How automatic safety systems for gas boilers work. Main functions and types of automation for gas heating boilers The meaning of automation for gas boilers

, are devices characterized by increased hazard properties. If such a device is not used correctly, it can cause problems such as:

  • spontaneous combustion resulting in fire;
  • people can get carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • Gas poisoning may occur due to leakage;
  • an explosion may also occur.

To prevent such dangerous situations, which can lead to human casualties, all processes that take place in heating boilers are placed under automatic control. Automation for gas boilers exercises vigilant control to ensure that all systems work clearly and smoothly.

All installations that provide heat to homes and premises and operate on natural gas are certified only if they have a high safety class, and this is achieved only through the use of automation for gas heating boilers.

What is automation for a gas boiler

After the launch occurs gas boiler, control over its operation is assigned to a specialized device, which begins to operate within the framework of the program embedded in it. One of the main points of using automation for gas boilers is to ensure the safe operation of the device. And also all models automatically regulate the maintenance of the required and preset heat temperature in the rooms.

According to their own functionality Automation for gas boilers is divided as follows:

  1. devices that are volatile;
  2. devices in which control devices are volatile.

The first type uses models that require electrical energy; they have quite simple design and work on the principle of residuality. A pulse signal is received from a sensor that controls the temperature, also called a temperature sensor, and a valve operating on an electromagnetic principle, following the instructions of such a signal, closes and opens, thereby either interrupting the gas supply or, conversely, provoking it.

The second type includes energy-dependent devices that operate based on the properties of the physically used substance, the one that circulates inside the circuit of the device itself.

When a substance heats up, it expands, creating pressure inside the unit itself, which increases. And also, under the influence of increased pressure, the boiler itself, which runs on gas, comes into operation. When the temperature drops, compression occurs accordingly, and the chain works in reverse action.

What is the operating principle of automation?

If we take into consideration the principle by which the device’s security system works, then an unambiguous conclusion will be drawn from this - the main points of the entire design are:

  • safety valve;
  • main valve

They are responsible for stopping the gas supply to the working chamber. They also open up fuel access. All automation for gas boilers is built on this principle.

The only difference is that there are functions that are additional to the operation of devices that are equipped with automatic adjustment.

That is, the device itself works due to the interaction of both valves.

Basically, all systems operate according to the following scheme:

  1. The regulator is placed in the position necessary for the temperature to begin to rise for heating the room.
  2. A signal is sent to the sensor that the system is working.
  3. The shut-off and modeling valves begin to regulate the amount of fuel flow. As a result, the intensity with which the boiler heats up is established.

In order to understand how all these internal processes occur, it is necessary to consider the very design of the automation device for gas boilers.

It is better to dwell on this point in detail, because then the question is which boiler to choose for home heating on gas, it will be more clear. It will also be possible to purchase the most effective model with a high safety threshold.

Automation design

All internal equipment of automation for gas boilers, which is used when installing a heating system, can be divided into categories, there are only two of them:

  • the first category is those devices that ensure the safe and reliable operation of all boiler equipment;
  • the second category is those devices that can significantly increase the comfort when using the boiler.

Safety automation for gas boilers consists of the following elements:

  1. the module that provides flame control. It consists of a thermocouple and a gas valve that works like an electromagnetic valve and shuts off the fuel supply;
  2. there is also a device that protects the system from overheating and maintains the required temperature; this task is performed by the thermostat. It independently, if necessary, turns on or off the boiler at those moments when the temperature approaches the specified peak levels;
  3. the sensor that controls traction. This device works based on vibrations depending on how the position of the bimetallic plate changes. It, in turn, is connected to a gas valve, which stops the gas supply to the burner;
  4. there is also a safety valve, which can be responsible for discharging excess coolant (for example, air or water) in the circuit. Some manufacturers immediately provide an element that helps dump excess.

The devices included in the security system are divided into the following types:

  • mechanical;
  • and operating from a power source.

They operate either under the influence of a drive and a controller that controls them, or are coordinated electronically.

Automation provides the user with more comfortable functionality, which is additional:

  1. automatic ignition of the burner;
  2. flame intensity modulation;
  3. self-diagnostic functions.

But this functionality is not limited to internal structure models.

In some design features models have such additions as sending data and processing it by an electronic system on equipment equipped with controllers and microprocessors. Then the following situation occurs: based on the received data, the controller itself begins to adjust the commands that activate the machine’s system drives.

Mechanical automation of a gas boiler also requires detailed consideration.

  1. The gas valve is completely closed and the heating installation is inoperative.
  2. In order to start a mechanical gas boiler, the washer is squeezed out, allowing the fuel to start and opening the valve.
  3. The valve opened under the influence of the washer and gas flowed to the igniter.
  4. Ignition is in progress.
  5. After this, gradual heating of the thermocouple begins.
  6. The electric shut-off magnet is supplied with a voltage that ensures its open position so that fuel access is not blocked.
  7. Mechanical rotation of the washer regulates the required power of the gas heating device, and the fuel in the required volume and with the required pressure is supplied to the burner itself. The fuel ignites and the boiler unit begins to operate.
  8. And after that, this process is controlled by a thermostat.

How the security system works

The installation of a security system in a gas boiler machine is a necessary attribute, since all internal processes take place under its control.

The following points are automatically adjusted:

  • gas pressure is adjusted;
  • if the values ​​fall below those set by the manufacturer or user, then fuel access is blocked. This is achieved by the locking mechanism lowering the valve;
  • if the operation of the module depends on energy sources, then pressure control is carried out through a relay that fluctuates depending on the pressure. They consist of a kind of membrane secured by a rod. And when the pressure stabilizes, the membranes take a position that helps open the contacts that provide power for heating installation. But if the pressure returns to normal, the contacts close again and the installation works;
  • ensuring a flame in the burner. If there is no flame, the thermocouple quickly cools down and the production of the required current stops. And the damper, operating on an electromagnetic principle, stops the supply of fuel to the burner itself;
  • the presence of the necessary draft in the channel that provides smoke removal. When the thrust decreases, the bimetallic plate takes on a different shape due to heating. The rod that connected the sensor and the valve takes the system out of operating mode. The supply of fuel to the burner stops;
  • the presence of a thermostat that monitors fluctuations in the temperature of the coolant itself circulating in the circuit. Almost everyone responding modern requirements safety systems are equipped with relays and sensors that guarantee control of the presence of coolant inside the circuit.

