How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen, hallway, bathroom: photo ideas. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen: the best options for successful disguise Where to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen

When renovating their kitchen, every owner strives to make the room not only stylish, practical, but also less cumbersome. The imagination of kitchen furniture designers is limitless, and modern kitchens can perform many functions, expand and, conversely, fill space. However, in the process of renovating a kitchen, everyone faces the same problem of how to hide gas pipe. Lay bricks in the wall or under plywood sheet pipe is strictly prohibited, based on safety regulations. There are several effective and completely safe methods pipe decor, and you will learn about them further.

Since gas is not something to joke about, there is no need to take risks and experiment with pipes in the kitchen. There are several ways to solve this problem.

  1. Hide the gas pipe behind the kitchen furniture. This is any cabinet that conveniently hangs on the wall. It is hollow inside, specifically to hide the pipe there. This method does not violate any safety rules, because access to the pipe will still remain. In another case, when the pipe is closer to the ceiling, you can hang kitchen cabinet immediately below it and thus it will camouflage the pipe.
  2. You can make a separate, so-called cover for the pipe. Externally, this case will look like a box that hides imperfections, but such a box will not play a practical role in the kitchen. As an option, you can make a box from moisture-resistant plasterboard, which can then be easily painted and wallpapered.
  3. Similar to the battery in the room, the gas pipe in the kitchen can be closed metal screen. They look like grids white, or just white boxes that are hung on pipes.
  4. The most budget-friendly way to hide the gas line in the kitchen from view is by painting. As a rule, pipes are painted to match the walls. By the way, gas workers approve of this method of decoration, since an integral part of the operation of gas pipes is their coloring. The paint prevents the formation of corrosion.
  5. You can hide a gas pipe in the kitchen decorative panels made of plastic, metal, glass or wood. Using a screwdriver, you can secure the panels to the pipe, which can then be easily removed.
  6. A special rail will allow you to visually hide the pipe. When the pipe is placed horizontally on the tabletop, you can place spice racks on it, hang spoons, scoops and towels.

DIY plasterboard box

This is the most popular way to decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen. Even a non-professional can install a plasterboard box; you just need to stock up on a set necessary tools, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

You will need:

  • moisture-resistant cardboard in sheets;
  • metal profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal scissors.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. In order to reliably hide gas pipes in the kitchen, you need to correctly determine the size of the structure. The box must be made in such a way that it can be easily removed if necessary.
  2. Install metal profiles in a vertical position and secure it to the wall with self-tapping screws.
  3. Measure the distance between the profiles, and using the measurements taken with a pencil, draw a sketch on sheets of drywall. Next, cut out the blanks.
  4. Using self-tapping screws, secure the sheets of drywall between the existing profiles.
  5. Crevices and uneven joints can be removed using polyurethane foam.

The main box is ready. All that remains is to decorate it with finishing. If desired, you can paint the box, cover it with wallpaper or tiles.

Advantages this method decor:

  • ease of installation;
  • gas meters can also be successfully hidden behind such a design, it is only important to choose the right size of the box;
  • aesthetic appearance.


  • it will not be possible to save space in the kitchen due to the bulkiness of the design;
  • rules gas safety violated, since the pipes must be open;
  • During subsequent renovations in the kitchen, the plasterboard box will have to be removed.

Box made of chipboard or MDF

Chipboard (chipboard) is quite easy to work with and produces little waste, debris and dust during production. Used for bonding plates metal corners or profiles. In order not to make the body initially, you can purchase a ready-made box. Creating a frame from chipboard is carried out according to the same principle as with plasterboard.

The box is removable and can be covered with wallpaper or painted. We should not forget about the installation of inspection hatches.

Decor of a gas pipe in the kitchen with roof rails

One of the following will help you close the gas pipes in the kitchen. original options decoration of interfering communications in the kitchen - railing.

