What kind of pot is needed for tangerine. How to care for a tangerine tree so that you can harvest sunny fruits on your own windowsill. Mineral mixtures based on potassium phosphorus and nitrogen

The evergreen tangerine tree has become a frequent guest of home greenhouses and winter gardens. Even in ordinary apartments you can find miniature ones citrus plants, because they not only delight the gardener’s eye with their greenery, but also give several dozen fragrant fruits every year. True, it is not easy to achieve a thick crown and abundant fruiting; there are special rules for watering, fertilizing and pruning that are necessary for a tangerine tree when caring for it at home. Certain difficulties in growing indoor citrus fruits can cause some trouble for the grower.

Growing a seedling from a seed

There is nothing easier than buying a ready-made grafted seedling from a fruit nursery or from an online gardening store. Most often, trees are sold with a closed root system: directly in pots or in a clod of earth, packed in a bag. In the second case, transplantation into a container will be required.

But for gardeners, growing a citrus tree from the seed of a ripe fruit is much more economical. In addition, many people get mental satisfaction from growing plants from scratch, although it takes much longer.

For germination, you need to select several seeds from ripe, juicy, sweet fruits to increase the chances of success. Tangerine seeds have good germination. As is the case with the seeds of many crops, it is advisable not to immediately place the seeds in the ground, but to soak them first. To do this, they are placed between 2-3 layers of clean gauze and placed on a saucer. The gauze needs to be moistened as it dries for several days until the bones swell. As soon as the first shoots hatch, it is time to plant the plants in the ground. If it is not possible to wait several days, then the bones are soaked for 2–3 hours in water with the addition of a few drops of Epin (a growth stimulant).

A bag of soil for citrus trees can be purchased in specialty stores. If there is no such thing nearby, then prepare the soil yourself by mixing leaf soil, rotted manure and turf soil. You can add to this mixture river sand. It is not recommended to add clay or peat to the substrate. Drainage (expanded clay, coarse gravel) and a soil mixture are poured into the bottom of a clean pot, container or other container. The seeds are planted to a depth of 5–6 cm. It is important to choose a place for the pot that is well lit, but without direct sunlight, so that the young sprout does not get burned. At favorable conditions The sprout will appear from the ground in 2.5–3 weeks. From this moment you can start feeding the future tree with organic or mineral fertilizers, because useful material They are washed out of the ground quite quickly when watering.

Caring for indoor tangerine


It is recommended to choose a brightly lit room as a permanent place for the pot, because without sufficient light, the decorative tangerine will not grow large and will be painful. It would seem that the easiest way is to place the container on the windowsill of the south side of the house, but this can lead to leaf burns. A more acceptable option would be to choose the southeast or east side. If the south side is the only possible variant to install a pot of tangerine, the plant will need shading on spring and summer days. But in winter, on the contrary, the southern window sill - a good place for a seedling. When daylight hours shorten in winter, it is necessary to turn on additional lighting - special phytolamps.

Temperature and humidity

The best temperature regime for tangerine seedlings is +15+18 °C warm time year, and about +12 °C in winter. In hotter weather, the tree begins to bear fruit worse - it blooms poorly, and weakly forms buds and ovaries. Air humidity is very important for tangerines: on hot, dry days in summer, as well as on winter days, when central heating dries out the air, it is necessary to spray the tree frequently, sometimes up to three times a day. You can place a bowl of water or another air humidifier on the windowsill (imitation of a waterfall, fountain, stream). Too dry air often provokes the appearance of pests such as mites, scale insects and others. During flowering, the tree should be sprayed carefully. To avoid moisture getting on the buds and flowers, it is better to replace spraying with regular wiping of the leaves.

Hardening. In order for the plant to become stronger, it should be hardened, that is, help adapt to changes temperature regime and lighting. To do this in spring time during the day you need to take the seedling out to the balcony for a short time or closed veranda(or at least open the window).


Indoor tangerine needs frequent watering. On particularly hot days you will have to water it 2-3 times a day. In winter, if the temperature is kept fairly low and the air is well humidified, watering twice a week will be sufficient. It is recommended to first pour water for irrigation into bottles or other containers so that it can settle and warm up to room temperature.