But you need to understand that automation for gas boilers requires preventive inspections by specialists, because even the best automation can fail for many reasons. But if it is periodically inspected by a master, then the system should work flawlessly.

What functions does automation perform for gas boilers?

The functionality provided by automation for gas boilers is quite wide. It extends from simple start-up and control to temperature control in different rooms on many levels. It all depends on the chosen model. You should focus on what requirements the buyer has for installation.

Which is better to choose: electronics or mechanics?

Of course, a simpler system is used mechanical control, and in advanced installations everything is based on the principles of electronic regulation.

But the whole question is that the electronic system receives uninterrupted power, otherwise you can be left with a good installation, but without heat. Therefore, it is better to solve this problem by a specialist.


Of course, only the user will decide what is more convenient for him, but boiler manufacturers advise first inviting an engineer to assess the volumes and calculate what installation is needed. After all, sometimes there is no point in installing a huge, expensive heating system, and sometimes it is an absolute necessity.

The safety of a heating boiler depends, first of all, on a uniform and uninterrupted fuel supply. Unfortunately, in gas appliances Domestic products often have problems with gas pressure.

And since gas is an explosive substance, imperfect boilers are equipped with an automatic monitoring system for timely and uninterrupted fuel supply.

Automation for gas heating boilers is both a control unit and related elements that control the operation of the boiler, preventing leakage and a possible explosion due to it. Automation controls fuel supply and shutdown, flame ignition, stability and uniformity of pressure.

The main working units in the gas boiler automation device:

  • Sensors for monitoring the presence of gas and the heating force of the heating system.
  • Gas valves.
  • Control unit with microprocessor.
  • Security system.

The operating functions of the system can be changed depending on the selected device. New improved regulators control the boiler operation process in full. There are models that can adjust the heating strength, taking into account weather conditions. Also, most automation models for gas boilers are equipped with a control unit that evenly distributes heat flows to several heating systems.

The first heating boilers were produced in 1894 by the Vaillant company. The founder of the company, Johan Vaillant, a talented engineer and enterprising businessman, lived in Germany, in the city of Remscheid. The official launch of the company was 1874.

Main types and advantages of automatic devices for gas heating boilers

Today there are two types automatic devices for heating boilers: volatile and non-volatile. Which of the two groups of automatics for a gas boiler is better, we will consider in detail.


This group includes mechanical devices for controlling work processes inside the boiler. Advantages of this group:

  • these devices have a lower price;
  • manual adjustment is not difficult to operate the device;
  • The device units are completely autonomous and do not depend on electricity.

The principle of manual adjustment: the arrow on the temperature scale sensor is set to the desired temperature. After turning on the boiler in operating mode, the thermostat controls the set temperature. A thermocouple, which is a transducer that measures operating temperature, are two metal rods (an alloy of iron and nickel) that respond to changes in temperature. Depending on the temperature value, the rod either decreases or increases. Since the rod is connected to the valve, the valve, under the influence of the rod, accordingly increases or decreases the fuel supply to the burner.

Two sensors have been added to modern mechanical automation units: thrust and flame.

Electronic devices

A volatile device is an electronic device that regulates the gas supply using a tap. What are the functions of this type of automation for a gas boiler:

  • close and open the gas supply valve;
  • set automatic boiler mode;
  • monitor the operation of the burner using a temperature sensor;
  • in case of an unusual situation or a programmed shutdown, stop the boiler operation;
  • visually demonstrate the operation of the boiler, water temperature, etc.

In the most modern electronic devices, the functions have been expanded, adding:

  • control and monitoring of pump operation;
  • protection of the heating system from low temperatures;
  • protection of the heating system in case of valve failure;
  • independent diagnostics and identification of defects in individual elements of the device.

Thanks to this innovation, there is a guarantee of uninterrupted operation of the boiler in compliance with conditions and temperatures. And the fault diagnosis system will help keep the device working much longer, because it is easier to prevent than to make major repairs. These are compelling arguments when asking: which automation is better for gas boilers.

To prevent any problems during a power outage or power surges, you can protect yourself by installing a stabilizer and an uninterruptible power supply.

Operating principle of the gas valve Eurosit 630

Eurosit 630 is a device that regulates the fuel supply, has a modulating thermostat and the function of fully turning on the main burner. The valve for the gas boiler Eurosit 630 is a non-volatile device that allows the boiler to operate on liquefied gas or from a gas holder. The device comes in various modifications and is used on almost any equipment that consumes gas.

Any automatic gas burner device equipped with a EUROSIT valve is started up manually. Let's consider the principle of operation of the device. Before operation, the fuel system is closed by a solenoid valve. We press the washer-regulator, the valve opens, and the fuel chambers are filled with gas; the gas rises through a small fuel line to the igniter.

Next, without releasing the puck, turn on the piezo button and light the igniter. The igniter heats up the temperature-sensitive element in 10-30 seconds, which produces a voltage capable of keeping the solenoid valve open. After this, you can release the puck and turn it until desired value and open the fuel path to the burner. The burner in the device ignites independently from the igniter.

Automatic gas burners for heating boilers then autonomously maintain the set temperature, and human intervention is not necessary. The safety of operation of such a burner is ensured by combining the gas combustion design with a fan.

The operating principle of the Eurosit 630 device is presented in this video:

Main characteristics and operating principle of the SABC system

SABC gas boiler safety automation is a system designed to ensure safe, efficient and economical operation of the equipment. The system is pneumatic and does not depend on the electrical network; it is installed on non-volatile structures. It is noteworthy that the system can work not only on gas boilers, but also on devices operating on solid fuel and on combined boilers.

The operation of the gas automation safety system is based on sensor indicators: coolant temperature, firebox; presence of traction; gas pressure. The system takes into account any change in values, their deviation from the norm.

SABC automation consists of the following elements:

  • gas pressure regulator;
  • sensors: draft, combustion, temperature, pressure, thermocouple, pressure gauge, etc.;
  • fuel supply blocking element;
  • gas burner design;
  • a control unit that controls and directs the operation of the heating system.

To understand the principle of operation, it is necessary at the same time to briefly familiarize yourself with the main details of the system. So, on the control unit there is a handle, when turned, the lever mechanism exerts pressure on the gas valve. As a result of turning on the gas valve, the burner starts. Afterwards, the system sensors are activated, taking readings of temperature, thrust and other operating values.