As a rule, gas pipes in the kitchen are located vertically or horizontally along the wall where the tile “apron” is located. Usually this space is not filled with cabinets; the pipes are located directly between the surface of the table and hanging furniture. In this case, it is very appropriate to use railing technology.

A kitchen rail is a hanging system that can be conveniently placed on gas pipes. On a special profile with hooks and stands you can place various kitchen utensils.

In order to fit part of the gas pipe into the railing system, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Clean the pipe so that it has a metallic shine.
  2. Coat the pipe surface chrome paint. It is advisable to apply paint in several layers.
  3. Next, your imagination should be included in the process. Hooks and stands must be placed above the surface of the pipe. It is important not to attach decorative elements to the pipe, but to do it in such a way that it visually appears that the objects are hanging on the pipe.

Ways of unusual decor

If your goal is visual extension kitchen space, then bulky cabinets are not for you. Try to use your imagination, and we will tell you a few unusual options gas pipe decor in the kitchen:

  1. Thick pipes can be hidden with mosaics. So stylish and unusual design solution will significantly decorate and “revive” your kitchen. You can paint fancy patterns on communications. For example: in the form of a tree trunk or a flower field. Use a stencil and other interesting devices.
  2. You can decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen using the decoupage technique. All you need is beautiful napkins, office glue and varnish.

Manufacturing technology:

  • Use sandpaper to thoroughly clean the pipe. Then color it;
  • buy multi-layer napkins. Take one and soak it in glue. Then one layer of the napkin must be carefully smoothed over the surface of the pipe with a brush. By the way, the variety of types of napkins today allows you to choose them even according to the style of your kitchen;
  • Continue decorating in the same order. When everything is ready and the glue on the napkins has dried, cover everything with colorless varnish.

Gas pipe painting

Experts remind that the gas pipeline, both in the apartment and on the street, should always be painted. This is the first requirement in the list of conditions for correct behavior with gas equipment.

The reason for painting is to protect pipes from corrosion. Under the influence of time and moisture, condensation in the apartment and precipitation on the street, the already fragile metal is destroyed very quickly. This leads to the formation of holes in the pipes.

  1. For painting gas pipes, it is recommended to use chemically resistant primer enamel.
  2. Before painting, use a knife or sandpaper to clean the pipes from rust and old paint. For greater strength, you can apply an anti-corrosion primer to the pipes; it is sold in hardware stores.
  3. When the primer is completely dry, you can begin painting with enamel.
  4. To distribute the coating more evenly throughout the pipe, you can use a can of paint instead of a brush. In this case, it is necessary to protect the wall from paint getting on it.

If you live in a private house, then the gas pipeline on the street must be painted in bright identifying colors, in accordance with the safety rules of the gas distribution and gas consumption system. This is yellow enamel. For pipes in a room, you can choose the paint color depending on your desires and needs.

Transfer of pipes

The original layout of an apartment very often does not suit its owners. People are starting to think about how to arrange their premises with maximum comfort, so that it is both comfortable and stylish. A separate conversation concerns the kitchen, where an important and integral part of the interior is the gas main, which consists of several pipes and is most often located on one of the walls with a large and bulky meter. If you can’t hide the pipes behind cabinets and roof rails, then, as an option, you can perform a redevelopment. It is not recommended to carry out such work on your own; for this you need to invite a specialist from the gas service.

If you are going to move a gas pipe in the kitchen, you need to know a few rules:

  • pipes cannot be laid in a residential area;
  • It is also unacceptable to place communications in ventilation shafts;
  • It is forbidden to sheathe pipes tightly with plywood;
  • Gas pipes should never cross a window or doorway;
  • distance between pipe and electric cable there must be at least 25 cm in the wall when they are parallel.