A tangerine tree will not die due to a short-term lack of moisture, since it will shed all or part of the leaves to reduce water loss. Fresh greenery will not grow on “bald” branches; it will appear only on new branches, so everyone tries to avoid unexpected leaf fall. But frequent overwatering of the tree with water is no less dangerous - fungal diseases can develop.

Transplantation and fertilizing

Growing and caring for a young tangerine seedling involves annual transplantation into a container bigger size. The root system of the tree grows very quickly, entwining a lump of earth over its entire surface. Replanting involves changing the drainage layer and adding soil mass. If, having pulled out a tree with a lump of earth, it becomes clear that there was enough space for roots to grow in the pot, then you can replace drainage layer, insert the tree back with the same lump of earth and add only surface layer soil. Annual transplantation is carried out before March, before the start of the growing season. The root collar should not go deep during transplantation; it should be ensured at the same level relative to the soil surface.

The entire growing season, from April to September, the seedling needs feeding. Every week it needs to be fertilized with mineral or organic fertilizers, you can alternate them. This is especially necessary for mature trees that grow in cramped pots, without replanting or renewing the soil.

So, one week you can water it with a solution of liquid mullein, and a week later - with a ready-made complex fertilizer “for citrus trees”, purchased in a store. IN ready-made composition nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus must be included. Before fertilizing, which is recommended to be done in the first half of the day, the soil should be watered. Temperature nutrient solution must be at least +20 °C. The recommended recipe for preparing the fertilizer should be strictly followed.

The rule here is: it’s better not to top up than to overfill. Excess fertilizer, its excessive concentration, leads to burns of leaves or stems and even death of the tree.

Caring for an adult plant

Let's look at how to care for an adult tangerine tree at home. Many of the above rules for caring for tangerine seedlings also apply to a grown plant. But as the tree grows, the need for periodic pruning of branches and pinching the tops of shoots is added.

Like all other trees, it is advisable to remove dried leaves, twigs, and downward shoots from tangerines. But these measures will not help to form a compact tree with a thick and lush green crown. They try to grow homemade tangerine as dwarf plant, therefore the crown is formed like a bonsai tree. To do this, the growing tips of the shoots are pinched (removed) at the desired length. For example, you can pinch the top of each sprout after 5 leaves appear. The so-called tops - shoots growing from the root - greatly harm the growth of the tree and the formation of a beautiful crown. They need to be removed.

Advice. In the first years of fruiting, in order to avoid unnecessary stress on the plant, florists recommend pinching the flowers of the tangerine tree. By leaving only a few flowers on the trunk, you can achieve large, fragrant fruits without depleting the plant.

An adult tangerine tree in a pot also needs to be replanted. Unlike young seedlings, it is enough to replant a fruiting tree after 2-3 years. During the procedure, the drainage and the surface layer of soil must be replaced and topped up required amount soil. It is advisable to disturb the earthen lump as little as possible.

When setting fruit, the tree trunk and fruit-bearing branches must be tied to a support to avoid them breaking off.

Reproduction of home tangerine

Most economical way get a tangerine tree seedling - grow it from a seed. But if there is already a tree, and the grower wants to get offspring from it, then he chooses one of the following methods:

  • Layerings. From an adult plant, select a branch with a thickness of at least 4 mm and a length sufficient to bend the branch and pin it to the ground (preferably in a separate, nearby pot). The branch is not separated from the bush, but is buried in the ground, with the top of the branch protruding to the surface of the soil. The digging area must be kept moist by adding a root-forming agent to the water several times. The branch is separated from the mother plant only when the cuttings form good new roots.
  • Air layering. The cuttings take root “in weight”. An adult shoot is cut in a circle, cutting off the bark 1 cm wide. The wound is treated with “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin”, wrapped with sphagnum moss and transparent polyethylene (loosely, in the form of a cone). This “pupa” must be kept constantly moist until roots begin to form (this may take several months). When the roots become clearly visible through the polyethylene, the rooted branch is cut off and planted in a separate pot. It is advisable to first create young seedling greenhouse conditions, covering the pot with a transparent lid or bag.

Pest Control

Even when providing tangerines with proper care at home, flower growers sometimes encounter problems such as pests. The most common are the following:

  • Whiteflies;
  • Scale insects;
  • Red spider mites.

All of them are capable of causing irreparable harm to the plant, therefore, when pests are detected or at the slightest suspicion of their appearance, you need to wipe the leaves or spray the entire tree with special preparations, for example, Actellik or Fitoverm. It is important to use insecticidal and acaricidal preparations in strict accordance with the instructions for use!