Each sensor immediately reacts to changes and deviations from the norm in its indicators. For example, a draft sensor is a plate that, when the draft indicators decrease and, accordingly, the temperature in the chamber increases, deforms and puts pressure on the valve that closes the gas supply. The temperature sensor works in the same way. As you can see, automation of boilers makes it possible not to monitor the operation of devices hourly, relying on the autonomous operation of the system.

All work on connection, configuration and preventive inspection is carried out only by a specialist with the appropriate qualifications.

Popular manufacturers of SABC equipment for gas boilers

There are a wide range of automatic security systems on the market; let’s talk about the most popular ones.

The first automatic float regulator was invented in 1765 by Russian inventor, mechanical engineer N.I. Polzunov. The regulator was used in the steam boiler of a piston machine at a mechanical plant in Barnaul; the device maintained a given water level.


The automatic device “Vakula” has a Eurosit 630 gas valve as part of its design. Depending on the digital marking of the device, some of its parameters change, for example, for the “Vakula 20” device the digital index means power.

Main characteristics of "Vakula":

  • the ignition burner is activated thanks to a piezoelectric part;
  • adjustable temperature range – from 40 to 90 degrees;
  • the main gas flow and gas supply to the ignition burner are regulated;
  • when the fuel pressure decreases, the device does not stop working;
  • automatic shutdown of the device in extreme situations (gas shutdown, traction problems, etc.).


The Arbat device can be used in gas boilers and furnaces with gas burners.

Advantages of this device:

  • maintaining water temperature from 42 to 92 degrees;
  • shutting off the gas supply to the igniter if there is no flame for up to 60 seconds;
  • automatic shutdown of the burner in the absence of fuel supply;
  • in the absence of vacuum in the chimney for up to 60 seconds, automatic shutdown of the gas supply;
  • the ability to shut off the gas flow to the main burner during ignition of the pilot.

Some possibilities for gas boilers with power up to 50 kW:

  • the device is non-volatile;
  • if the flame of the pilot burner goes out, there is no vacuum in the chimney or there is no fuel supply, the main burner is turned off;
  • the location of the device in the room does not play a role in its performance; this automation is suitable for floor-standing gas heating boilers;
  • The device has several setting ranges and can operate on liquefied gas.


The most used device is “Orion 20”; it is equipped with an electric traction sensor and piezoelectric ignition.
Opportunities and features of Orion:

  • when the burner goes out or there is no draft, the gas supply is turned off;
  • there is a function to immediately stop the gas supply to the boiler;
  • a decrease in temperature provokes the independent resumption of operation of the main burner;
  • the ability to automatically switch to flame reduction mode when the set water temperature is reached.

German-made automation Honeywell is one of the first brands of boiler automation. Functions performed by the device:

  • temperature support in the range from 40 to 90 degrees automatically;
  • automatic shutdown of the boiler in the absence of fuel supply;
  • shuts off the fuel supply automatically when there is no flame on the burner.

These systems have a fairly high cost and an equally high reputation. The device most often uses a Eurosit valve; the devices are designed for different segments of the population: there are economy-class devices, and there are premium-class ones.


SABC automation manufactured in Ulyanovsk, Russia, has four levels of protection in extreme situations, namely:

  • turning off the gas device in the absence of gas supply;
  • stopping the gas supply if there is no burner flame;
  • stopping the gas supply if there is no traction;
  • reduction of gas and flame supply when water overheats.

The device is convenient to install in any chosen location, and it also has a built-in pressure stabilizer, which allows you to more accurately regulate the operation of the gas burner.

Features of operation of automation in gas heating boilers

For safe use and long service life, it is necessary to follow a number of rules when using gas heating appliances. Before turning on the device, carefully read the user manual; gas is not to be trifled with.

All work on installation, connection, settings, including firmware of the control unit must be performed by specialists licensed for such activities.
Regular inspections of the device by a technician, diagnostics of the microprocessor of the control unit, and viewing of reports from the device’s memory module are required.

Inspect for defects or wear individual parts. It is extremely rare to completely change the automation; all parts can be changed as they wear out.
If serious damage is detected, repairs should be carried out. During this period, heating appliances should not be used.

The main causes and methods for troubleshooting automatic gas heating boilers: is it possible to fix the breakdown yourself?

The most common malfunctions of gas boiler automation devices and their causes:

  • The pilot burner torch does not ignite - possible damage to the electrodes, burner, or clogged filter.
  • The pilot burner torch goes out immediately after releasing the thermostat knob - the thermocouple is broken or there is a malfunction in the draft sensor.
  • The main and pilot burners go out at the same time - the problem is in the gas valve.
  • If the coolant overheats, the system does not turn off the boiler - the temperature sensor is defective.
  • Unauthorized shutdown of the system is a problem in the chimney.
  • The flame of the burners is not stable, it will not heat up to the required temperature, the appearance of soot - long-term operation without scheduled inspections.

Methods for troubleshooting automatic gas heating boilers should be sought by specialists who are qualified and authorized to work with gas appliances.

Gas boilers are a necessity in private homes, and sometimes an alternative central heating in apartments. To choose heating device should be taken seriously: it must be safe and easy to use.

The basic principle of operation of gas boilers is based on the fact that when gas is supplied to the boiler, electronic ignition or piezo ignition is turned on. The spark ignites the igniter, which burns constantly. Supplying gas to the burner in the absence of a burning igniter is not allowed - such a situation is dangerous with an explosion. The igniter ignites the main burner, which heats the coolant in the boiler to the specified parameters. After this, the automatic system turns off the burner. As the temperature in the boiler decreases, the temperature sensor (thermocouple) gives a signal to the valve to supply gas. And the burner lights up again.

Automation for floor-standing boilers such as Buderus Logamatic 4211, 4212.

Boilers modern production As a rule, everything is equipped with systems automatic regulation. Automation of gas boilers comes in varying degrees of complexity. These systems are designed to ensure the operation of equipment (boiler) without the participation and constant supervision of people. Automatic boiler systems perform various functions, including:

  • safety;
  • automatic on/off;
  • control based on various criteria: time, weather and others.

According to this, all boiler automation elements can be divided into several groups, in accordance with its type, design and functional purpose.