Stages of work execution

In order to completely hide the gas pipe in the kitchen from view, you must first inform the gas service of your intentions for approval. And only after the specialists approve your plans and a special drawing of pipe transfer with all measurements and calculations is drawn up, you can begin work in the following sequence:

  • The gas supply valve to the apartment must be turned off;
  • to remove the remaining gas from the main line, it is necessary to purge the pipes;
  • then use a metal jigsaw to carefully cut off the interfering section of the pipe, and weld the cut section;
  • Drill a hole in the main pipe with a drill required diameter;
  • Weld the end of the pipe into the resulting hole. At the other end set gas tap. Remember to use sealing tape when attaching the faucet to the pipe;
  • When the tap is installed, make connections to the stove and gas water heater. To do this, use flexible hose for gas;
  • To prevent the new section of pipe from wobbling, secure it to the wall with clamps or brackets;
  • if there is a gas meter, it must be done in compliance with a 3 percent system slope. The slope is made from the meter;
  • the main work has been completed. All that remains is to open the gas supply valve;
  • when everything is working, check the system and all connecting nodes for possible gas leaks. Dilute a concentrated soap solution in a separate bowl. Apply with a brush to all joints. If bubbles appear, this means that there is a gas leak and the joints need to be tightened.

Eat important points, which you should always remember when performing any manipulations with the gas line in the kitchen.

  1. According to regulations, gas pipes and meters must be located within the line of sight of residents.
  2. At any time, access to communications must be open so that the gas supply can be shut off at any time in the event of an emergency.
  3. It is prohibited to move gas pipes without the consent of specialists.
  4. If you want to hide pipes behind cabinets, then choose furniture without back walls.
  5. Following the rules of safe behavior with gas is much more important than following the instructions of fashion designers. Remember, covering pipes or walling them up in the wall is prohibited and dangerous.
  6. It is not allowed to attach any objects to the pipes, from spice racks and towels to heavy cabinets.
  7. Can't be hidden in closets geyser, if there is one. Otherwise, you will need to provide good ventilation.
  8. There are many options for decorating gas pipelines; all you need is a little imagination. However, before starting such important works always consult with specialists and then you will undoubtedly be able to create an ideal, stylish and safe interior.

How to hide a gas pipe. Video

Safety standards strictly prohibit hiding a gas pipe in a wall. Gas is a flammable medium, so the pipeline must be visible.

But, on the other hand, such an object does not add aesthetic perfection to a modern kitchen.

Something needs to be done with the pipe, within the framework of the current rules. There is a way out; the pipe can be decorated in a variety of ways.

There are a lot of ideas, and if you add a bit of your own imagination to them, the result will be excellent.

Dependence of choice on various factors

To decide on the method of decorating a gas pipe in the kitchen, you should consider some factors:

  • gas pipe mounting location;
  • features of the room layout;
  • desired style;
  • resources intended to solve the problem.

The most popular methods are presented below.

Application of the railing system

If anyone doesn’t know, a railing system is a railing pipe and various accessories, devices and devices suspended on it. It is possible to use a gas pipe in this capacity, taking certain precautions.

Firstly, it is not recommended to overload it or upgrade it.

Secondly, such use is possible if the pipe is in the required location and placed horizontally. If the pipe is above work area kitchen, you can paint it with the required paint and hang hooks with utensils.

Another option for using a railing system is to position the rails so that they hide the gas pipe as much as possible. The latter will only need to be painted with the required paint, which will make it as invisible as possible.

Application of plasterboard box

Plasterboard box – ideal option in order to hide the vertically located part of the gas pipe. Drywall is easy to process even for novice DIYers.

To complete this work you will need:

  • drywall itself;
  • a knife used to cut drywall;
  • CD-profile is a rack profile, it is a specially shaped aluminum strip for fastening drywall;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • impact drill or hammer drill;

  • if you don’t have a screwdriver, just screwdrivers will do;
  • self-tapping screws for drywall;
  • tape for sealing joints;
  • putty;
  • roulette, building level, spatula.

