video description

All questions regarding air heating watch in this video:


Installing a heating system is complicated labor-intensive process, including design, selection of equipment, installation of all elements. This should be done by specialists. The choice of connection diagram must also be agreed upon with professionals, since without special qualifications it is impossible to take into account all the factors and nuances.

The main thing in this matter is to strive to obtain high-quality and reliable heating, and the cost-effectiveness of the installation should take a back seat. It’s also not worth saving on the purchase of equipment. A good heating system will be expensive, but it will save you a lot of money later, during operation.

The heating circuit is an integral part of residential buildings - as apartment buildings, and private cottages, including those with two floors. The latter case is complicated by the need to equip a heat supply system with hot water rising to the second floor of the building; To solve the problem, several practice-tested types of wiring are used. In this case, provided that the total area of ​​the cottage is more than 150 m2, a two-pipe heating system for a private two-story house is best suited.

The essence and advantages of a two-pipe heating scheme

Such a system includes a heating boiler, heating radiators, control devices, pipes for supplying coolant (hot water), related fittings and other elements. Given that correct selection all components of the design, reasonable planning of wiring and conscientious assembly of the heating circuit, the use of the diagram will allow, providing the preferred temperature regime, significantly reduce heating costs.

The principle of operation of a two-pipe heating system for a two-story house is to supply coolant (in this case, hot water) through a collector and supply pipe to each of the connected radiators and then remove the moisture that has released heat through the outlet pipe. In accordance with the number of pipes used, such a scheme is called two-pipe.

System advantages:

  1. Achieving uniform heating of all radiators included in the circuit due to the flow of coolant having the same temperature into them.
  2. The ability, subject to the installation of a manually controlled thermostat, to determine its own temperature regime for each room of the building and change it as necessary.
  3. Small pressure losses in the system, due to which, without losing temperature indicators, you can use a pump that is less productive and, accordingly, does not consume much electrical energy. In one-story buildings, the use of a pump can be eliminated altogether, but then the energy efficiency of the circuit is significantly reduced.
  4. Versatility. The two-pipe system can be used in private houses with any number of floors.

Before purchasing necessary materials and start installing the circuit, you need to plan the heating scheme and calculate the possibility of its placement in a given area. The lengths of the pipes leaving the unit should be approximately the same.

Types and descriptions of pipe layouts

There are two main schemes for a two-pipe heating system for a private two-story house:

Horizontal layout

The horizontal type of pipe routing, in turn, is divided into:

  • beam (collector);
  • consistent.

The collector circuit, which, as the most popular, will be described in more detail below, is characterized by the presence of a separate supply for each radiator.

The sequential method implies the existence of a single branch extending from the riser, running along the perimeter of all floors and containing supply and return pipes.

Regardless of the subtype chosen by the owner, horizontal wiring has common distinctive features(read also: " "). In particular, such a scheme is most often installed in those houses where there is a flat roof on top and a basement below. The attic cannot be used as a location for heating equipment and communication networks.

Advantages of horizontal wiring:

  • high level of hydraulic stability;
  • the ability to automatically set and maintain the temperature in each individual room;
  • when using the scheme, it is allowed to install separate heat meters, either two or more;
  • This type of wiring can be placed discreetly without damaging appearance rooms with pipeline parts.

Disadvantages of wiring:

  • a complicated heating start-up scheme: to ensure uninterrupted operation, gently release the air from it first;
  • All radiators require taps to drain air jams;
  • the cost of a project involving a collector is quite high, since more building materials need to be purchased for the arrangement.

Vertical layout

The diagram of a two-pipe heating system for a two-story house provides for the presence in the house of one vertical riser, to which other heating devices and elements. Such a scheme requires more pipes, and the cost of a heating circuit with horizontal wiring will be 15-20% higher than its horizontal counterpart. In addition, arrangement vertical system is more difficult.

The advantages and disadvantages of vertical wiring generally do not differ from horizontal wiring.

Collector heating system

Horizontal collector-type wiring in private houses with two or more floors is most common. Among its obvious advantages is the ability to mount a separate collector circuit on each floor and hide the pipeline elements in the floors or under the baseboards.