Gas fittings are an actuator, one of those that execute commands from the boiler control circuit. Changes in gas valve regulators trigger the processes of starting and stopping boiler equipment, as well as adjusting its power. The main purpose of gas fittings is to provide safe work boiler


Boilers with built-in gas burners are equipped gas valves with the main function - to open and stop the gas supply to the burner. Such boilers include, first of all, wall-mounted gas boilers . They can also include floor standing boilers equipped with atmospheric gas burners.

Minimum pressure switch (gas)

Honeywell brand gas valve for low-power boiler equipment

Gas burners are designed to be used at rated gas pressure - that's what they are designed for. It is with these indicators that the declared useful power of the boiler will be ensured. With a decrease in gas pressure, a drop in power is also observed. Boilers equipped with atmospheric gas burners are sensitive to a decrease in gas pressure - the pipes may burn out. The falling gas pressure leads to the “settling” of the flame so that the metal part of the burner appears in the zone of the torch itself. And this can lead to breakdowns.

To protect the boiler and burner, a minimum gas pressure switch is used. The relay turns off the boiler when the pressure drops below the set value. The limit value can be changed when setting up the boiler. The gas pressure switch is structurally a kind of membrane that acts on a group of contacts. When the pressure decreases, the membrane moves under the influence of a spring and the electrical contacts switch. Switching the contacts breaks the electrical circuit, which precisely controls the operation of the boiler. The power supply to the gas valve stops and the boiler stops working. When the gas pressure is restored, the membrane will return to its original position, the contacts will switch again - and the boiler will be ready to start again. But other processes are subsequently determined by the logic of the actual control automation, and they may vary. Relay minimum pressure are mounted at the gas inlet into the boiler directly in front of the multiblock. Or in front of the front gas valve.

Dungs brand gas valve for heating boilers floor type

Maximum pressure switch (gas)

Relay devices for maximum gas pressure are designed to protect boilers from possible overheating or from the danger of destruction due to an uncontrolled increase in pressure on the burner. This can lead to an increase in the size of the torch itself and ultimately to burnout of the combustion chamber, which is not intended for this. In addition, gas valves may not close as gas pressure increases. A rise in pressure can also be caused by a breakdown of the gas fittings on the supply line.

The relay is connected in series with the minimum pressure switch in the electrical circuit. This is done in such a way that the operation of any of them somehow turns off the boiler. The design of the relay is similar to the first one.


Thermostats for boilers heating systems are perhaps one of the relatively simple electromechanical devices used in the control circuits of this equipment. Their main purpose is to maintain the specified parameters of the coolant temperature in the boiler. It is also possible to have maximum and minimum threshold limits for this temperature. Thermostats, therefore, can be classified as both control devices for automatic boiler equipment and safety devices.


Controllers are special electronic devices that are designed to implement a rather complex algorithm for controlling a heating installation under changing conditions external environment. The controllers are different in their functions and capabilities. But all of them have special temperature and pressure sensors installed. The controllers are well classified. They are distinguished by control algorithms, by control objects, by direct integration with the boiler, by communication capabilities, etc.

Useful video

The boiler room contains two boilers (models Vitoligno-100 and Vaillant). Heating controller brand Kromschroder E8.0634. When the Vitoligno-100 boiler is flooded, the operation of the second boiler (Vaillant) stops synchronously. The drive closes the heating pipe of the gas boiler, connecting the pipe of the solid fuel apparatus. A solid fuel boiler operates on a storage tank, from which it supplies the heating system with hot water. When the boiler ends, the tank’s operation also ends, the temperature drops to less than 30 degrees. The gas boiler turns on again, and the heating system receives heat from it directly. The water in the boiler is heated from the storage tank if its temperature is above 50 degrees. In case of lower temperatures, a gas boiler provides hot water. The entire system operates automatically. Two heating circuits: one radiator type, the other - underfloor heating type. A pair of mixing units are installed.

Security automation

Minimum and maximum coolant pressure switch

An important element in the boiler safety system is considered to be protection against an emergency decrease in pressure in the pressure system. A fall can occur due to various reasons, including leakage, breakage expansion tank or failure of safety valves. Low pressure of the coolant can cause it to boil in the system, as well as airing it, which can lead to the cessation of circulation through the boiler and, as a result, to overheating.

Protection against such falls can be provided by installing a special relay (minimum pressure) on the pipeline next to the boiler. It is a membrane on which the coolant presses. The membrane is connected to the whole system electrical contacts. When the pressure in the system drops below the set values, the contacts switch. The minimum setting point is selected valid values coolant pressure at which the system will be operational. The relay is electrically connected to the general burner control circuit. If the pressure drops, the burner will stop.

No less dangerous is an excessive increase in pressure. For emergency stop When the boiler pressure increases above operating values, a maximum pressure switch is used. It is similar to a minimal relay, but only has the opposite purpose - it switches contacts above the setting point. The relay is also included in the electrical circuit of the burner.

Both types of relays come with automatic restart and manual restart.

In the first case, when the parameters are normalized, the electrical contacts return to their original state and the boiler automatically resumes its operation.

In the second case, operator intervention will be required to start the relay. Typically this type of relay has two contacts. One is connected to the burner, the second is connected to signaling device(lamp, buzzer). When the relay is triggered, the panic button will turn on.

Coolant presence sensor

Other boilers can fail even during short-term operation in the absence of coolant. To prevent such situations, a sensor for the presence (or absence) of coolant is designed. This is especially important for electric boilers with heating elements. The sensor is installed either next to the boiler or inside. It is included in the control circuit of the device and closes the contacts only when the block is filled with coolant. The most common devices are reed switches and conductometric sensors.

In the first, the magnetic core is built directly into the float, which, when floating, closes the contacts only in the presence of liquid.

The second type of sensors are special electrodes placed in the hydraulic circuit. When the boiler is filled with coolant, current sometimes flows between the electrodes. A closed circuit is a sign of the normal coolant situation and a signal about the operation of the boiler.

Boiler priority relay

Most boilers for domestic use have the ability to connect to electrical diagram goal governing DHW cylinder. This involves, among other things, connecting the power supply to the circulation pumps and switching them. For correct execution algorithms for the operation of heating system pumps and boiler (which aims to prioritize water heating), a special boiler priority relay is used. This is a device that switches the power circuit of the pumps according to commands from the boiler control circuit. A relay is structurally a couple of groups of contacts controlled by a coil. The relay is used together with a socket, which is mounted in the boiler. The entire load is attached to the base. When installing a relay base, the priority of the DHW system is ensured. Without such a relay, both thermal loads operate independently.