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What is it - indoor tangerine?

Indoor tangerine is an exotic plant. And probably every house has flowers on the windowsill, but for lovers of the exotic, simple aloe or violet may not seem enough. In this case, think about a plant such as indoor tangerine. First of all it should be said that this plant belongs to the genus citrus and is on a par with grapefruits, lemons, oranges, and limes. Indoor tangerine – evergreen rue class. Why is this exotic plant? The thing is that its appearance is very specific: indoor tangerine grows as a shrub or tree that can reach a height of five meters. Of course, this feature of the development and growth of the tangerine tree will repel many from the desire to purchase the plant, but today breeders have provided for this feature. Many people are interested in the question of how to make a tree fruitful and whether it is possible to eat fruits grown with one’s own hands. Most often, stores sell indoor tangerines already hung with fruits. It is not difficult to achieve fruit set at home.

Indoor tangerine grows as a shrub or tree that can reach 5 meters.

What is an indoor tangerine?

If you are planning to place a tangerine tree on a windowsill or balcony at home, then pay attention to low-growing or dwarf varieties that do not exceed a height of 1 meter. Of course, for the owner of greenhouses or private houses it will not be a problem to purchase a real tangerine tree. Otherwise, due to lack of space, you will have to constantly trim off excess branches and adjust the size of the plant. You don't need artificial pollination. But it is still not recommended to eat hanging fruits, because this result is obtained through the use of all kinds of fertilizers and fertilizers for the plant. Although even a non-blooming tangerine without bright fruits can attract you with its beautiful leathery corrugated leaves that stay green all year round. In this case, the survival rate of the plant will immediately increase several times. You need to take a cutting you like that has at least two leaves, dip it in the rooting agent and plant it in prepared moist soil.

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About the history of indoor tangerine

Indoor tangerine is not very demanding on moisture; frequent watering can lead to the development of various diseases.

If we talk about the popularity of this tree, it is second only to indoor lemon. If you believe the assumptions, then the tangerine tree comes from China or Japan. For many years this plant grew in the gardens of China, and was brought to Europe only closer to the 19th century. After this, indoor tangerines became extremely popular, because they were distinguished by their early fruitfulness and productivity. Moreover, unlike lemon tree Tangerine fruits have a sweet taste and are completely seedless.

So, you bought a houseplant you liked and brought it home. Now you need to choose the right place for further growth mandarin and create the necessary climatic conditions. After this, the planted sprout must be covered with half plastic bottle or film, but it is important to leave a few holes in the homemade greenhouse for ventilation.

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What is indoor tangerine?

This tree lives in in a regular pot for flowers and has a very spectacular look. First of all, this indoor plant owes its popularity to its bright fruits, which look very appetizing and decorate the tree for several months. Decorative tangerines attract gardeners during the flowering period: on the branches bonsai Pale white flowers bloom that have a wonderful aroma. There are varieties that begin to bloom in spring and continue to delight the owner all year round. Besides, experienced flower growers They love to experiment and grow decorative tangerines using the bonsai technique, resulting in a whole work of art from an ordinary plant.

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Caring for decorative tangerines at home

The optimal temperature for growth and development of indoor tangerine is 20-25 degrees.

There are standards that are accepted both for real and for decorative varieties plants. For example, both need good lighting and a moderate amount of direct sunlight. If there is insufficient light, the plant will begin to wither and noticeably slow down its growth and development. A sign of an incorrectly selected place for indoor tangerine is the absence of flowers or poor flowering. You can notice the malaise of the plant by the leaves that change color green color faded, and new tangerine shoots look sickly. Optimal place For indoor mandarin, southern, south-eastern and eastern windows are considered, while in the summer the plant must be protected from strong direct rays. In the summer, many housewives take the decorative tangerine to the balcony, where the plant will do just as well provided there is moderate lighting and temperature.

As for winter time, during this period try to choose the most illuminated place in the apartment for your indoor flower, with direct Sun rays with short daylight hours they will not harm the tangerine, but will only contribute to its development. Of course, there is not sun every day in winter, so flower growers recommend using artificial lighting as a regular phytolamp. But it is necessary to prepare the decorative tangerine for such a procedure gradually, otherwise, if after a cloudy day you place the plant under a lamp for a long period, it may shed its leaves due to a sharp change in the length of daylight hours.