The work algorithm looks like this:

  • Prepare and install the profile near the gas pipe. To strengthen the resulting frame, it is recommended to use crossbars.
  • Prepare pieces of drywall according to previously made measurements and calculations.
  • Mount the box and secure it with self-tapping screws. Tighten the screws carefully, but without using excessive force.

  • The use of joining tape will create the effect of integrity of the box. Glue it carefully.
  • 5. Putty the surface of the drywall. After the putty has dried, it must be sanded with high-grit sandpaper.
  • Decorate the box to your taste, from simple painting to using ceramic tiles.
  • Don't forget on initial stage will install doors where access to meters and fittings is needed.

Whether it is legal to use drywall or not when it comes to a gas pipe is a moot point. But if you do not make an armored structure, access to the pipe will be normal.

Kitchen cabinets

Kitchen cabinets and pencil cases, if you do not put a back wall in them, can hide both horizontal and vertical gas pipes. But in this case, furniture will have to be made only to order, taking into account the layout of the kitchen and the location of gas pipes in it.

Wall cabinets are easy to remove, and access to meters and fittings will be free, because there is no back wall.

Simple ways to decorate a gas pipe

If you don’t have enough money for serious decisions on decorating a gas pipe, you can use budget ways, moreover, not requiring too much time to implement.

If we are talking about paint, hemp rope or similar inexpensive things, then the pipe can be:

  • Paint the same as the walls. The pipe will become almost invisible.
  • Paint it a bright, eye-catching color (or color composition). Then the pipe will become an independent object of the interior, and it is possible even that it will become the center of the composition.
  • Wrap with rope, with knots and at an angle. It looks good and is often appropriate.

  • Stick on tourist magnets. Then the refrigerator door will regain its original appearance.
  • Decorate with artificial flowers.
  • Decorate with bamboo stems.
  • Cover the pipe with fine ceramics.
  • Hide it in a stainless steel casing.
  • Paint with original patterns.

There are a lot of such options, it’s a matter of taste. It is important to remember that it is undesirable to violate the integrity of the composition.

Photo ideas for decorating a gas pipe in the kitchen

When starting a kitchen renovation, you want to make sure that all surfaces and details look harmonious and are as functional as possible. However, in apartments and houses with gas stoves And heating boilers There will inevitably be a problem with masking gas pipes. According to the requirements of building codes, access to these communications must be unobstructed. There are several options to solve this problem. The choice of a specific solution depends on the solvency and preferences of the owners.

Budget solution to the problem of decorating gas pipes

Those who are significantly limited in funds can solve the problem of masking a gas pipe with simple painting. The paint can be selected to match the wall against which it will be located, or it can be made in a contrasting design.

A gas pipe will not decorate the kitchen interior

In order for a painted pipe to have an attractive appearance, its surface must be prepared. For this you will need:

  • spatula;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer for metal.

Attention! Under no circumstances should electric grinders be used for such work. Intense overheating of the pipe walls can lead to dire consequences.

After the surface is cleared of old paint and primed, it is sanded again and painting begins.
For a high-tech interior, chrome paint is a good choice. A pipe painted in this way will look very similar to a chrome surface.

Attention! When choosing paint for pipes, you should definitely pay attention to what surfaces it can be used on.

Unusual decoration of gas communications

In addition to plain coloring of gas pipes, you can apply a decorative ornament or pattern to their surface that will fit into the overall design picture. The simplest option is birch trunk coloring. This solution would be appropriate for a kitchen whose design is in a natural or rural style.

Sometimes it will be appropriate to upgrade a gas pipe using scrap materials. For example, you can wrap it hemp cord or twine. In order for the cord to hold well vertical pipe, it must be wound tightly, without any loose areas. Over time, when such decor loses its visual appeal, it can be easily removed or replaced.