Gas boiler room in a private house: VIDEO


Self-repair of damaged boiler automation is not only unpleasant, but most often almost hopeless, since boiler passports are not written for these purposes. And without an exact knowledge of the circuit and all the intricacies of the automatic system design, it is better for a common person (not an electronics engineer) not to even start. Of course, I will not be opening America if I say that the best solution would be to initially buy a boiler with reliable automation from a reputable manufacturer, so you risk running into trouble less.

When choosing a gas boiler for heating a country house or cottage, it is necessary to take into account many factors: the area of ​​the house that needs to be heated, the number of circuits, the expected consumption of hot water (in the case of a double-circuit boiler), the possibility of connecting a heated floor circuit, etc. In addition, one of the most important aspects that must be taken into account when choosing a boiler is the automation installed in it. In this article we will analyze the main functions of the automation systems that modern boilers have. This will help you understand what these functional modules do in practice, what you really need, and what is not worth paying extra money for.

All automatic components of gas boilers can be divided into two groups:

  • Protective automation
  • Automation for convenience

Protective automation

Automation units from the first group, as its name suggests, are designed to protect the boiler and the room in which it is installed. These devices stop the gas supply in the event of an emergency.

Gas control

This usually means "flame control" burners. When the burner goes out, the gas supply must be stopped. This is a basic protection function that is present in all boilers.

This automation module consists of two units: a gas supply valve and a thermocouple (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Thermocouple and solenoid valve

Thermocouple is a passive temperature sensor, i.e. does not require external power. It consists of two soldered conductors from various metals(Figure 2.). When the soldering point is heated, a thermo-emf is induced in the conductors; in other words, a small voltage arises, sufficient to open the gas supply electromagnetic valve.

Rice. 2 Operating principle of a thermocouple

That is why, when starting the boiler for the first time, you need to hold the ignition button for several seconds - the time during which the thermocouple will have time to heat up and sufficient voltage will arise on it to maintain the gas valve in the open position.

Do not be confused: in the description of the boiler, this automation unit is usually called “gas control”, however, it would be more correct to call this function “flame presence control”, because Other automation components, which we will consider later, can also turn off the gas supply in an emergency.

Boiler thermostat

Thermostat is a device necessary to maintain the set temperature of the coolant. It turns off the boiler when the set temperature is reached and turns on when the temperature drops below the set threshold. The thermostat handle has several modes, each mode corresponds to its own coolant temperature.

Rice. 3 Thermostat

If the boiler is electronically controlled, the temperature can be set using the user terminal and shown on the display.

The thermostat can be considered a device that regulates the operation of the boiler, but it also performs protective functions: protection against overheating and freezing. This is achieved by having the thermostat have upper and lower threshold values. When the coolant temperature reaches the upper emergency threshold, the boiler turns off to avoid overheating. When the lower emergency threshold is reached, the boiler turns on at maximum power to prevent the coolant from freezing.

It is worth keeping in mind that if “thermostat” is written in the list of technical characteristics of the boiler, this means the presence of a control thermostat. The overheating protection function is present in any boiler, even if it is not specifically indicated. But frost protection is present only in those boilers where this function is specified in the characteristics.

Traction control

The draft intensity must be sufficient to completely remove combustion products from the room in which the boiler is installed. If there is insufficient draft, combustion products accumulate inside the room, which is dangerous to human health. When the draft control sensor (Fig. 4) is triggered, a control signal is generated to stop the gas supply and turn off the boiler.

Figure 4. Traction control sensor

When installing a heating system, the draft is checked by a technician, but the draft may deteriorate during operation for many reasons (contamination of the exhaust pipe, etc.). Therefore, draft sensors are an important component of the boiler safety system.

Safety valve

Rice. 5 Safety valve

Necessary for releasing excess coolant from the system when its pressure increases above permissible limit. This situation is possible with a sharp increase in the temperature of the water (coolant) in the system. This can lead to damage to the boiler and other components of the heating system. Therefore, it is better to purchase a boiler with a built-in safety valve or install it separately.

Automatic air vent

When a heating system is put into operation, air inevitably gets into it, which can be quite difficult to get rid of. In addition, air can accumulate in the system during operation. It interferes with the normal operation of the heating system, creates noise and bubbling in the pipes. The air vent (Fig. 6) automatically releases all the air accumulated in the heating pipes. It cannot be called a mandatory node, but its presence in the system greatly simplifies the user’s life. Therefore, the best solution would be to choose a boiler with a built-in air vent.

Rice. 6 Air vent

Automatic transition from an external power source to an autonomous one when there is a power outage in the network

This function is only relevant for energy-dependent heating boilers. If the external supply voltage fails, the boiler can be powered for some time from the backup battery. Automatic input of backup power is especially important if the boiler is often left unattended by the owners. For example, in the case of a country house, to which the owners come only on weekends.

After considering the automation modules belonging to the first group, we can draw only one conclusion: you should not skimp on security. When choosing a gas boiler, make sure that it has all the necessary protective functions. If some of the modules are missing, and the boiler with them is much more expensive, find out whether these modules can be delivered to the heating system separately. Perhaps this will allow you to save money.

Automation for convenience

The second group includes modules that allow you to completely or partially relieve the user of participation in the boiler control process. This automation ensures the selection of optimal boiler operating modes, increasing its efficiency and energy saving.


A boiler with automatic ignition allows the pilot burner to be ignited automatically. In order to ignite the boiler without automatic ignition, the user usually has to press the piezo ignition button and hold it for a while, after which the igniter burns all the time. In a boiler with automatic ignition, the pilot burner is turned off when it is not needed and automatically turns on when necessary. This makes the boiler more economical and reliable.

Flame modulation

The presence of a flame modulation function allows you to automatically smoothly regulate the boiler power depending on the temperature that needs to be maintained in the room and the current flow of hot water (in the case of a double-circuit boiler). In order for the user to set the desired temperature in the room, the boiler must have a mechanical or electronic (more often) set point. The system must also have a room temperature sensor to ensure feedback. You can read more about smooth control in automation systems . Such regulation provides the most economy mode boiler operation.