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Watering indoor tangerine

Indoor mandarin is demanding on lighting. IN winter period Artificial lighting is required.

One more an important condition The content of decorative tangerine is soil moisture. This indoor plant has adopted from its wild relatives such a feature as tolerance to dry periods. If the period without watering lasts for a long time, then in extreme cases the tangerine will shed some of its leaves in order to retain moisture in the roots and reduce the area of ​​evaporation. Therefore, the biggest mistake when growing indoor tangerines is over-watering. This can cause not only the loss of the beautiful appearance of the plant, but also the development of all kinds of diseases.

To determine the exact amount of liquid you will need to water the tangerine, consider following features plants:

  • size of tree or shrub;
  • the size of the pot in which the tangerine is planted;
  • room temperature;
  • lighting intensity;
  • season.

Most of all, an adult plant needs moisture, which has a large number of leaves, grows in a large container, and the temperature is constantly above twenty degrees. It is recommended to water indoor tangerine in the first half of the day: it is at this time that it becomes more active. If the room temperature has dropped significantly, it is recommended to stop watering for several days until the soil is completely dry and the moisture has evaporated.

But not only the roots of the plant must receive moisture, the leaves must be sprayed regularly: in dry air, the decorative tangerine can wither and wither, and the risk of the plant becoming infected with spider mites also greatly increases. But during the flowering period, when watering, make sure that the water does not fall directly on the flowers.

Tangerine tree (lat. Citrus reticulata) is an evergreen plant, which means that it is quite unpretentious. Therefore, with proper care, you can enjoy its fruits within 2-4 years.

Where to place

Like all indoor plants, tangerine, first of all, must be placed correctly. IN heating season The tree should be kept away from batteries. Vacation home more suitable for placement ornamental trees, but in well-lit and humidified apartments, citrus fruits also take root.

tangerine tree photophilous, a lack of sun is detrimental to it and can lead to loss of foliage and even death. That's why perfect optionLight room with windows facing south, southwest or southeast. However, exposure to direct sunlight is also undesirable.

IN autumn-winter period the sun rarely pleases residents middle zone Russia, and even more so the inhabitants northern latitudes. Therefore, the plant will most likely require additional artificial lighting. Lighting around 2000 lux for 10-12 hours is enough for the mandarin to produce buds by the end of the season. By the way, tangerines bloom in May and bear fruit in October.

Citrus tree in the house. Watch the video!..

Warm or cold

No less important optimal temperature. At home, the plant requires coolness, 16-18°С will be sufficient. When too high rates inevitable fall of flowers. During the rest period, the temperature must be reduced up to 10-14°C. At the same time, tangerines must be protected from drafts. In summer, the tree should be taken out onto the balcony or terrace.

Air humidity is another key parameter on which the health and development of tangerine depends. Firstly, the plant needs to be sprayed (for old trees, it is enough to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth). Secondly, it is necessary to control the humidity in the room. The norm is considered to be in the range from 40 to 60%, but in the homes of most Russians this figure is significantly underestimated: during the heating season, due to the active operation of the batteries, the air dries out and the humidity barely reaches 30%. Therefore, in order to protect the plant, and at the same time your own health, it is highly advisable to purchase a special humidifier.

How to water

Water the tangerine with softened water at room temperature. " Water procedures"can only be repeated when upper layer The soil in the pot dries out. Do not allow water to stagnate, this can lead to rotting of the root system. From February to November, after watering, the plant should be fed with organic or combined mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus). It is advisable to refrain from using synthetic additives; in extreme cases, they can be alternated with natural fertilizers.

Among the representatives of the Rutov family, one of the popular fruits is the tangerine. On Latin name This evergreen plant sounds like Citrus reticulate. Mandarin belongs to the group of citrus fruits, which also includes such well-known fruits as orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc. During its development, the plant can acquire different shape- a bush or tree with a height of 5 m.

Indoor tangerine

Behind last years The cultivation of tangerines has become widespread in artificial conditions for which devices such as greenhouses, conservatories and winter gardens . If you wish, you can grow this evergreen plant at home on your balcony or windowsill. Today, a large number of varieties of dwarf and low-growing tangerines have been created that are ideal for these purposes, because when they reach the full phase of vegetative development, they have a height of no more than 0.6-1.1 m. If tangerines are grown at home regular varieties, then it requires pruning and shaping of the bush.