To implement the scheme, you should install a collector comb on each floor in a special cabinet (or niche), and run pipes under the floor; then, in addition to their direct purpose, these elements will heat the floor.

Two pipes are connected to each radiator - supply and exhaust. Each of them departs from a manifold unit, which includes two manifolds, which are connected to the supply and return pipelines. If desired, you can install shut-off valves on each supply pipe to turn off any individual radiator without stopping the operation of the others - for example, to regulate the room temperature or to service this radiator.

High-quality circulation of hot water in a two-pipe system of a cottage with two or more floors cannot be ensured without installing a circulation pump. This device also increases the cost of arranging the circuit.

The procedure for arranging two-pipe heating in a two-story cottage

A heating circuit of this type requires the presence of the following elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • auto air hub;
  • radiators in required quantity;
  • valves – balancing, thermostatic, safety;
  • circulation pump;
  • expansion tank;
  • valves;
  • supply and return manifolds (with collector circuit);
  • supply and discharge pipes;
  • measuring equipment - for example, a thermomanometer.

Installation algorithm:

  1. Choose the most suitable scheme.
  2. Order schematic drawings and calculation of the amount of required materials from the design office.
  3. Install the heating boiler in a suitable room with good ventilation and fire-resistant coating of surfaces. If the boiler is electric, these precautions are not necessary.
  4. Install an expansion tank, connected, if necessary, to the distribution manifold.
  5. Equip the system with measuring and control devices.
  6. Connect inlet and outlet pipes to all radiators. Connect a circulation pump to the return circuit (the device works better at low temperatures).
  7. Visually assess the quality of work and conduct tests.

If the calculations were carried out correctly and the assembly was carried out with due care, the heating system will last a long time, without interruptions in operation.

Is it difficult to develop a water heating circuit on your own? multi-storey building? Of course, there are difficulties in this matter, but in general, the key to a high-performance system is a competent combination standard solutions. We want to tell you about which heating system designs are optimal for a two-story house.

Open and gravitational systems - is it realistic?

No matter what fans of forced circulation say, yes, it’s real. In reality, most professionals consider if not permanent job on a natural flow, then at least the opportunity to maintain part of the productivity during a power outage.

The first thing you need to do is to aim at increasing the power of the boiler. Moving heated water against the force of gravity requires energy, and since only heat is used to create a pressure difference, much more of it will be required, and heat losses will naturally increase.

Another issue is the efficiency of the system. For heating large areas The flow rate of the coolant is important so that it has time to maintain the temperature until the last radiator in the chain. Gravity systems They are simply not capable of this, but they again maintain the flow even without a circulation pump, which means that at least the system will not defrost, and part of the house will even remain comfortable warm.

Heating system of a two-story house with natural circulation: 1 - boiler; 2 - expansion tank open type; 3 — feed; 4 — radiators of the second floor; 5 — radiators of the first floor; 6 - return

Acceleration of the flow is achieved by classical methods:

  • fairly steep pipe slope;
  • absence of sections with a counter-slope;
  • increasing the volume of coolant (pipe diameter);
  • minimizing turns and narrowing;
  • increasing the difference between the top and bottom points.

And yet, it is strongly recommended to abandon systems without forced circulation - they are too uneconomical, and besides, pipes can only be laid openly. Instead of overpaying for wasted fuel year after year, it is better to spend money once and organize uninterruptible power supply boiler room

Leningradka in a two-story house

Most classical schemes apply to multi-storey buildings and the one-pipe system is no exception. The supply riser rises from the first floor to the second. This pipe has largest diameter, equivalent to boiler pipes. The supply runs under all the radiators and after the last one is conventionally considered the return line. Since the pipe usually goes around the perimeter of the house, it is extended to the supply and lowered to the boiler in a common technical channel.