Boiler autodiagnostics

The “Auto-diagnostics” module collects data on the operation of all sensors and actuators of the boiler, generates errors in the event of a malfunction of any of the components and displays them on the display in the form of a numeric code or in text form. For example:

“Error No. 04 No flame” or “Error No. 06 Temperature sensor error (hot water).”

The “autodiagnostics” module is very useful in diagnosing boiler faults. However, this module is not required. You should not choose a boiler with
“autodiagnostics” if this significantly increases its cost compared to a similar boiler that does not have this module. In the event of a breakdown, you will still have to call a qualified technician to fix the problem. The diagnostic module, of course, will help the technician in his work, but this will not reduce the cost of repairs.

Gas boiler programmer

Rice. 7 Programmer

The programmer allows you to set a schedule of operating modes for a day, a week, etc. This allows you to save energy consumption whenever possible. For example, it is useful to reduce the temperature in the house during the day when everyone is at work or at night to sleep better. Conversely, the boiler can automatically warm up the room when the owners arrive.

External boiler control

This function allows you to organize external control of the boiler, makes it possible to integrate the boiler into systems such as “smart home”, organizations remote control and monitoring key indicators using an external GSM module. This function also usually provides the ability to connect additional equipment (room and outdoor temperature sensors, thermostat, weekly programmer, etc.). If you do not plan to connect external control, there is no point in overpaying for this function.

Household heating units using natural and liquefied gas, do not require constant monitoring by users. Combustion and maintenance of the required coolant temperature are monitored by electronic and mechanical units built into any heat generator by the manufacturer. Our task is to explain how automation for a gas boiler works and what types of devices are used in modern water heating installations.

The vast majority of boiler installations of this type are equipped with automatic safety systems that operate without an external power supply (non-volatile). According to the requirements of regulatory documents, automation equipment must shut off the gas supply to the burner and igniter in three emergency cases:

  1. Extinction of the main burner flame due to blowing out or for other reasons.
  2. When natural draft in the chimney channel is absent or sharply reduced.
  3. The drop in natural gas pressure in the main pipeline is below a critical level.

For reference. The implementation of the listed functions is mandatory for gas boilers of all types. Many manufacturers add a fourth level of safety – overheating protection. When the coolant temperature reaches 90 °C, the valve, based on a signal from the sensor, stops supplying gas to the main burner.

Various gas models from different manufacturers use non-volatile automation the following types(brands):

  • Italian blocks EuroSIT (Eurosit) series 630, 710 and 820 NOVA (heating units Lemax, Zhitomir 3, Aton and many others);
  • Polish devices "KARE" (heat generators "Danko", "Rivneterm");
  • American Honeywell automatic control devices (heaters from the Zhukovsky plant of the “Comfort” line);
  • domestic products from ZhMZ, SABK, Orion, Arbat companies.

Fuel supply system in the simplest AOGV devices equipped with ZhMZ valves. The burner is hidden in the lower part of the housing.

We have listed the most common brands of automation, which are often installed on water heating boilers from the same company. For example, the Zhukovsky plant equips budget versions of AOGV devices with its own ZhMZ safety units, mid-price heat generators with EuroSIT devices, and powerful models with Honeywell automatic valves. Let's look at each group separately.

SIT Group brand gas valves

Of all the types of automation found in boiler installations, EuroSIT safety units are the most popular and reliable in operation. They are recommended by companies that supply natural fuels, including for replacing old gas equipment of KChM, AGV boilers, and so on. They work without problems as part of micro-flare burners Polidoro, Iskra, Vakula, Thermo and others.

The exact names of the three models used look like this:

  • 630 SIT;
  • 710 MiniSIT;
  • 820 NOVA.

Connection sockets for thermocouple, main and pilot burners are located on the bottom panel

For reference. SIT Group has ceased production of the 630 and 710 series, considering them obsolete. This has been replaced by new safety automatics for heating boilers - gas valves 820 NOVA, 822 NOVA, 840 SIGMA and 880 Proflame (battery operated). But old products are not difficult to find on sale.

In order not to bore you with the design details of automatic EuroSIT devices, let us briefly explain the operating principle using the example of a simple 630 series unit:

Note. Older automation modifications were not equipped with temperature sensors and ignition units, so matches were required to start the heat generator.

Connection diagram of the automation unit to the gas burner device

A membrane valve, which plays the role of a pressure regulator, is responsible for the normal gas supply in the device. When it falls below a preset value, the fuel channel closes and an emergency shutdown of the boiler occurs. Other situations that lead to refusal include:

  1. The burner and the wick heating the thermocouple go out. The voltage generation stops, the solenoid valve closes the fuel passage.
  2. If the draft in the chimney suddenly disappears, the sensor placed in this channel overheats and breaks the power supply circuit of the electromagnet. The result is similar - the fuel supply is blocked.
  3. In heaters equipped with overheating sensors, the electrical circuit is broken after the water reaches a temperature of 90-95 °C.

Automation for a gas boiler is divided into two main types:

  • Non-volatile mechanical structures. They are simple, but at the same time demonstrate high efficiency. Such automation responds to changes in water temperature in the system.
  • Volatile electronic devices. This is equipment that operates from an external energy source, be it a network or a generator. This group includes a lot of innovative developments designed to make the boiler your everyday assistant.

Let's look at each of these groups separately.

Mechanical automation

Mechanical automation has a whole series benefits. Firstly, this equipment, as already mentioned, is characterized by its simplicity of design. Because of this, it is very reliable and practically does not break. And in case of failure, mechanical automation can be easily repaired or replaced with a new one without significant losses for the family budget.

Secondly, such automation is inexpensive, which affects the cost of the boiler. It is autonomous in use, since it does not require external power sources to operate.

Mechanical automation for a gas boiler is configured manually. The specialist sets the coolant temperature range. Such automation works by simple principle. The temperature regulator starts working immediately after ignition and responds to changes in coolant parameters. If the water temperature in the system drops, the automation opens an additional gas supply to the main burner.

The design of the thermostat implies the presence of a rod made of special material, which responds to a decrease or increase in coolant temperature. In the process of changing the parameters of the coolant, the thermostat lengthens or shortens, while regulating the gas supply to the main burner.