Some craftsmen use it to decorate gas pipes. decoupage technique. But this approach requires special care. The cheapest way for these purposes is to use ordinary paper napkins with a pattern you like. To work you will need:

  • napkins;
  • glue;

First, the pipe is coated with glue and then wrapped with a napkin. In order for the cellulose to be well saturated with glue, it is coated on top again. To increase the service life of the coating, it is secured on top with varnish. By the way, the functions of decoupage films can be performed by leftover regular wallpaper, with which the walls in the kitchen are covered. In this case, it is also advisable to open the surface with varnish after gluing to extend the life of the decor.

Plasterboard box for masking pipes

A common option for “hiding” pipes is to use drywall. To do this, a decorative box is mounted around the pipe on metal frame. If you have a little experience working with this material, you can easily assemble such a structure yourself. To do this, you should stock up on the following materials:

  • moisture-resistant drywall;
  • metal profiles;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • joining tape;
  • putty.

The set of tools for such work is also not particularly complicated:

  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • metal scissors;
  • drywall knife;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • set of spatulas.

The box assembly technology involves the implementation of the following stages:

  • First, vertical or horizontal (depending on how the gas communications are located) profiles are installed along the pipe. For these purposes, a CD rack profile is usually used. The UD guide profile is used less frequently.
  • Based on the basic profiles, the rest of the frame is assembled.

Advice. In order for the structure to be rigid, transverse crossbars are required on all sides of the box. If the box runs horizontally under the ceiling, then you can additionally use a direct perforated suspension for the CD profile (sometimes called a “pawn”).

  • Now under assembled frame Parts of the required sizes are cut from a large sheet of drywall.

  • Installation of parts is carried out using self-tapping screws.

Advice. To ensure that the heads of the screws are not visible in the future, when screwing them in, they are slightly recessed below the plane of the plasterboard part.

  • In order for the box to visually represent monolithic structure, the joints of the plasterboard parts are glued with joining tape, and the entire surface is puttied and cleaned.
  • The final stage is application finishing coating. It could be paint, tiles, wallpaper or something else.
    Using a similar scheme, a decorative box can be assembled from plywood, chipboard, plastic or any other sheet material.

Advice. You can use it to assemble the frame wooden beam. But such a design can become deformed over time under the influence of vapors, the presence of which is typical for the kitchen.

In order to have access to the taps and to monitor the condition of the pipeline, inspection holes are initially designed on it.

The main advantages of this method of masking pipes are the relative ease of implementation and low cost. If it is necessary to repair or replace pipes, the box can always be quickly dismantled.

Cabinets as elements of a “camouflage system” of gas pipes

Often used to hide pipes kitchen furniture. Wall cabinets are best suited for horizontal sections of pipes, and pencil cases are best for vertical sections.

In order for the pipes to occupy as much space as possible less space in the internal volume of cabinets, it is best to make furniture “to order”. In this case, the manufacturer either does not install the back wall at all or makes a cutout in it of the appropriate size and configuration. Also, cutouts are made in the cabinet walls at the entry and exit points of the pipe.

The advantage of this option is that the pipe along almost its entire length will be freely accessible, and there will be no need to provide additional technological openings for access to the taps. Also in such a closet you can easily hide gas meter. You just need to correctly design the appropriate element of kitchen furniture.

Advice. It is better not to make cabinet doors in which gas pipes are hidden transparent. Through such facades, pipes can be visible.

Protozoa wall cabinets you can do it yourself by ordering chipboard cutting from a specialized company, and complex designs It is better to entrust it to specialists.

Using roof rails

On many modern kitchens to save money internal space cabinets and bedside tables, a railing system is used, located in the area of ​​the kitchen “apron” (part of the wall from the countertop to the lower part kitchen set to hanging cabinets). Essentially, this is a set of tubes and shelves on which, with the help of hooks, hangers, clamps, various kitchen utensils. This method also saves housewives time, eliminating unnecessary efforts to find the right accessory.