Another option is to lower the pipe to the first floor and run it in the same way below all the radiators and close it back into the boiler. For such a connection you need high power boiler and high flow rate, otherwise at 8-10 the radiator will no longer be enough high temperature. Therefore, it is optimal to make a floor-by-floor pipe distribution with the organization of two circulation circuits. If you want a clean Leningrad, think about a way to limit the flow in proportion to the distance of the radiators from the boiler, but remember that a single-pipe system always has a shorter wing length.

Radiators are connected to two points of one pipe without breaking. How more difference between the cross-section of the main pipe and the outlet, the less heat loss will be and the longer the line length. This connection allows you to turn the radiator into bypass mode and locally regulate the flow without affecting the overall operating mode - an impossible task for a classic single-pipe circuit.

Upper and lower wiring of a two-pipe system

With a two-pipe scheme, almost every radiator has a parallel connection to both the supply and return. This causes additional costs and an increase in the volume of coolant, but heat transfer is also possible over longer distances.

IN modern installation used combined option two-pipe system. The feed stretches across top floor, return along the lower one, they are connected at the very end by a pipe of nominal cross-section that closes the duct. The top radiator is powered from the supply, the next one is powered from its output, and so on until the last one, from where the cooled water is discharged into the return line. This is the most economical option two-pipe circuit for heating large areas. There is only one drawback - open pipe laying.

In another version of the two-pipe scheme, the supply and return are laid together. The radiators are connected at two lower points, which helps to hide the main pipes in the floor: since the wiring prevents the pipes from rising above the radiator, it is called lower.

Manifold systems and underfloor heating connection

Combine different types diagrams are very useful, it helps to “sharpen” heating system for various technical specifications. The technical implementation of such projects is simplified with the use of distribution manifolds.

The first type is a simple two-row comb with shut-off valves, which has a pair of outlets for each wing. Each of them can have a different number of radiators installed with an arbitrary connection diagram, but usually total number sections does not exceed ten.

The second type of collectors has transparent flasks with floats for visually adjusting the flow rate. Heated floor pipes and wings of different lengths are connected to such units; instead of ball valves, a valve regulator is installed on each line.

Manifolds for heated floors can be equipped with an additional recirculation pump and a general thermostat. This is very typical for multi-storey buildings, for example, when combining underfloor heating with radiators on different floors. The base coolant temperature is 60-70 degrees, which is very high for a heated floor. Therefore, the pump mixes in some of the return water, reducing the floor heating to 35-40 °C.

Construction of decoupling on collectors is also convenient when maintenance. You do not have to stop the entire heating system in the event of a breakdown, since each section can be switched off and drained selectively.

Boiler room equipment

Typically, collectors for all floors are installed in the boiler room. This is convenient; the cost of an additional two dozen meters of pipes cannot be compared with organizing space for a separate collector unit, and they are quite cumbersome.

The boiler piping is classic: there are shut-off valves on the outlets, and a mud filter on the return connection. The pump is installed in the return gap and tied with a bypass. The membrane expansion tank is connected to an arbitrary point in the system, and the safety group is connected to a supply pipe a meter from the boiler.

1 - boiler; 2 - security group; 3 - membrane expansion tank; 4 — heating radiators; 5 - shut-off valves; 6 - circulation pump with bypass; 7 - coarse filter

As always, it is recommended to piping the boiler room equipment steel pipes, having a lower coefficient of linear expansion than plastic. Packaging on a polymer thread using an anaerobic sealant would be preferable.

All that remains to be done to the heating system is to add drainage and water injection pipes at the lowest point of the system. If there is a heated floor, a pair of collector outlets are allocated for this purpose: drainage is performed through the return, and purging is carried out through the supply.

Radiator piping

There are no special tricks in connecting radiators. As expected, a Mayevsky tap is screwed into one of the upper outlets; hot water can be supplied through the second.

However, the lower side pipe supply will be more aesthetically pleasing. Modern word In this regard, single-point connection devices are considered, due to which it is possible to connect both the supply and return to the same lower outlet of the radiator.

Using the same principle, you can make a point-to-point connection, but only on one side. This harness looks less cumbersome, plus there are many standard solutions. Usually threaded connections on radiators no more than one inch, so they can also be packaged using FUM tape.

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