Often included mechanical automation there is a draft and flame sensor. These units are very important for the safe operation of the boiler. They turn off the gas supply if the burner flame goes out or the draft level decreases. Such sensors are often bimetallic plates that change their shape under the influence of temperature, thereby regulating the fuel supply in the system.

Electronic automation

Electronic automation for a gas boiler is distinguished by the complexity of its designs and the variety of functions performed, among which the following are worth noting:

  • Creating safe conditions for the operation of heating equipment;
  • Ensuring maximum comfort in a heated room;
  • Increasing the efficiency of the system;
  • Improved environmental performance;
  • Programming the boiler operation depending on the time of day or day of the week;
  • Weather-dependent regulation of boiler operation;
  • Automation of control of various heating system circuits;
  • Heating of coolant for domestic needs.

All modern electronic devices operate on the principle of a solenoid valve, which is controlled by a microprocessor unit. Boilers with such gas automation are equipped with a special display, with the help of which one or another mode is selected. Compliance with the conditions specified by the user will be “monitored” gas automatics for boilers.

The standard list of functions that such equipment performs is as follows:

  • Automatic boiler start;
  • Burner power control based on information provided by built-in sensors;
  • Stopping equipment;
  • Emergency stop of equipment in case of detection of a certain problem.

In addition, some manufacturers, in an effort to expand the functionality of the equipment they offer, equip it with an antifreeze system, protection against jamming of the pump and three-way valve, a system for diagnosing problems and pump overrun. Among the most common electronic automation components for a gas boiler are the electronic controller, gas pressure switch, gas fittings, valves, and display. In some cases, advanced equipment is equipped with a pressure switch and a water level sensor.

Non-volatile boilers are not as expensive as units equipped with electronics. That is why a potential buyer, before making final choice, you need to decide what he expects from a gas boiler. If you nevertheless decide to purchase a volatile unit that can give you maximum comfort, then make sure that you can provide the boiler with uninterrupted power supply from the network or from a generator. Otherwise, the equipment simply will not be able to continuously perform its assigned functions.

Types of automation for gas heating boilers

Attention! This system provides the possibility of connecting a room thermostat, with the help of which the set temperature in the heated room is automatically ensured.

Functions of modern automatic systems Controls have long been not limited to monitoring the start and stop of the boiler, but also effectively provide diagnostics, alarms and power control of the heating installation.

The operation of absolutely any heating equipment is based on a uniform and constant supply of fuel. This is especially true for equipment running on natural gas, since gas pressure problems are obvious in domestic supply networks. That is why it is important that all processes occurring in the boiler, and especially the supply of gas to the burner, are monitored automatically.

What types of automation exist?

All products that are currently produced in the category “automatic control systems for heating boilers” are divided into only two groups, namely:

  • Volatile types.
  • Non-volatile types.

Volatile ones require 12 V electricity to operate, while the second type works without it.

Volatile automation

Energy-dependent automation for heating gas boilers are electronic devices whose task is mainly to regulate the supply natural gas by closing or opening the tap. This device is quite complex, and manufacturers provide it with a number of additional functions. So, what can an automatic electronic network do:

  • Visually show the operation of the boiler itself, the temperature of the heated water, and so on.
  • In case of a programmed mode or in emergency situations, stop the boiler operation.
  • Using the installed temperature sensor, regulate the burner power.
  • Start the boiler in automatic mode.
  • Open or close the gas supply valve.
  • Independently diagnoses heating and identifies faulty parts and elements.
  • Protects the heating system in case three way valve out of order.
  • Protects the heating system from freezing. In the event of a sharp drop in temperature inside the house, the automation quickly starts the heating boiler.
  • Controls and controls the operation of the pump.

So it turns out that this type is a safety automatic for gas heating boilers. It is the use of these blocks that guarantees that the boiler will operate without surges, smoothly, in compliance with the exact temperature conditions, and will not create problems during long-term use.

Particular attention should be paid to the diagnostic system. Its presence helps prevent serious malfunctions. Accordingly, this allows you to save a lot on major renovation equipment.

Today the market offers various energy-dependent devices. These are both programmable blocks and regular ones that do not have program control. The convenience of the former is that you can set the required temperature for a long period of time, about a week. After looking at the weather forecast, you can set the required temperature for each of the following days, which will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. In addition, these blocks allow you to program the temperature for daytime and nighttime.

Non-volatile automation

Non-volatile types of automation include mechanical devices for monitoring and regulating gas combustion in heating boilers. When it is necessary to choose from two groups of automation, many consumers prefer the mechanical option. What is the reason?

  • These designs are the cheapest.
  • They have manual settings, and this allows even people who are poorly versed in this to understand the regulation.
  • Such units are self-contained, since they do not require a network connection to operate. Even if the electricity is turned off for some period, it will be easy to regulate the gas boiler.

What is the essence of manual tuning? The device has a temperature scale from minimum to maximum. When you set the regulator needle to a certain level, you set it to the boiler. After the boiler is ignited, the thermostat comes into play, which will regulate the set temperature level by opening or closing the fuel supply valve.

The thermocouple built into the heat exchanger for a gas boiler directly touches the coolant, and includes a special rod that is made of a material that responds to temperature changes. The main material for it is invar, which is an alloy of nickel and iron. Under the influence of temperature, the rod begins to lengthen or shorten. It is connected to a valve, which, under the influence of this rod, regulates the gas supply to the burner.

Today, manufacturers add two sensors to the mechanical automation unit:

  • Flame sensor.
  • Traction sensor.

Both devices immediately turn off the gas supply to the boiler if the pressure in the pipe drops sharply, or if the draft in the chimney suddenly drops. The design of these sensors is based on the bending of a thin plate made from an alloy of two metals. For example, if the temperature is high, the plates flex and hold the valve open. As soon as the flame has decreased, the plate straightens and closes the valve. The same thing happens in a chimney with a draft sensor.

Automatic multiblocks

Today, thanks to scientific and technological progress, we can use devices that, despite their compact size, have wide functionality. This also applies to automation for gas boilers. Manufacturers offer users multiblocks that include:

  • Burner valve. Typically this device has a two-stage action.
  • Gas pressure stabilizing device.
  • Traction sensor.
  • Thermal sensor.
  • Thermostat.
  • Combination gas valve.