If quantity kitchen tool, which is planned to be placed on the rails is small, then you can horizontal pipe use for these purposes. You just need to bring it into proper shape. For this, the same chrome plating paint is usually used. But it’s better not to overload the pipe (there is a separate paragraph about this in the relevant building codes) and hang the railing so that it masks the pipe. That is, the gas pipe will become, as it were, part of the railing system.

Thus, the problem of how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen is not absolute. There are many options for solving it. Moreover, this can be done to suit any room design and with minimal financial costs. You can involve professionals in this procedure, or you can do without on our own and the simplest set of tools that anyone has home handyman. You just need to have a little imagination and artistic taste.

Box installation: video

How to disguise a gas pipe in the kitchen: photo

Today, in the kitchen area there are many engineering communications, among which gas network, heating structure, cold and hot water supply systems, ventilation and sewerage. All this together ensures a comfortable and convenient stay in the kitchen. But communication elements must be disguised so that they do not spoil the interior of the room.

The choice of how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen depends largely on the financial capabilities of the property owners and their wishes.

Masking gas communications in the kitchen

When choosing an option for hiding gas pipes, they certainly take into account compliance with safety standards and the nuances of laying communications.

There are generally accepted rules for hiding gas pipeline elements:

  1. Move pipes, meter and others constituent elements systems are allowed provided that the project is developed by specialists and approved by the relevant authorities.
  2. Gas equipment must be installed in a clearly accessible and visible place.
  3. In some buildings it is prohibited to close gas pipelines.
  4. The ability to hide pipes in a groove depends on whether or not it is possible to install easily removable structures for this purpose.
  5. When laying communications, only materials intended for this type of work are used.
  6. When hiding gas pipeline elements indoors for various purposes It is prohibited to attach any heavy objects to them.

Practice has proven that specialists know best how to disguise a gas pipe in a kitchen or other place, so this work must be entrusted to them.

Simple techniques for masking gas pipes

To hide a pipeline in an apartment or house, you can use one of the inexpensive and uncomplicated options - there are many ideas. For example, pipes are painted to match the color of the walls. This option will not completely hide them, but the wiring of communications will become less noticeable.

If you need to hide the pipeline near a window, you can cover it with curtains. Sometimes decorating pipes in the kitchen is done using toys with magnets, but in this case, cleaning the room will be more complicated.

From a pipe laid vertically, it is easy to form a trunk onto which to attach plastic leaves or draw tree branches on the wall to go with it.

If you hide a gas pipe in the kitchen using the decoupage technique, you will get original item interior This will require multi-layer napkins, PVA glue, paint and acrylic varnish.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The pipes are cleaned and painted in the desired color.
  2. The napkin is cut to size and separated from it top layer. Then glue is applied to it - you need to wait until it sticks and dries.
  3. Next, varnish is applied to the structure to obtain shine.

Communications laid at the level flooring along the walls, can be disguised using drywall. This option is well suited for rooms decorated in eco-style or for interiors with a marine theme.

In this case, the space where the gas pipes are located is fenced off with a structure made of metal profiles and HA sheets, and the resulting depression is filled with something - for example, it can be pebbles.

How to hide pipes with a box

The possibility of using this method of masking a gas pipeline depends on the size of the room and the features of its layout. You will need to build a special box, which is a solid structure made of aluminum profiles and sheets of material. To create panels, you can use plastic, plasterboard, plywood, MDF, etc.

To do this, you need to prepare in advance:

  • profile;
  • sheets of moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • scissors for metal work;
  • electric screwdriver.

Whether it is possible to cover the gas pipe with plasterboard depends on the availability of space the right size under future design. The fact is that the distance between communications and the frame cannot be less than 10 centimeters. You should also ensure free access to the tap.

Assemble a horizontal box for masking pipes in the kitchen or bathroom in the following order:

  • markings are applied to fix the profiles;
  • the frame is attached to the walls and floor;
  • pieces of drywall of the required size are cut using metal scissors;
  • the parts are fixed to the profiles.