A tangerine grown in a pot can please any owner. Moreover, this is manifested not only in the formation of bright, appetizing fruits orange color, which can remain on the plant for several months. Many owners note the beautiful flowering of tangerine, because when the branches of the plant are covered with flowers white, it begins to emanate from them amazing aroma . Meet individual varieties tangerines, which begin to bloom from spring until late autumn. A true masterpiece is the tangerine, grown using the bonsai technique.

One of the advantages of indoor tangerine is that artificial pollination is not required for the formation of its fruits. The moment of their ripening occurs, as a rule, at the end of the year. If you don’t want to wait that long, you can buy an already mature plant in a pot with fruits. Although they look very appetizing, it is not recommended to use them for food. Still, such tangerines are mostly decorative, because to grow them, they add to the soil large quantities fertilizers Gives additional attractiveness to the plant leathery and corrugated leaves.

Varieties for growing at home

Before growing tangerine at home, you must first decide on a suitable variety.

Mandarin: home care

In order for home-grown tangerines to give you tasty and beautiful fruits, you need to properly find a place for it and take care to create optimal lighting.


Availability good lighting is one of the determining conditions that must be met regardless of the growing conditions of the tangerine. Tangerines grow best when exposed to a small amount of direct sunlight. If the plant does not have enough lighting, this will affect its growth, the number of flowers formed will be small, and in some cases the plant will not be able to enter the flowering phase at all.

Also, a lack of lighting affects the leaves, which take on a faded appearance; the emerging shoots begin to thin out, acquiring painful condition. For this reason, it is advisable to choose windows facing the east, southeast or south as a place to grow tangerines. At the same time, he needs to provide artificial shade from the midday sun. With the onset of summer, the decorative tangerine can be placed on the balcony for a while, helping it adapt to natural conditions.

The tangerine tree is cared for somewhat differently in winter, when the length of daylight hours is reduced. For plants, it is necessary to choose the most illuminated area, which receives direct sunlight. However, this does not always provide sufficient lighting. In this case you have to use artificial lighting. You can make up for the lack of lighting with an ordinary phytolamp, which is connected to a chandelier or table lamp. You should start adding light to the plants little by little. If the duration of daylight hours is immediately increased sharply, this can lead to plants shedding leaves.

Content temperature

For normal growth, decorative tangerines must be provided with temperatures in the range plus 20-25 degrees Celsius. When the tangerine enters the flowering phase, it is advisable to maintain the temperature at a level of up to 20 degrees to avoid the flowers falling off. In winter, plants need to create conditions for less active growth, so the optimal temperature for it will be in the range of 5-10 degrees. This regime allows the plant to accumulate enough strength over the winter to actively enter the flowering and fruiting phase with the onset of spring.

How to water and spray tangerines at home?

A tangerine tree grown on a windowsill has the ability, borrowed from its wild ancestors, to withstand long periods of drought. If the plant does not receive moisture for too long, this will lead to shedding of leaves, which will reduce the volume of evaporated liquid. Owners who decide to grow indoor tangerines have great difficulties with watering. It is necessary to select the correct rate of water consumption, since when high humidity there is a danger of developing fungal diseases.

For correct calculation the volume of water for watering a tangerine tree, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • plant size;
  • volume of container used for growing tangerine;
  • temperature environment;
  • length of daylight and lighting intensity.

As the leaf surface of a houseplant increases, amount of moisture evaporated Therefore, such plants need to be provided with moisture in a larger volume. In addition, the rate of evaporation depends on ambient temperature: As it increases, plants begin to release more moisture. Also, the volume of liquid evaporated depends on the length of daylight hours. Throughout the day, the tangerine tree has open stomata, which are formations located below the ground part, which are necessary for gas exchange.

Most the right time for watering indoor plants is the first half of the day, since it is at this time of day that the peak of plant activity occurs. Particular attention should be paid to the ambient temperature: as it decreases, the frequency of watering is reduced. In some cases, it is enough to water the tangerine once every few days if the temperature remains stable. within + 12… +15 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, plants only need a small amount of moisture to maintain their vital functions.

One of the recommended procedures that has a positive effect on the development of the tangerine tree is spraying the leaves. In conditions of low air humidity, the tangerine begins to feel uncomfortable, which may result in the risk of the plant becoming infected with spider mites. Therefore, during flowering, it is necessary to avoid getting moisture on the flowers.