Pay attention to the first valve. This device works in conjunction with a thermostat, which, using a temperature sensor directly in the heating circuit, controls the temperature of the coolant. A miniblock of this type can work in tandem with a thermostat installed in the room. The thermostat controls the air temperature, and, accordingly, the temperature regime for the gas boiler. The use of such a combination helps to adjust the operation of the heating boiler much more accurately.

Installation methods

  • Wireless blocks.
  • Wired blocks.

The difference is easy to understand from the name itself. Wired units use wires or cables to connect to the boiler. This applies in particular to thermostats and sensors. If the installation is carried out in already finished house, this option is not the best, since for installation you will need to make an open or hidden wiring. If the hidden option is chosen, then you will need to trench the walls, which will bring unnecessary costs. Wireless option is much more best solution, which, however, is more expensive.

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Gas boilers are currently the most popular systems for heating cottages and private country houses, to which gas supply networks are connected. Often, installation organizations offer the installation of gas boilers when it is necessary to supply housing with heating.

And this is not surprising, because gas is the most accessible, cheapest fuel. At the same time, modern automation for gas boilers can ensure absolute safety of operation of the heating system.

Devices for automatically adjusting the operation of gas boilers

The latest boiler models are equipped with a whole host of elements to ensure the heating system operates automatically. These components are aimed, first of all, at maintaining stable operation of the equipment without user intervention.

Automation for boilers provides:

  • safe operation of the heating system;
  • automatic switching on and off of equipment;
  • convenient control of the functions of the heating unit.


Gas fittings are a functional device for ensuring the operation of household heating systems, which responds to circuit commands.

Activation of the gas valve regulators involves the processes of stopping and starting the boiler equipment, and also adjusts the power of the system.

The main purpose of gas fittings is to ensure safe operation.

Valves are elements of boilers with built-in burners. The main task of this type of automation for a gas boiler is to open and stop the gas supply to the burners.

These elements of the heating system can be controlled mechanically or electronically, depending on the type of boiler.

Relay automation is aimed at protecting the system from possible overheating or failure due to an uncontrolled increase in pressure on the burners. The absence of a relay leads to an increase in the flame level and gradual burning out of the internal chamber of the boiler.

Such automation for gas heating boilers is based on the sequential connection of a minimum pressure switch to the electrical circuit. Triggering of one of the relay automation systems leads to automatic shutdown of the boiler.

To ensure safety during the operation of gas heating systems, automation in the form of minimum pressure switches is widely used. The automation element turns off the boiler when the pressure in the system drops to a level below that previously set by specialists. The value of the pressure limits can be changed in the boiler settings.

The design of such safety automatics for gas boilers is a membrane that acts on a whole group of contacts. When the pressure in the system drops, the membrane is moved by a special spring, after which the electrical contacts are switched. The result is a break in the electrical circuit, which controls the operation of the boiler.

As soon as the pressure in the system is restored to its previous value, the device returns to its original position. The contacts switch in the opposite direction, and the boiler regains its ability to start.

The thermostat is a relatively simple electromechanical device.

The main purpose of this automatic element of a gas heating system is to maintain the specified coolant temperature parameters.

Thanks to the presence of a thermostat, it becomes possible to limit the temperature to a minimum and maximum level.

Automation for gas boilers requires the presence of electronic devices for implementing rather complex control algorithms in the form of special controllers. According to functionality and capabilities, there are different types of controllers. However, they all necessarily contain pressure and temperature sensors.

If we talk about the classification of controllers, then devices are distinguished by algorithm and control objects, communication capabilities, and means of integration with the heating system.

Operating principle of volatile and non-volatile automation

Automatic devices that serve to control the working processes of gas boilers, according to the principle of operation, are divided into several types:

  • non-volatile – mechanical device responds to changes in coolant temperature;
  • electronic – devices that operate on energy from external sources (from the general electrical network or generator).

Mechanical types of automation for gas boilers have some advantages. Here we can note the affordable cost, particularly simple design, and the possibility of autonomous operation regardless of the availability of power.

It is not difficult to understand how mechanical type automation works. After igniting the burner manually, the thermostat comes into effect, which reacts to changes in the state of the coolant. When the water temperature drops, the thermostat releases the gas supply to the main burner and shuts off the pressure when the upper permissible heating value is reached. The built-in thermostat has a metal rod that lengthens or contracts as the water temperature changes. By opening or closing the valve, the device adjusts the gas supply to the boiler burner.

In turn, volatile electronic automation for boilers requires the presence microprocessor unit, which controls the operation of the solenoid valves. By pressing several buttons on a special display, the user can set the required operating modes of the heating system. It monitors compliance with the specified parameters electronic device adjustment and control.

Types of gas boilers

Depending on different criteria, gas boilers can be divided into types.

By installation method

According to the installation method, there are wall-mounted and floor-mounted models of gas heating systems.

Wall-mounted options are convenient from the point of view of the possibility of implementing original design ideas. Floor systems are less convenient in terms of saving free space, but have more power compared to the first ones.

The floor-standing design is a rather massive device with cast iron heat exchangers. Floor-standing boilers are installed mainly in separate rooms. For apartments, this option does not look very attractive. Therefore, they are installed mainly by owners of private housing.

Among the floor-standing boiler models, there are also systems with inflatable and atmospheric burners. The latter, as a rule, operate almost silently thanks to the burners located in the middle of the body. The operating principle of such equipment involves the removal of combustion products to the outside through the chimney due to natural draft.

Atmospheric gas boilers are more profitable compared to units that feature inflatable burners in terms of efficiency and fuel consumption. According to the cost, such boilers are on average 40-50% cheaper.


According to functionality, there are single-circuit and double-circuit gas heating systems. If the boiler is installed only for heating the room, then a single-circuit unit is sufficient. If it is necessary to organize hot water supply, preference should be given to double-circuit boilers.

Advantages of gas boilers

Gas heating systems have the following advantages:

  1. Automation ensures stable operation and ease of operation of the heating unit.
  2. Gas boilers quickly pay for themselves due to efficient work and low fuel costs.
  3. Capable of heating large areas of premises.
  4. The operating principle is designed for a truly long service life.
  5. Demonstrate high performance Efficiency
  6. Does not force the user to monitor the flame level. Gas is supplied continuously, and if the burner goes out, the automatic system for gas heating boilers reports this to the system and resumes combustion.
  7. The boiler produces more energy than it consumes itself.

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