If necessary, viewing windows are installed. At the final stage, they begin to decorate the box, for which the structure is primed, painted to match the color of the walls, or covered with wallpaper, or covered with tiles.

Options for decorating gas pipes

There are many ideas on how to decorate a pipe in the kitchen using panels, furniture and other techniques for masking gas pipeline elements.

To make a pipeline invisible using plastic panels, you must use the information described above regarding the construction of a plasterboard box. Similar technology is used, but different materials are used.

The question of whether or not to close the pipes in the kitchen needs to be decided at the design stage of laying communications. For example, you can lay them in the walls. This type of installation is rarely used, but this option is acceptable in some cases. To do this, grooves are made in the walls and pipes are laid in them. When arranging the floors, plasterboard or plastic panels are used.

In this case, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • panels should be easy to remove;
  • rigid fastening to the walls is unacceptable;
  • panels should be made of light weight and non-combustible materials;
  • Metering devices, control and locking elements should be placed in a visible place.

Technology based on the use of roof rails helps to make the most efficient use of space in premises for various purposes. These devices are designed for placing accessories and equipment on the walls.

Before you decorate a pipe in the kitchen, you need to make sure that there are no dangerous gas equipment factors. For example, you need to be sure that the structure being hung is not overweight.

It is advisable to attach railings - shelves for jars, hooks for towels, etc. – to the walls so that the illusion of their placement on a gas pipe is created. First, it is cleaned to a shine or coated with paint. At the same time, light objects can be placed directly on the pipe, since it is made of steel and is durable.

Another good solution is to disguise communications with pieces of furniture. When purchasing them, you should think through all the nuances.

Choice optimal option Closing the pipes depends entirely on the personal preferences of the property owner.

One of the main concepts modern renovation can be stated this way: all communications must be invisible. Everything is hidden under finishing or in other ways - from water risers. But how to cover gas pipes with plasterboard, and is it possible to do this? You can hide it, but according to the rules and regulations of use gas appliances under no circumstances is it possible. Minimum "tight" covered with plasterboard gas pipes are threatened with a fine, or, at most, a shutdown of supply.

There are many options for solving this problem, everyone usually decides for themselves how the pipe with the riser will be hidden, but how to do this using?

What can be done with gas pipes and risers without resorting to plasterboard structures:

  1. Hanging furniture with a cutout for the highway will cost more, since you will have to do individual order on the closet.
  2. Decorate under one of the design elements, for example, a tree trunk.
  3. Elementary to match the overall tone of the kitchen design.
  4. Contact the gas service with a request to move the riser from the kitchen.

Such solutions have their drawbacks. It is not always possible to hide gas pipes in wall cabinets, since their location can be very inconvenient.

Design options for hiding a gas pipe

To do this, you will have to contact the gas company and change the position of the pipe, and this is due to unnecessary costs. Painting and decor also do not always fit into the design, and the presence of taps on the riser will simply ruin general view. Is it possible to solve such a problem using plasterboard structures, without violating the maintenance rules?

Solution - plasterboard box

The gas pipe in the kitchen can be closed in, but leaving access to the main line, connections and taps. This design is very easy to assemble with your own hands using standard and or.
An example of a box made of moisture-resistant plasterboard for a gas pipe. Any available or planned material can be used as lining of the box:, or. It is worth remembering that it is important to provide access to the highway. It will not be possible to completely hide the pipeline by closing it “tightly”.

To gain access to gas pipes and risers, you will need to plan and assemble either a removable hatch, which will be finished with the same materials as the entire kitchen, or hang a door.

If the pipe is located horizontally, it can be hidden in, leaving the entire lower part of the main open. Moreover, with finishing in the general tone of the kitchen, it will be possible to hide or fit such a closing box into the concept of renovating the room.

Kitchen design with a closing box

Drawing for placing a box for a gas pipe made of plasterboard. Utilities in this case allow the use similar designs. These options solve all problems at once.