How to feed tangerines at home?

In order for the tangerine tree not only to grow well, but also to bear fruit, it requires care, which includes the application of mineral and organic fertilizers. Since a container with soil is used for growing, which contains an extremely small amount useful elements, when watering, all these elements are washed away. Good food for tangerines can be: soluble or dry fertilizers.

You can start feeding indoor plants already in the first days of spring, when the length of daylight hours begins to increase. Moreover, the first portions should be small, which must be increased over time. This point needs to be given special attention, since it is in early spring There is an active development of vegetative and generative buds.

For their normal formation, the tangerine tree needs to be provided with additional nutrients. When growing plants in room conditions Fertilizers are applied according to the same scheme as for other indoor plants. Mandarin oranges should be fed in the first half of the day. The recommended ambient temperature for this procedure is no higher than + 18… +19 degrees.


Mandarin is exotic plant for our country, however, many owners have long learned to grow it at home. Many people are attracted to these evergreen plants not only by their orange-red fruits, but also fragrant aroma, which comes from flowers. Growing decorative tangerine indoors is not so challenging task, as it might seem at first glance. The main thing you need to take care of is to create optimal conditions for normal growth and development. At proper care very soon the tangerine will delight you with bright and beautiful fruits.

The tangerine tree is becoming increasingly common in gardeners' collections; caring for it at home is not particularly difficult if you follow the rules.

These are miniature citrus fruits with a neat and attractive appearance. The bright orange fruits are especially decorative, for which this plant is purchased.

You can buy a tangerine tree ready-made in flower shops or try to grow it yourself.

At the time of buying finished wood you should pay attention to whether it is really a tangerine. The fact is that sellers often offer calamondins instead. They are similar to tangerines, but do not have a pronounced citrus smell and taste.

That is why lovers prefer to grow tangerines themselves from seeds or purchase a seedling from a nursery.

The following species grow most successfully in indoor conditions:

  • Clementine is a hybrid; it produces a harvest in the second year, and an adult specimen produces up to 50 fruits per year.
  • Murcott - produces sweet fruits and is compact.
  • Shiva-mikan is fast-growing, compact, with small fruits.
  • Vasya - hybrids up to 80 cm tall, the fruits ripen in the second year.

If you decide to try growing a tangerine tree yourself, it will definitely thank you beautiful view and aroma.

Tangerine seeds germinate quite well, but they must be fresh and ripe for planting. The fruit is taken ripe.

  • We remove the bones.
  • We disinfect them. This is done to prevent mold from appearing.
  • The bones can be soaked in water with the addition of epin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • We take pre-prepared nutrient soil.
  • The seed is placed at a depth of 1 cm. You should not deepen it too much, otherwise the sprout will need more strength to break through to the surface.

The tangerine tree shoots appear in about 2 weeks. It is better to decide on the location of the tree in advance - it does not like to be moved.

Tangerine tree care

Proper care is the key to ensuring that the plant will live at home for several years.


Suitable for universal soil or specifically for citrus fruits. As soon as several true leaves appear on the sprout, it should be transplanted to permanent place. The substrate should be light, consisting of leaf soil, turf, humus, sand. Peat and clay soil are not suitable for tangerines. You must definitely remember about drainage - expanded clay, broken shards, large brick chips.

Where to place a pot with a tangerine tree

The tangerine tree needs bright light. However, care must be taken to ensure that the direct rays of the sun do not burn it. This is especially dangerous for seedlings and young trees, since their foliage is delicate and susceptible to burns. In a dark place, the tangerine will develop poorly and even lose some of its foliage. It will be even more difficult for it to bloom and bear fruit. The best windows for him: east, west, southeast, southwest. At noon, the tree is covered with a thin curtain or it must be installed so that the light is always uniform, diffused, but without direct sun. On the south side they are placed next to the window. The north window is not suitable for mandarin. In winter or dark room The plant can be illuminated with lamps. The most economical and at the same time brightest are LEDs. Regular fluorescent and flora lamps are also suitable.


The supply of moisture should be regular and uniform. The tangerine tree will tolerate drought, but may lose some of its leaves. Excessive flooding, especially in winter, can cause the death of a tree or the appearance of fungal diseases, which also leads to loss of foliage, decorative look, and if the watering regime is not followed further, the plant will die.