  • the box will camouflage the gas pipeline well, hiding it from view;
  • All taps will be within direct access;
  • the structure will be ventilated, which in case of a leak will prevent the gas mixture from accumulating and causing an explosion.
  1. Drywall. It is best to use a moisture-resistant type of sheet in the kitchen; it perfectly withstands moisture and prevents the formation of fungus, due to the antiseptic additives contained in the composition.
  2. Metal profiles. You need to buy and. It is better to choose from leading manufacturers with a wall thickness of 0.5–1 mm and good zinc coating.
  3. Fasteners. Black 18–20 mm long, connection bugs metal parts frame to attach the guides.

  4. , And . The box will need to be covered with a primary layer finishing material for further decoration. Best to buy universal mixtures, and not separately starting and finishing. Perforated corners at the same time, they are needed to level and strengthen the edges of the structure.
  5. Hammer or drill. They are used for drilling holes for mounting guide profiles; you should take care of good drills of the required diameter. Moreover, if the house is block or panel, then it is best to use a hammer drill.
  6. Screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws. You can replace it with a drill with variable speed control, but this is not very convenient.
  7. Roulette for marking.
  8. Spatulas for applying putty to the finished box.
  9. Decorative materials are chosen according to individual taste and in accordance with the design of the room.

You also need to buy one, but it will be completely replaced by a regular stationery one with a spare set of blades. Full list necessary equipment selected by individual requirements. So, how to assemble a box and close a gas pipe in the kitchen?

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How much weight will it bear? wall plasterboard

Work algorithm

Almost any plasterboard product is assembled on a frame, which is then sheathed with material. The walls around the gas pipe must first be prepared and marked. All old trim and furniture must be removed, cleaning all surfaces. If there are dilapidated and fragile areas, they need to be restored. After that, they begin to mark the lines where the guide profile will be mounted, from which the base will be assembled.

The process of marking a wall for installation of a plasterboard box

  1. According to the markings, the CD guide profile is fixed, through which holes are drilled for mounting dowels-nails. The spacing of the attachment points is 250–300 millimeters. It is worth remembering that the type of dowel is selected according to the wall material. If they are made of soft aerated concrete, then so-called “crocodiles” are needed.
  2. Rack profiles cut to the required sizes are inserted into the guides and they are connected together with clamps.
  3. External corners are again made from UD guide profiles, connecting two at a time, with shelves facing each other. Small ones are suitable as fasteners. Diagram of an external corner for a plasterboard box
  4. Corner guides are mounted to the racks, connecting along the way with bugs.
  5. To ensure the rigidity of the entire box, it is worth inserting several transverse (or rather, longitudinal profiles). They are cut to size and cut to the required length. side shelves. These parts are also attached to the resulting structure with self-tapping screws.
  6. To fasten hatches or doors in order to have access to the inside of the box, wooden inserts can be placed in the guide rails; they are fixed with self-tapping screws or press washers. An example of fastening a door in a plasterboard box
  7. Drywall is cut to the size of the edges of the resulting box and attached to the frame. When screwing in self-tapping screws, you need to control the pressing force on the screwdriver so that the head of the fastener does not break through the cardboard. But, in this case, the attachment points should be slightly “recessed” into the surface by 1–1.5 mm.
    Attaching drywall to a false wall frame in the kitchen
  8. and glued with serpyanka. You need to putty all the places where the screws are screwed in. When plaster mixture When it dries, it is sanded with sandpaper with a grain size of 120–160.

  9. Next, you need to glue the profiled corners on the edges of the box and plaster the entire surface. Ready under decorative finishing such a box will appear after the final grouting of the dried plaster mixture.

Watch the video: how to hide pipes in a drywall box.

Thus, niches are also assembled onto horizontal pipelines, leaving the lower planes uncovered. After decoration, such a box will fit very well into overall design kitchens, hiding communication lines.

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