The need for watering is determined by the size of the container, air temperature, time of year, air permeability of the soil - the rate of moisture evaporation. To determine the need for water, it is convenient to plunge your finger into the ground. In a small pot, the need for liquid is determined by weight.

It is better to water in the evening in summer, in winter in the morning.

Low air humidity has a negative effect on the plant, so it is useful to spray the tangerine tree. Do this carefully during flowering. Drops of water on the buds can cause them to rot and fall off.


Mandarin grows successfully under normal conditions room temperature. During flowering, the best temperature is 18-20 degrees. In winter, the tangerine tree goes into a dormant period, the most comfortable temperature at this time – 5-10 degrees. This helps to gain strength and set flower buds.

Fertilizers for tangerines

Fertilizing is applied during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting. Suitable fertilizers for citrus fruits, potassium humate. Feed once every 2 weeks in summer. In winter, during the dormant period, fertilizers are not given; assimilate fully nutrients at this time the plant is not able to, which will adversely affect its development.

Fertilizers are applied after watering, preferably the next day, diluted in the recommended dose and not exceeding it.

Excess fertilizer is much more harmful than a small deficiency. Excessive feeding inhibits growth and development and can cause leaves to fall and diseases to appear.


In nature, tangerine grows freely, but at home it should be shaped. This is done not only for beauty, but also for full fruiting. A neat tree is obtained by controlling the growth of shoots; they are periodically pinched at the level of 5-6 leaves. Strong, fatty, fast-growing shoots can slow down the appearance of buds; they are also removed. Branches growing inside the tree are also removed.


Mandarin is propagated by seeds and layering. Air layering mature specimens that are well formed reproduce. You can try propagation by cuttings by placing them in water.

To achieve a harvest, the tree is grafted. This is done in the spring, in May-April. You will need the following:

  • The rootstock is the tree itself on which the graft will be made.
  • A scion is a sprout from a healthy, fruit-bearing plant.

At approximately a height of 7 cm, a sharp T-shaped incision is made, which should preferably be disinfected. The bark is slightly pushed back, and the resulting incision is placed on the scion. After which this place must be treated with garden varnish.

Some gardeners prefer to simply tie it with thick fabric. Next, the plant is placed in a greenhouse or put on it plastic bag. It will take about a month to germinate.


The young plant is replanted once a year, after root system will completely entwine the earthen ball. The pot is taken with a diameter of 6 centimeters wider than the previous one.

When the tree reaches the age of 7 years, replanting is done once every two years, since its growth is no longer so fast.

Can't plant right away young plant into a large container, this will slow down growth and can lead to rotting of the root system, since big pot It takes a long time for moisture to evaporate and acidification of the soil occurs.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring and not during flowering to avoid bud drop. After transplantation, fertilizing is resumed a month later - the new soil contains all the necessary nutrients.

Diseases, problems in growing

The tangerine tree gets sick if the rules for caring for it are not followed.

Yellow leaves:

  • Bay
  • Lack of nutrients.
  • Excess fertilizer.
  • The appearance of pests: spider mites, aphids.

Dropping leaves:

  • Excessive drought.
  • Draft.
  • Bay
  • Rearrangement.
  • Errors during transplantation.
  • Lack of lighting for a long time.
  • Dormant period - sometimes in winter the plant may remove some of its leaves.

It is important to monitor air humidity. The Mandarin will not like being next to central heating radiators.

Sometimes the plant can be attacked by pests:

  • Spider mite.
  • Mealybug.

First aid - wash the plant warm shower using laundry soap. It may hold back reproduction of pests, but will not destroy them completely, so special preparations are used.

From aphids, scale insects - Aktara. From spider mite– Fitoverm. Actellik – effective and strong remedy, but it is not recommended for indoor use.

If you see small jumping insects on the surface of the soil, these are podurs; they appear when the soil is waterlogged. The first action is to dry the soil; perhaps this measure will allow you to get rid of them completely. Additionally, the drugs Grom 2 and Aktara can help. Also, when flooding and using homemade fertilizers, water may appear above the pot. fungus gnats– sciarids. The same drugs are used for them as for foolishness.

Overall, tangerine is quite easy to care for and is a good addition to the interior. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the climate, refreshes the air and releases aromatic substances.

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